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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 1

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

MP Pj Mil" A i I i 1 I i 1 OAKLAND; CALIFORNIA, MONDAY EVENING, JUNE 30, 1879 Per Tur i Per We- i.5e.l OL. XYI. KO. H5.f ItelTldaal IastrwetloaW POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS RAILROADS. NEW cr ths cm Ife'r Inatitatlea.

Iawtraetleai weeenafal PiSla: Fopwlar Or' HwlaJ BatldlnC Tbe peculiar feature upon which Mr. Desna's Kool is founded Is that the number ol students ooming under the inetructioo of each teacher Is so limited that he secures at ooos-aO- the advao- Fuii uJetl bf D. P. Sachet E4 dr aBdg'r1a C. P.

17. R. illous New Bhin Celaff ad Mr Ceatesaplated Oakland has long been known as the The reuniVn ticnic of the Ancient STEPH.iG; NYE FOB SHERIFF, Sahjeet to the sction of the Bepublioan County OonTeniion. Common ei Tond'ay, ITay 5, 73, ma Vetera a AnilUers Acala 1m eity of schools. Lst year the 8nell tagssof a prtvate tutor and of aseocatioa with tte Field Seminary was added to the worthy ed Attorney at Law, rfflts, Oils anQ-JVornisliBS an i i SAM FR1KCI3C0 AM) SAH J0S3 Order of United Workmen held Saturday at Badgers Park, was as might have been predicted, very successful and ulsasank occasion.

The other studeota. If he eaa go faster than other boysef hi own age, or if, for any'cauae, he has fallen behind ths average sVtodard, he is It is gratifying to "be able to present Batons 17 and 18, ucational group, and this year the Ssckett School for boys and young men uenz BIOOK. Oakland, Cal 1 claims sV Tbe circular at hand, procession which formed and ficta and fignres which cooclusiYely tbow a fair activity in building opera. tlous ia this city, and respects for a good lata jnjistaer and fall campaign. A resume for the half FOR COUNTY CLERK.

At the solicitation of a number ef prominent eitisens ef OsklaDd. I anwrnnce myself aa a candidate for OOUNTT CLERK, subject to the decision of the Republican Oonuty Convention. ANOBBW BYOEB. WXQlH; BURRALL not held back nor" pushed too rapidly forward by the necessities of a large elaaa. There Is ample tiuie and opportunity for ths explanation of bis peculiar difficulties, or adaptation to his peculiar needs.

It is required only that he shall ASK TOUR DEALEE3 FOB MM TOOi Vr marched from A. O. U. W. Hall corner of Twelftu and Franklin streets, in announcing ths Saekett School, gives its location on Hobart street, where the popular Home School has been so long SAM nuwro.

AriTSkilei OaMaaS Wtaatt. W.IKS.e Saa Unin. Vi irm.siMt.a cluded three hundred members of that MS jS0fIV a Commissioner Ceedt and Ccnvear.c:r 4J1I year just closing would astonish all ex and so favorably located. Much of the iva apnea n.xu Baa Jm. bfV 1U do everything tboroogbJy as far as he goes.

In the new lrailding, a special room will be opened IS. order in regalia. At Badger's Pavilion, Of 10 years experienea, cept close observers, at the amount of 14 0' a rubbery is being cut away so as to admit mere runabine, and larger Marshal Allen introduced Henry Vroo- 0 for gtrts, sad an opportunity afforded them of 1CS5 riTC lTAYf QLXLAJ.D, NORTHERN RAILWAY, work already done within the limits; man as the President of. tbe Day. pursuing their studies under the same system.

FOR COUNTY CLERK. Having been urged by many of my friends -eitisens ot Alameda County to seek the office ef Clerk of the Count, 1 hereby announce myself as a candidate, subject to ths decision ef the Republican CooTemloo. freedom. An extra lot naa been ae cured for recreation, gas has been in 1 and Utk Bis. a tour of observation with i OABtlHEZ OTJTaV i Mr.

Charles Dunton the orator of the dav. delivered an eloouent and interes view to sec 'things as they are, and not ting oration on the purposes and objects trodueed, and the best appliances for comfort and efficiency are in process of arrangement for both board to look, at everything with blue eye of tbe order be represented. uancing. glasses, will convince anyone that W. ing and day pupils.

