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El Paso Herald-Post from El Paso, Texas • 26

El Paso, Texas
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

T) A fl y- -7- 9- 1 -H a Jr i 5 7 1 9 5 Page Twenty-six EL PASO HERALD-POSTc Tuesday -Feb 3 1959: 28-MrIb sr FsmrIs WartHl-Mjl! 1 M-Mile Teaehem eae i -r V- -i I 46-llafplg l-2-i-ROQM furnished apartments Utilities paid 049 mouth rad up Elm's eourv 4627 tlagidb EE 99721 7 WEEKLY rates $7 raJ'up: "datiy rates 1135 and on City Reemik $94 Ban Praneiaee BT REGIS 322 Oregon Weekly rates fUg feeatad Catos 1 terla Xtovatar i United Press Infemefionel WASHINGTON Feb Senate Republican Leader Everett I Dirksen of Illinois took a skeptical view of Congress to Investigate more and more problems The Senate was hard at work today finishing up- the! Job of supplying itself with lands for this purposed -f Sixksen predicted today the Senate would soon be things on the f' Housing: The House' Rules Corn mittee was expected to approve an Administration-approved bill providing for an increase of interest rates on GI housing mortgages from die present 494 per cent to die 5 per cent allowed on FHA-in-anred loans- Labor: A Chamber of Commerce spokesman told a Senate labor auboommittee that the nedy-Ervln anti-racketeering till out little hope of accom By RUTHERFORD CnftMiau ink District IW --V Birthday greetings are usually reserved for Individuals but this week I would like to say to a Government agency? the Federal Deposit Izumranee Corporation There are many people who may not be ivafe of the existence eflo mIVI Mtsk Jta ftaan FDIC familiar witii 4ts fane alasil 1 i 38Bislg4ga OpportwHy OOOD 12-unit eourt plus living quarters Downtown 2SW down balgnca $50 par piocdh plus inter -eit Has good reputgtlm and tabhahed business Texaco Bervlea Station pumping ever 19000 gallons per month with four very alee apartments Zlxcap-tfonally low dawn payment and good terms Wall established bust Floyd Cress Realtor' Cemteeueaaei Max Troth Or COMPLETELY equipped beauty salon 3 chain Located on corner of Ft Boulevard -rad Piadraa JWjnt Call Harlan Leary SK 'bar LOCATED XN "HEART OP TOWN" A GOOD PEAL INVESTIGATE JOE GORMAN 2M rt tin a 33-ltlwmwy Wll ava 91 BUSINESS GENEVA Money to Loan Cm Anything of Value El Paso gt- KE 2-P3I fiEPLfAHffli auiA heuaatrahar furnltura to ndueo aaymaats Oambiao fo MoaOUdato debU Rnanca Trust Loans (Uadar auparvlsiaa ot State RHP Tandeli XE -Loans 8100 to $1000 BOEDER FINANCE thrift INC' $13 MILL! 8T XX 3-1(73 CASH NOW PR 2-1965 About 19 discount POR 2ND OR 1ST LIEN NOTE! Loans ea' diamonds watcher ft OTHER JEWELRY Largest pawn la Southwest United Leu ft Jewelry 191 Ban Antonia REDEEM 'TOUR 19T "ft" MORTGAGES POR CASH ERNEST FRIEDMAN EE 2-4539 IWANCE CO 409 MTETLE te Rt gentleman desires elaaa aemfortable bedroom ta pilv ate home with phena and aomo meala Vletaity Five Potato Write NPC Res C-30 41-Fsiralshed Boom Working Gentleman Or collage atudant Very nice sleeping room ta private heme Near Providence Hospital and callage Walking distance of town RK KR 3-2619 ava BK $-347! James White Realty Co GENTLEMAN deslrabla newly deaerated earner ream eoueetiag tub efcewar bath maid- service private entrance free parking 3750 MIT Montana GENTLEMAN living atone will ehara house with congenial gentleman preferring heme to tarnished aow- ItOOM ln modem private home lor employed refined lady Claia to downtown art lace hospitals XX 97239 XE 911SI NEVER ndun moment when you fire at THE WESTEHNEH tabbg Ear $41 te $99 retag JU 4-0409 399 ALTTTHA bedroom private eU trance tile -baft tola phena parh ing OenOamra 6le AN bedroom nicely furnished running water ciesa in act 8 Btanton 1 £LEAN private eo-veal eat Biggs RUss busasa Xatom eacca LO 9-9013 TEAM 1 heated yeems Maid gerviae deae in Rea aonable KE 90519 NICE bedroom" separate iBtnnct! EHsa downtown kusttna 8411 Pwihtrg LO 8-T41T bedreonT CORNER bedroom or bedroom and den Employed Maid serwieeu One Medic bus NICE 2801 Aurere la lovely' heme Con! nesting bath LG 9-I1V2 2122 Tulareaa Otn'lUCmtf employed cr eiu dank modern bed roam axeellent heme meaic LO $-9112 Attractive sleeping room Employed couple CeetnUyloeatod fflAI Pen ahfng Dr XA3VELT room quiet refined home exeellent location -Eueee LO 9734T private CLEAN furnished -entrance Employed gentleman 1001 Arlaona Ava BEDROOM private entrance rad -heth 2331 Lebanon gt JTICELT furnished room near town and eollege Dial Lovely 92579 bedroom LO 9-7109 48Rmm nd Dm COLONIAL TERRACE" Re aid an 1U1 bote) far these dashing fine aeeommedatlaua Dailiieaa eels rad eengenlal peopto 1413 Mnataaa KB 94991 gDTELNmradalA Ph-KE $4711 r-lce steam heat Home quirt rates Nevada eeoMng 3728 XDAUA elose to vote entranea angle children ar pate Importable bases pci aoupla rtvsta hath Good family stylo i The pealpha 1411 Mbetera Rooms or room sad