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The Indianapolis Star from Indianapolis, Indiana • 23

Indianapolis, Indiana
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a 9 S' 1911 23 SOCIAL" PEEOiAL NEWS Look for Sale Announcement TOREADOR SCAR AND HELMET Social and Personal The Week in Society Weddings and Engagements to be made in I Thomas Kennedy has returned Star by Craig 22 and 24 East Washington St LT Lenhart sLter za rd of Mr and Mr Thursda GERR1TT A ARCHIBALD I essi Manager irksvlllc Miss Ruth uf Bosimi is spending and Mr last and Mrs 'host ine Ma nzy Mr Mrs Moore matinee toilet a lit tie Toreador a gold wire frame covered with Is 1 1 ugh Burtt of SEES INSIDE HUMAN BODY The Mis: i In Baker a 1 1 Mr and Mrs 7vburn of Atlanta lickinger Mr Mr and the occasion being thr? fl Stewart with HORSE WEARS SNOWSHOES red will and Be ville ville Ky Ca Sa mnel Me hniglmy BETRAYED BY BEATEN GRASS The Talk of the Town Atkins home Washington Society Oman L'S Monument I'lace i lellvl'I Wed nesday one dcP anoiherw the of hair inuel shout MOTHER INDS STOLEN SON und er DUST The secretary nf the li'Murv and Mrs I AcVMtrh will Im MIium nk i A Richest william Clove Mrs Austen steamship TIh boy was tint found and was mourned A friend of Rowland went into a store PISTOL DUEL ATAL TO ONE the Ah freight offerings at this time of Beany nf employed there who said his 7 name was 1 mils Bird The Rowlands to Wounded hlp will entertain I in and with Hair Store the Ma rshnll months in Europe In 1865 T) known 4 whs WlilV lurnt is for Bradford 11 Louise tin members colors After djnrn the ivrnu Jtt 1 2T WASHlNC I UhJt htlle their Mr and with a after beautiful change of ridian st rets evening will be Warner navy of Delphi a nd 1 la mil tern Jenl Walter in Mrs Il Mrs Arthur 13 Illbben Mrs teentlr anniwi Another happy tend the marrla Iucl 1c 1 la nes 'a ul Riibinso! Endsley Mu Kuhn and Philip Lewis guests were Miss Christine jserun Detroit Muni Raker abeth for a visit and rola son of Atlanta pa ent rt a bird the lllb and for for Miss Moore Miss Bessie her mid year Mr and Mrs boll Mis constable told that We remodel your Hair Goods into up to date styles at nominal prices A little new hair will make an old switch look like new ys with and Mrs were em in gold following Christine and Miss with spend Mrs: will sp i a ds and Je welry who will! mi'ii A Alkiim Mr und I Htcwarf Gem go Sul BALLAST IS GOLD gifts The duh im mbr: Mrs Martin Brhigham Brow the holidays The Meridian lie Erank Doudiran anti avn come hi from and I Lamb spend the Mrs Mr and Mrs John A Sutton announce me marriage of their daughter given by Mr and of holly and Mr and Mrs Monday afternoon 6 at their New Jersey street AL Parry assisted 1 Azlrl can i Charles Railsback was the scene not about the wm Mrs Wilson a by Mrs Allison rlvin Mrs 1 zd Mrs con Martha and the Miss uaccagn win bp joined boro by son Eames MacVengh the last of week with their parents Mr and Mrs Aaum Lyons Miss (rare will return the Wo make up your own combings into beautiful switches puffs pompadours and other Hair Goods and put same through a process to make it natural wavy Mrs Edu Ch'i rubers on more ticers When the defective and the arrived nt Aerial they wcic Mrs Helen Mrs red Haydon and Airs Heckman of ort AVavim will Christmas in Washington They the Raleigh Hotel Richard bite of the office of sergeant at arms of the House departed this afternoon for his home at Ind and Mrs Arm family dinner The secretary of stair nf Mrs Knox will have a family gathering Christmas at Valley orge their