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The Homer Index from Homer, Michigan • 1

The Homer Indexi
Homer, Michigan
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

mm BATE! Or AD VEKTHUra i The Homer Index rDIUHIKP Erary Woiassasy ataralaa. W.A. LANE, AT HOMER, CALHOUN MICH. iru. OwiltjUMfc.

1 1 1 1 (0 1 1 Jliira Twi I I It III ua QuvrOuliiu. IM IM 11 01 MMMW hMmmIwhImmIii oeo inn -f i aeaalllai 1mU HUgriaTllatLoi lam Harris iriDMk Matkw hi, $1.50 PFR T-AR. A Lire Local Hewwicr, Derotci to ol tbc Pc pl ani tee Publisbcr. W. A.

LANE, rnUlisber. lHaf Ira Uw or ka fcl Dlrartarr, IMS. ml iwm at mum TEKKS. $IM TZR TEAR. IXVAWAMiriX APYAKCK xranmM adrarlMai ana ajaaaM.

mm Willi Ww ti" vtv on Bar of jaaartloiu waaM, or thoy will ba puMlrim BatU antanal ant. ui itnl HOMER, MICE, WEDNESDAY, JUNK 7,1870. VOL. V. All.

Zrf. I aama wUI ka airtcUy adkond la. Offick, No. 4 North Mutiiia rVr. Hera eaii be seen (Junllerl what a name I) exhlblla a piled, with a loud musical luugh.whlch aiujilocl collection! CUBBENT TOPICS.

by the flrridniio, took nut from thence a ni-w clay pipe and piece of toliacco Corny anil lad scornfully, produced his old stocking, and hiking from tlionoe a flve-puund note, put It Im-mIiIc umignt ner iiusismu 10 me aoor. Whatl" shrieked Tom Dillon. "Whatl" echoed Corn v. the raw silk as prmiuoni oy ine shk- niaugie. a uuuiRvwaaiier anil worm, and from this can be Ironed tlie some inagio waahtng-nowder and, various prooeatMM bv which the un- nenrhy, busy MInsYmII nhowa "the annua preutnuii wiumi mw 1 "i1" "ww "inwi (iiroiMiiiy kik at mu taw waae aue nan la-en at.) Will ye light the iilno, nun, ana nouueu 11 is neaa uenanuy.

IVmi draw mrth fttur more soveruhiiia. Corny nhe mid, handing thoni to xhe MtatA Of Ifew York IM uaiilillv sightly subatouoo Is tniiianirmwl Into wMilwinlol dfah-wiislieir ami explain, prominent In the liberality with wl.lcli tlien.oHtflcgai.t ful.r cs. to vlHitors ith ruMriirlly of Its iiierita kyluroa, reformateries and retreat "Oh, Pether Iilnakey. Peter vi.rii:tliir liiiiiiliuinrliinpual" erlwl clinked them one after aiiot her on the table, and nodded hia head. Old Peter Tom, repnwclirully.

I Kven tlie alniplo pnaci of making to those ofanol her dlah-waaher la ven. have been founded for children. The purnosa In all these Institutions wsa the om mail, who iouk iiioiii whii a nod and "Thankee kindly," and filled alowly, kindled with a cool from the liearih, Idew a few whlflW In grave, dlfrnlfled nllenee, and then it smoked away In hla eurner without uttering a word. Coniv walled Air a moment, and "Ay, linnilHiggliig usl" eohoed an envelope hua lla atlmctloiiN, liir In ten uy some oilier woman anil "a (torny. mounihilTy; aud lWer, who plane of an hundred dlllerent motions clear liii'riugenient" on her potent, wa a sly old liumorlat, put his head by one or two or a doxeii worker, ran A ai4p for tlie upper berth in boat or most exeelleni, humane and noble, but the machinery to carry It out wa moat defective.

TIiums cuiigregaUil bodies of children, numbering thnxiirhouL Onrr. MART MRU Mt VRRR. Cool, nil air, aiWI Ihr while nm hfwklns, UnrikM, fiir. iluaii I bo rinnl An rrrnlNi lad awniwl nfnef Fading orfr them awl laud. Wo I wa idtllnjr kw lagHhf NKlr by (Mo lu lk a mini light Urnim ii ihe llimlililnic nf mm, Rrhlad na Ihr mUmm, drifted shite.

Nnlni were wllln lala Ihi dnlaaet, Itows la Ike NiihN wlwra Ikeaun saausa Til rough frnii wlml hhw ur uur tmvm. Awl Ik almiluwa at uichl rn- uluwljr am. II dmra Ikal I bwmw- Htiw nkwt of hnfw ikal will cuaia wwrt two alula; akmr lagrlkar, Hand In hand on Ik man akara. then said 1 that alt your going to aim I net the wall and Intuihed heartily be Ihiuid one llltlouiuui.t inslgnincnnt car is a iieui 1111110 1 aiuacent isa atlliilraaonbiiiuent. ninuhliie, which cuts I lie paper, roiu mouii or-nn eiiciuNure mr cemetery to liner, who in equal alienee iniinni it for a lew ninmenia, and then hand ed It lck to Corny, and proceeded to uo.oiiNiiter union Tom tli row down another sovereign The two anibHNMlom silently took and partes IL and nnully ilcllvers lie mow- mat is as laMciem ax any uix their reanecllve Muika.

and slowly iicrfect envelope ruudy fur mulling, mun omild have made. A eourlnus Corny followed hi example, till they light ilia own pipe. They both amokeil ateadlly for iknartetl.eaehlliliiklnBh nuMlfmnuh Then tliere are other decrements In and very pmliably useful lnven had each laid twenty pounds uou Hie the Stale aa many as Ih'inmi, are now regarded as a grout nilalake. It would be vastly Iwlter for them all If they were sent Into families to live, to tuku their chances In growing up and in n- I L. I I Hum tune, theu Mm.

