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The Homer Index from Homer, Michigan • 1

The Homer Indexi
Homer, Michigan
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

mm Via -akar aaaaW rates or juwnnsnro i The Homer Index. aeaua. WfcI MlI4VMafYft'" fMniMra 1 1 ea 1 1 1 1 en 1 1 ann Ta IH IM It) If Ii fle gwwUahiaiaMM IMUMwBmw llalM IM WW HoaiM Oaa eg fj aa Wn WW W.A. LAVE, AT HOMKR. CALlIOUtf CO.

MICH. TUUfft, U0 FEU T-CA, jldyutck. yae an or mm aaaaUtaw a (fan. Ural KiUarjaTHallrM tra mliprl Hat. Marriaaa aa4 Dank Mallaaa fta.

1 antaaf In Uaai ar kaa la IXrartarr, fUft YMrlrrirartlirramrkaaaa ajauwrij. lvi KallrM at Nf aula btIm. fnaaHil ailrarllalag jaaal ka afpaaM. $1.50 PER TEAR. A Lire Local lenpapcr, Derotei to too Internti of tie People eil.tHe PnHIisher.

W. A. LAKE, PiMMer. NO. 22.

krr nf laaarlfciaa waaM, ar Ikar will ka raHlikta ajHIIaraaiaaaaa rkanH HOMER, WEDNESDAY, MAY 31, 1870. VOL V. will aa Mitsii 1 Omen, No. 4 Kobtu Bopiiia. St.

Art Crltlrlaiii. AIAKK II'THK KKCOIIIM PAItM AND OAKDKN. Dying In llaracwb dark." Mid Burnett to lib muter, a they wit mi tlie whle plaaa facing the ImpiMiaible. liut there la no danger, completion of tlie work they liiaugur- lUliih IiIcnm you, I've beached the atod. IJut Uiey cannot be with ua.

yaeht a aenreortlmea without hanu." They have long alnoe anawereil the wi.ii.. ii. i.nniiit aiiiiiniiiiii that wa lu tlma muat an A Detroit ftrtlNthM ftir thepast fourl A Huggeatlon from CfMigivaa rlta nay. me evening imioi-i iw oirai' OKKRN MAKI'llKB. In man or Ave montha been throwing hi (inventor Ihtgley.

It la found that nlowlne umlir riwm plated departure. i afraid tn kit vuu arc. Burnett, (Mr i Mlra kaMe, MntrM Ml nana Ih MrrirkSSa Ik knkaa iai mM W7 Ik. Oalr Mlra tana asa elf-la if woaaVriaf or growing ennw do la-tter in renovat The following Inn been received Ironi a ing worn land than old rotted manure II HIIU llll'J wuw ninvRiii tuv 11 I awer. Kven their algiialurcM havoal- wliolo anul In ft JaniUwiie whleh la unfolding lUlnkydmpeiyaa It moved, moat faded from NlgliL and tliepan-h- now on exlillilllon In a WiNxIwanl av- anil blotted out the ami.

Then came meiit Itm-lf la Uwlnnliig to crumble enuo wlnikiw. It called Una ft ft-w mil of hot wind like the breath under the touch of a eeniiiry. ui nr erttUtn. yet what are of a ghmlng aurface. The water felt "Hut let ua be thankful and rehiliv art crltkn In number to the great mib- WilrtTlMlk trlg-tr livaator roaJInf IIm WhI inn imremvri omce HTATK OK Mif-IIIIiAN, I I feel rcsisinslhle for you, and think It will be Uwt tn keep you In sight till father returns," wld folio, with aflfret- Cd WrlUMIIM, I iinnnlsa vnu.

Ulna Hello, to take naa. -a i-vivp ninnii iiiMiiim Hukl 1 hrklatailhi khai Ural aallrat MM-VTIVKtfKPHIK, IjANninii, May 111, INTO. Ta Ik IVa-Oa at Ik Ntalr af Mlrklaas i Hn Ik arrk saMM-lanl aa Ik alike 7 Tlieru waa a crown antunii or onnijKjat, rrmn the Atct that more humua and fcrtuenUtluu la iroducrxl In the noil, which abw alluwa the air of the atmnniihere to circulate more freely through the earth, tint caualiig more aieedy dlaaolutiiiii ami prepara- a tion for (he uan of plant, ltealdea. plowing under green eroiw la cheaper than any other mmle of lerUllalnv iim wjm (raw tm BllipiU Car Ol Ull. nan jnur cimnti during to-niorrow, mid If I do not re iHilta Inorvaaed Ull they leramea con- atlll Uvea and reflection In the tlie picture yeaturilay, ami a iMNtuuacK alaaM kov paM-trallr wala.

ih nu-asir timk auuare look at I he picture and I have received notice from (he ofllea of the Department of Nate, at i turn Him in gomi fonunum wncn iNirniwcd. then mine be the unpar I nam Unuoua galeof hot wind thatlminaaeil hearia or tho American peonie. In power each aeooml. To thia holy Hpotfor 1 deem it Of con mo the yaclit waa heailed ftir hallowed ground on which I aland TklkUjJf4Mk keaala tklak, kuw fond It I ta Altar Ikt fcaraaa-4 Jaarary, taw n-sfnl la wiiiiihhhi, ui me iimaii ny lJUIl' on. or I lie iiaanage hy (Jon donable blame," Italnli Austin assumed the altitude "lurty good rlwr he palntml, hut wanning It mna up All.

