Brooklyn Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • 4
- Publication:
- Brooklyn Eaglei
- Location:
- Brooklyn, New York
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 4
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
"n- '4 BROOKLYN UOA TWH MAY I mi and i marts than maft It sub tats on animat or human blood -reproduces Itself by auperaonb powerv east ba shed burned by fir or bludgeoned to death Th ertentbts went la keep tt round to study It but the Army men hard put' to tt to keep out of the huge way finally figure out a wav to destroy It IMrvrted HMNfoUy That's enuufo of tbs story to tell here In fairness to those who want to Be Jolted out of their seats too Christian Nyby has directed tt with fins skill lulling audience fears by the natural funny dialogue of tho cast and then abmmlng in something 'startling Rod Monaco Daplctod at Strand OtKar-World Monaco at tha Criterion Niw Facet Getting Set for Old Farts In Broadway Shows i Lit th tell tut there's going to mm changes rB "1 Was 1 OoauMinlat to rth proved very popuUr with the audience at the first show yesterday at the Strand It much comedy but the folks had funthey roared With laughter every time the COmmunlsta got a pushing around Tha film baaed mad Cam Saturday night unc I a number of leading plajrara in currant ahowa will check out of the their Equity eon-tract will have expired two daya for vacation movie commitment or Just a plain real At th Criterion A (taw ttok tofea 11m Ito-I Ma 'to guy "The Thing" at th Criterion Is quite thing It came In yesterday shrouded In secrecy It remains Invisible within a huge cak of ice for a third of the picture When the ice begins to SMlP-oooh! This "reviewer actually jumped twice whlb wstch- Ing "Th 'Thing" That's bow tens tingling and unexpected Howard Hawks has made this fascinating picture which uses a cast of practically unknowns with matterof-fact way of talking and acting and an Arctic setting What this It's something from another world which arrives In something like a Flying Saucer at a scientific outpost maintained by the US Air Force at the top of this world An expedition of Army men rescues th block of Ice in which whatever tt is is encased after the Flying Saucer thing ir destroyed -Thlr Thing the scientific fel-lofrs figure after it emerges In a fine rage' from tho Ira is a kind of vegetable but' bigger hb father's apparent conoec-tion with the Cnmmunista Red Methede Shewn The infiltration of the party line Into Industry schools and other field dramatised In series of striking incidents which endanger Cvdtic whlb giving him tha Information he after A alight romance between Cvetle and hb son's high school teacher' party mem-ber serves to show-what happens when Commie tries to break away from th organisation Tha gift rebelling at some of the tactics la forced to fee the dty ana In the-course of the excitement that follows a I nan end twirOom-miet ara killed Tha film ends with Cvetle testimony before iha Un-American Activities Cumulttee and hb release from hb Commie rob "I Was a Communist i Noon1 I pvaSSn MW I before tackling ether a tag aa-aVtuaetifa As a result a good part of the Broadway neara tbeae lay concern their future re- jriaecmcou 