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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • 12

Brooklyn, New York
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05 12 BROOKLYN EAGLE THURSDAY JULY 6 1939 Now You Sec Now You Brooklyn Eagle strikes and balls and before long a robot would replace the umpire behind the plate Imagine yelling Insults at a machine! Rise up you fans and save the sacred whlskbroom! MiM bv 1MH Tii Aiukn la 1M1I (Trad Itait tM RftWmdl National Whirligig II aX uckcr link Write? From THURSDAY JULY -I 193 esrker tBurkel cslvert CooofTi Dineen puddyi purrrifl Dunbar Sissb 71 THE BROOKLYN DAILY lAOLI Garbage Row Arbitration VWANK D- BCR ROTH rmUkal nd PdMIlhrr CROWELL aecnttry Tnuurtr Washington flgger Jaryi main omci: 1 i flUIAKCE: 1 WITH AND SuM Bulldlnt Mimmi and Adaau Street BreokljH New Yorb '1 TBJFBONN-MAIb 4-no CMna MO Nartb MMilfaa Ano aa Ptaneuc Cal MS Hnlomn Street Atlanta Oa RhadM-Hanrir Nuildiaf Csvlgex Orate Edwsi RoagJe Hughes KalletC jCdofski Lonerge Cat he: DHCMPTION RATHE BY MAIL: 1 Tr Deity end Bandar It 00 DaUr On If 00 Sundar CW BOO 's FR'fiMCS birred at lb Brooklyn Pwtitfflct ai Brcaad Claaa Mad Matter MEMBER OF THE ABBOCIATED FBEBB barb beloved mother i and at Moat Flatbusl TM AMarlatad Pma la neiiultfli ntltlad I th ara far republireuon of all dupelchee crrditad la 'or aat othrrwisa arrdltrd la thla paper and ala III local am at apantaMen rlm paMulwd hrreln All rwhta at rapabUeatlaa af ad other aiallei heroin ara alia retorted i The Garner people have Vn aa yet secret ally on whom they count to nplode Tommy attempt to plctur0the Vice Preil-dent as an arch-reactionary unworthy to follow In the footsteps of Franklin Roosevelt He Is the veteran Progressive whose name and support still pack a magic appeal to William Edgar Borah of Malm Mr Borah will not participate actively In any Democratic dog 'fight over the nomination and It Is probable that he would campaign for the Republican nominee if he happens to be fairly a -man like Dewey of New York or Vanden-berg of Michigan But Teddy Roosevelt's close friend recently told a cloakroom group that he regards the Texan as a "big and true American and a man whose views on public affairs are close to It Is understood that George Norris of Nebraska also admires the Vice President largely for the latter' backing of TV A measures The Idaho statesman who wa a consUtu-tlonal expert when Third Termer Ickes wa only a sports reporter on a Chicago newspaper reveres the precedent Washington established In 1912' he begged Teddy not to tweak It For that reason alone he would fight a Roosevelt renomlnation on non-partisan lines And he apparently considers Mr Gamer the one man who can head off a Roosevelt-again BURS loved wl Martin and Cec idence aulem Rf Cl ment Ci ments CALV1 suddenll husband of Alice Jr JDavlson 'tended 1019 Hal Spm Intermei The agreement to settle the long- standing row over the merits of the newly developed scheme of garbage disposal by land-fill dumps through arbitration by experts rather than through a criminal proceeding was a wise and fair decision on -the part of all those concerned Sanitation Commissioner Carey Health Commissioner Rice and two corporations had been Indicted on the ground that several dumps In Queens were a nuisance and endangered pub 11c health Under a change of venue the case came up before Supreme Court Justice Wasservogel In the Bronx It was then that the parleys were initiated which led to arbitration Assistant District Attorney Shapiro who was prosecuting for Queens Assistant Corporation Counsel Bryan who was defending the city officials and lawyers for the corporations involved met with the Judge and agreed to have Dr Thomas Parran Jr Surgeon General of the United States appoint a board of four physicians outstanding In public health and an experienced sanitary engineer to Investigate the land fills which have been under fire Those named are the director of health of the Tennessee Valley Authority the director of the division of public health of the University of North School of Medicine the health commissioner of Baltimore the professor of bacteriology at Johns Hopkins University and the senior sanitary engineer of the United States Public Health Service certainly a most formidable list of experts This seems like the only scientific way to settle an Issue of this kinri It never belonged In the criminal courts Obviously the motives of Commissioner Carey were above question while the fears of near-by residents are easy to understand Now we shall have light instead of heat cast on the facts of the case If land