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The Homer Index from Homer, Michigan • 3

The Homer Indexi
Homer, Michigan
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


A general banking bualneaa transacted. Foreign exchange bought and aold. Bpeetal attention to eolleetiana. Ilonra, 8 to IS a. m.

and 1 to 4 p. m. Tiiomab Lyon, lianknr. ALL. Read W.

W. Thompeoni ad on ond page, headed curl you banga" Fruit to bo Bearoa thto Beaaoo that all hiteUeberrlee ara being ablpped to the large dtlaa and there are none owning into thto market. The continued dry weather haa bad a marked damaging effect upon the mall fruit erop, especially the raap-berry erap, whloh to not mart that one-half or one-third of nrhat it promlaed a month ago, many of tha green berrlea not maturing at all. The trlbo of Indiana in the rlolnlty of Athena to known aetlw Fotteweto-mlea of Iluion, and number from T5 to people. Fhlneaa Pnmptope to chief.

All of achool age, can apeak English and manr Are able to write. They own oonciderabto land aad are fairly lndtia-trioua. Tha auto game warden ehnooncM The legislature of 1880 pawed a law abaolately prohibiting tha killing of quail, pinnated groiiM or prairie chick Mid Sommer Specialties -AND- Bonncinil Big Bargains Attho Randy Pay 8 torn ofN. Turrnll ft Son, Lltchflnld Miohlgan. Challlea, Beta yard; fine cloth beautiful patterns.

For a few days only, best prints, Sou yard, and good fair ones, 4cte, to make room for new atocki A splendid batten foil pound rolls, clean and white, Qcta. Trl-Htata carpet warp, no batter made, white 19cta, colored 22ota pound. 28 pleoea Broad-head and other dress goods, 10o to 12o yard, value lfio to fidota. Uutil further botlee wa shall sell ban Lenox or 4 bora Ivory or Whits Cloud Soap for 25a. 4 pounds crackers iam prloe.

Coatl thread uaual, 4Scti dozen, dd Saturday, July 20th, wa ekpeet to close out our entire stock of pslraa slid straw beta, and at 9 oclock In the morning hall offer yon your choice at lSota, worth 18o to SOeta, and then reduce th8 pries Seta an hour until 4 oclock, p. Urban all not arid will bo offered at lo each. Lonsdale gets. 15 pound E. WALLACE to, So, and te Rmbruldorlea, now lo.

lOo, Sand I8e Be. ISo, Sflo and Be 11 11 14a, 12o Towala 8a SSo jjk S0O 4l0, $2.00 Gloria Silk Umbrellu $1.80. 7o Draw Print, SSo India Pongee, jae. ISo Crown Ballnea, ga BOe, 60o and 8te Summer Bllka 11 SSa Gent's Unlanndrtd Bhlrte, SSa DEALER IN- AURUT ANDRUS. WH.

I. WXMTKR. A NDRUS A WEBSTER, IANKKM, HOMER, MIOH, Transact a general hanking taurine, and agent for aereral Ont-elam fin lniirm-e Companies. trMoney to loan on Real Ratal at reaaonahle rale. TIR.C.

A. HAYNES, 11IYHICIAH AND aUHOaON, 9 Choice Family Groceries, Provisions, Crockery, Glass Yin) Wooden and Willow Vara, Yankee Notions, Fruits, Vegetables, Tobacco and Cigars, Salt And including; a full line of all goods usually kept in 4 granulated, is pounds best a eoffea or I Grocery Store. AH of which he will offer at the Lowest At office over Strong Bros' hardware tut n7 llmfl until 188- A penalty atom, where lie will be glad to respond 0111X111161 uOOflS JullSt uO fln Imprisonment 80 days to to all mlla of a professional nature. TR. A.D.

BANCHAM, mnmi momw Office ntjny lrng Store, Homer, Michigan tfOUM. Cash Prices. All goods Wo are agents for the celebrated ROYAL 8AT8UMA TEA. Try It. Ton win use no other.

Call tor a sample. W. J. WILCOX CO. LOCALS.

being gath- Tlie oat harvert to now you will have to pursue your future studies in etymology aloes. Au exchange say a aura euro for tha English sparrow nuiaaiioe la to food them on corn meal and salt, ona pint of salt to ona peck to torn meal. The alt should be dlsolved with water and thouronghly mixed with meal, dried. Tlie beat time to destroy la In enld weather when food is Within thirty days every sparrow in the United States call ha exterminated. An exchange notes tha foot that now-o-daya women do, or try to do, el-fool thing men do.

