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The Twice-A-Week Dunklin Democrat from Kennett, Missouri • 1

Kennett, Missouri
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE TW lOE-A -W EK f3 3 uatc iiu a jub? (Many People Are. Hungry! r' toptmlloa. a I r. 1 VOLUME 45-NUMBKR 47ft. 63579 main, duhxuh a January im (Uuklle Canty FaMUIac CW.

tlMaiparatad), PaMMua WILL A. UHw aad ItiMim 'L B.V' WATCH THE DAT! "A- Wowing the addreee oa year mtr, It ftetan tte date of aspiration of joar sab-: SMptlon. If It la aot renewed Xtr aaaw win bo removed from tbo llat (the first of tbo moatb following tbo THE SAME OLD AOT AGAIN! ernors Urge .1 Three Visitors at Re-Union Hurt Judge Billings; Assumes Duties Albert Lane Takes Office as Sheriff Relatives of Hftmra Ptini Sent to Hospital After Auto Wreck. 1 Butler County Youth Net Horrible Death Saturday Ihoa. Thurman, 30-year-old Butter County youth, mot a horrible depth when ha suffered fatal burn Saturday night which caused hto death Sunday.

Young Thurman went to Poplar Bluff Baturduy evening, and after getting drank, took room at 1 C. (Chalky) Barth's rooming house. Attar a few minutes, screams Irom Thurmans room attracted Mr. and Mrs. Barth and bar stetar to Thurman's room where they found tbo bad In which he was sleeping on Ire, and Thurman's clothes ware on fire.

They put him In a bath tub to oxtlngnleh th lira, and afterwards took him to hospital where ha died Sunday night Mr. upd Mra. Barth and bar slater all suffered burns about their hands and feces In putting out the Ira XJoraphisoryCut Cotton Crop kftnni Opposes Plan and Asks for Abolition of Ptnn Board. Memphis, Tenn, Doe. IA-A compulsory'.

36 par cent' cnrtati-Of next year's cottoa crop islomd Mat aiibt by tbo ftnatbora Conference of Governor of railing tbo prleo of tbo atapiOL: proposal which had tbo approval of Govenran Martia ft. Coo Ayitft Mississippi and C. BUck-' Isv-muoi of Sooth Carolina, aa will pa lOpioo tell i oa of tbo Oorornora -if ME Hut, Tooaoi fihkmi and Oklahoma, did iU tevw if Oao minority report waa by Cbarlaa T. Colemu of little Bock, representing Oor. 1 JIarvey PerneU of Aa-i odar -minority report camo from yftei jUader, reprosootlng Qorora-" pr tenet.

Tahaddgo of Georgia, proponent of a cottoa holiday for Piepeeal of Majocdty. majority report iadoraod following tbo liana of acta of tbo Logtelataroo of a. Arkanaaa and Mississippi viator. The Tosaa act inter LTtt iftamt provided that not mom thaa par coat of cultivated Hi maid bo pleated ia cottoa. fipon-atoimate this loglalatloa woald eottoa acreage by par coat coaaor woo taotraeted to awaicatg the oaatiowat of tbo aon-jgj ear no to Oovoraow of the eottoa U.

S. Engineers Headquarter Here Backs and Boats Tor Use on St Frauds Are In Kemutt PEOmNENT CITIZEN OP MALDEN IB DEAD Sanaa ConstaUa Amds Two; Fludi Stdau Goods, C. a Goodrich, ooutnbte of Golem Township, on Sundpy nnunted Frank Harris aad Charter Thori on at Manila, uad ora now in Jail bora charged with burglar, islng tbo Stem at On their way from family re-union, at tbs homo of Hamrs at Scute, to the homo to V-A. 0. Hamrs at Olboon, terra tlves of thara Dunklin Connty men were painfully, and for a it wpa believed pouibly fatally ln-'v Jured when a IkMlg sedan belong- ing to Ed Hamrs to Tipton villa, -Tens overturned on Highway No, 33, about 3 mllra south of Hol-' comb about 3:15 o'clock 8nnday of- In the car with Hamrs i were Robert Gaselle to BL Lonla, and W.