1 bought you might Ik roundup aa lb aituation now stands of the new face who will stepping Into old putt Not to ehow any bvortt-fen Jetl take alphabetically the piaya that will he affected 'Celeste Holm exiting Affaira of will be atic-ceeded by June Ha roc Book and Candle" win make clean aweep of the preaent cant aa the result of producer Irene dedalonr te get -supporting pleyeia more a tuned to tha nplacemenu for Hex Hartiaon and Lilli Palmer The latter win ha followed by England's Joan Greenwood but no en haa ban chosen aa yet to taka over from Mr deaptto reports that Robert Cumminga had been tabbed for tha spot The new featured players will be Mildred Katwlck for Jeon Adair Douglas Watson for Scott McKay hut Larry Galea successor basntrbeen picked yet a poiaalbillty Tvonna Adair may withdraw from "Gentlemen prefer but the other principal Indud-Ing star Carol Punning art remaining Jts everybody knows by jww Mary Martin la leaving "Sguth Pacific" for an extended vtratian before open lag In th Lpndnn edition of the Rodgers and Hammersteia show in the KH and Martha Wright1 gets her prlxerob aaLLNein For-budi Mcaarai It pra hopeful that -Roger Rico French opera star can clear other ohll gOthma and take ever next motilh Amu Ray HkMleton as EmUv Bccqu Incidentally Eito Plan whoa Hollywood career la reputedly having trouble may turn up la London to sire "Sam Enchanted Evening" da to Mia Martin Ifarriaonjarduoua if SiVBK DAYS TOll HOLDING THIS LAUGH RIOT FOR A SECOND SIDE-SPUItlNG WEEK! noon Tom EwsK Is wonderful in a very funny fitml JOUUMtASWCAN MmakakmhtrMmfkbOiti ROBERT AVA -MCHUM'GARDNE 1 Bam intui'Uinmiu on the adventures of- Matthew Cvctic I undercover agent whose experiences were published in a national magaxlnrafter posing for nine years aa a Communist to get the date In picture sloe th disclosures are In' the form of a currontday spy hunt wfeh chases gunplay end other violence Including a free-for-all on a Pittsburgh picket line Flank LoveJoy plays Matt Cvefe and James MiUican the top Cotirml In Pittsburgh where most of th action takes glare Suspense everpresent since Cvetle always In danger of being discovered by the Communists and the threat of deadly reprisal keeps th audience as well as Cvvtie on the alert The picture takes up hb story near the end of his nine-year stint for the He has been assigned to special la tha steel Industry both by tha and tha Communists and haa 1 Job In the per sonnet department of a steel plant Her he can observe at first hand Communist infUtra-Uon of labor at Its cleverest Pittsburgh la Cvetlc's home town too and ht wins audience sympathy when ha tries to visit his elderly mother on her birthday end thrown out of the house by on of hb brothers bonus of his Red activities pone of the family being In on the secret of his "Teal work Later he takes 1 tongue-bshlng from hb patriotic lS-year-old who la heartbroken over MAXIO LANZA ANNUITY CuraopoIiUn Hatzbl Best Musical OfTle Month is GREAT 0 ii cibr i Technicolor -from M-G-M NtXT ATTRACTION RADIO CIJY MUSIC HALL MO it it ras for the has all the In-gradients mad popular In gangster thrillers and a good cast that make tha moat of their rales' Frank LoveJoy a convincing man tough-looking and