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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • 15

Brooklyn, New York
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77 THE BROOKLYN DAILY EAGLE NEW YORK FRIDAY FEBRUARY 11 1927 15 'First Church News Boiled' Down Graybar-BldgrBelow Ground To Become Integral Part of The Grand Central Terminal Conn He sold ell three ere alike In breadth of Americanism etching manhood end magnificence of RADIO FANS USE FENCES London Wlreime fane wits got Into tho country have boon quick te utilise the steel wire end concrete poet fencing along tho new highways for In" purposes During 1 the week-ends scores mt these fane can ba seen sitting by the roqdaide with hradphnnee en listening in to London They attach wire from Lieir crystal sets to the steel wire fence and' eaijh eet In the grass Reception ia txtraor-dlnsrtlv good up to a distance of SO miles from London ILLEGAL METHODS of l'rahlhl-tloq enforcement ere ae mud to condemned ae nonenfereement doctored Mm via be I Wlllebranh Assistant United States Attorney General eiU-uwtln the Imoub for Polllirel H-l-icatlon yeeferdey el Town Hell Manhattan Hit added that epeekeealee run by Government igonte ere pol sanctioned by reepon-aiblo deportment hood at Washing-ion About one-fourth of her audience voted th-u there to justification for deliberate dotation of the Eight tenth AmcnJment aa a possible mesne to bring about lie re Paul ASTRONOMY CENTER to east 11004 000 end bo part cf tho American Museum ef Natural History Building group bee been planned according to Dr Clyde Flatter ta charge of astronomy at tha Museum DORIS DUKE 14-year-old daughter ef the tote James Duke and heiress to targe part of hla totals woe declared yesterday the owner of tha $1004000 Duke residence ht 1 et Manhattan In Judgment signed by Supreme Court Justice Glennon ABRAHAM LINCOLN To many Ahrehsm Lincoln la out beet-loved American He wee 1 men of genius and Intellect with A heart full of -love for hie countryman Lincoln believed wee the love of the family that Inspired men to do bigger end better thlngA Ilo educated himself st night eftef hie work wee finished by reeding good backs end thinking hard In' thla manner he was able to make speeches on various subjects Hie Immortal speech at Gettysburg woe full of beautiful thoughts In simple language Ire told of the brave men who fought end of tho cause for which they died We all admire the character of the man who rose front humble poverty to position of tremendous power end yet remained always jut tlent wits end Cileries Bee heck -Above a picture of the old Presbyterian Chufch at Lawrence-burg Ind where the Rev Henry Ward Beecher had his drat pastorate and from where he waa called in 1847 to become the pastor of Plymdlitb Church Brooklyn which church he made famous The photograph is owned by Taylor of Brooklyn It is a rare picture Mr Beecher's father Dr Lyman Beecher occasion ally Sited the Lawrenceburg pulpit for his son and many famous men were heard there The Lawrenceburg church was torn down in 1882 GOVERNOR SMITH to attempting to conceal hto of duty" William Bchlrffelln president of the Clttoens' Union declared last-night when the Governor called for a showdown demanding tha Union produce its evidence of milk graft or shut up i -a i -a RADIO HA COX 8 guided a throe-motored KtouUftrd airplane tom night from Detroit to I)nyton The pilot wee guided by a series of radio dota and dashea appearing befnro him on a chart In tha PockpIL Tha lightest deviation from the courae appears once QUEEN MARIE thinks that If Henry Ford can be persuaded to visit Rumania ha also can be persuaded to build a new capital In the canter of the country "I spoke to him about our capital and ho showed himself disposed to construct a new one for us" the Queen la quoted ae faying la dispatches front Rumania FIRT PUBLIC HHOWIXG of a new radiophoto machine perfected only week ago was witnessed tost night by mvmbera of tha National Retail Drygoods Aeoclatlon during a dinner at the lintel Pennsylvania Manhattan The -device Invented by Capt Richard Ranger reproduces photographs sent by land wires and ether from across the aear to a width of 14 Inches wberoaa tha older pictures limited to five Inches Last night' tha photograph of Sydney gklnner president of the Drapers Chamber ef Trade was transmitted from London MHXIOM- DOLLAR lease wee signed yesterday by Mrs Alice Foote MacDougall who opera tea a chain of ton and coffee shops for a tore at 10 (7th at near Ith avs Manhattan Tho toaeo la one ef the largest ever signed by a woman business executive Thq new store will be designed to represent a Spanish hill town TAGGER PLAN to relieve rush-hour congestion on tha fcity'a rapid transit line was reported on fnvor- yesterday