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The Homer Index from Homer, Michigan • 5

The Homer Indexi
Homer, Michigan
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few. Council Proceedings. Snyder A -Tillotaan placed a new eavsetrough 1 on Masonic tempi this forenoon, 1 CITY IN BRIEF. Telegraph ofllea at Woodbury'. tf H.

Kingman baa a Am sign on tup of hla furniture atom. Handkerchiefs, I for Hr rents thl week at Thompauu'a Racket Store. The American Express Company baa reduced the price of money order to I cents each. 1 FIDE I A Sacrifice sals on Odd SATURDAY, JULY and ending on RAILROAD NOTES. Michigan Central are thinking of building a double trauk on.

tea main lint from Nllee to Jackson. There is at present a double tmek from Jaaksoato Detroit and from Nilaa to Chicago. Tha contesting aeonnty holders of the Cincinnati Northern stock are not iu-ollned toward a settlement agreeable to the Vanderbilts. Back of -thia refusal to clear the way in favor of the yander-bUts la a faction composed of friends of eh a H-A D. These gentleman tear the opposition of the Northern in the hands of men not handicapped for tha want of money ter operailng expense.

They were eadly disappointed when they failed to secure tha property and have lnoe been bony laying ob tract Ion In the way of the Vanderbilts, who are from all lndloatloua anxious to pat the rood on a solid footing. It la said Gen. Sam. Thomas ia identified with the op-pad tion and hia friends are confident teat be will wrest the road from the Vanderbilts. Van Wert Bulletin.

Three of the Vanderbilt linea terminating in Chicago the Lake Shore, Michigan Central and the Nickel Plato will nae the haw depot to be Imilt fronting on Van Boren street The depot will he owned Jointly liy the Hook bland and Lake Shore companies, the Michigan Central and Nickle Plate simply leasing the facilities. M. E. logrolls, president of the Big Four, has been elected president of tee Cincinnati Northern, succeeding F. W.

Whiteridge, who sneoeedud Gen. Samuel Thoms, last January. E. F. Osborn of Cincinnati was elected secretary anil CL F.

Cox of New York treasurer. The selection of Mr. Ingralls and other Big Four men, together with the foot that General Manager Sehaff of the Big Four reoently made a'tour of inspection over tee property, is taken to mean that the road is soon to take over the Cincinnati Northern property. Considerable money is being spent on the improvement of the property. SATURDAY, We have a large line of odd pants which we wish to dispose of and will sell you at your own price as we need the room for our fall stock, which is arriving daily.

nn ri Peter Retbeok la vary low. Bed salt 0o a BU at Strong Wo pay beat priosa foroata. Wrong Bros. N. K.

Crnm'and famllr vUitlng in West UnitjF, Ohto. Cbaa. Gilchrist ia driving the Commercial Honse hack. You just ought to see thoee counters at Bueduu MoArdle'i. We am pleamd to announce that Wm.

Taylor it Improving quilt rapidly. Fred Richey fc clerking for a L. linn dnring the absence of F. I. Doming.

It wont be many moons before Homer's big stave and hoop mill will be a reality. Born-to Mr. and Mr. Claud Walt iff Los Angola, Cal-, a 0) pound daughter. Another ft exonrsltai to Toledo Sunday.

Kgraodinary attraction at the Casino. The Michigan Central sold 16 tickets to Jackson, 6 to Chicago and 6 to Detroit Sunday. Battle Creek, Kalamaaoo and Jackson will celebrate Emancipation day which cornea on Angust lst. Nevor were such bargains shown before aa you will sue on THREE counters at Buedon MoAnlle's. A one armed rope walker and oontor-tloniet picked up quite a lew dime on tlio street Monday evening.

Borne low down cur stole Dr. C. A. Colburn's wheel Friday night and np to dato no cine has been found. If the one who carried off the arm chair from French's grove will return it soon, no troublo will be made about it Mrs.

DeGraff la assisting Mrs. Mo-Ardle during -the absence of Mrs. Bee-cbm, wlio ia detained by illnoas. Goa Bhepanl of Janesville, who formerly ran a blacksmith shop in this place now haa charge (if E. I.