Pennsylvania vsoiiu Mr and Mrs Joseph 1 ents Air and Mrs' left riday for Newark and will be the guest dining the holidays of Airs Miss Elccne Pegg has gone Io Mumde to bo a guest at a house party during the holidays to be ghen by Mr and Mrs parents Mr am Washington Ind 'Pho Misses ire Mrs David McDonald Ketcham fifrwve a RUNJgj Mrs AV II mn and Airs ATr and litcago Mr and noon Her guests were Mrs loyd Lydsaw Jones Mrs Roy Dunns Mr 311SS Miss Adams pretty dance was the German House rh' Mrs A Mr Hastings Mrs Ilarold I iibliei II I Inlllday Airs William I'irl Then 1 Cl unieii 5 apparel diiop guest if relatives The meet tln Representative George Ratieh will rlepart tomorrow for Huntington Tntl where there will be fainilv Christmas party at tltc home of Mr Raimh's er His mother Mrs Philip Ranch of War ren Jnd will meet'hlm there holidays Have Your Hair Goods Remodeled the that thpy I ad dedd' to stay all night They had hern standing the porch a short time when Hie enn stnbl' noticed that Hie grass leading to the side of the porch Inid hon le nirn down and he said to tin lnlertivo: hiding under THE INDIANAPOLIS STAR SUNDAY DECEMBER 24 ander Taggart Mrs Mrs Edson Woods It will interest you as it will be one of the GREATEST SALE EVENTS ever inaugurated in In dianapolis very Informal and tli idnnts nl announce' iilent's day with Mrs Julius Uraiin 1:17 East Raymond street Thursday afler 10011 Dee 73 Miss Jessie Eosdiok of Ios Angeles is spending the holidays with her parents Mr and Mrs II osdlck 2G38 North The secretary of commerce and labor and family are here for the holidays as tJamubpll nf ivtimtaa Miss Adella Sloan of ('incin for two recent brides Airs Chicago and Mrs Caroline no invi witli Mrs pa ts Air nnd Mrs David Parry Mrs Jordan Keen Eyed Constable Locates Desert Hiding Place PHILADELPHIA Pa Dor hl'ling iindrr on all fifty young people uginer her guest catur Ill decorated laurel and tied out in KfuTlry Mrs John II ilgli Mrs 1 Rexford has returned Ore where shr visited a nd take some winds So the tn) duel between Ben Smith Burkesville Ky near the I marl Both participants wounded man is Short the noted guerilla and klll'M at Blackberry cause of the trouble Is not Learns After Sixteen Years That Man She Jilted Kidnaped Him TAMPA la Dec Willie tiie 3 yrar nhl son of Nredlunn Rowland dis appeared from his lionm in Kissimmee I'ki sixteen years ago ntni search was made bv' Rowland and others including and had since worked fur a living Ls now with his parents Mrs Rowland who for sixteen vea saxed for tho recoverv of her son he I happy that hur prayers have been an swered Verity of Middletown The marriage of Mis Orrfel daughter of Mr and Mrs Ir In King and Terrenw Ernest Me tlm resemhla nee to Rowland I he attorney general nnd Mrs Wirknr sham have gone to Panama for a Christ mas jaunt: Alleen Moblett Jb len Becker Lee Richard Lamb Kenneth Keller HHamson if he en Without further mln Nevins took off his coat and lint nnd about' to rllnib nmfmii iiip poicn wiien voicf rd: "Go on nut I'll cross appeared and was placed arrest WIIHan) iit Dr Murtha Smith is spending the days In Uhirago with her niece Margaret Smith and Imr nonhews rol ami Smith who are attend ing rhe University of Mr and Mrs George Talhnt and rank Jordan and Mr Miss Grace Jordan will Mrs Gaines of Izuis will come today and will be of Mrs na rents X1 and Mrs Pierson of North Meridian had kidnaped tho child in revenge for being jilted and had placed him with his as much case as a city horse would travel Perry llelninnt who has been deer hunting in Hungary