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Vancouver Daily World from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada • Page 4

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
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THE VANCOUVER WORLD Pnltfajr, Jiawmbor 14, HMO. iliiyjj iji upi hi wnwi iaMP Cb: ally UlorU iillt llVli' (mi lliil ,111 j'f 1 3 NAlil UWMMU WEMGER (Vancouver) UBBBTED SEE OUR BCCH WINDOW If you are looking for something really nlca In tho way of. a Bible or prayer book. In tnls lui" aj in all hook lines, we carry the finest assortment In tho west, at prices to suit alb lilblcs from 40c each up Prayer and Hymn Hooks, combined, from each nn Testaments, from 20 each up We bavo a few seta of prayer and hymn books In neat cases, at the low price of $1.50 per sot If you want I David Spencer, President. Gordon Drysdale, Vice President.

Spencer Secretary Treasurer may be thnt most of the nuns now em plojed ag tetchers can qualify as sneh; and they will doubtless make haste to do so. Some will drop out and their place will be filled by co wlicionihts after nwhilc; but the immediate outlook of Catholic education In Ontario is r. ither dismal. The decision of the privy council is final. There is no appeal, and whether like it or not, whether we think it wise or foolish we have pit to follow its lines.

The country is calling for a premier who will lend. We have one that, instead of learlinc is led. "Hilly," the old rani who for the past five years luis led droves of his kind on and off the Charmer, is a guide who brooks no rival. "Billv" is a leader who leads. 1 one of these you will have to come bom.

Printed and published each lawful afternoon by rnE world phintisg axij rrn i. is him; compact, ltd. Lh D. Taylor, Prraldrat and Manatlns Director. At Its Publishing Hons, corner of Pcndr and Homer streets.

Vancouver, B. C. Delivered by carrier at 10c per week, mailed, postpaid, to any part of Can Ida (except the city). United Kingdom nd the United States at the following rates: Dn year 00 Blx monthi 1 Three "5 The World is delivered regularly a'. Ihe same rate as In city, 10 rents per week.

In TCorth Vancouver and all luburban districts. See aim The Treasure of Heaven (Maile Cor elii) $125 The latest and best work of this gifted author. Ayesha (Rider Haggard). Special Headers of "She" will follow with Interest the further adventures of Leo Vlncey and Horace Holly In their quest for tills mysterious spirit. New Hooks also received In our Lcnd Ihht KscIihuucs.

Ic. For the latest books, the best books and the chr.ipest b.ioks, 0 to tho THOMSON STATIOFiERY (ft Everything to maks tho youngster hay "can be found our Toyland; Mechankal Teys, Autos, Steamers, Ferris Wheels, Jugglers, Animals that walk, run, Dolls of all kinds; these that sI st and cry, and a big range cf knock, bout dells. Fcr the scldiar boy we have swords, guns and trumpets. A fsi'l line cf Dell's Tea Ssts, Kitchen Ranges, Building Blocks, Drawing 22xcs of Paints, Easkets, Boxes, Spinning Tops, Etc. Friday, November 1, The Chicago society for the suppression of Tice has proclaimed against tuppeny ba'penny places wh'sh are bail houses under the name of hotels.

Chicago's error Is Vancouver's error. Saloon licenses hare been abolished ar.d hotel licenses hare lal.rn their place, with results that are deplorable. Experience will teach, but at what a cost! Two Italians who confessed that they wero commissioned to murder King Vic J3 MoamaMX lf FBI IT ASD FI.OWKRS. There is much activi'y si, own year In the growth of fruits and flowers. The volume of business which seedinr: and nurserymen asknowlcljie is a sufficient voucher for this, and one does not have hundred, and pretty Lulu Sweet, if she is alive, is an rM woman of lit; and a grandmother.

The idea overpowers me with grief and 1 must drown it. Come, to travel much about Vancouver or far i let's have And they had something. BOUiinery (Continued on Page 5.) Attractively Priced Usui Umierwessr for Women Wmen's Flecc Lined Vests, with lonjr sleeves and buttoned down front, iu natural and cream, parments nicely finished and well shaped, trimmed around neck with fancy edpinp and tape; drawers to match. Special, each 1 1 .230 Fine Wool Vests in cream and RAZORS special prices. Boner's $3.00 for $2.50 I.

X. $1.25 Surgical Steel $1.50 and $2.03 Savings For tomorrow wp'vp planned a rleaninff up of some Xew Fall Hat Shapes. They mine in till colors (not Mack), and every new and most asked for styles; regular value to LII0. Saturday ..753 Iiemnants of millinery velvets and silks, short ends of trimming velvets, plushes and silks, in v. the wanted shades; just the thin? for trimminp shapes mentioned above; regular values 1.00 to 2.00 yard.

