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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • 3

Brooklyn, New York
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TU13 BROOKLYN DAILY EAGLE NEW YORK TUESDAY NOVEMBER 27 1923 Ml Tiffany to Fifth Avenue sits Strut HallTaveling and Mantel Clocks fljl ROW-VICTIM COUNTERFEITERS I NATIONWIDE PLOT rw0 Men and Woman Hold In West as Members of Band Growing Rich on Dry Law It Paul Mina No -FeJeral lent Bervlc agents operating boro Kim that three perrons obo a dBia under arreat ara eonnoetad ltii a aatlonal counterfritlng or-pdHllon which haa rows up Jn MHtetloa with tha eetivtttso of rum metre off HlfhlaoiUC and star Atlentto aeaboard points naaa bald ara Joseph Brawn in pg la Minneapolis Mrs iuiea rnaacr of Minneapolis hold in 8t lash No and her huritead Homer mean alleged whisky runnar tfr-wtal la Peoria 111 Tta agent aar that take monajr iaed by tha threa 1 ia abnllar to dot appearing in other aaetlena of to country capadany on tha jtkstlo coaat 1 In tha adoption of Manitoba Canada" madlfleation hi tb aganta any they believe to chief ring In New Joraay aaw a apportunlty for a aaw markat for bogus Mila In this vtdnttjr of Just Department JMsrk Is co-operating with At Secret Servloa In Investigating la paaalng of worthless pier la payment for liquor off the tee Jersey coast according to intonation received her TOTAL OF THEFTS- UNKNOWN Batnea Aires No ST (By the taodsted Press) Tha exact amnt of tha defalcations of Harry Ml from the local offloe of the Maed Staten Shipping Board prior I Mi committing aulcids last week naot be detarmlnad until tha aril tram Washington of an socount-ti of tha Shipping Board Capt itch local head of tha Shipping bird eaplained today that tha man believed to be Jacob Amof be-in killing himself destroyed all the Mpra and that It erould bo Impoa-t to calaulata tha amount ha took atll tha accounts of tho Buenos ton office on record In Washington wie compared with thoae ot tha bed branch of the National City where the deposit of tha Sipping Board arc made la learned that the exposure of throe years of fraudulent opinions emanated from an inquiry Una Washington a to why neeord-h to tha Waahlngton accounts tho hwi Alrea office of tho Shipping herd was carrying such a large bank Wince In peso The discovery was toe mida that Walfa had deposited yrao instead of dolara after caah-bq Khlpplng Baord draft and at tbf recent exchange rata- this Betted Mn SSO pesos on every hundred dol- fipt Ketch' had treated Implicit-ft the man ha supposed to ho Jaeon inof Hln hooka apparently wore lurleas' The statement of Arnof Ibthw in Hrfrory Ark now tneltnoo Cap Raich to the belief that tha man ho committed mlclde was really lUrry Wolfe as ba atatement fits with aomo of the circumstantial uHrnee gathered since the man MM himself This evidence Includ-1 the refusal' of Wolfs to affiliate vtth tha local Mesonlo lodge ibwgh he wore a Masonic ring The nlefale in his confession said this itag belonged to Arnof EAGLE TOPICS TALKS Tb largo audience at Tha Eagle Mb) on Current Topics was fceply stirred by the addreea of Fred-Kck Boyd Btevenaon who dlacuaaed "Rtf Quesllona and Little Men" Tha Wpls present voiced their emphatic topraval of Mr Stevenson's opinions If frequent and long-continued ap-especially whan ha proteafod agalnat tha recognition to Rovtrt Rusal Mr Btevenaon eoy the whole European situation hi masterful way Georg Currie a were Craig Pro- W) for Albert' Plan Tlmlea and tho Three-mile Until Wood In tho Philippine to he won followed with close stten- Maurice McLaughlin gave Interesting talk on Tha Bagla of Wars ago ah owing tho contrast bfween the methods of handling the ton of that period and those of the day FUEL SERVICE HARD COAL ALL SIZES -STOVE BRIQUETTES STOVE COKE NO HVUBVGl tl FLEER BROS UK) COUNTY QUEERS COUNTY WlLabytoto SMS Mother Talk By Helen Worth MMurieJ Lift The Eagle AaiCtorium Wedneidijr Ai em wfl bt as cLstge for writing er JUor ti smwJ 8 DOCTORS LEAVE STATE SUDDENLY IN PROBE OF QUACKERY Sutcliffa Again Befort 'Grand Jury-Physician in Veterans Hospital Subpsnasd Hartford Conn Nov 1 7 Examination of' Georg Sutcliffe former practicing phytodan of Union vllle Van expected to bo resumed today by tho Grand Jury summoned to hoar evidence concerning tho licensing in this btata of physician who nr