by Dr Louts I Dub-statistician of tha Metropolitan Ufa Insurance Company after i study of tha recent census of Man hattan workers taken at tha sug gestlon of Health Commissioner Harris LIKE LINCOLN are Governor Smith and Benatoy Borah Rabbi Wise doctored tost night at a dinner of the Catholld' Club at Norwalk "WORST CITY" PURGED BY MILITANT MAYOR The facilltlee for tmvelere wbloh the great now Graybar Building Just east of tho Grand Central Terminal In Manhattan will provide will be completed and In use about the flret qf May Part of tho ground floor of thle building and all of lit floors below ground will 'be given over to tho trees of tho Now York Control ROilrpad Tho 40-foot concourse which' will bind Ita et root level fleer to the main upper level concourse of the Grand Central Terminal will widen ont at tha western and to nearly $0 fact and will ba About II fact In height Thus it will he net merely a tunnel for passengers going to their trains but will have high head room and an abundance of air Thera will be no store entrances on either side of thla passageway and nothing therefore to cause congestion On the north elds of this concourse there will be three additional train gates leading down to plat-forma for nix tracks On tha south about halfway down ita length a broad stairway will ba Installed leading down to a passage way which will conneot with the Ter-mlnal'a lower level and In this passageway new-train gates leading to platforms will alas bo InstaUod 1 Direct CoaacoUoaa to Bahwnya A stairway near the Lexington Ave entrance will connect with a passageway leading to tha city's East Bide aubway This latter passageway will run underneath the sidewalk along the Hotel Commodore which stands Just across the st driveway On the south aide ef the ground floor concourse there will he elevators down Into tha substructure below 'the street level for supplies and the use of workman and In order to maka aeeeaaible the railroad fe-cllltiae Installed on the lower floors Emergency exits will open from this eubscructure to tha 4ld st driveway which runs along Ita southern side All thla apace below the street level will ho a hive for Industries and focllltlea In addition to the extra accommodations provided for suburban travelers On thla level also will stand two-otory signal tower which will take cart of additional tracks and tha loop tracks beneath tho building Twelve express traoka which new terminate beneath the Poeto flics Building Jut north of tho Graybar will ho lengthened together with tholr platforms a distance of approximately 110 feet Luariea for Redcaps On thla level too apace win be provided for tho Redcaps the number of whom rises to more than 400 in tha busy seasons ef the year Mere they have locker noma rest rooms a kitchen and restaurant all ef them meat modern and complete There will be concession booths for newspapers tobacco and kindred en terpriaee and an added touch wlU be a taller In order to enable the Redcaps to beep their uniforms In good repair pressed neat and clean Below thq easterly aide ef thv building a now two -story rotary alec-trio substation and battery rooms will be Installed This plant which will be the mpL modern and up-to-date Installation known to tho engineers of tho Now York Central will bo supplementary to tho railroad's bs plant at SOth at and will relieve the latter of part of Ita load Caro ful provision for the special vanilla-tlen of thla substation ita fan rooms and other facilities has ban made In the lower story 'underneath this substation there will be a basement for all tha apparatus used In connection with the cable tunnels and other facilities West of this basement there will be a large turbo generator and pump room containing tho hot-water beaten and other machinery 'supplementary to tho 10th service station Hive of IndnotriM West of tho substation will bo installed a boat o( auxiliary facilities Them will be storerooms for hardware and varlona aorta of railroad and building equipment space for lumber otolraga a carpenter shop paint shop shops for Ironworkers masons pipefitters electricians and truck repairers and for tha battery charging of the electrio motortrucks which carry baggage on -the platform levels up above Coal is now brought In by trucks and dnmped-ln-tha 4ld st driveway but a coal hopper on-thla level wll be provided for the delivery of coal brought In an railroad care to serve the bolters already built beneath thla street Coal brought In below ground on tho cere will bo conveyed to three boilers by means of a con veyer for which a tunnel Is provided The stairways elevator and skip hoist are carried down to this level and a generous subway la also provided for the heating water and steam pipes which run west from here beneath