The Prin out door sports and tbe following nu 7C. ustlce of the Peace, 0O BROADWAY 7 ta Vnnelsea merous eames and races followed the cipal brings to his hew enter in FOR COUNTY CLERK, HA. BL68, O--Ia-jCEr prise.1 many years of experience 7te.eiaJ ui.lnlt,5. a Mu.ea.ei B.ersii nan Lt4.U1.HT.I there is a deal of life ia the building trade in Oakland-far more than can be observed elsewhere on the entire is the Tlate Balls. We understand that atMerritt's'and Taylor's lumber yards, lumber oan be bought at the following prices: 914 per thousand for all kinds of rough lumber; 920 per thousand for pine flooring; 25 per thousand for surfaced rod wood.

Fajsilib purchasing fruits for nreserv literary exercises: Bunnins race (for members only), Bntmnlflh' at the head of schools, both in Califor ISt t.41 Green nia and at tbe JUast. tie associates first prise, box 100 cigars; second prize, Ar llttfllUiUo with him a fellow graduate of Yale (Fresentineumbent) announces himself ass cendi'iate for the oinoe of County clerk, sab-Ject to the decision of the Republican Cwomy sifting cane, W. u. fcauney, A. to.

XExcuriioa Tlcees, at Bed teed Bates, to 8aa able sad Martin, StmCay tyttt.0S a. train College, of more than ten years' ex Garsons. Banning race (for member's wives only), first prise, oil painting; pertenca a and the French coast. The feelings of our lumber dealers and hard wars merchants are resuming something of the old time buoyancy, as order after order comes ixx for material. Planing mills are ran BeDlu Paiiers' second, lace collar and cuJEv Mrs.

Mo language will be taught by a native Parisian, for several years connected FERRIES AND L0QAL TRAINS. EDUCATIONAL. Uulley, Mrs. Lindley. Standing high iqg should visit Beach's Alameda County Produce Commission House, $16 Broadway, where they will find the finest fruits, received daily, direct from tbe rchards, and sold at bed-rock prices for 7 Attorney and Counsellor at lav.

OFTICB- BsMiam t. Calwsi Bank, Car. Hlata street suad Breadway. Oak-- lastel with a famous Eastern seminary. Th object of the school is to do foundation jamp, nrst, comio pictures; second, silk handkerchief, Depu, Greenus.

Bovs' race under sixteen veara of ace. sing on lull time and vessels at tne wharves are oonstantly discharging From 'SAN FRANCISCO" DallY. work in education, it will lay a solid first, knife; second, box candy Wilson, ground-work for those students who consignments ol tne products ot. tne forest, to be soon transformed into up, cleaned asd relaid by propose to take a regular academic 4 Berry. Tub of war (ten single and ten TO eaxiAsn.

Christian Bohreiber, 1107 Broadway, west side course at college or a university, and it homes for the AFnx.x racBEAsnra rorounoa "-el a 'I '6 3 married men), ne box cigars, single men. Girls' race, will aim to do equally thorough work The nicest lunch room for ladies and for those young men who expect to go under sixteen years, nrst, box Of th future center of life on the Pacific. Nothing could be more con- AEGTASk ATTOKSET-ATrLAW. TJnioa Bank Batldlag. OaVlantf-.

California. out into the world and complete their Hosszr scnooxv FOR YOUNG LADIEO Oakland, CalKonila, Hss lUUaOVBD from 029 Hobs eel to 1825 TELEQBAPH AYE1TUE, (Enoz House) The School will commenee on WEBOEIDAT, JCLT t(h, 1ST9 Applloatlons mar be made at the new Kca Uon after Jene iah. address MISS H. N. FIELD, Principal.

gentlemen in Sao Francisco, Is at ths Arigtnal Swain's Bakery, SIS Sutter street, the pro perfumery; second, silk handkerchief; third, box candy; Misses Carpenter, education midst the tug and tussel of A. M. A.W. A.

i oiusive 01 lb rapid growtn ox uaxisna. prietors furnish Weddings sad Parties with 7oo: M.HH MOD Hws Running bigb jump, business lite. A course largely elective 7J0 a bsa AOS T.OOI W.S0 bS OO TJ0 more satisfactory to the feeling of lo- Ice Cream, Cakes, etc. 7.00 first, silver ornamental piece; second, will be furnished for this class. The X0 bU.U 1.00 Lao loo M.oe Rapol Sierie Coai Colors, Eaynolis' Staniaru Furniture YaiiiiisliGS Baynolfls' Pare Me Leaa; Ravnolfls' Pure Frencli Zinc, JtO 10.S0 124)0 motto is: Not many things but S.kC 8.00 B.SO cal pride, and at the same time good for the revenue, than the official re 10.80 uao M.oo r.

m. 11.00, bs.00 s.uo r.m aUk handkerchief; VV. D. Scott, W. B.