uuknry uullud a injuren, ami in meir mutual uiaeuni- wnieu a lump ui nrwaa, mw juwuin, mure flirgettlug their animosity. As III tile gliias, and leas steel are trans- tiw.ooiisWInir.lniiict.oftwonarrow "In that all ve're ruin' to do. MTsl amall table between them, produoed from her chert a atone Jnr or potheen which eelvlnc such mental, nioml and med fur old Peter, ho was only two well formed Into watches; where a skein of maitro) Willi rubber sack tlepend- tner union 7" corny reiieaiMi. In ready money It Is, Mlstlier )'-Ityme." 'Then I bate ve at that Corny pleoMid to luive his daughter well nwr- sllkbenomestho finest braid; a sheet Ing betwei-n tlicm and rauneetiid by a leal doctoring as they would gut In the Hail anil niT hla lianila wlllumt mmi I nf lildllk isiiiuf 4a muds into a dullV network of mnc. Which Wl II SCIVS to inmm of n.n.llla In ll.

lie art on the table with a noggin of uie new gown" or tne prieat suuesijounuu repiuw wuu uw uunw newa 10 ijifw" ntaie. tub ew rorg Times urges 111011211 110 COUlU Snuru lu live iter ai ironi nil nana 01 uie-worm auu inn- iuw imm wnvamxur uum- orled, throwing down another pound. I bate him In cash, IMber; do ye mlndtlutT" ml fhrUin aa mil ftirfjinea In tlniablv uotent In Its Influence. The lug vessel. This I shown 111 minla- cold water, and taking up iter pail, proceeded to tha barn to milk theeowa.

That'a a purty colleen of youra, Fcther Carney aald after a long allelic. "Thru for re. an' a good, aenalble Umt part of the country. simple process of changing sheets of turn in a ghuw eahC, dulls serving for When next Corar went match- Iron Into nails, block of wood into passengers. Tueso are.

a raw or wo- l'oter nodded and smoked axtay. "I'll take the ulri In and shtra tlie makln." he took care to find out be- carved ornaments, and a few thread man's liivonllons show here, best wo have with her. an' xiw Mar little girl Intothebargalntltabapny'a forelmnd If the young woinun was Into cloth will also be found both In- There aro several case of eiubrold- mi. I. I LI.

I ..111. m.a 1.u tin two acres of land and a con it! of tncnian that'll grt her," liter rcpneti, IKI8II ATCII-M AK I NO. In the west of Ireland the Aiding of Ihe young; woman are seldom consulted in mailers iiinlrininnlal. Her father being the best Judge of what la for his daughter's advantage, opposi-tlon on livr )art la of very rare occurence, except where ahe haa taken the precaution of providing hersdf with a ill I I I .1 I I AMl.lM.. aha .1.

WUI OTWrVIMHIV VIPJV WW 1 ItlJI unmoor- LiiKie pigaj, aunounocu xoiu Dillon. voweil itscrveuuiinngiittoue -nuin- every siud may uaiiisorrnm 1110 mar- ohuhh -jiuw iic ..1,. on). winM tn wIim-I arblnvnnianu of Uia nnwnt and an eairle with the 1 bert vshle Id on Olll- er people If I didn't tuke care of my- iiue uciiuerauun. "That'a whatl aald niyaclf, an' I came over to ace If we can't make a match between my Derniott an' her- Don not '11 have 111 land when lils- neighbor, Corny ti'llyrne (with generation vivimy comraxuxi Willi ine me omer.

a mrge piiieiisiiinn in uiue I'm gone, every rood," cried Corny, wi.nm imiibip mvvi fpii.niiaV ami alow anil mimmimI ve metiioda or 10110? i siig ombrouicreti witn nowers ami eurs ive a heifer In 1 1 11 Twenty declared that In future Uie "boys" ago, A most entertaining and un- of wheat, several specimen of elubor- aclfl" aald after another ln trvul. self," she said. "And what do you do?" "I eat dandelion greens," was the answer. 1 buy the 11 rst that come Into market, and I eat thein every day. I have them boiled in water, settled a worsted work and em- 1 for themselves.

pound, share of hou, two acres of, might match-make land, an' a hdfer. Wlutt do ye say, iMlu.i I hMikod-fer department of this building atcly wroug will be discovered by anyone who pays broidery of visit to the north avenue, where the ture 01 AVu wrought of a venue, where lite rare 01 moiiogrania, a large plo- Jle'a a likely boy," puraucd Peter, refleetlvcly. wosiiiuguin at i reuiou in little, and all the soring I muke my Intest imnmvemonui in sullins and I worsted work are also. Willi innumer- colleen wlthmit a penny Centennial AOtCN. Thru for you Tom." Peter asseut-l an he'll make a good huaiwnd, no dinner of them aud a bit of potato, and so I don't get bilious." huslsuid beforehand.

Whuli a match la made and the bargain oonoluiled, If the girl declines to accept the huaband selected, sho quickly loam caste, the youug men considering that a dlsobe-dfent daughter niunt or necessity make aa uncomfortable wife. Still more execptioual la any olijeo-lon on the part of the young man to llie-prescrving appumtus are congro- able other equally beuulllul arlleles, to Bated. Here are to be found tbu most bo seen lu this suction of tlie denort- ed. Whal'll you do. Corny The exhibition doss not fall lu any Twenty-five (KHjiids diiwn theduy rvgnrd to supply the information de- uouui, nr iiea a gooa aon.

viuiiao ye any to it Corny aaked, leaning Cul I foni la lias 2.SOI1.000 auras of wheat approved llfo-liouU and life-mfls of Iment Among tliese are ocliiieii of this year, and expects a yield of iiiuy ro nmrnni, a iiiniao nil iiume. a I mailUeu. TUB eXUIOIIS BPS lUlier 111 Rirward on nia atom. I'm nlnoaed reullicr bed. ail' the llncst llllllu IU lie nimt elnawM tlian woji anMnt naiad varied and original dPNigns; abcuull- very lino uoeilleworK, curriuge roiM-s, ful ice-yucht, which is sold to make a onibnrfdercdgurnieulsofvarlouskliids, mile a minute with the wind in itH fa- cliild's alghans, etc An interesting vor; sinnll but powerful tugbont; exhibit 1 a jsilr of old-faihloncd mit- parlMh that's wluit I'll do Ku'roneau uutions.