board for- girls attending Durham Business College KE 99707 43llrawkcepli6 hi HotaL 418 Rra'Mm OENTLXaiSr Evarytttlag fUa shed refrieerattou private tollatA -able rates 44 Overlaad lOUBEKEEPXNO' funlahe wwthhi taetadad 917 Myrde IKOLB apartmsuL nlaaly fur VMk 19 niahed Prigidaire Military' wel Alae small child Myrtle 44-TprIIop B9M99 neat jMpnmu 9m PL Bllse Bimrs heueetratlmi aa dsse JU 49919 Ask About Lease-Furebase Plan? FINANCE TRUST CO Tines W7P Tandeli I 954-JTICE elera 2-room ttniler bode largo taslde fun bath- gas sated hast Small ehlldrrn al aeua Ne doga 350 (Hcaweed SC Ter FURNISHED house trailers rant 2020 Trumau Ava Near mlW ttary bases utilities paid phoaa LO MU clIan Stwo-badroem aecept infant Ni! th 78 Couple only pets Start $79 month 7831 Hwy $9 PR 1-2294 ECftM room modern trailer 2001 Alameda Entranea Latoyatto ul betas $30 up ehOdrea wit TRAXLERg coma soma 2-bcdroem 2391 Ala eda UL 99349 31 MODERN near" bases shaprtag canter 969 par 330 Chelsea bald No pats- Laundry facffltiea NS and upi alee apartments UL 9720 klL7TART Utlfiusa" APPROVED by Health TiearJL inutoa to bases library aad TV 4250 to 8-9082 1z6pERN hnuselrallsr patii fencedtitllttiie 959 7733 ilapada PR $-3159 Clean Near ivarye PR 3-3461 LO $-9241 4 WEEK up Ctoas in utilities paid! Maryland Read ALMA TRAILER $999 ALAMEDA 4SeTpallarP gpaee wF the Hiway traitor available month Modern trallc re only Hiway Deluxe Tniflar Plana UL or PR 2-7449 WOULD you like to lira ta a small rate eourt? 3 convenient locations $2i rad up LT 2-9S2 gPCX "tor 1 medera traitor prk veto yard seupto only month PR 2-33IT ZBTmHXHZFTXat rtiaded Large spacee Alameda Quiet BUN Valley Traitor Court Dyer low apacoa Paved streets Modern Traltora iiy gE PER MONTH Large apace on hue line near Tlgua LT 9373S -48-Hotels bassLT RATES atoam boot TV Ltadeu Hotel 04 Oregeu USE CLASSIFIED at ir i-w -V t- v5' plishing any thorough-going Academy: Representative A Sydney fferkmg Jr Florida" Democrat' claimed broad backing 'for his plan to set np a freedom academy to teach how to counteract Communist propaganda in -foreign countries Item Vets: Senator Kenneth Keating New York RepuUican proposed a constitutional amendment to carry out President request for authority to veto specific items ia appropriations binsv'-A-' Spwsrtme isd ithtrvUi amnia aa dlaUaot aHti fcfa dlstiaet from SSJr T' ana aaa aa atans 1 Truman Avaana Fa Jt Copla Straat WWWaat Pallaa Vjgrt a ad ad arfll ka a0l Sd agacMeaUoaa aa WTfflLSg Clta Clark aad fair Eaemaeri stw nay ba datamlnad Ua City within Hmtta lapond Tha Contraetar win ba mmlna ta my not laaa fhaa-tha -aaaanl yra raUlnatata af mr SUm aad holiday rad avarUma ainTllTr chanotar la thla laaaUty which nta hara kara tarmlned by tha CoracU ta ba aa ahawa ta a aahadala ea Ola ta tha ottlea of tha city Clark aad tha afOea at tha City aad wSl fwriteit tothaClbr llkof day ar fraction thereat I meh labarar waikmra or maebanle nj ah an bo raid laaa £ra wtaW AOSua mart be mlwrt be filed with Wa City Oark la his afflea by Vahrmry IMS Tha right to roaenrad ta ra- tort all bld yOBUSligP BT OUOlSt Of TBB CUT oowm ft ADVEHTtgEUElfT FOB-BIDS POlt COUNT JIUCTXOIV i CRBLSKA DRim DRAnr yTtOH XL PASO DRIVE TO UVOOUI PARK DRAIK1 EOTICE TO BIDDERS: Sealed a a Karar aad City cmmeU 1 tha CW af El Veto far the eanrtructim of Chalaea Drtre Drain from BPw Drive ta Lincoln Park Dnia wffl-fee raealvad la tha vffle Urn City Clark la tha City Han antll tlS a tfoaatala Standard Tima Peb ia lHa- era then mhUdy gad rtftd ta tbm CttF Council A Certlflod Check by a bank eat-1 tof artery ta tha Owner tha Clty af S3 Paaa ar a Bidders Band thraochaduly Beeasad local n-cardiav agent whoaa mrmaaaal ad droaa to ia El Paaa and aaaeatad by aomo reliable eorponta rareto earn--pray aathoriied to da bmiaeu to Texas la tha amount of fin () Mr seat af tha iargert poaalbla total bid han ba nbmltted aa a guai anty the bidder win eater' lata a tontnrt wlthia tea (IB) dan after £rtIOeattoa award of eontrart to In The aucMiafu! bidder mart prn--yida a Parformaaee Band ta tha amount uf ana hundred (lOBiL) -par gent of tha total eontrart pries frma a Surety Company aceaptahla to the Owner aad furaUhed through a' duly Hearn ad laeal raeordian agrat whoaa parmaaent addnaa to ia El Pan Tha Owner nservas the right to accept ar to raiart any ar an hi aad to waive formalitlei 1 to raiart any ar afl bids alva formalitlei la eaaa af amMgatty la atatian Ha price ta tha bid tha Owner racarvac tha right to aoaiidar tha advra- tageaus conitructloa thereof' ar to retort any bids Then mart ba paid oa His prel ect art lacs than tha prevailing rates of wages which have been da- term in ed fey tha Owner achadula of which app tha aoatrart documents taetructiaac to Bidders Proposal Parma specifications plana are oa file ia tha Office af tha Engineering Department ef tha City af