Shaufly. Fat men's race, first, family Bible, second, order for dozen muoh." The health and development net taaaelu At the Oasis Wins Booms, No. DOS Broadway AIT, S.0O uao 12.00, p. au t.aoi 4.00 P. M.

1.00 r. ot tbe body wiu be as carefully looked l.W 1.30 4J0 to.oo iol tso nsoi tains of the school census, which shows that the -city contains 11,580 persons voder 17 years of -aire, exclo- shaves; A. Robinson. attar as tbe of the mind. Oakland, a hot lunch every day, from 11 to 1 o'clock.

Ed H. Campbell, lm S.00, too A. 00 00 Oity7llall. b.S0 Aside from the usual out-door games of Ladies walking match, farst. tea pot 0 1.00 S.0OI 4.00 L00 S.S9 4.

SO aw S.S0 1 i (silver-plated); linen table ive of 294 Chinese youth, as increase ia one year of 1,654 white youth, io- base-ball, eta," a croquet ground and 12.00 ttaol Carstet Ueauair. Blckey a Dowlmss new and improved ear s.aoi 6.oo 7.001 soo sio'wjo gymnastic apparatus are provided. cover; Mrs. Varell, Mrs. Mcueorge.

Snell Seminary LIVERY 8TA8LES.1 TJlOf. Hurdle raoe, first, gold scan pio; eec- s.aob'e.iot Una nee Military drill will also have place in recreation hours, as supplying a kind S.10 cicating an inorease of. population of at leas; 6.000. ubt or xiw 1 pet beillng machine, 861 Thirteenth street la in full operation. Carpet laying, sewing 10 LJC Cars West 7.00 p.

n. ond, one pair of cuff buttons; Jk H. Thacker, McGeorge. Sack race, first, bU4Sib46 msoi -FOl of culture valuable in a physical point and bordering new carpets a specialty, blL4M S.00 of view, but even more worthy ot con- Sundays szeeptod, Dow and arrow; second, box canoy; Frank Gaeghan, Joe Davis. Fat ladies' There is nothing makes a home so Boarding ard Day Pupils.

568 12th Street, D5ACH 7 Bocessscrs to -BKAOH ft EOLMS'S DEXTER STAOLES. aideration because of its direct tendency to produce system and order in 'Alameda Fasfcetisrrs change cars at Oakland. Pore Lin Raynoms raoe, first, 50-pound sack of flour; second, tea kettle; Mrs. Neilson, Mrs. cheerful as a bright fire-in the grate thee cold evenings, and there is no othea coal all the work and habits of the stu Toysan dents.

nW Walker. Hod. ateo and lump, first. The next school Year begins Thmradar. Life of Grant; D.

H. Thacker. Egg Cernar ot Exrrison and Twelfth street, ewo that makes such a bright dean fire as ths English CanneL Try ik O. K. Free A BRIDGE DISASTER.

Si q3 site xa9 wim central tlotel, vasiana mW siret-class Uverr of avarT HABT B. 8NELL. BI0ITD B. BNILL, Piinclpala. S3 11 man ft corner Eighth and Franklin a large stock of it, also "West SAKXA iuw.

ti iieciai. The Twwsi of Unrwani tbe Scene and ladel race, first, globe mirror; second, bedspread; (Carrie Davis, Mis. A. B. Hj Kightingale acted as referee.

The picnio wss well attended, and was entirely free from the noisy element that delights iu creat G. T. RAYNOLDS CO." 7 are; strictly PMRE.t; 7 Broadway Hartley' and "Scotch Splint" of tne Incident Seyeral 1m-Jwred. Some weeks ago the Board of Super MRS. POSTOH'S SEMINARY, a to ghattsek mnegaai.

a. a. Cabinet Photographs and Carte de Visits, A. W. 04.90' bMO bt.lO.-0 a.

00 1A10 1AS0 b5.00 bA4C; M.30 painted on glass, or process taught, at 1677 1 bS.0O bie.oo ing disturbances. THI IAIRSS4 atSMTS FOFallAJI Oak Bt, bot, 10th and 11th, Oakland. visors let a contract for repairing and SEE THAT EVERY PACKAGE BEARS THE HAIIE I 8.00 7 00' 800 n. 4 SO 4.25) SOl 1JH bixoo Market street, corner Twenty-second. Terms 10.00 bS.40 b.xo 7.80 8.80 10.80 11.30 7.001 7 JO p.

