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The Homer Index from Homer, Michigan • 2

The Homer Indexi
Homer, Michigan
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

LEGAL, THE HOMEE INDEX f57I can make you very low prices on GALE or TIGER HORSE RAKE, Screen Doors, Fence Wire, Scythes and Snaths, Cultivator Blades. 57A largo slock of. Paints in all desirable colors, Machine Oils, Pnmps and Pipe. ran PARKS COOK BXOVES Still takes tho load, nothing any better made entire slock is fall and onniplulc nml I can pleaso you if LOW PRICES WILL DO IT. 1 odUgtatalulo my eustoraere sr.d friend upon lb return tit ibe gMie epring eeaaon.

It i always a pleasant relief to oxcliungt Uie heavier and more sombre ityipiirol of winter for the lighter and brighter wear of ipnlig. But tlm pleasure ii enhanced when the elylee nml colon whluli fashion Mt her ami npou for the muon nre ao alt motive mid luatulul aa they are at t'leprcaont tiino. By way of preliminary I may aay that I have brought my long butlnoaa experience and knowledge of looal (sates, to the aeleotlon ths goods we offor. In making selections we hare revised that to (he quality of goodo aold we must look for the building ep of that ooufl-denoa lietweon buyera and aellora ao eaeenllul to a commercial auoneaa am permanence. I commend to my cuatomora my own method, that of early eeleotion, aa it followa in all oaaea that tho imltcrna whioh are most fancied am the eooneat exhausted.

Cutnrrh enrod, health and awoct breath seemed by Shiloh's Catarrh Bemody. Price 30 eentk. Nuanlln Jeelor ftee. Bold by 0. IT.

Cook. Good mother use Dr. Wln-ohells Teething Syrup for children with eokls, sore throats, and to regulate tlie bowels. Frawr AtmriM. EUillohs Cough and Consumption Curs Is sold by us on a guarantee.

It oures eousumptiun. Hold by Dr. Cook ii Happy name BleMI ahsrlflerlo Hut prople's pvpslar medirinn for purifying Uie blood and malarial diseases, etc. Imrge bottles fifty cents aud one dollar. Bold by Frank Autlin.

Ladle, clean your kid glove with Mothers Glove Cleaner. For si only at Woodbury A Co's drag store. GET THE nE8T. Eilert's Daylight Liver Pills, for sore throat, torpid liver abd Indigestion. Sold at Austins, Ukclk Sams Condition Powders ara the best for hogs horses, cattle end poultry.

Fuavk Austin. HUM KB, MICHIGAN. ooo WOOOOOOItUOOOUOOOO oo OUE FIRST WORD IS At tho busy Grocery House of Sz Co-, BARGAINS MARSHALL. From As Statesman. Born.

To Mrs. Jesse M. Hatch, Friday, July 88th a son. Monday, while Michael Lang, of Lett, waa drawing In wheat, he was bitten through the batlttf Urn thumb by tnaasaanagua, lie drove Immediately to town and Dr. Green sent him home happy." Wa presume he Is getting along eh right Workmen on the Water Works Co.s standpipe reported last evening that tonight tlwy would have tho pipe completed to a height of 81 feet At the pump house and well, work Is progressing Dimly, and It la probable every tiling will be In readiness for business as soon as the well Is oompleted.

Hon. Hovey X. Clark, aged 77 years, a resident of this elty in tlm 40s, and at that time one of the loading attorneys of Calhoun county, died Sunday at Detroit, whore ha lias resided since 1830. He waa one of the attorneys for the members of the underground railroad" that saved the Crow-white fnmlly from' being taken back Into slavery. Sylvester La moil, Detroit, says, "lie made the trial a i trura from which he preached pure abolitionism, not so much by words ns by bringing to llie attention of the public the cruelty and wrongs id slavery." The New Tobacco Law.