Wonder ft that artlnt 'J1 Mtowlng Joint rcaofutliin didn't ever go (Lulling Srwnlvrd, hl th matt I WUk Ita krakaa iksfU an4 Iktmri lo, wiIIIm anil, while the more frequent plowing, harniwing. and aowiiur aeed ftia iba 1 imumt or tciirrmnMiiiva or tAx I 'uitni Mijr la ait: There waa a iwiune. and an elderly almre the moment there waa broeao tena of IhouMamh rroni every quarter enough to fill her nail, anil then, hold- of the globe will come to at thia lug tlie tiller, llurnett looked back alirlne of ft nation liberty, and to every few aeeomla to the white line of render homage, not only to thoao who foam that came nearer with frightful laid tlie foundation atonea of the lem- Stitlr nt Anvricit in thngrrm (uncut. btiill. Tliat it be.

anil la heniliv ramm. WalfWra.kaa'H-llB ktmw-ilMl ii Ik atafla of ft pleader duriiijc thin little speech, tliouKh ltn itioHt eloquent part waa In Hie bright bbwk eyce tliat beamed lovingly on lira he apoke. ntvitli such a nranilaa I cannot I gentleman with njiei'laelea on re-marknl mended by the Henale and lfouae of Ml nSmil he UIM kla oa af Ikt tort MiI Whatatrlken In that all Uione raillUlty. aia viiian iw i wr tn iu 41. me eroji and then again plowing to urn it under, prepare (he land better making It flue and mellow than la 1 done with aimple luanure.

And then again, thla furnlahe the beat manure for unlng fertllitera liberally, hy apply- lug them to the areen emn ailmulat. Om af Ikt faaaag wan sautls Ika cllr waa well that he reeflNl the aall, UII rememiier, who laid down mil ri nix twa anouiii 00 awironing innr VT withhold my consent, eo Alice and II dcienae or me coinpieieu taiia uie name way ami at 11111 aame iujITlJIiTLJ A touTfeiat la karMM. ktrihaa nil ar will aee that you have ft baaiwt fall of fbr now the yacht waa fclrly leaping Uvea In 1-j I i i Anil a himirhth water, anil 4 ha armanlna- atniKtuK. leaning uvea in time." I ui mwna on uie Tho crowd looked doner, and It waa wntpnnlal aunlvemary H. i iVi.

i.T...iw.i,nwft.iM.thii-..i vour uinner." uawwnuinan. 1 laMm, rravilaf Ika aikir)r, atajlai yaaratawi lug a luxuriant growth to be plowed under, which. In turn, vlviai Mr. lUlph AuaUn, aa It you who Are you making fur the bayou, have obtained iioriulHHlon from the Burnett lie aUII Uvea: that thin document the general opinion that the artlat r. nTcnuwiee nU which luta come back to you, haa not ahould have awllehed over aome of "'V jo lie Udlyere.1 011 been dlHliononNl.

but rctunii like an thane taila. hMriI aki.i of aald IIIM, Wkal kllM araikal Oaljr alk why km! At aValk far a kaaat of kanka Oa Ikimtak Ika kaif alrtpt Thai la arcr aod rrar arkalaf Ika Imd of Ihf mniniandliiR unlcer for me to vlait "lea, I think we can get over the I'm Cavallo with you, permit mo to bar." vnu mv alneere. ueeil I my Itumett'a hamlHome flica waa now aged parent to look upon the glory or Ifa very nil," aald ft young man nnatioii, hlnchiidreii. and to VreaUie Sprayer with anore eye, but Imik at that log I kZ', grain crojin, leaving tlie land In an lm-pnived atate, which la not an much the caHewhen fertillaera are uaed only orj the crop to be harvealed. Clover.

buckwheat, tie vine. mllleU. rv. ami mm kind Intop. I vir naio.

and tor him. Vftrv atern. and ft and.for him, very, atran. ft Itaeahw fl.r thoae wl.c imuae from a wiUHni po orview. JJ' nyiaa am i i .1..

an. lon(kip than tlia flvlnir vanlit tlie I nroveii worthy of hla benediction, Wkat vaalkfiiia? A ijraikul la laark tn lira- aome other, are excellent In the order TTIIJelill PV Mr UHl! III IHUlllll IIIIMi lb I JVI aataa aajaar- will mil over and hurt aume one beftms T' "fln nianunerlpt, night, and the chimney wouldn't In Ihe office of tho Mbrarian of aaawiik Data He wke laagkl la vanklaa aprak la paral tint nameu wr cut purpone. An expert-' "-menter aire the liillowliiir Aftae IMirtuiilty to ilo you a like wvor, pray winu luiinwon who ever-incnRunna; uyiiinwii.uiajmira' alwava eonaldcT me youra to cam- fury, till the whole line of foam came nlal year ao full of pmmlae and hope; mana it uPi envelocd them, and then went fiirUioadmlntomtlon of juatlee under llumott looked In euch a way at hU roaring toward the ahore. a Juat government; for the neana weeu- draw If there were forty fire below." 'PIimm Inn. fuivln.1 nt allAmiA iJongrw, to tho Intent that a complete record may thna lie obtained of the Tkf trr aa Um rack lawaatai aakaajlaaa kaaria trying many different green cropa, I am aulle certain that for the innlener aa each one of the crowd lined the progwaa or our int lutloiiK during the beutlhilalater.aaheaiiokeaaHrinHiKht Ho fierce wan thewlnd now, that It Joy at home anil ahmad for Uiealgna af awa, TkatakaraMaawaadiiBaaaaJlaaf laharaai PaWVafUkal llWO Tkaa far ita priaa I A rrawi la Ik alraH af trw 1 I 4 i I 4 I4 ..41 I I A.H 4.