alleged to havs obtained erodentlalo no a result of wide distribution In MlsMurf of diplomas charged to bo fraudulent In character Following his appearance before tho Jury yesterday Sutcliffe gave out a statement for publication as follows: aT did not make a confession to tha Governor It was the plain statement of an innocant man who had' nothing to hid I have boas advised not to make a statement out-ald tho Grand Jury room and I can only say that I have nothing to fear and will be completely Indies While a number of phyaleiaui of tho State who obtained licensee on credentials from institution the status of which linow tha subjoct of Inquiry were bAt awaiting the iummou to tsettfy before tho Grand Jury It wan announced that summons aanren had found difficulty In locating others who had loft the State alncs tho Inquiry hero was begun Tho doctors who could net bo found and for whom subpenas have boon tamed are Dr Nathaniel Me-Carthy of Now Canaan who la said to have sailed for Braxll on Thursday Dr Arnold Brain of Waterbary was found mlaelng Dr Rudolph Bellmeler of Greens Farms to said to have toft for Tennemao Dr George Nolllna haa left for parts unknown Dr Lamar Tuttle and wife Dr Francos Tuttle of Stamford wore traced to New York sad ara now believed to bo on their way to England DrJioward Wheeler of Brldegport loft for parts unknown and Dr Modectlno Cop-pole of New Haven la alao reported mlaelng Search for phVeidan (leenaed In Connecticut and whom credentials ara now questioned has outside tho State in aomo case A subpeaa haa been served upon Dr Fred Harrtooa Work physician at the United War Veterans' hoaptta! at Weat Roxhury Sfaa Neither State's Attorney Ale era nor Governor Templeton would discuss reports that their visit of-laat Saturday to tho White House for a conference with Proto dent Coolldae had to do with a discovery that many physicians Hoensed to practice ia this Btata had entered tho Government service Da Power Not at Home Hem Dr Samuel Posner of Hop-klnson av who was licensed by tho Connecticut Eclectic Examining Board could not ranched at hla house today A woman who said aha was hla stater Deceived all call-erg sad complained that were pestering them to death1 She mSd Dr Vosner -out of town" Pomer is believed to be In Hartford ready to appear -before tho Grand Jury lit vest Ig sting tht dplo ma mill acandal BODY ON TRACKS The body of an unidentified colored man In whom pocket waa found a fully loaded 1 11-callher revolver waa found on tho downtown tracks of tho Fulton at- elevated line ni tha Ralph av station early today by a motorman According to the polle tho man must have fUIrn from the platform Hla ahull fractured The body was taken to a morgue Tho negro was well rt reseed was about I toet Inches tr height weighing 171 pound He wore black suit bow tie and brown overcoat Cuban Elections in 1924 ForptGraveProblemforUS May Force Intervention By EDWARD Ik COIR (By Os Me to ThaBreohlya Eopfo and Ph tta Ledger Copyright 1MJJ Haven Nov The Cuban electoral system la aa debauched as the atructuree erected by A national election la often only a fare A grave problem In Cuba will confront tha United Btatee la the elect oral period of 1114 American supervision of tho elections to regarded aa a necessity Intervention then will- a dull no possibility if that or revolution does not' coma before the balloting next November Elections In Cuba are-bought and Mid Votes have a market value quoted openly There ta competition among tha political parties In the purr ass of blocks of ballot Nominations In the conventions alao are given or taken for a price The party conventlona will be held early next year to nominate candidate for tho November election In addition to the lVeeldent one-hall the Se'into amt ne-hslf of the Honee of licprvei-nailves wil 1 elected It ta altered that net tills early date gains are struck go llatforni for He-elcrtym Zoyas does not have a Mired of a platform for hla re-election cum-palgn Ifo purposes to call on the nationalistic spirit agalnat Ih alleged Imperial 1st to policies of the United Stale That be can gut a response from some quarters ta evidenced by the amnesty resolution passed by the (Senate and the Joint resolution by which the Lottery Law waa pamenl hy Congrem over the President's veto laat July belli measures b-duff naked attack upon ine t'nited