Last Sunday Nellie Lalmtot, Detroit, successful balloon ascension and parachute drop ut Vaiidfiftooks Jackson. Sha attained fosat height and want Into the Mvef She waa rescued. Reports to the state hoterd to health show that rheumatism, diarrhoea, neuralgia and consumption, in thh order caused the most sickness in Michigan during the week ending July 12th. Diphtheria waa reported at 17 places, scarlet fever at 17, typhoid fover at 8, and measles at 34 place. The poor editor waa dying, and aa tha doctor placed hi ear to the patients heart ha sadly muttered, Poor fellow, circulation haa gone." The editor raised himself up and gasped, Tia faliel Wa have tha largest circulation to tha country! Then he sank back upon his pillow and died with a triumphant smile upon hla face.

IIs waa coni la tent to the end. Ex. "To discontinue an advertisement," ays John Wanamakar, Philadelphia's great merchant, 1 Ilka taking down your sign. If you want to do business yon must lot the pub! to know it Standing advertisements are better and cheaper than reading notices. They look more mbstantlal and business like, and inspire confidence.

I would aa soon think to doing bualneaa without clerks wlthont advertising." Every boy Is two'or three boys, or twenty or thirty different kinda to boys in ona. He la all tlie time living different lives and forming many different characters, but It la a good thing If bo can keep one life and one character when he gets to be a man. Ha may turn out to be like au onion when be grows up, and he nothing but hulls, that you can keep peeling off, one after another, till you think you have got down to the heart at last, and then you have got down to nothing. William Dean Howells In Harpers Young People. Through the hot weather, at leant, tlie rules to cleanllnesa ought to be observed by every Cn 8.

It la not against mn uj cvci juiid. no rawnn 17 pounds to Vefy nice extra 0 11.00. 100 palra mens, ludlea, i and childrens shoes at OOota, odd palri to close, worth $1.25 to $2 A0 pair. Well, enough said, If you want theU bargain! onms and get them, If not I stay at home und let your neighbors eat tha Opiums-" N. TUBBELL ft SON.

rtR C. A. COLBURN, Homer, Mlrhlgan. Office cn anutli aide of Main atrect. ver Jmiee liarrcea aliop.

Resilience eat end of Main street. Children filneanes and lung troubles a specialty. GUARANTEED and DELIVERED- to all customers within the corporation. GEORGE D. CLEVELAND, lMf (wk if Hut 14 Ivfl Being very thankful for the liberal patronage I have I had, would very respectfully request ail to call and MIS8 JESSIE ROBARDS.

ALL orilgruplier and Nutury Public. Office over Clark'S ntore, Homer, Mich. All kimh of curving done with neat new and iHnpntcu on abort notice for locirtie. attorney, merchant. Invitation to part I w.

etc- M. WELCH, OERTItT. HOMER, MICH. Room nvrr Thoniaa Lyoui tank. N.

It. At Litchfield Tiieaday anil Friday afteriim'iia. At Concord Thursday forenoons. A. LA DOW, JUSTICE OP THE PEACE, Xotany llillle and Insurance Agent.

flcc over ilro. Sanford' hardware, Homer, Mich. LADDERS. LUMBER, LATH, DOO. LINDS, MOULDINGS LIME AND CEMENT.

IWTSII I Trhin Xsflw piirlmlsg iliX Mias Mable Colburn la vialting Hillsdale thli weak. Fred Malm was In Marshall Friday on legal bualneaa. laa Jemk Turrall, to Litchfield, visited friends here Friday. -Ming. Mary Baker la to Albion vlsIUng rtlaUres and friends.

Frank Austin, of Homer, waa in town Friday. Marshall Chronicle. Mr. and Mra. 0.

F. Avery spent Sunday with relatives at Battle Creek. Mlea Mattie Toung, to Kalamasoo, lain town vlaiUng her father and others John II. King, north to town, spent Sunday to 'Marshall, visiting friends. Prof.

IL A. Corbet, to North Adams, waa a guest to E. W. Blair, Saturday. -Wllmot Stevens, to Greenville, visited his aunt, Mra.