experienced lu In- "Uod nave all here aald a harnh gratliig voloc, and a head appeared iu 000,000 bushels. The saloof agricultural Implemeiits and sacks is Immense, the export tratle still refiudngto ship wheat In bulk. It Is said that Iondon under-wrltoni are requiring tlio Baltic "lllltthe lillld Tom is alVllIB tWO tnnmllnnal MwhllilllnnH. il Inula o-ruat the wife selected for him by hla rather, as lie feel quite sallsllcd that experience enable hla parent to Judge of tlie acre," Peter oiiwrved; "tliluk of that, skill lu the oompIeteneNs with which any quantity of Improved windlasses, tens, sucu as tne uoys 01 not mauy the doorway. "Qood evening to ye, Fcther." iMmy." Uiey represent their industries, in rigging, UCSIUOS a llUinuer OI l.n-1 awm axu win rnucuiuwr, ami uj an "Derniott '11 have tlie land afther nwuy eases maps of tlie physical slruo- ood evening, kindly," Peter ro- Klinn cudoch or lmproveti pauiern, aim i iuut vjiii.jr-t;iaiiii jrinm ui hkw.

ail me, und enou-1 to cut off It till I'm ture of the country are hung up, with tunieii. in aim taae a aaio. temper anu qiiaiiucaiinii or a woman much bettor than lie possibly could. Moreover, the father iiiu the advantage of being able to examine her merit with a perfectly linpnrtlal and shlit-nmslcrs to take their cargoes partly lu wicks, and that the general tendency or maritime. praiioo is aaslust bulk shliiiuent.

Tlio creation 'Will." HtMie. i iiutw iiu uiiv uim nun. uui i pictures oi iis more niarKcu jana several exhibits or paper boatH, which This representative American woman i are warrant ml to be stronger and Is a grand-daughter of Major Clapp, of te lighter tluiii vessels or -any other tho Revolutionary War, and her jiho- ag descrlnlioii. There can also bo togranh, which Is exhibited, shows her of ae deaerlplloii. There can bo tograpb.

which is exhibited, shows her of jjuion nas tiirec more io nmviue lor." araiimi. i-hick. etc. wlilcli oven to a elevators would eucm to be a vanity "An jilenty to do It wllh; an' I'll child serve to Identify it with the red The new comer entered and took a tool, and cawtlnga qneationlng glance at Corny O'Jiryne, proceeded to light in that case. at the same lime fairly critical cyo.

Intercut and Inclination alike lead him to make he beat selection he iloea it only after an Infiiiito amount of cogi- 1 1.... 1. 1- In the whisky trials at Chicago. lat iiihko itiuroeHcnw, i'eiiier, oi lie ixwi i oryollow naloli ou tils alius. Mow its seen lu this part of the nail Paul to do sun young in ueaiin, ir not in upluud lu Ikillymoyno," Tom replied.

I minerals, vegetables, and inanufao- yeors. There ore hung on ihe very fulr. an I'm oblhrod to dim am iMibim him. ami twnrcaenta-1 iifM-iiniiL mofiiiiiit HKi-iaut fmoula of eni wall a number of liiteresllinr nlo- dim pipe, ami aiiioKou loraouio liiin-utca, Jiowaaa atout, liarHh-foaturcd week, the promised evidence of great mscalltv came out. Kx-lViIIco Suner- wllh aloud voice.

He not ye, Tom," Peter said slowly. Uousof the houses Its people live In, wood and Ironi, and modclsof the brig ture In addition tot hone already men- I'll make It twenty-five down, nnd their varriaires. clothes, household Mullx AUhel. the sliln Yonna Amer- tionod, and one of the beat of these 1 umuii: uuii mivii Jim viiijht in umuu Jb iiuhi. wiiu a tuwo.

a wm uvu Jm unalterable and lie will obstinate- much of a favorite In tlia vlllase. and waa liitcndent llchni testllleil that he was led into the whisky-Helling business ly conicnil lor Ilia won' intercut witu- eaneciauy aiaiiKeu oy urny uuryne, throw In a heifer," Corny cried. utoiislla, audlu tlio midst, a a rule, a lea, ihe noted ram Dunderberg, the Miss Julia Winer's Hide and Beck, "It's very ducent. Corny, an' I'm iivinu- imum toaxnlainitaU. A nlilld I mn frimia (4anami AHmind.

tha filtw very artlstlcnilv executed in worsted. -a. as WHHna a mm wa narana aluglo thought of the who never lot an opportunity of an by Hesing, tlie great (lemian polltl- ajiw aVH CI4 l5aa IIVHIMMI lliu- out a young wninan'a inclination, taking inclination oungeu to ye," vnmr quieuy ouserveu cun learn more of the physical oondl- of PeklnK. City of Toklo. and scores a neeuio-woric ork it ror Mwaaaj a painting nf Abraham olaii: that distillers paid large amounts a beautiful flower piece, for election ajwessniciits, but that tlio in the sumo tone.

and Hagar, uranled that they will II beln accordance noying iom union, xie waa a comfort able farmer, and one of bin eons had been "making up" to Katie uon, uie product anu oivniaaiion or or outer vessois equally woii-xnown, "I'll throw In a calf!" exclaimed the world from a week's visit at this One of the most important exhibits Is and an enibroidcrcdllible cushion, the I principal proportion of these went into Dillon, Exnosltloii han from the dis- with her fulhcr'a wInIio. The mother 1mm little lo any lu the matter on cither aide. Mhc never gnea inatch-imiking. a year's study of I a model or the Mayflower, which is I stamp of which was excavated from private pockets. Ilehni wai I I was IiliiHkey aoiue time be lore.

