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Ellwood City Ledger du lieu suivant : Ellwood City, Pennsylvania • 1

Ellwood City, Pennsylvania
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85c Jhlrt I. ding elec- yles. dur- Reg- Cunningham $100 and Costs. Un-: Boro Ordinance Car Is Returned To May.Act costs. The T'nige wns returned to tho will mnke no to the mnttor to the of nutJ10ritles.

the Burgrss the it will hnvo to ''c them. YEARS- -IN AUJO, ARMON SIDEWALK Arter about SO feet Jn hla and unhurt the maehlne bent and twl.ied In Ita fall, Jill! VOJrt(three-Jear old 110n Contractor Georte I Voct, fell on the at hoino thll mwulntr a hie rlcht arm bet.ween the wrist. and dhow. A brolae on ebeek. the onlf reewt of the ball over thll embankment night before JUt Tbla however, while on the aldewalk be II'Ot a fall, twlatied under he went down.

The fracture not and of hla youth and the pllablllty of hll: bonea allould kJ11t rapidly. I GIRL SHOT Cases Up In Court, BY FRIEND BU'iLER, April troversy in tho Hnrrisvillc borough IN CHI. CAGO over the of the spred rogulntions cropped out yeaterdoy in I r.ourt whctl nn opinion by, A. E. ROihor in cases" of E.

J. 1 Miss Catherine Shot. By Ril1cl nnd p. vel'llua Girl Known At Commoliwenlth ot1 Former' Friend W. E.

Brown, of Hnrriaville I SHOOTS SIMONS RESlGNS AS MINISTER Paving. and Jobs Rea'dy To Let MADE A MAN BY Criticism Over Reparations Proposal Is To Heart By-German U. S. May Ask France To Delay Further occupation Of Germany Three Streets Are To Be REGJSJRATlON ACT And Six Sewers To Be Laid JS CONSTRUED BY Cost Is Estimated At $80,000 By Boro Engineer 'Alex Main, Ellwood City is to pave three and lay six sewers this summer, and sreclficatlons or the work hnve been SUP-ERIOR COURT Law Under Which Fred Jones Was Is Laid Down In Opinion April Minister completed- by the Boro Engineer Alex Yon Simons bas banded his resignation Mnin. Bids are now being asked ror, to Pl'l'TSRl'flO, April Of to the Relch8tag, It was today.

iiprcntl in the tl1usinrss world he opened on Mny ond thr i.h.•t·ision down in the Criticism at the latest reparation pro- the lllbuloted bids referred to council sup( 1 rior ensc poRal Is given as the eause. on the day ot the regulor of A ll RERLTN, 27-Oermnny wnitrd meeting. The estimate or Engineer Moin nml llavitl trnrling 0 todny with nnxicty for work complete is nbout $80,000.. nnd f'aqwntf'r, nnHwf'rs to hC'r latest ofTPr. The johs to doiH' h.v thl' ngainst Hnit 1 Tho note rvokctl of arf': ronstnlf'R tlw Foreigner Carrying and a warrant laued for ta hllil with battery with Intent to being an unnatoraljaed- von Simous.

TlH' nmount of- 'Vnmpum from to nnntf's'' ncl of Hlli, firms wnB regnnlrll ns high OrC't'l! iug undl'r to nnil the proRpcrt of 42 year. of frOln thl' to name. nn.i ness tlisplrosing. of 'tlu! of th(' firm with the s0e- T'A HTS, April 27- Further invnsion frl'l. of the nml the of Oermnny 1 will be tho nnRwrr from to prothonotary of the roun.t.y where it bnstn wns un.wn•"''" clnim eo.utttute-<1'.

of to thr rcpnrntions TWICE ALSO posnis. 'i'i The runrt in its The offrr of goM to lor broad of thr tH't and holds T11e before eourt on OH OH CINDY of the tor a writ ofl om. They wl're, but they showed it is elnimiotl that It wns by the CIUJCAGO, April 27- TONIGHt Hone-rs proeeedmga held before aJ Wllfi prrhnps fntnliy Justlro of the Ptare Snyder of 1hy a girl fnr ville Borough, where they wrre fined only Delivered And Dress rsai.Will Be Held $10 for nlleged vio-l the lotion o( the traffic were lrregu-. then shot hrnlrlf. lnr illegnl.

In o( the victims iakrn to hoRpitnl, where case the court sustained the It wno would die. of tho plnlntll'fa and aet aside the judg-1 'l'ho took plnro on a ia the Mgh In ment' 1 oo platform of a rnil-wny in of City's and. that. reeorclA I the "loop'" dist.riet during tho morning 1 Olt tMt 1 ruBh hour: h1ul This Evening produrtlon witiL caafl'; a proeeedlng 1 wnll townrd lnughs nt the for tho recovery of a penalty of way lending ro whrn a minute, is to receive ruther thnn deli'forlng judgment on tbc! from bl'hind 8 polishing tonight, from qucstron of tho or Innocence of snntelwd from her up, pnrti011. Tho cuao hoa unusual ln- 1 nod fired two shots.

production, terosts to the of Hnrrlavillel Both bullets penetrated Miss he credit to Ute Shelby ond vicinity. During the Hummer of shr annk unconeciOUB t(J thr 1020 the constable of the borough who best "pat turned 100 or more nutomobiio owl)ersl wnrtl hnek when 1 ti th tfl 1 1 I faroll them nod hrgnn swing lt('r ar VIO ons ro nws re In a eirrll'. lng to speed. I.t wns underatood thnt1 Thr girl then rnn toward proacclitioDR of tho other cnacs W'Ould tl 1 1 1 10 H'r depend on t.he of theae'(nscs. fired twice.