where he leased an estate nf 4 poo acres returned mi the Amerika yesterday with Mrs Belmont They came to Washington where lhev will spend the winter Ralph Lerneke Mrs Edward Mrs Thunuis Marshall Mrs Maier Mrs i redu Mrs Winllcld Miller ligau Mrs Joseph Mrs Caiherine Hallinan of Jersey street left yesterday motixns witn mends Illinois Ruth Moore of Snulli Tt mple is spending the holidays with her f(in Erltlay to 1 ii rh fi 1 will be joined today by Mr Clarke Mrs A Merry Christmas TO ALL Mth James Eitel Mrs Harvey Elam Mrs William Elder Mrs Ealrhariks Mrs Stom OCR METHOD IS THE BBST We wave the straightest guarantee it to stay wavy for one year will not effect this wonderful wave except io make it COMIC to our and SPACIOUS HAIR DRESSING PARLORS they are by far the largest and most popular in Indianapolis Our compel ent staff of expert Hair Dressers is so large that ive can give you prompt and efficient service Phone your engagement to have your Hair Dressed and the specified time will be reserved for you the Camden County Jail by uonstabh Nevins of Camden on a charge nf de selling his wife and four children Mrs Jarnos formally Tuesdav afternoon at her home 1701 North Meridian street her mother Mrs John 0 Sloan am sisters Mrs City am! nati and for two recent Jamea Westfall Thompson of formerly Miss Martha Landers Harry Miesse who was Miss Bright Armstrong There are tations tor trie reception The riiilomathean Club annual Christmas nartv ririav at the home of Mrs William Pickens 2160 North Capitol avenue The feature of the afternoon win be a Christmas tree and the club will observe lt' usual custom or exchanging gifts 5C The patronesses for the leap year which will be given the evening of at the Propylaeum by the meinbers Indiana assar utui) win on Braxton Baker Mrs Robert AV Max Hamar Ella Taylor Miss May Burton and Etha Wharton and Mrs Henry Heywood and Helen Heywood have issued luvita nt English's up ra Hnuso give its Dec 29 erdin i mi Winter Mrs Mrs Evans Woollen Mr? Patronesses for Yale Dramatic Association Mr Miss tions fur i reception Jan from 3 until residence 1510 North Mr and Mrs David by their sons Mnxwoll and give a reception Thursday afternoon Dec 28 at 4 o'clock at their suburban homo in honor of tlic Yale Dra matic Association The reception will be informal and all graduates and under graduates of the university are invited Mrs Shaw will entertain the chil dren and the teachers of the Broadway Kindergarten this afternoon with a beau tiful Christmas' party in honor of thf fourth birthday anniversary of her little daughter Geraldine The ronms will be decorated entirely in Christmas greens poinsettias ami Christmas bells and a large Christmas tree adorned with bright colored ornaments gold and silver tinsels and illuminated with dozens of candles The guest favors will be Christmas stock ings Piled with bonbons Tho guests will be Miss Leota Carr Miss Mabel Benedict and Grace Mayfield Ruth Lamb Lois Vliet Margaret Howell Esther June Drown Carter Richard Richard Kc imr RobTt Stonehill Ivan Pue atal Richard Smith HAKHIXGTOX lire and Mrs Ransdell hnye with them for iii 1 1 ic 1 1 1 iKHiihiyh inerr sun and Mrs Warner is a surgeon Prof Robert Moore of will be the Christmas and Mrs Owen Miller Mr and Mrs uilnton Scott of Plain vine Kas arrived riday to spend Christmas holidays with Mr So parents Mr and Mrs Scott Miss Emily VanRipcr who is attending Nome for this season brought liar cargo from the Northland sisted of 3000 tons of gold saml esL gold bearing gravel found Goods Mrs Carrie from Hood River