After a alienee, during which the three old 3 am i i ui Twenty pounds, three acre of bind, it oners io tue coutnniiieu uv tue l'lymoutn aiuso- ui rums oi nmun. mis stamp is urn. Next comes a niadcl ef the supposed to lie over two thousand bumcr and distributor of the plunder. Ho paid to Cuiigrcnuiutn John. D.

Ward and ho had received In limit ainoKeu eiiaivci.iuaiiv. union and la not lu any way conaultcd, being a uontve, a heifer, an' a cair. Now, Pether, done or not?" only ocfiunlntcd wlfli the Intention I cleared hia throat two or threo tlmca. travel epitomised Into brief space and historical dog-boats of Massachusetts, years old, and the embroidery, which time. Vor this reason the chance whlnh snlledthe bay shortly after tho singularly beautiful, is a perfect I think ye spoke of two bnnlvcs.

all from distillers from 110.000 to vlwmlil oaiumlullv nnvillml tha I lanillnir nt Pll.rrlniii an nlil.niah. I raiSWHlucthm of ilri artlslfc anil eleSUIlt xoin reuier suiu quietly, 135,0110, of which lie hail spent 12,000 No, no; only one. If all I cnnl.aniiing class of this country, wholloncd Miiriilchcnd itxbing boat, with oiitflnes. Mrs. H.

14. Anthony of of fier luiHbnnd for their aon, when he and then aald abruptly Petlier, I Iiim made up hi mind. Marriage la a want moke a mutch between your nmtusrof buainew, and It la like any little girl and my Martin. Have yo other bargain, made with the ahrewd, anything to aay agin It?" humorouH, calculating caution which Hon, one word, Tom: only me IO SHJ.UMJ in IKIIIUCS. The eenemsity or nature Is never sijbto: an- i tnina it not ueui, re-1 twvel less than any other.

All Uieir sinnll druitantl sijuaro Iww; a Ware- Smyrna, coninuuies a pntnmi-therl" as tboy acknowledge, hum oynler bout; a Ducksburg g-1 csHlfy conceived and very well executed neighbor Clorny O'Bryne and ineeelf enuracnerixM me uonnaugnt nuui, dead. Those to whom she is the most bountiful should remember others to whom tho sight and sweetness of even a rose or a lily, or the luxury of a mu, a uiiim am a onma jmni uusa oi inuuuii wuu men pom-," muiie ironi ouo liieoe oi umiier i iiuiuiu iu nuinKu-ninn, wuitii ivw cotijile of bonlves," Peter said again, different from themselves. They will pinkie of ol) years ago, with th senls the Auicrlcus Welcome to All Marriage gift, Mich aa ulga, poultry, jxuoociaun i never minai, i-eu-r. i(0 well to saurlilco imrt or the year's water sctNip; an ancient pleasure tho unjier pare contains a I'll throw in a otulcn la wholo broodl Linilimiiiil tlinofnr a vlalt tn I'lillu- wlmri-v ninrliio nleee. whlcb ooiihIhIh of HH.O0O a cow, play an important part in the arrangement 5 and the girl's fulher ha been known to remits to were apeaKing o' toe anmeining wuen ye cume InP' Peter replied wltli a shrewd glanoeatthem both.

"First come, first served, Pother," Corny said, shaking the ashes from o' ducks- take itor lose It! Twenty- delnhiu. it will lift tlicm as nolblmr shin. Inirks nml schooners model sllU-hes. und I'eiiicls a shin on ailow- flve pounds down ithe day they're mur-alse can do, out of the dull, petty level I of the brig Uelcusc. In which Dr.

log sea. Uiidcrueulh ltarellicfliursof single peach, gives rovivlfyingstrength anil comfort. Of all gilts, excepting smiles," some one has said, the most beautiful arc flowers," and, as thoy are Uod'sellTs to us. so then can wa give give uera alugle penny orrorluncuntil the bridegroom' parent had oonocdod noa, a nouse an nome, a tanner ikhi, 0f overvduv thniurlits. They will bo Kane went to the North Pole: be Hwllwriainl, Japan, Jloroi-co.

ami Uuu- 111 anu auuuKing uie uowi to her a favorite hrtching goosel The against hu thumb-nail mind tliatl aAiia niulc.a heifer, and a clutcli o' healthier aud stronger ull their days I privateer ficu. Ariiislroug: mwlel toinalu, and gnmpiHl with them are ducks his money (for knowing how large is the world I of "pinkie" 100 years old, and a tlie ensigns und emblem of other go- following is a specimen of the way In To be sure, to bo sure," Peter re- good gifts to Hod's poor and sick. plied; and there was another long ubkb, iuhi uisnuivKiuH. in nvo ill, aim now suiuii is uieir inmicl or an old liien-liimt vc-l ami vpniiiieins. un eniier siuo are nenp- Fruits or all kiutis are specially desir aucxs isn't imrtoriU ulsn iiromliieiit raiilrlbullnns to the lure piece lyplrylug the words, pause.

able. bad." observed Peter. the "An we may as well clinch "They're bet- The display of the wood growth of historical collections in Ihls cornice- 'Mcareh the Hcrlplunw," "Praise," The stockholders of the (J rand Trunk which lnulrlnioiilal aftUin are managed west of the Shannon Oct out my Bumiay cloth ex, Judy," mid O'ltyrne one evening, when hereturued from his work. "I'm going over to Pether Liuskey'a tertiuin acalftothcin that nasn't a baronln at om ct." Corny continue! Uie country Is exnuusllvc. At the Itiou should also lie meiiiloncd tlie old held their semi-annual meeting at cow to feed It an' Corny's is tho best ww mu ij an wmj auu uwa "To be sure.

to be sure," Peter again toot, oi lie cases swnu muiiy uuuureu mgaie unio, mo iiiisiiiutiou, ine iiitnur i iuiiiv aim n.nlnh nml m. root or tne esses stanu muiiy uunureu mgaie unto, iiio consilium) assented, smoklne- steadily. Uoani in uio ceiuro is iiio iiiuw.iiu r.i "nu.ttnJKtttlo.'llli'iveltoll to her- secLlous of In tbe cuses model or which was made on "ud stand many hundred sections or logs, of this venerated but much-uei ry. It'll bo mighty narrow for ye all overhead In tho ease being specimens vessel, the America, and tlie Itoi 11.. Ye have nothin' agin my Martin, and compass, on which Is em- V-Ti.

