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The Twice-A-Week Dunklin Democrat from Kennett, Missouri • 3

Kennett, Missouri
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W-J' iWI 1 Xtotiy. April 27, DUNKLIN DEMOCRAT, KENNETT, MISSOURI PAGE THREE TOSSES DEAD SKlNK INTO TIIE STATEHOl'SE SCIENCE SHORTS Shortly after the fanner left he "I killed him this morning. The called the Senate telephone ex-1 next time a skunk gets any of my change ami asked to talk to a I pheasants I'm going to kin him itinirao IETTER STATE and bring him down and tosa him in the middle of the Senate -T. CtUruux tor, InW t-WiUor: i Des Moines, April 14. An irate Warren County pheasant former tossed dead akunk into the west entrance of the Iowa Slatehouse today ami threatened to "throw one into the middle of the Senate." A brisk northwest breeze soon filled thn Slatehouse with the skunkx odor.

newspaper reporter. "Are you a reportr!" he asked. Well, I'm a former over by Norwalk. 1 raise pheasants. Your silly Senate passed a bill yesterday putting a dosed season on skunks in my county.

I-at night a skunk got at my coop ami killed eight plieaaanta and three chickens. FUNERAL MONDAY FOR MRS. LUTHER STOKES Mineral Hervlcre for Mrn. Lu- tlu-r SinkfM, who died uuddenly i evening at her home In ii. Here held klunduy uftcr- Phit Xalreae (lab i Keaaelt IVople i tour o'clock at lie renl- XK Thunduy Etralag.

i tllended Huy tl BaaiiurC n. iiy v. l. a. CutM-y, Meili- The Paet Met rone Club of the.

a banquet for Junior Hen Hur Iliirlel wuk In ihe Eutorn Star mat Thursday eve- menibern from Kennett and Hoyti meiery wax given Thurxday evening ta llnyll at the Kelley Hotel. Tho Hlrniinghuni. being Sh tallies were decorated with huge I l'T "7 bouquet, of flower, and sh" April IS. varl-coloreil relephane paper. Ilund-made place ranli of oil coi ning at the home of Mra.

M. F. Slmer on Cedar Street for the monthly ioc la I meeting. After the bualneaa meeting aeveral muaical numbers were given by Mian Sarah Slmer and Ernest Franrto Sinter. ill I in Malden to It.

Stokes. Tn this union four children were A Hollywood item reports that some stars are successful amateur farmers. Imagine the harvest of vegetables some of them ran reap in one personal A dorico In tho proctoa id In-wattoa by Balph X. Cooley of 8t. hull, Mian, to to oaablt awtortota to mo vhat In coming ap oa the other aide of tha hill, according to tho inventor, flatohlag touchco art yet to be added to tho evict which.

will bo lalihed within a tow Bontha. Detlgned to end eol-Itoloao oa bills, the Invention con-tltta of a glaao tank coatalalag glycerine, mounted on a roadwide bridge" at the creet of a kill. Tha glycerine ret recti light reya la each a faihlon that they are beat over tho rtoe and a motortot can on an approaching car reflect ad la tho tank. "when you elgaret amoke deeply, Pi per cent of the nicotine la aboorhod la tha body. When the la only drawn Into the and Immediately blowB oat, TM per cent of tha nicotine to ab-oorbed.

Tha ihove woo reported by H. Pierce of the Unlverelty of Iowa. Another clgnret experiment Indicating tho probable effect of the moke oa tho Cilia," email moving toagaea lining the aaul pa-alM reported. Cilia Mrs. Wlrtle Jones, a member of, on were used, the club, whose birthday wan In; Following the this month, was presented with a gift from the club.

Lovely refreshments were serv ed to the following: Mrs. Puve Ray, Mra. Wlrtle Jones, Mrs. Wal ter Hawkins, Mrs. O.

F. Stout. Mrs. W. H.

Petty. Mrs. J. X. Cold smith, Mrs.

R. M. Tatum and Mra. Slmer. members were order at the lu.ll, program was Juniors who were: Virginia Iiuiii, Itegine Gamer, Annanel Petty, Hetty Jo lisvis.