Allen's shop. O. L. Limi and family went into camp in their new cottage at Lyon Lake Monday. They will occupy It until September.

John Parka of Concord ia acting as section foreman on the Michigan Central west section daring the Illness of Fred Hayden. -Teachers attending institute at Marshall should atop at the "Old Reliable" Washington Honse where yon will have a home like feeling. 1 wk H. A. Bottomly has a fine new sign in front of hia place of business.

r. Henderson and Atty. Cavanagh also have new signs in their windows. James Hitchcock iff Marshall waa elected president of the State Amateur Typographical Association at their an nual session at Monroe last week. The village bonding care again been continued, owing to the Inability of President Alien to appear as a wit ness.

It will not he taken np before the September term. A lady went to Beedon A McAidles with a dollar to get her daughter a hat, and aa they were only asking fifty cents for trimmed hats, of oonrse she' got herself one, too all for (me dollar I Lost Friday aftarqpon Dre. Henderson and Haynes successfully removed a large tumor from Chao. D. Burt's neck.

Charlie is feeling the best he has since he aud Grant were comrades in '61 County Treasurer Fisk paid out (8188 for sparrow heads Friday arid Saturday. The boys evidently propose to get in their work while the law is in force He says if they keep up the pace long enough they will bankrup the oonnty. Lost Friday night burglars attempted to enter the residence of Byron Snyder, but were evidently frightened away, as Mr. Snyder was np several times during the night. Two screens were badly cat to pieces.

They also visited the reel' deuce of L. M. Thayer, but did no damage. Three estates hare contributed an inheritance tax to the treasury of Calhoun oonnty since the law went Into as follows: Xbtete of Volney Gibbs, Homer, estate of Sarah Ford, Battle Creek, estate of Anna H-Penniman, Battle Creek, making a total of $780.84. The tax ia paid but once.

AH Summer weight Suits in out Store will be sold at a price never heard ol in Homer before Common Connell Room, Homer Mloh, Jaly 18, 1801, 1 Connell met In regular session. Present, tho CFrk aud Trnstoo Gar-aiiagh, Deaden, Smith, Tilloteon, Rog ere and tea Marshal. Minntee of Ut two sessions read and approved corrected. President Allen received a nmmnnl-aatiun from Jacksonville, Florida, relative to tha fire sufferers wliluh was read to the council. 1 On motion of Mr.

Beedon the matter wae laid on the talde until President R1.A1MH RKKKKRKI). 8k Commissioners time roll $38.01 CL E. Hopkins, filing sawn, 70 John Iloogerbyde, janitor 4.00 G. F. Holts, fixing fire engine, 00 L.

M. Thayer, Marshal's salary and tending tramps, 18.10 R. J. Harlow cement walks, 03.08 D. II.

Janes, firemans pay roll. 11.10 Total $188.60 Ouiumittee nn claims reported back claims aa referred aud recommended their allowauge. Moved by Mr. Smith that the recommendation be attempted and bills ordered paid. Motion carried.

Mr. Tiliutwm of fire department Committee reported that the department naked for 900 feet of hose and recommended that the name be bought. Moved by Mr. Ueedan that the recommendation lie ouuepted and the committee instructed to purchase tlie same. Motion carried.

Mr. Smith uf the lighting uouimittee. reported aad roooinmeuded that an are light be placed at tho intersection of Moiu and Webster struct. Movou by Mr. Deaden that tha report ami reuommuiKlHtiou or committee be accepted and adopted aud the light be placed at said crossing.

Motion carried. There being no farther business to come before tlie council on motion of Mr. Beeden tho council adjourned. D. H.

Janes. Clerk. We have a diamond frame tamdem al so a combustion frame tandem for rent by the boar or day. Prices reasonable at Banghams. tf Just a Minute.