State Cubs has hold only four unauper-vised elaetlon Each waa followed 'V 5 FIREMEN INJURED AS WALLS COLLAPSE IN $40000 BLAZE Ten Comrtdss Jump into Flames and Rsteus Buried Mon Five fireman ware seriously burned laat night in stubborn bias which totally destroyed the ono-otory from drygoods abop at Jackaon are Corona Queen when tb roof col-Upood burying them In a mam of flaming timber Hundreds iff spectator held back by pollh resin war horror-stricken when tb crash cam and tha building was hidden In sudden twirl of smoke Without any hesitation at all and before any one could warn them to use caution If firemen plunged into tb flaming mam to begin the rescue work It was not long before nil live ware brought to safety Three iff them had to bo taken to tha hospital They war Charles Morel II of Mil Mth it Conn Engine 1M Philip Metis of II 15th ot Elmhurst Hook and Ladder Truck Ilf and Charles ftnlth 44 of TIT Fresh Pond rd Rldgswood All received bad fac and hand burn They were taken to Bt John's Hospital Long Island City' The other two John Dtvlney 4f of IflT Woodbine ot Ridgewood Engine Co Iff and Charles Barclay If of 17 Dervall at Corona Engine Co il) ware attended by an ambulance surgeon and taken horn Tha bias which broka cut shortly after 1:10 o'clock spread to tha two adjoining store tho Bo-back market and tho Rone Specialty Shop Tha roofs of both theca structures were destroyed The dry goods store which la occupied by Abraham Steinberg Buffered a loss of I2S-Off Tha damage to the ether two buildings la estimated at 1110ft It la believed tha Are waa caused by defective electric light wires lu tho rear of tha drygoods store Tha flames ware discovered by Mr Steinberg who waa waiting on several customer in tha store SCIENTmRRIYES TO HELP IN SOLVING CRIME MYSTERIES Konrad Laitnsr Would Holp En-rlght-Dr Kammorer Comos to Explain Discoveries Tha steamship Resolute- brought today to Now York two men of scientific mind One la Konrad Leitner' a telepathist from Switzerland who win volunteer hla services to Polio Cemmlaalonar Richard Enright In clearing up any questions of doubt in important crime Leitner aald that by auto-suggestion net hypnotism ha could secure from suspect tho Information ought The second adeatlfle passenger ia Dr Paul Kammorer Viennese surgeon He mid that with continuance of Prohibition in the United Slates tho aaxt generation brought up In an environment of Interdiction of nleoholle beverages both for theiq parents and themeel res will have no tea to for such beverage Dr Kam-merer claims to have proof -that acquired characteristics can' ha Inherited Dr Kammorer aald ho -would defer! be to scientists hare how he had grown efficient eyes In one blind newt and bow ha affected tha colorations iff salamanders by keeping their parent under special environmental color condition Ho declared ho aim would explain tho -rejuvenation methods of Dr Eugen Stalnach of Vienna with whom -ha collaborated Marie Dressier for It years popular on tha American stag returned on the Resolute after an absence In Italy England and France atnoe laat May Mlaa Drearier said that aha ta almost broka and tn search of a Job She announced however that aha would atop at tha Waldorf-Astoria RAMMED A POLICE CAR Maurice Baum of HOI Vlso re the Bronx was arraigned' before Magistrate 0NelU In tha Gates Avenue Court today on charges of assault and reckless driving growing out cf a motorcar accident laat night' It which Sgt' James Ruddy of tha Gates av police station was allght-l Injured Baum waa paroled for examination tomorrow Hla motorcar rammed a pollen car at Madison kl and Nostrand avo The ear was operated by Patrolman Sabbath Ruddy waa tho only on Injured Tho fore of tho eolllaion threw him to tho street by grave disorder ono resulting tn ilia second American Interventio A third American Intervention In lilt following tha election of Dr Zayns in November 1110 possibly waa averted by the prompt arrival In Cuba or General Crowder as special qnvoy of President Wilson and by measure taken by him among which was hie persuasion of disputants In electoral contests to accept tha decisions ot tha courts aa final American BnpervMuw Necessary An American representative oi the Control Electoral Board in iPlt necessary ah a first step to oareguard tho election Tho Cuban Congraa aa well aa 1 Zeya haa neglected