Others who mie daughter, Maurine, dy-iiii: in infancy. Two sons, llich- inlttaTlnto "the of Malden and after which a ''anrtier. Mra. Martha Jane enjoyed. "ZT attended from here Mr- and Peggy Rsr- Jordan, Hobble Lou Rsy.

Peggy Jo Sexton and Marie attended were: Mr. and Mrs. Husmll Harbum, Mr. und Mrs. Jordsn, Mrs.

Hob Nolen, Kenneth lliiliiiison, Clyde Neel, i-neva Tinsley, Mildred Hush, Ern-i-xtlne Floyd. Junior Floyd. Gene :l.c liaughterii of the American llawduiion, the Eastern Star and ili- Malden Woman's Club. In addition to the two sons anil d.iiiidili-r mentioned above, Mrs. Sinki-i Is survived by one Hubert Stokes, the son of i Pevsrty XtNMwL.

Oln. Arthur Missouri Association for Soetal Wslfar. 8t Joseph.) Mt. week's irtkli'iktnd that Mtaeourl was tht pioacar 'in' fot ld of mockers' Allowances, a ad that, although par lav wap I HU hr 1M1 1 forty-flva atf Ud 4bo District qt Colam-Ma wvrs appropriating nearly thirty-fotir vlllloa doilpra a year tor matter' aid. Missouri dcpelittl.

It shbwcd. alio, that- Missouri Aad not takes advantage -of. oar pvt or tho fXMftOM approprtet-of by tho fhdpral gpverumeht to tho otatci oa a certain-: matching baalfl tor aid to depoadoat child roa ia' fiunlly hoon-althoagh our eit-liOM art poylug la tun their pro-portloa. of tho graata to-states tor ouch purposes. Dora Xlsnrait lavat lay lotiy 1 1 ChMdnof but that throughout otato of Mtaooarl ejdrea.

In tho 'edro uf a- aoody iqotfcer or i other close relative-are deprived of tho righto, of oMldhood tor lack of adequate sappert I Too, deprv readers-need oaly cfafolt your on eharch tyfe committee or' the words of yjni' county relief cried to loan tho quality of nood -that cilila. Tho foUowlag UtcMes': collected 14 lbM art about actual families IMag la WaBoprl' at. that' tluio. Ohio doala vlth It, (tbo another), ibg. tight children ranging frta.thvittn'.to year Key-biiiu Stokes; her husband, two -i-vrt and one brother.

JOHN M. BOSTIC DIED AFTER OPERATION Birthday Dlnaer For In, H. V. Petty at Orta. A birthday dinner was given 8unday at the borne of Mr.

and Mra. H. V. Petty of Octa honoring I Mra. Petty' birthday.

Those who are aa email an halra, but art tha1 enjoyed the day were: Mr. and living hit of flesh that move la Mra. D. C. Andrews and son, U.

Coopor, Turlievllle and Miss Hess Prlee. PEDIGREED COTTON SEEP The Best for Planting 5 Carloads of Roldo Rowden 1 Carload of D. P. L. 11A Direct from the In-ceding station.

Were not in the seed business, hut interested in better staple cotton anti are selling this seed direct to you at cost. Well be Clad to Exchange This Seed for Your Old Seed SEE OUR REPRESENTATIVES D. McGEE Kennett EARL HYDE Octa T. E. COLLINS Bncods DAVE BRYDON, or E.


E. T. Davis and daughter, June: Mrs. Curt 1'ctty and daughters, Sue and Peggy Jo; W. O.

Petty, Miss Gilbert Petty. Mrs. Aliens Mulllken and daughter, Nan; Miss Moselle Petty and Mr. and Mrs. Petty.

unison to hasp the passages cleared. Scientists mads tha test on calves' cilia. -They reported that elgaret amoke lowered the activity of those little structures from 10 to per cent, or an average of 40 per cent Discovery of a gray hair vitamin, whose lack tarns black rata gray, was announced to the American Institute of Nutrition in Memphis Inst week. The experiments have been performed only on rate, bat they are tha Srat scientific evidence suggesting that vitamin or diet have something to do with prematura grayness. The vitamin to one of tha Vitamin "complax, tha eyries of itUl mystifying substances which scientists have recently found In Vitamin B.