fills are practical and not a nuisance It will quickly be determined Perhaps the Carey method needs to be modified In some details Whatever the decision may be It should satisfy both parties Involved for the competency and the Impartiality of the arbitrators are beyond question COON dsy Jul of Anna and The the Md Newkirk Solemn! of the I t- DINS 4 1939 BrooWyr formerly City Ml Mary from th Summit 9 am Church high ms pose of DUDD St Bro lfsry Hough St Tern miss at fly am In teryTei 2 Harold Ickes can give it but not take it That's not exactly news but his latest exhibition of a paper-thin skin pains even his Mends and colleagues A certain Washington not this recently wrote that the Secretary of the Interior had tried to be helpful In promoting a third term with his Look article but had failed wretchedly That was the general opinion everywhere except In' the Immediate Ickes circle But Harold had the offending column photostated and sent It to every newspaper which had carried It Enclosed also was an "objective analysis" covering three closely typewritten pages together with a bitter attack on the newspaperman Although Mr Ickes did discover numerous factual mistakes his performance struck Impartial observers as childish Mr Icke disclosed Incidentally that he wrote the Look article without consulting anybody and submitted It for criticism to only "a few members of his Intimate Hb Is Inordinately proud of the excitement it caused noting that the newspapers gave It big headlines and that it provoked an "avalanche of correspondence" He denies' that Tommy Letters to the Eagle A Fact a Day About Brooklyn i-- Letters must bear the ilgna-turet end addreetei of the toritert bet pen names will be permitted at the discretion of the editor Contributions should be kept as short as possible but the editor reserves the right to cut- them down to meet requirements of space DUFF widow mother and the Funeral Rldgewm am So St Rita' and AUi ment 8L Philip Touts hailed as out of the of a Nn Brooklyn" was director of the Brooklyn Museum faf five from 2931 to 1939 and that time carried out a recon strudion program which con- pfefety modernised the Museum' Brooklyn may' now take The Youth Congress Row For some time the American Youth Congress has been widely criticized 'on the ground that It Is Communist-controlled and Communist In sympathy As a result one of the chief features of lta national convention here this week has been the explosion set off by determined efforts to smoke out the organization on this Issue On Monday 'critics within the fold sponsored a resolution to Include in the official creed of the Congress a declaration placing Communism on a level with Fascism and Nazlism as contrary to American Ideals It was voted down by acclamation Representatives of fourteen of the 135 participating organizations thereupon marched out of the hall declaring they were through with the Congress- The next day however unanimous was given to an alternative resolution "condemning all forms of dictatorship regardless of whether they he Communist Fascist Nazi or any other type" Promptly the group which had bolted the day before attacked the new resolution as "an empty face-saving gesture" and pointed out that It would not be accompanied by appropriate action "removing the control of the Congress from Communists and It Is noteworthy that a spokesman for the Young Communist League In the convention supported the- alternative resolution on the ground that "Communism does not stand Yor dictatorship but for the' greatest democracy" This will amaze Americans who are familiar with what has been golngeon In Russia and perhaps cast some light on the basis onSrfnlch the Communists In the Congress support! such an apparently antl-Communlst move We have noted many times that fascist-minded organizations always condemn Communism and forget to mention Fascism or Nazlism and that jCommunlst-minded groups condemn Fascism and Nazlism and conveniently forget to refer to the evils of Com-munlsm The Snly true test of an American-minded group dedicated to the principles of democracy is to oppose all three types of dictatorship For that of Stalin Is Just as oppressive Just as cruel Just as antithetic to the principles for which this Republic stands as are 'thosdof Hitler and Whenever an American group hedges and seems to dodge this lsie there Is gooiLyeason to be suspicious of its motives Frankly we find it difficult to rationalize the contrasting -actions on this subject by the American Youth Congress on two succeeding 'days Although the whole performance somehow seems to lack the ring of sin- cerity