The following Is tlie full text id the prohibition tdtsiconbni recently enseted by the Legislate amt signed by tlm GnYerno: Section 1. 77k people nf the RtaU of Jtickiqm arnet, That It shall not be lawful for any person by himself, Ills clerk or agent, to soli, give or furnish any cigar, cigarette, cheroot, chewing or smoking tobacco, or tobaeoo In any form whatsoever, to any minor undor seventeen years of ago, unless upon the written order of tlm parent or guardian of said minor. Section S. Any person wlio shall willfully violate any of the provisions of this set, shall bo deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon eonvhitlmi thereof, shall be pnuishod liy fine of not loss than five dollars nor more than fifty dollars, or by Imprisonment In the county lull for a term of not leas than thirty days, or by both such flue and Imprisonment In Urn discretion of the court. The Sparrow Law.

Following Is the loxt of the law an-lliorlxing the payment of bounties for the killing of English Sparrows, which went into effect June IHtli: Every person, being an Inhabitant of thin slate, who shall kill an English sparrow In any organised, township, village or city In this state, shall be entitled to a bounty of three cents Air overy sparrow thus killed. To be allowed and paid In the manner hereinafter provided. Every person applying for auuh bounty shall lako such sparrow, or lieiul thereof, III lots of not less than ten, to the clerk of the township, village, or oily, within which such sparrows shall buve been killed, who shall thereupon decide auuli application if not luffed of Ilia correctness of such claim, shall Issue a cerlillunte stating the amount of bounty to which such applicant is entitled and deliver the same to said applicant, and shall destroy the heads of such sparrows. Such cestlfleate may be presented by tho claimant or his agent to the county clerk nf Uie county In which such sparrow or sparrows have been killed, who shall thereupon draw a warrant for the amnnut on the treasurer of said county; said treasurer shall, upon presentation of said warrant, pay the same from tbe general or contingent fund of said county. QST'There is no room for improvement in the bargains we offer this season in Mens and Boys Clothing! Our stock is now complete.

You cant afford to go elsewhere when r- you are within reach of such an opportunity as this. YOD SEVER SAW OUR LAST WORD IS BAIMINS. Respectfully yours, 0. 1. LINN, Mich; Especially raqueet that all nowly married couples and all persons Inclined to marry to call and examine their large and well assorted stock of CROCKERY AND GLASS WARE, STAND LAMPS, HANGING LAMPS, SIDE LAMPS and all LAMP FIXTURES, Also the best Selected stock of Fresh Cream Candies and Bakers Goods, in Ssutlietn Michigan, as well as the Largest Stook of Coffees, Teas and Groceries of all kinds from a tooth pick to a enr load of sugar.

duality and Pricc3 Guaranteed. Butter and Eggs taken in Exchange at highest market price. Wli'ln Fish, Mackerel, Traill mid all kinds of salt and Binokcd Fish. 33TSMOKED HAM, I0e, Jflr CRACKERS, Sjn, 25c, OarlIUJNEB, 4w, 2.V. tHY HOLLKI) OATS, fifts.

SSr, SO-FIIKSH UO.VBTKD 23e, tUT Til CULBBBATKD 4Se TEA, rsyTLIE BOSS BAKING 10V I) Kit, 41c, And everything else at correspondingly low prices. All kinds of Vegetables and Fruits of the season received almost daily and con-standly on hand and always fresh. All goods promptly delivered to any part of the city with neatness and despatch. Call and see us and liveliappy and save money. aC V9 THE SQHAItF, DEALING GHOCKKY HOlhSE, HOMER.

PaoBAta OHMCH-llriHni hr UnMnl StaUiH MtoMsaH.CwHUyixralkuMsia. At i-w total Aa Pruhu Quart hr asM MHMir fold st Ifo Pnidsw sShs I Mw elty ut Mwatan, us ifolnswSIslhfoyof Jsly IslfojmiraH, HsQ tsadm ss ilsMy Biss, foml Iwiul JSu st rwifoa Is ifo swusrsf Uw KrtinjM willlun T. Allan, AacMiad. madia aa HIM Ifo fotlllMh duly vertla. tf WIIHhb Oaufe, sSMlHfominf; fosyls ttat ta Bur tavs Ifoww is AH rtsl mIMh.