Paso Ogptoa may ha sesured for tha sum of Tfea (BUI) dollars deposit which deposit will fee refunded npoa tha of tha spaclflcatioos and ta tha Engineering Doparta WWmaan- Wsflasg QfOOEE Tiff attiatlaa earners smaP fenslnssias Ba extra charge IDHtaiypanamiil 4H Pranklta EE MOT Eva ad I STM Oraat LO HUB BM BASK 11 Hwv vasa school asedtac funds tor parties ate Scouts aad organisations JUrt sen SB bottles -af Watkins famous double strength vanilla Details caH PR tom INCOME TAX 'Member Rational Boelaty of Tis Itauta BBOB MoSana Ufa LO B-1IM INCOME TAX AUJERBTE Mmbw af Rrttoaal AaectoUaa af fr Caaroitoata MM Rachaa PR SdBM" INCOME TAX Ui Joha oeff CfertUad Tax SW Padaral ATTEHT1DR lo asm confined? Books muddled? nr come Tax Service individual ghoopk MIS SaUcbury Pbooe SX SS7 altar 1pm IRCOME Tax taut Oraduataaa- nrcOME Tax Bookkssping Servlea Prod Womack Mil WDIBKk HU in HE Hat Eraalaga LT e-BMT i DfOOMM lax work wanted la your kamaA aa Waa a a anwM wmm W9KS WH home or feu(taoaa Por S-BTBS COMPLETE aooouniliis toeomo tax My hma yaur afOea PR S-BBM ALL 1 DfCOME TAX SERVICE -SMS MAOOFFDf EE MM DOTLK INCOME TAX BERVICX SIB Rio Grande KB S-414S letery Low TWO burial plots Good Shephard 11-Weedas Wedew EL PASO Ccnunandary Ra A IS llMwrts6 ifstlees STATED cwniaunicatlcq Pratora 1 tty Lodge Ra 1111 Tuee- day Pohruary acottUh Btti Cathedral Addma by Brother Dudley Regular order of femintr? Examinations la all depcec rithig Befreaa- lLLart EEd twt! six nwa male Boxer fawn (S raekT ago) black and white irr-v White chest gndpawc white £rtto Sack ofaaeh ViSatoj Pierce Aaswarg to Reward LOM7e Hacklaesk garrlngr bracelet rod now ftum Hlxcoa Reward? LO MMi Loaiuartoh Bad Batter dog plain cellar Reward LO B-4BBT lS-Pa ALCOHOUCS ARORVMOUa has but aas trpomi Tb halp tog siak glcahclls rocaver lf ha wbhea a manual happy arlrtaiica without the ua of alcohol EL PASO GROUP NOl 1 i Dial LO SSBip-P Boa I41A Paaa DOWNTOWN GROUP Box IBS PISS Dial LO B-880S THE HAVEN GROUP Vli Dial KE S-S2BS MATERBITV cart tor larrtei MaL LO SAMI gaivatiaa Army MM Mm MILITARY ONLY SIS amrisd top A toteratoto WOULD like traaaportaticu ia change tor driving to Lsa Angetos leaving Prtruary SkJfcM Exchange reference PR HIM Is Iwatrwctlom EL PASO SCHOOL OF ELECTRONICS The oldest largest school of lts-klnd In El Paao Southwest 100000 Teehnlclang needed In Get Into the high pap electronics field RIGHT BEGIN IN peb no MAuaua electron vcm BACKGROUND NEEDED NO AGE LIMIT CLASSROOM INSTRUCTION BT OUALIPIED XNgTRUCTORB COMPLETE TRAIMINQ PCT THE TECHNICIAN T1WUBIE SHOOTING AND THEORY WITH LATEST TEST EQUIPMENT Wl 1 Basic electronics 2 Industrial' electronics to sartp Per datolla gratort ug: SIS Hawklaa Way Tims PL Moo- Thru fak Technleians-Engmeers Transistor and" Printed Circuit course offered Troubla sharting aad thaogy Qualified Ipatrurtora Latest tort sgulpmaat PWr details coutact usi-SlS Haw htaa Way Tim: S-S Man thru Sat THE BEST JOBS Of tbs WOBLD ARE AVAILABLE MEN -AND WOMEN IN ITEUD8 OP business management -T? AUDITING ACCOUNTING BOOKKEEPING Tm may raailfy far a gmd ra-xlUM by Hama Study 1 MIght alaaa Ntw slaaa starts Peb 4th Sth Sth CALL OH WRITE TODAY THE NATIONALLY FAMOUS -r American Training Association PO ox lti-Tl Paco JP 4-OOTT WOMEN URGENTLY NEEDED I i FOR Offics cb Tratatag Pmgramg A PBX SWITCHBOARD Ai ''IBM KEYPUNCH Jf DEAPTXRO gpcgdwrittag ihcrthanil Weeks I DAY AND RIOHT OLAggEi PEBRUART 09 3RD'' STATE APPROVED POR VETERANS TRAINING DURHAM BUSINESS COLLEGE 1 301 Banner Bldg KE 3-9797 atiT diploma? HIGH SCHOOL COURSE At Oa aa rapidly aa your Ooursa High gchoid texts ouppUad credit for High ready completed ja If xz huportant tor advancement In aeee and social Ufa 8 aver IS so telephone for inform atioo AMERICAN gCHOOL Beu 3SS El LO WANTED DRAFTSMEN 9 $4000 per year QUALIFY for these POSITIONS for ONLY $750 per week El Paso School of Business IMA Stanton Phone Be SMART! Attend the -MART COMPLETE INSTRUCTION IN BUSINESS DRAFTING ft i ADVANCED MATHEMATICS MART INSTITUTE SND FLOOR MART BLDO SM Sea Francisco El Paso Texas DIAL KE 3-7M3 LEARN BARBERING Big damaad tap wtgsg foftg walk-' fag Enroll bow Easy terma Barbar CoOgga 414 SL 6 at Paso Texas ENROLL children for routine el 3 through Mnderaar Dbf rad Night Bi ia LT I Hert CcavereC err Tlgua ENROLL- NOW ttonalSpenUb Ctoesee ctarttng Pete mazy A 1S3IL at Abe day taetraenen Chaves Academy of lAnig Tandeli KE M33L TEXAS Drivers License SrbooL S03-A Hewklns English and Span-lah instruction PR 1-lOBO LT S-Otog FIRST 'ftEVEN Etadtrga? ton cwradvtow BspUiV AfU school ears Car pools MWl LO MB1 STARR INSTITUTE ELECTRONICS WRITENFCHgXEM COMPTOMETER SCHOOL 11 Tendon EE S-MM 1 toA-Nssie Ifaaehsrs EEGINNINO piano eh Hastings students Mrs LO 4-1154 Pletcher 4333 OUITAB lesceoc vanced Edwards Ourtar 11S -TaadaH WALTER DAVIS Plana roioa pipe ergan Studlor SH Callfenila 9vdXgs