1-f ii i i aiiii.ireaiiu uuiiiimvi, uu wmi-ii in i-ui- nus ueiriCCieu uiui iiraiilciwl the Knur a and Amerlesii "u.w V' 1 Musha, Coruy, an' what are Biusna, Coruy, an' what are have yo, Peter Llnkey Tom Dillon have yo, reter unskey T' To n- BiUUi JMI Wm I. tl.M. yo go- In' for Judy asked, as she unlocked said, laying down his nine. James Is going to America, Po a I iwuiailier, lUii-riKKAil, i. tlm nnf At tha, niinml In iUTA nl.

of the foliage or their respective trees. Next to Horticultural Hull and witu caoin, cauies ami crew hi nuiiia- u. J. tliomrh exnenses have been cut down ther," said Tom. Well, that mokes a differ.

But ififiiiisi ir luiirni niiwi'ni ill iiih iiiiimw ni nruxii. iuhi i grounds this simt affords the botanist ture. Aiuouir tiiu mmi-rMm- v. V. Hf.

Hal MI llf riJI 111 IUIP VAUP. After iiiKt won In or Wiuiiiiiirfnn. "it la I ur: i-" isn't there anything elo yer Inclined a lrge deal chest painted red, which "Agin him? No; he's a nice da- stoodnear the fire-nlaae, and carefully cent boy, an' I havo a great regard for took out a blue frlexe tall-coat, with hlin," I'uter answered, bright metal buttons, a pair of light- "An' he has a great regard for your colored knee-breeches, ribbed worsted little girl, and sorra a day's good, he'll kl IIWUlllHI VOiBlll lal I llll IHlOalhTinl. I IltfcoUln I the greatest uoiignt which tue uen ixm a aa nvin at- tiiwiui araaw Jnnniw a I rulWlnnl hit lllfAHVir fill I til nftfaY flOIIUIIIa siocxings, a pair or strong sitnes, and no tin ne'a mart-ica:" ej actuated -mm, a billy-cock hat, which, with a red bringing his flat down ou the table, cotton Dockot-handkerRhlef with a "He set hut mind on It, an' I'll back ir to oiroTT" "jjennom tue Dew tonnial run give him. from the sub- which won Uie llmt iirlxo in thoDor- wen," nisoeianua place ou uiiscian- frw-j "iiwatiViiil match at this mliiuto!" observed tropical growthoTthe Guirand South- cheater races: a new English lirc-lKint, orule piece or On ten lal embroidery, 'f i fiS nn tonrrVfor.

Pfrr; jm western Tateif up to the hardy eonl- which cannot lie upset; a folding isatt and in a thoiiHuiid ways tho pleturols J5 iVrniutujaS andffisur- I'm itone!" said Ttim. Then sud- of Maine and the Northwest forsmrungnurisJes; iveral liglitcw, made to lull jiisliryltaanibltUs title, w. JW" "a dcnlyatartlngu), he cried, "Walt a there Is not a true of importance tlutt er Quincy stone sloops another "Canaof OhI-Iimi" is very artlslleally "J0 A minute aud ran out of the house, ro- here represented. Tbepntlonee Ing boat, with canvas bottom a model done, nnd at a very sliort distance off il ii tn ofthe curious taaordyUopunt- or Uie Francena, guaraiitctH lo rhle datod Mid Inew cfXICk. I a a 1 a I 1 hlm out!" nowerea ooraer twnicn no carnal in his hat), and a stout black-thorn slill- "Turf an' Gunther! Tom Dillon, lelah, constituted Corny's Hiinday didn't Peter Llnskey tell you I come ijii.n H.

p- ing mo rings oi oiu uia nan ine sea ill any storm me nine wiiuo, a nwiuuia mmij tliat tho (Irand Trunk latoc. "There, Corn O'Byrne, put tho hey-day oflhelr growth a fost-MlIlng'yaclit Vlncyawl Houml very beaut iul samples of sewing ma- uf' Sre0 'i that lu yer pipe amf smoke Itl'' he 1 200 years belbii Columbus flrat saw I revenueanofbuug bouts, sirconstnictcd I chino work, tine hinwIuiciis or B5SB" ir rki.r.m uiTad hictlon from luipreseut suit. Sure. I'm sroln' to make a match marcn-nuiKing ior my uermouT" TnndUieran' turfl Corny O'Bvrne. inti.mstJm tbu cried exu between our Derniott an' Katie Llns- don't I tell you that I ooma to do the uiungiy.

Ouanaliani. and or some that had that they can in pulled up an the niurxiiig, aim nn exqinsuciy emuroiu- at ifrst sight of tho sack, doubtless sheltered weary aborigines I shore without many new erwl Iwti-spreail ofwhUosiitlii rautuin- at first the niurkliig, and nn ex lhllcly embro d- Corny, new bonds with whkih other oliliga- iLiiika 1 1 araa luusii faaram ut'm fllaa. started to hla feet key," he aald at 14 lu reply to his same thing for my Martin; andlsup-wire's question. "Hue's a purty col- pose a Dillon may ask a Llnakey In leen.an1 the Isiy Is mighty pbised with marriage any day au' he can afford It, anu put on ins nau while Louis cf France was battling rowers, windlasses, 4c. three four- mg iw ortiuiiiyneignou roses, Petlier," ho cried I for cross lu Pnlestlnei.