to Initiate legislation for correcting the Electoral Coda mth the purpose of eHinlnatlng opportunities -for the commission of wholesale rrmud It ta said to bo demonstrable tnat more than 40 percent of the registrations In' tbs Island ara fraudulent The registration list are padded ta the absurd eat degree eoms containing the names of men then there are Inhabitants In tAx-Hurlo or ward A town with 10000 aouls may have registration lists purporting to represent 10000 voter 1 Registration certlfluatr In Culm are a common object of aale In Havana and throughout tha talon these certificate have a niarkot value Price are quoted on the recta and In other public place In Havana an election certificate m-iy bring ISO In tb rural districts from fS to fit Candidates and parties enter tlie open market for the purchase of there certificate Party regularity ia a principle foreign to Preiridcnt nature He wta he IJberal party's candidate fo-the I rncy In 1011 He wan tin Conservative party second and an refgful choice In 1020 It ta not yi-i koov-n wlmt hla political -complexion will be la 1014 4 I Boys Adrift 18 Hours In Disabled Motorboat Rescued at Sea in Gale Left to right Frank Meade Louis Zachmsn RupperC Special to The JfapfeJ Boston Mas Nav IT Four Long bland' hoys were brought Into port yesterday aboard tha collier Middlesex which had rescued them as they were being blown to sea in disabled motorboat by a gala: Tho boys are: Frank lfunci II Childs ave Floral Park captain A tha outfit Fred Ruppart Hi IT Beauford at 7ampfrm LJ Leator Hager II II Leonard av Freeport UI Louis Zachman IT II Leonard av Freeport I Seasick and hclplea tha lada had been looped up in the small cabin their boat which tor 11 hours waa at tha mercy of the gal Tha stanch little craft with tta precious cargo--waa battered about all night la 10-foot breaker It had been carried II miles from tha Long bland shore whoa the coal-laden eolller traveling joutaida tta regular eourm from Norfolk to Boston because of tho slashing wind and the heavy sea came al on aside- Risks life in Rescue Second officer William Brodereen of Boston waa forced to risk hla life by a leap of eight foot from tha deck of hla ship to tho pit of tha motor-boat as It bounded about on the warm jn tho downpour of rain at the collie ra aid Brodereen made fast a tup from -tho Middlesex to tha niStorboaL The youthful seamen were too weak to climb up tho rope and another rope waa thrown down and over this tha exhausted lada ersre brought up to the deck of Ih collier Telia of Experience "Captain" Muncla waa spokesman GREEK REPUBLICANS BETWEEN 2 SHARP HORNS OF DILEMMA CshY fteirtAVsntth Movs: Fear Their Fats if 'Dynasty Remains By CLARENCE STRKTT (Bp Cable to Tho Brooklyn Eagle and EM la Ledger 19tJ) A then Noy Tho confusion ta end confounded with every day making tha situation again acute Greeks of various factious think events must coma to bend In a few day A reoume of recent event will how ho4r difficult ta nolutlon On the basis of tha Unit advice received from Venixelo tho Oracle the Government coreee out openly In fo- of a republic and stampede the Venlseltat party Into Joining tb Republican party which union makM Republican victory In tha elections certain Then tha Oracle apeak again denouncing this union and split thta augmented party on oectlon remaining In tho Republican ranks and the other netting up a separate group Accordingly both faction hava been to weakened that praspacta of a Royalist auccto hare been greatly Increased Tha revolutionary Government thus ta left in the lurch and Col Tlaatlra publicly admitting hta discouragement would like to resign but no one want to aaume hta reeponal bill tie Tha Republican now are In such a position that they grill hare to make an Immediate choice between two evil On one band the British Legation urge the Republican leaders not to overthrow the monarchy On tha other there leaders are now compromised that they fear for tha safety of theli skins If the dynasty they have bitterly denounced remain find also fear that time ta working In favor of the Royalist A petition signed even by some Royalist has been sent to Vcnlaeto asking him to return and direct affair but few think he will Gen Pangalo who was Instrumental tn alerting the original movement for an Immediate proclamation of a republic' has suddenly