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The Homer Index from Homer, Michigan • 2

The Homer Indexi
Homer, Michigan
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

T'" political aa wall a perwmalT and Senators Why Khesld They Kott fc ikwU (kriMl, aa Hr hnSl tin ailt foi lu hr Cbaatry. Win rn apart drew of a eharwtor, waUssa: fiirv vua fur Mill I hat to Iwli Ihrlr mint I illy lanar Mobxhw. Jax. 10,1873. MCnKVY MAHAN Wonderful Discovery, V- 1 VTIA.T IS ISP ftJJjw- aoMdsuf the cwiwration.

lt covers two or thueo hundred acres of land, and iu waters wbieh are' very deep and clear, abounding Ip excellent fish, empty Into tho Joseph river. With such a dcslrablo location mid dclighlAil hiuioundiiig. nud with its two completed railroads, and excellent business advantages, it may reasonably bo expected that our villngo lias fairly entered upon a new career liuaAJz Kc-nip, f.uiuerly of Ce-raaeo, sod more recently of Decatur, was at foe greet lira in Chicago, living In that When the fire was within One block of her tome bIm pi-ked hny okuhiinr, which flllctl two 1 1 imki, got them down stairs, togctbi with gnoil new sawing aiscliisi, and by changing work with msn who was standing by a luge lunik, wham she recoutiis1'! as an u-lisr in slur wln-ru s-lie lisd bi-t-ii iireustniiiid In trade, I boy good tho thruu trunk and iiisehiiia lo Wsto sreel, wiietu the iusd wan-lia tliiti while she wout bii-k man wstalia thin while alia wout Uit-K Why, ibo people of Homer end adjoining towns hare found that they vau save iioin 15 to Itv per cent by buylag their loop a Full Line of CLOTHING of pnwpcrity. Let our citjscns lscro- Bllj tin, tauiily with whom sln- (after, as they have so liberally iu tlio lived cli-tr the hotiaesud load th good-, past, aid nud eucourago evety cuter- iIiimi returned to lu-r own prise that eontriltutc to oar mental, mural and material advancement, and a brilliant ftitura is assured. Dry Goods, The Kiugstoa Gasrtte speaks truly when it says lo kill a tows, underrate and oppose every present and proapoo-tiv.

public enterprise; spesk ill of th. tin fits lisd diivcn lu-r iron, -r slid she raw no umre of her psrdncr iu the trsUNportslinu buaiui-s, book. Slid retreated the which she found all rigid. The usn tin got two Iwy iu In'lp him enry Ids trunks six block up Sluts uraeh pi omising to retiin mnl help Ilis Iv. to uiovu in gi-od.

lii-for lm relurhed iotioii, iu mnl own fiirc, carrying cue article a short distance, leaving it snd going for snoiher, until She got all together, and repealing tin operation until she reschuii th lake shore, a distance of ilireo slid line half nw )t UPT v.aaw ttl Ba, WITH CASH aud sell FOR CASH Uiilo-, wliieh was sccouipl slu-tl bitwvru Hn llirjr kiwfi auMMsg ImMrsl thing, list. Caps. HoU snd Htos I Ys. thiv hive tiires clock iu tliu tuuruiug Slid two vplendiil Stork of liM-lt, aim tvlla smi Vsrtill.lng floods, saoh a n. the aatni) dar.

wilboul linid Ot "rr. Hoslrre for id I and flsnu Woolen Uw and L'adrrvhlrli, fg j-L i i -loud of hot eiudurr bs'ltiw tirnw Luff, tJulIjrf. Kroif, Ihiws ami Krektlv, lUndkoroliirls, Caff drink, BDd in a cloud of hot WUUerr, Vallaa. Tramllus Da lbrHUs, Tnilrl Soarwruioorj, Ulr OH. Ilinslirr of all kinds and itjlri, Xrrilh-a, linn, Thivail, and In firi evrrytlilng can Bud in vlis Sums of ilia kind Tlicjr slot olS-r pay mura II.