Saturday, yard 503 Birds, Winps and Feather Pompoms; also useful as trim ininp: for above shapes; regular value to 1.00. Saturday 10c and 25c 10 Arcade natural, either long or short sleeves; purmeuts all finished nicely at seams, guaranteed unshrinkable; drawers to match. Special Son Women's Vests of fine soft wool, Penman's make, guaranteed unshrinkable; garments are fully shaped and nil are well finished; drawers to match. Special, each $1.00 CAMBIE STREET. Saturday It's GhiZtSron's Gene A.

M. BEATTIE THE AUCTIONEER you wnnt to seh out jour furniture or g. a cash customer to the whole I at a good price do not fall to see Beatti' fhe Auctioneer. He wlil Bell on coramis 1od or buy yon out an pay cash. All classes of goods bought outright.

Bank, nipt stocks or household furniture. No delay. A. BEATTIE. tor Emmanuel by anarchists in New Jersey have been arrested iu Naples.

These arrests and confessions by assassins are becoming too common and it is more than suspected that men who tell all they know so easily are in the pay of the detectives. It is one thin; to be nn anarchist at heart, but it is quite another thing to be an anarchist in deed and it pajs better to give the whole thing This is how Ihe degenerate French count. Roni rie Castellane. spent the Gould millions: The Trianon and furnishings, Palace at Verona, Three Celadon vases, flli.000. Two Jardinieres, $10,000.

Louis XVI antiques, $104,000. Two Louis XVI candlesticks, $UWK. A French King's wardrobe, Carriages, SloOOOO. Sea otter overcoat, flO.OOO. One sable overcoat, Napoleon's bed, $50,000.

One 'clock, $00,000. Tainting he gave to the Chamber of Deputies. Charity laaar building, $400,000. The Gould millions came easily and they seem to be going just as easily. Seated about the hospitable ingle nook In the reading room of the Hotel Vancouver last evening were a number of gentlemen who, among other mailers, discussed the origin of the name of Lulu island.

Quoth one of the party: "It was called after an Indian chief whose name was "I'll wager you five dollars that you are wrong, said another of the group. "There never was a Siwash named Lulu." "Well," relumed the other, "I'm not a betting man, but I've always under Mood that the name was Indian. An old settler told me it "It's nothing of the surt," said the Interrupter. "It's English pure English and it was selected by Col. Moody." The rest of the parly became interested i) nd insisted upon being told nil about the naming of the islaud.

"You see," continued the gentleman, "along about IStll a company of strolling players, known as the Robinson family, the Eraser Hirer. In the All sorts; for millinery, sashes, belts, hair ribbons, fancy work, and also the narrow dainty kinds for tieing up packages. For tomorrow we mention a particularly good lino at a very small price. Duchess and Taffeta Ribbon in myrtle, reseda, (dive, orange, navy, purple, faun, brown, nile, pink, red, luniuoisc, pale blue, cream and white; width 3 to inches. Special for Saturday, yard ,.153 Just When a CoosJ Goat ts Heeds we effjr those at $8.83 30 Tweed Coats are offered for tomorrow' buyers.

They are one and all imported coats of good serviceable cloths, and come in the popular 4 length; with semi fitting and full loose backs. For rain or shine these are equally serviceable, the tweeds will not show a wetting. If sold in the regular way they would be worth from U.50 to 11. GO. Saturday $5.90 $4.90 and $5.90 are the clearing prices.

Worth from $7.50 up to $14.50. Our sale of Women's Suits held this week was a big sueeefs, and we've planned to have the Girls' Suit Sale up to it in every way. living' the ivls down so that they can try them on ami see how well they look. They are not only pood to look at; they're serviceable; made from prey tweeds and navy cheviots. The coats are nil made with loose hacks; some are plain and some have pleats back and front.

Skirts are all made plain with the inverted pleat at back. Regular values 7.50 to 0.50. Saturday $4.90 Regular values 10. oO to 14.50. Saturday $5.90 We can make you any kind of a i Into the country to recognire how reat Is the progress made by lovers of gardens and connoisseurs of fruit.