adopted (he viewpoint of Veniaelo which favors letting the new Assembly deride when It meets In January whether It would be wtae to hold a plebiscite on the regime question Hta defection deprives republicanism of its greatest kick WILLS FILED HAST A MHKBD Wat at dlsd Mo 11 ISS leavlna a estate of IteSM la toe Oaashtsra Alios and Harrltt MMksr snd two Alfred Jt sad Hrenr Mtwirer EDWARD HUTTOS Ill Lets at atari Oct 4 tan learlse as eatstd of ISSt te his widow Amy Sutton Joint HAHN 1)1 Pterrspont at died Nov 11 ISIS bavins as autstt I It tS ts bis widow Ida A Hahn APPRAISALS Eat mt ADA WATKMMAN dlwt Kb H2S ipfirtlNtl at which Pimm is two unibawa Rfojph KHwm Knyn a Mwa A4a IL Tabtua and a irawiiwpbHr lltrbarl HARRY FH'KKN dtad Dre ti ippnM at wklvh pkm ts his ftlw Hnry rtks THE REV rTgWKN CALLED Richmond Va Nov Tin Grove Avenue Baptist Church this oily has railed the Rev Dr William Russell Owwn pastor of First C'hurnh Mscon to accept a ceil to Grove ave He ws tat mmu timr poMor of HaUMU Place 1 hUiurcIi tirooklyn ADVERTISEMftlNT Headaches from Slight Colds Laxative BROMO QUININE Tablets relieve the Hcadsuhe by curing the Cold' A tonic five and germ destroyer- Th: boxJbeara the signature of Adv Lester Hager I ma for tha young aaUor story: "The Chief drifted from o'clock Saturday afternoon until I o'clock Sunday morning At that time we were 12 miles southeast of Bandy Hook and were seaward when tha Middlesex found We sighted liner during tha night I got out of the Tallin ahd swung a lantern but tlie liner did not res Capt Carl Carlson of Somerville the com' rnander of the coal collier haa been very kind to uH Parents Alarmed (Special to The Eagle) Freeport I Nov When Lester Hager II and Louis Zaek-man IT both of Leonard aV started from Baldwin Creek Saturday morning In a motorboat named Chief on a fishing expedition little did they auapect they would drift out to sea and be picked up by a Boston bound vcomL With two other youth Fred Rup-pert of Jamaica and Frank Muncta of Floral Pack the two Frrr-port lad etarted Saturday on the flaking trip They had Intended to return home Saturday night Their parent became alarmed when they did not return and notified the police who sent out a general alarm William Daube of Steven it together with the father of the two Freeport boy scoured tha water front In search for tho minting boy Their eearch brought them to Elll-eon'e Hotel where they heard that a radiogram had been received at the Barge Office In Manhattan stating that1 four boys had been picked up at sea by the collier Middlesex bound from Norfolk to Breton The earchlng party later confirmed this Hera is hta EXPECT GERRITSEN PARK PROJECT TO GO THROUGH NEXT WEEK Hulbert Names Special Committee to Determine on Pratt Whits Gift The Gorrittaon Basin Park hold up in tha Board of Estimate ta nearing It end It waa learned today from an official source Acting Mayor Murray Hulbert has named a special committee constating of himself Bora President Klrgelmapn and Assistant Corporation Counsel Joel Squires to determine whether or not there are any attached to the gift of 147 acres of land on the shore of Jamaica Bay mods to the city by Frederic Pratt and the lata Alfred White for park pu Mores If the committee find after consultation with the corporation counsel that tha guarantee of to tho land Including tho bugaboo of tho rights of way" offered by the Title Guarantee and Trust Company ia sufficient to protect tha city against damage claim by the users of tho long discarded cowpath It will recommend to the Board of Estimate acceptance of the Pratt and White gift without further quibbling Corporation CounMl George Nlcbolaon did not submit an opinion In the matter at yesterday's meeting of the committee of the whole as ha was Instructed to do two week ago Ifa bos been lit with Influents and waa compelled to turn the case over to on of hta assistant Mr Squire Tho latter waa asked by Hulbert If ho had an opinion ready He replied that he had not had sufficient time to study it The Acting Mayor then announced that he would appoint special committee to comer the ghost of the Ger-rittsen Park ancient right of way Tha specter may bo one of flash and blood At any rata tho Qerrittren Park prujyro is now In ths hands of Its irlcDl to Judge from the words and actions of the majority of tho apodal Hulbert and Illegal-mann