there can be no criticism of the action finally taken While opposing all dictatorships the congress pledges freedom of speech to' all "regardless of race creed religion or political and that lts meetings will be open on the same basis to all willing to abide by democratic procedure That is real American doctrine IS- -'i Corcoran ghosted or advised on the masterpiece pride" wrote Mr Touts oa 5vj DUNB July 9 wife of mother i and- Rob her raid d7 1PJ -jt £4 Encourages Opposition To Child Refugee Bill To the Editor of the Brooklyn Eagle: Two letters in your column recently spoke agalnstthe passage of the 20 too refugee Wagner Bill and opposed the admission of any refugees until our own unemployed were at wgrk IT Are the people asleep or have they lost ell In the 8 If each of your readers would get ten others to write their Senators end Representatives we might get some results Praises Humanitarian Efforts of Ex-President To the Editor of the Brooklyn Eagle: Columnists ere taking great delight In pointing out that ex-Presi-dent Hoover la unnoticed In a crowd But he doesn't want the things which smaller men crave and eager-jty seek At great personal risk he 'rescued several Chinese children from the burning house Into which firemen had refused to go But It was not until the passage of a score of years and the unusual ability of Mr Ripley that the Incident wu dheloied to the world While other then ere receiving acclaim and medals for talking about tie refugees from Germany Hoover and a group of Quaker friends have done tilings It wu through a columnist favorable tc' the New Deal that the story leaked cut His life of public service Is not over 'for' there ere young lives to be developed Into upright citizens Thou Who oppose the child-refugee bill might wen reflect over these simple words from tie hegrt of a men who lores children: "We approach all problems of childhood with affection Theirs la the province of joy end good humor They are the most wholesome part of the race the sweetest for they ere the fresher fronr the hands of God We envy them toe freshness of adventure and discovery of life we mourn over the disappointments thpy will meeV 7 BORIS FRIEDKISS Brooklyn June 24 Parks and Child Welfare No accomplishment of the LaGuardla Administration has received wider praise than the extension of the park and playground system under the direction of Commissioner Moseg Yet even this popular program has been criticized In some quarters because of the expense Involved and on the theory that it Is a municipal luxury rather than a necessity Such an attitude Is effectively spiked by the figures quoted by Mr Moses In an article In the current Issue of Neighborhood Health published by the Health Department In 1933 before the expansion of playgrounds and other recreational facilities was commenced by Mr Moses $here were 8239 arrests for juvenile delta-' quency while In 1938 that figure had shrunk to 3063 In the same period the record of 12271 children injured rln street accidents was reduced to 7302 lhls recofd is one of which the city Administration may well be proud and there can be no doubt that the vast lm it PTTZG MARY residence late The William and fau Saturday fch solemn lend Ir teiy signing "in having a eomfictdy democratic museum so arranged that Is Intelligible to the aver During- his tenure of office the Museum building on Easter Parkway woe rejuvenated the hole front of the building be- -ing redesigned The long flight of steps which originally led the main entrance woe removed and the whole effect Changed to bring the Museum into conform- tty with other modern ifric- furs of the same type' Rearrangements of were carried out with placards''' designed to give even the casual visitor an understanding of thetr history i i The best written cm tills wts by nls column John Heffeman in Father Jogun Memorial A Reminder of Peace To the Editor the Brooklyn Eagle The exercise attendant on the unveiling of the Father Joguet Monument in the 'State Perk at Lake George conveyed more than local significance The distinguished gathering from various cities emphasised Interest In the tribute to the lake's heroic discoverer It Is a long time now slnde the late Cardinal Gasquet looked from Harbor Islands to Tongue Mountain and confessed: "Lake George Is finer than Had he been Irish end not English he would have made the same declaration on scenic beauty Lake George has too many war reminders to be called sentimental The Monument to Father will remain as a reminder of peace His message from Algonquin to Iroquois has not lost its Importance today There la appropriateness In