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The Decatur Daily Review from Decatur, Illinois • Page 16

Decatur, Illinois
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

SIXTEEN 1HE DECATUR I Wednesday Evening, February VanPragg Files Petition for Five Cen Fares Here Says Labor and Material Costs Back to Pre-War Price--Asks More Frequent Service. According to an Associated Press dispatch from Sprirgfield, filed Wednesday noon; Commissioner Alex- Van Traag has filed a petition to the Illinois Commerce Commission asking a street car fares be re- rluccd 111 Dcciitur to five cent and the serxiee increased and extended. The spatch is as follows: Springfield, 111., T-'tb. 1--Pointing in figures which indicate that labor, material and rolling stock are almost hack to pre-war prices. Commissioner Alex Van Praag, of the Decatur department of public works today filed a i i i the i Commerce commission asking a street car fares in that city be- rev.ore'l to i cents.

WANTS MORH SERVICE Papule reduction in faros, Tommi Dinner Van Vraas ask 6 that the street car company in Decatur be to greater re- of service on established i lines to KTIPS lo ten itory served Ptp' 1 I he todav POMS oii'y 57 cent as in u'pf-n tl'c i faros ivet 1 l.ibor clown to 662-S of 10-0 lumber down To in nppr to 6S pe- i nal down to 50 per T.t Mr V.m a 1 is; samo of i i for popu- i i on r0r. i rl rc id r.iiH 2 a i Cowford Road to Prairie Street W. M. Bering Says It Must Be Extended. "Certainly are going to a that diagonal road from, the new Cowford bridge i Uecatur at Prairie street.

a i those who own land where that road is to come not build. "Why did the water company a quarter of a million dollars to i a i bridge and high grades leading to i a i a asked W. 51. Bering, the a i manager of tlie a a i of. the Decatur Water Supply Co.

"Does i a aro spending all that money to come in any other way than according to the city plan? No one who owns land la the place where a road is to come along the C. I. w. right of should build. That diagonal road must come as a to Prairie street, Wood i i thus a direct road to 11,1 Heeds Dream and Saves Her Money Miss Edna Coyle Burglar.

Foils Maffit Case to Supreme Court Last Franchise i Bill for Writ of Error Filed 17 -J I Wednesday. Meeting rndayi r. 0 jramt. Recommendations Prepared, Being i in- a tlie i i been set tor i a 1 i in the court i -Margaret Earles filed a i i in the supreme court a fo' a of error in the brouglu by the Decatur Water Supply Cn aframst them and a others the a i ot land needed the i i laKe "U'lley 1111 i Morcy i the i Saved by a dream. I'age Sir Oliver Lodge.

Call in Alia Axiom. JIiss Edna Coyle, editor of Staley Journal, went to bed day night leav'ng her purse i a considerable sum ot money in it on a table in the i i room ot her home 433 North Calhoun street. Having, as all good editors do, a clear conscience she i fell asleep but i the night she had a rtr am that some one had broken into the house and had stolen that i the in it. So vivid was the dream a she awoke, went into the other room, removed the from the purse, all except two dollars in change, and hid It. This was about 3 o'clock.

BURGLAR ARRIVES. She went back to bed and i i i minutes she was awakened by a noise and saw that some one had entered the adjacent room because she saw the a light which he carried. i i a scream she from ned and rushed toward the room in i she could ste the man moving through the portieres. She saw him reach for the purse, his flash i out and so did he i the pnr-e. the two dollars and articles a i the rirsu the modern girl.

HID MONEY: NEARBY-. JIiss Covle had i the a Mini oC money not two feet from 1 the a stood as he stareu a th" room by the aid of I his a i Hiss Coyle nas a a a i a a i to a has adopted the deposit and i system so a "he i not K'n large sums of. money a a i TOO' At i the a all ttK i i i nf a i i i i bo presented to i for a a i the rt of i i to i W. I. LUNDY GETS AWARD OF $27,500 and of the p'Tt-.

f-f all 'e i were ii tr di a a i i i i to i a i ni KM day i It is a i i.l be 1 i a i i i lv i i a i iu-t a i i the i i rrpnru-. n'adc by some of Jt i tlic at MARRIED i i L-iv i Suit In Imllnn.liHilis luni'crued Land. real cst.ue men of the city. th players and i a number old i i be i in a federal i decision in I i a a i in i I. real esta'e man and a of Decatur up a few a i ago is awanled a verdict a a a i the a I'arm Jlwtgape of Kansas Citv.