4 With IllM eye. Then an old eenienniai 01 I iiiiaawaiil maTamaaHta 1 iiatwa ft brigllter glow to licr rouimeii cneeaa. I ens im uie? aumniiui ui 1110 -aTin, ap- I yy -v iniHiiui I I IIM .1.. 4 u.4n- I Irlnilllnu nf l.iualtu ani iwilriiil urn Wflnian HUlt nlllllr MmarkM numovni miivu ja. inin.

and fanner nothing la ho valuable aa rye. ita growth la made lata In au-, tuinn and early In apring, at a time when little elae will grow, eo that the Ken morning J-urncw. i "rVlCJj ZZLl "Ti wkalaf Iwad Tkr lolknr, rronkrA by Ika kearr Iaa4, la Ikrra la 1 earneaiiy nnw that In the relet) ra- houmi or Uie llulnh Auatin were TaVIIIwa UreilCIl- I UM UIUHII(I IH B''U JJKUTari llllllTIla a-iw aa laajfay. a ituiiui mm 11. a I.

A I nttaal aMaaa naoanima ran? mImII mnd I ra-l aa I MnajVal AP llaV pi VA1-I tllfll nana, I mu iianu tllirjii wvn miv I 1 41. 4 up by ilny aknint had 1 LHvn 1 mar hid nrvunanui anu inrnuiiiinar wj 1 4.10 uimuuc ..11 tcji.ii,uBi..n 4... 1 and. aa an early brca! JktpiJ ORrWy tm Hit MM JfM 4 i.i. 1 1 4 4 41.

..4 i iniinmiiinm in khi. irmiiiiH .4 mm (u narticuiftr line. I awanm It I IIIHnV. IjUL UO OCVOUIIV IMUMKIUI I 1 Et LWH ulimmiBI Hat i DBII1 UUIlHr -IT mum um m-sill- ordered, llolle and Alice Morton I 1 IV I 4 t. I lllflimmf Inll mav I4I iiIwma.uIIu I I In f4urf mil frl.m vegetablea are Thev were near the bar about which tor lliliuencenniai year.

apiece mr, ami i ann -i uciievemey are najru- up and nliarcil Willi me young men BIATA. THE 1 41 i.i 1 1 1 ii An.iiinw xniUuin in niuwiiiinmi all It than th I- vur recuni yet newaiid Tamil ar on in umeioaowin Ben IIKROIKE OF GORUA. 1 mi nfK. iwmain aiLfr huiiihi temiier, and id for them the rve will Melle. fleiw atru to my Inatructfon.

I traliafer to your There waa woman at her aide with th he rroun.1 la not,ft wo ahall I Mi vprv uneanv." aald 1 ..4 1 viiHnliunuliiri ti.ia nnaniium rinmimiHit i a iimii or Hiinave in nop naHKot. anil vuiiuiiuGu uraaneriLV. 1 nmj, 111 wuiru una and it in eminently mWr. Ti lie aa heavy aa can be aa ahe klanetl her brother good byi Mmvo Imr llltlu hand to llin friend. Dlowed under.

A Tale of Boutlieru Trxaa. maaaca or (bam. rellcthat haa been protected by Uie love 1 1 can mid a nice, aniootn board 7.V",r,ifr -warning y.v?C niea in uiceiy Italnh Auatln. If he hail Ilia wlnll It waa too late toattemnt to mnke and veneration of Uie American people any where I'll have my liuHbaiid make wnencenea or in- mrewwiiiig cmnin 10 ite corn, BTBtilfed ill tlie matter, would not have There in no country in tho world more uleanant to the eye, in early tho ahore tlmre wan nothing left (ir It fori humlredycar willaufflirno Injury three or four picture like thai." nga with or powtnea. ann more panie- "4 tr'" I'T.

V. in I fei.4.-. ....1 un. that we ahould nut unmi imm fn-1 ulariv nowed corn Rir CmlHiir fhr goncatall forwaawhatlttoaall toVtum ruw4iin ntumaMfi wiiii tmi uma iiwiie nil acep nnuKin oil. 1 ni vinu, 1 ZT th urn wlm an lit ..1.

urn iflippn MuauiriiE nil. 'i a winu. 1 umiirr 4- 4 4, 1 miMiv 11 in 11, will iro niu.iiM us, mmnyinn trji- nlftle man, whiiw gajwnta were hJTmZJZ apring. than Houthern Texan, parucu-lariy that portion bordering on Mata-(-ordaBay. The level prairie, looking like a beautiful lawn, with long apacva l.lll Al.

near the hlly of Matagorda," aa the that aeemcd to have exerted iwa- turned at the clone of the Ccnleniilal aectlon callwl'lieUe K'linarT And, aible atrength, at thin time allowed1 ita aeaaonlnaagooileonditlonaayounow going to Time' honpiUl ftir old i1)," not Ih-Iiik anxloun to go for tlie reaaon reaerve, for, a the yacht reached Uie receive clothe, elboweil the hoy back with a Own Kaii motive would bar, it burnt with redoubled force on The Declaration wa then placed In great allow of authority, and re- Inpuli- clieajier and 1 no mmonwiie Varm Hoaul It la tuuoh more nleanant ftir Ikrmora ih manT-twHiixu uuw 11,4, aame eiiUoiied. the namS marked: thatanot. ft aarc ennatruvted both to exhibit and enierald ezpanae ilka fl(rce to n-tum aa noon a ponalble in a common iiroM-pt'rity nd united am cltl-fnny to have good roaila on Uie place than bad one. Team can haul lanror loana. anmnmH u.eaal jiT." 1.