N. Mansour to Lowall, Maos. Charley filmmona, taxi driver, to Kennett was tlw first to reach tbo scene of the accident and to brought Hamm and Gazelle -to-- i J(en nett, where Dr. Paul Baldwin began rendering first aUl treat-. meat before Bfansour wu picked up by another car and brought hero.

After looking over Hamm, Dr. Baldwin gave his attention to-Guralle, who raftered an ugly ent on bis heed. Dr. G. I.

Gilmore sod Dr. J. J. Cofer arrived later ssd-lj rendered first aid to Hamrs ssd. Maneour, until all three were taken to Memphis in thro ambn lances eummoned by the Baldwin Under, taking Ouello wu tto mato eovenlFr injured, anftoring a very Mrn circular cat dfi tha -left' rido to-vji tea fop to his which teisrl open a largo flap to flesh, -to vial i Ing the aknll.

Ho also suffered tj, several minor onto on bh. heL and wu bruised about he body. At the Methodist Hospital at phis. It wu announced that, his shall wu fractured. Whan other relatives, who were following the car which wu wrecked, anaonne-ed their intention to taking men to.

the-' hospital, Dr. Baldwin Vy foeh teW etltcheo to- holdtlttonim ifl piece to flesh in place and sent tto' A man On. Mr. Hamm, who wU complain- Ing of aaven pains In hla chest and thought ho might die; suffer- -7 od two fractured ribs and others' bruises, it wu found at th has-v pitaL Ho wu accompanied to Memphis in tha Baldwin ambulance Ay by Phillip Hamm of villa; who Is an uncle of th la-'-" Jured man of Tipton vlll. Mansour, who had to bo carried petal ra to Dr.

Baldwin's office, waa the least Injured of the three, -aa It wu announced at tha hoe-pttal that he was eufforing only from bruises. T. J. Jabour, of TlptonvIUe, who a son-in-law of A. G.

Ham- ra to Gibson, told a reporter to this paper that Bam Hamrs to Steel and Phillip Hamrs to Ca- ruthersville, were riding In a eor with him, ud that they were fol- lowing the car that wu He said they had had a family onion at the Hamm home at Se-v-'V nath sod were on tbolr way to Gibson when, the accident red. Th Commercial Appeal at Mem phis stated Monday that Ed Ham-A-); ra snffered broken lu end a broken hip, but Mra. Richard Ham--. A to Braath stated over the phone test bar husband, who wii- at th bedside of hla brother, at''. Memphis, had telephoned her that -p hla brother hod only two broken 7 Atty.

Posrril McKsaey, son of 1. F. McHaney of White Oak, aad brother of Hal H. McHaney, attor- nay of thin city, has boon namod Hornonyilto a Cew wsehs Roy pqgIqtoted AttornwGanenl ot thto'-ntete one. of McXiUricks ssOletsafs, and wiU be located In St Umle.

nie to one of the I ret sppotet-of the now sdmlnlst ratios the Del mar Knbnnks garage the Petty and Hopper Store at Ar-byrd tost week. Goodrich brought tea men from Manila to Senate Sunday, and tbo following day ho and Tom Grooms brought tea coming to a resident of this coun- Rowell McHaney Appointment ty. Althongh th yonng attorney has been practicing law In BL Lonto nine hto graduation Harvard University In lfto bo la atiu regarded one of tha home boyn. While appointments of thla character an mode largely In tee utare of yoward tor political service rendered, no criticism can be attached to McKlttrlck'e appointment In tela Instance, In McHaney he bu yonng lawyer who to nationally well fitted to perform tee dnttoe of the. of rice to which ho hu bon appointed.

la add to tbs very boot training which the universities of this country afford, he hu more than four years experience in the offices of one of tea largest firms In BL Luis, that of Igoe, QpnroU, Higgs and Kotos. The son pf J. F. McHaney, lugs landowner, and operator to atom Whits Oak, Powell McHaney wu born in that community, whorp ho attended tea White Oak School, before going Campbell, phero he studied daring hie first years of high school. Ho tew attended.

the Koaaott High School for. two ywra, hotel graduated from tte local Institution In lift when to wu slightly law thaa IB years old. Hto next four yum were spent at the University to Missouri, Brom which school ho took hto A. dograo In 1MB, before going to Harvard University, where he studied law for thru years, and where he wu awarded hto LUB degree. Shortly after hto gradu-Hon wu given a position with the- lntr Ira In BL 'Lonto with Which to hu 'nine bon aeaociat-L Incldw tally, It wps ttroagk on to omployara, that to wu able to make hto eonnecUon with Senator McKlUrick.