Ttamspos II I. untoraS. Mu! Hwiwlay, Ifo (wanly msmS day Aasaat anlat Irau'VMrti la (tonmaam.lwHalnM fu ifo kHriMuf aM foUilua, aa ttat Iha tain si low Mas drausai1, ss all uttar fonaau IstMealaS Is asM mat am iniiM to appusr at a wwtus of ml Uasrt, tfos la fo koWua at Ifo Pmtaia Sat Is Ifo etfjr of Mamksll, as thaw MMMS soy Ifom ha, why ths pmyar uf Uw prOlhawr tool sat fo snuitHli As Is fsilfor oidaiaa, Mart wM yawhawr shrs buIIm to Ifo premw iatararto ts asM Mats of Ifo poadtawy nf aaM patltloa, so Uw haartaw Manor, hy MHrtfgf a spy of tlm nrtw lo fo psMMart Is Ifo lloswrla. sacs Mwipsyw prlsto as aimihiu Is wM Maly, Must somls WMfo pmrloas to asM day of ImrHiri AlnMiwnr. 'aCOMK IN(lKNRnfJH ItutMlF, Mortgage Sale.

Os tta rtlh dsy of Narah. A. D. IN7, Sky VIsms in wnitaM uuncdw, an iimm mwuir rIvcm or pRMrta nf ImmI bIinm3i4 Ir tbti TwrMlirpof Howw, Ir Mm UiHiRty of nalfcuHa uRNuca of Midi nm MMl iIwhiHImnI fulktw to will TtM KjMt alf mt IN RHarten IN Nimh talf nf IN VirtlNMt rmbiTw nf in XorUftMi tiuriiv, Mi INMartli Nlfoflfc KfliKh NtfoflN KunlhMit RRRrtar of IN HurthFM RMrler of imilnn Ko. IMrloro (IB) Ir TMwMi Vo.

fear (4L Noth of mto Vo. ftor (I) Woof oootalRlRfRR la all dm howM m4 in (110) mrr Umborio RMiroor Ini. nMNuHniio vuniNlMh itefof Msmh, A. P. IteRf, rwnM lo (N oitetoflN HfwNaro' IHHNlfi fnr nli Umrijt of CoINoh ta llbor Mi of Morfmmm va nn 01.

Nld VoflMitfo wu duly odRimt tar AN wM William OlMpnw IuJoIibUihi kf IjpiHiiR I doted n4 vhlrh Mid uffljpuneNt was romnlMl ta IN Mid KfrMoKb oMroMlNOHh doy of JhrFs A. I. Wd Ir UNrlof RMfemmoRta on psco M. On tlmHHh doy of MRreh I MRU INro Nrawo duo mM UhiI run twohRRdrrd Ifrjr-Mirtn ihmI W-hHiMlrtifN dul-lan (4VS7.Hr of Md IN unit Rm mnslnrd hniwM tar muff (Nr thirty dnyi mrr; tNrvfnro by nwrni of Mid dotailt amd hy vlittm of eondltlno of mM VurlRajpe, ttufroM MtaRoo Hm olertidg and dm Nraky rlpet, to dortam IN wNlo RinooMt sprnrH hy Mid MurtMNs hu(h hMemt m4 pHnrfpol dns nod NFeHo oi aunt, fhrri ta tborFftm oMwed to mv doo and unpaid, mM Mnrtimm1. (ho ihm nf to IhwoMRd three NRdred nod one bin! M-hnodirth (M.NIJM) dollovo.

tod mo proerodtaN of tavhM Ntm tanfltRted to rronm the mow or My pert hereof. Not ire ta rNrefuro hrrrtiy rIfor ini by virtooof IN power of note HmM MurtMimoiRitiiliied odlN MnlulH Ir nueli Mse, mndo end prurMed, tN pmotato aburr, nnd Ir Mid mortiiws dreerlNdt or Rioeh tboreef Mioy one wry (IN mw hetaR ooooplrd ns one fa rail will aoM nl pe rewlM to IN htahrat Mddrr of tN fiwil donr of IN Court IImm In the City of Merdwll. Cimnry of CtlbnitR nid MIrIb nf MtehlipiR. tNt briny IN pteea of Utrfdlmr tN ClrrRll OnurtufiiBldrmiHty, on tN llh tay of Ihttottrr IHRI I tfetnek ta tN neroonM uf Mid day. lo Mttofy tN bhiuhbI thru dim um mM Mortitaicr foyetlier with oil teiml m(A iMlHdlRir Hironiry feo bi piorMed fey bnr.