tm Eat 4 Convenient Loeatlgpg CLOCK DRIVE-IN SO-SitwatloM Wsatei EXPERIENCEDi Husband end wflg desires work or management of a hotel groeery or elara buglnesa 1- alary or commissloa Oood refeF' a enees Bonded Start Immediately- Write Box' ID Organ New Mexico yrtwrt Highly rscso- mended Chesoert rates Have opening Fs to can Adobe Day Nur- BABTSITTINa References Reuter 111 Laurel at KB 1-4S48 Tin 34-HOUR NtLaery Care for eh3? is By dren oil LOS-U3T' WANTTOfun and port tuao tohg for rtudoata itUBdlnf TheDur ham Business Collese EN 1-S7I7i LADT wanU to manage smaU hotrt -j or apartment house Expericneed -Write Box UM BO MB laundry Perfect hanJ Eg US PR i-im ALTERATIONS Dressmafc-tax! Adnttc rad ghildrenb elothtag 1 Beasonablo PR 3-1334 Betty RABTSrrnNG in my heme Hart Belghta Reaeonable LT S-M7S- OEN HOUSE CLEANING EL PASO JANITOR SERVICE LO SA54L BABT Sitting to my heme" Lower Valley Experienced UL W7A EXPERIENCED child care Ne age tonlt Lakeside area PR HTB IRONING dans in my home ttS Tlirowbrtdge PR MM rftnrn care my home your rates SOM Grant Ave LO MMi a I -Help Wggto6-Mslg MEN WANTED! OPEN TRAINEE general oStoe i- -same Raid week ll-Jl( Hlt school graduate Anglo good future' -40t ACCOUNTANT or BOOKKEEPr EE Anglo IM days Experience IMfllMT MTS OFFICE CLERK' seme experience ta aoeouatliig or feoekksep-ins 31-43 Ooodmturo 1300 E-EAT TECHNICIAN oxpm iencc 7:304:00 pu days uff Southwestern Employment Agency 113 Copies Bldg XN Hill Experienced Shoe Salesman J(-' POR 'r shoes Permanent Employment A Wonderful Opportunity 5 Better f' -1 4 WITH i Good Chances Reply NPO Box 025 tJ A A rj? IBM CORPORATION 1 Bee opening for one electfwtne- chanlcal-clec trails tochnleiaa la eur Elaetrle Typewriter Dlvisim Tea paid while yon train aa ra BOM Customer to service and maintain IBM Electric Typo- -writers and assetdatod- aqutaaaent VM IS- akaffxiigtog rk fik Mis rtandlng Urtmbal training excellent earnings and unexcelled company feaneflto Applicants must be lM years eld "with 3 ycare ceUefe tochnleal school ar military service severing elecixwmachanlcal devises-- CALL IBM Csraaratiaa ISOS Tauden BlvA El Paaa Ji aek tor sebrlng TUNE-UP MAN MECHANIC Have opening tor one tune-up maa and ana meehanlg Chryik ler products experience pro- torred See Ray Medlock Dawson- Motors Inc -1031 TEXAS O'- I -i' vj? ALAMOGORDO las CRUCES- a MEN AND 2 WOMEN or fun time Car We tram you 073 and kiJiTi4fiuioN bdtLAA 'T! -COMPANY- -i Wm employ two man tor' tbs Pass area MOO par month aad up you most eur reuutremaatB Numerous Company benefits ago 34 to aeat appearance have late model ear and good character Contact Lena Adame from 0 tin Tuesday Wednesday aad Thursday appolatmaato' tor interview PR 3-4S3T IS IT are looking tor? Have tor snergatte and ambitious a that wa can train to sail most cam- plat national lino of meat marks -and super market equipment Ouar anteed weekly aalery and good cm-missions Apply between 1QAM-13 tateraatttnal Equipment Ca-410 a El Peso Insurance credit xaspectom Ages 33 to 3L mart have high school diplema ear type own reports Anglo single or married without children Bodoo paid vara tieu HOepitallaatieB ineurenee Res tail Credit Company 1M Wyoming i PART TIME 8310 ambitious man under IL Xfek tererted in permanent Job with opportunities tor advancement Eve Bing work m- S7S week oaaruatesd CaU Mr K'- M- Mo 1 Candles EH 3-T043 STARTING a Western band drummer start guitar man 1 load guitar rhythm guitar Only tbs beet need apply Contact Don Whitley Mg Emerson Apt fc Weekdays after 4 After 13 ft- ra Saturday AH day CLAIMS EKrlfciS company benefits or' Riehad Apply 3414-vA Lubbock Texes NEED amhlUous men under S3 to-terested hi permanent Jab with on-pnrtimities for advancement $71 week guaranteed CaU Mr McCandlesaEE S-7043 gnar anteed fa MT-M per weak start Married men with car to caU oa established Puller Brush sum tamers JU 4-18M lor persepal Interview BARZENDB experienced mixed drinks to work wvek a Military men welcome Carousal upper Chib Apply at 114 El' Paso It OPENING oa established mute tor reliable man with car pay weak guaranteed start-Apply Si 13 Bum-ham Dr Tuesday ar ovsulag i kEN 33-40 Car permanent tod time MTAi guaraateod year first weak if yea suallfy Apply Ml Mario ToMa Tuesday or Wednesday evening p- CHAIN Link toaee eroettoa sum experience Meessary Apply a to a Tuesday aad Wsdnasday enlj See Mr McDoweU AMBITIOUS man to take ever route M77S guaranteed per week to start Apply 331 Morehead Ne Tuesday or Wednesday evening -f NIGHT driver' private owned Ft Bliss Taxi inquire 33 -N Chaises Space 31 rear -t One all-around heotmsircn One shoe repairman aad bootmaker Write ATs Boot ghoR U7 paarock Palhart Texas DRIVER WANTED MUli RTREETL- HAVE COMMERCIAL LICENSR PERMANENT JOB -AX OELUS CLEANERS WATCH rupairmu with experleneaw Ouarantaed salary pins cemmissiM Write