A two ago, Lunay ob- a i eighty-six acres of land near Mercedes, from the Kansas company in a ti ade in i he put in 210 acres in I i a a The a i a cave of a a i the i to the Texas a i i a and i i a few nu.nth". sued fir the $30 000. a lv he had to bring i a a i 1 r. a a and i i company. The was for less than the and costs because, since the I decision secured in the i of ap- peals, the Fulton County a had i in at a sale by 1 for Common Stock May Be Entered.

Tiie a a i a Kansas City show ami the grand a i of the Denver show i be i in the i a a of tlie Pecatur A i Pet Stoc-k a i i i a 6-11, according to i i a a meet- i of i i i a i Tuesday night. a I a i a a i.Utoil she -send cats for ex- i i i i a i a ends of the a for the show leported i i i a secretary i i i i already ro- i a i i tlie show is more a a Burton, one of a i dng i Slates, has hi en secured as for tin" a i i of i here have reeeml a i of i i i as to i the i of pets la lim- i In pedigreed and registered stock. The show not i i and stock may lie Tne only i ference, is a "blue-blooded" has a mm chance to v. in the i C. E.

SOCIETIES TO i HAVE UNION RALLY n. G. Walker, Meld To Be Speaker. Tl fr, i of a i Ch: i i at thr. M.

A. i mid i i i It uas 4 i lly and ill hu hrl'l n. rian of tli tlon and to cet thf third for a i Tne first rmp of s- I-'t-b 21 and the nu 111 pocir of thi 1 i I l.o- 1 i be hostj to rtthr Th.Tc aro mnc t-o nnmn. G. of C'hir f.eld serrttarv, th a at th- 1 i raliv ai.

I i-il. Miners and Rail Men Plan Joint Conference Lewis Claims Same Conditions Face Both Classes of Workers--Will Work for Closer Understanding. Feb. United Mina Workers o.f America are ing to "unreservedly pool their interests with the railroad organizations and stand with them in resistance to the proposed attacks upon i wage schedules," John L. Lewis, president of the miners declared in a statement today.

The a was made along i the announcement that invi- a i to participate in a meeting i miners had been sent to i of the 11 major organiza- of railroad workers. CLAIMS INJUSTICE. Mr declared the railroad been "compelled to ac- e'H i i a wage reductions" and asserted propaganda, now is being i on a gigantic scale to "enl a a wage cuts on taem." "It is i i apparent that cert a i interests are seeking wage re- 'Uictions in the coal i i industry," he continued. In order to "success- combat this frenzied hysteria" miners are willing to join hands with tne railroad workers, he added. IFOR CLOSER UNDERSTANDING.

Pointing out that the 1919 con- the -mlijera directed that 'SPAPERf steps be taken towafl the pi emotion of a closer a i between the coal workers and the railroad men, the letter of I i a i declared: "The time is now for the i of a i of accredited representatives of each organization for the above i purpose x. We would request that, as representing your organization, ghe i i a consideration to the suggestions contained therein." No date or place was suggested fer holding the meeting, that action be withheld pending replies from the railroad workers officials. THOSE INVITED. A those to whom the i i a tions were sent are: L. P.

Sheppard, president of the Order of Railway Conductors of America, Cedar Rapids, Timothy Hcaly, president of the I a i a Brotherhood of Stationery Firemen and Oilers, New York City; W. C. Carter, president of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Engineers, Cleveland; W. G. Lee, president of the Brotherhood of railroad trainmen, Cleveland; M.

Jewell, president of the Railroad employes department, American Federation of Labor, Chicago; and W. S. Stone, grand chief engineer, Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers. Decatur Dealers At Auto Show Others Also Going to See Big Exhibit. Many a men engaged in the a i i i a a i the auto show Chicago.

Several a i i a and other a ers to Chicago on Monday, Tuesday a "Wednesday. a i a i ot the local men who are a i the show includes: B. B. Bums, James A. Hedrick, A.

R. Coggan. AV. C. Starr, Dan W.

Tait, M. It. Walker, Finley Edwards, G. W. Deetz, George Hill, C.

D. Bopp, David Shellabargcr, "William Shellabarger, Thatcher Shellabarger, C. A. Starr, Ralph Tenney. A number of other people from D3- catur, who are Interested In motor cais aro attending the show which opened last Saturday.