Daring McKittrloka campaign, Posrril wu one to hto righttead men. In BL Lento and In Boattoari Missouri. Me mad epeechee to behalf of McKittriek In variou parts of ten riAfo including ia this county, and after MeKlt-tricka nomination, wmpolgned for tbo Democratic party. White to laeto a fow years to being IB ytnrs old, Powril to al-n ssuonsd polUloto. had gav tridoaco daring tto tut primary teat to known how to plek when to wu active In bo-half tto candidacy to bote Me-Kittriek end fhe lete Ftonoto Wtlsoe.

-y PewoU ku ton rawivtng tto oegiptnteUqu to hto loenl friuds during fto past fow days, to i ririttng hto whop tha by 7, la avast Oor. Connor cau-aot aacaro the eoaaeat of Govora otatraprodaclag aot 3 i- three foartba of the eottoa roeoamwad the loglalatloa flMtMdaeertbod 'tbw unjorltyfo-ffat raid, "Oor. Conaar to thaa aad roqueted to call of Oovcraora of all i producing states to moat at time and aaeh place aa ha determine, aach ooalaroaca to agree if pooatble apoa loglalattoa that they will meommead to thair aovaral lagUlataraa to control eottoa production. Tax Lean far Two Yean. Tbo report called apoa Federal aathoritteo to provido loaaa to owaora of occnpled farma for the parpooo of paying tazao for at loan two years, and urged a two-yaar moratorium oa farm foreclmaroo.

Mot only wps tbo report opposed by tbo Arkaaaai delegation which 'sought aa lndoraemeat for tbo plas of Bob Baowdea of Hughes, wkiek embraced a demand for the abottioa.of the Farm Board and tip ifopaal of the Federal market acts pad by the Georgia eottoa A holiday oBthaaiaato, but tham waa dlaaaatlng voioa la Blackwood's Judge Jbbmo Billlaga, Jadga of the Mad Judicial Circalt, whom term began on Monday, Jaaiary ft want to- Blooarfleld that day, for tha parpoaa of holding eonrt la Stoddard County, only to find hla arrival thorn that bia pmd-aeeaaor, Jadga John. A. MeAnally, had mada aa order of court the Friday befora, adjourning Coart until January I. Thla glvaa tha new Judge a week's vatfhtloa ovoa befora ha eaten on the duties of bio BOW PRETTY SERVICES AT JOINT INSTALLATION One of the moot Impressive pub-lie iastallatloaa over bold by Ken-aett Chapter Mo. HI, Order of Kaatora Star, was tbo one loot Friday.

Bight, when Mrs. Gross of Dexter, Associate Graad Matron, Order of Star of Mbmoari, was the Installing officer, assisted by Mrs. Maa Dickey, format matron of the Ken nett Chapter, acting as Grand Marshal, aad Mrs. Sasic Goldsmith, also former matron of tha local chapter, acting os Grand Chaplain. Mra.

Sac Spencer of Dexter, district Deputy Grand Matron of District No. 51, wan also bora for the inotellstion. At this special service, Mra. Clay Slam waa installed as Worthy Matron for the ensuing sue-1 seeding Mrs. James V.

Billings, who bad arrsagad tbo pretty and lmpraaslva sarvloa, with laaovatloas over former years, which: ware iseerved pa a surprise tor tha newly-alsctad matron. Yaking part la the beautiful service were tea young iadlee in evening gowns, who formed aa eort for the now matron and patron aa they were being Installed, and also assist sd la a special service complimentary to tbo matron. These young ladteo MleooatColeute TeiupIMtul. phine Dickey, Jane Hemphill, Betty Belle Billings, Katerina Fyock, StenrMae Fyoek, Lacy' Jdan' Mickey. Nancy Loa Baker, 1 Mary lam arret and Betsey Jpnts.

All of the newly elected pad up-printed officers were praaent.and were Installed, with the exception of Mrs. a F. gtoet, Asaodpta Matron, and M. F. 81nsar, catincL Those installed Included Mrs.