qualifications to '1043 Las Cruces ROUTEMEN far sales end service work ISO per week guanataed to start Apply weekdays $07 Montana AM or PH FULL time married with ear ages to 33 must be aMe to druse neatly -ne -deer to door salee as-1 pcrience KE 3-4S1B WANTED men steady work earn' tags abort average Sea Mr Wtatroub Psissno Drive QENTLBMAX far general sffieo work soma knowledge of bookkoep--ing helpful 73 Madras TAXI DRIVERS WANTED YELLOW Shop the Want Adi oyer Service JOBS NOW OPEN FIRST NATIONAL BUILDINO -CORNER THAI ft OREGON ROOM 212 XR 2-1034 IBM SUPERVISOR Nseded by Public Xnatltution must have axtenaiva experience including wiring and ability to develop initial installation aad oponto department Oivg aga experience and refereneea Wrlto PerManrt Office O- Box 1710 XI Pom Texas HELP for trnek-stop cafe Apply A 3724 Paleano after i pm 248alegmem Hr Rated ATTENTION SALESMEN or men who desire to become salesmen A wmlU-mniian International cerporatlon the unqueethaied leader In Ua field Wffl interview aura for ealaa training in the XI Pam area -Car necessary 8 yaure a willing worker end want to aam gaoOMUtfoo lf ME ROPER at the HUtaji Ratal Tuesday sharp NO PHONE CmIA AM LOOKINO POR A MAN THAT Answer ovary nd In the paper An men for u-wimuoI fP partunUy If ho ora train galea poreonnel and is willing to work harder than ha has ever werked before ho ora practically write his own ticket have time tor and -mnawers aaesian oa tha phone but if he alncerelr wants an opportunity to earn at la art 929909 aanoany rad ora ape ad an hour and a half in ra interview CaU Cloya Bryant HU ton Hotel KB 3-1991 Monday Tuesday and Wednesday from 1 to 3 PM I NEED SIX MEN TO DO VERY IMPORTANT AND BPECXAUZBD WORK POR MR XN THU AREA THESB MEN WILL i BR CAREFULLY SELECTED AND TRAINED AT OUR EXPENSE UPON COMPLETION OP XNO THE MEN SELECT WILL HAVE AN ANNUAL EARNINO FO TENTXAL OP OVER 010000 THEIR "PtR8T YEAR PROORE8S WHJ BE BASED ON WILUNGNXM TO 7 WORK AND LEARN NOT ON EDUCATION OE EXPERIENCE CALL XX MNS 9 A TO PM POR PERSONAL INTERVIEW Real Estate Salesman fit Two teal estate a ala am an need man or woman No experience a so eaaery Wa train yon Our office has an axehuiva Bating on now resides tie qubdivioisa opening new XxeollMt opPMtunttr yon are accepted tor this petition pan Dick BudnaU a aloe managoR lay ap- Crook Realty Co mktaa Ava 1 LO tJMl CAN YOU SEILT -Wa goad salesmen who will work to mm through our liberal pay plan idling now lias Ruieu aad aeloat used ears Ceeapaay demon! trator and feeadfiti See Sradera or Rffl Murray NANCE CO ION TEXAS 3 MEN 3 WOMEN i Part or fun tiaso Car nocosury Wo train you and up par woek Nothing to -buy or yoat-' pnlcaa ywu Bead ntosay- REAL ESTATE -SALESMAN- With oxpoiioneo and good record ot production to sell new homos ia ouo of XI mqat papular yuh' dlYlslOO SAKOMAir ASSOCIATKfl 000 Bherldra Rd WANTED Two omMUouo Heal Estate oaleo men Tha CFLeary Company offers your graataat opportunity Apply $213 Plodras see Harlan (FLoary LO 3-I444 gyp BE $-4424' WANTED 3 MEN -TO atalf El Para and Las factory branch Permanent weattlcn with largo ectwomUon Itompg opportunity $aj4 to $7409 to start Ccuunlssion CoS caUoafc LO $-147L Mr Ycrhy Salesmen Wanted PULL TIME salesman wanted Pap Information caU MR BEN wawwia at PR KR S-3S LT 93964 A A REAL ESTATE Alameda 909 Btanton OPENING tor experienced display advertising salesman to handle kay accounts Must bo- good on layout end salesmanship between 25 and -35 preferably a family man Ram una ration $10 week Laredo Time! Laredo Texao TWO men to explain Pood Flan Rnbctential remurtntton Part or fuU time Military invited Only thoae who now own homo freesera wffl ba Please phono Mr Crawford -XX 3-4400 tor ap-- REGISTERS-GRULES Mauufasturar naada Balaam aa to an an Air Condi tinning Heating rad Bheetmetal gontmeton Itoply to NPC Box fVT WANTED I Qualified uaad ear sale- uuft hM fiYPtrieiiiid must ba able to furnish raferaneea Exeallant ouportuaity Apply Bel Air Motors 4700 Dyer LO 0-000 WaTKINS route 'available fun ITnu hour COMMU8IQNED Balaamoo wants wSaatlOf to mil outstondtag I 24A-Sa WOULD weakly interest yen 'Work hours convenient for you 870 No esnvarsing car pacaaiary Box e-a BELL- Btudto Girl caamattca ta pour nalghborhced Make up to Sheur 3-2401 Pun or- part tlma HOUSEWIVES used extra menayf need women to sail Xoilsr Coe-matlcs Car unnccaaaarr LO HW SOMopoy Wralod (2ND MORTGAGES) Bought ft Md oiaay ft Hun Nta 300 International Mart KEystone 3-2200 CASH NOW KE 2-3828 Money ta I Mhmtes POR giro OR 1ST LIEN NOTES CAsY for 2nd Bm nates xk 3-9457 -darn PR $-044 PR 94042 avap tags'- CASH POR "ISY" 2ND Llt NOTES LQ 927M PR 2-1007 OppgpfiiMlty LIVING quartan aed arraagad tor baauty tttep gracary ar aafft ata' Ntee leeatlaa goad 'highway Mar R1 Paso Texas Nice loC mam to park aomo Muao trailers! could ba sad tor mialng Oblckouo