no he anauivd IWIe they would return iou folk don't know anything about art. You'd better go and crlU- Toenail new away in raggea rilibons. preaerve it, uie aey 01 which in Uie vaclit accnilnir to La lifted fWim acanlon -of the Interior Dcnartiuent. Viaiiliianria Ifaxkl lUliMII, SZEZ 'JrXZLT2 nw.7 lartre dark, with more nafety and comfort, over good rntuhi, from the diHtant fields anil ill addition to the requwt of Con- the water, waa daubed to atom on Uie The old Mall Ii now reatored to the 1 own lamp nm or a airen aign. 1 nere 1 while cant and went the denne growth hut very ileep bayou tint emptied Into bar, and liulph Aimtln and hi frlond condition, aa near aa may ne.

in wmiui -uia painier iiaa um up inroeyaroa cwmea ue tne womih lot, man ir there be no on ana ol I Mataoonla Bay-a place were left atruggling in the water. It appeared when John Hancock'a of good factory cloth, a ilay'a I7 ofr "irreaa and roada. Iet the atone and root be lM.r1tP boldnlgnatureledthevan. TOlLJS ffMaitto'ftJl along tlie river-bottom rorina a back around to the beautiful nlctiire. 1 winn.ii 1.

nn.4. I uitim iiimiiiir hur i j.n. r4.li4ml Inir ijinHinv. At tli In acanon of the year the cattle that have been feeding in the Imttnma during the winter, with Ita cold north- around here and go to abutting hla pic Tho Molly Magulrc.

IW nlHWM.TO UVW4I, IIUIVS U1ICU Uf. oft place hardened with atonea and aolid earUi, and Uie team will haul JOHN J. ItAMLKV. OlllllCeOnHI. 11 WBH HlXICeil lllimw uaninu uuim muiiii.

Him, imm I'anaCavallo, where Miewatcrn of tlie with anxiety, he and Alice rode raj)- BrtkaOarrraari The exiMme or the nccret ture. A Dutch man's Iiuiirance. K.II. n. aoclcty I I Ioubm, gamlarr af Malr.

era, come out witn 111 el young, ami lav met thone or the Uulf. miy oown me ooyou. uiNiuouni- afainilmii I known aa the "Mollle enough more, with lea breakage in a Ingle year, to pay the trouble of making a good ruiul. And. bealdBs.

the in peaoeiui neran revel in me nnon, 1 lie Wlllcl waa lUOWIIlg on anore. aa 1 mcjr uiicucu uicir iniimn ami ran The lttat and 1'reaent. mull graaa. eouatantly Ii In A certain Dutchman had effected an Deer by hundrwln arc tltii iKauoii in the to Ihoauore, on which the wave were which Detective McParton ihaa maile eight, and the riven, an1 thm WM mrt oiou.l now breaking with great fury. to the Court In the trial of the munler- wlUi flnh licneath and even ao big a a man'a There come Uie yacht.

They arc era or the Policeman Yontln IVnnayl- I 4 II. I farm looks better; there la more plea- innurance on a Hinall houe of bava awarm lalllmni.1. l.n.l I wild fowl above. rerain at wrriuiu in low- ferrlllg to tlie much talked of return ure nu mm rexauna in tne wora to both man and team. We have seen horse and oxen ao bothered and vexed by the cart or waoon KetUns into a tothe.almpllclty or our forefathers." 11 1 IIU1IU.

A UCIICr lUly OnilU Il uait iimimum luinfuiii vii. 11 4 oiuki i i There are many lieautlful 1 omen bor- ui allUi the yaclit apeil tull Uiem they cannot paaa the Imr eannena and crime. Till organ- dering Matagorda Itay to the north, ft, ltMlcu myriiula of exclalmcil Ilelle, wringing her haniln, lsaUon had it origin In Ireland, and hut none that, In deganco and iiur- WBter.fowi fam tliuir courne, the and looking toward Uie yachL which aprang, like mont or the Irlali aecret BIIU IIIV AUirilllUII MICH 1-iniJIICai IIIC I l.f nlfMIA MmiaMsaiu.n JL ftill amount for which it had been in- hole, or In the mud where they ooukl not haul out. and then whlnned and roundihsa, equal that or Judge Del- aured but the ofllcera of the company Him.ront roniiwil til innm flinn till artnml -T young men ahouted and Miig una every lew neconii eeemea piuuging 'ir faughcil In their exec or nplrita. forever out of eight Hah official ataUoneili that country, Eng- ninn 01 nneecn.

mar. He waa once a weauiiy uianier, and la now one of the rlehent atock- eunvniL nnt What an Intenao plcanure life mat I "lam we ueip mem 7" aaaea Alice lr 1111 TV Xii'Tr. one fashion now 1 nlcanure liieisati wciiciptnemT" anaeu Alice wb janr-i -i one fashion now at ai 1.1 I tMiatiuI In amaai llliuaal iih.I MniuaH uI.Ik I lllaaaaBf lBllllsT I all! I II llfilsMIPIIII liNiaTIHI fta I scolded till they loat all courage and kindness, and became baulky confirmed In the habit, so that afterward Uiev would not draw loada nut nf Hlffl. auch time I the young uie in peneci id. a Erowera of that wonderful pature-ind.

A wire and ft ann and daughter iif very iiinou aim ireuaiiiiiHiiH i uarwinitMuuii ifwwmui uihhw 4 taato in iirvui ftipnlttim M. When tluf clergymen found Ugh, liitcrlurdiiig hla remark thjrt brauchc were Hprcading to all wine choice Tuetonlo oath. IT you iMngll "ts WJWW, 2Kl of tiiinga in iiy-gnne lierliNla. aympathy with. the anrlng eon, Uie No how can, we Bee, they a in those cult place all fmm bail roada on the eonatltuted the Judge' family at the Ume I apeak of.