N. D. last week. Mies Fannie Peppot was a guest to Albion friends but Wednesday and Thnraday. Ml T-ntf Wltu, T-ttnlilUl, a a guest of ths family of C.

J. Murray this week. Wm. Young; of Lltchfleld, to now acting as clerk to Geo. B.

Banghous drug store. IL F. Church, of Albion, spent Sunday with relatives and friends In the village. Ed. Sitielair, to Detroit, la to town fora two weeks visit with his many friends here.

Mias Orpha Btudley, to Bherwood, la a guest to her (later, Mra. 0. 8. Roberta thto week. Vemle Waterman, to Jackson, pent Brnday with hla parents and others In town.

Mrs. M. A. Chessman, to Jones ville. la lu the villtge visiting her slater, Mrs.

JL. E. Hill. Deputy Sheriff Dorsey haa been In Battle Creek during the part week, on duty at tlie camp grounds. Mrs.

Rebecca Cotton was tha guest to Goo. S. Cotton and family at Alblou several days last week. C. A.

Barn am relieved the station agent at Clarendon a few days last week, on account to sickness. Miss Rosetta Van Wagoner, to Detroit, to to tha Tillage, the guest to tier brother, O. and family. Mrs P. Arthur returned to her home In Toledo yesterday, after a two months visit with friends hen.

Sami McKean an, station agent on tlie L. S. 4b M. 8. By.

at Dlamondale, visited friends to town Monday. Rev. E. T. Branch received a telegram Mondny, lummonlng him to Clayton to officiate at a funeral.

Mias Nellie DeBow left Saturday for Forth Adams, where aha will visit Miss May Harrington for two weekb. Geo. Beedon, John Granger and John Hoffman of Hammond, ara In town visiting relatives and friends. Miss Mettle Blair left Friday accompanied by her node, n. 8- Palmer, for a weeks visit to Detroit and Port Huron, Miss Maud Bowlin, to Horn or, visited her many prang frietida In town for the past few days.

Concord Independent. Misses Clara and Winifred, dangh-ten of Prof. R. A. Culver, of Tekonaha, were guest of friends here tha latter part to last week.

Mrs. Clara 8. IIopkiM and daughters, Minnie and Jsanis, returned tort Friday from a week's visit with Mrs. II Mrs. S.

Walford, at Dlamondale. Mra. M. Ooopar and children, to Minneapolis, Mlun. and Mr.

F. Cranaon and wife, to Springport, were the guest of J. M. Croehy and family tort Saturday and Sunday. Don.

Mitchell, of Homer, la vialting hla grandparent, Ur. and Mra. M. W. Hatch.

Ilia paranta, Mr. and Mra P.O. Mitchell ara expected tomorrow for a fow days visit. Marshall Statesman Mra. D.

B. Hudson and daughter, Detroit, visited at lira. B.k brothers, Rev. E. T.

Branch, several days woek. Mra. Hudson was for three ream president to tlie W. C. T.

U. to Michigan. el to on You will find Elisha always on hand to show you gooda and prices. Children can trade as well as older persons; ered. Tito race track at llio Lltchfleld fair grounds to being put in fine shape and provided with perfect turua, approved grades and easy track bed.

The old Exchange barn on Bophla street la being overhauled and remodled for Frank Austin, who will move his livery stock lulo the sutne in a few days. Comrade, yon who attend tlie reunion at Knhmwzuo commencing Jnly Sflth, cnll upon Cninrade Foote mid place your claim In Ida bands if you Intend mnklng application for penloi. Uo will bava liiilieaihjnartera Incnmp. At tha regnlar meeting of Ilomor Tent, No. HR.

K. O. T. held Tuesday evening July 22d, F. Avery was elected a delegate to the Great Camp, which I to lie held In Day City Ang.

12th and E. W. Blair was elected alternate. For Barnnmk show at Jackson Ang. 10th tha M.

C. mils excursion tickets to Jackson and return at one flair for the round trip with an additional charge of 60cti for admission coupon to the circus. Tickets limited to return same day. The Ilanover Times cornea to ns this week In tlie form of a block flog, that Is, it looks as tlioiigli it woe printed on land roller. Hast bo the Times expecting a cold wnvo to strike there aoon and la sending out the cold wave signal In advance.

