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Vancouver Daily World from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada • Page 26

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
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z4 a iki THE VANCOUVER DAILY WORLD, SATURDAY, OCTOBEK 9, 1920. ent In New Tork City, holding one of the most fashionable pulpits there. THE TATLER Bellj, sir other. Secure the best on the market and keep to it. 1 am surprised at the number of women who are content to pay what they are asked to pay for an ounce of so called skin food, when, for the money, they could have almost a half a pound of pure cold cream.

"A Baboon Arm cent." really? TORTURED BY TERRIBLE ECZEMA LITHUANIA IS NOT SATISFIED if "A Mother," city. Better mem the superintendent of public sciuols. "Another Knight" Arrah, 'wan srtd ye!" (Copyright.) truly, and if my mood gets the better part of my Judgment, don't forget to come back with one of your prand slams. We fellows needs a bracer now and again. I remember reading recently your longing for the hmk lo natiire life.

it so happens that 1 have exactly what you long for, only that 1 am not living the pure and simple life through choice, but through necessity. All night long I breathe the pure ozone of the country. The fragrance of pine, and fir fills the air. not a sound, unless occasionally the hoot of an owl, the mooing of a cow or Ihe shrill notes of a train whittle. I happen at present to be a nlghtwatchman out here In a little sawmill, which accounts for the above.

1 re rnemtMT last soring, when at the first lrm Mrs. C. Monlton. Seattle. I am writing to you.

In the meantime, stop short of what yon contemplate; the rcsolt would be disastrous. perfectly fell to talking of things theatrical as they DarHmr Isn't the weather Suffered Three Years Ctilll She Trret I'm iT A iivKS caarnunK tuch dear little drops of wet I KucJi dear little drops of wot II Kueh itiir little drous of wet Happen nere. Miia one: "So and so played here last week did you see him?" Said the other: "No, I did not. I heard nothing of Bts Letters from (1. CityNelson Jacks, Grand Forks; Mrs.

l. Telford, Maple Creek; Kuby Wright, city; H. il. Godson, Winnipeg; 1. M.

(Jty, shall be attended to at the earliest opportunity; lack of Bpuce hampers uiu. city Tour letter pmraled me. I should not dare advise you; better consult a good lawyer at once. I.rt me know how you get along, will yon? I am more than Interested. Armistice Line Behveen Poland and Russia Not Agreeable to Lithuanians and Letvians.

Such dear little drops of (Now, don't ay that I never boosted fu trf notices in the papers, you don't know whether ihe theatres are open of dawn, the members of the feathered tribe 4. vvaf3 began to twitter, at first an occasional hint, increasing in volume as ttie brightened up. until the full chorus was sending lis Joyous song to its maker fat RIGA, Oct. 9. The proposed ar mistlce line between Poland and Ilus 1 a vsW Vaneouver nHE THEATRE when it bus rearheil an advanced shire about as bis educational factor as any I know of.

Toronto, Winnipeg and Montreal are called anions tlieiitriea! lolls in New 1 ork. "the best show towns iu Canada," wlikii is i city; a woman reader, has sent me the following uuery: "Why is a husband Jealous?" and "Why is a wife auspicious?" and she goes on to say: "Tatler, is it ever justifiable that either husband or wife should be so under any circumstances, and If they are, does it help right natters i'er. oually 1 am (or think i unit most happily married woman: but on speaking of my haonlness to a friend 1 liked to think so) I leave or closed in this town no fuss is ever made beforehand a few weeKs alter the appearance of some really good actor, you will hear in a camjal, matter of fact way, that he npared here on si)i and such a date. I'iii yuu ace him? No ail, too bad Which is true; rather amusing: pathetic in a way. and a black eye for little old Vancouver.

Witi Hi work at 0 a.m., and, as I come home, my very soul delights In the purity of this undisturbed country life. Civilization, no doubt, gives ii many luxuries; but it can never produce anything so grand in its scrculiy the fn shiH'ss morn of mine la married woman, too) was laugh ed ut as being bit ot an innocent goose. A STRIKING LESSON in summcri line. Vet, most other things Oh! these "showers for I'm tired of reading about 'em. Why doesn't someone commence a "shower lor I'm that lite lets to otter, we irrou' wearv sotne lines and pine fur cmitriist.

Well, this sure the need Is greater. IsISHOr A. C. 11 Al.h, of Vermont. U.