Dr. Darling Obtains It from Common Gas. Along with the other a i experiments for making of hooch since Mr. Volstead's eighteenth amendment was passed comes a new one discovered by Dr. E.

R. Darling, of the i i i University chemical department Darling has worked out a process by which pure grain alcohol may be obtained from common I i a i gas. Although ho has not completed his research he announced Wednesday morning that he had gone far enough with it to get tho product. In his process Dr. Darling uses the i i a i gas used every day in Decatur.

Tho first step in the a i of the alcohol is to i it to remove certain impurities. This i i product is passed over a drying agent where It Is dried and led into a furnace. The gas is there heated to a temperature of 3G(1 degrees Centigrade. In the a the i i a i gas comes into contact with certain other and i powdered nickel, so i tbit it will go through i cloth. The i of the gas i the nickel produces another gas.

This is cooled and led i i acid which the com pound, which when treated i water, gives pure grain alcohol', NOT A BOOTLEGGER. Tn a statement given out Wednes- a i Dr. Darling a i 1 "I developed the alcohol first from theoretical basis and then sought to prove the theory in the a i a I a not gone far along i it to the cost of i and a i will not a to commercialize i i was not In an a to become a bootlegger but as a research problem but it goes to show- the i i i i of ob- a i i alcohol." TO VOTE O.V QUESTION. The regular i of the Stud Council a i i i a hcUl Tuesday i in the i inary. The council voted to put up the i of i i participation i other colleges of the try in the a i they are a i concerning the i i a i of armaments.

This work is being carried on by colleges a i i i the i States and no school i is up and coming can a to pass the i If the liorlv at i i i accepts the i i a i of the A i a i whose a a a in New York City, the i i i become a of a a i i A i was appointed to for the chapel period at which the i i be offered to the body for i a i John Birks. Thclma Soctt. and Dale Yodcr compose the committee. business a a by the Council at its i was a i a a derived the Mid Year Hop held last Saturday i to the debt contracted for the J. M.

U. band was equipped i i Thc proceeds totaled a S30. i a a paid there i be about $100 a i i to be paid on the i forms. John Birks. i of the V.

M. C. was given a seat in the Stud i at the Tuesdav i meeting. Thc Y. M.

C. A. is i to representation on the i it was not i Tuesday evening a a a i was picked. i i i i basketball game, i will be plaved on the i i i Friday evening, are now on sale a a i and Essick's. Reservations i open at the i i supply store Thursday a at 1 o'clock-.

STALEY JOURNAL FOR MONTH, OUT CIuI' House Shown on Cover Thin Time i a handsome cover showing the Illicitly lighted Staley dub house at the lake lie February Htaley Journal Is a very attractive urn bet, The leading arficle a description of the formal opening of the club house and the story Is illustrated many pictures of the I of this unique Industrial home. I'dliorials, an article on the advantages of the creation oC a bird sanctuary on the new lake, srjuibg i oasts and an unusually large ber of make, up ona of the best numbers i has yet been issued. Pleads Not Guilty. i Samel, indicted for alleged mayhem, assault and battery against Dora Inman was arraigned in tlie circuit court Wednesday and ploatled not guilty. She was released on SoflO bond to appear when court is called.

Attorney Lee Boland will defend her. Mildred Samel lias accused of boating Mrs. Inman a i i Indoor Two games wilt be played in the Y. M. Commercial Indoor Baseball League Wednesday night.

The games to be played arc: T. T. S. Muellf-rs, 7:00 o'clock. a a Clc' ks vs.

Headquarters Co 1" o'clock. MeeU Thursday. The Tirzah club will meet i Mrs. Walter -(30 Eaat Grand Mrs. Wa Thursday Long.

J'lonil (iiiilty In Sleiillnjr. Robert Gibson, aged L'2, and r.iy Tapp, aged 19, pleaded i in the i i to stealing i Wedncsdav. Gibson was given 90 days in the jail and i $50 and costs. Tapp was sent to the Pontiac reformatory. The next case a up was a of Joseph Pierce, indicted for stealin chickens.


n. which held Its tegular meeting Tuesday afternoon i thirty- five membprfl and three visitors prespnt, lieard a talk by Mrs. Emma Lewis of the Gantaweiler Corps, No, of St. Ciiarles Mo Three new members wcrp initi-itrd and seven applications for membership read. The members voted tr entertain tlia class or foreign born citizens, now inert- ing at the high school, at a Lincoln eocial on the evening of Feb.

t) at Uiffh school. AVives ot the men will be i i W. M. To Meet. The Woman's Missionary society of the Tirst United Brethren church will meet Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock fn the home of Mrs.