Uaied, Joiyatb, RWf, jonv L.Wfl, AufehN, WRAVKU nAWKlXH, Altumryaftir AMiynee. PUOBATK NOTICK for Hearing Claims IL-forc Court; Stale ol Miciilgnti, County of Calhoun, ss. Notiro is hereby given, tlisl liy an onicr of tlie Prulmto Court for the county of Calhoun, made nn tho twelfth day of July, A. D. six month from Unit date were allowed for creditors to present their claims against tho Estate of Cornelius Fichu, late of said county, deceased, and tlmt all creditors of said deceased are required to present their claims to said Frobalo Court, at the Probate ofllro, in the City nf Mnrehull, for examination and allowance, on or liefuro the thirteenth day uf January next, and Hist such rlalnis will bo heurd before mid Court, on tlie IdUt day of October and on tlie liilli tiny of January next, at ten o'clock in tlie forenoon of cucli of those days.

Dated July 2. A. 1W0. lil'OHUE IXdKBS'iLL, Jiuhrc of Frolnite. for Iltmring Be 'nre Court.

Elate cf Micliignn, County of Citilitnin. ss. Notice given, Hull hy mi order of tin Inilailn Court fur llie County of Callioiir, iiiiulv on llie 81st (lay of May, A. D. 18SII, six month from Hull ilnlu were ailuwcil for creditor present llieir claims against tho Estate of Elisha H.

Cook, Into of sniil Comity, deressed, snd llinl all creditors of wild demised lire re-iiii red lo present llieir claims In sniil JJrohHto (hmrt, at tlie Pndmlo oflleo. In llio city of Marshall, fnr examination and alhiwnuee, mi or Imfore Hie second day of DeromlN'r next, and that sucli claims will lie heard before said Court, on Saturday, tho 81st day of August, anil on Monday, llie 2d (lay nf Decnmlsir next, at ten o'clock in tho forenoon of curb nf tlioae days. Dated May 81, A. I). 1RRD.

GEOIiUK INGERHOLL, Judge of 1'mlwte. Mortgage Sale. On tho 2d day of July, A. D. 1888, Nicy Vinson mortgaged to Wiilium Ulnsgow, all Uioea cerium pieces or pnruels of land situated In llio township of Homer, Comity of Calhoun, and Btate of Michigan, described ss follows towit Tho East half of llie Boutin east quarter; tlie North half uf tlie NorllHuist quarter of tlie Nortli-enst quarter, nmi llio North half of Hie atiiilh hair of the North-east qnsrler or llio North-essl quarter of section No.

thirteen (iff) in Township Nn. (bur (4), south nf range No. four (4) weal, ram-Inlning in all imu liiimlred mid ti I III) acre he Hie same mure or less. Held Mortgago was on tlie hill day uf July, rci-crdcd Iq tlm ufliro uf Ihn Kcgistcr uf Deeds for suiil County uf Cniliniiu, in lilier UU or Mortgage on page 85. Bold Alortgugo was by assignment dated June 27lh, 18811, duly assigned to Julin laing and wliicli suiil assignment was un tlie Lstli day of June, 18KH, recorded in llie said llcgis-tors office in liber 0 or assignments nl page ').

Di-rauil haa beon lnmlo in Uni conditions of sniil llorlgago wlii-re-1 llio power of Mile therein contained lias beeomu operutivo. There I claimed to he now duo and unpaid on. said Mortgago tho sum of four hundred fifty seven and 77-limulredtli (3137.77) dollars, nnd no suit or proceeding at law has been instituted lo reeover tlie same or nny part thereof. Noliro Is Hierefuro hereby given Hint by virtuo of llie power of wild in said Mortgago eonUliiml ami tlie siatulo in such ease iiindo and provided Hie premise nlmvo and in said Mnrtgagn il.urrilsul or so miicli thereof ns Isi nenwrary, I llio saiiie bring neuiiiiril ns one farm) will lio sold at pidilio veiulno In the highest bidder at Ihe front (hair uf llie Court I loiitM. in tlie Cily of Marsluiil, in said Couidjr of Calhoun, (Unit lining i the place of holding of eJrruit inm of said comity) on Ihe 4lli day of Oeluls-r, lSht), nl eleven oclia-k In the forenoon, to salisfy tho amount I hen duo on auid Mortgage, togetlier willi all legal costs including Attorney feu.