S. I who attended, the Lambeth Confer sia Is distasteful to Lithuania andj Letvia. Lithuania claims that thel proposed preliminary peace abrogated i the treaty between soviet Russia and Lithuania in Unit. Russia guaranteed free communication of trade between I Lithuania and soviet Rustda, which would be impossible if a Polish cor ridor were created between Russia: aud Lithuania. Furthermore, the Lithuanians com plain that they ace robbed of a Meinel piovided au outlet under the: Versailles treaty, but the Lit liuanians say that French control of that porti completely botles them up.

The L( tvians arc displeased over the proposed corridor connecting them with Poland on military grounds. The proposed armistice line is! clearly a treat victory for the French! errce in Kngland, spoke, while there, strong Munler Was IlcMilt of l'uMt of Hurrying Firearms SAULT STE. MARIE, Oct. 9 William Uougal Mouir, 28 years old, who was convicted at the assizes here of the murder of George Klliott, a farmer In the township of Kan Koran, was sentenced Thursday by Justice Orde to be hanged on Jan i ou will have your eyes opened some said ruy friend 'every wife should be Huh; suspicious, for it pays. Jf your husband is really such an angel, it will belli to keep him so.

if he Is nothing but average, it will show hliu you are no fool, iind he will have a greater respect for yon. "I cannot see It that way. 1 feel as though I'd bnrt something too fine for words did I susoci my husband of infidelity, even In thought. have been married five years. 1 do wish some of your women readers, Tatler dear (I expect none of the men would dare write about such a tiling), would give an opinion or two in pen and Ink.

Vours siucerely, X. ladies and lientlemen. who will some advertis' ini'iit. It pay mem me comiiliuicnt of lii'inir cosnuipolitan centres. Is It a mutter of Had Sunday ttate of mind, or inter lack of apnreeiilluii a our part that we of Vancouver so often a really tfivnt in a theatrical ay, to nana without so much as a ripple nf "Xciteim nt.

1 have sat here watchlni; nome of our createst of present day aetois clolns! brinlnitt work before a half empty bouse. Had "Bust h.nine" been holilini; he boards. 1 have not the least donbt won dcrful busiuesH would have bi'en played to. What's the matter with n. anyway? Put to (food thine ou in any of the cities above mentioned and Jou will have rapacity Jt gives a z.ip to the whole thiuu which, is really deligntful.

1IOVBTHK T1IEATKK. to a Rood play, I like a good house, and by that 3 mean row after row of well groomed and gowned women; boxes filled with expectant people; "bald headed row" living up desire contrast rurrli'it yours humblv up to ain onvcr re. i ntly. anil, as I had only few hours at mv disposal, 1 may say I crammed them with all the sensation I imld. Well, dear 'lutler.

wiial do you think was the greatest desire of mv holiday? To visit a So in 1 wvnf. A colored orchestra was busy making the welkin ring. The mrls ami features of the pianist, outlined against the while sheet of music, made a reallv striking contrast. Indeed, 1 thought it was on ideal study in black and white and, Hoy! you should have heard the notes ly against the American divorce system, "A hideous condition of things, he called it. What is more, the ISlshop said some I tiling really worth while when he gave ut terance to the following: ''You won't cheek divorce by preaching Dame l'eler I.anmrre Points St.

rierre, P. Q. "I think it my duty to tell ybuhow much your medicine has done for ma "I suffered for three years witl terrilde Eczema. I consulted eevera itiury 5. liefote pronouncing sentence on the against it.

What is wanted is a much oine pattering from that music box lost i plainer teaching about marriage, marriage like tiaiisioncs railing a corrugated I uie pianorm: i'ie topic ueing: vv ny I he trombone player also took mv duties and marriage respniisihiltl ies. If! you teach true marriage, you don't leave I and they did not do ma an; and Poles and (lie displeasure of Lith i "ctor roof. fancy black with his alternate puffing at a hitr tiania and Letvia appaiently shared good room lor divorce. I here are too many gar and blowing out his jazz notes. tin name: and lilerli above all.