Entertained For Mlt I'auvtlnn Hails, Mr. und Mrs. J. H. Kurd enter-; j.

Bestir, 44, of Malden, mined Friday evening with a weln-j Saturday at the Poplar Bluff cr roust il Ihelr home near Ken- IMpjm following an emergency nett honoring Ihelr guest, MUsllH.r:llim rur appendlrltls. Funer-Kauslina Davis, of Isrmu. ul ai-rvirea were conducted Mon- Those who enjoyed the affair, afternoon at the home in Mal-were: Mr. and Mr. Will Pitts and chauncey Farrell, pus-son, Mrs.

Florence Phifer and ir of the Presbyterian church, ss-Mr. unit Mrs. lul Walole and tom- sisiiil by Itev. Mitchell Wright, fly, Mr. and Mrs.

Hugh Berry and MflluNliHt minister, daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh H. Mr. Hustle wse taken to the hna-Carrell and children.

Mr. and Mrs. pltul Frhlay, April 14, where he Ijiwrcnce Hass and children, Mr. was seriously 111 until his death, and Mrs. t'ulvln Walpole, Mr, and, was a prominent business Mrs.

Carl Harris and daughter, man lg Malden, having been aaao-Mra. It. L. Higgins, Mrs. Grace, with his brother, James, In Kvans, Mrs.

Gladys Ifollinger and ih(. automobile buslnesi tor nuin-fhlldren. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon i.r of years.

Ford. Herschel Ford. Fairy Potts, In-ceased Is survived by his Virginia and Jessie wife; one son. Mart, 12; his moth-George L. Cancer.

Fred and Mrs. Mary Bostic of Malden; ner Cook. Crlssie and Mary Ellen two brothers, James or MaldeB and Moxley. Jane George, Ayden Al-j Charles or Jefferson City, lun, Huforil Cornier, Charles and, Alvin Ford. Fanstine Davis, Melvin Higgins and Mr.

and Mrs. Ford and children. Sunday School Clam Met Thursday Evening. The Young Married Peoples Sunday School Class of the Christian church met Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs.

Charles Stanflll for a bus) ness and social meeting. During the business meeting Mrs. Willis Robertson waa elected president; Mrs. Chas. Stanfill, vice-president; and Dunk Alton, secretary ami treasurer.

After a number of games ami contests refreshments were served to the following: Rev. and Mrs. Jas. L. Van Lear, Mr.

and Mrs. Willis Robertson, Mr. ami Mrs. Bari Milbura, Mr. ami Mrs.

Dunk Alton, and Mrs. Grady Cancer. irnoptbpr dWaftpr. linger-lOg-illnoto a.IUMtf bon a year ago. -SborJljraftsr; tbo of th0i(athyr, tbo tvlna -von bora.

ha-fhapUy arh llrlag la unsold Tbt mother Jg notHis prt rotn plains nor Bo known, bat oho' appreciates 'enjrworfc that abo can or aaylhtag that to. done for boh. M'T-ii t-. aWbaMTt'tht' eon get work, tho iM girt qtayn out -of school and tatjnjearo.of tbo tnpller childrta. Bl morirpd'all oho couIdWhlWwe hpd 'ifotojia working on tjbo upoa ntlghhori ter Tbpy dtpoad UpOa neighbor ter El.tood aad clothing.

three wooka ago, oat of idled, thoTttdM dlod pdmpioala and Ip jiov JIS They art yoaoarooa: Do I tbo aotbor vioan work, ipr abo can! hkUdraaaad toj.tho otoy; at of Mrs. Raymond Lloyd Entertained Saturday. Mrs. Raymond Lloyd entertained! with three tables of bridge Saturday evening at her home on Wayno! Street. Following the ploying.

Mrs. Fred Ford was swarded high score prise and Mrs. Vasco Cunningham, second high. A plsta luncheon constating of tuna Itoh salad, ritx wafers, fudge square and Iced tea was served. Guests present were: Mrs.

Beckham Southern, Mrs. Paul IIIpp, Mr. Vasco Cunningham, Mra. Jih-Scales, Mrs. Dunk Alton, Mrs.