Frank Pratt was arrested on Friday lust charged with having falsely and maliciously mads atutomonta against the character of Leonard Thompson proprietor of the Thompson House, to which he plead guilty and wm Oned one dollar and coots. Over thirty tlrkcto were sold Sunday at the C- J. A M. In tills place for the ue u. J.

in um pmoe tor me LB. TOMPKINS, AT OR EY-AT- LA and notauy puhi.ic. (Conveyance carefully drawn, titles examined and perfected, collection made, real estate eunglit and mid. Office, Lyon Iilork, over Clark's grocery Homer, Midi. t.

p. vwoBtnr ca, DRUGGISTS HOMER, MICH. COUNTRY PRODUCE I BOUGHT AND SOLD these mlea to work hard until tlie sweat ure Urugs, At the store lately occupied by T. S. on thq south side of Main street, directly opposite Woodbury Medicines, Stationery, Chemicals 8 Store, Perfumery, Toilet Articles ami tTtytui I tin BramhCi um hr Homer, July, i8qo tt I iMf tMMtIUa.

1 E. R. R. MAINS, ATTORREY-AT-LAW, irsncnor ad sotakt rimi.ic. Life and Fite Insurance Written Real Entitle bought anil aold.

Cnl-I eet ioUH made. Money to lonn and a geiu'ral law hiisliiesa conductad. Of-Pro o.rr Mirim ft Weliater'a bank, Homer, Midi. MH. NICHOLS, ATTOHNKY-A r-LAW.

A1 trillion given to all klmto of legal I unities. Itf-cds, mortgage and contract ciirefnlly drawn. Title examined und perfected. Culleutlona ade ntiyulirr In the U. 8.

and Cana-. Oillcn In Kelson block, over Hanford' lu.nlwnre, Ilonier, Mich. SOCIETY CARDS. SCHOOLBOOKS AM SUPPLIES I A SPECIALTY. pore liberally through the akin.

That nlleraa the body of Impurities, aa pra-hapa, nothing else can. But after a days work In the harvest field, or in use, stuffy barns, the clothing should be changed on retiring for the night und the body be sponged quickly with oft water. If one Is very hot do not nse cold water, that at least aa warm aa the blood is better. Tlila, with the use of a coarse crash towel, will remove some of the outer cutlola to the kin and all the Impurities that- perspiration haa brought out to IL After auoh a bath, which need not require than five minutes before retiring, leap will be sweeter and tha sleeper will rise refreshed and Invigorated for another day1 work. What to milk shaker" Try it and you will know.

At Blairs. KO P.II'IMKR LOnK Nn.W, meets every Wednesday evening excursion to Dottle Creek. The train Choice Tobacco, Cigarsi, and Confectionery Xft I ilMkt afaM rmt la Baal Wl, WUafcwa. aU. provided for a violation.

Deputy wardens will prosecute all offenders. A new and substantial walk haa recently been built adjacent to the L. A ft M. 8. grounds on Adame street and on the west aide to Webster between Main and Lalgh itraeta, alio adjacent toBilaa Curtie premise on Adams street, all to which supply a long-felt want.

For the annual encampment to Uie the Patriarchs Militant and I.O. O. F. at Chicago Aug. 6th to 10th, Um Michigan Central will sell excursion tickets Aug.

2d to fith, limited to return not later than Aug. 11th, at one fore fot the round trip, with nn additional charge of one dollar fur coupon, good for six admissions. It la an Impossibility for Um local newspaper man to capture all the newa Items of Interest unless ha haa the amiatanoe to Um people to fata munity. Even Uiough he had eye us housefly, and as many as a cornfield, be could not do It. hand in your news items and Index will be much obliged." It does seem strange that Intelligent poople patron I an irresponsible quack, who to reilpatetle in bto habits, flippant In tongue, and pays two pricei for Ills goods when they can deal with Intelligent, honorable and skilled men at home wlioee character haa been established by time.

A man will trust hii moat precious sense, sight, to a man that he would not permit to trout a favorite dog. Bee wliat the White Pigeon Journal of July 17th aaya about C. E. Foote, tbaKulumasoo pension claim agent: Comrades, If you have business with Um pension department, consult Mr. I).

Foote, to Kalamazoo, ne waa a brave soldier and for it number to yean baa been employed by Uie pension bureau. lie hoi never lost a ease he has handled, and we know him to be itrlcUy reliable and honest to all bis dealings. Drop him a postal card and it will receive prompt attention. The Michigan Central will aell special excursion tickets for the G-A. JL National Encampment at Boston at $10.00 for Uie round trip, tickets good going on Ang.