"I'eanut auspicious vv ivcs ami jealous nnsounds Surely there are some among yo either one or the other come, unbosom yourselvestell us If It has ever paid you to tie a suspicious wife or husband governed by the green eyed monster? hasty and thoughtless marriages. by the JJiilLsh. I was ushered to a seat by prisoner, tiie judge referred to Alouir's habit of carrying which had finally led to his commission of the crime of murder. "Your cuie should be a striking example of the danger involved in the carrying of fire arras. It would be a good thing in thin country If the law could lie better enforced as to carrying fi'i Heaven" Jammed with the mob who love a wailer who of bows and i emeriaineii me to a series menu.

i ND WK HAVE an Arnerlrsn handing me the il i i Nothing more sensational, professor, Iir. Illhben. head of Prince jf yml hnv(, the "Tnt lice In r.Miit an Another correspondent, one "A Man of Tllil'tV." wrin.s! "Ih'iir 'fuller I reitd ton University, laying at the door of the I far. you'll know that I enjoy your weekly American woman the reenonslblllty of all the grave unrest with which that country Is now afflicted. aomethtag good ami win sit unywnere 10 see It Another theatrical season Is about to rommenca It us boost thine hit this whiter, If tt is In our easy going selves to work up enough steam to boost anything: und may we see to it that when something reaTly worth while comes along, that we ere ont to appreciate and talk about It as bald as we can.

T7OTCH RKMINDS ME, as i write, that I 1 sat a street ear one day ttist winder, and two women in the seat before me "CANADA" IS DELAYED cuius immensely and wisti you all snrts of I A our page each week with keen Interest good wishes. "WHI.I, WIS 1 1 1 It." and never fall to pass It along. There is I something In it so very different rum the Tllho. Kdmonlon. Alia.

You lose The i usual woman's column that at first I was man was here for a few months; Is at pros inclined to think you a man, tint soon dis I covered myself In error. WHEAT PRODUCTION OVER THE FIVE YEAR AVERAGE Crop is Estimated at Over Biiiion Bushels by Institute at Rome WASHINGTON', Oct. Production figures on agricultural crops of the world outside of the I'nited Slates, assembled by Ihe International Tnstitule nf at V. V. o.

s. Liner for Pacific Ituii Held "Then, I used one box of 'Sooth Salva' and two boxes ot 'Fruit a tives' and my hands are now clear, pain is gone and there has been no return. I think it is a marvellous euro because no other medicine did me any good and I tried all the remedies I ever hoard of, without benefit until I used 'Sootlia Salvo' and 'Fruit a "Fruit a tives' cooled'the blood and. removed the cause of the disease, and 'Sootha Salva' completed tha cure." Patne PETER LA.MARR3 (fils). 50c a box, 6 for $2.50.

trial size 25c. At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit a tives Limited. Ottawa, Ont. Dr. Hihlien, who knows his country from one end to the other, doesn't mince words, either.

Speaking of Ihe modern dance and the dancing frock, for Instance, he says: "it is the same in the west as in the east, in the north as In the south," lie says. "Kvery where there exists the same barbaric licence in women's dress, familiarity In manners and barbaric licence in dancing. The modern dance is an orgy, and women I'p Iiy Strikes MONTREAL, Oct. 9. Strikes and other labor troubles in England have caused a delay in the completion of Ihe new C.

P. O. S. liner Empress of i oiilif you solve a problem for me or, ouhe 1 to say us, as it concerns one who jis my wile and It. in short, is this: "What if you married a wo nan you levied dearly, but whom you gradually lost re I speot for, owing to her becoming careless I in regard to her cleanliness and nppoar i mice hile home.

That Is my wife. At PALE CHEEKED WOMEN TOID ABOUT RESTORING A ROSY COMPLEXION "DANDERINE" Canada, launched August 17 from the i Koiim and given out yesterday by the Clyde yards of the Fairfield Ship 1 imite.l states denartuient of nerl expose themselves shaiueiessly and invite a ramlllanty which Is shocking anil building and Engineering Company, culture, showed greatiy lncreaseii greatly lucre which will necessitate the cancellation of her cruise around the world, announced to commence March 15 next. Girls! Save Your Hair! Make It Abimdant! A few ye'ars ago the pirl with pale, liawn cheeks scarcely knew what to lie was asked "Whose fault is it men's or wotnen'sr" Tmhesitatlngly he answered: "Women's. They half undress themselves aud fling themselves at men's heads." "What do you think causes this?" he was next asked. In surnrbdng tones the arrest education tractive, when stie cares to make herself so, but usually out at heels, hair uncombed from nmrn to night, ami soiled dresses day after day.