U. yiru toawlms-r Jiwni aiijniiiins Uiani alio purrhsw tiU wurtb of flood, lirmeiulwr tlw place, Corusr Suns at Ljrou'i Uluck, Uouiur, Mirli. which esused many a strong siau lo abandon tin propel ly and run fur hi lifo, Whila on her lediou jiiurnncy a wit, otiurclics and schools, tell everybody the hotels srs hid, enlarge co tho vltusi of tbs jomig. people, withhold yosr patronage foam morchanl aud tradvi-men and buy your dry goods sod gra-eeriss is sous other place, aud by all siesosgo to tbs city for your millinery nud inch like, never subecrlhe for the GROfemESJi MU'TATOnr. After much rcxatloue delay anil Innumerable hindrance that could not ha ihreaven or prerented, we are hapjiy to give to the ptihlie the first number of Tiik llount lxuxx, un-ideasanlly couscluus of muuy Imper-fectlona, but with a pledge that it ball improve In typographical appearance and matter with aucceaaivo nuiaheri, aa we ihull gel oiled up and folrly under It ia our pur.

poae to publiaii an Indcpewieiit. non-politlcal, neara and literary pnfter. It ahall aver be our aim to ftuiiier the iDtereataof tlio emuiuuuily iu nbleh we bare tukeu up our abode, to tlis-cuaa publie measures tenijfcrulely and conatderateiy, to herald tlw growth and prosperity of our village, to uoto ita business, iu enterprieok, its neetla. We ahall strive to tnuko the Index what ita name signifies nn epitome of current evcnU tiotli at limiic and abroad, a impcr for the young, the middle-aged, the old a welcome visitor to every IkiuscIkjM. -v Every exertion will he mode to cover the ground marked out in our Prospectus, to which llio attention of the reader ia invited.

If wo come abort, it shall not be fur want of energy and effiirt on our part. Wo are aware Hint we have undertaken much, 1 Imt with hearty aid and co-ojicrntion, wo shall be ablo to accomplish all that hereunto we hare set our band, and even more. Wo set forward with bright skies and fair wind. Thu fuvor bliuwu us In getting started, and the encouragement we have received lVum every quarter are Indeed most gratifying, and give promise of a prosperous fliturc. Our banner is tinftirled to tine hrrexe.

Hoping that you to Iioni it Is presented will respect and honor bear it- onward to success, and that at no disloat day it muy be garlanded, with well-earned lau-, rds, wre make our. best bow and pass it to your, bands. local paper, and if you srs iu business, advertise. Says a Isto inns of tho Philadelphia S001? rafJ 1 slid picuo ol goods worth 810 dollais has Iweo taxod CMuriif tote foil off. Th.

driver of tfan wagon uotiolsg klin hereto effuris to avo her properly, told her to lake the saying ironically, I guess you are good to sire it," and so she proved lo bo. While sitting by her guwi on the lake shore three ruffians attacked a msn within twenty feet of lur. slabbed him to the heart, and rublied him of his Citjf Rim; Iagennily to find the surest and most direct nieaas of resohiag the public, sad the business uun who would silver ti so a specisty sud gst the greatest good eut of the groslcst number, iu the shtq-tut spsee of time, is compelled lo go to Geo. Jlowell A of New York, fur adviec-Why to this house? lie cause it is the J. N.

Westcott 9 Tlii horri- rci Isle fight so overcome hoi ilia: she wept atchjewerly, and ruoney head sud front of the advar filing busi DEALER IX YA.NKJEE NCiriONB, ness It is prompt, methodical sod dear in its tranaaelion, sod possesses the confidence of oil tho houses which advertise most. Geii oral lllcro li a cl is c. aloud. A man un a wagmi ocar by, saw bur and inquired the cause uf hei grief. After heariug her stury bu kiudly took her end her effcelo to hi friends iu snoiher part of thr city, where she was kindly earod for.