At no time In the history of British Columbia l.iu there been so much real snd living attention paid to 'tilings with roots." the only things on earth not to be obtained ready made, as Csrlyle criml.v reminds his readers. The demand flowers Is large and increasing and there re times when good rr or a "sound'' chrysanthemum cannot be had in the slops. If is a fact that our I.pM cut fli ers come from Victoria. They are bio igl across the Gulf by every steam and sol'l at prices that must be n.iiner.'itive or they would not be I npht here. Why similar results 082 he obtained in or about Vancouver may be susceptible of satisfactory cx I hrntioii; but no reason has ever been lidvnn' ed except that the climate of the lower mainland is too moist.

On the other hand it is urged that the climate of Victoria is too windy to ailmit of the production of a high grade of flowers In the open air, and as for tomatoes, peaches or melons, which thrive on the ainland, they can scarcely be raised al in near Victoria because uf the cool atmosphere. These are theories which might, by the exercise of a little common sense ami careful experiment and study in cultivation be entirely dissipated. We only deal with (ings they nre, lesving the remedy to those who are versed in such matters. Hut before the can be located and remedy found means must be adopted for the assembling at Vancouver each year of specimens of onr fruits and flowers to attract the public anr" sharpen the sight and interest of those who are actively engaged either for love or profit in living close to Nature. What is the remedy? We have all the material at baud for the annual exhibition of flowers and fruits and do not hold one.

Why? Other provinces and cities are alive and ftir rmg and Pt to shame. Iran Hole tells us of the wonderful enthusiasm shown in Knglund in the growing of roses and other choice flowers by Kng lishmen and women und of the good results that have come therefrom. Here we are inclined to lean on tin government for active assistance when we Should lean on ourselves. We want special Totes and free advertising in the pa jers ami extraordinaiy exertions displayed by the "other fellow." Instead of calling a meeting and making an Imr tiniltural and fruit society live and thrive by individual interest itiid initiative we must, as a community, be pushed by the government here, and Ihe press there and the seedsmen and nurserymen somewhere else. It is time that we got rid of the habit of looking for leaning posts and learned to stand upright.

The lnn.OOO club was a sreat public movement Ihe "greatest ever" in British Columbia. It was taken hold of in a spirit of popular enthusiasm and pushed on to successful issue. Why should not a movement for the improvement of our flowers anil fruits be taken up und nn exhibition arranged for next year? Tenple nre pouring into the province by hundreds. They are looking for places on which to locate. Should not active means be taken to show them what the country is capable of doing? Why should not the successful flower and fruit growers do a little missionary work and lay the foundation now fur an exhibition next year that would open the eyes of Canada and the old country to what we can do ne Irj? Mothers are saying "What's the use of taking all the trouble and the extra expense of making children dresses," when you can buy them ready to put, on at such reasonable pric 0i, i i ii ro, tl II, i luuiir ill mil ijtJn.

jut ui ill Jiiril.MMI y. i I il lililtl IIIIMIICJS, WWT AT THE 1 IgOXtI i4and also a great many children, but we want to please still more, llelow we mention a few are selling well. uster Brown Dress of fancy twilled flannelette, in navy and Muck, for girls 0, 3, 4 years. Price $1.25 French Dresses, made from fine flannelette in red, sky and navy, with different colored dots, for girls 5 to 8 years. Trice $1.23 424 CORDOVA STflEET Special Auction Salej i Cashmere Dresses in sky, reseda, old rose, navy and white; made in the Mother Hubbard style with smocking at yoke, ages 2 to 6 years.

Price $1.75 to $2. CO Ages 8 to 12 years. Price $3.00 to $3.50 Plaid Dresses in regulation tartans, made with deep shoulder frill, daintily trimmed with Mack velvet ribbon, ages 10, 12, U. Trice $3.25 of (roods in possession of the Vancouver police, at our rooms, 150 Hastings St. East 1 company there was a pretty American girl of about 20, named Lulu Sweet.

Colonel. It. who was Governor llouglns' representative on the mainland and resided nt New Westminster, was engaged at the time in laying out and naming Ihe various islands and localities near the Eraser mouth. The day the playvrs came hii appropriate name for a big island was being discussed by the surveyors. (if course, every one hail to go to the performance, which was given in a large at Sap perton, with sheets as scenery.

Colonel Moody, who was much impressed with the young lady's acting and her pretty ways, invited her to dinner Ihe next day anil showed her other attentions which a handsome officer of the engineers of mature age, whose family were li.OoO miles away, might safely do. The next day the Colonel wrote "Lulu" across the big island as it appeared on the map and as Lulu island it has been known ever since. "Heigho!" said the gentleman, "that's forty six years ago. Col. Moody, bad be lived till today, would have been one A Stylish Black Taffeta Belt, 35c They are made of a good quality silk and come in black only, with buckles both back and front in gilt and black enamel.