her son and da ughter hi law Mr Mrs 11 Rexford Mr ami daughters I riday for southern California to remain UUI'JIlg 1 IJC sand is Imiug unleaded at the Ta smelter ami the result nf the clean up will be watched with imprest by min ing men all over the Northwest The sand is black and sn rl in line gold dust as to glitter ami sparkle This sand when wasln by tlm placr melimd of pan and water pays ubuut 5 cents to the pan Nicholson rs Mrs Henry Oh Mrs Alvx Runnels ami Airs Milnor will entertain the women ami an equal number of men with a buffet supper Miss Myrtle Dickson entertained bounce eucher party Wednesday Mr and Mrs Stewart of Cincin nati are visiting their parents Mr and Mrs George 273 1 North Bonn hihI will remain during cart Mrs Ward Dean Airs Homas i Layman Mrs Mrs Meredith II 1 hmna Jr Here is an exquisite accessory to the evening or jacket or scarf with helmet to match It is made of heavy cream lace the ribbon used being emerald green ine neimet is made of lace The same materials are used in the scarf Jan 3 rs John Pritchard and fam wood Mr Samuel Rulok Mrs Runnels Mrs 'lirlstophor Sargrrn Joseph H'dinf Mrs IL A Schlotzl Mrs joim xi Mrs Thoodm Mrs Alfrrd livan Mrs Samuel Sutnlmn Mr Where Good Gloves Come rom The post uuistpr general will be In Ros ton for Christmas day The secretary of the Interior and Mrs Elsher have been joined for the holidays by their three children Waltei Aitlittr nnd Miss Margaret isher who attend boarding school About Your Combings with Mrs Mrs and Shampooing or damp weather Nephew of Noted Guerrilla Short atally Miss Alary Ann from and mas holidays with Whose Hair had been given the PERMANENT WAVE at HAIR DRESSING PARLORS was so delighted of its rare many conveniences Because Elaborate Hair Dressings are the many prevaling social functions Iho holiday soriKOu with Mrs Talbot's iHH'PDtP Mr ami Mrs John Minor uf North Capitol aonuo Miss Jessie Bradshaw returned yostnr day from a visit of five months at i Shack Short 1 hack berry former was faially wounded ro farmers The nephew nf Bonnt' Airs Mrs Albert Rabb A Mrs Afre V1 1 i i i i 1 1 1 II i I Mallory Mrs Otto A Philnutf Mr I Mrs Partlow Mrs Noel will receive in With the approach of Christmas and the younger set home from the univer sities colleges and the various finishing schools the latter part of the week was marked by a number of beautiful holiday dances which were leading social events and were given in honor of the and visiting college friends riday evening Mr and Mrs Gustav A Schnuli and Miss Bertha Schnull gave a charming Christmas dance at their home on North Meridian street for tile Misses Edna and Gertrude Schnuli who have returned from Dana Hall to spend the holidays The ballroom was ex quisitely trimmed with holly brandies and garlands of laurel which formed a friere 'around the walls and roues of the gtecnery festooned from the molding which gave the tTect of a canopy The center was taught with a huge' ball of boxwood studded with dozens of vari colored Incandescent lights The effect was beautiful and decidedly Christmasy Punch was served in the oriental den which adjoins the ballroom and it was also trimmed with Christmas greens The dance was opened with the grand march led by the Misses Schnull and George Among tne Tpii'hon nf Germany Miss Roma ulwell of and Miss Mildred Marsh of cago nro lslting Mr puts Mr inl Miv nriJ Mrs Woodbridge's Cook tho holidays The Independent SoNal Club will moot Tuesday a fl ernoon wl th Mrs Camp bell 12 West North st Jnstf ad of ttitli Mrs Hoover as announced In the year book