Hulbert ta the champion of every park and playgrounds proposition that romre up In the Board of Estimate He ta on stating that the land presented to tho city by Merer and White would mnke es fine a marine park as there ta In the Country He already has a plan for the improvement of the Jrmalra Hay tract Including a canal from the basin to the bay for tho use of canoeist Rlegclmann la on record aa sup porter of the project He has pushed acceptance of the Pratt and White d-nation though at times be had to put on theoft pedal In view cf Vavnr rsthnr unrcotintable averallm to olgnlng the girt deed and i he accompanying agreement under which the donors deposited $74000 In cash with the City Chamberlain for aequlHltion by the city of additional land to round opt the park are According to Hulbert' friend the (rertlon of new public park and playgrounds foe children 1s not a hobby bnt a religion with him In hi official makeup That religion will be put to a test at the next meeting hf the Hoerd of Commit lee of the Whole on Wednesday Doc I when I ho atwetnl committee on the Gerrittson Park Issue ta to m-tf- Hr report Jltilhart let It be koown' todav the! bold mo of Controller Creix1 ions IInI of unused city-owned parcels of 'wnd which thd latter wanted to put il net Inti had nothing to do wl'h the flsht between hlin end Crete ter 'nntml of the Sinking Fund Comin's-ton calender but was due to the feet that the list contained necs of nmnerty suitable for small rks end nlaygrbnnds which he he lievcd should not be Mid by the city I i VMS PtRY rMZAItR'-H PtlWMI ir of John Pnwvll dlnl ns Hunriny 1 hr hnm 117 Qulnry rt In hr Idn Shr was a IlMany r-riri-nt of lirotiklrn Se la aarvlvrtl hr bar hua l-nri and three anna Owe Run--' and Kdfar Pnwall Punaral sarvlre III ba-hald st I si th cl-tpM II FalaMUo at Is A Form Of Thanksgiving If a country gives ypu great opportunities for pros- perity and happiness in what better way can you express your appreciation than bysaving money and 'showing your ability to take care of yourself It is in fact your duty to yourself to your dependents and to the state And while we wish you joy this Thanksgiving let us suggest that you begin in earnest to make provision for all the Thanksgivings yet to come Just think! $100 a month invested and compounded fbr 12 years in 5 'A PRUDENCE-BONDS means an income of $100 a month for jife with your principal intact and no need to invest another dollar Because in addition to being secured by first-mort-jgages on income-earning properties PRUDENCE-BONDS are Guaranteea as to interest and principal by our entire resources And that makes all the difference the world 'Mail the coupon for new PRUDENCE booklet The PRUDENCE COMPANY inc 31 NASSAU STREET NEW YORK 162 REMSEN STREET BROOKLYN CAPITAL AND SURPLUS i $2100000 DENOMINATIONS $100-1500 $1000 UNDER THISUKZVBKB4 OF NY FTATf BANKING DEfT' Cbffltuftq tWI Tb FmAw Ik FWnroi SmetlyScenttd Soap Parti 2 True Friends Battle 8 Stitches Pqsqirefe Ponro Potiotoo ffafoj WoMnt mud High Thinking Charged With Fplnminm -Are emrdt by Brnoet Do Angalne Jmet Oaf ot Noayitei Pasqnala Panero and Ernest Da Angelus were getting along splendidly together at 74 RIchardMU at aa roommate until De Angelua bought a bar of scented soap Pasquals had hta own Ideas about bathing and they didn't Include any of the led-de-dah soap Plain waahing and high thinking that was Pnaquale Panero as most people knew him Until' Oct the same had bMB-Jrua of Ernest They used the same bar of won It wss odor- lMa What put It Into head tn get a bar of ono of there French scanted soap' Pa equals was never able to understand But get It he did and moreover shoved It under nos he said That waa what started It That was what broka up a splendid friendship That was what sent Ernest te the Green point Hospital to have eight stltchee taken in hta head and shoulders and what sent Pasquale Into retirement Paaquale Ernest retd in the Williamsburg Court did batil for the odorless soap Ho carved that scented bar into suds and Ernest himself got a few stroke of the knife solely because ths sweet fragrance of one bath with the new eoap still dung to hta akin Thta morning Ernest Just out of Uio hospital saw Pa aqua is get off a car at Richardson and Lorimer st Ernret grabbed him and held on until Detective Gavgan arrived Then hr charged PBequata