the suburban level tracks All this hive of Industries below ground Is concentrated In a space which measures 27i by MLH feet and varies in depth from It foot along the south erty aide of the Graybar Building to II feet on Lexington ava and II feet over the greater portion of tho remaining area All thle space lie honeycombed with stairways in order that In ease of dertdent there may be no possible difficulty in securing entrance to and agrees from the very lowest floor of all All thin Installation below ground forms an Integral part of the Grand Central Terminal! faellltiec are more than npto tumble olt the funnels and take an Involuntary bath THE KIND CAPTAIN Abraham Lincoln wae captain In the Army during the Block Ilawk War One day an old Indian wan brought Into camp and the soldiers thought he wee a spy Me tried to show them pose that ha had re- 1 reived and they paid no attention td him him: kill Min" someone cried The Indian cried cut: gqed Injun Sec tha pa- GRAYBAR BUILDING DECORATIONS TO BE RATHER UNUSUAL Reck Island 111 Feb The name of Rock Island hasbaen vindicated ta five years The city credits Meyer Walter A Roaenflald manufacturer former chairman of the Winds Republican Committee and major In the World War drafted for hla present office after the Attorney General cf Winds had proclaimed that Island had tnr wont city government In the country" John A Looney "vice lord" of the river city for II years has been ordered to prison Business man raised to purge the diy and cleanse tha municipal conscience Roaenfleld was mads Mayor fot two rears and waa re-elected- without a vote against him At toot Lincoln came cut and asked what was the trouble The men an shouted ta a Lincoln however insisted en look Ing et the paper Aa soon as he It he told the soldiers that waa pass from General Cess The -young eapteln Immediately recoe- nlsed that the pose waa' genuine and let the Indian go Jerome Pick ms a 1 Hence the funnels and formaltoied rats on "cabiea" of this marquise the decorative circle of rat heeds about tho- hotea from which they emerge and tha pand of rata in the wall apace Tie carry out tho seafaring effect another panel to filled with formalised 'albatrosses one of which to shown poking hie beak In an Inquisitive manner down over the edge of tho rectangle which they occupy Another stands proudly erect In tho middle and two on each elds of him are touching hie uplifted neck with their beaks By the center door where there to no' marquise -will hang two Byaan-tlne lamps some six feet high suspended on tong chains from carved corbels Above It will bo a flagpole with a beautifully molded stand in bronea and atom This pole will measure (I feet from tha bottom of Ita socket to Its top and behind It will ba an effective papel-of terra cotta In Imitation of mosaic 1 AUNT JEAN'S LETTER BOX Dear Sidney Heller Poems must ba original You do net get crodltf for securing new members Dear William Barber- I am gta you like the buttons AUNT JEAN NOYll in Nt iffrk in lit Ht ftf Iwk white Th Baste CImsIM CqIwbm in inllablii 98th SEMIANNUAL There will he unusual decorations en the huge Graybar Building which to being erected right next to the Grand Central Terminal in Manhattan and will ba tha biggest office building above ground In tho world Its decorative treatment will be modern in style and made to create an artistic whole rather than evolved from any one' period or school Tho decorations will be largely opportunistic For Instance marquise to to he suspended over tha south entrance and tha Iron bare which will hold thle glass and Iron shelter In place lead back into a wall space which toads ltacf to decorative treatment These Iron bare an to bo made to elmulato tha cables of a chip which to moored to a dock Rato aa Oraamentotlow Ballon arc euperetltioua Shout rata leaving a -ship and on tho other hand owners have a Justifiable prejudice against carrying too large a cargo of -rata Tho third parti ea tho rodents even the veriest old salt of rata like to Indulge In Jaunt ashore occasionally Just aa much aa the members of the craw In order to prevent the ship rate from leaving it via tha cables mooring It to the dock and likewise to forestall the ambition of alien rate to coma aboard funnoto with their large ends toward the shore are sometimes eel around tho cable The shore raU are unable to climb around these obstruct lone and the ship rats which attempt to do ae "BROOKLYN The Largest MilHnevy jj 000000000 Cut in Debt Expect Thif Year1 Secretary Mellon Is Op rtimistic tortlniton ft 11-Th financial fcj of the country ht largo LJllorrflrction In tho prooporotu Sedition of th United Btatoo Treaa-STdurlnf mt- com-ELie lurplui of roeolpta over ex-Hurra developed and wao np-S tho reduction of tho public National