Most ol I oared shells, drafted from well-known each flower having worked In it 743 All.C IIIICU 1 II I I sua sail fl.iu'jiH latkti Maa wa-f ftv it I 111 If. 7J1 MJlltlUI. UniLHl irUlll Wl'll-KllUWIl I i imfiiia nni isa aw iw WmU mlmiln I lanvu us aa aw wwr- II. IKIHIUUIVl 4.1. 1 "I'll not be long" and running ull ner, luureiy." i too!" Tom siiaeii, supping nispocKet.

8o sbo Is. Corny, a laukle IKlle "An' let me tel ve.anO'llvrnocan these interesting Speuimwis were ob- racing boats; sevcml licet luc-hoats, slllches. Tho pink mid whllo fringe Western rullrnsd Ti holconi-tiilnLHl froui tho HKnt ovuda M.nin-1 snd Urge number of other water which Ismlew uie spivad is over ten "JgJ SrfSSSliffi tlie wuy home, he was soon there. Uet mo sack, Judy, too meal -j girl, au' she'll have a snug fortune, putdown pound for jmund with a Lln-s wiua in wiiutuiu. iini miuvii vi tcuicioi oi eiiuill iiniiiiiiiviiiii aim i i r17 SMI Air thaal mnntha.

annlr all' lm nlllnk aulitnra lin nrlnl I 11 l.l.k 1 n.i. nf fl. hull. an In lu a.u.n mnnv I Otl OIKJ IlirineSlX IllOnillB. 7, 1 Miuac ui wiuvii hxuihw iiwimki ciiuiii IHIUH9II-.

iiicru is aiau in iniaiva huIIhiII I a I ft. .1. may ix. x-niier is a ueceut uonesc saey any uay or. ior lust niouuer, num." with a Dillon," tiorny sold, costing a "Fulth, Judy, an' he's that same, scornful look at Voin, who was lulils given ore as ioiiows une ot a i collection ninny lire preservers or new whuuiui njAiiuii im-w, "Arm, be aisy.

Corny, sliure an' mn. nii its tut, hhrli ami si to. I i.ii.m. and also scvuiul sninn es of Mueranie Mackmn wits once lecturing umn or It isn't Corny O'Byme tliat would working dollies. Pether," he eon- IndrcumfercuceatUie buse.

and 688 and yacht guns. To thonc wlio arc laeetne om Kiiouiiig re- Betther an' botthcr." cried (Virny. I vara aiwUnn Imvlnir hmm I wiii. iuniiiu. vnt-iirfiiia nt I vlved.

The Women's Corn- -out, snume or uaie' witn mm or unueti, "ye xuow wnat i came ior; what fortune are ye goln' to give going into a nioiti whloh served as I made a dlunieter of sevcu fci-t two vessels now truvering American mltteo or Wisconsin exhibit sjiecl-dalry; and without vouulwallng aiH inches; one of a soft, white pine, 11 waters, tho Massachusetts naval nut- ins or excellent needlework by the otlier word to the astonished JutLv. he I Aw iiivi, i Amt in at tha children of Ht. Hose's Ornhnii Asvluin KaUeT" Peter took out his pipe, emptied It, nroceeded to refill It leisurely, poked shouldered the suck and trotted off base, and 610 years old, the section I while to tho who know llUlo of the I of Milwaukee. Mrs. Mary Chuiup- his; an' DermoU tells me Katie likes him." "An1 why wouldn't she, Corny? There's not aa purty a boy in the parish, nor a better," Judy sold proudly.

Tli rue for yo, asthorc give us out the ould stoculn', and we'll make a the lire, relit the pipe, settled himself i naviiig ocen inouo at a sociiou ot six sea it win ne rounn to uo most hiiw- m7" roninirann wwan which Coninlctnlyoutorbrcuth. he reached I txatmii innima ami minor a nil allvor i.ih,.Iu she knit without the nld of uiusses in back In his corner, and snld slowly Korl uuc. Corncy I Katie is a ftirtuiio Peter's, bathed In prcsnlrallon hut on nr 103 rect high, 80 feet In dlumeter her 100th yeur, and from the clly of herself. am a oor niun, an' the SWW5 ihi, wmiderAil In match of It this Bbrovetide with the time Is Isul and bcyont a new gown, bleasin Ht, Palhrick Cwiey re- a oounlo of fleeces of wool, an' a hank m'UJ'iu i mMvrwn yrwii hu aw, imnn 1 vi i wiiii wiv ran I I'lA llraC run I'll Wan rPUrilOCI. ami tnq 4 i L-munuiirnti nnii-iii uivm-uu -iiuiiiff into the kitchen.

The liwru iihl. All tluJa u-ruw- nu the at Centennial grounils probably not the last iiientlomsl Isa screen of nuhj Into the kitchen yeur old. All tiusie grew nu tue Alii leiutth or so of yarn, I can't give her any for Isurm Plied. siring around tlie neck of the ve ftlarm Nevada. Tiiero is alno nneoi 01,0 more gcuenii nmMiiion or Krpun Mik rmhmldereil wllh annlu Hlorra Nevada.

Tiiero Is alno nnenl mIwIhIiwI hIiiu rnin, I Iih Itiwlev almin- nmm. or nmn, Hiutnn nir iiiii.hml away, aud covered wllh the ineui, he 11 1 -7- iiioMsntiiH aim uurciHsw'. flirs. w. 11.

all cluHses bail tlie Woiiieu's lvllloii. nMUUM lMaeH yi.w mlU. tune (kirnv looked astiMiishcd.aud puslied groaned and siaiuniereil breitlhlcHMly tnlns. lii feet hlitb. 'il feet lu tllniiioter Th-lhere, I'e-iie-tlier Lins-key back his sbMil, as much as to say that at the isiMe, ami b'i years 0111.

a ch- ine arts or iiiuiih na uesign are rtuhiy wbrohlereil with hiillerlliH pronilnentlywpresciiUH here. Women 'flotrw, jti, iruniino. a a a a From the furthest corner of the chest Judy drew out carefully au old worsted stocking and banded it to her husband, who weighed It In ha hand, and then, wllh a slow wink, buttoned It into one of Ills racket. do riou exiniiit ior iiiohi, ioiks 111 tne ai: further ncgniiniiiuiB were unciohk, Wli-whilc the irat ics wus gr-gruwlug. tlie mule would keep them alive I W-wbiit d'yoaiiy.