Clay glmer. Worthy Matron; Dave Bay, Worthy Patron; James V. BHItegs, Associate Patron; Mrs. J. C.

Pell, Conductress; Miss Anna Martin, Associate Conductress; Mrs. Dave Bay, Organist; Mrs. Bute Harris, Chaplain; Mrl J. V. Billlaga, Marshal; Mra.

Marion Tomorlln, Warder. Points of the star: Mrs. Virgin Liggett; Rath. Winnie Dement; Bather, Mrs. Juanita Dsnacomb; Martha, Mias Thelma Bodmaa; Blectp, Mrs.

Adelle Gwln. Gifts of apprsdatlon from the Chapter wore gives Mrs. Billings, retiring matron, aad Walter Pool, retiring patron, sack of whom wore presented bouquets consisting of one and one-half dotea Amarfopn Beauty roses by their daughters, behalf of tee numbers of the local chapter. Mra. Billings also received a pair of stiver candlestick holders.

As Mrs. 81raer was Installed lu of flea, Mrs. BHlIags reseated her with a lovely bouquet of red rooeo, from her husband. Special music during the Installation Included two solos by Mrs. Adolph Goldsmith, who was accompanied by Mrs.

Marion Tomer-11b. Immediately following the Hasten Star Installation, officers of Koaaott Lodge No. II, A. F. A A.

ft, wo ra Installed by O. B. Harrison, assisted by Clay Simer, act-lag marshal. Following tha installation of Ehaor Hteklla, naw-ly-elocted Muter, and the other officers who will serve with him during tha ansaiag year, a prsoon-tatioa of gifts to the retiring presiding officers of the Bine Lodge, Chapter, and Council, was nude by Mr. Harrison, to: M.

Workman, retiring Niutar of Kannatt Lodge Not R. Q. Jenalagaa, retiring High Priori of Helm Chapter No. 117 and Walter Pool, rati ring Illustrious Master of Pan-boy Connell Ha IS. Bhort talks by thaa and other officers eou-eludad the progrta.

After tha Installation aerriou fraohaMBta of saadwlehofl, and plcklsa, eoffSo aad cake were served the members aad visitors. White tbs asmbar attending wu aot largo la ooaw 1 formar yon, tha officers warn wall plaat-ed with the aambsr, upseteUy considering tha taelamoat wonthar, It had ralaod prsctlealiy all day Friday, aad still raining whoa tha lastallatlaa hsgaa. Mrs, Floyd Jonas aad Mrs. Jussi Bmlth df worn oatof- Albert Lous, sewly sleeted sheriff of this county, offle tally ae uttod the dntlea of hla oBce Mosa day morning, though he filed hla offlcial bead and wu sworn la by County Clerk gam Bhslta oa Saturday. Ho ud Mrs.

Lane moved Into the 'Jail building Saturday, ud ha will act bis own Jailor for the time bring. Hla deputies for' the present will Include F. Donaldson, whom ho sueeosds Sheriff; Jimmie Marlow, who hu been oa of hla uateteate la the township collector's ofleo: Abner Bhulte, Jeff Smith, uad Ott glmpklua, each of whom wu a deputy of Sheriff Donaldson. JudgeGarrison Only New Member Judge Charles Garraou -wu tha only now. member of th Dunklin County Court, which had ite first meeting of the Now ye nr Monday, wheu regular buslueu wu transacted.

He. succeeds' W. F. Hildebrand, u- Judge of tha First District N. J.

Wags tar, Judge of the Second District wu redacted last November without opposition, and Judge Bobnrd'a term will not expire for two yaara, tea presiding Judge being alaetad for a foarfaar tarn. Judge Garrison comas from Union Tqwm-shlp, wham ho hu ban a member of tbo township board, and hu served for noma time on the board of Levee District No. 7. He Is wdl-qusllfiad and will give tea people of the Norte End good re praun tattoo, wo fori sura. 40 Tar Cent Increase in MkRiftf Licenses Over 31 "Within InereoM io'aimiptvCOd.