LIVERY STABLE IM 1X00 A PLEASANT SURPRISE. rery low. References given. AOS 1M AOS SJ6 ta ue Salt ssaavaeasway. The next School year begins .30 S.00 10.0 11.03 Tbe Nwmerows VrieiiSa Hise Cab- AW JO W.60 A 7.40 A40 S.40 iao 11.40 P.

12 40 l. A 40 4.40 Wwods Pheteirraphie Arc Gallery A SO ESTABLISHED, X8SX p. 5 lit RAYMOLDS C0. partially rebuilding the bridge that spanned the San Lorenzo creek, at tbe outskirts, of the town of Haywardt, on the road leading to the Redwoods. John McMullen was the contractor, and immediately set.

about the work. LOO bledtek Spend aai Evewiaia: Wttb lAOOt A 60 1168 Broadway, near Fourteenth street, Oak I WednesdaV sTlllV 30 til. I A an AOO LW A60 A JO AM 4J0 4.W AA) 4.60 A2S 4.60 LOO S.1S WJS p. Mer. land mncs OABUos8.rttTog,iTa,TO 17.

Oresre for oarrtasea to attend reneraia 1A' 10.SOI 1L20 bSJO 4.00 1.00 S.001 AOOj A genuine and numerously attended HRS.E.C. awUvatteadedto. fcaie StAiMe 1LWI P0ST0H, PRINCIPAL Bwtter We would respectfully call the atten S.40 surprise party was tendered to Miss AS0 4.00 t.oo 4.03 7.101 Saturday he and his carpenters were Chance Jessie Cobbledick bv her friends! at S.40 7.60 S.00 INSURANCE. tion of dealers in Batter to the choice w. L20 Cars West b7J0 following is partial list of new houses, embracing, however, less than half the territory of the city: Joseph Scotchler la building a two-story, ten-room residence on Twelfth street, opposite Chestnut.

It will be a handsome structure in the rustic Swiss style, with all modern improvement, and-wiil cost 3,700. W. F. Curtis is "the contractor. Q.

11. Fisher, who, in the course of an active building career, has added nearly a hundred good houses to Oakland, is building fine two-story house on Grove street corner oi Nineteenth. -It bsa a brick basement, will contain ten rooms, and is ornamented by bay windows and a lofty tower in the classic style. MoDonald St Cameron are the contractors. The cost will be $3,500.

ilr. Ileeney, of Martinez, has completed a new cottage with basement, on (is north side of Atlantic street near ine, at a eost of $1,000. A. Angrim baa nearly completed a two-story residence on the sooth side cf Taylor street between Willow and Campbell, at a cof of $1,600. Frsser jr Orsasby are building for a two-story bay win- Cow house of seven rooms, on the rorth side of Fifth street, ear Hsnry.

The cost will be $1,750. Joseph F. 8owehr Is building a cot-v tt ontka west side of Bollts, be-t ea and, J'O" streets, Watt's 'cf- a eost of $SQ0, i Paulsen a shoa coating $150. Aekerman, a San Franoisco 1 who has oonstroeted several 1 a in Oakland, is baildiog for Mr. Z.

a large and handsome on the eakt side of Willow, between Atlantio and Pacifio streets. on top of the frame-work, engaged in 9 Front San Francisco. MANUFACTURCRS OF Dairies we are now receiving direct from loao her residence, corner of East Twelfth UTJIJUCKKN'B DANCHVO ACAIKT 10.001 the best makers in Marin' county. Wa street and Fourteenth avenue, last tightening the iron rods with which the- bridge waa be held together. Iaclllo MiTAtraal gundoyie-ecepteul NioHorx HALL.tTt 'yinth neat Bdwy.

can sell at San Francisco prices. P. Aismw. rssseuaeTs cnaage cars at tiesiane. Thursday even ug.

The occasion, oiaeses fur Toung Lediea' Hlsees and Butler Co. White Lead and Zinc Paints, LIFE ISSUBAliCE though impromptu, was the source of U.os a. sl, and Utt av aMaeten. every Hattirnay arteraoon at 8 o'clock. For Gentlemen, Monday and Wedneadav evenlnca.

For Ladies UKXMSK, tuxlertafcar, formerly of Foa 8AH J06B S.10 A. The incomplete structure, not having been sufficiently braced to hold the heavy timbers, suddenly gave way and fell a distance of fifty feet in the creek F7-- 'f CAIrOKSly real social enjoyment to all who attended. The portion of the 1113 Broadway, has pene his new establish Monsay a teraoon at JX e'daek. Sociable. -V' meet at 468 H.hth street, between Broadway Colors and Varnishes, Artists' Materials Etc.