To write Ilelle Delniar waa beauti fresh tirccxf, tlie rippling water, mur me uur i nirv am on ik, auu We liave and aaure aky, the vcrV niotloi. oT U.e Bt-lle IVIm.r flnlshcd (he sentence on of he niutry they pro- winl. WMtortitolw myjeil iiStbing. 'we liave elutted lann. Or iiianurina evewreena.

tlie editor boat, a it tiounueu along, Itcaving wim a cry oi agony, uie yociu nan or the Hardener's Monthly aava: iiiKimmy In tlii'lr 1 lim i illlir I UlsanDeared I excommunication mrinuiu an iwr- wiwr until uw mw i nnHluiVHl tlin 2 meaaurt. to thtlr thm. P. "lT" SKlteliJ EKKflS -S' for leas thiiii To Many kind or tree thai do uutaeeni ful," would be nimply to pen what everybody aald who knew her. And even the lea favored maiden who might be Inclined tn envy Belle Uie to thrive well will be greatly Improved next year by ha vine a surface dreaaliur true Thev reaelieclBalurla.

a llUle village which ahe had often rowed herself. By thl mean the onlcr wa kept In Jwdoiie even $8,000." our aneentorn. Thin toct Treallv ontheHno'ofthTlWIn The oara were In it, and, the moment check, the ecclenlaiitical auUiority be- hla DKnKialUoii the Dutcliman ob- wlw30TutIon ftir Tit toflah. her eyca rested on it, ahe bounded ftir- big more effW-tive than the civil. It wo coinpelleil to fc, uT- Tlw ainelple or IsTtak Walton who ward, cat It loose and, to the horror ibut recently it laicame bike thajM h- umZl almplldty and miKlerii exn nan received tho be sininllclt and iiuslerii of manure or rich anil thrown about aue.uion ner neauiy nrougnt, acknowledged, one and all, ahe waaa good and acooiuiil lulled aa alio waa nrwaaa them.

Kveivreena are no ezcenUon. claim tlutt the sport or angling con of hcrcomiwnion, she iilicd her oara that any bidgea bail been Instituted In money wa called andilaahciiAirUielmr. I Mils country, and the first fruita were upon by hi Insurance agent, who It can be shown that every detail of A alngular notion used to prevail that Uil excea I derived from the very niaiiure or any kind waa Iiijurioua to times thai are held un to us aa nimlvfy eveiwreena. urohablv throus-h noUaina- weet and beauUful." And thimut be aoknowletla-eil to be a high and cer alsta in the king search for tho gihne, and then In the akill with which the Craxed with alarm thnus-h Alice liRHUiht to light In the ciwl rettlon of wuuieii nun 10 imkc out a policy or lire Mnriin wna aim nmiiii nnt. lint maann Peniisvlvania.

Here tlie nriiicinle of I Insurance on himnclf or on hi wife. tainly deserved compliment, coming ahy flnh in liooked, would have no mr4 I- 14 or moderallou, then, obviously, (he that they were usually found In poor, censure and criticism so abundant barren anil. Our beat American eon- on tho follv of thia mod act. Hhe Uie aoidety hail full ncope and few "ir. vnu insure your wlfe'n life for pleasure uniting in aiawgnruu najr.

i 4i- i lainniHiii i. 4 i.i 11 watched tlie alien or Uie UaU aa It nan; I men eouiu woraiuiuo iniiitn uninna it iww, ami mil- are all wrong. In those matter that nrw grower, however, have long prao- JiOiiaing over uie sine oi wio autTiuir- jin .1 i.u um i i ironi mien a aource. In Texas, where men hold lund In proportion to tlie Immepae else of the State, fttrma or ratliar houaea, are very far apart, and, to one accualomed to eu yacui, uie young men coum atv uir rv3WifTtarf J.r.7..Z.7Jiu.. aolmm rintr linn Tw kV hin i involve eiauorauoii, artuice, display, inanunng tneiu, anu witn tne water beneath literal alive with by the ccaaelena utrokc of tho rower: DctcrtlveMelrtonwcntftnioiigtheiii, aoj your heart.

J)at be tarn!" we have gone laiek to our ftireraihcra best result. Uuauo lias been found Ash, dancing and nalflngiUke ani- -lie watched it Ull, like ned bqtawi Smnce fell If Mn" aI huSw.S- particularly lienendal to toe aci matedjewelaln netting or silver and waa lost 'mid the maddened water on trusted offlcer, and when hla plot waa JJJ and, no (ar, have fulled to come up to nilly, and will probably be found a wild the bar. nurtured, he come out and expose Uie wire my vlfo, and my vile die, and ir theiii. lt'mw wuu, --i fJ the whF(lie Zity Df aver. Kid-fish winnper.

law, gnrtlsb, Hecoml paawKJ-HKmuilHUiatacemed aecrctaot'htabrethreii. The revelation Igoea fa iclcofflce to get myl( do MKJtTlSSi grm.s. age agony-anil Alice Morton, eon.e nnihably at the right time to I It a the.noneyf No, notquUe. aSSTSA monsk'r Returtle paxsing over the with claniied haniln, foil on hcrkiieca cruh tlie life out of tho dangerous Youwill say to nie, She yasn't vorth fle Hotel Vluny hria at Um iiniTirimrn wlX'si llkeTeuu-aliailow -till -training l.OTgaae towanl Uu lue. The nn who murdered Uie Wg.

liainm MuSffi IIOUBEHOLD. acros a beautiful lanilscBpe. They place where the yacht hail gone down, policemen were deputed to perform If you don't like the MUNI, we will example as he mav find in tlia immZ XT: LtilthalaiutdismHsinHl. Umt duty by the lodge to which they give you a bigger and better St a-SlJ To vlkash hair bnisliea rub them In dry Indian meal unUl the oil and rJhe leaned to her feet. Hhe could mind tlie old furniture ho ha seen- belonged, and Uiey will doubt lea suffer for their bloody deed, but it la ta be dust fa extracted.