rovonuoa oaeoodod £tra In Plf rutoa ororo effective half outlook for "the fiscal year UST jlng to Treaaury pOotale provided no unospoctod i In builnoaa 'occurs roeommendatlona of Profit Coolldga and Bocrotary Mellon urn of a portion of tho eatl- rj iff ourplua to tho'taxpay by means of a credit on their two pay manta of the" year was Xoa a cold reception by tho Repub-L iMdera In Ccagnee Despite SsLi agitation by Domocrata for faun- talc reduction loglalatlon aib abort aoaalon then to no real lactation for ouch action now CHoiijorlty chlofa In Congroaa are Strong to open up tho oubjort of Jitios at thle brtofMiadon for fear 2 erecting a logtolatlvo Jam Thus proposal for a and It goea by thohward tho Verity's plaaa for whotoaalo tax rtam the strength of tho HIT eur-dH aeon deetlned for failure and So taxpayer of the oountry muat Mt forward to 1111 or per ha pa iMoad for further Federal aaelat-nee along thle line With the national income level 4ta peak Bocrotary Mellon haa HetN ne turning in the tide for iMT He reporta that tho "flnaaetol ire of the federal Govern la In excellent shape" and forward 1 "to another aatla- my Meal year 1111 began with 'public debt at rartoua manna It -waa brought to tlM4tilllHI within 11 amtha a reduction of IITMTTKTl i reduction waa almot $144(0-greater than that of tho year in It meant a earing of inter I payments to tho oountry of $11-IH Expert Billion Debt Cat 1 But the proa pact for the reduction I the public debt during tho coming la even better in view of tho leea of Congroaa to enact Initiation Secretary Mellon let It be known Informally that it expects to eae about lllttNtlIM off tho national debt In HIT for thla purpoea ho Will have a iriotuly eatl mated ourplua first of-(Igured at but UBofflclally hoceted up to $140-M(( on the atrongth of good bnU tee eondltiena during tho laet yeah addition to thla surplus Mr HeU actinia tea that $5074II04I will available for puhlto debt redue lea from the ordinary roeolpta of Qovaminent plus tho paymenta by foreign nations on their I debta to the United States Laet year'a debt reduction of $171-77171 wap aocompltohdd through eae of the 1111 surplus of plua MITBTI000 from or receipts of which 1141000 I came from repayments of debtor and 17111701 from the gen fund balance Oa Novl mo according to ihmlnary Treaaury Otatement the Ho debt atood at 111 410114 T1 reduction of $111000000 la four itha 'Thla cut' of courae doea Involve In any way the eatl mated lux which would not become ble for debt reduction until July 1 -The whole flacal policy of the Udge Admlnletratlon la directed a reduction In the public Any auggeation-from Congreaa at the reduction achedulo be ex-44 brlnga forth immediate op- from the Treaaury and the House Secretary Mellon eon thla debt reduction la primary 1 The fixed charge to the paymen! Jptereet on thle huge debt come 4110000 going annually ht presto thla purpose By cartful ahd refunding operation with oCntlnuoua aurplua nd I repaymenta on foreign to Treaaury haa out away 2 than M040000000 from the Piled upon the nation by tha In the laet aevwn years Thla "jw reduction haa been aeeom JP from the following tcuroee: receipte 4T percent: eur receipts IS percent! mtooela 11 percent the opinion of Secretary Mel-V Wrwenent reduction in nation depen da largely Pa reduction of Governmental Pmdlturea But ba potato out 1 elvU expenditures have al-B reduced by ovary pomlblo and tha limit haa Gloat Grasshoppers There will ba colossal carved figures representing Transportation and Electricity oa either side of thla central entrance They too Will bo formaltoed with a suggestion of the Assyrian and will measure II feet In height Over tha north and south entrances will be more carved figures representing the four elements and measuring It feet In height They will be In the earns style and will cleverly symbolise Earth Air Fire and Water held In tha hands of figures suggesting ancient kings From the 17th' floor' will Jut out some waterspouts These will not be in the form of gargoyles but ef MYRTLE AYE AND BRIDGE ST MONUMENT' HONORS APPLE TREE STILL FRUITFUL AGED 63 -S Everything Reduced axmnNG-H'OFF UADT TO WKAM Suits 6r Overcoats MbFiwt Haberdashery Reduced Sample Felt Hats A new lot of beautiful sample Hats from one of the best manufacturers many with straw trimmings Values to $500 at grasshoppers These animate magnified and formalised are most syrne metrical A real grasshopper eff tholr atod would bo oaaily ablo to hop up Into pteeo on tho 17th story if ita Jumping Ability increased in proportion to ita alas 198 500 Ready-to-Wear Hats Black and all the new spring colors in Swiss-Hemp Milan and Silk and Straw combina-tiohs $498 value Sale Price 'etiefeiqn' reaehsd" Unitary axpandltnro depends upon foreign relations