Ilci beautiful aud i marsirc head of hnir wui in seorehed and filled with viudurs that it wai ll ouht aba must loos it but a skillful Chicago artist managed to save it. Hie all Wbieh they ofiar to vail Joux S. C. Aiiuott has written some rather ctn-ioua biatories, aud lm given the world fonio rntlicr curious biographies, but tlio climax of all is hi AND PURCHASER OF MOST last effort to get Nt-ro right. lie Law right bow, and say alia could Ju the discovered that the geiitiemnn did not -ame thing again if ui-csssry to aavu livr KINDS OF COUNTRY PRODCCE, film ia now on a visit 1 1 lu-r Alichigso.

llarthall Ex sin Cheap a 8 the Cheapest I rroprrty. friend In punultr. Gdal i duriug tho burning of Rome, bu eausa ho dida't know how aud ba-caoso he wai nearly a hundred miles during tho horning. Pcuplj who Niro fur hi hcart- away uurinj: tna I AT 11IS OLD KTAND IN THE rcnduriug an ample apology. ja (uVmalillU Ulefrti One of tlio greatest of all I to tho household is a good ucwipnpci.

thought i ad eunversaiiuu, inicrot Btoi-o, Boutli Side street. Wo kncit'a full lino of Clinton nnd pnesvillf Ca-snneroH, Heaver Clot Its, i)oekin and 15 ok uf lh Beat Anuirlnwn's In tlw county, and will not hr TsiiKavLO. Ill I'snrtTs isn IhsmrT I'ar. Flow all bill of fit) and ufwanls, pi Cash, flislelal to In nutona-r anil frieud lor tliclr palronaf la tbe pl. solicits cua'inuiiies of dwlr bvor.

J. N. WhSTCOTT. liw-ings for and eutertsns erery rnuiubur uf tha family, aiiJ keep ihr mind In-sl and acliw and l' great ixient f.ea from iiupu ly. pratauded frieuds, who called to see her, 'The up villi the lime newspaper, with 1 1( and, oi they termed, lo comfort her injilw present advanec system iirenlh-eimg her great nnsfoiluu Rut little by i coudena lag news, ia r.fl.

ci.oti ul liitls tha number uf viaiton grew Intf, svrrI thing lliut tiairpirea on the glob and now, beside her mother, daughter, i01 tnablee ill lead' is lo conver-c; and attoraay, ihore are ouly fores women who call upon her, and oiilyoncoi 33riclc Us keeps one kf'Utn i 11 IhfiLL eft off undurftsiid.nuly upon all tropic of the day, and eucounue aud create nod uiaful CilHsimfl0SJ ud Msuulauture Clothing to Order und lTarstif a Fit tr Vo MURRAY A UAI1ANT. Ilmuor, Jaa.TO, 1872. E. P. POTTER, titers visit her daily: She pisses her tima-of late 'nnd writing.

She still refuses lo takejprisou food, and her meals era brought to her twice a day from a restaurant. Mrs. Fair is full of hope that the goujrt having her case under conideraloD will say by bl deci-ioa that aha is entitled to a now trial. Sum Frait: itco Paper. That appetite fur sutclligciit etmvoraatioii, rather I ban the petty bickering and personal gossip that erealos uiisekiei aud with which rviry ia mtuo or K-ss affected.

Every ouu therefore, ow it to hi neighbor1 tia family and himself that lie should tuke at leoit ouo newspaper oj-i little in comparison with tho benefit ttey eonfer, that alnimt cveiy well regulated hooschold now iskt fioji tarn to half dosuu. Thu most important of these journals, sud tho one shell s'ruuld nlwayi takes the pioferener, is tliu local paper wbieh give tho boiue news, and I he ucst tlio crip und miacidbuuiu ni-wspa ilia No. 8 Lyon I31ock, Homer, Two Railroads Dealer in all kinds of Wx xoticx among Eut era patera a god deal uf discttKiion regarding tlio daugra incurred by persona vaccinated with ordinary vaccine matter, of rcevir ing a tsiut ol'acr or syphilitia di ease which may have iieen eommiioi.A fimn whom to tha virus by foe person Hardware it wna taken. are generally tha one announced cl-ewhor under tlio very earcful in tliia reaped, tu the head otKi-nricr Plesaiil aud Ueautifui G. H.

i-xtraordinay demand for veriii mattr that wa iuleti-d. Tha apra reeourM i lo- m-a ilia now pox virus. Tliu kina virus works- iiimv slowly than that taken from a human arm, hot ia more levore, and ia get er 1 believed to be urora thorough in ita effeata. CWiaUiig of a General Stock- of SHELF HARDWARE, TOOLS CUTLER III OX STEEL. XAILS, TlX WARE.

