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Naugatuck Daily News from Naugatuck, Connecticut • Page 4

Naugatuck, Connecticut
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Page Tour NAUGATUCK DAILY, NEWS SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 Baflp PubllHhed Every Evening (Except Sunday) by THE NAUOATUCK NEWS CORPORATION NAUGATUCK, CONNECTICUT 2238 nnd Depnrtmenta Entered aecond clans matter at the post ottlca In Nttugatuck, Conn, SUBSCRIPTION RATES Pnyoblo in Advance 1 month $.75 6 months I 1 year The United Prenn has the exclusive right to use for rcpubllcatlon in any form, ull news dispatches credited to this paper, is also exclusively entitled to tor republlcntion ull the local and undated published herein. TO THE Klunco to the ol tho IJnltod States of America iiml to (he for which It ttuniH One tuition Indivisible, tvlth Liberty fur nil." DO YOU REMEMBER? Prom The Files'Of The-News jOOrTEMUKH Ml). 19-M SHOULD BE WELL ATTENDED The is nil SL-I for the exercises ID he In-Ill tomorrow at'tonioon jit o'clock in connection witli Uio. unvc'iliny ot' the I'. S.

libber Company's local Honor Koll ami the opening 1 of its AVar Fund campaign. The appropriate and wll-arranged will bo presented in front of the Tennis on Maple street and the public: is cordially invited to attend. It. is important that the Fund' shall. et off to ywxi This which is for the relief of war -veterans means much to tin- men who have been and are accomplishing so nuieh for us here home.

Every dollar contributed to it will help in carry! iijc out tho ptir- posos for which the fund was oslablisltod. Tho Honor "Koll will serve as a per- innnent and proud testimonial t.o the services rendered our country by the Xau.u-attiek im-ti wlio loft the employ of. tho 1'. S. C'ompany to do their jiart in the noble and heroic wor.k of preserving our democracy and that way of life which is so essential to the happiness of all our people.

Tomorrow's impressive event will bo in recognition of tluit Lei us turn out ami help make the occasion one thai will lony be remembered. PEACE ENFORCEMENT It is generally acknfnvlodyod now that hereafter there must be definite arrangements for policing' tlie world, to avoid 'a general wreck. The 'heads of the British and American governments boon busy lately with that problem. It is an enterprise in which anybody can join, nnd the ranks of new world-builders may grow Vapidly from now on. Hero arc sumo suggestions from United States Senator Harold IT.

Burton, delivered in a recent speech addressed to the Senate. Iff- the United Nations to retain their organization as "championship team" on a reduced scale, when tho was is over. The Senate, he says, should deliberate further en a treaty to establish such Ho argues that, "if we can keep these nations together, it will not be difficult t.o keep their armed forces, facilities and liases coordinated in time of peace as well as in time of war." The surrender of the Germans and Japanese should help. The present team would he kept intact and condition.

Tints there would be no new scheme, hut merely the permanent establishment of existing faeili- fies. Many people, with such power exist- might fear for the freedom of their own coiml i-ies. The majority would be expected to fall back on the principle (hat there can be no general freedom without some law and coercion. BIGGEST NAVY like; to think of the United as the biggest and best in everything. Li one field very important nowadays thai, is undeniably true.

Secretary of the Xavy Forrest a I announces that our navy is bigger tlum all the fleets in the world together were five years ago. It is twice (is big as its nearest competitor, the British navy. Since the war began, it has increased "00 per cent, and the program is little more than hull' finished. How discouraging'this must'he to our enemies! Xobody seems to li.nve nsk'ed Gov. yet how lie stands on the spinach a hull-next-door like to know.

20 Years Ago -Eugene Garrison of South Circle, Beacon Falls, wua tendered a surprise party at his by frlendn. Among those attending were; Fay and Deborah Dunn, Kuthcrinn Sletx, May WcrtiiK, Hazel Schlosser, Lydla Garrison, Francis Cnrleton, find Keith Mitchell, Harold Almquist, Ernest Gabrielson, Charles Nelson, Anton Anderson, and L. P. Llndahl of Svcn lodge attended the district convention of the order of Vnsa in South Manchester. 30 Years Ago George P.

Carl W. Thompson, and John Kolilnson were delegates to the convention of the Mth senatorial district In -Scott's inn in Cheshire. K. Simms, H. Dothlerson, J.

Bailey, S. Bayles, J. Bolt, H. Woodfiekl, A. Wllinms, T.

Ashfprd, nnd L. Dur.n svere among the members of the Nauga- tucls soccer team. Around the Clock ts iVir tlio use ul' liunti-ng iiroas arc available at (lie office of Cleric John. Members nl' the Xatiii-iiliic-lc Fish add Game club can get season passes, while non-members can oblaiiii one-day perniiis All roads Joad ti'i Hecrealiiiii field, to see Co act i Peter Foley's 11)44 editioM of gridiron Ciroyhoniids. Tho hoys hope l.o go places season, and may start out ag 'CITY" fe AS THE DEMOCRATS SM IT with a ha tain of the squad.