This is a Just a Minute age we are living in trains are lost engagements not lives may be sacrificed by some one's watch not being on time keeping time.) Does YOUR watch run right? Is it one that can be depended on, or is it one you are keeping for the good it has done? Good, dependable watches are so reasonable in price that it is folly to take chances with a poor one. i Coll and see the Fall Jeweled WoL 1 team watch, el case, for only C. R. CHURCH, Jeweler and Optician. Do You ouffl)? Woodbury prepares a medicine that will relieve -you.

uioodimnr CMgb mixture wiir cure when others fail. 4 ounce bottle 20 cents. B. Woodbury Druggists. IW 1 1 1 H'frH III 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 THE CELEBRATED OERMAN4- MED1CATOR In (ome cities they ban automobile hearaea and people are jnet 'dying to ride In Lee Wheeler, who went to Parr Talk, Wia, Route time ago, reeantlr had one of hie Angara emaiihed.

While delivering ioe for Warner A Co. but Friday Chaa. Roaaltar had the 'ml-furtnne to ellp and aevenly itralnhleleg Twentyflve fain will he held in thla atate thia fall Among them ia the CM-liuiin oonnty fair, which will be a burn-nier. T. J.

Walfbrd wae well remembered hia birthday by Mra. Walford and children. lie waa pmanted with a Ane rocker and a pair of Ane oboes. The early celery crop around Alhion will lie a complete failnre, owing to the wet weatlier of the apring, which made it ImptMiilile to cultivate the gronml. The next time that Attorney Cava-nagh, Or.

ITaynea and Cbaa. 0 Worth iiigfam an Aalilng at Kealara Lake we anggeat that they take an Indian gnide and a week'a proviahma. Thu Uuldwater Courier haa received wonl from VanOieeen aaying that he hna Revered hia connection with the Toledo club becanae of financial difference ao Coldwater can wenra hi service aa a pitcher ngain. Thu atate haa been paying ahont $7,0011 per month to epiea, -who have been going about the country getting farmer to put a price npon their farm, and then comparing that price with the value placed upon the aarne piece of property In the auaeamient hooka Ladle ahonld take off their bate in church, any an exchange. No aermpn caiUjlspire a man who ia looking into a lopsided aggregation of dead bird, atnf-fed weaalea, chameleon skins, ribbons, beads, jets, ticks, straw, paper, flowers, corn tussles and thistle down.

It makes a sinner feel lost in the wilderness. Harrison Bros. Minstrel gave a pleasing entertainment in thia place laet Thursday evening, to not an large an andience as won Id be desired. All who did attend however, were mtiefled that Harriwm Bros, have one of the Aneet all colored minstrel on the road, and wonld be pleased to have them return. 'Athena Times: Gen.

We R. Shatter, who haa been in command of the department of California, waa placed on the retired list at noon Sunday, on account of ago limit Hewill pay the east a visit, it is understood, and perhaps he umy call on old acquaintaces around Athene be made in hia school-teaching day hen. Advices from Hndaon say that the sugar beet crop iq that jaeotion will be about three time greater than that of last year, ami those who have taken up beet culture aa a source of increasing the groaa inonme of their farms will profit well by the experiment. The acreage devoted to this produce this year ia the greatest it haa ever been in that vicinity and over 900 acres of sugar beet are being grown in HilUlale and Lenawee counties- Accuracy, doing things to a is one of the moat imporant lessons that oan be taught a child, because there is amoral quality at stake. The whole character is often undermined by the nnfornnate habit of inaoouraey.

Men whose ability wonld have mode them peers in their communities have become nonentities, and their careers mediocre or total, failures, simply becanae they were allowed in childhood to form the habit of half doing things, and of making half or exaggerated statements. Angnst "Success." Conoord Independent: Lately, the publisher of thia paper, placed in Swains Lake 6,000 sihall month black baas fry. These yonng fishes, if they live win be about three lqpbde long, next spring and will begin to bite small bait and hook. If all disciples of Isaac Walton will return aU these miniature month boss to the water as soon hooked, for the next two thia lake and the lakes below Bwaina and the south branch of the Kalamaaoo will in time be stocked with thls-the finest of game fishes. There la one farmer who haa always name to Allion to do hia trading who declares he will do so no more.