YAXKEE XO-TIOSX, AURWULTYRAL IMPLEMENTS, your llmiii-." It will I hi. every who subscribes lo tho nocpa er manliiincd, bvaidii L'citiiu: thoroughly i-xiu-leiit jot-rnal for a year, draw i vu ruizKS. Tho iiidiict-menii arm eurisiuly very ui.u-ujI, us the cugrviugw-are very fiuu eud haiidsoiui', and wc presume will reeviva due attoi.tits from those of oar readers who lakes ana or mure papers ticsiiles their ineal journal, AlbiaH (Jt'i 4) Mr for, N-b lOfA. THE. VILLAGE OF HOMES.

Our for so lung a time dormant and stationary, li within the last year taken new start in activi-1 ty. Years ago, befor the Michigan Central and Nonthorn Railroads were -built, it drew a large trade IV0111 an extended territory, and IU prospccU for becoming a busiuess centre were more flattering than most of the surrounding towns. After the tioh of these roads, tlio towns North and South rapidly outstripped our inland village, appropriated tlio trade naturally belonging to Homer, and bqnd gcw rich at the same time that were depleted. -But since the completion of the Air Line Railroad, and iu (bet pince success was assured, "si new lift)' lias been in Aired, and flesh impetus given to to overy department of business and industry. And mow, with 'tbo Northern Central ironed and soon to lie ready' for business as a competing line of rood, giving ns direct, expcdicious and cheap communication in nil directions, there it .1 every.

enson to expect a very large Increase of population and business. Tho healthy situation amTpleaannt surrounding1 of the village have long been conceded. The general intclli-, gence and morality of Hie village is of a high order. Tbo churches and schools are well sustained. Hum- 'bugs and isms' fliul among iis an extremely unpropilious toil.

Perhaps no village in tho interior of tho State presents greuter attractions to those desiring to find pleasant homos, while there is ample room for the investment of capital in real estate, iu business, or in securities. r. is an- excellent opening at this time for a variety of mauuftictiir-ing establishments, prominent among which just now, and iinporitlvcly demanded, Is a Foundry and Macliine -w Shop, for the manufacture of fond implemenU. A practical man, with some knowledge of the business, and capital sufficient to carry it on, would find It an excellent investment. The forming lands surrounding the village are.

of the. most fertile and productive quality, capable of sustaining a huge manufacturing Cookf prairie and the s.flvauia plains cannot bo surpassed, while the fine farm South oftiac village, ami the rich lwttoui lauds along the valley of the St in Clarendon; whose products -find a market Is still ALIVE, and doing a LIVELY BUSINESS, at the Old tha Lively Village of HOMER. Ha ia bound to please tha pooplo if Paint8f Oils, Class, Putty, Varnish, Millnud, the luuk aud news apeculwtur, whadiod rcoutly in Paris and who fouudo'i tho Paris Pi tile Jour- ii IF HE DONT A aniiof uuvel cLar.o'er it now pend ng in ana of tho eourta io Ciueinuall. 'I'itc plaint iff ia a minor, or io legal phrase, an infin age wa litre not vecn precisely stated and he bring suit agnta hia parnu to n-eover damage to ilia amount of fifty thousand dcllurs, fur eslremo cruelty. The father ia hich nt oca lime bad a Jail, ycir ch, and haa hitherto been couaidcrcd aulattuu of marly ball a mijl.ou cupus.