ArtlaUo Model. dorsal of the huge sliurk that haunt tlie Uwitlrul buy like old pirate that have retired from tho more. acUve tne nnir-pmi. Defisteatis, with every iiopcs i mat tueir insiigutom win also not believe her eye. There wn tlie biatt, with Belle at the ours, and ahe waa pulling for land, and there were Kl.l JAC'VH.

I miart. nt milk 1 laan, micrai wuu eiBDoratc designs the denaely populated Kant, It would aeem aa If the neighborly reeling could not be cultivated with ao aparse a population. In reality, it i Juat the reverse; ten or twenty mile dwindles Into wonderfully short illntauce In auch a country, and, a all Uie people ride on homcliuck, and live muuh in the open air, there 1 a great deal ol visiting, and the aerial reeling are In a atate or conntant activity. People think nothing or riding ten or twenty mile to spend au evening with friend, ftir it la only an hour and a hair'a gallop back, which in nothing it would take longer to make this dia-tanoe on the uaual ancoiiiiinxlutiun train running Into our elite. While thia living so far apart begets friendnhlp and sociability, It la a er-feet laurler to such ft tliliig as gisadp, which can only flourish in erowdiNl village ami small towns, where there lie brought lo justice plunder or tiic aca.

iiwi kt wnin inini runn iu iuc uiu rauinma. uisin wiiiiin inn i ivim. laniHif mnnnns rvo moai. 1 ranio. Fast us the baited linescould lied nip two drooping ngurc in the stern.

Into the Iwyou Uie boat shot, and Belle. Hiiringlng out. culled Appicion'ajoiiniaiaomeaiuiiiiiinallii- inuumnou carver has not left au siwotirul Indian meal, 2 tablespoonful pjccue Herio-Uomlc. tercsting gossip about artist' model, inch or sjiacc untouched or tlie yeast. ti rTiTi Muny of these women, she tell us, are leaUier-Ntanipt'd chairs, overrun- DorniiMiTT.

I nlnt sour milk 2- of Wisconsin, waa a I of uiulmilitnl Hirnv.lnn. lln ..,.1 nlinr villi mi MKMiixin. 1 pint sour mna, ss ped, tlie llh leaicd ftir them, no that Hnhlng wan simply the mechanical throwTinr over or line, and. without a "Away for the carrluirc and aid. Judge Alice!" portly, genial MAmcrin.

reiiialnaof ctwaatlon or motion, hauling them in. aii. it 4i. i.a riaa.ij u.n I UHt UUII HI U11C HUL'U, tt yUUUV 111(111 I IWV IllaUlV IIUIIUN 10 ClUltll OUT MIIIll- Ifl mil Burnett had a tauK in tne yacut, into which tlie flnh were thrown aa anon a wonuiu. who alwav iirefacea the term I ration, liut KlmnlMrv la nut mm viaV" aa I J1IRV 44I4I4I4M4 Mill! pjMiHMIVU ,144 MIC I lfW14 4l44l(f 4.4 44I1-, Ml! house.

Hhe noon returned with the I of hi ctijw; yet lie carriage und twoHcrvant. laden with! man. Okaxok Ick. Mix ran ire and the otner engagement, witn the stinila- mem. Jf we permit our memory to caught, and thl tank, ciible or hold dry clothe and restoratives.

I The court had been dry clothes ami rentomtlvea. Tlie court nan ocen rind of three Juice or two olie pint or suimr dissolved In ing several numircu weigni, wbhiiiiih wiihlii an hour. in mwuoii at lion that ironu Insulting word In) ad- run luk over the pat, It will bring Uy thin lime thcyouiig men snatched Sisniker1 Cmss-ltoadn three day, and dressed to her she will at once quit the up pictures or liulls richly waiiutcoted: "15. from the Juws of ileal were restored the dia'ketwa almost clear. It was studio and consider her contract a of nmiitel-pieces lining to the ceiling to eoiiHcloustiiwi, and could not lielieve during the forenoon or (he fourth day.

canceled. Her story Is quite a roniau- In which stmliitiirar ornamentation rated emoit coin water, mix anil frees. "Now. Burnett." ald Ralph Aus a hie cream. la a lanre percentage or very idle, aua connenucnUv.

very vicious iicodIc. HiiiVKH The white of elirht The Judge and miait or the lawyer had their neiise when they limkcil up at tie one. Hhe came (o niri with her haa taxed (he inventive Imagination oT I. .1 I I I. I tin, after they hail eaten dinner, llin noon.

With this wind It will (ukc four hours (o get Itack, and. us Miss Belle ban virtually made me your uuniaiiii mini uiu iiruvincca a lewiiueanm ui win uinuaii nr iwinnira oeen up an nigiii piuying jKiaer, ami it in not too much to wty that they egg, two cui or sugar, hair a cup or butler, Uiree-fourUiMoT a cup or flour, The old Texan are very gallant people, and. as may be eupiioned, llolle Delmar did not want for admirer. year airo. and Uiev embarked In some ovcrwniturlit with iliivlnw! nf mui one teasiKxuifuI or baking powder.