Miss Elizabeth lc teper will entertain wlIli a luncheon Wednesday in honor of Miss Ruth Rogers whose marriage to Charles letcher will take place Miss Helen Pien and John Pierce who will spend the winter wllh hep Miss Elsa Kuth will n(ertain a num ber of her friends al bridge Jan 3 In honor Miss Luima bouse guests Miss Chrkstlno Tidibeu of Berlin Germany md Miss Roma Eulwell of je whieh took place Scranton Pa Mr and Mrs be at home to friends first of (lie year in Scranton The marriage of Miss Jessie Mneelx daughter nf Mr and Mrs John Mceely Lilly Mrs Smith went to sop him arid he tol I them he i never had known any other father than pls Janson Bird Questioning and Investlga beauty possible ibis afternoon at 5 o'clock at the ho the bride on Spann avenue The (oorge Hon lunger Methodist hurch Mr and Mrs 1 A nother evening: at Afrs Albert Metzger for their daugh ter Miss Margaret Metzger and their son Alexander The Christmas Idea pre vailed not only in the decorations but Jn all the appointments The ballroom was adorned with garlands of laurel festooned from the chandeliers to form vHiiopy jne aance programs wan me initialmong the guests were from out of the citv: Teichen of Berlin Germany Roma ulwell of Detroit Mich with Aliss Luima Pfeiffer Miss Afildred Marsh oi Muncie with Afiss Dorothy Thornburg find ritz Mertz of Lafavette who is the house guest of Mr and Mrs Metzger Mr find Mrs Joseph Spellmire assisted in formally during the evening Mr and Airs A Lambeth were also hosts for a charming dancing partv last evening at their beautiful new home urttK nomevaru entertaining 1 in nnnnr Miss Marjorie Lambeth and 4MI3S varoiyn rowers or J)c The rooms were attractively vx 1 1 II rp is the Christmas Idea was car all details The home of Airs on North Illinois street was the of a brilliant reception vosterdav noon In honor of her daughter Miss Martha Railsback and her daughter in law Mrs Leigh Mlnlch Railsback of De troit who with Mr Railsback is spend ing the holidays here The rooms were beautifully trimmed with a profusion of lovely flowers The chandelier In the din ing room was festooned with smilax and trimmed with great clusters of white grapes The serving table was adorned with a centerpiece of narcissus and ferns and appointments were carried out In the color scheme of green and white The reception hall and drawing room were decorated with palms and the man tels were banked with ferns and varie gated foliage plants while In the library poinsettias were used The archways and chandeliers were trimmed with gar lands of Southern smllax and the en trance Into the drawing room was hung with tiny red stars Mrs Railsback was assisted informally during the afternoon jo'! Ainson Mrs allace uurns Mrs William Bricklcy oi f' XV Smith Mrs Lynn Mrs A Mansfield Mrs Harrv Newman of Detroit Miss Anna Mln Ich Miss Jane Graydon the Misses Wie gand Miss Murna Hickman of Spew er Miss Ruth Maxwell Miss Grace Miss Rena Mallory Miss Helen Reede' Miss Beatrice Quinn Those presiding at tiie punch bowl were Miss Louise Doug las Miss Mary Dochhead Miss Katharine Jameson Miss Rose Marv Bosson Miss Dorothy Elvin and Miss Ruth May back The Misses Irene and Jessie Milnor Miss Irene Milholland Miss Katherine Ritchie Miss Xirglua Smith Miss Julia Shubrick and Miss Julia Jean Nel pou of Greencastle will keep open house New Year's afternoon from 2 until 6 at the home of the Misses Milnor rn North Delaware street In the evening lira Innw 111 3 oung young Austen Mr ami Mrs son ram ls country place with Air I ou Mrs A Ne street holiday ek wlH A