OFs 5 Satardav even in sr. Prirate lemons NO TKAM TUOROTJGBFARK. ASSETS 81,290,513.50 evening was devoted to dancing, in below, bearing down with it John Mj- given to suit iu convenience or pupils. sndWashing-ton. la the under Ths Lonar (Oakland) Wharf from and after Mallan, the contractor.

and James December 2d. 1878. will be closed to Teams. which diversion all participated. The taking line furnished at the most reasonable or parncuisrs eau at tne aemdemy flnrtng tuition boors or at office Boom 48.

ttichol 8tock.ete.. AUME0A77CCUHTY77B1IASCH; O'Donnell, Charles McDonnell, Eugene rates. Orders attended to day and night, music, wnich. was excellent, fur nuow.r. u.

nx no. Atlantic White Lead, JHcuann and J. Liundberg, carpentera. nished by Mr. Levanwav.

MessrsT Tuesday, September a 4th. WONDER WONDER Tes, wonder you MILUNGTON'S ASSEMBLY KOOH Newsom and Bobbins discharged very may when yon find at the Wonder Millinery Tbe two last named were but slightly injured, Lmdberg escaping with a cut in the face, wbile McOsnn had an French Zinc and Paris White, Linseed Oil and Turpentinek And privaU residence 377 Twelfth 8. Class efficiently the duties of Recep OAKTi A.lTJPn:'-77 CREEK ROUTE. uocss for Ladies, Mieaes and Masters. Mt.

I Store, 1016 Market street, San Franctaoo, you I tion. Committee. The following Faon SAN FBAKCISOO urdarsst at; for Gents, Mooua and can buy the latest style hats, flowers, feathers, nkle sprained by the fall. McMut- lg. 77 77; 7 7 77' Lard Oil, Dcushes, Eta Thursday evening.

Social Wadne-Usv A. ladies and gentlemen were present: cheaper than any other place in the State 11:15108 145- l-4 r. inga Ball to rent, for all respectable eeeasi. Susie Maybe Jennie Brewer, May Sullivan, Minnie Weeks, Emma "Van FBOM OAKLAND DailvbASe bSJT ooa en reasonable terms. H.

aliujjiOToa CHABXES 111X3 i. W. DODB.ii.-...'.-. X- A-OURNEy Beefy lrsOLECENTS FOR Giant Cement mends furniture, Glass, etc lan's right leg was broken, the bone protruding through the flesh, and his left shoulder was badly crushed. Both of Charles McDonnell's legs were broken, as mbw of th heavy tifflMrS Amringe, Clara Luthwaite.

Uxea IP 8-OQ Swa.Oa IAA OOoAOo 4X6 6 OS S.OSp.M. Claat Content Bromley, Lulie Eden, Etta Tripp, Jcwett's White-Lead 7 7 7 Dons sad Toys uuab. K. FAiiMKFt Treasurer WAXTIB VAn Attorney A.C.FOSWV Medical Director Sttadasn sweptaaV ii SUMMER RESORT. "OffidU Schedule Thus tarnished by An- Sarah' Warren, My Holmes, Annie Seip, OtU De do Lagnna, Addie atarble, Alabaster, eta.

derstm Randolph, Jewelers, 101 and 10S 7 Martin's Lampblack; Nar'ragansett Copper Paint. fell upon bini Jstnea Q'-Dopnell had one leg broken, and one knee dislocated, Drs. Gerstenberg and Kimball street, San Francieeo. I -r swain, liottie rrescotk Add is SDafford. Giant Cement ia the beat in Amtriea.

Try it Florence Tubba, Lucy Pareons, Maggie Oen.SopTen. PseAtfaArt. Coooer's Clues. i oi two stories with basement, bay above and below, and will nrr Giant Oemeut la sold Bveryw A were immediately calleJ nnd the wounds of the men were attended to. i.

nomas, farsniey, Alice Srook.s, Mrs. General Sullivan, Kattie Griffing, for IA i. i 'J: uoopcru i.caicToox -Jii, The disabled persons were given stimu mm mh ncoenor, mma JTORTHBaUl DIVISION. bio 8saielr4l.r 0 aonce Fitzerald is bonding on the h-aaet corner of -Fifteenth and streets, a onenitory frame. 30 bv zie Winloek, Mrs.