P-nether?" Middle Stales is that of the many nave uuiiu wen in wtitsi-t'iigmviiig, as nvcvnt iuillnllon of the proofs ni work for inuuiislnes and ii.ii, i when Tom Dillon nam sever minu Pether: there's lltcni as 'II lie willlii varieties of native ouk, and tho re illuatiaied lsipurs show, and the fretvl fl.K1,,iM lLm, 11 iteitorru. Cum v. isav what I often the business, Judy," be said, as he left to tuke her without any fortune, un' a an "a i I niwnHii i iinvini, ssif aw JIHIil markable want of resem bianco among tliem In regard to foliage, the Uu-bark litenttiiro nml tlie stage, and In discussing the education of memory, boasted tliat he could repeat any formula of words alter once hearing it. Foot was in tlie audience, and at once wrote and sciiltnlhc stand that rigmarolu that has since grown so Aunous: Ho she went into the garden to cut a cabbage-leaf to muke an apple pie; at the same time a great she-laur, coming up the -street, pops IN instil into iho shop. 'What! nn wstpf Ho he died, and she very Imprudently married the Istrls-r nml them were present cho Pielnlliles, and tint (Intlid I'anjiimlmm liliuself, with tbu Utile round button at tho top; and Ihey all fell to playing (bo game nf eulcli-iiH-CHtch-cnn (III the gunpowder mu nut of Ihe heels of their boots." Mackliu failed, and ho has everybody else tliat has ever tried to iviieut it.

Tub Woxukh uv tiik Bkain. One of tbonioHt incouttcivublu things In the nature of (lie bruin Is, that the organ or sensation should in itself lie luxciisUile. To cut Ihelirulu gives no pain, yet In tlfo hralu alone reside the power or feeling pain In any other mrt or tlie body, if the nerve which lends from It to (lie injured part lie divided, It become Instantly unconscious of snllbring. It is only by coiu-munientlini with Iho bruin Hint any kind of sensation is produced, yet the organ itself is insensible. But there Is a circumstance more wonderful still.

The brain Itself may lie renioveil may be cut away down the rorntumatfUMui. said before, that yera ducent man, an' I nnnu umwing is excellent; 111 mis mr 1mh1 the house. many JlanuvgMh- can aflbnl it, too!" LathtQoA prosper, or oe with you Tiime Air ye, Tom Dillon, direction woman snows au auvanne RW, silk, with mw.ii nntr nf Ur liiuhinMM. huvlniT yer boy Is welcome to Knlo Xiinskey." air one Into remunoratlve and appropriate a yo lltcail. Icter Cried viilvntv.

wlllnwlmiiMl Imivm. while wnat no fields of work, Tom Dillon. thoso of tlie bliick-luck nuk of the o' tlicm Is Dennnlt U'llyme. we're not dependiii' on a few bare jmunds not but wlutt it's well to have some I the exhibits In 1 his section alone would retpiirc for more space Hum cun well WllHt 1 SUV .10111. liorallioro All.inlln Mlatna nm bull.

loss. Tlio ehllder mlurht dloo' tlio I alisllarmrl Til lltn bvmIii nf tm WAflsl beallotinl for a ucwpaper urticliV The Cincinnati school of design occupies a lurge space iu tlie wvilion, and very udvautugeously. Among the various feature. Unit of the carvlmi roiu nut wne. Peter Llnskey was a mall fermer.

living about a quarter or a mllo from Corny's cabin, lie had several sons and one dauiter, Katie, who was considered the beauty" of the village of Ballymnyne. Her eldesl brotlier was about to be married and bring his wife home, and her Ai Liter iiihIi7ifw1 thing put by for the eliilder," hemhled cautlouslr. "To be sure, Corny, to lie sure," fljV7rfAa(afuliiliiig brought an by aiM. same wide divergency ex- l.m.ia..a aai.aB I Imiia ualtkiui la. 1 aaaaaa aa a al a uuiiKi-r, ur uvwr laaiajuw wiuiinu ihvh.t ima.

Willie 1110 CftllOll II VO OUK Ot I lie reter osnvhumI Southwest ha a smooth bark and line Is the most novel and perhaps the best, I Wool raising Is subject to greater This is not masterly ami powerful fluctuations than almost any other sustenance) while the praties wa growln'. DermoU O'Byme can best "Well. Petlier, Is it to be me or grain, tlie pout-oak Is rugged Isitli in nrovide my little girl with comfort. Cin-ny 1 Is a Dillon to be put behind uarK ana grain. un' lm'a welcome to her.

It would be very advisable to get Katlo the door for an O'ltyrne? in't my married and seU'ed before Uie arrival Martin as likely a boy us there's In the At thut itinnieiit a inerrv lautrh I MAcmajsKY mall. caused the lb reeold men to look round, Those who take It for granted that "i ner sisierin-uiw, anu ix-nimlt U'- imronyT lle'll witn- work, such as may be seen in the branch or agriculture, owing, pcriutps, Italian and tfemian departments of to tlio fuet thut no Investment of nia- the Main building, but It is beautiful chlncry audniilk-pans Is required by und even poeilo lh diNlgn and graceful going Into it, or has to be wrlllced in in execution. going out. When wool rises, every- Thoniost interesting section or tlie but ly buys sheep ou a rising market pavilion is Unit of inventions. Their und flings himself iuio Uie glut, get- characlor It ptveiical, almost without ting well stocked about Ihe time the nut a brass nenny.

and do well for her. ami Corny tried to scramble to his feet. Machinery Hall Is crowded wtui mya- in tnouoorway siooti jiauo iiiusxey, itenauscngiuewiioseistniouiariuuu-her huiuls nresscd to her sides, and I tlons can only bo comprehended What do ye say io that?" Torn asked, slapping lie table. IUhUkI, then, Tom, I'm in a fix ln- sjrmw uuc. wanpiiig young ictiow, very steady aud gooil-nutiircd old Peter tliough would make a vei good husband Air his girl (especially as be was an only child), If no.