USt tbo year- 1IM, Just wu the banner year lu number of marriage licenses tola tela county. Recorder Elmer Esh" Hieklla aad hto deputy, Lu Bhulte locked only taro of hanging up a record of 700. However, It to be) loved that 001 couples who secured licensee In thla county in lilt have helped Recorder Hteklla act murk which will be hard to equal In fa-years. He hu shown a toady Increase each year that ha hu been la office, almost doubling tea number leaned during the tint you ha wu lu oflee. Borne counties showed decrease in 1011 aad the city of BL Louie reported decrease of 10 cent, white' Dunklin County bowed an Increase of almost 40 per cent over 1131.

The number of marriage licensee Issued web yeur during the last six years, arc: 1037, 333; 1133, 403; 1930, 413; 1330, 487: 10SL SOlf 1333, 008. ATTY. HAL HcHANEY APPOINTED COLONEL While bin appointment came several days ago, and was known to few local friends, official ajto nouneemont of Hal H. McHaney's appointment as a colonel an tha tuff of Governor Gey Park, ww made by too from Platte City Batnrday, when ho announced the complete llet of 34 colonels on hto staff. Twenty-ona of thaw honorary appointments wont to BL Louis, to Kansas City, 3 each to BL Joseph and Jcfferson' Clty, 8 each to KfriuvUlo and Springfield, and the remainder to other parts of tee state.

There warn two from Southeast Missouri, F. (Dick) Baynes of Now who nominated Judge Park to snoeoad Fronds M. Wilson on th nomlnao for governor, being tha other eol-end from tela section. Mr. McHaney, who to oao of tha tending attorneys of this section, was oao of, tbs original Frond M.

Wilson supporters la Southeast Missouri, ud ww largely lain-mantel In getting him to com to Ken nett for mooch dnrlag th go ww aloe quits active in Parki campaign, and hla loyalty and service to tens rwor nlned and rewarded. With Mrs. McHaney, he win attend tbo In-angural eoramontis at Jefferson City oa January 1 i Bevhraf Xwthf at Hstosmh. Th Reir. H.

pastor of th Assembly of Ood Churoh of this city, will begin a revival meetlBf at Hotoomb on' Thnraday night of this wesR fnnwr to two weeks or' lodger. Members of Ute local ehnrch. win wrist in tho rsrivsL Sorvtosn will tort at stotoek Meh pvanlng. corps of engineers stationed at Kennett i whore quarters for tbo entire SL Francis River a ran have been established, the Federal Government is taking evary precaution to pre-font tte Bt Franels River from going ant to fto bnnke and flooding an area grant wu Mandated in 1988. Bight with many helpers were tors over the week-end, at the some time 40,000 sacks, 14 boots, and other equipment and paraphernalia wu tracked from Memphis Blair Rasa, U.

Engineer, who hu been assigned to thla area in pravlons yearn. In In charge to tha engineers working out of the local office. In Which 1L Wll-my, Kami, chief hu set up eBdntesdq0nrt4ri Innhd'Bfllldlilg'raa th oast aid to th square recently routed by the Democratic Central Committee. Other engineers, who ere working out to thin office are L. M.

Milner, lnepector W. A. Steele, Assistant Engl user; and' John Hae-Mns, construction supervisor, who have hem assigned to Clor and Gnu counties, Arkansas; George Little, construction supervisor, and G. Hogue; inspector, who have hem assigned to tha Lera No. 33 area; and H.

T. Slade, Inspector, who hu been usigned to Levee No. 4. Thaw engineers bora made thorough inspection of conditions bore, and with reports which are being usomblod In Memphis, are agreed that there will be much water there wu In 1333. This, despite th tact that Levee No, 7, In tha north rad to thla county, with an enlarged flood basin, has bora completed since that year, it ia said that th eras between the new and old love la filled to tee top to tha old levee, and will offer little relief to the lower section to tha county.

Farmers from both Arkansas and Missouri have bora coming Into Konnott since Saturday night tracking sacks to placu along the Mra which threaten to girt way, and a clou watch In bring kept at away places. The 46,000 sacks which were brought hero on twg tracks Saturday night am bring distributed all along th entire Bt Francis. A reserve la bring carried la Memphis, where Bom said then wore more than a million sacks available, if necessary. Fourteen bonte, including two steel bergoo wore brought up from Memphis Batnrday and Banday and thou have toon put Into service ell along tto river. The water row a foot daring Banday.

night: opposite Kennett, and wu atlll riling Monday. Mr. Row atld that tto lavra wu now only shoot a foot and a half above the water lovoL Data from every available nonro ia bring ueamblod at the Kennett office, when Chief Clerk Williams la keepiag In touch with the U. 8. Bogteter'i office at Memphis.

