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The Chillicothe Constitution-Tribune from Chillicothe, Missouri • Page 3

Chillicothe, Missouri
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ocie In order that society Items have the best news value The Constitution Tribune re porters lo call ID items the day after they occur Your help will be appreciated Our telephone Dumber is Ml vf Runt Stevens, tod Scott Stevens Mary Ann Of M.r»h*ll Roy Duitnbarry Miss Man Ann llolcj diuglilcr of Mr and Mrs Harold bt came the bride of Mr ir hall Rov IlMscnbcrrv nf Mr Rus Bell Dustnberrj in a double nng ceremouj Sunday July 3 at the First Presbvhnan Church Rev 1 mdblom pi rformi the iprcmoii) at 2 tlotk in Ihe afurnoun Two (audchbn i i hpir-. two spny biskets of while gladioli Tiid ferns in Ihp sanctuarj formed the background setting for the wedding The front IHWS wen. marked with sprays of daisies and yellow ribbon Miss Jackie Burgett soloist sang The Lord 9 Prayer and Wedding Pravcr Mrs Ray Ran dall Miss accom paniment and tt of wtd ding music as tho guests were be ing cited The bride given in bj her a wore an i sHIed street length of white bndil satin with Rhonda I I bell skcves designed i a shit low scoop neck and twin lace pan els twm Her head piece a diisv hre bow I sequin i sn-iirrd i chin length fountdin tulle frhe corned a brmqiut i daisies no vhite net with i vet bow The bnde wore the Ira ditional something old something new sonu thing borrowed ind something blue i a ptnnj in her shoe The bride fishioned ind made her dress and her brides maid dress Mrs David Scarce matron of honor wore an empire of v-ith a shallow net and short sleeves The dress i banded in daisv lace around the empire waist and fell In an jpron pattern do vn the front She flore a laffeta a pee jellow net veil and carried ft nose gay of yellow daisies Miss Shirley Jean Bolev was her jister bridesmaid Her dress Btvled in similar in Ihp dress of the a o( honor She wore a a a i i i and earned a nosegay of ellow daisies Master Alan Dean brother the bnde earned the rings on a white pillow Mr at ted is be i man and ushers were Mr Bit-hard Gilroy and Mr Ciiry Lynn brother of the bnde Master Larry Dale Bolev broth of the bnde and a Bill Garrison step of tho bndegroom were the candlelight ers A reception was held i i a following the in the fellowship hall of the church i table cohered i a i net was centered with an a ment of white daisies and twin candelabra The three tiered wed ding oakp was decorated with the traditional bnde and croom orna ment and i i i Mint 'heritet ftMMti atv wedding cake were the Riu Is Miss Julie Renfrew assisted by Mary Himnck served the cake and Mrs George Poetz! the punch Miss Sonna Neihaus is in charge of the Mitst book and JJiss Brenda ihe pifls Mrs Bolcv for her wedding wore a two piece pink BUI I white and pmk Ilbox Int. ttnft wWlf acces Cne bride groom grandmother Mrs ft. a i wore a powder blue print dress i white hat and accessor ies Mri Boley ind Mrs Hawkins i corsages of daisies tied with yellow ribbons For traveling the bride wore a and white checked suit and ihite blouse and white accessor as She wort a daisy corsage from her bridal bouquet I a wedding trip north tinlnl Illinois the couple is at home al 338 Wilson street I Honored at Brl(Ut ShoWtr Mrs Ballmger of Fxcelsior Springs was hostess at a bridal shower held last night at the home of her mother Mrs Jack Fergu Charlene Russell was the honoree Miss Russell was i a to Res Reynolds of Contests were won Mrs Fer 'tobert Ballinfier and (hp honoree Those winning the conUsts presented their gifts tt the bndt to be The refreshment table was cen tered with an arrangement of or and pmk flowers and milk candle holders holding lighted pmk ipers Mrs 0 Russell mother of the honoree presided at the pi Pension cut and served tht cake Ihe gifts were plated on a tablt i i a pink cloth were Mrs David Lov i Mrs Rosson Mrs Jack tHrV.