Miuall business, but proving uufortu-1 and women moving amid (he scene Apart froni the number, of more ex Flavor with extract or alinund. cunic Into court on tin nuiniing far from Hola-r, if not very drunk. Tlie cane on (rial wa a iimlestcil will. A witness wa leslifylng who nun-, lucjr install iiieireapiiuianu were ujhiii wnnm natiiiN, silks, lace, rib-ftireed lo suDlstrt themselves bv (heir bon. reatlier.

lewels. hav lawn law. perience ami personal eonniieiioe who Ool.l (AKK. The yolks of ehrht tueir twaiiiiiiii auumuinia. Details at the close of a narrative are useless.

Ralph and Buniett were lakHi home, and In a few Iuhiw were IheiiiHclven again. I htnnl the story from Mrs. Austin's IiuhIhiiiiI, who told me with pride how she hail savinl him and her brother, and ho won the name or "The Heroine or Mutagcrda." came to nee her, there were many of nniiy lainir. The liusbanil nit an en- lUet In rich but studied iimrnuinn. if TOCi wire eup sugar, uiree-nninnn uie younger ami more umiii callers at gagi-nteiit as waiter in a cafe, and the we recall these picture of tlie past tlie of a cup or butter, hair ft cup of wa dirciftly and deeply interested.

OpiHwIng ciMinnel quite tlsy, ansa guardian, I proissa1 we return." "All right, liulph; but on one condition." "What In (hat That we ntop at Dupn Bar, alstut three mllen oul ol the course, and get aome oysters. Duprea Bur I the place where the rlstocrutle oyster do most congregate." "I nm agrccil, Burnett." And, to the Judge' house, who came to aee Burnett Delmar, though that Itanil- wile went outacwing by thu day re- current lament over mlcrti departure milk, one ami a half cup of flour, one Mil IUIC 4144.4 4 Ujm UI sciiur, 4ll7 uliHurd I teasNMitiful of baking powder. Flavor ceivlug sixty cents a day ftir her aer- rriuii simplicity will ami aniiresseti tne court I May it (hie) please your honor, I aome young fellow knew very well vice, without issird. One day a lady enough. wuu extract or orange.

think I hin witness In, by hlnown show Uiat ho waa not Uie attraction, llurnett Delmar wax a few yearn old' artlat for whom she wa working wa Thi point to lie olmcrvcd, how ItiiriiAHH Pi k. Remove tho. akin nil If. line I iitu-resteu 111 me event oil no struck: liv the nun nutllnva nf iw even tho n. mm tlieHtalks; cut Uiem In small A Kotubta Ceremony.

er thau his nutter, and nccnml to be an this case. I (hlc) object. If lie can aeamntrea' fonn (hat she nald her to tust were hoiiml In i piece fill the pie-dlih evenly full Dotiular witn the ladle, and deserved I beallowetl to Hwcar himself Into isai-lalt a A.w ImiiM an mn.i..i I I ly so, aa. hla sister wa with hin own wrth'Unng u.i-u Hto tten enl 1-OUIieCteU Willi IIIC 0M.lllllg OI Uie this court, then I SUV I lliel I saV I b-Ivb un Hcwlnir ami tn ai nnt Ilia Vonoorinu 4i millO IH iiour Duller, evenly aex. He waa a very warm friend to Ralph Oeiitennlu KxhlliiUoii at nillailel.

rart a wnN.T. I i Ti, 'T TOVer Uiin eruHt, Austin, Uiough Italph hut neldoin put qua! used in an aiipearanee Willi the avowed ahow he wa anxious tn lie under wuy, Ralph drew up the anelior, and in a few minute they were out of the lasa and nulling up the bay. The wind hud nearly died out when Uiey reached Duprea Ihtr, and tlie aun grew scorching hot away to Uie southwest the sky became overcast, and aoon Uie blacK rim or clouds spread to the south and east. "We are going tn have ft gale, Raliih." aald Burnett, looking anx good th nris-lnal IWnlaniUna nf Tnilononil. "ee'v inn-o noiiam a pan, i lite niruetlirc, ami lint glued In Uie aame manner muka a vm tlie original iieoiarauoii or Jnuepend-1 i.Mon, jr- seems to lie hie) Justly dav nirn nrlv.

la savlinr nmnov an.l I mum nr i in uie aame iiianiter iiiaae very Durooo of aeeing Burnett Delmar. ence. oiiai Auniinintrauon j- Knarkler. thia court. on7.t..,....iMi.: n.7 7..

TTi YC PK- Belle waa Uie altractlon, and there waa none ao welcome to her amonir the decided to allow it to lie itaced in Uiat -j. tanlluw in ita uiu.ll a. a.n i-Tuju with bamiri a Tlie first many, ftir he had all the qualities of good, Uie hlH nnceor You were aunMcntium. Aeelrf.raleil Hpinlnii only the wealthVhidu V1 Fl "TIK the great exhlbithin. nmftine.

air nroOuie You arcmied in PaH. I h. ti.i- Uiup 1 iitock. To make atock tak form, neaii auu neart sninlble women moat admire. Huring cornea to tliat portion of Tex l-rctary handler paid a niUng hve dollars for contempt of court." a wxnilal In by marring a MUhittBm In lett ftCT bolllnt compliment to a gentleman or high Wiiv.