Curl Ross, Mrs. John Lane. Mrs. Eugene Harris, Mrs. Bernice Utley.

Miss Alice Mcllsney, Mrs. Fred Ford and Mrs. Walter Hlpp ot Ischrille, Ark. Mrs. J.

C. WrlMu Hostess to dab Thursday. Mra. J. C.

Welmun entertained the Contract Bridge Club and seV' eral tables of guests Thursday afternoon on the porch of the Anier lean Legion Country Club. Rou quets of tulips and crab apple blossoms were used in profusion In decorating. Fallowing the playing Mrs. J. C.

Mills, was awarded high club prise; Mrs. Sam Graber, second club prise; Miss Vernle ONeal high guest; and Mrs. E. P. Melson second high guest prise.

The hostess served a plate lum cheon to the following: Club mem' hers: Mrs. T. Paul King, Mrs. Sam Graber, Mrs. Julius Kohn, Mrs.

Paul C. Junes, Mrs. Andrew Hurd-Ing, Mrs. W. A.

Hemphill, Mrs. Bryant Rice, Mrs. Glenn Sexton Mrs. J. C.

Milk, and Mrs. Geo. Hemphill. Guesti; Mrs. Kos Lit tie, Mrs.

L. A. Pickard. Mrs. E.

I. Melson, Mrs. Paul Baldwin, Mrs. A. L.

Davidson, Mrs, Paul Sllrer. Mrs. W. a Bragg, Mrs. James Kahn, Mra.

J. T. Shields, Mrs. Herbert Flck, Mra. J.

W. Karsten Mrs. C. R. Talbert, Mrs.

J. V. Hillings, Min Vernle O'Neal and Miss Dorothy Oakes. ARRY RECRUITING OFFICE OPEN AT POPLAR BLUFF BgjSP Ura of canned blood for wounded soldiers to being quietly developed by European nations, Dr. Throvald Madsen, director of the serum institute of Copenhagen, Denmark, and chairman of tha health committee of the League of Nations, said tost week at the national convention In experimental biology la session In Memphis.

Canned blood for transfusions waa first developed on a targe scale by the Soviet government which employs "blood ambulan-eraTifi large eltiee. Thera ambulances rash to the scene of the major accident and pump the blood from dead Thin to then trusted, with a citrate, typed, and sealed a cams and placed oa Ipc in readiness tor needsd tram-onp. Canned blood to generally satisfactory any tlms within two wsaks of IU canning. Dr. ii 1 Thrda-dlmansloaal results in film work, which eamaramca have been seeking tor more than 10 years, at last, have been obtained, Italian' scientist declares.

The Inventor, Uhaldo Magnate, declared; that apectroeeopa effects have been obtained solely by the as of' filters. At a private projection pt tea. films, tha audience saw that ha1 had 'sacceedad la getting th dimensional effects, not only of tjl! llto, but from moving objects as' well. Magnaghl, who la a vet-raa with a camera, has barn tak-Ihg still and motion pictures tor than 11 year, although he ever worked oa ordinary He said that ha produced hto first spectroscopic film shout three years ago, but osly after yes ns of usperlmcntatlon, Ha says that three-dimensional films art commercially, ending that search of cameramen tor depth and greater realism la films. Tha achtovsment of Austin W.

Curtis, a young negro scientist of Tuskegsa Institute, Ale, In producing an aromatic soap oil and a possible new Industry for tha south from magnolia seeds, reminds as that this country to la natural vegetable soaps, requiring practically no processing. The wlldflower "Bouncing Betty, common about New York, has a root Juice that makes a I lpther. In New Mexico crashed note of several varieties of yi do tha fall duty of soap, era to shampooing. Balks of ona of tha California soap plants can clean fabrics without injury. Tha flowers of aoraml eeaaothuu shrubs provide perfumed bath noap, and tha crushed berries of sapid inns trees art excellent tor heavy scrubbing.

Many soap plants were known to thn American la dlaas and la Mexico and tha Southwest thousands still us thasa natural cleansing agencies. Sergeant Commodore P. Taylor, D. E. M.