Tuesday morning be drove seven miles through the hot saml to get some material with which to repair his harvesting machin-y, only to find all the hardware atone places where snob materials are kept closed and the pepole gone on a picnic. He. finally found something which would answer hia purpose although it wm not what he wanted, and i went home declaring that hereafter wonld take no ohanoealnooming here when he wanted anything In a hurry. Mirror. 'V ii Buck RoBards.

jj A tew days ago, a man and wife from Battle Creek, who had become separated through domestic troubles, applied for a di voice in the oiroult court The Judge, who ia adverse to annulling the marriage vows, sought to convince the oonple that they try to lira together again, and the woman seemed reconciled. Tnrnlng to the 'husband, ha asked if he was' willing to take hia wife hock, lmt the man blurted ont "Yonr honor, rather live hi hell for eternity, with my clothos off, than live with that woman ter a week." Farther argument waa unnecessary, and the oourt took the case under ad-vlsHinant OBITUARY. Silos Cnrtls died at hia home in thia village, Sunday, July 81, at 11:80 a. aged 78 yean, the oanae of hia death being paralysis. He waa born at Pompey Hollow, N.

Feb. 8, 1838 and waa the aon of M. E. Curtis. He wae the father of eleven uhillren, six of whom, together with the wife survive him.

Funeral service was held at the honse yesterday afternoon and interment made in Falnriew oemetery. GOT EVEN WITH SPOONER. How the Harelars Recarad the Property Which Ha Had Cooflscated. When Senator John Spooner of Wisconsin wse a young attorney he was called upon In the course of hie profession to defend two men charged with larceny. The prisoners stated that they hail lieen strolling along the river tmnk when they espied a boat, and for a little amusement Jumped ia and rowed out Into the stream.

The owner of the boat saw them and hup tied for a constable, who arrested them as soon as they returned to the shore. It seemed a very easy case for the young attorney, and he left them wtth a word of encouragement. He saw tee anitor and asked if anything auspicious had been found on the prisoner. From him be learned that there bad been taken from the prisoner! a well-worn Bible and a small drawer, such aa can 1m seen os any old-fashioned bureau. On the fly-leaf of the Bible was the Inscription: To my darling boy, from The trial was held the next day, and the future Senator made a brilliant speech to the Jury, portrayed hla clients In such a light of martyrdom that one of the Jurors wept.

He exhibited the Bible and pointed to the Inscrip-on, and without leaving their seats the Jury rendered a verdict of Not guilty. After the trial the young men gave the lawyer $T0. Boys, said Mr. Spooner, as they were about to separate, I am curious to know why you tarry that Blblo fcnd the drawer. Thai the Senator listened with astonishment to tee history of his erstwhile clients.

We are prcffeosloiuil nufelilowers and have been for five years. We were arrested in Chicago not long ago and convicted of burglary. A few weeks ago we broke Jail at Joliet prison and escaped across tlie country. We were pretty tired aud footsore when we struck this town and ao stole the rowboat. This Bible bae a double cover and opens like this" (here the self-confessed criminal pressed a hidden spring In the thick cover and disclosed a hollow In which there lay two steel flies and a small saw), "and this old drawer has a secret bottom where we keep ear operating tool.

The future Senator thereupon confiscated tee BJble and tee drawer, warning Mi former clients to be more careful in the future Jiow ahonld appropriate the property HJlf others. The thieves watched him in great amazement and Indignation. Finally one of them shouted angrily: Well get those things back yet; mark my words! Several years passed and then tee Incident was brought back to Mr. Spooner's recollection In tee following manner: One evening he and his family attended an entertainment and no -one was left at the house. When they re turned at a late hour they found teat tee house had been entered by burglars and ransacked, but teat nothing, apparently, was missing.

The next day tee mall brought a letter, which read Dear Sir Please excuse the way we Mjn, Ju last night, hut the door waa locked. We never did think yon treated no square by swiping our outfit, and we came back after It and found you were not at borne. We always keep our word, yours truly. JIM AND JACK. Mr.

Spooner looked In an ancient cabinet in which for years he had kept the souvenirs. They were gone. tl rro(l notion of Rnbber. It has been estimated that tea approximate total production of rnbber la 67,600 tone. Of tele amount 21,000 took are- taken by the United Btfitee and Canada, 21,000 by the United Kingdom, and 16,000 by the rest of Europe.