Harry 353 Green street. This will be the a a Thank i meeting-, and Mil lie in charge of Mrs. Raymond Hatfleld, thank offering secretary. All members are inv i to Rttend this meeting and are urged to bring their boxes. BORN.

To ilr, and Mrs G-over Storey, f40 West Marietta street, Jan. 20, a son. He has been named, LaVerne le. To Mr. and Mrs.

Harry M. Hunt, 002 'i North Monroe street, Jan. 30, a daughter. MARRIAGE LICENSES MIIo J. See, Decatur Regma Frances Cant well.

Decatur. IT Eddie Monroe DecatUf 22 Manila Belle Wilaon, Decatur il Charles Mundy, Decatur Carrie Fuqua, Decatur T.egral William Smith, Rockwell la. Lepal Elicn Sprague. Armenia, Legal DEEDS RECORDED. The National bank of Decatur to Willis Eusley, lot 6, Jubell'a addition; ISAAC M'BIUDE.

Isaac McBride, war and who is to speak in the circuit court room a n.ght, on the A llus.sia," will also be the speaker at the a Business Men's at Y. M. C. A. a noon.

i of con- i i in i a A i a i i of i men are expected to he present at the a i bo made i 10 o'clock Thursday morning. McUride has hem i i i to speak i a i i a i Chicago Tuesday noon on trade re- a i i a and lliissm Range of 62 in January Weather Maximum Was 56, and Minimum 6 Below. The a i for a a i a and the i i was six degrees below a a of d2 'J ho mean temp a was i 1 degrees be-low a The- i i i i i of 3J i on I I a d.i\s ami a i l'i ei i i a i a I 5, iiiLhe--. i is 1.11 i I), a a brings i a i a look i a cuMcn i a i i i a a a i ing up of mean a show It to range a a i i of a degree rnier than i a nnorxniior, HAY. Thun.lav, Feb.

2, is the a groiuulhoK d.iy. A i to "dope 1 a a groundhog or wooi'diiuj; comes from his i hole in the ground to a a look. In case discovers Mr. Sun out at samo i and Mr. i i i a he retreats in hole i i more of i if he a i to see i a i i i a i a a a i S.

S. CLASS HAS ANNUAL BANQUET Mrniber A Clark's tlass Kvont. A Clark's a School class of the i i held i a a i i i nig room of the Tuesday i Jan It is of the a the looks a to i great a i The a has an em i i i of a i mem bers, a some of thc members could not be present, a few invited guests were present, a there were i seated at thc tables. i a as a center, tlie tables were placed in such a way as to the spokes of a hugii wheel and idea of mobility---that the cla was on "the go." PROG RAM. The speakers were seated at thc end of a table.

Mr. Clark was toastmaster, and the i subjects were responded to as follows: i doe.s our class a to the A. A i What does our class mean to the a P. Imboden.

a does our class mean to the Chesti en Smith. What docs our class mean to thc J. F. Regan. Mr.

Clark spoke In a of the i presented to i by the class on a former occassion. SOCIAL EVENT. A sung by Rev. Mr. i and Mr.

Lind was enjoyed. The evening's social event was concluded by the presentation of the collection, "The Wax Works Gallery," supposed to be that of the far famed Mrs. Jarley of the "Old Curiosity Shop" celebrity. Miss Jennie Ramp as Mrs. Jarley.

starred as such, and displayed unusual ability as she described the various wax figures, all represented by human figures, as they were wound up, and went through their i and characteristic motions. It was enjoyed from start to finish. Mrs. Ed Eclcman and her social committee are to be commended for what they i for the class, sees that they made no mistake in having Mrs. EcUman as chairman.

The tables were beautifully decorated i flowers, presented to the Glass by Daut Brothers Wabash Fails to Understand Rush. Jui-t why the Wabash should be rushed i grain i at this time other roads in this locality report i a in the grain i is hard to understand. However, oidcrs i to pour in to the Decatur i i i i of the Wabash for grain cars on the 6th, 7th, Sth and 9th districts. One small village to the north alone had orders in for ten cars and on Tuesday asked the car i i here for a guarantee for i more cars a i a total of i a i in all that i one station has ordered. The elevator had enough a i to fill i more cars but did not want to take it unless it be assured of the cars.