Dated July 8, 18S. JOHN LANG, Assignee. Wkavkii Hawkins, Attorneys for Assignee. ImsIi'B rMlira rtnt mynRd.Cnm-I rewn! UNO KfWjl. ThRM 5 IVunT m-n1.

bum fWn. KlYrtHnsL I'NifuiHt. 41 fnr mull, nr tfnis-rbrtff. tofrlssi InraMisttiM. I riI rBl.hrto fOVO Usl Wood ird DBlxvUi WA IbaTSolil by all drumrisli in Homer.

Wli MM Wsto.1 IfiHB. wsrtMM4g.l 4 ism MI )0iPr iaiBtls. caHiy ms fe i3Brinff wM mt jrn mb (. SmTnm HMiwIwIri HaitoMlMd writ lb mirih to tout tana ta wr laa tor anfb ad Mw Urea I Jba WEDNESDAY, JULY 81, 1889. F.

W. OHAU, Pibllahar. W. A LAin. Utter.

-gsR NEIGHBORHOOD SOTES. ALBION. yVom Of Mirror. Mlae Jennie Worthington will upend part of the aummer at Hay View. lira.

Geo. Aahley will entertain the Gleaner Society Thuraduy aftenioini. Aug. I. The State celebration of Emancipation Day, by the colored poople, will lie held this year at Ypallantl, Ang.

The following die patch from thia city appenrad In yeatonlayla Dotnilt Tribune; "Gold bna been dlaoovered on tbe farm of Newhm II. Hiuton, In Bheridun township, Culhoun county, A portion of earth and mica rock waa aent the Golden State Labratory bullion refinery and assaying office 1011 No. MM-V-Ban Francisco, recently, and II. Walker of the office flnda apparent In tho MrnU of rock a yield of gold and allver. The per cent.

Mr. Hiuton doea not wnnt atnlod at prcaeiit aa he liaa recently forwarded other anmplca to bo assayed. ECKFORD. Cbimpondraer. Mlm Minnie Lusk In sick with bilioua fever, but la llioiighl not dangerously ill.

Mrs. Kd Doolittle and lltUedaugliter, of Chicago, visited at J. L. Mnrrlss last week. Mr.

ahil Mr. lVm. Overy and children, of Kuusns, are vlailing their many Eckford friend tliia week. Miss Joaio Snyder, of Stockbridgo. waa a gueat of Mia Myrtle linger, several day lost week.

Workmen have the frame to Jolm Taylor' luiuso orectcd and are pushing it along to completion a fust a possible. Word Inm just reached here of tlic death of John Tilford, which occurred last May at III home near Lincoln Neb. Mr. Tilford wus a former rest dent of this township. LITCHFIELD.

FrotH the Gazetlr. The direct lamp are being cleaned, painted, uml very aiioitly will br trimmed nnd-buruing. In a letter to llio Gaxettr, T. F. Hawkins, of Poller county, Dakota, say tbe trlirut err-p will be poor owing tj I ho execsiire beat in June, Lilt corn looks well.

In fact ail crop with I he i xo-plion of the wlica pmmirea ngoml LI. Tho man who will last week arresl cd in Fort Way no with some of Sliorwooi! jewelry in his poscssiiiii, will be bn light back to Ilillsdnlc a soon nre quisition from the governor can he obtained, lie gives ni name Win. EIwiknI, homo at Pitldiiirg, ami utterly refuse to talk or rxpkiiu liuw he obtained the stolen gtlOut. On Monday, July 15lli, screnly-six and one-liaif busliel of nupbor-riea picked on A. 8.

Knowles's farm, and on Tueaduy thirty-three and our-liulf buahala, One lady in two days picked 120 quarts. Mr. Knowles is drying tho berries in Gardners evaporator. Tho cron is a great deal better than he antio: pa ted it would bo after the heavy frosts that at the time apparently killed Ihe budding fruit. The weather, however, since that lime has been exceptionally favorable, not only for raspberries bnt all small fruit.