Wo have no children, aud are by no mentis poverty stricken. Far from being a silly little fool, my wife is interested in things that I take Interest in, but appears to have no time and little inclination to bestow tin herself. She appeared very different when 1 first knew her, and I would like to know why she lias lost all interest in keeping herself even tolerably presentable. Our home Is kept ship shape, but she herself is rarely able to answer the door. I have tried delicately to make her understand how much do in order to restore her fading ap yields for '3 920 in almost every sion.

The 19 20 wheat crop in countries of the northern hemisphere, including HulKaria, Spain, Urit'sh India, Finland, Sweden, Switzerland, Canada, (iuatt titala, Algeria, lOcypt and Tunis, the institute reports, is 1,046,670,000 bushels or 101.6 per cent, of a five year average production for the same countries, and ist replied: "it Is not the young women, "CORNS" rne Kins: is tne mothers, the iter gen eration." pearance. At that time there was no blood food medium made that really would put color and strength Jnto systems that were more or less worn out. Today it's different. The blood can be quickly nourished, caji be made rich, red and healthv. All you have He suld "Two years ago the young men Went Into the army.

I'or two years there I19.1 per cent, of 1919 production I SAGE AND SULPHUR DARKENS GRAY HAIR jit's Grandmother's Recipe to Restore Coior, Gloss and Attractiveness. 1 should value her making an attempt to Lift Right Off Without Pain I were no young men for the girls to marry. The young men came flocking back and the mothers wanted to cutch up thoso two years of lost time. They undressed their girls and drove them out to sell their to do is take two Ferrozone Tablets with a sip or two of water after charms to the men. Mothers force the girls to do It; yes, and they do It themselves." meals.

The effect is almost magical. 4fJ ACCOM) I TO LATH RE Molliets, look at your children. Are they ruddy and strong do they eat OilT. the nriee of floor is droo rresiien iii'rseir. ou know, Tatler.

there are more ways than one to make a man turn his head to look at the 'Other Woman' ami I sometimes think a sloven even a beloved sloven of a wife may manage It as successfully as a shrew. "I love her umi she me. We seldom have a cross word between us; but for all this, I fear that one of these ilavs I may have only distrust, iu pin of affection. What do you think: Is the fault hers, mine, or the happy go lucky condition In which we live responsible? "A max or Tninrv." Your letter has Just been received Next week I shall tell you what I think. In the rtieaii time, I wish that an opinion or two might come from my readers.

and sleep well, or are they pale, weak, ami anaemic? ping, so, maybe. Mother will git busy baking bread, waffles and good old fashioned Johnny eake again, umi thus restore the moral tone ot the natiou. Between ourselves, Jane, I feel sorry for the modern FKRROZOXE will rebuild them. Hon. J.

A. Ctilder Receives Wheat Growers' i, Oct. Kctfitta delegates from the convention of the new National policy Thursday sent to interview Hon. J. 31.

('aider with a resolution that the v. heat hoard he re established to handle the wheat crop were not given any definite promises when met by the l'lieu ter of colonization. Mr. ('alder told the delegation that none of the farmer members in the hou: had pressed for the retention of wheat control but he promised to place the representations of the dijegation before the government. Take your own case is your blood strong, and rich? llavo you that old woman.

She hits too much time on her hands. Now the olii fiishlomsl wile was Almost everyone knows that Sage a and Sulphur, properly compounded, biiurs back the natural color ami Iu. Ire tu the hair when faded, Streak id op gray. Years uso the only way to at, this mixture was to make it at homo, which is nuissy and troublesome. Nowadays, by asking at ony store lor "Wjelh's Sage tnil sulphur Compound," you will gtfj a time strength and vigor, or ate you so busy keeping her John out of the bur or the club, diirulug socks for her brood.

somewhat under 'the weather? 1 and sewing for the heathen blacks, that she never had a chance to Jazz, or wander down the path which is called broad and city wanls to know what the FKRROZON'K will supply the strengthening elements you require, it is a blood forming, nourishing tonic that makes every ailing person well. FERROZONE is a marvellous remedy, it contains in concentrated form Immediately after a 'TantlPi 1ne amaHBage, your hair take on now life, lustro and womlroru! beauty, appear Jng twice aa heavy and plentiful, because each hair Hems to fluff and Jolly. Hut rumor Is that hard times are coming, and, for lny part, 1 have an Idea that It may do good. We have gone a bit wide and wild wat we need In the chastening rod. P.