Funeral oervicoo for Charles Hill Bostic, prominent cltlsen of Malden, who dropped deed toot Thursday night, toe hold Sunday afternoon at tte Baptist church In that city afternoon, and burial wu la Pprk Cemetery, the Reverend Mitchell Wright lag the services. Mr. Bootle, who wu a native to Indlnna, and who wad prominent citizen to Now Madrid County before moving to tela county, bad lived at Maiden sine about IBM; having bow employed as bookkeeper for the Behymar-Lemlng Lumbar Co th Roberta Cotton Oil Col, and fto IB yum with the Allen Store Co. Ho had aervod city clerk of Malden for four terms, finishing hla 12th consecu tiro you at tea tliu of hla death. Ha wu member to the Hasonic Lodge and th Missionary Baptist Chnreh.

Mr; Bootle tod worked Ute at hla office Thursday night going to hla homo abut I o'clock. After making nomo usual remark to his wlfot he went to an adjoining room, and his wife heard him folL She west to hla rids, called a non. Jam, who lived nearby, bat th father wu dead befora tee on arrived. Born April 5, USB at Lawrenca-bnrg, Ind Mr. Bostic cam to Missouri when quite yonng, and lived for abut SB years at Port-agevllle, whore ho operated a tracery store, and also wu employed bookkeeper for the DriJsle Supply Co.

in Decern bar, 1891, he wu married to Mira Mayme Dunklin, member of pioneer family to Now Madrid County. In addition to hla widow, Mr. Bootle is aarrivod by thrda sons, John and Jamas Bootle of Malden, and Chariot Jr of Jefferson city. Umn LIBRARY NOW POSSESSES VN BOOKS The Konnott' PnbUc Library, at tea' and to 1933, too 3,714 hooka, to which L3S3 wore, added laat your. Tbs total' loons for 1131 ISA 83.

Tte elreulaUoa to Doeombor, wham tee library wu opoa only 13 fan wu new book wen it mutt, and forty were ra erirad from tea rending clreloe. Thou who mada donation were Mra. J. A. Hemphill, Mra.

Ague Oeku and Heery BaldanL aaeh four books D. Hart fifty eon to. Marik Bhr Board Hearing. Tto District MUelon Board to Black River Aaoriptlon maete at tto Baptist Chnreh Mra at Konnatt Friday night of thto eraak at in Important mooting and all hoard members and pastor ora urged to Thera wu no morilhg loot month, making It naosaenry that wi' moot this oath, Mato note to teto muting ud do not let aomatelng olu Inter-fora, and, deal forget It Thera will to to flutter aottee. a BBUIAN, Oor.

Bwqr- Wntek tto dste ato men to Konnott Whoa Eubanks garage at Ar-byrd was broken Into about H0 worth merchandise, Including tires and tabes, wu stolen. Practically all of this wpi found at the bone at Manila whom th two men, who ore believed to have come from St Louis about three months ego, won living. Goodrich reports ho also found goods stolw front th Bexall Drag Store at HornerevUle, and the Potty-Hopper Store, a well ns quantity of nnld entitled goods. Aged CsrlwcU Maa Injured. P.

(Pink) Maynard, aged abont trail-known resident of Cardwell, wu seriously Injured about dark Banday evening, whw ho ran in front of aa antomobUo driven by two yon the of Swath. Hto right tot wu tracts rod la Abut 13 pteeu between the how and ankteb aad ho suffered other palatal braise shout tbo body sad head. After Bret aid wu rendered by Dr. Eli Beck, he wu token to the hospital at Parpgonld. It to doubtful whether or not hto -log can be saved.