She frll nrnr her victim. Polirem('n nrrlved time to 'quell Pn- Mnny of Beaver Counl pnnir. rural schools hove closed for the has been ns Miss Ir-21 vne.ntlon, Of aeven term Jl'nnette H11y'l, daughter 8 school, but few nrc boldm11 girls have nnd arc otics nrl' owhtw to quarreled. opening through lnck of rloscd during the term DnviR, aeerct.nry qunrnn.tlnr. The will visit his oTd Mny which 18 nntl an address, He wi'll be term, was a rocoption by tJ1e townspeople nntl Firat will tho of honor ilt a meeting nn cpidrmic of nnd hnnqurt of thr J--oyal of the Moose.

Dnvis wns former school will resident of Shnron nnd bill nged pnrenh still live 1.2G:i to he pniil a long: of that whPrf' the firm of nuU there. is one sflrnt it i.s. firti- mnrks ycnrs brnnilril JlrCss ns inrtPrrptahlc. amount, to nf iR 90,000,000,000 below the orig innl nllied deninntl. Tn ntldition the mnns demnnd thnt tho nliieR nhnndon tl1c nlrcndy infiirtrd nnd 111l gunrnntit's for which now (Cnntinurd on Pnge Two.) Actress Is Made Beneficiary In Francis' Will )lEW YO April 1 is ntnllP rinry in the will of hPr llnwnrtl Flnnnrry, ymnul mnn of Pittsburgh, it WlHI lrnrtlf'll ht'rr t.oc\n~·.

who tliP a lflncl lhnt shC' 111141 no o.f the vnlu(l of thf' )ICr(' 15 ngo whf'n hp WUR a nt. Fortlhnw liP :1 grn(l uutc of YO'l'c RJul won fnmt' "there. He dilld herr ngo. OBREGOtfTO CRUSH ALL OL Mexican Fear Threatened olutions Will Not Spend Money On Navy Of Militarize The Rail.roads Fifth strPet, 480 a 1 f'f'C't. 1'hf' iR 10 the mnjor portion thC' sizr.!-1 11fllllt 1 1 the fir'm is pro th(' will not suit hy it 'J'o 1lcdsion thrct' l'u1trr-, ri nnd II Krl- The qtll'stion tl) on cmh na 111 No of nffirming thJ of' thl' lhelow. 1 Tt nntiior this naml's art Kills Brother Father's al 'lltnt of this dty uner nt thl' Mnrch tr.rm of Mr nrs hnd the Ninth street A)lril of t-he of thrir fntitrr, ('hnrles D. Ringham, the gnrugl' nut hnrl it with thr of the oommonwenltb thr prnt.honotary of unntll' nn nppiirntion for 1lt'ntlt of of llt'W trial nnd nrgunwnt on motion wl10 lwing hit hy iR to ('OIIH' latl'r. to Dr trrtivo Bl'r- grant Jinghes. whirh nllcog- 1 ThrPt' John, C.hnrl('!'l nna etl to or inrcndiary origln, Tinrr)" on of tho llw -building t'Oillpnny, of 1 hY Tony nr.

in tnxi, n. in of $LS00. Etlwnrd Sicgnl, drove up is hy in front of a polirr Rt.ntion. At Tn point, polirl' snirl, Binghnm with Sirgnl, who hit Ring- to 1'1trrrsn Lnroek, his hope llnm on thr jnw, him, thnt she IH'r Ln- hring lwld for cr mny umirn'hly mnrtinl tion. To giviug funrrnl will he Mrs monlly, is not for four Hold Geol-ge SeVille to Court for Shooting Italian Charged With Assault And Battery State George Hid Be- OiTY, April 27 hind Fence When S.ebasta Opened Men From Slipping Out OfThe "'v proceed ngoinst lender.

FALLS, AIJrii 21. 7 0oorgo ern Mexico, Seville or Sl1volb ho nllaoli1tc of it shot three' ll)rn nt rhi.eftn\n~,\vill be he wns hefore Ji1stieo Obrogon' of tho p)nnilcd 5, on elwrgo of -felonious tlANr.l:lt whkh tho enpitnl. with inttmt t-o kill wu "Revolutions nrb c.nilaed liy improper court. County Dctecf.ive 0 Coul- oets of tbo "Up tcr mnd.e. the admlniatrntion com- It wns today from.

tho Provi. none. nnd no to donee Wyzuk Steve Monzrik; men shot by wore in 'n very Stnto Troqper ing 'himself thnt ea6iiped of Leo Sn.bntita Eilwootl man stArted from his porch: wheu a noighbotlng CmCAGO, April George Gormnn btit today prcv.env nllrged gnnlbleril forml'r it(f Sox bn II tlicted for eonspirne.y. to 1919. from tho-coJntry t.o trial.

'Gorman, "Sport" vnn, Abo nn.d Rachnc.l Bill Ben Wilson lJCnonally, Wifron (onn nnd there wns no they were offiren. The offieers not o'n Snhrstn ho doNI for the shooting rhnrgeR ngalnst be pushed, nl'eording lice nncl every -him and who ell to nttn offieers that tl' eo. If Sobaata hf tor th is 'n violation of the Boro Not to Ad. Burgess Cunninahnm ing thnt ho lmvc ond flue him Gn chnrging ftrenrms tho its, if guilty, 'but tlllli. wns he tl1is chnrge Stnte '-police liave tion rin serlouo 1vcre hot mills.

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