acting on occasion rebellious against hb unsavory rale Dorothy Hart good aa the Communist school teacher James MUIIcan forceful as tha Communist leader Richard Webb' credible as the' Pittsburgh I chief and Konstantin fihayn pbyv Gerhardt Klsler with assurance On Mint Stag Count Basle and hb orchestra are featured In tha new Strand tagai show which also lira Thelma Carpenter BUI Bailey George Kirby and tha Orioles "Silly PiM" has been selected by 'tha Outer Circle of Drama Critics as the "best ptsy of the year' Starring Dennis King and featuring Turin Ttwidier and Ciiar'es Kolte the pby was1 adapted by Louis 0 Coxe and Robert Chapman from Herman MelvIPe's last navel DICK i POWELL iim-ff nCTBIFw IBB CAMEIBr RBIIM IflBTl roiKSTTina vrs wssinau- a -moturst Mirnr ON NR TRto WHkwL-Jto smhM HAPPY Jacques Aubuchon hat succeeded Kurt Kaznar as tha tippling Unci Louis in tha Plymouth's long-run hit Happy Gregory Pack Film Held at Brooklyn Fox Warner Brothers' "Only tha which atara Gregory Peck frith Barbara Payton playing to Urge crowds at the Brooklyn Fox Thester will be retained for a second week The co-feature "Pride of with Stanley Clements and Frankie Dam la the principal roles wUI also stay In the Valiant" Gregory Peck portrays a 8 Cav-shy officer In the turbulent era fallowing th Civil War when auraudlng bands of ferocious Apaches roamed tha Southwest long Dark HaB At Rival! May 9 Anthony Dawson young Eng-ih motion picture star has arrived la New York to attend th RlvoH Theater's May premier of'The Long Dart in which he heads th cast in support of coats rs Rex Harrison and LIU Palmer In mm Long Dark Hall" Dawson seen aa a psyche- Gtblc killer who imagine mself an-lnatniment of Justice" wrfok vengeance on several beautiful young girls MOVIE TIME TABLE ha Mlk 1 WM St Idt It! Ml IS ML BiSfe Mi Hi 11 a an Mi ititn in (mu list snS Wiese 'in 1 wi mwk aweoi "gi inis fen jMi ana ew i- im to It-ltl Ik Sll BiSfe jumuvvsn 1 Ilifet tils fill ML CBIffeMIII Ik ffeto' an awn inn in iiiin sin nn ifenibnfenM fen an Miss isisn nnm ns sm Mn inn l-A fenfen llIS pmto a "iS to5 Ustn amt in ant wen ids in Hinfenmn esnsi an hi in nn iam Sian mi nrou nn im an iMn UA am Bit tun usi WT van to n-lliJt litt in tctti tn tun an ssml mnn-1 Wm Cum tol to to inin am iiitti Miii jiiiin aim sun am Mun uiii MADISON SO GARDEN tornLast4Days ftotominR? ItotR ofrttttgfr Margaret Sheridan makes her bow In "Th as secretary to scientist and conducts herself In a natural offhand way that suite the style of "Tho Thing" to a She and Kenneth Tobey as an Army captain ara a romantic pair but thalr 'romance a snappy humorous affair that Interfere with tha main story Une Tobey In his first important film rob gives such- a good account of himself that his screen future Is assured and the others make up remarkably Interesting group of film pbyera There's not a thing about "The Thing" that woat keep you Interested scared charmed or tingling In turn Ifs Just scientific enough and Imaginative enough end natural eiwugh to ha tops In entertainment too ut mrm INVISIBLE Mm GUILD PUB I WOl QUO lil-IUlSIOW to iiri umw RADIO CITY MUSIC UALL RoAolMtaY CmIm "GraeJ wswhrM Jakr-Caowmot iwn JOAN gUZAUTN TRACY BENNETT TAYLOR umi MiDEKF DON