Samuel Newsom, Tbe pare aDd onsdaltersted doable REDUCTION IN RATES lants and then removed to- Spoerer hotel. It is feared that MoMullan Is injured internally and fatally. Tbe 7 7 -77 1 est ctlble Heady f.l Ixed Pa ints uaorgia Winloek, Jessie Cobbledick, DIKECTOR8. Oaarles Alls, James Lame. tieorfe F.

Crist, w. Sedge, J. Cutting. waiter Taa Dyke. Oaariea E.

Palmer W. Joseph B. atartlo, Oeergn w. sna A. C.

i'oaey it Jarkaonfi. Uyers, THIS ORGANIZATION BA BCT oeiasata the tntereet of policy hotuets. -Skd all saoae, paid Into tola for lnsa ranee will be retained aad tBTaetied la this Oonaty. Kacli of tbe abeve named reciieroen have taken SICMXX) insnrance on Uieir iivea la this OompaDy. Parlies desiring informa.

Uon retarding tbe Company for inem-aceer" pem Lieir lives, er nartiee tug to barrow are respect! ally re -i to auy rf the oTMuaeit leaUamen. may i ttsnaard whiskey is sold by Qilisoo it Co, The Southam Pacifio Railroad Comtmnv is tolbe oocurried as stores, two in anyjannnnBjasaawannVBBnannwnnnBna Mrs. Cobbledick, Mrs. A. Newsom, others are doing as well as can be ex loosorters sod wholesale liquor dealers The Host Bsaatiful iiattie Wnebt, S.

Thomas, 1). nowpreparea toisroe stasrnlnw, Hpoclsu limited, and Ixeardea Tlekata at Oreatly uoer, tbe eost oeing $1,200. F. W. Knight, contractor, has com- pected.

1213 Broadway. reauoea nates ane louowing Lawrence, G. Armstrong, J. Ellis, J. Spafifoid, M.

Lawrence, S. Palmer neoced work on a first class residence POLITICAL POINTS. Well-: Known Summer Resorts. Baiawia't Ifmtter. Urs.

Btearns, located on the north U. Uurnell, tu- F. DUB mm iS Q8, Griffing. J. McKinnon.

W. Cobble- i ide of Sixteenth street, between Mar- Repabtleaw Primaries mm the 19 lb Burns, Whitman A Gardiner, Sole Agents Besrmlnr Vnliaaiteel rtleacaAn. in Oakland for the sals ot ths celebrated ket and Myrtle. It has brick founds-1 dick. CL Swszee.

F. Bobbins. L. C. ToPescadaro 60 To Gilroy Hot 6 00 Baldwin bolter.

Von, Is two stories high, with by Cobbledick, W. Littlejoha, W. S. and the Convention SIst-The Central Clnb ElecUon The Kntlficntten Kte. On the Pacific Coast, ToAptos 4 76 windows, and wiU be completed in first I Watson.

H. CapelL E. Parsons? li. Onklnnd Cssl Oil Depwt, cues style. It eonUina elev.

rooms I H. Davis, W. B. CapelL J. Le MoseV Saturday afternoon the Republican COMTRAQTOH3.

OAKLAND, WU1 Open May 15th, 607 Seventh stieet. Best, safest sod cheapest lfl soqnel and liantn 00 To 1 00 To Paso Robles Hot Springs 14 00 To Paso Robles Hot Springs and Return. AS 00 t-a wai con over u.m i joeTvewsom. r. i.

Newanm. Hoe. County Central Committee met in coal oil in tbe market. i xrw bcboolbocsx. leu, J.

A. Kennedy, John Newsom, G. Coder the same management as last year secret session at the office of Deputy mw i -VT m.i. Special Linaiteet Tlebeta. 'r tOood if used within dys.) CTRTTHT I70I1II.

3 sianBmwaBwana Sheriff J. J. Porter, and laid their i. iiiixwu, a. tvaae.

v. Front London, Engiandr' and Chicago, QL eouuuu uew KUWI VUliaing lUBt OSS fluVill A Bouse aM Sign, DecoraliYB Painten TO BEACH KEIAOGO FROM SAD Francisoo, take the Vallelo boat. Market plans for the approaching campaign. To Aptos, Soquet and Santa Crurr. t5 To Monterey A 76 been erected in Oakland this summer.

I Ed. Everett. General Sullivan. 6. R.

street wharf, at 7 a. n. or 4 r. thence It was decided that the County Con Teacher of Piano, Organ, Violin and other instruments. Singing a specialty.

Twenty-first street, between Telegraph avenue and Pollack. by ears to QtUstoga, where a ataoe will meet ins on xranxiin, Detween rilteentb Special Bo wad Trip Tickets. "iaa PTJBCHASED A QTJABST 1 hardest and meet darabla 4 vention should consist of 150 delegates guests ana coavev uiem to tne bouse. and Seventeenth streets. Its dimen aided i-e best maeainery for ernahins e- New Broadway.