i in LI and Mr The Graduate of Phi Gamma Delta raternity entertained friends and visiting with a dinner dance at the Country Club riday evening The entire club was in gala nttlre with its Christmas trimmings of greeneries and poinsettias Tlzj guests were seated at small tables which were ftdorned with poinsettias and red shaded candles and the place cards were1 also in the poinsettia design The ballroom was decorated with Christmas garlands and bay trees Among the dancers were Miss Helen McCabe Miss Elsie Doubleday of Crawfordsville Aliss Lenora Wooden of Rushville Miss Alary Blackledge of Ko komo Charles Deming of Martinsville Harold Severson of Crawfordsville EldoVagner of New York and George Creer of Chicago The chaperons were Gov ernor and Mrs Thomas Marshall Mr and Airs Charles Warren airbanks Mr emu wrs Merecntn Nicholson Airs Harold Taylor and Air Anurew a uf their eousli) Miss noon at the suburban week to spend Christmas with his mother Mrs Simeon razier ami his sister Miss Wallace reighter Teaches Steed to Travel Over Deepest Snow WALT AGE Idaho Dec 23 John Mor risona local liveryman and freighter is the' ownerof a horse called Dnu which does a trick in his everyday life the equal to the attempted by the trained animals in the dog and pony shows This horse walks on snowshoes dos It not to amuse but to aid his master In packing It is impossible to got Into some nf the country prospects with an ordinary horse and sled liowever is ac complishing the trick now and will throughout the dead of winter Given: bis snowshoes ho will get there though the surface is covered twenty five feet deep The sbues the liorse wears are round ami similar in to those worn by men They are fastened 1o (he feet wllh leather thongs Once they are 1 IT'1111 T3 1 BROSN ANintheClaypool (ii'oiv'mg Better Bvcry Day Prof Spalteholz Invents Method of Illuminating Tissues BERLIN Dec 23 A new method of revealing the interior of the human body one that is entirely superior to the rays has been invented by Prof Spalleholz of Leipzig By this new method the bones and tissues are saturated with essential oils so that they all become transparent ut with a different degree of transparency You can perceive every detail of Hie in ternal the interior of bones the nerves and the blood vessels The rays merely show ihe tissues of ihe body as a semi transparent cloudy mass with the bones showing through as pei fectly opaque It is true that these observations have so far been made on dead animals and parts of animals but strange as it must sound the scientists promise that it will eventually be applicable in a certain de gree to living men and animals Some of the essential oils are quite harmless when Inpected into live tissues It Is highly probable that within a short Time doctors will be able Io illuminate various pans and organs' of Hie living human body which they are treating Mrs Thom Air ami A nati will guests of Air and A yesterday fin Glnciminif wlure they vdll spend the holidays with Mr DuMont's parents Mr and Airs William 11 Du Mont Mr and Mrs Bon II Straley of To ledo are spending the Christ mas holidays with Mrs St parents Mr and Airs Thomas Hensley of Highland' Vessel rom Nome Uses Gravel to Make Trip SEATT) Wash Dec 23 The Ihe last vessel from a cun i from Kansas City Mo Miss A Miss Ruth Sebel is visiting friends nnd re lai ires in Cl ncinnai i Roy Cialg son ofV Craig of this city yesterday afternoon in 1 r' i i th uh is I 1 1 will i a at rr i 1 1 1 i 1 1 vii if jii a ns i 1 1 i i 1 A vtJSM more Miss Helen Shafer loft last evening