Mis Robert Battiagct Mrs Jack Ferguson Mrs 0 Russell Mrs Stu Cline Liberty i RiKsell of Chilhcothe Mrs Ballmger Tarla and Chen Springs Kepubhcan New leaden lo Front Alter Red (him Purge Four to Top Poritfotw No Aid to Vtrt Reds. TOKYO (AP)--Four men appear to have moved into key positions in Red China a Communist hier arcny as result of sweeping purge in the nation leadership The four were spotlighted over the weekend when most of China 5 top leaders appeared at a reception for delegates to an Asian At rican Writers conference in PC king The list of the leaders and their titles reported detail by Peking radio Ihe official Nev, China news agenev and Peking ipapers Foreign observers in Tokyo believe thu mav have been Communist Party Chief MAO tx Tung way of announcing the team with which he Intends to push forward his cultural revolu tion The four men given new prom leoce were --Marshal Yeh Chien Yin who was raised to the central com mil tec 3 Important 1 man secretar tat He is considertd a possible successor to Gen Lo Jui Ching arim chief of the general staff --Chen Po Ta Mao former retarv an editor in chief of the party theoretical journal Red Flag He identified as lead er of the group in charge ot the cultural reiolulion under the par ty icnlial oommitlee ice Premier Tan Chu who eplaces Vice Premier Ting I propaganda chief --Kang Shen partj theoretician nd alternate member of the po itburo who 11 considered a possf Je successor to Peking disgraced najor Peng Chen weekend from the Lake of the Ozarks where thev spent the 4th July holidays While there they were guests at the lonka Villa re ort cabins Places ot interest lo tht Austins )pery tile I OP Mace Ozark Opera the tmnu tt Bar rodeo Camdenton Silver Dollar City ind Branson Relatives visited at Seymour were Mr and Mrs Fl mer Matney and Mr and Mrs Ralph Newman and daughter Vir guns MRS WHITACRE AT SPERRY Mrs Rose Whitacre who a patient at the Chillitothe hospital i now at the Sparry Nursing Home RAY JONESES ARE HERE Mr and Mrs Ray Jones of Co imbia ire visiting relatives al Chilhcothe Utica and I ce Sum mitt this week BERTIS WILLIAMSES Mr and Mrs Rertis of ilendalc Ariz have arrived to spend seven! djjs usitmg rela friends hillicothe staying at the Lazy They Motel GIRL FOR BAYSINGERS Mr and Mrs Robert Eaysmger of Mexico Mo announce the ar at 9 2G a June 29 at the Audnan hospital of a 6 pound 13 diughter who has been named Kimberh Jean The Bay smgers also a a 4 year old son Darryl Mrs Frctl Baysmger of Lamhert Hold is the paternal Mr and Thomas Gola of Mexico are the grandparents Buirm Dinner Gimtt Mr and Mrs Tom of thii eiu and Mr and Mrs Elmer Lu nf Trrnlon were dmnci jniesis in thp home Mr and Alton Bush of 70: Montgomery street BIIIY Family Picnic It Tomorrow Night Ihe Belles Lvtensmn Clul mil a its annual family picnu. lorrow evening at 8 30 at the Rotarv shelter house of Simpson Park Mi mbers are reminded bn and talile eervice The brc id drink will be furnished HoM Meeting in I Hall The Chillicothe Rebekah Lodg ni 11 (Me 1 0 0 1 hall for it Julv meeting i 16 attendance Routine business was conductei b-, the Noble Grand Mrs LaViti Chapman Numerous cards am sick cilh were reported Mrs Vi Rinia Wassamann read a poem Do We Wait Until a Persoi Gone taken from tba Interns tional Rebekih News Tho next meeting will Jnl members arp asked to attend TOKYO July II (AP)-Com iiimst China told the Vietname ommunists todaj to rclv on their wn strength their fight against he United Stales in Viet ISam 'eking appeared to be saying it ill not send volunteers The official newspaper Peoples lailv an article broadcast the China agency said in i part The people should and can onlv rely on themselves to make revo-1 ution and wage people war in heir own country since arc their own affairs outside aid replace their struggle Ever its amount it is onlj auxib iry To and win revolution the people must unswervingly rely on themsehes and be prepared to car on the struggle themselves should all matenal aid from outside be cut off Woedard Feted On Birthday Armivtrnry I A party honoring Dale Hoodart son of Mr tnd Mrs Paul Wool a of 'M Southwest drive in ob scrvance of his 5th birthday ana was gncn Saturday after i -lie Is attending were Miss Rjr Baker Miss Tern Earl Jim Far T)ollv Bobb-v Hun TOMORROW Arrow Rock Lyceum Players IN "THE RAINMAKER" 8 p.m. Ben Boil Theatre TICKETS ADULTS $2, STUDENTS $1 Tickets available a) both