the monument's location that atone of remembrance stand over the graves of Flench and English soldiers if Colonial times They were not lea enfent In battle than Hurons and Mohawks Three years ago a group came out of obscurity deeper then Jogues' to promote the idea of a State memorial The group grew tq a society not Insignificant In number to become encouraged by the leadership of John Burke president of Altman Company and the guidance of Joseph Early' associate editor of the Brooklyn Eagle who presehted the Request to the legislators at Albany The request was Indorsed by hundreds of persons promlitent In educational life Worthy of special mention was the Immediate uid enthusiastic approval of the Rt Rev Ernest Mllmore Stlres Bishop-of Long Island and for many yean Bummer resident at Lake George It la significant top that the legislative HU of appropriation received unanimous vote and was signed by Governor Lehman The Hod Benjamin Fetnberg of Plattsburg Introduced the Mil In the Senate and the Hon Harry A Reoux of War-renybufg presented It In the As-selfibly: As a member of the group whoa elm has been realised it becomes a duty to congratulate the legislative members In whose district Lake Oeorge Is situated on their Interest In a public memorial whose spirit Is not limited bv territorial bounds GAVIC Donald) 14th St John slster-of iml fn qulem 8heepsha Internet! Mr where he quoted Senator Reynolds and said: "More refugeeehave settled In the United States In the last year than the number who permanently settled during that period In the rest of the whole world Refugees are at work everywhere In America and every time a job Is filled by one of them an American Is thrown out of work What do you think? If you agree with Senator Reynolds write a letter telling him -How many would take the trouble to ao write? Why cant ecl of us take an lnterest and pledge ourselves to get ten more to go write? Wake up while there Is still an opportunity to rescue the 8 A Brooklyn June 27 yjt- Wendell Willkie's ears should be burning from the eulogies paid him by his worst enemies in the House during the debate on the House bin restricting the TVA1 financial and geographical the greatest victory the private utilities have scored since entered the White House Whenever 'a House debater Democratic or Republican referred to TVA' encroachment upon' the properties of Commonwealth Southern Mr Willkie'i kingdom somebody always arose to remark in committee or on the floor "Now listen dont shed any tears over that man Wendell Wlllkle the smartest guy we ever had before our committee He and his babies losing any money out of this deal" In fyet several RepubUcdhs got so enthusiastic about Mr especially Dewey Short Republican member from that they almost nominated him as their 1940 presidential candidate The only thing wrong with that political picture that Mr Wlllkle wouldn't takelt 5 -V The Senate demonstrated its low regard for the Workers Alliance once a formidable lobby during discussion of the 1940 WFA bin The allegedly Communist-directed organisation has been effectively punctured by the Woodrum Investigation of WPA on the House side The only man the alliance could persuade to sponsor their 2250000000 proposition was Senatot-JamerJE Murray of Montana whose Influence and experience In legislative matters is comparatively scant He offered his amendment at the very moment when Tony Galen to had Joe Louis on the Horn: In round throe of their championship battle There were only six Senators then In the chamber The rest wen huddled around cloakroom and office radios Haring out an account of the sensational fight Deliberate!) accidentally Mr Murray failed to ask for a quorum can that would have dragged the boxing enthusiasts back Into the chamber for a showdown Time and Armament f- From tbs' Cblcas Dsllr With mbst of our bfX provemeht shown is directly traceable to lesln the trebling of recreational fadlitii orac: Devereai beloved i ifMunu Ave Re atf'ftt 1 team tery deal with public affairs breaking oqt Inking about in a rash of muddled thinking Discouraging 7 From th WuhlBftah Vest "It takes aU kinds of people to make' a World" But just look at the kind of world they make Brooklyn and the test of the boroughs Any expenditure of- funds which is of speh lasting benefit to the children of the city Is certainly most worth while national defense- It 1 reassuring to Ind sanity and definiteness from tiMt one source to which the Americas people should look for fesdenblpr In hi final report Gen Malin Craig reoommends a "military plan that In fact a 'position jn "Military planning is one