Sonic person trd to get into Alva Fellow' house on Friday night. They had ent the wire screen and were ready lo unhook the door, when they were frightened away. From there they went lo Eugene Fowler's store, hut Gene and his dog sleep In the back room, uml tbe dog heard Ilia noise and gave Ilia alarm. Gene kooii ciiirinccd tbe intruders that hat the rnTest place for them waa on the outside. TEKONSHA.

lYom the A'imw. G. B. Uulliort Is among the latest to receive favors from Undo Kara in tills vicinity. Ilelween forty and fifty tickets were sold on Wednesday fur Diamond Lake.

It wan a fluo day uml all report a good Ume. No aueJrtnnta, with tho exceptions of a few lints being lent by small boys and girls. The examination of 11. T. lluuse, of Tekoinihu, charged with selling hard cider July 4th, was concluded before Justice TilUitson Wednesday, and ho wiin bound over fur trial In the circuit court.

Kail was fixed ut 500, which he gave. Marshall Chronicle. Willis Frendi died at his borne southwest of town, Tlinniday morning, aged 71 ynars. Mr. French had been a great sufferer for the greater part of tlio post year, and his death expected for some Ume.

Deceased was a pioneer resident of this locality and much respected by a large circle of acquaintances. Funeral services wore bold at the late residence Saturday, July 87. Six boys, aged from 13 to 16 years, went in bathing at Archer Lake, Ah gnnsee township, on Friday of last week, and two of tho lads Kdward Vincent mid Paul ilnolow aero drowned. Being unable to swim they were floating around by hanging to a boat. This wus in some way capsized and tho buys went to the bottom.

Their bodies were recovered the aaoio even-leg. and the funeral services held on Sunday. LION is tbe KING oi BEASTS, anil Ikiuy Elephants cxciln no wiind.r wlu-n cmnji-iriil willi the LOW THICKS of FURNITUKK mid FUNKUAL GOODS at ZE3Zeaa.IbLSu"W sluelcL Cos. Gail and sec our large stock of llio Chiimiier Sails, Parlor Suita, Ialcnt Ilorki-re, Hal tan Kocknre, Easy Cliiiir, (h-iilcr Tnlih-a, Tictnre Moulding, Mirrors, Hoys Kx. Wagons Library Marble Tup Table, Hnliy Step Irtdilevo, ('urHl Sweeper.

Ifoliiry Olmira, A fall line of Matlrrose, Kxleaiaon Tallies, Cum Seat Cliairs snd Itucker st Hook Cases, Hecre tinier; Factory Price, lied rjonnges, Couches, Thanking onr pnlrons for past furors wo remain, Yours trnly SKciiMliitww cC Tint lire Frame, Tlie Bev. Geo. II. Tlieyer, of Bourbon, says: Both myself and wife owe our Uvea to Hhlloh's Con-snmptlon rare." Bold by C. II.

Cook Why will you cough wliou Shlloli's Cure will give Immediate relief. rlee 10 BO and 01. Bold lqr C. H. Cook.

imee ii Uncle Sams Rem and Bone liniment will relieve Sprains, Bruiros ItUlUlCUt Neuralgia and llhnmatiiim Frank Austin. Cure your Coughs, Colds, etc with Eilerts Tar and Wild Cherry. All druggists keep it. Inirge bottles 30 conts and SUM) Frank Austin. Tba Motbar'i Friond, Not only shortons labor and lessons pain uttcndlng it, but greatly diminishes the (lunger to life of both mother and child If used a few hour before oonflncment.

Write to the Bnulfleld Itogulator Atlanta, for further particulursi Sold by all druggists. SueUia'i Arnica Salve. Thebealsslvein the world for cuts, bruises, sore, ulcers, sail rheum, feter wires, totter, chapped hands, chilblains, skill lies era to give i or ic'iejr refunded Irlcc S3 eenls per Kr sale at Frank Austlii'a. The New Discovery. You nrny linvo heard your nml nelglilsim (Hiking dlviut It.

You may yourself bo one ofllie ninny who knows from personsl exiwrieuco just how good a thing It is. If yon hnve ever tried it, you are owe nf Its staunch lic-cauae the wniiiUrffil tliingH nlmut it that when nmc givrn Irlul, Dr. Kings New Ilimuvi-ry ever after lmld- place ill lliu li-niHe. II ynu have never uxpil it and hIiimiIU be sfllieted with a cough, euld or any Thmet Lung or Chest Iroublq acenre a bottle at once and give it fair trial. Ills guaranteed every lime, or money reftinded.