Mter suitor offered. execution, aim un or ineni are vuiu-inrioo kxh imwii. iu tilirornln. tears of mirth coundngdown her pretty I skl.led artisans, will Imi niisit "I'm sorry Air your trouble, I ably disappointed when they make Corncy." she said, advandng; but I their first visit to this mammoth and tireiy. Here's Corny, a (lucent oiu able.

A Philadelphia wiminu. Mrs. B. where therearecsllniiiteil to iwntthe man, wllh a fiuo steady gossoon of a M. Stiles, lias goucn up very lugcu- present time Bl.000,000 sliccp.aiul wisil lous eombiiiaiion of cabinet, aeurvliilre I brliUM only 12ieents this vrar.

the When Corny O'lJyrre reoclied Peter Lluskey's cabin be put in his head son lie's rat air Here's yourseir, an honest man an a (rood nelu-lilMir sorra without duet roving life. The animal lives, and performs all lis function could not help laughing, you looked so most important structure. In tlie quarc and alio burst into a fresh building, as viewed at present, ure to pcul. bo found unt Only the mechanical con- II II ir.ll. II .1, LJ.

I r. u.hlu. nwlnk better an' sure Martin Is the pliloof and tabic, containing drawers, pigeon- price oi sheep Is down to 1. and thou-holes, a uewsnuncr filo-ruck. nnd so snuds are hclmr converteil into tallow the narisli on a Hununv! I'm bothered which are necessary to simple vitality, but no longer has a mind It cannot think or feel.

It reuulre thut the fond over tne naif-door, ami snld In Iri Uol save all here!" the cuitonuuy form of greeting in tliat and many IW njHlb HI LU.1IB I1VIP, 1 .1 TUIIK. RUHU JiWV bvuiiw said Peter, lieckoning his daughter to I of man lias, created in the oflurt to Intlrely, and what can I say, but settle It betune ye I Whichever of ye can do ou, which, when cloxed, tuke up very So with, the low prices of California, little space. Mm. Stiles Invented this many wool growers In the at the remark of a mun whose ball Slate are xrowlng mutton sheen, and ins siuc. "i was nwion-maxing ior i economise luuor auu i meeann wiiu wist pans ui rcianu.

1 God save va kllullv Piirnv." Ptkr I I ha haat Ai hap. taba liar, ill flia naina should bo pushed Into the stomach; -once there It Is digested, and the animal will thrive and grow fid. Wc must Infer, therefore, from these fiurt. she wanted to hire for a society, that if I aro finning them profitable. The de- ye; an' the bargain is closed Detune I new rormsor ueauiy, out tue products me an' tiorny for you an' Derinottlof tliese machines themselves, and, O'Bvrne!" linore than all, tlie numberless new dis- "Ye don't mane it father?" said I ooveries which have within tlio past she'tl niako tables and newspaper files nuind for meat I steady and certuin.

that should fold up and hang on the and the sheep best adapted to prod wall, they could have it. She took the clng meat will yield It at a price to man at his word, and has patented the compete with any other animal. Katie, with a comical glance at Corny century become of Inestimable value and Tom Dillon. I to the luochuiiiu arts. Here can be that the part of tlie brain, tlie convolutions.

Is simply I tended for the exercise or the Intellectual faculties of exalted kind bestowed on limn the silt "Shnra i-tinuim I do. ma colleen I seen the nrovress of the lust one nun rep' led from the chimney corner; of St Pathrickl" and Peter resuiued "come in and tans a sate." bis pipe, and sunk back into his cor- Corey entered wUh both bands be- ner. hind hi, back, and took his seat on a The two old men eyed one anotlver thilegged stool tlwt Mrs. Mnskey silently for a iiw minutes, then Dlillun had pushed in front of the lire for pulled a little bag from his pocket, him. oiiened it deliberately, and took out "Fn.e weather for tho croia), another, from which he drew forth a UP the third, inade off pucjilo stuff, fastened lire with his shoe.

"An' Mary, with a piece or red build. Very slowly throw on a couple o' sods dry turf, hU eye still Axed on Corny, he pulled and sweep up the hearth, will ye?" out a sovereign, aud W'l it on the Mary did as her husband directed, table. Hhew Veti-r Unskev what ye of reason. have ye anything to any agin it?" re-1 died years so Illustrated by the con-nlied lptr. knoi'kliur the ashes from I treat ot the mile aiincuraiicca of the good a thlna- that W.T.: ending nr a tavern.

I do'n't iro become actutoiner. ins nijie. I pom wr tue innrveiiiiiis creniious, it was the leniy. L' Mir'ZZ-j if I do," Improved do," 'Veil, don, the grounds. Mrs.

Flyot's "Atusna. not a worn at an. miner i not tne urchin, mnt mn let us t.nkca vnlk." Abu, lha evil which wa (kin would ahun. Wo on, and havo Iho wtahrd-tbr snod uudon Our itrraflh lo-Uj. Manv a sweet kernel la In dear; only only I even tlio most Ijnorunt cun full to uniicr-garnic ni are ueiv.

ann several The most bashful girl we ever knew was one who blushed when asked fi Only what, Katie?" I learn something 01' Uie wonder oi'iue- "Onlvl was married last Tuewlav to I clianlcalaehievenieuis In thoflrstfew liifulllbiu inclbodi for aress-outtliig by charts, also a new magnetic A shell so are thousand of the Rweetest ouls in tlie world in coorso clothes. Jack Man nan, the painter!" she re-1 momenta spent among this uuex' Western luuiidress, Mrs. Seuido Shorts she iiad not been courting sleep. and then going to a recera in the wall I mane to do, Corny O'llyme," he suld..

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