banks, Howard's and Baldwin Furniture Fine Arts Council Season Ticket i Will Be Honored MR AND MRS MARSHALL ROY DUSENBERRY were married i afternoon Inly 3 a th First Preabvtenan Church Mrs lupnljLrrv is the former Miss Mary Ann Boley daughter of Mr and Mrs Harold Bolej and Mr Dusenberry is the son of Russell Dusenlierr, local News Notes ilte I eonard Wise! rman asks th; i be pn Cole parents Mr and Mrs Ralph Wigfield of RFD 4 11 Cole was stationed at Chdnute AFB Ranloul 111 SURGERY ON SATURDAY Ham. Rose 718 Commercial itrect ho a admitted Thursday thp lYimtv I itheran hospital in i undfi Sat ird His condition mproxement Calhotm street announce the birth if a 7 pound and 10 ounce son al 4 24 clock Saturdav afternoon al Chillicothe hospital Mrs Crafl and son relMsed this morn ing from the hospital who is in Kansas City with her husband is with her daugh tor Mr Jewell live who resides in the i Mr and Mrs Cliude Coop and i visited i Citv the hospital i patient i Cooper iom 152 at CONGRESSMEN HETUHN AFTER 10 DAY VACATION WASHINGTON July )i jfl-Con gress ending a 10 day vacation to day barely has time to put down ts suitcases before -shouldering the urden of major decisions on the Viet a a and foreign aid Both houses are expected to take up Tuesday the compromise vers on of a $17 4 billion bill to author if procurement of militarv hard ware and paie the for an across Hie board for the armed unices Actual rie pend on appropriation measures to considered later The House only minor mat ters before it lodav but the Senate considers a House passed bill to give Federal Chilian a paj raise of about 2 9 per cent with improvements fringe benefits REAPPORTIONMENT IS RULED CONSTITUTIONAL KANSAS CITY Juh 11 three judge federal pane! has ruled that reapportionmenl of both houses of the Missouri legislature is constitutional tie that the Senate Ap portionment committee and the House Apportionment committee havft done a commendable yfn in ipportionmg the districts if the stite into stncts of sub stantial of population the judges said in their decision filed Friday In district court of the panel were Al hert A Hidge and Gilison of the Circuit Court of Appeals and William II Becker of the District Court WEEKEND GUESTS slices of Mr and Mrs Elmer cher and daughter Elaine 61G Pcicher street were Airman 1 Leighton Pirrish Fllswnrlh ATB South Pakola and Don Mr PARENTS OF A SOK nd Mrs Roderick Craft 818 DAUGHTER ARRIVES Mr and Mrs Larry Beck Jam are the parents of a 7 pound ind dau-hter born al clock Sunday morning it Chilhcothe hospital WEEKEND GUESTS FROM tOWA, Weekend guests of Mr Kline and Cmdv cothP Mrs Kline si a McCIure and i McChirc ind Chr Mrs McClure ai of Si Unrles id Mi of Chilli ADMITTED TO HOSPITAL Miss Mary Gorman 315 Minsur s( reel Mrs Robert Beard more 1804 Borden Miss Ethel Kinsey Clav street Mrs Robert Mas dam Tina Mrs Robert! Still 1701 Pair street Mrs Bobbye VanZant Bravmer and lames Davis Bo gard h-ue been a i to (hi Chillicolhe hospilal for mtdica Conch Ludlow who entered Vhe hospital Sahirdav for surgery was releas ihe evening KAREY DANE BROWN Mr ant! Mrs i of 'i i hue chosen the name of i Dane for liiur son bom at 11 -11 a JuK 4 it St Miry hos pilil in Kansis City Karey who weigiicd 7 pounds and 4 ounces ithers Kent and Kli HAVE BABY SON Mr and Mrs James Bolirn Ham illon innounce the hirth of a at 1 13 clock Sundiv afternoon at the Chillicothe hospital Thi weighed 8 pounds and oured ere the fl iptist of Wendimerr at Roath camp Richard Shriver at Atlanta, Ga Mrs Shriver arrived Friday is Kansas City where she spent the weekend with her ion in-few and daughter Mr and Mrs a Marshall and family MISS PHARIS AT BANK Miss Darlene Pharis, daughter of Mr and Mrs Vance Pbaris of Moort-sviUe, has recently accepted a position in the bookkeeping de partment of the Citizens National Till CofiiHfvHM-TrftlM Chillicorhe, Mo MONDAY, JULY 11,19 MRS AL TESTA IS HERE Mrs Al Testa of Santa Ana, Calif is visiting her parents Mr and Mrs Burgess of Chula and her daughter Mrs Ralph Wheel bacRer Mr Wticclbarger add lam ily of this city and other relatives and friends in this area WEEKEND AT THE OXARKS Patricia McKerlie Anna Marie Barn el I and Karen Vanzant of Chillicothe spent the weekend Osage Beach In South Missouri ATTEND BASEBALL GAME Carrv a Harrv Brown lerre llallovvav and Ken Lauhofi ere Kansas City yesterday to attend the baseball games betw Kansas City Athletics and the Cleveland