rvaiH-ctablc. Theeomplaiutchaigesthu waa an cmhuiiastto bchver in tho d-priucipal seta of eiuclty agaima tha mo-1 vaataga ii lthcn. advertising. One day i her snd sister of the plnintff, bat the, ho bad si In tab urarly ull tbn pr father bad l.ia ahara in them. Among pnetetors of losdiud Praia hihiiv oLhfr QDplfUDt pnciicR, Chajr Tlicy eooversed aLuL auvcrtiBi; niaDj Millaud asserted that tlio most And will keep on band nt nil times, a general assortment of COOKIXG AXD PARLOR 8T0YES, from tlio uiaiiiifacturios of Jewett A Root, Rulfolo, the Detroit Ktovo works, tbo cole bra led lie sella GOOD GOODS, never recommends Goods beyond their ijualily, and lioxts by honorable dealing to retain the confidence ol hia Css.

Ionian. Ha keeps os baud, at ail times, a great variety of worth-iorn Ict-a srtioliw could ba sold in vastqninti- i boy with an hip jwo flight or aairs, shutting him up in were ia habi', ills uid, of basting the ramrod and rubber ties if libeially tdvertikd. Euiil da Girsrdin, Pma, who was pres Goodsi ent, took issue with him on the sulijact. VTht will you bet, exclaimed Alii a closet under a hot water boiler, where ho could neither sit Bur stand, and keeping him there by tha day without food. 1 hia ia ona aide of thh story, and foe other ia yet to ba heard but it ia tlio mpretsioa that tha ohargoi are uttorly baselem.

laud, that 1 t-annol sell in one week one hundred thousand franc worth of the most common cabbage-sscd tndcr tlio pretext Hint it will produce mammoth cabbage-lieml? All 1 have to ia to advertise it ol mice iu whole page juacrtimi in tnu ibiily paper of this oily. Giiardin replied ibiit be wotill give linn a pngu in bis per Mi, jpte upt- Tux dktroit Post Wa rail atioo tion to tha Prtwpeetusfiffoo Detroit Purl' is anefoor eulumn. political jfeiiirt comuiorocisl snd oowa paper it stands in lr noth'" if lie rluiuld win his wag thu front rank rf tha nrnaa of Stale, Tito other the flam rank rf the press of Stale, newspaper publishers agrac-d to do the aaino thing. At the expiraton of thr week they inquired of Alilland bow lha ublmge-seed had flourahed. lie vhnwi-d tin IU liislmok dit-playing an ability in' editorial management aad a eompletoess in all it: departments frilly equal to that of older and more nretenti and mors pretentious journals- Three Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, School Books and Statonery, Window and Wall Paper, Yan! ee Notions, And tbo BECKWITH HEAT1X0 STOVES, which he will aell at the Lowest rates, a ml would call tha attention or nil those that wout a good to call aud examine his SUick aud Prices.

a 'illnnv are pnUahad-l-foo -iiy. Tri- triumphantly, an.l aniisliod thnu tlmt Weekly sod We-Av, all ef which wo hohad wld lub with tha Index at reduced rates. ho hud promised, hile orders were pouring in; but Its said the juke mun atop there; aud no further orders won hi bu filled. Copper, Tin and Sheet IronVre SUB SCREE arc equalled by fttfLond The St. and Kala- FOR THE And ia foot every thing nmally fnnnd is a First Class Variety StngrSll Cf ofjiifth will bo sold it ihe LOWEST PRICES TRYir-ivill KNOW it.

Good Goods, Small ProSta, aud Fair DesUoir tb(otto of foil House. Coins and Sea. Homer, Jud. 10, 1872. Mutla to order, nml Repairing done on Short Notice.

Coimliy lYot uco taken iu excluuigo for Goods, ff Old Rage, Copper and Brass anted. MARRIED. Jsu. Sd, at the residence of the. brides by Rev.

Bela Puncher, Mr. Walter Maiimi, of Iowa, to. Hies Elizabeth Cook, daughter 'of-Sylvunus Cook, of this village. uimo ftpitrosch within a mile of ollior tlio villoge beiug aitoatod oa.tliq high tubc laud between them. Homer Lake liea half a mile South-- west of the business port of the village part of Ik being within tlw INDEX E.

1 TOTTER. livnMi Jan, 10, 187J, V-.

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