Trial Dottle Freo at Aimin' Drag Store. The Verdict Unanimous. W. I). Bull, Druggist, Itipniis.

il.lcstifies. I cun recommend Eiratriu Hillers as the very Iiest remedy. Every buttle mid liasgivcii relief in every case. One man took six bottles, and was cured of Ulieu-inuiism of 10 rears at a ml ins." Abraham Hare, druggist, Hrllvill, Ohio, aMrins. Tho Umt selling medioinc I liave ever handled in my 20 years experience, is Electric Bit erv Thousand of otiiers Imre uddutl llieir lestimoiir, so Unit llio vi-rdicl is ii mini mons that Electric Biller lo cure 11 diene of Hie Liver, Kidneys or BIimnI.

Only a half dollars Ih'MIu at Flunk Ansi in's drug store. Files! Files! Files! Dr. William's Indian Pile Ointment la the only sure euro for Blind Blceil-Ingor Itching Piles ever discovered. It never fulls In cure old ehronie cohos of long standing. Judge Corns, Jlnys-villo, Dr.

Williams Indian Pile Ointment cured me after years of Judge Cnflliibiiry, Cleveland, says: I Imve found liy experience Hint Dr. William's Indian Pile Ointment gives iniiuediuto and permanent We have hundreds of such testimonials; Do not suffer an inatnnt longer. Bold ut Austin's at SO rents and 31.00 jier box. Common Sense In tlm trestuisnt of slight ailments would save a vast sramint nf ilcknais ml l)u of Ayer's rills, tnken stlor sssist Digcslion tsksa st night, will rsliava Condipstlon taken st nny lima, will correct irrogn-Isrllifts of ths Slomneh sad Bowels, stiuiulnla llm Uver, and ears Blck Hcadnuhc. Ayer's ss all know who ass thsm, are a mild cathartic, plnusat to tskn, snd always promid sad salUfsrtorj In llioir results.

1 nn renoninicnd Ayers lilts slxirs all otlinrs, haring lutig iiruvad thair valua ss a Cathartic for niTsnlf and family. J. T. IIci, Lclllwvllls, I's. Ayer's Jill liars been In usa la aiy family upwards of twnnly years, and Lara verllind all tliat Is cIsIuhhI fur llirni.

Tliomss V. Adonis, an Diego, Tessa. I liars nsed Ayers nit In my fondly fur aeven er sight year. Wlumnrer I hara an sltaek lii-salseho, lo wlik-h I an vary subject, I Inks dnaa of Ayrr's inis nml hih always promiHly ntllmnl. 1 Had llieui eiinslly Iwiielli-iaf In coIiIh and, In my family, (key are nw-il fur Liliuns complaints and oilier uialnrb-ain-cs with such guod rirect that we rawly, If over, have to rnll a pliyHli-inn." If.

Vimllh-nrf. lintel VoollIt-mC, Burs-tugs Kprings, N. Y. Ayers Pills, VBKrsaBO ar Dr. J.

C. Aysr A Lowsll, Mata Sold by all Dealers la Krdlrtaa Ayers Cathartic lilts are reeom mended by tlie best physicians, because they are free from calamel and other Injurious drugs, being composed of purely vegetable Ingredients. While thorough in their action, they stimulate and strengthen the bowels and secretory organs. HOMER MARKET REOPRT. 32-01 KSJCNVJGMdSX i business and wc inland lo boom it liillo if priocs have virtno.

V( ar iiuw jmejiiired lo rliow von ilia fiacdtaeluadoa of GENTS FOOT WEAR thal we have Soul furyeara. We fiiir no iiijK-lilinn. Trices lower than ever before. Mens Good Congress Shoes for $1.50 Boys Good Congress Shoes for $1.25 Tlieinsn who I racked iihiii llm walk, Had beuil tool In lowua to tills With other denier i Irae, and Dal lii.ding lie eon lil imoiey save, Iietiirned to 0. Ii.