Indians BOYS HOME FROM NEW YORK Mr and Mrs Bill Boyd of 80 Wil in street have returned from Long Island where thev spent sev dajs i their son and daugh Mr and Mrs William 3 Boyd and their granddaughter Thev were accompanied to ind Stei Boyd who had Whilf ng in Chillicotbe icre they toured the Tat-skill lounlams the Statup of liberty nd other places of interest SIMMERS WITH RELATIVES After spending the weekend Chilhcothe Mr and Mrs Fred mer and Mark a returned to their home Kansas City They visited Mr Simmers mother Mrs Leonard Simmer and other relatives PH1LLIPSES AT STARLIGHT Mr and Mrs Jeslon Phillips and daughter Pat of Chillicolhe were Kansas City dunng the weekend iev attended Desert Song al Starlight Theater Saturday eve mg MRS SHRIVER RETURNS Shri returned residenci 517 Elm from a 2 week cation She was a guest of her son and daughter law Mr and Mr: IN IOWA YESTERDAY Don Hall and Cecelia Stevens of city were Lineville la yes as guests of her uncle and iunt, Mr and Mrs Ray Harrill LEGION AUXILIARY TO MEET The American Legion Auxiliary vill meet at 8 clock tomorrow ivenmg in the home of Mrs Dick iilroy of 319 Wilson street MRS MATTIB SMITH MOVES Mrs Mattie Smith has moved 'rom her residence at Locust the home of Mrs Ben Beamai of 500 Williams Mrs Smith ha; been ill the last two weeks Church Notes CUlt To Mwt on Patio Members of the Marv Martha Sunday School class of the Meth odist Church will meet at 8 a Thursday oa the patio of the church SENECA MAN KILLED IN ONE-CAR CRASH ANDERSON Mo July 11 W-Winston Reed 24 of Seneca was killed early today in a one ca iccident or Highway Tl in ex reme southwestern Missouri The highway patrol said Reed car was apparently traveling at a high rate of speed when he misset curve about three miles north Anderson The car left toe roai and overturned several times Reed was alone the machirx He was pronounced dead on arnva at a Neosho hospital BOY 17, DROWNS WHILE WADING IN A LAKE PvOLL July 11 f--Kenneth Mavnard 15 of Jasper County drowned Sunday while wading a Wayside park in Noel Police said Maynard apparently stepped into a hole One of hi friends shoved a surf board out to but he couldn reach it Outlook Bleak in AirlineStrike on Again Folk to WASHINGTON (AP) Airlins trike negotiations reopened today sharp note that further immed hope of a quick settlement the walk-out that started Fri ay Joseph Ramsey vice president the AFL CIO International Asso- lation of Machinists and chief un- on negotiator entered the confer- nee room and said The public hould know that there hasn bees inutes of real negotiating mce this strike started These carriers are standing pat, protecting their profits waiting for he President or Congress to help hem out Union members on the airlines 3 asking to share the profits After all these years when they accepted sub standard condt- is airline employees are en titled to a better deal Ramsej handed out mtmeo- copies of the statement "jut deihned to elaborate on it, iaymg We better get the job William 3 Curtin chief negotia or lor the live struck airlines -Eastern Vational Northwest, rans World and United-- ai rived the hallway as Ramsey was ipeaking and listened before en entig a separate conference room Asked for comment Curtin said We have endorsed the emergency board recommendations which the President himself char- ictenzed as thp framework for a ust settlement of the dispute and we have improved upon it In our negotiations Curtin said evidence before the smergency board indicated clear that airline employees are Ireated far better than most terms of working conditions KINSELLA RITES HELD AT LEOPOLIS TODAY Funeral services for Patrick Kinsella who passed away Friday at the Chillicothe Hospital were held this morning at 10 clock at the Leopolis Catholic Church con ducted by FT Lawrence Speichinger Burial was in the Leopolis cemetery under the director of the Gordon Home for funerals Casket bearers were Marvin Osment Francis Hall Seifert, Joe Kinsella Leonard Lawler and Raymond Cummmga Wat a Barber Hera More Than 40 street a brother, Roy Stoddard, Chillicothe and one granddaughter, Mrs Carol Isaacson, Stanton, He was preceded in death by brother in addition to his parents Funeral services will be held at clock Wednesday afternoon from the chapel of the Norman Funeral Home with the Rev Walter Bldgham officiating Interment will be in the Rose Hill lemetcry at Brookfield Constitution Tribune want pay.