Gene Kevit is cap- Edmund John Mooney of Curtiss street is waiting- patiently for -the day the street department puts an arrow or sign on his street designating motor vehicular traffic to left, right, or "back but straight. Too many cars have almost ended up on Ms mother's front porch Mrs. William Chis- weU, of 486 North Main street, Union City, is receiving visitors 'at St. Mary's hos-pital after undergoing an operation Friday morning We have a report fly hunting, which was declared open Tuesday when the -warm September weather revived millions. The pestilence was at its height Thursday afternoon, and The Column managed to bag '52 defi- nites and 26 And Friday the figure trickled down to 11 definite and 7 probable.

Flies. today are extinct in the News office. and Mrs. Raymond Pen-milt, formerly of Nangntuck and residing in Mil ford are celebrating their thirtieth wedding anniversary today; Their son, Ray, is serving in the U. S.

Marine Corps, Ray, is a. detective the New Haven R. Per- riiult is the daughter -of Air. and Mrs. John Hepp, formerly of Louis DeC'arlo, of 547 South Main street, is listed as a surgical patient at Waterbury hospital.

Here's a new address: Donald Myers, Seaman 2-c, Naval Receiving Station, Navy 3205, c-o Fleet Post Office, San Francisco, Cal, Don arrived at his new station wherever in the world that may be South or. Central Pacific 11 Curt Natusch, of 15 Hillside avenue is receiving his mail at Waterbury hospital. He is a surgical patient there. Mr. and Mrs.

Fritz Klambt, out picking milkweed last Sunday, came back with five bushels of the stuff. They enjoyed picking it more than the kids. Fritz's back we hear stood up well under the strain, -which goes to shew that the old boy is still in good shape. We wish ours was. IF THE DEMOCRATS "YOUR MIND AND BODY" By LOGAN CLENDEX1XG, The condition John IToaly, of Oo'nnan street; i.s reported to be slightly improved today after a serious operation at St.

Mary's hospital several weeks ago Al Brewer will 1)0 guest columnist next week. Al will probably delve into the world of -snorts, having spent some time behind a sports editor's desk in various places of these vast United States We like "Dancing With A Dolly" with aliolo in her stocking, "Is ou Is Or Is on Ain't" wo place in the same category as "Shoo 'Shoo Baby," which we didn't like at all. Our favorites are still the Be- gnine," "I the. Ertil- nnd "Along the Santa.Fo Trail." Causes And Cure OL' Gallstones GALLSTONES is something that might happen to anybody. In face according to statistics it alronUy ia.s happened to 10 per cent, of ihe population.

And it' you are selective and refer only to people over forty years of age the proportion, is much higher. Some statistics show that in women over sity, one out of four (25 per cent) have Tho reasons for this frequency nre not far to seek. The fin.ll- blndder is one of the bayous, 01 backwaters, of the body. It is a little sac in which bile rests quiet ly most the 2-1 hours, until tho bile is needed in fat digestion and then the gallbladder empties, allows the bile to escape into the intestine.

The bile contains in solution substances which can crystallize and form stones. This docs not happen unless there is a central foreign body around which to crystalizo. Tho nucleus ol" the gallstone is usually a conglomeration of bacteria mucous o'J disqunmuted cells, the products of inflammation. Since all tho blood 'mm the intestines goes to the iver llrst, in the course of -10 years a good deal of this blood must contain bacteria. This lodges the gallbladder and forms the nucleus for.

first, inflammation ind, second, gallstone formation. Q. E. people over 40 lave gallstones. Treatment of Gallstones Tho treatment, of gallstones vould seem to be a fairly obvious matter.

We can detect them with i very high drprcc of accuracy ind frequency. The dye test with he X-ray is very dependable. So ve are able to tell they arc there, lurgery has reached such a. state perfection that gallstones can. removed completely finally vith H.

minimum of risk. They cannot be dissolved by any medicines taken -by mouth, or in the veins. Surgery is the only way. Eut human nature being what it is and Nature in general being what it is, everybody who has them does not 'necessarily 'run to have them hacked out. on the slightest provocation.

For one reason many of them arc silent and give no trouble. -For another, even if a set should flare up occasionally and go on the rampage, medical treatment can control them pretty well and keep a fellow reasonably comfortable for years. For the final reason only a very small proportion of the population really yearns for surgical operations, To say the least they do not conduce to saving money or freedom from discomfort. And I may say I am quite sympathetic to that attitude, I am not at all hardboilcd towards people who are trying to avoid surgery. One may reasonably ask, however, whether the patient is running 1 any grave risk if ho elects to keep his gallstones a while and give up his surgeon.