Will sail far t7S50 Taki mosoumblo ta trafior as dewa payment NPC 024 Wanted Operator Financially responsibly to tal PI aa noisily over -a 40000 gallon per dependent service station in Lards-: burg New Mexico Wo prefer operator with truck stop expert taea i- Call Mr Urania at EE 3-llil BUSINESSES toko --gold Xisttaga Wanted Otaay ft Hun Nto 200 International Mart Bldg to raaponslbla with 2000 to 3000 working enpt-taL the only end eldest candy manufacturing basinets ta town Plenty labor aavtag machinery Nothing ssr font lease NEED one man with $2009 eg two- men with 94000 eaeh or tan mm with 9009 each to buy Dance -Hall In Chambarlno New Mexico Will take 91009 down Bqlraeo ni 9 KE 2-9429 ONE chair Barber ghop 9273 3229 Copla Bt SMAUT down' payment profi table deed chop Ron $001 El Pam DURACLEAN deantag aanrice Paso BE 3-7032 for ACRES ta City Limits Ideal far toudagovteh vision Crtl Sam Agt PR 92791 ovea Pabena 2S3-R OFFICE MANAGER tan charge te-404 plua JUNIOR ACCOUNTANT Codego graduate train office manager $359 TRAINEES College year or graduate 31 up $309 I FIELDMAN knowledge ot n- gineertag -ttR hr EL PASO Employment Service K3 El Paso Natl Bank Bldg El Pass's Oldest Private Agency TEXAS STANTON AT KE 2-1477 MAN with ear Deliver catalogs and toko orders 1 Rafereaees perms neat S02M guaranteed your fin week Apply 134 PsndalaJ Tuesday -or Wednesday avsnlng 7 tor Mr Lassie MAN with car tor- new type routs work ISO stops per day S09 per week guaranteed to start Not to ewrace Apply SOB Granada Tues dayorWsdnssdareysntagTpm EXPERIENCED roulaman Ne calls Noble Cleaners U1 Noble gg-llelii ffgg(rdFrmglg TYPIST RECEPnONIgT' bookkeeper accounts receivable paya- Me pbenes only girt new afflea to $373 Drvoicxs files Texas Street) I days start $231 DOCTORS Receptionist die Spanish 4 CREDIT Assistant Spanish te i- i I LETTERS local downtown $310 INFORMATION from Rents gpaalsh 23 roam $179 ilcems i PBX typo Army we! 8TENOS SXCRETAXY to Junior owner days ago to 32 to $309 BEOWNER type use Short- hand 9 days local $200 to JUNIOR hire new use short- hand ia future $3X1 -i BOOKKEEPING ELUOTT-PIgCHER aecoimU recelvahle payable typs isfe 'VoW BURROUGHS IcnitaiftUo $B9 NCR ft BURROUGHS bosh -keeping machines to MISCELLANEOUS IfIOURB rsyrun far (M letten day) type UP ANISE grtartady (Hard- Wl) se tM it 5172 T- 'Wilson Employment Service 215 Caplea Bldg KE 22641 13 YEARS Serving El Paso iECRETAXY seme ggurs werfc 40 kwi1 llMfeve 12 COR CLERK gcaers exper- i ieaeo days to $200 i TTFlsT slsetria 19 to days 9239 DICTAPHONE light shorthand days 9299 JR STENOORAPHXX light shorthand 9 mouths experience nr more days S34S TTPUT dayy EL PASO Employment Service $23 X1 Pees Natl Beak Bldg El Palo's Oldest Private Agency STANTON AT TEXAS KE 2-1477 CARHOPS EXPERT-ENCE NEAT AND DEPENDABLE DAY OR NIGHT SHIFT CLOCK No 4 6915 ALAMEDA ROOM board ealary ia exchange for taking good can of my daughters from 3:39 m4 nod Saiurdara Thla would be ideal -for aa older Angle widow that loves alee homo and wants to be a part of family Reference! and bealth card expeetod 1731 Pir 1UCKY BOY Hamburgers down town has opening on night shift Eo experience nsesisory Army wife application welcome Wo fur Blah uniforms Andy to Mr Water am 109 ft El Paso No phono palls WANTED office rad sales girt who wsutdrllko to work to friendly' rereoa sd Egrtmagg It busy plaeSt Apply la The photo Btadio Mala Bids bum BEAllff operator must bo good make CSS to per week 3 day week paid vacation Apply la pop- son Fashion Beauty Salem Montana LO S-TS31 ENOLISK speaking maid for Thure- -day Friday and Saturday- Apply ta parson Potato -Beauty Salon 3911 Pershing ENGLISH spanking mold refer- -enees required ta Uve out hours ItolH day Saturday 01759 weak 1 and bus tore EE 3-3737 RELIABLE experienced maid tor doctor's homo la km Hills Mart have good passport aad reference! Call EXPERIENCED mold BM days live in A days Oeneral housework ehild earn and one meal Mert 919 LT 9-3SST WANTED Anglo mold around tor elderly woman Cooking and housekeeping CaU after 9 -BE $-4669 ERPEJUENCED ns at appearing- ea Apply ta person only -No phono ealla Rod Rom ter Drive In SIM Alameda BAR-GIRLl YxeoHeat working now dlttoas Tap salary Apply Btanton EXPERIENCED fountain girl noaft- 1 sd Apply Ouanfaig Casteel Lake aids Village XNOLUH speaking inaid to Uvo hC' Must be neat and levs children LO S-411T-I181 Parry Owen Bd BEAUTICIAN 'with fallowing' Ja eommlssioai UNENCUMBERED woman to aa alrt and keep houso tor otaglo lady'1 Can BK srtOtl WANTED Middleaged woman to help ears tor aged mitkar JU 4-0074 BARMAID attractive 'Spanish Vkigiish speaking Night shift -Dm 43S Chelsea Dr OENERAL afflea Reliable Neat appearing hour weak Writ NPG CM3 OIRL to -work 13 aeoa tai I p' No lundsy work Apply at' Pputaut ghop 3S39 Psrrtiag Drive to work put of QgM 1S-17 PB HIM GOOD' Jell