foi Shafer Jr NS rixu i 1 iVI 1 rpsiion ornu win give a dance New Year's evening at the laeum i une of I 1 1 I lt I Li irnnn i nt iinuirw vu ni jnriu'C iiu iirrivan I ari I I I It I LA 111 otHcin III i 1 1 1 'iMVi oi i I Vliet announce the TTnr WMOR MB vHI sucitit nirlsImiH with Mil am Mrq I 1 I 1 A 1 U17 Aliss lorence Kiltie entertained her 1 Hckerson of Speucet Thursday at the hum sSeiHr Needle Murk with a net on nrui hiiikh AXifl I I I 1 I 1 lirl tn i street Th ilwn in 1 I of Nni th I'hristlan Church uflhdated Barney Russell i and Mrs Dickerson will be at home in ived lust week and is the Spencer after Jan 1 A sk Reading Circle xx ill dnv with Mrs lmd lie 'damage iM)ss Kauinn liana Rice und Howard Allen Smith I HL will take place tomorrow at noon al I vs Sh i i I iiwzi a 1 1 7 nut i i ii 11 i i i i lit i lilt III I I II LI I i 1 jf daughters Christmas nc to Chicago to spend Leonard on Rockwood street latixcs die lias gone to ort in LO1 xr Mr ami Mrs William Brien eckett Lnwo'iict biii'g announce the i ngagcmotit of their daughter Miss Elizabeth O'Hrh'ii Walter Borman of Calvin Verity son of Mr ami Mrs oitjb miui George VlT 1 in IVA "ri iOV1 Na vvl 'tI zu Vxv fr i xuss tiuin Amr is 1 LyJ ford College is spending JCA Jis vacation with her parents Nier he wedding be IT C9 pock after Jan I 4wB er sislei 'plin uia rriape of Henry Keblo Merrill aiis i rm bL wiihhiu win niip tfPanjie Knfeli IliKSMaV if wC llcvwoud has rrtmiied from place early in January in Tm miPi oCufiKoM Cj 1 Aliss Ruth 1 1 od from Mrs ('ooke is belter known ariwJSSSffll 511 Bradford Mass locally ns Miss Gnien Merritt who played Mrs Weaver and duufih hero several years ago hi Knight of Chicago art: the Christ hood Was In 4 of Mrs Edwin Grt hlo jUg ZV Airs Morrisuil have i licago to visit their daughter was formerly Isn A' irgl nla Keep of a as Clements and family this rs Charles Murphy of Cin Mr and Alls Raul Rudd of Toledo MS A 4 WMs 1 inc neo visiting Rudds mother Mrs Murphy Helen assold Wl JTV (iatigh Mr and Mrs Ibuold Mauzy uf Gary K2 today to aro visiting Mr nioiher Mrs Ay md Air and Mrs St id dining ights Inlo) Sc will iWL ni vlght and the nf 1 1 i 1 1 ih'1 vs HR iA sary of 1 1 ml ma iu iagc fea 1 1 1 re of the ocea slo 1 1 will be the formal opening of tin lr m'W home 5621 Beachwood avenu Miss Betty Moore of be vi lie will arrive Tuesday to he (he house guest of Miss I'h ictice Regers Tuesday cvi nig miss roigers miii 111 nmigr foi' Alias Aloore nod Mr and Mrs Harold JI r'T Miuzy of dfirj 'Ph 11 id a ommliig Mish Rocmrs will he hosless for a diinu niriv finlfli drum Wuuop Ish Ail'lnble Siniili tip I HM 1 English Jef a tumii I of llw university who Weanling and llltle spent a few days with their parents Mr lm mo isiihik ails ano Airs ai rmiii nave goip tn X'ow rit( In and Mis AV i 1 Orleans where ilioyr will be the guests of orth Illiums strcei Miss DeEtJe Walker of the University of Woodbridge of Cid Orleans and Brnf and Mrs red 1 AVoodbridge's par rrlck Wasty of Tulane whom Woodbiidce lfr on European flip Coreopsis 1 wllh Vkl Christmas dimmr Thursday Ilolidtyj Joi colors prevuib'd in the dr enra I Inns guests found ilmir uhmes hv namo cards I 'IM and the favors were holly with the I tW guests I'S lire Mrs I ngr n7T rr MT Mis rs Rob MAS Tf Aili74c4klsiillhhn li TOOT of the 1) ale Dramatic Abxurhj rX Dec 23 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 art as I Mis ri'igi 3: A1rlpf' ShW Mr ZKMW jaBuXViW1 I'ui iy Mrs xN'Ox WWji 1 rs iri tet0 Ml ill' SffWIE TRUN atiUK 1.

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