with felonious assault eoap smelled Fuqoata Mid In hta own defane LT COL FAUNTHORPE GIVES MAMMALS TO AMERICAN MUSEUM Six month In the Jungle of India hunting for the headed now believed to be aa extinct as ths dodo did not tl am pets LI CoL love for' America Though he get the hredpd dock of Nepal" he and hta friend Arthur A Veruay got one ot the finest collections of mammals ever' prerented to tho American Museum of Natural History TTth st and Central Park West and Col Faunthorpe arrived In New York on the Olympic today to tell Americans how the vsluabl hunting trophies were gathered Mr Vernay and Col Faunthorpe os Individual Englishman felt that they would like to do something to show their great appreciation of what America did for England dur Ing the World War They knew India Col Fannfhorpo an alde-de-cam to King George once ruled over several million Indian and they loved hunting wild animal They also knew Henry Fairfield Osborne president of the American Muaeum of Natural History who told them that hta muaeum wss sadly lacking In specimens of Indian animals and that could not find any American millionaires to finance a hunting expedition to get them Mr Vrrnay and Col Faunthorpe said get I haven't any money for such a costly Mr Osborne replied nerd any stand tha ex-pruae and be glad to want to do something for America" Snappy WeatherPromised by Scarr for Thanksgiving Day Ths gods that arrange the weather handed New Yorkers a freak thta morning for whim tha atm climbed to It I porillon tho mercury soared to 45 degree which ta Jtut 11 degree higher thaAlt wn last year at tho nine tint Inst year little ruildlra wnre Just beg nnlng to get heir surfaces wrinkled with cold but today they were Just soggy pool Mr Bcarr atop 'the Whitehall Building gazed aloft for a minute AAMAAKAAArVAMMMAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Strike Gold in 7 Counties Of Northern New York' Albany Nov Mining claims filed In the Secretary of office during the peat 11 month alleged the discovery of gold In seven places in New York state tt wss announced today In Mm case the claims Include alM stiver and platinum while one Include copper lead and tin Other claims were filed on a garnet deposit and a feldspar cropping Helen list a havs held gold never will bo found In paying quantities In thta Stats (JOY SMITH TO URGE HIS MOTOR VEHICLE PLAN IN MESSAGE May Advocate Holland or Now Zealand Housing Measure to tho 1924 Legislature Governor Smith to begin this week preparing hta forthcoming meoaago to thq 1124 Legislature Tha Governor's plan for tho Regulation of motor vehicle bjr tha local police authorities It was learned today will be one of the most important parte of the program he will place before tho next body of lawmaker One of the Governor's con-AdanU declared that new support had been enlisted for the plan ant that It would enacted Into law other big foriuro of aov-hrnor's program to tha message that hs J'1 i in ew days ta housing ini AdvlMiy Committee of the louring Commission will meet Avenue Hotel In ftUnhattan tonight and a report of the 1 torwarded to Governor Smith An oxtenslv Inyeatigriltm of the tone- Hidrlcti In Manhattan unow being condurtedliy snd tt ta believed that the Governor' program tor relief may Iirse similar to tfoo land or New Zeeland In the laiw country th mfv'iJ to workers for the purchase of their What the Governor win however until after haa completed Ita Investigation 4 GYPSY GIRLS LODGED IN JAIL Maty fiasco Anny Adam Mary Jose and Mary Sokoloff four gypsies who were arrested the other day on suspicion of robbery were lodged In Jell today by Magistrate Ellperin In the Adame Street Court until their antecedents and recent doing may be Investigated by a probationary of fleer They will be brought bark tomorrow morning after the officer has mode Mo report The robbery charges were not supported by evidence but the women through their rouneel made com promise hy plMdlng guilty to disorderly conduct They 'admitted that they hod been acting in a dls orderly manner by offering te toll fortune hut denied that In any case they had committed robbery shattered the hopee of those who hope for continued warm weather Trot out the heavy over coat ha aald because before night lilfty northwest winds are going to blow and the mercury ta going to take a big drop I'p Htiila tin-re