8, 0, and 10 and limited to return not later than Ang. 20. Original purchaser! will be granted an extension upon conditions. Those wishing ticket for thto excursion will please notify Geo. W.

Lewis, at the Air Line at once so that the necessary arrangomenta may be made for seeommodatloni etc. The soldiers and sailors to Calhoun County Veteran Battalion will hold Its drat annual reunion on Um fair grounds at Marshall on Aug. 19, 20, and 21. Good quarters and dean straw will be provided for all who come, also wood and water for cooking. Every former Union soldier and sailor, now a resident to Calhoun county, and ail veterans who enlisted from thto county, are espedelly Invited to participate to this camp.

On Thursday, Aug. 21, 'a grand balloon ascension and parachute drop will be given by Prof. J. M. Stackhouse.

The Condit Maybe Hociety met at the home to Mies Ada Howell July ID for their fifth anunal election of officers, the following being elected for a term to one a Pres. Mrs. Jos. King: lit Vice Pres. Vila Ella BlnaL fid Mias Ada Howell.

Bee. Mrs. R. Snyder. Tress.

Miss May Rnyder. 1 Mrs. M. Heed on, Prog. Com.

i Mrs. C. Ball, Mrs. E. 8.

Brock way. Musical Director Mlm Leora Bouse. The Society meets August 9th, at the home to Mrs. E. Cunningham, to Homer.

We dip the Holloaing from the Wilton? (lud.) Mall, which speaks to highest terms to a former Homer boy: "Whetten ft Ulgbeehave loosed the interest of J. M. Servos In the Milford Roller Mills, for a period of ona year. Later Wo learn Just before going to that P. F.

Mika haa purchased the interest of James Berroes, but sub-; ect, however, to the lenae of Whetten ft Hlgbee. Tbo milling firm for the next year will be, Ogden, batten ft Co. Tha new firm starting right to the beginning to the grain eeanon, and all being practical grain meiehanta, operating a mill that cannot be exoelled for machinery, and one to their number, G. R. Ogden, being a practical mlllor, affords us the assurance that should we predict a prosperous futon, we would then only speak the sentl-aU who for yean have been tributary to tha Milford mill and Its to in tb her Till IS ABOUT BEAUT FOB BUSINESS 4 And we are prepared to furnish you OANif for carrying milk at Very Low Prided' Can supply anything wanted in the Line.

nt 7 oclock, at K. of P. hall. Visiting brothers always welcome. C.

E. Gilchist, C. C. W. O.

I'lakk, K. of It. ft S. A. M.

HUMANITY LOIM1K No. 28. ltegulnr communication every Tuesdny nrening on or before tlie full Vialting brothers are cordially Invited to attend. JnniRL Cool, C. D.

Burt, Bee. NEW Homer Bakery, J. C. WOBOHfiPnipiieltr. Xxoanion Bates to Chicago, HI, Ao count of ths Pstrlanhs Militant and 0.0.

7. Hsld Ang. 3 to 10. The J. ft M.

R. R. will sell cursloi: tickets on this occasion at fare tor the round trip, tickets going Aug. 2d, 3d, 4tb, 5th and BWe have first-class stock of seasonable goods, inch a4 O. O.

F. HOMER WJDGB. Mo. 282. meets every Mondny evening Visiting brother always o'clock, Jtakeploasnre in announcing to Scythes ft Snatha, Screen Doors, Window Screens, Wire Gjothj' Spring Hinges, and Wool Twins.

Gasoline 8tovea, Gil Stoves, Hay Forks, Hay Rakea, Hone Forks, Horae Fork Rope, at 7 welcome. Anprxw Dorset N. G. L. Tohpkinb, Bco.

AO. U. MOUK No. 40, meets the Drat and third Thnraday evening of ooch month at 7:80 o'clock. Wm.

REDON, M. W. P. C. Mitchell, Deo.

ticket good returning from Aug. 7th 11th. For forthet information call nea rente. J. ft M.

agent. T. O. M. BoniNDLnn, G.