HOSPITAL DISMISSALS Glen Coberly RFD 5 Chillico the Master Divid Thompson rrentoii and John Sidden 439 Tack street were rele PLAN A LONG STITCH WALTON (AP)--Mr ant Garth Sanford err hookm; their own stair carpel They arc about halfway through and it 11 take two fleam in all to finish the 14 yard, maple leaf pattern carpet 1 cut (lie tttekend in a i at Hit Ray Brown home Mrs hk is in tho city with her daughter SUSAN SMITH RETURNS Miss Susau Smith returned cs terdaj after spending last week relatives at Osceola la She parent 1 ic ompanic by her Mrs Lavere Peichcr who spent the weekend at Osecol MIKE HUGHES TO SHIP Seaman Third Class Michael Hu I left from ST for San Diefio he i eru nn IP SS Ticonrierosa Mike i taken to Kansas Citv bv his a i Mr and Mrs Martini Hughes of 3 Kiv Ogin im Calhoiin street Mrs Ronald nee ChuH Mrs Breuda Tomhnson Gallatin and Mrs Webster Trenton were dismissed Stmdaj Dismissed lo are Virgil Taubam 206 Bruns wick street Mrs Allan Timmons and son Wheeling Mrs Robert Daley and son 218 Gale street and Mrs ArtJiur Lemon Utica VACATION IN LAKE OF OZARKS Mr and Mrs I a wren cr- Prew itt and Bevcrlj Mrs Helen Haley and Frances Ann and Mr and Mr-, Ernest Huff returned during the DAUGHTER FOR HALE COUPLE Mr and Mrs Robert Mitlox and If i)c announce bmh of a Ert 10 06 clock I irdiy cloning it the Chillicolhe hospital Constitution Tribune Want Add pap "GREEN GIANTS" Will PlAY AT THE Airlane July 11 THIS BAND FROM OMAHA, NEBRASKA, WON THE "BATTLE OF THE BANDS" LAST YEAR! DANCING 9-11 ADMISSION $1.25 Don't Hiss the Green Giants, Monday, July 11 COLE FAMILY TO FLORIDA 11 I I i Coh til left lor Mic Dill Timjn Hi iftir visiting for sev eril chs his parents Mr and Mrs I Cole jr of 401 reich er itid other relatives and friends His i the former Cirol WIR field ino diughtcr findi re mamrd ind will bo gue.sU of Mrs Career Opportunity IBM OPERATORS SERIOUSLY NEEDED This I) future In big In austry for meo and women 1B-49 Short training per iod required, all Inquiries ac Reply to Direc tor IBM Automation, Box No 5 care of Constitution Trib unc, elvtng name and phone number THE CHILLICOTHE CONSTITUTION-TRIBUNE A WATKINS BOIIN WM I Publisher Managing Editor News Editor Chillicothe Publishing Co 818 Washington St Chilhcothe Ho 64601 Second Clas? Postage Paid at Chillicothe, Mo MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for republics tion of all the local news printed in thin newspaper as weU as all AP news dispatches day. per year $6 00 FIRST PLACE Award Winner Engelmann's Chillicothe BRAND NAME RETAILER-OF-THE-YEAR iber of the Retail Advisory Council, Brand Names Foundation Inc SUMMER SALE 300 PAIRS WINKU Pair.

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