Orders for these cars on the Decatur i i i Wednesday totalled ISO i 117 available. Tuesday's loading a cars. Assignment. A assignment oC Wabash fHh and i district eiiRmemen waa Issued Ia- morning. Fireman Voilp? and i i hid off oC p'foenKer on to aouth end J.ool turns and the result is a all passenger and i rung aic now open again to bids fiom firemen up to Feb.

U. No p.i^-engrr engineers made any i a tho assignment and only a i cli.ingeg were made IVelsh went Imrk to tlin east pud Xeal a south ana Baldwin diew Xos 71.7' Hailroud Notes. 111 McDonnell, AVabas roundhouse ho under" cm A serious pp ion ui Wabash ho re HP fiK-o, to roLurn to his morning. HirH ait 1 open to a 7 for con on i ftlh iml 1'Hh district btin-p (i 1 bo filMt for a br on tht re -r 'if on the i i i i i i i 1 HIP C. B.

and i put i n-Mv baprgcigp rule Into effect. ol nn mat ink' ho a i i a i i of i on loas or to a 4 b.i££aKf, How over, the pas "piif-pr bo required to a the vjilua lion of the basgane it ii checked a i i iiul i a monpv paid for a i will be Indicated b' i i '-tamps a i to the back the p.isspnpor's ticket. Oiu of tho a to present i a ropnrt of opera ions tor tin fiscal i i'(2i fq the and "West ern, according to the fifruie.3 nion th.m earned I i i idemls Tiie twe'v i i a i a not Jncornp nf JIMiO" 11K. A (Induction ot for divUlendy. i i Is a bal niK-n of or to a fh.ire the jm.M'J wo common stock Thp i which tw i i of i a i and si i i nf a puirantre period show pd a i i of a share a rre fe-red a Uross revenues for tin as compared i It i i i a i pimp I ilo i b.j i i wppk iml i i i a a a ins i Us i and i i wort.

1'u" fn i i uoeks of January i HIP a c-u ns compared will 1 Mm for the rnTPppondmp period ol a electPTSP rf po Believe Oil Wells Must go Deeper to Reach Main Poof Lincoln Well Brings in About Twenty-Two Barrels Daily--More to Start at Once. SCRAPS OF NEWS CALLED MEETING. Ther i be a called i of the St. Patrick's Woman's club, Friday afternoon at 3 o'elock, in the school, to complete arrangements for a dinner to bo given Sunday, Feb. 12.

All members are present. urged to be CHOIR MEETS TONIGHT. The Chorus Chair of t-ie Westminster Presbyterian will meet at 7 o'clock, Wednesday i at the i i i Conservatory. It is urged that each member be on time, as a meeting later in the i necessitates several of the members leaving on time. BAKERY SALE.

Group 1 of the Westminster Presbyterian church will hold a bakery sale, at the i of the Decatur a i a and Light company, Thursday. TO TEXAS. A and Mrs W. Nay Boggess will leave this evening for Dallas, Tex. They i be gone about two weeks.

I Suliivan Society to Meet Thursday Evening. i a Fob I --The regular i of the i a i be hel a evening. Feb. 2. at o'clock a i i i i a Tho of HIP program is "The of I i a i i Mrs a i as a i a A i a Medieval books Mrs Jessie Miller.

a i I i a i Mrs. A T. i Carolintrian and Celtic Schools- Mis'. a Xewboulcl. a a i i Miss Agnes rcterson.

French School Mrs. F. J'. Pifer. I a i a Se-hool Mrs.

G. A. Sentel. The i m. i A a Bristol Tucsdaj a Mr and i John r.ichanlson ret to Hcciitur Tuesday after i i i i a few daj i a i in this city.

Mis.s Hoi tense SHller and Miss a i a I a i Decatur visitors Wednesday. The Married Folks Dancing held another of i of dances a night at the K. of P. hall. The Domestic Science met a i Mrs.

Dave i Mrs. Wayne Chandler returned to A Tuesday, alter i a few days i relathes. Mrs. Dave i a i a of her i at a i party Wednesday evening. CANDIDATES.

The i have announced candidates for off i on the Democratic ticket, subject to tiie primary, April 11: For i of Schools Mrs. i L. Roughton. For T. Grlder and John n.

i For treasurer--Harve Hawkins. John Hines and C. Peailro. For County Clerk--Cash Green. For Sheriff--II.