P. A. bakery and confectionery in G. U. French atom building, where I will keep a fresh stock of MAD, CONFECTIONERY.


DOUGHNUTS. AND PLOUR. Now slock of Candies, Binmias, Oranges aad teams Far which I hope to solicit liberal share of yonr patronage. All attondodt ordora promptly READY MIXED PAINTSf 1 Luxe Assortment of Colors from 1-2 Plats to 1 Galta Born. To Mr.

A. W. Pratt, to Clarendon, Monday, July 21st, daughter. contained one baggage ear and nine coaches, all loaded toll. It was the largest excursion train that has passed through here for many a day.

The village Is building six new cle-terns nt nn expense of 840 each, which will hold 100 barrels each, at the Intersection of the following streets: Byron and Everett, Webster and Everett, Hillsdale and Hamilton, Adams and Clay, Hillsdale and Platt, Everett and Burgess. It to expected that the Ilomer Comet Dand will go to Gognao Lake on Friday of thto week to tomtoh muiie for tin Prohibition bosket picnic. Those going from Ilomer will drive to Albion and take the train, and delegations from all parte of Calhoun oonnty will meet them at the different stations. The fare for the round trip from Albion Is but 65 cento. Thos, Walford will open a first-class livery In lito born on Hillsdale street.

Just vacated by Frank Austin, about August 4th. Mr. Walford to a practical liveryman and knows just what our dtisena want when thoy hire a rig, (a good one.) and has therefore purchased lx line homes and carriages which he will place In stock. Give him a call once and you will again. Twelve bands will assist in cdclirat-Ing Labor Day In Battle Creek, September let.

A balloon ascension will also occur. Hons races, foot bicycle races, wheelbarrow Jumping matches, and base ball win fill In ona of the finest days aver enjoyed in central Michigan. It to alio expected that tha Jlomer boae company will be present and make a prise run. The southern Michigan camp tog of tbo seven day Adventists will be held in Ilomer, August 5th to 12th, in rsaaswaWS TIN WORK AND REPAIRING J. O.

WORDEN, Main Street, Homer, Michigan. I F. E. STRONG HOMER toCHe Milk Shake Blair. CHIPS.

Married. Mr. L. E. Dow, 88, and Mil Lilian Kirkwood were married at tha home to the bride, Ncguane, Thursday, July 17, 1800.

Both have host of friends among tha college people and old students whose congratulation and good wialiea will folluw them to their home to Obleagu, 4104 Prairie Are. Hillsdale College Herald. Mr. Dow la a former superintendent to our schools and haa many friend here, all to whom, wa are aura, will Join with tha Ixott In offering many oongratnlatlona. KO.

T. TF.MT Kh 148, meets every Tuesday evening at 7:80 p. m. at their hall over F. Austin drug store.

C. F. Ayexy, Cam. G. A.

McCartney, IL K. OF 01IANQE No. A 20(1, meets every Saturday even-ng at 7 oclock, at A. O. U.

hall. Obin DoniNaoN, M. Vlas. J. W.

Diieaeey, Bee. GA. POST No. 138. meets tlie sooond and fourth Thnraday eveninga, at K.

O. T. M. hall, at 7 oclock. Gko.

W. f. a J. M. Dolfii, AdJ.

SOF V. D'DROW CAMP, Mo 189, meets every first and third Friday evenings, at 7:80 oclock, at K. O.T.M. boll. Vialting toothers ara jordlally Invited to attend.

C. E. GiLcnnr, Capt. F. Avery, 1st Berg.

-HEADQUARTERS- will not ara Emits ni Biii! flRECC W. R. Frenchs grove cut of the village. on the first ami third Tueadav I Important practical and doctrinal sub-QYonlngB of each month In Uo To Mo 1 well Waa never ao cheap in Homer it ia today and J. M.

DOLPH A Lead the van in Good Goods and I Low Prices. If yon have any doubta about tho above statement, jnet call end bo convinced. We can show yon a large stock to I elect from, and we know tha prices are right REMEMBER fl If von wish any thing made to I order, anch a Sideboard, Book Casea, Desks, we can do it for I you with neatness and dispatch. I REPAIRING DONE OP ALL KIND8. Died.

At bla homo In Kckford, Thnraday, July 24th to Bright disease to the kidneys, Mr. Hurry Rose, aged nearly 70 yean. Tlie funeral was held Batur- day at the P. B. church on Cook1 Prairie, Rev.