rrniipd the druukan atfair- bonea lanrc or small (crack the meat, latve 1 iously at the unmistakable Indication. I 1 ui. i.i ...1 I Mj Mm MMn KUU HV.IIWH0 WUImIIIUH 1UI1 IllUIIU HI 111IU1V Italph, who wa not so familiar with a in Vcbruury: by the end of that inrmniau aiiiu laairiwiiu KumtmKivc uie oflmltaUiisr bv chean iirataW Um weatlier-alirn. asked (, u. iiuii rn.i.r 7: iiuauuiui waa eiigagvu ro Hit to an way of mil Riigiuiy MHierea, uy rebuae lieauUrul wa engaged to nit to an I way one tliat Uie marrow may lie extract- ed), trimmings of meat, bone and meat left over from a roast or broil.

inonth all Uie cropsare in, and all the fruit trees in blosMom. Then there is Do you ttiliik eome on be- rierkTf tta tit the JUMl wi Italian artist, for a tern, of numtha, the elaborate workmanship 'of the old LJ I 1 I 4 I 4 -I mnisv ami iu.ii i fore wa reach a horet" I. i.n..,-..i I'" 9 niamiaru, Hearing oi ner ex- artisan, tin ninuiiani. iimniiir u. nrr rx i aruaans.

iiibl uwu- a period of rent till Uie branding on in AdtII and May. I hnnn iift; Ilka ll.o Uie JUIIW, trying 10 ivnur, hi niurry nm lunuuruu jii crlvu the Judge, try! inordinary inveiiniMi. manaired to menutlon iniuro tim mmiv .1... put any or all of these in a large pot or aoup-kottle with water enough tn hla flout teuiit her away, and la-came mi liifat- atroy tlie iutegrlty or a good deal of lo.ika.of- the. aky," replied Burnett, MTta niunlclil au'- 11 rlol tn ri "tea.

wuu ui-. mat iic anmi oner 1 uur wora. ill It 1 It waa the hitter part of February when Ralph Austin, according to promise, came down to Judge Del- made her hi wife. Khelaldto lie deiiounce. jlrtltbuaK pointing to the eoploreii i riioweTthelr SSf" above them, then hurriedly taking a apprecUtlon of the clrcumHtance by "hecourt certainly did." tnrlniu.

YA.I ornamentation. To- only sixteen ytar of age. In the meritorious rrequenuy, pouring in now ana tnen receiving tne uocument ami 11a oean We (h oourt fines it-with all due honor. Mr. Bell.

In nil- nr. V1.1..1 AiL.v i.ui. assume that we carve, gild, and deoo- mara. In order to nave ft week's nailing with Burnett, who had the beat yacht in Uie bay, and felt not a little waa not Uie faintest aiiin. 1,1.

rr.t. at. Of the worhPa blshirv. Oil chnhaT mium- breeaa movinir to break the mirror-like :m7l.L'Zi L.7-:. VL.

1" tran preTvc 11a nig- UV7P1J, waav MiuiiniiiH ftmiUHi-Hi ninuui I nifW MaaMnilfaaaB. fWaW. I aWl nil rail nn- oIl, -v, commence witn com water neor tne nay. behalf of tfie Government or SJLi-rii uie. luuucneu recently, win wcnrii 111..

i. .7 rv --1. 11 recently, win weigh VtT U11 mi lur ilnirrniBlal Waa iabii I a i. a n. I tok-aaji a.i7i a on ov ucarees we tn ,,,.,1...

1 1 1. with warm water. Bonea are aa uae-w making atock, a from ir it come iu.i maka Uie havou without trouble, but if I .1.1 in.4i... u.4.n. i i.

r. 41... I 1... the storm cornea in Ita uaual way we I rnti-in- i imn ti. -f 1 I tbin that we to-day are only in nart 1 a I aaa-taaavaa aa am mmmm, wa aw vm a IM (aaann.

wuv-i I iuhi aa a- 1 1 ajak iTH IIIC li a water oil uiat arnaara la saouga lur a 1 bound of meat, Hix to ehrht hours niuat ijiaxe ior uie ueaen nciow me turning to the city and the hall which Union Agriculturist, Nebraska, give will carry four HI (un guns, catble of house. gave it birth the original Declaration the following, among other very aenai- piendng armor lil) incliea thick at the proud of hi abllit to aail It in any kind of weather. The judge and Mrs. Deimar bad gone to Galveston to pay a short visit to aome friends, ao tliat Belle waa left In charge of Uie household, and a young friend with whom she often laughingly teased her brother about. To-morrow morning, sister Belle, Ralph and I are going to aail a far aa Pass Cavallo, tlie re fore we will take dinner with us, and you must not be alarmed If wear not at home before ut why not mat- of indeiiendenee.

Ita atlvent wa ble and timely remark Take wliat I distance of a mile and a half. The Mr. Hpllnka," observed boarder .4 Biniu stnie anu revolution, lunni 11 imonevvou nava btol. wnien vou nave 1 lemerain- act amait ma ntnvr dav 1 ine nr a Mnnann airawt. Because the tide haa turned, and I back to-davanild evidence of uulveiwl I doubt lejw betn keeulnr until uie much I will aim Thean "tho onual adluatmimt will make it fit for uae let it stand over uight, then ikim off the flit and put In an earthen Jar, and it Ii ready for uae.

Every family ahould bava Jar of thia atock always on hand, aa from It any kind of aoun may be mado in from ten to thirty minute. at low water we cannot get over the I peace. I would tliat the signer of I dreaded hard time eome, put all you I floating monster, though proof against I of thui eatablhthment could be more bar at the bayou. Hhouid the aee rise, una sacred uocument were here to re- can get with It, and pay Mine of your artillery, may atlll be liable to deatruo- safely secured 1' there waa lew hair In it wouia ue more aimouit inueea, 1 ceive it, tnat tney migut uenoia ine uevts, 1 lion by torpedoe of recent invention, the bash and more In the mattreaaaa.".

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