This is especially pertinent now that hospital facilities arc so taxed and patients should consider whether their complaints are sufficiently serious to warrant their occupying a hospital room. Looking at Life By ERICH BU.OfDEIS In ii address before iho Amer- icnn Chcmlciil Society. Dr. Thomas Midgely, its president, complained t.lia-t thei-o ai'o "LOO many men al the helm." "Their retention," he says, "is denying advainccmont to younger men at the very age when these younger men may be expected to be entering those years when their maximum efficiency will be at- tnincd. "Every executive who has lived beyond the age of -)0 is guilty, to some slight extent, of lot gotiing OUL of the of -the yonr.ger mc-n so that their normal advancement could take place." Then he went on to prove his e.ise by telling his hearers that William Porkin gave us the first aniline dye IS, that Marconi patented his first wireless invention at 2-J.

that Howe invented the sewing inachinc cotton gin at 26, Whitney the 29 am! he himself in quite good health. Two-fifths of his patients had developed complications moj-o or serious: the duration of harboring sioncs in this group was about seven years. Of course tho occurrence of complications jaundice, intractable indigestion, prostrating attacks ot call for operation, in spite of all objections. Tin's report concludes, however: "Operation mny s.ifoly be deferred in patients with gallstones so long as there i.irc no complications and provided the postponement does not impair the patients resistance." QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS T. What effect does coffee have on high blood pressure? I am 70 years old.

Answer: Coffee has no effect on blood pressure. It is good for people TO years old. A Boston surgeon, Dr. Bearse, has reviewed his experiences with his -gallstone patients with these a consecutive scries -of. about 250 questions in mind.

He found that patients had had gallstones for over five About three-fifths hail no-complications and seemed Q. Have you any suggestions for overcoming blushing, in the youth or adult? A. Blushing can be reduced if the person will get it out of his or her head that it mutters, rather consider it a distinguished item personality, making him dilTor- ont from others. Take the attitude it is your own face and your own Business. T.

the foot begin to burn and turn reddish-blue a few minutes after resting on the floor is this a circulatory disturbance, and what can be done about it? Answer: Yes, it is a circulatory disturbance, but may be induced by diabetes. Have a urinalysis for sugar. Treatment is by heat and, leg exercises (letting the legs hang over tho bod, and then rais-" ing them straight up, while lying on the back), but it is serious enough to warrant medical consultation. Mrs. Please explain the injection called thcelin.

I am old and very nervous. A doctor advised this treatment. Answer: Theclin is an ovarian derivative that has been very successful substitution therapy, especially for relieving- symptoms in the change of life. Sir Osier, if I remember correctly, advocated that all old folks should be chloroformed or something like that. And at the wonderful achievements -of men and women in their fifties, sixties and seventies.

How about Gladstone and Pal- mcrston who were brilliant Prime Ministers at SO? How about John Quincy Adams and Henry Clay? How about Thomas Edison and Henry Ford? How about Justices Kolmes nnd BrAiideis? How about Cordell Hull and Winston Churchill and Generals Eisenhower and Montgomery? It is perfectly true that at a certain age and I don't think Dr. Midgely or anyone else can set that ago-at a definite year of one's body begins to deteriorate and as the blood gets more sluggish, the legs stiffen and the heart can't quite stand the strain. You have to slow down and begin to take it a bit more easy. But the mind often becomes keener ns physical activity decreases, tho knowledge gained in earlier years can be npplied for the benefit of humanity. And that applies not only to leadership but to nil walks of life.

Three miles nway from me 76- yeal'-old lady runs a little store where she sells newspapers and magazines anci candy and cigarettes. Hey son a.nd daughter-in- law live with her. They have asked 76-ycnr-old lady. "If I stop work nnd take it easy. "Oh n-o," says the 7ii-ypoiir-old lady.

"If I stop work I'll get old. I want to die young, and I can do that only as long ns I am independent and keep in touch with people." I think Dr. Midgely. president of a great scientific society, can learn a lot from Mrs. Koohlcr who runs that little country store.