Belts are nicely shirred at back. Special Saturday 35c 1 Docs ihe Boy Ncetf a Suit Tuesday, 20th Inst. nt p.m. I'nder instruction from the Chief of police I will ell without reserve the following unclaimed goods, namely: rtieyele. No.

1 Cleveland bicycle, No. 220O1A. No. 2 Cadet, Canada Cycle Motor Co. No.

No name or numher. No. 4 Phoenix, Stoner Bicycle Mfg. 1 recport. 111.

No. 5 Cleveland, No. 61900. No. fi J.

Lochric, Canada, 25643. No 7 Crescent, No. 11, Western "vVhoel Works, Chicago. No. Rambler, Purlin.

Ontario. No. 9 Standard. No. No.

10 The rt. Bird. No. 20777. No.

11 Canada Cycle "Brentford." No. 12 Crescent, No. 2s. Alno 7 Valises with content. 2 Bicycle.

2 Bicycle wheels. 2 Tuirs of crutches. 1 Sholnmi. 10 Bun. Ihs clothing.

4 Overcoats. 1 'off eepot. 2 Tins of gunpowder. 3 T'mbrcllns. 1 Pair climbing Irons.

2 Shirts. ft Piston rlncs. A number of pairs of hoots. All of the ahove mentionp1 testicle have been in the possesion of the police for two ycjtrs or more. par 3 Whether he needs one just now or will a little later on, it would be advisable and profitable to secure one from the lot we offer at reduced price for tomorrow'a hastv selling.

$3.50 Norfolk Suits $2.50 75 of these suits will sell tomorrow. They are made from good wearing tweeds in all the new fall and winter patterns and colorings. These suits are picked from our regular stock and are well finished and tailored; regular value 3.50. Saturday $2.50 $4.50 and $5 Norfolk Suits $3.50 (iood wearing suits for boys, made from long wearing imported tweeds in the best coloring and patterns for fall and winter; regular 4.50 to 5.00. Saturday.

$3.50 RODMURE SCHOOL OF DRESSMAKING Is now open. Special attention given to evening classes. Gowns made to older. 1'atterns cut to measure. Satisfaction guaranteed.

For terms, apply to SI US. DAVIE, 2410 UfMlmlnilft Mount Some good warm underwear bought, at a price concession, which enables us to sell it at such a low price. The garments are all well made and correctly sized, comfortable garments nicely fleeced with wool. Both shirts and drawers 75o, or 371 2c garment. MEN'S WHITE SHIRTS $1.00.

White Shirts for men, laundered, with fine linen fronts and double reinforced backs, open either back or front, sizes 111 2, 2. 10, Hi 1 regular 1.2.'). Saturday $1.00 MEN'S WORKING SHIRTS 75c A splendid working shirt, made from a good quality sateen, finished with white stitched fronts; regular value 1.00. Saturday 750 Goods on view at our rooms on Mon day. 19th.

GEO. flcCUAia. Auctioneer. ONTARIO siF.PAR.4TK SCHOOLS. The derision of the privy council, which requires that teachers iu Ontario separate schools kIiuII he disqualified as such unless tii pass the regular examinations and become regularly certificated, is revolutionary, for it throws the Catholic teaching synem of the province Into disorder.

The prime consideration is the efficiency of 'the teaching staff in the schools. The privy council decides that if the state is to have any responsibility the rights of children to a sound education must be paramount, save over religious teaching. Within a reasonable time the province must take advantage of the judgment to make the necessary changes ami prepare the schools for a mora efficient teaching staff. Catholic children hare the right to aa thorough an education as the Trotestant ohil oVen. Their parent! are taxed for the aupport of the schools and any system which tfoei not aecure efficiency is not in kerpinf with tb jktoms AUCTION SALE at our rooms, ir0 Iluslluus F.mmt.

on Tlirarinr, 201 at 2:30 p.m. I'nder Instructions from J. 11. Powell, collector of customs. I will sell without reserve a quantity of seizures, Including Chinese Tobacco, Jewelry, Silk I nderwrar, Silk Shawls, Silk Handkerchiefs.

OBO. McCU'Aia, Aocdcmeer. fcojf does not lewo yms paper rhsg Maps and Catalogues of all Governmpnt lands may now bo obtained. Office open Saturday nights from 8 to 9:30. JOHN S.

RANKIN 514 Pender Street seiner Service, PlmsiQ S35 nd notkoi copy wiil foe sent..

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