It ip reported that Maynard wu drinking at tha time and staggered la front of th ear, The boys driving tha wr took him to the doctor and arranged for him to bo takw to the hospital. First Fbw sf INI Monday Mem. The Bret Bra of USB waa at tee home of Boy Ferobnagh, comer of Bute Mala and Sixth 'Street! Monday morning, when defective flue waa gtraa tha cque of the blue which quickly spread over the satire house. The roof wu burned off and the Interior of th honw wu damaged shoot ILWO, Including damage to tho contests, according to Firs Chief Longgrwr, It to nsdarstood that Mr, Fun-bough's lam to covtrad hy lusr- Btotai Car Found at Marked Treat Boston. whow Chevrolet erapo wu stotatt from now th Palaw Theatre whom it wu parked the night of December to wu notified last Friday by offlwrs St Marked Tree, Ark that the had been found hi that chy.

From tee rapart then ft seems that the party who stole tbo oar, eeeUent and Injared, among othorn, in offioM1 of that Uy. Mr, Bestan's oaf ww iawr-od pad It to preumei the teesr-upuy will rotnrn the say. CM I Onb Ip bad panto Br Ed msmbarn' and othar larited gtonte to to MM on ladnrilng the Arkaaaaa 'report. State Senator Carroll ItaBeo of Booth Carolina, aaid: -V-Toa can record my vote against athd whole baalaaaa. What wo ought to do la memorialise Caa-aot to lead ua any' mom moaay for seed to grow staff we -anat aelL' kid ha favored a eottoa acreage radue-that ho had rabmorgad Idea In aa effort to boat I w1" with the prob- Gaorgla report aubmlttad tanned the majority aa aekaowladgomoat of fallam and aald it will convey the m.

MM that thla conference la dellb-li 'prauiy aldadtopplag roaponalblllty poaitlr 801108." Keaaatt Man Gate Jabai v'-jl SlB' rmawlng hie anbecriptloa to da Democrat, R. C. (Bob) Swaaaay. raaldaat of Koaaott, sow Fort Worth, Tenaa, dippings ahowlag wham it-j- bhf ooBtractlng arm, atehw aad Swaaaay was the low bidder oa, 'Qfpwd. waa awarded largo eoatraeti lAtti bra; One wps for an underpass, Which they bid 111, 00144, uT.Whleh waa mom than IH.M0 laaa m'ibaa ttto aatinutod cost of the tbo aozt.Wd-Aar.

'aa only MAI higher than Arm, and aaotbar bU-adr waa Jut about MAM higher, yhleb waa talto cloa pin of the eoatraet riba, bat wu badly braised. DonAldioni Last Offidil Act Ii-Trip to Bheriff Thon. F. Donaldson eon pletsd his term sheriff to tills county, in Jefferson city, wton. ho took three who Saturday plasdod guilty, won to tha penitentiary, aid" bagu their arateneoa tea ssmo day.

James (Stub) McElroy pleaded jf; guilty to tha robbery ri O. Barnett, who operates smnU 5v 17-year-old rte tore near Hopklna Bridge sonth-' to Cardwell, in November and wu given I yean. Baneom, who plsaded guilty to bolng Irir plkistad In tto robbery with Bray, wu ranteneed to 3 yedin 'if. In tto Intermedtete reformatory nt Mi XUiott well-known youth who too bom la trouble on and whdw- latest eeeapad wu forging tto nomo to tto Western Union Thto graph to a check which Ip fend coUooted for tto odfopatosj-ptended guilty to n.eharge to fopj ary and wu esa fenced to ttol i-yean in tee Intermediate rtforahf ntory to Algon.l BhMPitt Doaaldeon wu 'seeenK1 puled teJefforeen City- fey kY deputy, Fred Blgdoa. Thtf-'fo I ADVERTISE IN THE DEMOCRAT Thh Ticket WU.

MIss LORENA HeFABLAME AND FRIEND Bt Franels Ht'-V'. i- PALACE THEATRE -Tuesday ar Wssnraisy, I it -V. -SON DAUGHTER. Is lfto Gusto to I Twlsote-Wssh Mm Goto IM Lba. Tool.

k. Fopiar Bluff, Mo. Doe. Mlvo 4-kftaadmd pound of food waa to tbo Bod Crooa bam router! ty, the proeaada of a bane ahow glvaa at a theatre. The "Xa of Fopiar Blaff warn aak-1 Attend aad glm any Bom of.

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