M. (I. certificate means. 1 suppose he refers to the Postmaster tlenerul's certificate of proficiency, which Name must be attained by every wireless operator before he is allowed to have charge of a ship station. It Is equivalent, to the licence of an aviator or a seaman's ticket.

It AitlilsThlt kp Dome oi mis tamoiis oiu recwdv improved by the addition of other )iT frredientn, at 'a fin all cost. Don't may Rray! Tj 'i(V No one can possibly tell that you darkened ASSAll.T. for on" weplc wss irrarHeil Adjournment TI1K MAIL IIAO thicken, Don't let your hair stay lifeless, colorlean, piain or scraRirly. You, too, want lots of long, strong. certain rare qualities tiiat especially Well Wisher," Longley Prairie, writes i fit In cases of anaemia, poor color liy Smith In the cas.

of O. s. Arnold, a loca.1 vvlio al eareil before the court clnirie with an assault ujuin 10s wife, occ asuiumi; actual bodily llat ru. evident) was t.iHcn. In part: beautiful hair.

A 3b cent bottle of deliphtful "Pan tli In blood, tiredness, and loss of weight. Doesn't hurt a bit! Drop a little "Freezone" on an aching corn, instantly that corn stops hurting, then shortly you lift it right off with fingers. Truly! Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of "Kreezone" for few cents, sufficient to remove ever hard corn, soft corn, or corn between the toes, and the en 1 1 uses, without soreness or irritation, adv. "Hear Tatler. Ho you think ynn'll find I time to listen to the woes, joys and opinions of poor me? I'm an old World sub rierino" freshens your scalp, checks Every day you put off using FER your buir, as it does it so naturally and evenly.

lou dampen a sponga or soft brush with It. and draw this throuuh your hair, Inking; one small slrand at a time; by morning tho gray hair disappears, and after another application or two, your hair becoif beautittilly dark, glossy and i.Mriie tivo. adv. city, writes: Dear Tatler What difference is there in a theatrical cold cream and the other skin funds? The theatrical Is much the cheapest and I hope yon can tell me if Ihe difference would affect the skin in a harmful way. Yours, "M.UXIK." I prefer the theatrical.

It is a pure cold cteam. ami for years I have used no scrioer umi isko it ror grameu mar your noON'F vou losi Men and women lo the nnmher of 0173 "ere placd in rev'iilar diirirv: file week ended Srp tern tn is tlirouirli ihe efforts of the ci jrloymont service of Can ground. Oct it to dandruff and falling hair. This stimulating "beauty tonic" Rives to thin, dull, fading hair that youthful brightness and stbundant thickness All rir" VT' Vl sold I. 60 cent boxen by deal ting off their surnlns steam." Ilnf don't I era, or by mail from the Calarrliozono ada.

I till to were men and the ill imcn. reniabilno; look for any flowery epistle from yours Kingston, Ont. adv. lintgglKis! adv. ammiwra maL m.

naniirinn MiiiinniMur tin i Fill) QHT IpT I Announcement of Prize Winners twee AN WHITE Coloring I Competition in the Big After careful consideration of every eligible entry for the first of this series of pictures published in this paper on September 11th, Mr. John Innes, whose word is final in the judging of the entries, has awarded the prizes as follows: 1ai Of) GEORGE DOBSON, Age 15. UrP C() PHYLLIS WHITE, Age 8. lrApr7p t7 C)0 )MAMHA ADAMS, Age 14 Afh prro (U Cl EILEEN JAMIESON, Age 13. ISl I JD.UUJ,M1 TllrJ Au, Vancouver.

'Ul rrUC Wot, Old rTlZC JJ street, Vancome. $4 Villi Ntl. Ay iilc V.eM, Vaiicoiiver. in Iftth Princ tl f)f) Fnrh Lilirin S. Cashcl, 14, Collingwood East P.

0., B.C.; Christine Ferrier, age'15, 64 14th Avenue East, Vancouver; Kathleen McKnight, age 11; Dundaravc, West Vancouver, IV VUl rilLts $1 CUUIJ Eeatricc Towrrs, a go 14, Nanaimn, B. Muriel Eloomficld, age 15, rince Rupert, B. Hannah Zboralsky, ago 13, North Bnrnaby, B. Tarling, aga 13, 115 Ave. West, Vancouver; Bessie Baillie, age 14, 44G 6th Avenue.