TAVIO MUI MR RMMtoVMMliiBaaUI nAtokMCROlRSRM A tktotofeik Mn skit 1 1 TtowS tow Mtoktontoii ky Itotoki iJlfli -sn to Curr Sr Ototo SotoikK StokaMn md Ul Pto ftRl to SRftoS Wto 1 JJlk atoonnMiUtMtaW'Ws swoiUMAUtto aiii on toi toienn DAVID WAYNE wHJOF" I TOM EWELL "Wiojr on wnmMntmmoMt nensn NANCY ADELEJERGENS movie role and Franclaka Gaal on May 14 will take over from Eva Gabor Joaa Ferrer will be followed la "Twentieth Century" hr Hollywood's Robert Preston but- Gloria sufeceMor la still Indefinite week John Gbndlnulng Stepped into the hit revival a successor to Robert Strauss who- left to enter "Stalag fort reptecenwcnl new aside from next-month's Exodus 'Day Guy SpauU of "BUty Budd" has left to participate in th coming ANTA production of Shaw's "Getting Man rlad" Wiatoa Rom of th cast haa been upped to flpauU'a part and several minor changes have ala been mad Alia Staying Claude Rains will vacation for the month of July from his tola In "Darkness at ad a number of suase player ara Jockeying to pinch-hit during his absence th rale being ehaltengtiW and fruitful aa well aa arduous Robert Alda despite reports to the contrary win not bo taking leave of absence- from "Guys and Dolls for a movie chon In Klse Me Kite1 however Ann Jeffreys will be away for seven weeks starting In July to play on the West Cm at No sub for her yet Murrey the sailor boy In "The Rose Tattoo" was leaving because Uncle wanted him In uniform for real have tuned out to he pro mature A chronic physical ailment haa deferred him And a-mentioned yeaterdayJ'Sea-la the will continue Instead of dosing Saturday- as scheduled with a number of new faces In tha cast Richard WborL Paula Laurence King Gakter' and Marguerite -Gould win be aueoeeded Monday by Joseph Aden Jr Ruth Henna risen Walter Matthau and (Virginia You can expect le hear of uhortlr In the various shown LouiaJerdaiiDuu' 'v1 fnnmaunt' rL rofttinount Id conjunction with the Alan Ladd feature "Appointment With starting May the Paramount Theater win feature in person "Mr Per-sonaHty! himself Louis Jordan and his orchestra presenting hie saucy scintillating syncopating new 1051 revue featuring The Jaywalkers "three Men About BUI Davis sad Peggy Thomas tha lovely dancing Jordanette and Teddy Hale in Tap" arson run Rickard VHOXF-Naacy KELLY SEASON IN THE SUN ItoCm Ctoaff WeUWTT 01 itn IniiMi eansns MARY MARTIN RAY MIDDLETON Sk Tfe Mtor Mm Mtttmt to OUT-H FACIFIC HAMTio (to wife wm a ton uuuk imnrs Km nntBBia nouns mnv il nnitoiW WVMTT LRIIDM tog gyuw viwvise aui imna The autumn garden SSMSIV lost a IM ruvoMi -m rtuM cm ns IMMl BUT ACTUM It MAMS to inrkw rfeMto wm PAUL KELLY uu HAGEN THE COUNTRY Itotokcurwu GIRL tvuve iiutmtr ut-nw MtoUlkSaMfeMIIMf TBS SI WAKM-MUKT SB nn jukru-wsun 1 nm The HAPFT TIME rLTwoora fta mis st wui wmr SSnmSWIBkSiSB at it vm nnrr oMrM cm GERTRUDE LAWRENCE KING AND I Redgan The iirflM MMMl 41 tt IUMGIR SUM DOUGLAS MEREDITH THE UTILE BLUE LIGHT 1 a asevsB whom sera puvimms sl wn av JO J4M (rife LAST MAT SAT AT 1:4 DMV WtMv'PM ALsawa a avsto BABBABA to ana essaiaasro Momctim MOON IS BLUE to evsa mun PLAT mTEARmS TENNESSEE WILLIAMS TENNESSEE WILLIAMS aStir rick unstwKtoAtoto I RtsttaitotoMtoaAtawsn oni sou nari-iM wm Rip-Kearinf