goad pay'Bnllei flio Army Corps CaU XN 3 ED fearmalds immediately Place TSiete 147 Zarageea CARHOPS APPLY 9 A-M -994 MAGOFFIN XXPERXXNCED waitress' Apply tni Moutann after LTTE XN 3309 TTLER" LO 28-Male sp Frauls SERVICE FIVE POINTS BRANCH BOOKKEEPERS Per-manent only TYPISTS Insurance experience STENOS salw ary 5 days J' STORE a RESTAU RANT EQUIPMENT SALESMEN Salary plus commission: OFFICE MACHINE SALEMAN 7- FINANCE TRAINEES FREE PARKXNO LOS-lgTl- employment agency Division of BU8INE88 DEVELOPMENT AgSOdATTEB 506 Mesa KB 2-5969 EARN tl0S Weckly lOlitsry aeoopt ad Car noeaseaqr No eanvaeoing collections or deUvarios LO 4-32M or LO $-9240 MXN-Womoa $20 Daily SoU Lumia ous nameplates Wilts Hooros Cs AtOobrnw: Moss 47Fum Aptn fr Birt MIB80URL CLOSE TO TOWN 1-BDRM PRIVATE BATH SEVERAL AVAILABLE WATER PP-040 2520 PARTELLO NEW? CLEAN NEAR RASES 1 to BDRM WATER 095-1119 MsGRATH REALTY KE 2035 GRANT Xtoeeptienalbr large attractlvo 3- ream furnished apartment tag -gw erner para RtUtv lTKPORD to VANDENHEUVIffl 319 MlUa gt KE 3-2061 We NEW 3 moms tile bath 'Morehead Exceptionally good fur niturs draperies Nar shopping and -Military gee or fall KE er KE 2-9179 MODERN near tout Nicely fun apartmenf nlshod tve-bedroom apartment Nice yard laundry storage 999 water paid Polk LO 92933 3 ROOMS and bath quiet refined Anglo couple Walking distanee tw Jrtyuegftb Ne peta Apply 00 Ochoa FIVE POINTS" APTB Clean nlcaly furnished 3 reams AutomnUe heat nutomstie ashen 1DH Elm i 1219-29 FLORENCE 1-bed atoM aiealy peaclray heaU etc Apartment 4 NEAR Tigua 70 month wmtei paid one-bedroom living room bath kltohen tO 9M7A kitchen LO 9-433A ftOOM "apXrtment' furnished air condi HONED CLOSE TO FT BLXSS 1 4922 TAYLOR APPLY APT A ROOM' ul 'toga privilege! te a Servlea couple with child between month! and 2 years ot aga t-m 8 ti' UVXNG room dining reom bed- yeem walk-in eieaet kitchen ft hath Washing tociiRiaa Shewn dare only 106 Mega LOOK' I 'rooms and Private bath gaa tom fseffltlei KE 94381 SIT El Paso 4 i I 1-bedrm Oat water- paid Apply Na I PR $-1331 KE 9-14 -i 803 MAGNOLIA $55 3511 Buses Ne 2 PR 91221 dam HE 93214 3909 TTLER 'utiiltiee COUPLE ntoe 3 Said Xoaewaod entrance- S2f rant MODERN utility 'apartment-like new Nicely landscaped ricen LO 9-7299 NEW furnished rae-bedroem Helton Courts 2533 Fred Wilson RA Apt KE 3-4991 3-ROOM furnished' apartment 'ad -utilities paid Children welcome KE 1-3193 TWO' 4-roem' apartment! tor wit Te everything YradeB $91 -X NEVADA Clean furaishe artment $40 CaU XK LU1L 1417 beau? tifidly furnished tile batta-pereh' Couple only KE 3-1493 1-1293 Coup! I GARAGE apartment Boeutl fully located $79 month CaU lO LMH from from 9 to 9 ATTRACTIVE bua-ltaa Nen-d linking aouptoll29 Artcona KNOTTY1 Pine" Crttage New Private Utilities paid Couple Near Bnaea 189 Awbrey i NEAR bases three noma' Two -child ran wetooma Ne pets ta Piadraa REAND new beautifully' furalibed one bedroom apertasente Large etoeete 1214 Virginia XE 3-887 "RANDOLPH APTS" 1314 Randolph 3 rponae end kith Manager Apt 1 NEW YORK APTS VU raw KN 3-am JU 4-1349 TIGUA Oarage Apt 949 Monthly Utilittoa paid LT 94442 71 Leap 4 8 ROOM9 private bath etora ft quiet Utilities furnished 3304 Nom ina 3 LARGE rooms ntillttoa paid 959 MUagar Apt 9 TeitoP Apts 9713 gambrano 8K 5-2434- -i- -r :372 to bases: A Tate eatranee Anato couple Ht 975 ibuTB eleaa imall Ulfiitlee farm 7 1 gUTpABLE fay or 3 naaf haiag aad ahepptag center utilities paid 359 AvailabUt Peb 1 228 CMms I EEPROOX anartmanL washer dryer water paid couple only $28 Inqrtm 3221 Prmkfert Apt NICBi furnished aparUaca 1 laundry LO 9T49T BBAUTIPULLf Imlshed new ana bedroom apartment MwUhead KE MW COLOBJCD-Purnlshed yt Good 9 eatian UUhtiaa paid XE 91952 4499 TROWBRIDGE' Nlnely fuipisbel 9mom apartment Private batik Employed aeupla Ne pets 9KOOM furnished gpertraeat Gaar water paid $99 Lews It El NAOMI APARTMENTS BRANDNEW EOOMg J3M VIRGINIA KR 93199 1 917 WYOMING heal Apply 8a 12 JJ XE 9I2SI SMALL clean furnished aparbneui ea YandrtL Utilittoa paid- buefteee KE99724 MAIL etoaa aiealy furnished wall heater Couple preferred X14 A --Fed an AptL 90 98598 BTUDIO apartment Mesita Area Piwvencial furniahiage utilWieg paid hare garage taa Phene KE 99127 LIVING room end bedroom eem binetion kitchen Utilities -Couple only 10M Plormee -i NICE epartaMnt convenient Bliss 1 UtllUlec paid $87 PR CargU ATJHACUVE rad 8 room mod Yandlfc S3 KE FURNISHED' epartmant utffltiea paid S327 El Paso Dr and Obelsaa 8-ROOM nimlshad apartment 8nf collega working mnplo Wt utffl Bm paid XtMItondy 8 BEDROOMS utilittoa paid CUldrrg Welcome Dial L09795X KE i 2500 TUtTiTit 7 utilities paid 845 8 ROOMS bath utilities paid 91824 4021 Chaster Art LO CLEAN front rooms Util'tles paid! $4 1IT Cotton KE 91832 9BXDR6oM nicely 'furnished steam heat 1322 Wyoming LO 99147 POUR-ROOM (uRddbed apartmenL 1149 Hie Grande