If; B. Terms moderate. Pr-CAUTICXARY. sions are 86 bv 83 fett. with halls of To Peseadero and .4 00 (Limited to September 80, 187ft.) ToParaiso SpHon and SO to be appointed aa in the recent prim pww wus i exwmoeo racuiaes ana larps srperienoe-to hnlld the most pleasant beantifai streets and scads la Caaforsts, Uinta tw bw Observed en tbe Penrtn Tims from San Francisco to Calistoga, Go: and see Paradise Park.

ary for. election of delegates to tbe e.tranoe in front and rear. It will contain three spacious rooms. Han sob (United to October SI, 1878.) All -work done in the BEST STYLE and sCHEAP as can be done Ot July by Property.Owners. State Convention.

The time and place Speetal LdnUted Exenraion Tickets. JLAlVit Contrctct -s Ask your Grocer for Compressed Codfish. As there haa been no orders Issaed rsa uarpee are the eotitrsctors, and ey are pushing the work to have for holding the Convention was faxed SOLD SATURDAYS ONLY. "I -v orsUTart8ties ot- 4 hours. From Calistoga to House, 45 minutes.

at Germania Hall, on the 21st instant. restricting the nse of fireworks on the Paradise Park is the finest prooerfar offered (Qood for return until following Monday, in. noes aud eautii a runv ASS0HT- everything In readiness for the open of Dgen'a ClsnoU and Eig. for sale in Oakland. eoming Fourth of July.nd a.

tbe -W. TJf elusive. To Aptos. 1 S3T We keep constantly on. hand MENT, of- Thrccuth the kindness of tbe Central Pacific i i ocbool on July X3d.

The oust danget of conflagration from the care JXncSlnnnn. Pen Ageocy. No. 967 Broad with a recital of thcii peculiar fitness Are SoUated. Apply at the office, ap-staln ta the new Bank baiidlng Froadway aad HUrth street, or at the Btable.

i rnel Locrut and Talle street I Railroad Company, the morning train is a fast be $2,000. roSoquel. Vand Beturn.i ....44 60 To Santa To Monterey and Return 6 60 way, Erne's Jewelry store, M. Hunt, Agent." tor Office. It may be stated that one, making- tbe seme time as the Bight ex less use of fire works are considerably AOACT tV TBI FIXLD.

press. the H. B. County Convention will incrsased on that day, Chief Hill, of A skilled sod reliable optician an the spec TICKET OFFICK SAM meet on the same day 21et at Qer John Ziegenbein, who has done so Two resular mails each dar from San Fran- the Fire Department, advises air per taele and everlass department at Strlek mania Ball Oymnasium, and if candi PBANCISCO. Morning man arrives at House at 1061 Broadway, between 11 cinch to build up end beautify the Gaynold's Gbtfds.

gtreet won: sons to nse their ntmort vigilance to dates are nbsuceessf nl in one Conven evening nail arrives at ksv r. a. nasenger Depot, Townsend street, between and 12th streeU, Oak land, Cal. tract between Seventh snd Twelfth tion they might succeed ta the other, xnira and Fourth street. prevent fires, and suggests that property-owners, tensntJ, and others take B'reets from Oenter to Campbell, bar A teleirraDh Une cbnnerAthe house with the To-morrow evening ooeurs the regular Branch Ticket offWw.

Pah ITnt -w 0 e-i SebrnsmnsrriibF ic constructed and sold a hundred western union a v. Monwromery btreet, Ban Francisco. meeting of the Republican Is the attest, the best sad the most beautiful notice of tha followins crecautiona A'HAw -AtWAirb fir ATnurD Aircr: to do see, is again at bia favorite busi- Club, when the semi-annual election oi style of pictures called after Oakland's artist Keep.sU skylights and upper windows SuperixiteDiventw Asst. Pass. ATkt.

i having a force at work on two officers will take Dlace. A full attend street, and is now raaciy to do ail kinds of street work aad ear i ibj. vilv. closed; ktep barn doors and windows and photographer Matthew Schramm, propria Faiefron4an Francisco to Calistoga. Fare from Calistoga to 1 '-class houses on the north side Of tor of the magnificent Temple of Art known as closed; see that your nose is good and at the lowest rates.