Weatherly, Vernp n. Ashbrook and A. F. (Bert) TWO KILLED IN HEAD-ON COLLISION Noble, 111., Feb. 1--A head-on collision between an east-bound passenger train Xo.

and a west- merchandise freight on the Baltimore a Ohio railroad killed the i a and engineer of the former last niglit. a few miles east of here. No passengers were reported seriously injured. The cause is undetermined. NEWS FROM THE SICK Mrs.

R. 0. Trowbridge, 1040 North Woodfard Ave. was taken to the Decatur and Macon County hospital, Wednesday to undergo an operation. J.

Everett white who hag been 111 for three weeks, is improving, and expects to be able to return to work next week. AT OVERLAND MEETING. W. C. Starr is In Chicago attending the Auto Show and was present at a meeting of the Overland, Willys- i Dealers at the Congress Hotel on Wednesday.

John C. Willys, pres- i of the Willys-Overland Co was the speaker at the meeting. J. II. Riggs accompanied Mr.

Starr. GOES TO OFFICK. Porter J. i i i president of the Union Iron Works, has to, his at the i after having been out for borne i because of an operation. Mr.

i i i is still rather -wabbly but he is at the office part of the i each day. XO PKICLS GIVEN. A new prices on the Dodge a i a Wednesday, the Dodge service agency in Decatur would not give out the prices for publication. St. Elmo, Feb.

an. old resident at Hotel Elmo 1 Brown, of St. Elmo, died about 10 o'clock Monday i a i about one liour. He was unmarried. Mrs.

Charles Holds of St. Louis, was stricken with apoplexy Sunday noon and was. rushed to the lioma of her brother. Charles Vanh of St. Elmo where she died Tuesday noon.

Interment will be in the Guy cemetery at St. Elmo Thursday. She was i i ears old. L'ncle Cyrus i i an nld reM- i-lcnt of near St. Elmo, died at hie home Tuesday night.

He a i seven years old. The a will be held at i Wednesday. The i a son oE Mr. and Mr Clark Smith, died Sunday. The eral was held at the Methodist church Tuesday.

Mrs. R- L. Stocker is im- i i and Fred Blunt moved their families to Macanda, 111., Monday, they a a hard road job The a i Atwood Flour and Feed has purchased the Sugar Creek Creamery and i operate same at their rtcre. been ILLIOPOLIS. M.

Kimbsl and a i have i i i relatives Hillsboro. Mn. Clarence and children Monday nt the Imine of her parents Mr. and Mrs IV. O.

Hinds. r.ucllla Moore Sundny at the home of VlrKil Smith A War! was here on business Friday. John Xe.son wag in SprmgfieM Monday Lum Bouers has been listed with tho Miss Edith Shepard a Eecatur visitor Friday. Peter Graham who his been ill for some i Is reported worse.

H. M. B.ildrldge was in Springfield on business Thursday. Mr. and R.

F. Bradley were In Deratur Thursday-. Mra. Foster a called back to i Friday on account oC tho Illness of her daughter-in-law, Mrs. J.

D. Toht- er. K.nry Leonard and Osca- Peters vlsiieJ at the home of Fred Leonard near Decatur on Thursday. Mrs Oscar Aull was a Springfield visitor on Thursday a Mrs. Loid Havenar has been on the list.

i i a E. Ford of Springfield friends at this place on Thursday even- inc. Misi Ernia Foster has recovered from an illness FUNERALS. MRS. MARGARET BILLARD.

Tho of Mrs Margaret BilUrd uas held in the home of her sister, Mrs W. Hill. East Prairie, at 10 10 Wednesday morning. Rev. chesteen Smlt'i officiating.

I'rel Llna sang. There a i a very large attendance The body was taken to Spring Va'ley, for burial" HEN'RY E. WY.VKOOP The a of Henry E. Wynkoop win be held, at 2 o'clock Thursday afternoon at tne i i a church at Harrlstown Burial be In the Harristown cemetery. The i of the Lincoln oil well is going on steadily every day, the being shut down at night.

Eield Manager A Myers declined to state th daily pumpage as that i a i should first be submitted to the shareholders at the meeting Wednesday afternoon. It Is un- i i a stated a the 230 gallon storage tank i about half full. An experienced oil man represent-" ing one of the big companies hnva been at the well every day and no puts tlie a i pnmpage at from, twenty to barrels Ho adds ins i i te that of others that the big deposit of oil has not yet been tapped and a a well i have to go feet deeper to reach SOME WATER IN WHLL. Several barrels of a accum- initiate in the Lincoln well i the night and this has i to ba pumped out In the morning. Tho water Is pumped into, the creek.