Linn 111 weary feet. Tim King nf imtXAiCxgftorn tog-rot, And vowed lu-M f-uiml llie Dniiroo, From wlieiieu nil A ltd A I vs courro. We arc also agents for Tita-e Electric following good. nj, iTony 'itftlj (tun mrl imrrci Vt XZi BiiHR to iMrauB th RlrM anfer li-s "Jm llnving purchnaed the DRUG STORE -of the late A. N.

Hopkins, AND ENLARGED the STOCK So we nre jiropnred to supply cnatomeris with every thing in the line of PURE DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, STATIONERY. PERFUMERY FANCY GOODS. ETC. School Built i Sippta i SPECIALTY. A lo a large line of CHOICE TOBACCO AND CIGARS.

Eenjioctfully, B.F.WOODBURY&CO, Homer, Michigan. P. having aooonnta on books of tbe late A N. llejkina plboue call xiMSTrfERS JiANttK LrE or MmtF.V'CHJLa lADMilUl.fLGliUTaK CO, .4 wl. Jlje Ipter Oeeap Xv Published SrerjDaj oi the Fear, and is the JtiyiS- lie on Paper oi tbe North west E5S? of Bunday, by man, noatsatd.

18.00 naryaar THE semi-weekly inter ocean THE WEEKL INTER OCEAN MUUISL FAMII.V NEWSPAPER, Go to the irlificiii WORKS FOR Cement Chimneys, Cement Brick ioi Cisterns, Well Brick Made to Order, Cemeterv Cooing and Building Stone of any ifcnign. Call and boo our trips for SMOKY CHIMNEYS, tho fincBt thing out Also our Portland Cement HOG TROUGHS, Byron slrect, nonr now mill. 1 i. 4 H. HARLOW, Props.

A.MILLEH THE TAILOR, Haa just receive the' Spring Stylca with over 1,000 splendid anmplca to Klect from. Business and Dress Suits, which I will make up in Coot Stile and Workmansliip. Good Fit Guaranteed. Price Ueaa-Miable. Thanking you for past patronage I remain, Your reapcctruliy, A.

IvULLFR. Shop in Champion lion, linnii-r SomiiAbM Bnmmi TKK IIOMI lICVlljL'Jlbih IN MICHIGAN, I'abllHlied every Thursday at 32 per year; or, MM arMaOISa rsrXCKSM HI mm thr WSSS wwlwiraVH MIHHM. Sear wwwNr miMiH Iff- H. iHwnww Oad trtth IS. Baaf HHhI mSMNyWI mrtrrtmS mSlaa la trMrh nr.

laln-nl. Malta, laaftnaf aaH Saa-JM aaary raalw. Sunday-School Department, VKiaCKIiLKn. hr DM J. MTirLKK, n.

Cww ThRnBtmi Hlniry. Fefrff mm lmmrnm WrmmmHt mum mrm lybrMr MIRRRf Gttirpifflr. HTIwMiMplffi fov wii Him er wnwlai Bru4 far Ikea, Uai OBBlVTUir HSRAXA pvjimiu SVaiMti ikuHii Haa AflUl.llRNilM' tho Uni liy, rmI ftN miua ll irrta. How wrll ii hbh nil' (fib Mild MiBiiy of tNia do toMiCy iM beanUM ml Rratofnl Irttovo to (N Editor. nstusKETiumatnorALLUHTiiasor tux mworrjui sut laususnoMDUia SCBIBNERS 1IARAZIN8 AND THE ISTEE OCEAN.

ana forTHI" Urlaotart.oadlai Tlio American Africnlturist and Tho Inter Ocean. It noiiUun nl llio hoa.f of AmottoMM i amr lirUor UiBu ovort- fora. nn tsan-WKEKLi nr ihm niumxATiaxsii ii xohk itu res wkit. IS gnn.STITflH3 tNia do tertiCy iM beantirul ni oCmmrvf Rratofnl Irttom to iMUlSS, O' A VKK8inKNT W1M. RVS EMCfTm Mod WOMto jrnBllnniyluu ni THirb-iiuiitR hi Kiii.p.-, i imik rr-rk iai.iiiy aliviild mum VjTrsroi rk- 11 po-o THE INTER OCEAN, Chicago at MU.

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