CmedyM'r: oiniuw BAiewcunoiiv Im RMCMtt RIMMRt pMM to THE TAMING SHREW I WSSCS4 iMin Ito FERRER SWANSON i CAPITOL bSkSm WBBI withdrawing next month fmm "The Country Girl" are coders Uta- who will vacation In Joan of Am territory before starting rehearsals for and Paul Kelly Featured player Steven H1Q la stjcklng and if business doesn't warrant Its running through the Summer th Clifford Odets drams will be recast In the Fall for Xfw Faces Th win get a few replacements next month buLthcjr haven't been definitely selected yet' Early this week Jacques Aubuchoa succeeded Kurt Kaznar who left for a avion nan BOOTH JOHNSTON seiweDsicse A TREE BROOKLYN sans Tw it svyrm enaatst inHi-jasnuiiiniLSidi CELESTE HOLM AFFAIRS 'OF' STATE neaiaui RBBfoBaR MllMBB RtllMLS ninu Mil riik nStratfewns IHSMI Tin to sat a win mi rue At soietoifnjrito ISMS BATIS SUilKI mnll HARRISON BeLU BOOK aS CANDLE a mi wni a mhm stsrin IU1TMU Tto tTIfe NWS e-var In DENNIS KING Billy budd i MkfBtas onsin Mnonaen vx ETHEL MERMAN CALL ME MADAM rm lukas TfenW4ttfe SttN imnnnsto utiwifeiiiA -Man earner ruts rut CLAUDE RAINS Darkness at noon1 asVMi at an tea Mnan wm MU CAROL CHANNUIG msnicucosiiruia GeKTLEXEK Prsfor BLONDES BMmTMHHHn ImfenaukuMT "IMS Hhi 1 areiw fiRAMERCYGHOST U' toCfe MMSto WAtINS ma wtuk sl os ImMfen HatoBAf WBMMt HUTS A DOLLS a ivmdjijuwiMimr iw nmavriim cm hnnsmsMHTam ANNE JEFTRE1S riSS ME KATEX Mctrbcv COLE PORTER Mta fAWABELUinWACK SAaasaesaajwtimei SMSS Ull i ir ilANETTE FABRAY Uh(Mto(uM AKEAWISH innmtscRcmsWvl mi amos amb sossas nan CM Ato Rb MR SM-to RMTHrI BNRfe MR to IN TMf An gjtoi ktoltogkRto --T Aml MR to OptoillkR toiMii Ohs IUTU RYATH EATR coUNTBASIE Am PS4-MN rAtt 4MMMS NORMANDY MBOUOI MU ANO mr ram an imm rr 1 SSSIlS to AJL TMSLMA CASKNTIS Btt DAIL8V --JaaonoionevitoMTHSopioe lAisnui' STCEOXGE ggggt dtoS tain MW rhto Xto SkSh Sum siorroN asAcn KINGSW A Mrs mom WEDDING'S r-r-T mreAmrAyn iuntsiiMr Air a i Ail um 'm raca-aTAB xatdm ara uiBim DAYS TO HARint kZn HibwooDra'" BRomir PATH) 'STORM WARSISy fetggtelEUCa BMP eid3? VOGUE toLtUSw! Munr $jhii Tk notes KSKtwisss rajuHMl ween IfxBsSsiitlsrDE STRAIGHT0 ft5v Znesnstoto um i -vaae ussANea i ansi VALENTINO ouirai mm AOSCMT AWAID WINNER' Inf Adranr JUDY HOiUDAYk BOSi'l YESTERDAY TATMSNT ON eMANW HAMSMWQ -1 see IUTMM liHRrfl tol Am Sk few SRan Ih Kanr Shi rI oxeaimni isaci Wkn a WRHRto Am fwto StoRili to xmoa MOBWAT -I toto Slito fern a to PtohPN(Rai aIh BHh tort Mum tkfetoisiife sifern rto hto to PAU RLOrS I R'toi MRRRWtoi Ttotor feln Vi CARLTON StotaM Royal WsJJbgj- Lastaf Oa it- tto ski wlneoN eaoe up wour PaSTam SM to PMR Ami BtoS RUCjnE CTBAICHf' 4 poaTWAV nsfe-pfe BtoNn Ptofeikka InOUICi 9HA1U11 trirmsasM SANDERS SWBU5riE7to AVsmn ncnoN Am Am to ito IM to hito ImUi kto OiMMm Ito i 1 OAV V-J-'KT-JK 1-i hltothlto Wtotoiato Ito SSi tolMM OCi IWtUI 1 M1 QOUlftmM Ato tol I to (i- VUMMWU ltr RkS wtesw ssrugaraaar iaam sirngiBrc IHKLm to to am saI ttWffl Mlnmr SAeRiW isF lAaecii mt ajmi am criNki mn" a Wto A VUIMlfTialsi V' AVON Hum rf Stunked Budit Qaeca ton SHfe MW to to An MW Btonq RIM -NMJtosto wres vseoAiioescoesar-r Twentieth century FOttTDKAS HiselraiTaaiWAiexeosss ee snaek.
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