inquire Apt A-l 4 ROOMS "hot cod ceJ4 wituJVtp niahed LO 95212 PPBNIflHED apt Near Cross readk ghepplng eeuter $059 Cealsy Rd TIGUA rsdseoratad ressmsbto Alexander Place CM KE 47 8 -BEDROOM near (meat nak Utilittoa paid KE 3-7 IL 3 ROOM apartment lhi to Pi Bllse I11Ltnesta Ap 9ROOMi private bath niT ysUf paidTtM US KE 91173 BOL IRO ROOM furnished raartmeal Md UtUlUea famished HW Msrencl 1-bedroom PRIVATE apartmenA attrsctlve Bus HUUttoA JU 98344 POUR reams tor couple Private -aaa Inquire aa Missouri Apt A DOWNTOWN I and 1 room apart manta Ill San Antonio- UTILnXESDiid 1 im $43 Dd Monte Apia 1997 El Paso 999 FURNISHED 3 ROOMS 3998 MONTANA LO 91199 iiTTRACTIVN l-bedroom Ne children ae pets 1139 Arieons 991 Clean furnish ei 'apartment on busline CaU XE 93813 SNltEAYELL-New 3 rooms ik water paid 9199 LO 92974 BACHELOR basement utilities famished 49 $99 Me 3912 MEMPHIS AFT 1 Lovely 3 bdrms laundry LO $-7831 3-ROOM furnished apartment rate entrance 1213 PiereneA faokiE to sham Want single an or couple LO 8-3518 iuf elgan nicely Ifumlshed' $729 PERSHING like new 51091 LO $-2741 Thompson Realty NICELY furnished 2 rooms Chinn' Realty 2729 Dyer- SK MWf 4-ROOM furnished apartment ia uulM at 1891 Kansas APARTMENT tor rent Per couple 1310 Nevada 9BEDROOM apartment UUUttos paid 3319 Bilbao NICELY- furnished 1928 Btanton EN 3-3553 i ilii it1' nor tions1 confess that my attention to the agncy is brought about by my service on the House Banking and Currency: Committee whl ch Murau'j ww has Jurisdiction over it Yet if you have a bank account chances are your money I Insured by FDIC The greatest tiiat may be paid to the organization ia that this month it reached its 25th birthday without fanfare It may be that FPIC hsa moved so firmly into history as one of the greatest reforms-of die 20th Ceutuxy that no one feds the need to recall Its basic beginnings Bat twenty five years' ago respected business and tqjposition to arhat they felt was banking was a bitter tiling Many weltmeaning financiers snd private citizens claimed -the creation" of FDIC would encourage among bankers would dis- cedit honesty" and "invito incredible Many of these former erities etill on the scene today' would probably like to forget their dire 2 predictions bat there are yellowed newspaper clippings around to remind them THE PURPOSE of the FDIC Is 3inle: to insure us against bank disasters end to guarantee against 'the coapse of banking system as occorred In the early The system has worked wdL Although perhaps a half-dozen banks will fail over the nation this year (the current annuel average) counties! innocent families vriH not suffer and there will be no wild-eyed panic because the accounts will almost surety be insured Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation i As of today FDIC is insuring dqiosits of 13383 of the nation's 14095 commercial and mutual savings fcankst The insured banks jold 96 per- cent of all bank deposits in "the nation (of the 712 which insured about one-'ifth faff to meet requirements md the rest joined be-' most they rent the cost of the nsnrssce or say they need The insurance maximum is $10r 300 for each depositor- which means that 'if -you have several accounts in different banks each will be Insured up to tiiat amount Since 98 per cent of aU eccoonts involve balances of less than $10000 it la easy to see tiievast majority of accounts ore fuDy end coinpietely insured In its twenty-five years FDIC oas -built nest' egg of more than $jg billion It raises foods by member banks at the rate ofU2 of one per cent of the instiled deposits but has done oo well it has been returning about 60 per cent of the assessments During 'lifetime the agency' has paid out mom than $343 nuim in insurance to about tS0000O depositors in 433 banks RECENT VISITORS: Jack Dia-oomo El Paso Bruce Dyer Mldland- Sioux Indians 1 Turn to -Soviets For Littie Aid By Uaifsd Prsss Iafaraattoasd MINNEAPOLIS Minn Feb Tbe head of the In dlan Trades CooncU said last night ho sounded out the Russians on a to million loan because he Is convinced the American government ha' no i Intention of helping the indfang -v: f-: Al Delafontalne a Sioux Indian said ho wanted the toan VsQ we get some kind of tadustey started on the reservations so ln-dians can haw a weekly pay check workywhem they want to DeSafontain telephoned tiie Sotdet Embassy In Washington yesterday and said the Russians sounded very mpHil over the 1 telephone' -'They told him the ambassador was out of town but gave him the name of a "in at the embassy to whom he could write for information about a loaivDelafontaine said "They sounded very encouraging and we -mlijht -get some money "from he said at ir- Tcmpla Tuaaday at 1M I eouelava Vtoherg lavitad David Law 47-Fun Aptm for Heat Cdltlgied 39Zt DREW.

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