E. T. Branch offldsUng. G. A.

R. Excursion to Boston, Maaa. The O. J. ft M.

R. R. will sell excursion ticket from all station to Michigan, good on regular trains to August 9th to Boston, and return ut one fare for the round trip. lal headquarten train will leave Toledo at lip. m.

Saturday, August 9th, via the W. E. By. For rate and further Information apply to nearest C. J.

ft M. agent T- CL M. Bohikdlu, G. P. A.

lull, at 7 oclock. Mss. Morton, Tree. Mias Belli Mubbay, Boo. CHURCH DIRECTORY.

It I Mid that trite cigarette One la company and two la a crowd a rammer hammock. A rare way to get rich and double your money la to taka stock in aome forlegn building and loan association and let yonr home institution go. Time will tell for thorn who invest, or maybe the moon 1 made to cheoao. A young married man explained hla wife's absence in the eart for the aum-mr by the fact that It was cheaper to ui afford her a vacation than to keep home and lie obliged to bny Ice. I Uie coolest Joke on tbo ioe drouth that lira been perpetrated locally.

A ntw und aura rare for etammerlng is mid to bo thli: Let the etamerer not apeak a word for ten days, thea let him resume speech, but only In a whisper, for ten days more, at the end to which time he will be eared If the remedy works. So you want to know where the flies come from, Luculluof Well the cyclone make the home fly, tha blacksmith make the fire fly, the carpenter mokes the mw fly, the driver makes the bone fly, the boarder makes the butter fly, aud'lf that not enongh for you, Jecta will be disowned upon, a as the live religious toploe ot the day. Special meetinp will be held tor the children, also In the Interests to tem-anoe, edusatlon, and the Sabbath school work. Prominent speakers will be present. The public ara cordially Invited.

Admtodoa free. The Albion camp meeting will be held on the camp grounds commencing Augunt 6th, and ending Ang. 14th. Bov. C.

E. Mandevillo, D.D., to Chicago, tlie eminent preacher and evangelist will preach daily, and many other able minlatan will bo present. Thnraday, Aug. 7th, will bo W. M.

F. 8. day, Monday, Aug. 11th, Young Peoples day, and Wednesday, Ang. 18th, Veterans day.

Accommodations abundant and reasonable. The admission to 50 cents for season tickets and 10 cents for one day. For information address the secretary, X. N. Panama, Albtoa, Mich.

Undertaking finest milk The most wholesome, the flavored victual and drink is hake at Blair's. THE BINDER HAS NOW TAKflfr PLACE1 OF Them. T3IIE8BTTERIAM CHURCH. A oornar of Bophla and Everett streets. Rev.

H. E. Davie pastor. Time of services, 10:45 a. m.

and 7 p. m. Babbatb achool Immediately after morning aenrloe. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening at 7 oclock. TUTE mODIST CHURC1L Corner of Bophla and Adam streets.

Pastor, Rev. E. O. Mather. Time of service, 10:45 a.

m. and 7 p. Sabbath school Immediately after morning service. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening at 7 oclock. TDPISCOPAL CHURCH.

-A-A Ob Adams street between Bophla and Hillsdale streets. Rev. A. Kenny Hall, priest to charge. Service every Other Muday at 2 oclock.

Colored Camp Meeting at Devils Lake. On Sunday AugurtSrd and 10th the C. J. ft M. R.

R. will run special excursion to Devils Lake (Manitoii Beach) and return, account Colored Camp Meeting, (pedal service on August 3rd and Hhh. For further information see hand bill or call on naarert C. J. ft M.

agent. T. O- M. ScnnroLER, ft. P.

A. It will pay yon should yon need any thing in tho line of Funeral Supplies to give ua a call, aa wo carry a large stock and know we can and will save yon money anything purchased of ns. All I call promptly attAndod day ar night without charge. Your yery reapoolf ully, J. M.

DOLPH ft ca Special bargain counter at tha Bazaar tore of W. W. Thompson every Saturday. Fox Bali A house and lot on Hamilton street, west of the school house. Enquire to Mrs.

Catharine Cur-1 prater- 8tf Hockeys Mowers in six different size. Cull end examine our elegen new machines Mowers and Hinders for 1890. Wo have tfta Urgent stock of A No. 1 Binder Twino in Southern Michigan. Also Farm Implements, Car-raigea and Curt.

FRANK MOUNT. Manager; Homepu.

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