and la really a matter ef Administration alley rather than economy per as Receipts Alpad of fttlmates Rat in eplta ef thla warning the reoalpta for tail ran far ahead of Treaaury eatlmatef Ordinary revenue for the past rear amounted to $1111711 BB0 or about $BIaoaeoa above the estimates Expenditures totalled $S5S4tBTB7S Which waa about $IBt40B00 below the set mates These toe conservative Treaaury estimates pushed the actual aurplua at the end of tho year OP from tliaB4BltB to $STT0tB- The hlah'evel ei Oeverhmenrre-caipte last a level which has continued over tats this year without a decline aoeerdtag to Treasury 4e aeemtod as a good evidence of tho prosperity since tho early part of ltll For the fle-eal year ending June Ba lBia income tax reoalpta Jumped more than daeplte the fact that lower tax nice wen operative for the last half of the year Tha Revenue Act of 1BIB thus far has failed to cut down the flew ef caah into tho Treasury aa expected by the Government aetuariea 1 wTTTTaWP 8TAH8 TEED Chicago fob ll' (PV-The ton cueists competing in tho National three Cushion billiards championship picked up today whan they left off Wednesday with the ttua eppar- 20 i SI YN PULTON FL Peru Iowa Pth ll An Apple tree bo famous that a monument has boon built la tribute to it otanda In tho orchard of Landis and continues produce' apptoc et tho age of II- It la tho parent of ell apple trees of a famous variety Last year it produced more than five hushato of sound rod live-pointed apples Devs loped by accident the Ins has been kept thriving by the tag efforts of tree enrgeone Doctors and dea'tots of orchard culture have in tha aged veteran their beta client the decayed weed of Its trank periodically removed and replaced with a apeebl concrete filling The trank haa been rebuilt with steel vertebrae and tho roots ore watched for symptoms 'at old aae like a dentist searches for cavities Limbs and branches are kept cut Away ae that the-limited Cadmium layer of the trank will not' exhaust Itself in carrying plant food to tho upper tree When pioneer ore hard 1st named Hiatt sent out a Bellflower tree In hie PEN SATURDAYS TO 10 SALE of SILK SHIRTS A 1 1 1 Special Cleanup! Beau- a tiful jacquarded radium JKf DO silks custom made Shirts impossible to duplicate for less than $12 Sale price- Imported Saxony Fashioned Knit $1 15 Ties 2 value Special 4- (RUJBennett Ma wwawjinrjm uiiTrtf I inrour Shoes or garden in 1114 the young plant dwindled Out tho seedling root remained and waa grafted to another branch The hybrid flourished After Hiatt died nrehardlete sponsored a Jxmldea monument ta tho park at winterset nearby it to 443 FULTON STREET 871 FULTON STREET Hate at 106 FLATBUSH AVENUE IIFS BROADWAY Marked tho tree he perpetuate hto same developed enlly meting between Otto Retooll of Philadelphia- the- ehamipon and Angle Ktoekhsfer of Chicago former title holder Bash has five notaries and no defeats Baaed oa present standings and tournament form of tho participants It Beamed probable that the championship will ba Bedded Monday night when BetoeK meeto Kink-hefar Arthur Thunbta dot Chicago however to olose behind the leaden with in notaries and one defeat In tho event of a triple tie a round robin will bo played Tuesday Two Men Sentenced George Mellnakl If of IB? Jack-son ava Long bland City and Max Draek IB Of I741IB4 et Bronx won cent tha Now York Penitentiary yesterday by Judge Prank Adel After they had pleaded guilty to the attempted robbery of -clothing and other merchandise valued at $B0S You Hate to Send the Laundry fix flimsiest lingerie the sheerest undies 68e tatinuto fanhents that fairly shriek for deli-' cate handling can now be washed at thanks to your quickly" thoroughly' and safely Just a few minutes and out they come sparkling fresh and clean I Best of all your Eden- ette is a portable electric washing machine which pays for itself in a very short time indeed Send the coupon today for a Fr DcmMutrtioh in Four Horn In the better stores everywhere you can find the standard nationally Imown lines of shoes made with (jfeniuiie Barbour Stormwclt I-flr any high grade product Barbour Storm welt is imitated but subsdtutefl flrhich may casually resemble it differ radically in con struction Only in Barbour Stormwelt is the upstanding rib between upper and sole a solid piece of Sole Leather Hie substitutes may be and often are-rubber or a casing of light' upper leather stuffed with paper You want Leather in Your shoes and yunffl get solid sole-leather if you speedy GENUINE BARBOURS STORMWELT Botbou Welting Company Urn rhaOfeab Sole mmnetaewre ef BARBOURWELT 4950 Convenient terms if desired by the makers of the ijoiis EDEN Washers WN WASHER CORP Livingston SL N-Y a.

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