The A mason district Produces 26,000 tone, and East and Weat Africa 24,000 tons; parts of Sooth muring other than the.Amasan district, 800 tons. gome people are so Stingy that if gir-en a million dollars they wonld register a violent kick becanae they had to pay taxes on It. 4A in the coffee bin not a pleasant thought, yet when coffees are kept open in bulk who v- Eil knows what different things come climbing and floating in Lion Coffee MirmYu.lity, fiwehpess and delicious flavor. Homers Hustling Clothiers. 1 Do you drink Too 7 Pants commencing on AUG 10.

U' i. 'V 1 I 1 s'1. I i We dont believe that there is as good a grade of Tea in the city as the Tea we are selling at 48- CURIOUS CONDENSATIONS. The stomach has four costa The tympanum is really a drum. Ireland is about tha else of Missouri.

The moon meres 833 feet per second. Every hair has two oil glands st its Europe Is less than one-fourth the site of Asia. Asia is the largest continent, 10,000,000 square miles. An ordinary elephant produces 120 pounds of ivory. Corea Is exactly tha else of Kansas, 82,000 square miles.

In IndJa batter made from the thin milk of the native cow is blue, instead of yellow. Aluminum coffins, costing from 3730 to 81.000, are-' now in great (Icninnd In the United States. It is asserted that women are on the whole cooler end more eelf-possessed than men In case of disaster at bps. A horse will eat In a year nine times his own weight, a cow nine times, an ox lx times, sud sheep six times. Previous to the sixteenth century every physician in Europe wore a ring on hia finger, os an indication of his profession.

Nsssroth, in Palestine, has no fewer than three hospitals, seven convents and twrive schools undyr Kurupenu supervision. The oldest firearms were used ia Chino. The Chinese were fighting with guns at a time when Europeans used buws and arrows. A novel sort of window glass has been Invented. Persons on the inside of the house can see through it, but it is opaque to those on the outside.

Mahogany is now very generally substituted for hickory In the manufacture of wagon wheels in France, It being found cheaper and quite as durable. In London no' fewer than 188,000 people live four and more to the room, and of these 8,000 are packed to the extent of eight or more to the room. Tha United States Is ahead of all other countries in tha art of making artificial tooth. A recent computation makes tha number of artificial teeth here as high as 6.000.000 annually. Tschlng-ta-Jen, the Chinese ambassador to France, is a Catholic, lb comes of a family that was converted two centuries ago by a Jesnlt missionary, and has remained Catholic over since.

It is often supposed that lions are dragged or surfeited with food prior to going through their performance, though both suggestions are wide of tho mark. Drags bn unknown, and from ten to fourteen pounds of food is given onco a day. To limit the "Wlreleee Telegraphy. Nikola Teola announce that ha will able to work his system of wlrdesa telegraphy on a commercial scale In eight months. There seems to be no limit to tee distance across which the energy may be transmitted.

If the voltage, he says, be high enough, It will be possible to conduct the power through the sir for thousands of mile. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 Ml I 1 1 1 PAfD FEB 16.1897, The Black Cross regular 50 Tea. Our customers say it i vimmense an touches the Spot every time. Other grades at a8, 30, 4(Kand 60 cents. We give you full vafae for every dollar you spend here.

I. E. BLAIR I Sell as your Wheat, Oats, Rye and Ear I and we will try and sell you Best Sett 99o per barret, i Threshing Coal, Hard and Soft Coal, International Stock Feed Elwood Fence, Hardware of every kind at Lowest Prices. F. E.

STRONG BRO. Up-to-date Hardware and Grain Merchants. Mrs. Leroy VanGeiaen, who removed to Marshall from Butler year ego, died at her home last Thursday. The fnner; al services were held Saturday afternoon, the ritual of the First Church of Christian Scientists, of which deceased was a member, being used.

Mr. Ysn-Geiasn was a very estimable lady and lisri many friends in this vicinity, who mourn her loss. Dr. M. Edwards of the Michigan Aaylnm for the Insane at Kalamaaoo haa sent a circular letter to the friends of patients in that Institution, notifying them of the existence of a few cases of smallpox which have lately broken out there.