East, Vanctmvcr; Elmin Sproule.age 12, 7206 Fraser So. Vancouver, B.C.; Violet Morrison, age 11, Langlcy, Fort, B. Albert AbUtt, age 11, 2015 Kitchener Vancouver Gwendolyn Forinby, age 14, Powell River, B. C. Fifth Picture Here Be Sure to Coior It, Too lliw (lie j.ii 'ure in series of There will lie ciyllt I'liile, leie 1 'i (ve urn! ll lit 1 1 lli.i'lls will lach fn i.t Ihe i.l em li i a ii jii af a riMl tti ilifi" wt he I c.v il for flic ititriis.

lie J.i.i'vlna of netiie. r.iujT, will tilUe ill ti i (lie It. lil v. ri fnmi Unly. iuii that wni the ru ie v.

til I1' ili I ainl lln II l.l.i r.l.ill.;l I I ill iill new All entiles till' the sceiiiul pi ture imi. he reei ivei! hv Oeloher II, (he i.e. iii' eture uo, hi' nuil uiiuoiinei ni xt eU. Jl.iki a I. Ml.i AT UNCI Prizes Will Be Awarded Every Week During Competition In nd ii these first pictures, Mr.

Inucs tells us that, it au.s cvy hard work making fair and iiiniarlutl awards owinvf to the general cxwllcnee of thu cullies. Id kokiic cases the award hung on a little softer finish here, or a ch uner handling ot color on nti edge there. Hoys and girls who are striving fur these worth while prizes every week, should put the very that's in tlHun into their pictures. I'se as much originality is you can to make the picture express v. hat YOU see in it.

Hundreds of Hoys and ti ills arc trying for those prizes, but as age is taken into consideration, as well as excellence of eoloring, every competitor lias nu equal chance of winning. The same number of prize; will be given f'r Picture No. 2, 3, 4, 5 and so on. Next week the awards will be made on Picture No. 2.

There is still time to get copies of the papers containing Pictures No. 1 and 4. Try them, too, if you haven't already nl them in. Head the rules and conditions. Don't forget anything that might disqualify your entry (ln simple rules of iiniiel ilion eaii lilllj, tiiid Me that jou iiimply with them wlieii iiiliiu; in your cluri picture.

I.n wei lioys ami In l.uhil to M'liil nith their coloieil incline the cml if Viliito hiiap or hllii: I'nwijcr I'm k.ittr, umi their tiitrics of iiiiiic wore il. THE COMPETITION ITS 2ULES Water "it ii hnt cur (ei. ir Ihi i pietiirc to III, 01' 1 'I 111. r.fKAt.i: of swan oit wihti: swan WAslIIX; wl.uh Stollcr ilouhtlos li.v ia the Wililu'ii. or ar get iit out the ciel eit.n pnel.v:i ib.I tnail the 'iit oat poi'lum v.iMi jour (iil4tI ii line to W.

J. Pendray Sons, Ltd. 522 Scatty Street Vancouver, B. C. NVMK Ai SfHOOL (5) THE TALE CF THE SEVEN WHITE SWANS tC inrrauiJ froj IF YOU DIDN'T WIN THIS tr.e i tne hu iju1 ttr IMrr Mjrfita.

ul 1 trmJ i it jis vl a a I I I I i i. i i.l. lbkt 1 ti prlB vl (. iiim.t Uit mlUt aen Ln t.ak ttie met, tVaitia Hi jiiv.T 1t lihwltih i n.f tuif tiz iiH ir.l tivitit with har Irmtln auj crtivl I f. (.

llo. tiw onil iti.mcw n.tu rriie l'V If mlo )hni w.t ro t.n funlier wonrnl )i. ttvit wJ? wu YOUR PICTURE No. 2 MAY. IF YOU IL1VENT SENT IN A PICTURE YET, START WITH Nos.

3, 4 OR 5. Its tl. I lrii .1 i inn. i at. I 5Vt.H In mvrjr wl.l usL i innr ui ii 1 two tl mnr ni in eon n.iiia l.n So iin l.rnih n.

nieht Ikt nrn nla A vt witins yarn trem Vf rt in 11 is neui.i ut h. hmir Out i aiu ai4 i If i otwiaiw Jr i 1 srui I. DON'T FAIL TO' ENTER! DO NT FAIL TO ENTER! VV. J. PENDRAY SONS, LIMITED.

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