It is the usual i for water to oo in oil wells say oil men and the a in this case is not un- a and there is not to Two wells i be located this week, according A. M. Myers. One of will be well Xo. 2 nt the Lincoln Oil Company and ho does not care to say the one is.

This Is probablv the erland Crysler have) secured oil leases adi.icert to the site Lincoln i STILL sncfRixn Thp of oil Inses is still going on. Among the big oil companies that have secured oil leases in i territory arc the Ti Pure, the Standard and the I i a i i Company. It the latter a has secured lease" tlm Springfield road i i the John Dipper a on which a well is to be started ns as tha weather Locating an oil means staking out the exact point nt which the well is to be i and the locating of two i i i two ells i ibove other strings of noyr. Annulment, Walter Clow has filed a bill for the a of his marriage to Ella M. Thompson-Clow.

They were married Oct. 6. 1921, in Terre Haute. He alleges that she had not been divorced a year from her former husband when she married Mr. Clow, and he did not know this after they were married.

Contagion. B. Victor, North Morgan. 1119 MEETINGS. Stephen Decatur lodge.

$71, A. F. and A. meeting at Eldorado temple at o'clock Tuesday evonlns are on their wav here and that rigs will be set up and put in operation as sonn as arrive. XIOVINO iir.r.E Charles Giissmaii, i for Lincoln Oil company is i household from rnsey to catur and will a ufl Ills in i city.

And does the dls. covery of oil begin to a catur real estate. How far reachinq this effect will fte i depend upmi the result of the development of field. If several profitable wells arf brought in all oil men say there i he such a boom In Deeatur ml estate as tlie city has never kno And this boom will be entirel slde of oil properties but will due tn, the sudden in rush of ol' men. oil supply houses, speculate!" and others.

LINCOLN COMPANY SHAREHOLDERS MEET, The first meeting of the shareholders of the Lincoln Oil Company assembled In the Maeon County Farm. Bureau building- at 2 o'clock Wednesday. There are about 100 share list of course includes- good a small holders amonT the shares were distributed a the company was establishe-J. No horty would predict the come of the i In advancs hnti it was a i that there was serious i of opinion aminsr the shareholders as to the plan of re-organization. The Lincoln Company was organized on tho tea agreement which operates sub.

a i a a Joint stock compariv but i some restrictions as to- the sale of clock and some tions as to state supervision. of the stock holders to reorganize as a stock company largely increased capital. It 't stated that the trustee aRrecmeit requires a. vote of two thirds of t.1'9 shares in order to change the of organization. I.

URBANA BUYS MORE PARK LAND AREA 1 Urbana, Feb. deal was close! Saturday i by which the Urbana park board a i the eleven and one-half acres of timber land ad- i i Crystal Lake- park on west for 523.non, or $2.000 an acre, i i years in i to nnko a a 5 per cent I The purchase was made of W. and M. W. Busey, with whom board has been i a i since last September.

Some i ago it was reported that the tract had been purchased but this, it was pre; mature. The acquired proo- crtv is that on which a a were held after Crystal Lake i i ceased to be the chautauqua and is a part of the H. Busty estate. Hervey City I.PUIS I.U." son or Mrs Walter Sheets of Harvey hrated his i a a i a a to thirteen o' frlend. Refreshments of ice rream "were served bv small host color scheme of i and Mute Those present were Obn and Andrew a i i Mack and I.eliml Brown Ronald and Rosroe Herman, 0 Georee Karl.

fair. a Webb 8 and Russell sheets. Out of euesta were Richard E-ritton of Dalton City and cele- his i-1 i i Edward Vest of nMr The host recei many prescr.ts. LATE MARKETS. Xew Tork.

Feb. 1 Libertv bonds clijed: $93.00. first 4's. J9C.W; 1's, first 4'i's. T.K5.7I3; second third $11744; fourth 4'i's, SIMM; Victory S'i's, 5I00.2S: Victory JIM.

30. XEW YORK COTTON'. New York. Feb. I--Spot cotton steady; middling S17.M.

Cotton futures doted steady: March May July $10.10: October December I '48, s' iM EWSPAPER.

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