may he snow but not here Hnsppy west her without tiny rain ta the prediction here for the next few day and Mr Scarr believes It will hold good for Thanksgiving Day 4 FIlUDkNCE COM? ANT la SI Nuasa NT Prospector said they found gold In tho towns of Dix Schuyler County Edward Bt Lawrence County Orioaa Jofforeon County and Bleecksr Fulton County' Grid and platinum ware said to be found In tho town of Ohio Herkimer County and gold and stiver la Floaaant Valley Dutchess County Tho garnet deposit waa found near 1 Long Lako Hamilton County tho feldspar cropping at Fin St Lawrsnc County OBITUARY DAVID gnUT III RAW a ntidret ef this hers far away ream died ssdsy at ths ksai sf so rtdftlaM Fork fsltotrlsa a prs-tuetad lllnaaa Hs was bars ta New Jersey II- rear ago sad wss fernarly la Ika lrrekisg Owtiserexher Ha Is ser-vlvstf by tws ass Lswts IL satatat ef lb Hofwned Cbsreh at tb Heights sd HarsM Ss Baa asd dasghur Mm Baker sf Partamauth Fsasrol Oareleaa ware bald-Ullf aftsraaaa st Haek-tsasc CKO BOS TtUOID died st bis bam IH Ufkretta are aa aasdsy attar a brlaf lllsaas wss bare ta Haw Yerk City II yaare ag Csmlsg ts this bare la aorty ysatk ha aattlad Is tks Kastara Slrtrlet Ha ta ssrvlvad by his tbras dassbtam Mm Chart Paadtld Mr Jaaapb Oaafe sad Mire AarnHa Tllfsid ssS a Oaarg Tllfar was I mama brr ef Bollls Ledg 114 flLX nd Laa Carnal I Hayal Arcaaoas Pittiaral larriaa will bald thla svaresg at I Valaek sod tb taUrmaat will tg Omawred frrettnr aa Wed seeded ULLUX MelXTYBB HVDBON dlad yaatardsy manias at bar hm 114 Parotids avo lb nt tb dsdgblsr sf Tbarsw Daoshsa Mslatyre sag lbs tats A at bras Mslatyre wss far msey yaan a stambsr'af Catbadrol Cbapal tnas af All slot Chore VosdarMt sod Lafay-atts apd far tb psal obvsrel yaare a tom bar af Holy laaacaaia Charcb wfetra a msre af reqoltai edit aald aa Tlisrsdsy maratns at II Pal ark Ia addl-Uaa ts hdr msthsr sba I ssrvlvad by soar bfnthar Ambras A sasosamd with tb sales dayartmaat sf tb CaSlItoa Csmpasy la Breaklys sad aoa tiatar Mm Hitsaaa Cssray Intarmast wUI Is Hat Crass Camatarjr MBA BACHEL CBOZIKB sf It Orest died aa Batsrdoy at bar bam IM aa bam- la Irelaad aad bad retidsd lu Ibis bare far tl ysam' Bhs was In bee 7Hh yur sad Is survlvod by tws dassk-tsis Raeksl asd Barak Cmlar and a William Tks fsoaral strvleaa war held laat olght tb Bav Dane a OesM sad tbs Bav Chari Brews all-tiktlng' tstermsat was I Krers reams Camatarjr today MB CATHBMINM BIMWOfi I for I yaare a reaidant sf tb Wllllamabtug Halloa dlad Saturday at tb bsrna of bar dsuabtar Xm -Tbamu Ilyas sf 111-04 itk a vs Quran Bba was bare Is Ireland bat earn ts this Mas try pt yaare as settling la the eld Wllllamebarg eaetle Bhs wee member ef tha Cburrh af tb Trenail aarmtloa aha ta aarvlvrd by twa oan Jobs end William Htlabaa snd her ilaushtrr Punaral earvlere ware bald today ta Bt Jatehlia mod Ana Chnrrh Qu-ana Villas and latarmaul -Mlowad In Bt 2001 Cematary MB HOSE MIBTBKTTA 27 af til nfaiaond at dlad aa Bandar la tb Oreaa-Ctint Haapilak Sba waa herb la Italy nd aria a re aidant of tbli aaantry pres- -Ikallr all of bar Ufa Bh was a man brr af tha Italian Baptlai Ckarrh af tb TtaHdfraretlan and netlre In th work it ll Ladle Aid Burlaly snd tha Baaday Punaral- aarvleas will bald In the ebirnh am arrow eftereoea at wrirek Intrrmanl wllj be la Lladea HIM Carnet ary Mr IllatretU Is aarvlvad by hrr buaband Alexander: os infant no brr parents twa tiatara aad-foar krntkar THOMAS MarDOKALD II yean sit af III Ud at dlad ywatarday nil Mrs la Birmingham Can asd was wltl tb luma sf Highway far II yaare H-I aurvlvsd by -hla wir Blltabatb aad 1 h)' Praaela Paiwrsl earvirre will held tomerrew avealng at I tielorh at hla lala bam candaetad by tha Her tlawau jwMef sf Oreo IL Churvih tnurmrat will lb Plaohleg Cametary JOHN 'AKTHOKY MAIJIHANN 41 yaare aid af 1S7T Proapaet pL dlad ruddsaly jnttatday at hln hum Ha was bare In th lib Ward In Manhattan and was th rehand 6f ths lata Calberta Hntsmann He I aarvlvrj hy twa Sana John and Horry a dansnter hla msth-w Mra Anna Hstsmanai three IndL-ra Oeent wtll'am and Preprla end tirtsr Mra Marie Stream Ha tree a mambar er ih Maly Kama Boelaty A mare af re-uultm wlU ba said ta Rt It ChurehV 10 ticloch Thareday nuiratn ft torment will Iw tha Must Huf Trlally Camalary I i i 1 i 'i! IM i'? ii I I it I.

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