of th most serious responsibilities that cn confront a people or group men" General Craig dedans TM GRIN AND BEAR IT By Lichty Genius Gets Along phuu deal with the nation futunj with hundreds of thousand Rise Up Fans I and untold wealth They must coldly end painstakingly considai In the light of intense realism a 1M bade of all future military strategy and tactics" Again and again he emphesMt that time Is the keynote of prepuv tion "We know to a day the unj necessary to produce every Item armament and the oar It takes to tram our-mlUtaxy spectejV 1st As Instance the sums propria ted this lest year will not fully transformed Into mUltaq power for two years same persons who now that they see nq threat to the pm? of the muted States would hesttste to make the same forecast throup PETIK MORAN lake' GeorgeJuly 3 H- -4 Fa Intellectual ability may go for naught if unaccompanied by the ability to get along with people This is the conclusion of Dr Lewis Terman of California who has been conducting one of the most interesting psychological studies Jn the whole history of education Dr is the scientific godfather of 1400 Seventeen years ago he singled out these youngsters from the schoolchildren of California on the basis of intelligence tests Now he Is able to report on their preliminary success in defining success as "the extent to which the sub-jecthas made use of his superior intellectual One1 of his foremost discoveries is that 'the' intellectual qualities of the least successful and the most successful groups are nearly the same The determining 'factors in success have been social adjustment emotional stability and "the drive to accomplish" Where adjustment began early success was soon assured Parents may well take this to heart 25 Years Ago In Brooklyn By EDGAR A GUEST: What Is today? The total sum 'Of all the ancient past melons perhaps to earth have come' TO right one wrong at last a two-year It to clear that the general Monday July 8 1914 Residents along Hamburg Ave now 1 Wilson Ave) from Flushing Ave to Oeorge St found considerable difficulty getting to work as the rain flooded the entire area Due to an Inadequate sewer system the ares Is known as flooded district" We recently enjoyed a' cartoon showing a baseball umpire at home absent-mindedly dusting off a dinner plate with a whlskbroom A few days later we were pained to read that Ray Dumont president of the National Beml-Professional Baseball Congress had announced bis Invention of a mechanical air duster to replace the traditional broom It Is Mr Dumont's argument that dusting off the home plate In the a honored manner detracts from the 1 dignity of the umpire puts him In the I JtortRl class We can't agree The dignity of the umpire lies In the Integrity of his character not in the posture of his body Ini fact the hearer he gets to the dirt In an effort to render just decisions the more he dignifies his calling Besides where would all this end? The mechanical plate-duster would be followed by a machine to call out Did Caesar live alone to serve His few unstable powers Or did lie not prepen the curve Which plots this age of ours? has not been swept by hysteria TW large' military appropriations jiff made would have been General Craig points out bad tw not been-10 years of neglect of army "The adequacy or taeptam of our defenses can always be owy mined" he states The War Depai ment plan he says la the mln tost can be devised with aceow Denying assurance to the pw" that they are property WQMgg General Craig leaves the htPJ Army office at a peak of aeepmpr ment The Immediate mateml of the Army have been met 1 AI WA 4tl Mfflgin fOt 0 win remain fof It took firemen five hours to extinguish four-alarm fire which de-atroyed an embroidery factory at Liberty Ave and Warwick St St Michael' new parochial school Its convent end parish house were greatly endangered And all the kings long dead and gone Of every vanished throne Are not our conquests every one Pert of their flesh end bone? But could this world have different been With more of joy to show And less of hate end wrong and sin Is whet weH never know The Summer schools under the HR- BoaiM of Education and those Un-American plotter's version: "What this country needs Is more guarantees of freedom to work out Its Buffalo Courier-Express propria tion It licensor Gen George Marshal ucctHor uen tached to the colleges and A were opened today The registration is said to tie the latest 1st "Of course your husband deserves ai raise but have to consult an 1 to organize the new plan thus fegritei a-s -1 1.

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