L-, United State Army, is now located In the Post OflUv Building at Poplar Bluff to accept applicants for enlistment in the U. S. Army. Vacancies arc available for the 8econd Cavalry and Eighty Fourth Field Artillery at Fort Riley, Kaiuk, and the Fourth Infantry at Fort Lincoln, North Dakota. Qualified applicants will be sent by train at government expense to Little Rock, where they will be enlisted and leave at on-e for Fort Riley or Fort Uncoln.

With warmer waather and soft moons you can expect the usual crop of June brides. Rush Rushmore Granite Group VA'thlrd-eaao 'to ihatV aad, hr tour sMhowo aad atocoo; 'IParoata'-doad; aaatn'b Uaablp 't prorldo 1 Tho oobo typo of bo Bultlpitod thoaoaado of aad apply, to' tomlltoo In lfto- noarl. 1 DUMOOBAf WAHT ADB PATI if dime: Radio-Station -4 to squeeze the last mile out of every gallon. So why hang back? There's a place for you in the top-flight crowd this year so bring yourself up to this great straight eight and put yourself there! The price, if that's what's holding you, now ranges lower than ever in Buick history a Buick SPECIAL four-door sedan, for instance, now costs less than some sixes! Gome on take the lead! We are waiting to show you how little it takes to own the boss among this year's automobiles. Attended Quarterly W.

M. Meeting Friday. Mrs. Earl Husband, Mrs. E.

L. 8 pence, Mrs. J. D. Spence, Mrs.

W. H. Petty, Mrs. Jeffords, J. Mott Douglass, Mrs.

Quince Sturgis, Mrs. J. M. Hick-lin and Mrs. A.

C. Pearson, mem' ben of the local Womens Missionary Union of the Baptist church, were In Campbell Friday attending the Quarterly Meeting of the Unions in Black River Baptist Association. The subject for the day's program waa "Cultivating the Garden of the Lord," and waa presented as follows: Introductory remarks by the president on the subject. Hymn Sowing in tho Morning. Scripture Reading, Prayer, and Minutes.

Garden Outlook Report of the Associations! Secretary. Gifts from the Garden Report of tha Treasurer. Flowers in the Garden Report of the Associations! Young People's Leader. Perennials in the Garden Reports of Departmental chairmen. Preratrtdton of Missionary Maganinss.

Business, announcements, hymn and prayer. NOON RECESS. Hymn, "In the Garden," followed by scripture reading -and prayer. Forget-Me-Nots Report of tha State W. M.

U. meetings held in Sedalia, April 7-0. Vocal Solo Beautiful Garden of Prayer Campbell W. M. U.

Thl ks Orphanage Senath W. M. Hospitals, Malden W. M. Christian Education: In tha Home, Caldwell W.

M. In tha Church, Kennett W. M. In tha School, Homersvilte W. M.

U. i Hymn Thera Shall Be Showers of Blessings. Closing, rrayer. MAKE up your mind now to see America first this year there'll be nothing out front to spoil the view if you do your looking from the seat of a BuickI Your first toe-touch tells you: you've got plenty of what it takes to get you places in the surging, soaring lift of its valve-in-head straight-eight engine. And in this great Buick you've got the steady, solid, level-rolling bulk of a real road-wise automobile a tough, rugged, beautifully balanced mechanism under you thatll taka all you can give and more.

Heres an engine that knows no equal for its ability to get the most out of fuel. Here an aerbbat carburetor built TiaM Leaps Ahead, Daylight saving time want Into aftoet throughout Urn oast Sunday TOM MOMV SOM MfilNHM A MNHAl MCIQM CAR slipping silently from a. m. to I a. at Tha dock will dip back again on September Ml Radio programs an affected.

E. K. STRIEGEL tha United Btatadi flNIftoA United Editor offers prises, to roader funniest hat. We hops ha doesnt give duplicates in Work on the ML Ruihmora Memorial in tho Black Hills of South Dakota will bo otrly. in April after diving tho winter it striking viow of tho granite heads to which Abraham Lincoln Roosevelt an to bo to tho 600 FIRST ST.

KENNETT, MO. February dividends above those in January and yaar ago. laacd ci miiea. Hto iuxthblo i.ofiTttolo- Ujpkwin. A 'it a-v MW' vt.

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