(Copyright, lfi-4-I, King- -Features Syndicate, Inc.) You're Telling Me! By WILLIAM KITT (Central PTCNI Writer) THE according to some astronomers, is moving awny from the earth. Maybe -it's just trying to pet out of earshot of all those political speeches. A certain type oC trout from anemia. Probably the mod- fisherman isn't giving it enough -exercise. Daily Reader; 1C a child nine years old has had diabetes and is now 16 years old could she out- gro wit without insulin injections by staying on a strict diet? Answer: There 'has never been a case on record where anyone outgrew diabetes.

ether to ieavo off insulin and, stay on a diet depends on the severity of diabetes. In a child of that age the condition is usually 'too That war NonRr, "We're Sailing Airalnst Xnclfind," could he liroiiglit up (o date by Niilixti- tiitlnir mi for the In the word "Sailing." We'll never understand the Japs. Imagine a race of people who try- to save face by always leading with their chins! Ninety-five tons of earth blow- away every second, according to Factogruphs, Who said real estate wasn't going- up? Zndok Dumknpf conipN up with 8UKgc8tlon: Why don't tabllsh a for peace? Since he's supposed to be such a strict vegetarian we think It severe to control by diet alone, hig-h time-that Hitler stop beennjf. TUNES Reviewed bjr JAMCK IIIIKA One of tbc world's musical tho Eosion Symphony begins sixty-third on October 7th, an event, 'of more than passing- interest to music lovers outside the Hub city familiar wita the orchestra through its records and, more lately, its radio appearances. For Serge Kousscviwky.

this is a double anniversary, since it marks not only his seventieth year, but his twentieth in this country as maestro of the orchestra. Under his regime, the Boston Symphony has by common consent been acclaimed one of the Lhrce top orchestras or the nation; for the duration, at least, it is one of the best ihree in the world. At his seventieth birthday maestro's friends pointed out with pride to the fact that he performed more than 100 works 5y A-merican composers, Gl of them first performances. And for Victor, Dr. Koussevitzky recorded much of the music for which ic has pioneered in finding aud- enccs, Prokofieff's popular "Peter in'd Ihc Wolf," and his "Ucuien- int Kijc" Spite, Ravel's "Bolero," Copland's "El Salon Mexico," Rich- ird Sirauss' "Thu.s Spoke Zarathus- and Harris' Third Symphony can al! be heard as Kotisso- plays them, not only in Boson's stately Symphony Hall, but Red Seal discs.

Know I. Ca.rc (Or Don't You Cirj To The deal summer when Duke a 'p. pearing on Broadway. Ellington was Intrigued with the which Sid Kornhcfser, an of the company, was wearing night when ho visited Duke ba Sid offered to tritdo the for exclusive rights to Duke's- song. in now Komheiser's tie and Sid is dling what promises to be IJorwry Ballroom So popular is the ballroom in Santa Monica, Csli.

fornia, since Tommy Dorsey brother Jimmy took it over ihi: the boys are now shopping for similar site in Xew York. Other top bandleaders, at first wary the Dorseys' venture, are now so impressed with the. success of Col- that they are attempting to buy into the nightery aj fui-thcv Dorscy Another bandleader who found the bin- room business more profitable sai desirable than band work is Dailey, operator of the fimoci Jersey and race Room. was 33 when he attained fame by discovering tctraethyl lead. There i.s something- to Dr.

Midge- ly's theory, of course. Eut there arc two sides to every story. Dr. simply repeals the late Sir William Osier's edict that "the effective, moving, vitalizing work of the world is done between the ages of 25 and -)0." Dinah's Back Dinah Shore, popular Victor and her 'pas- urized' USO-Camp Shows they played JTIOSI of their ovcr- eas shows in pastures, thus the umc) returned to Now York from vcrscas Seven weeks their overseas tour was spent i France where Dinah and the -oop lived the lives of full-fledged Is, entinjj 'K' rations, digging: own foxholes. While over- pas Dinah appeared in shows a myriad of stars including ins Crosby, Spike Jones, Major lenn.

Miller and his orchestra, red Astairo, and Edward G. Robinson. Carrying- a complete wardrobe when she left, Dinah returned with only one dress and a. USTO- Camp Shows uniform. Everything else was ruined by the hardships of travel in France.

A Win And A Tie A music publisher proved that you can win with a tie when the Paramount Music Corporation ro- coivecJ exclusive rights to Duke Ellington's latest song, "Don't You Xotes And Chords Tommy Dorsey. Glenn Miller, iff Dinah Shore stole high honors-i; tho recent 'servicemen poll' ufcta by 33illboard, ontertainmerit trade Hal iJdntyre is ported set for a Manhattan houi ongngement this Kail. It u-ill ij. his first Now York hostelry tj. although he has peared on the stage of thoatcrs.

MelntyrVs bane is called America's most pronisijj young has M. turned to Hollywood for work Duffy's Tavern radio show. He returned from France only a few days ago. You enjoy buylnt; records I he T.ov:nc Churcli St. Co.

JOHN THIBODEAU Specialist in Child Photograplu Announces The FORMAL OPENING OF NAUGATUCK'S OWN STUDIO OF FINE PHOTOGRAPHS MONDAY, OCT. 2,1944 By Appatntni ont Only Sundays By Special Appointment THIBODEAU Photographic Studio Nonry Building 20) Church Telephone 2342 STUDIO HOURS: 12:30 TO 7:30 DAILY i.

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