The malady haa aMomedavesy mild term and there ia no oooaskm for alarm in the opinion of the doctor, 'Sut aoting npon the deoiaion of the state board of health a quarantine of the asylum haa been established, which will neoessarily prevent the visitation of par tients by their friends. Among the derisions handed down by tee Supftme Court last week wae one In the case of the Steuben Oonnty Wine Co. va. Lee, wnieh waa reversed. This decision sets aside a conveyance of certain village property made by H.

D. Im of Homer to hia daughter, Ora E. Alton, which was done, sooording to the claim et np by tee wine company, ter tee purpose of avoiding tee levying of an execution granted them in the circuit oourt some three yean ago, oovaring a Judgment secured te goods sold tee firm of Sinclair Lee. The claimants were unable to set aside the deedln the Circuit Court and carried np tea oaee, with ten above result W. Cavaa-agh and H.

Nichols were attorneys for tea wine oompany, andL. B. Tomp-4dna of Battle Creek represented Mr. i- POSTIVKL CUaES- I CATARRH, COUGHS, COLDS and HEADACHE. I practical remedy an tbs market far diseases of 'tlis 'head, We refer you to tlie following gsntleinea wlio reside la only common throat and 1 Boom who ore bunker) W.lLChaml DHni 1 saloon; J.

C. Ool 1 treatmsat, also ikon. I read tha gshtlemea wliot they following testimonial and writs to them If you doubt oar, Its. Like jLooking for Wool on a Sheared Sheep ,1 one highly Tecotnmsnd'yonr Oatarrh Cure. I anlfered for yean with Catarrh i and Hay Paver, and yourgreat Remedy ha given me oomfort and mtlefacthMi.

I March 1. HSR: Mib. Lovl Lnvor. game three months ago I bought one of jour celebrated Serin as Medlcatore it bad esse of catarrh of the head a throat of yesrs standing, IWbatarrh. I had a bad esse of catarrh of ibe baod a throat of years standing, i sad had spent hundreds of dollars In drugs and medicines tiylng to effect a cate, none of which did me much good.

became possessed of one of your Medlcatore. I used It neoordlag redirections and am happy to Inform you I am entirely cured eured-of catarrh end my sense of taste aadmnell bee been thoroughly restored. eured-of catarrh sad my sense of taste nnd smell bee been thoroug A dispatch to the daily press states that the newly appointed barbers' examining board met st Leasing but week Wednesday and among other bueineM transacted they adopted the fallowing stringent rules which they ptopoee to enforce: The Hocuses granted by the board shall he delayed In plain view of the public. All shaving mugs, raaore, shall ha sterilised. A eqperate dean towel shall to for each customer.

Alum add other materials for stopping the flow iff, blood must Is used lnimwered form. Ths uae of powder puffs or spoegee is Aohibited. Every barber shop must provided with hot and odd water No shop shaUbe nsfd under dronmstanoes tor a sleepiug Jinry piiall throughly cleanse fils hands after shaving enoh- customex 7 Jt -v- J. i. bOlleva It to be the beeyhlM on the market and a boon to humanity.

Mick, Dec. 51 Richard Letcher. 7 To'finda job on a bicycle that BOTTOMLEY cant i. '( I iWraiiteejny work to be jirat-clasBinvery V. respect.

Give me a call. One door northof the postoffice, at the sliop formerly conducted -v UlO pUHtOllibCf 'v' I have suffered fnr years with Catarrh. Headache nod Lung Trouble, sad used 1 various romadlas with little or no effect netll yonr groat remedy was.reoomnieaded tome. I consider jour method of treatment a common seeoe one. I do eheerfully mend It to nil who need It.

Littlejohn, Aurora, III. 1 Jt by Chas. Hopkins. 'i A ROTTOMLEY; H. A.

BOTTOMLEY. Call and aee the editor of this paper, or send your order direct' to the German Remedy Ca, Aurora, 118 Main street. at complete outfit gent by maU ujon raoeipt of prim, Ii 1 1 i i 1 1 i i i if i 1 ifw, a dmrm 1 l1 1 'L 'V 1 1 -r V- -I 1 1 V-. if, I' 4 'r- 'I? Cw a I 1 1 i -'M .7..:. 1 el.

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