Or. i is anoe is desired. The business of tbe Club wilt have to be transacted with expedition in order to allow members street, between Peralta and -npbelL. One of them waa sold soon work of all kinds son, order and attached to tbe water pipes; tne Pacific Gallery, Market street station, Oak t3 Booms may be engaged by letter or tele keep buckets filled vita water and land. i its eommenoement twn weeks nee.

These bonsea will eost over ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE. grapa placed around the premises: if you to attend tne tjrand KatiBoaUon Meeting at tbe corner of Ninth and Broad- PACIFIC MAIL; STEAMSHIP CO. yamUr CottV ATI communications must be addressed ria each, and are in an eligible have ladders have them so placed that yon i- uiokly ascend to the roof; be way on the same evening. Candidates Calistoga A The cheapest And cleanest family coal IIACADALIIaIKQ location. The demand for booses of Tirst-Class Steaners vita Tneonallei for places upon the Republican County Is the Newport Coos Bay.

No soot and J. 0. nASTTSG. Ticket have began to announce them Aeeommodationsfor Pssseagers. will lsays San FrsTicises 7 Also Aceat Vits Celebrated sure snow the location of the nearest fit alarm station see that alt in-flamable matter is removed from roofs very little smoke.

it. You will use There are- soma tuty yet to Mr. Ziegenbein's eonsTrnction, -arises from the set that they are well, and substantially built, graoeful la style and sold on easy and accommodating For iOkOHAMA aaa-BOSQSuao, on no other kind. O. K.

Freeman la the bear from. the 1st of eT tnonth, s- and gutters. Special orders have been agent, 411 Eighth street. For SYDSI AVCXLAHP.riaEOHO. issued that all members of tbe Fire terms.

His enterprise baa added at LCLDJsnv -t feomary 17thtMirca Department will be on duty, and re PAESD. TO IT. "aag I -j iv. ta, t'. and pa 1 ami tea AAroau, it.

ts AjmsXLL Pianos, Square, Grand and least 600 to tbe population of the First 17th, Apni ii oiay 13th, JU Prospect i -re Delay mt Her Start for 7lh, and evr week there. Yt'ard. He will continue to build all main in tne engine nouses during tne 3d and 4th of July. All the Fire De Upright, new and second hand, from S75 Nortb Pole. GricAT.

A REDU 7.TIC tten3j fot Uao ivnd of kajt'Sbade or fcBampla rda and Price to $550, are the leading inBtmrrwait cummer and fall. K0TES. partment apparatus is in perfect order. To-morrow, at seven o'clock, was the InrNEW) A A A Li and nv1 I-CAX Ports, a.v HAV If Ports, ca world. One hundred ianat and ail tne nose reels are ansa witn time appointed for-the Jeannette to new and reliable Chief Hill will iltMBBhoQt the country will use on other A magnificent tea thousand dollar i -sion is loon to be commenced on for sail on trip remain tn bis office, City Hall, during the 3d and 4th of July, to respond to $bld for cash, or If desired on easy Install merits.

OnW X10 nrst uavmenf. for hAXHES AXD illaoi.i,...i PoleButheir appears to Jvfome Suui tko( each Lake street au alarms. donbts in regard to her departure. Elancliar i oS Co. i nU pianos or organs.

'Apply to Ti tt ad Cor. First and Biaosan Baa Francisoo Cbmmodora C. IL Harrison, of oe Puiher will proceed soon to erect i'lree flae houses on bis lots on Linden cah: T. M.

AHT1BKLL 8C5 Market street, San, Francisco. SanFranccO Visited -it ourteeoth streets. Uateb Between Oakland Prtvate -i We Mare Island' yesterday, nd npon his Stewarts Hotel, on Br and Light Cnwalrynaea, Just received A new line of lacs curtains at a JCSLPITS ZZtizrji street, is nnderuuz general return to Oakland last evening, be tel Two members of the Oakland tisht our rnivnupA Christian SchreiberV UOT Broadway, side reaovation, repainting, and a first-class i i nl tTocor. wiHUfne mr a I ficrranhed to a eentleman in San Fran- i -1 svruiog suu Biuewsut are uewg con THR ONLY HOUSE WCICH EXCrS I 4 a tracted in iront. Tw Order.

son, bad a private match at the Little field range last Friday; with WincLests. f. made known to the owners of cnriTC and 3 vc St? ush business suits 30 at Strathern's, 458 Tbe macadamizing of Castro street, ova Fourteenth to Seventeenth streets, r. rt. Kitn'atedc enorti stde of lAIcatras sre.

Twelfth street, three doom west oi Uroadway naes ana earnine. at zuu varas dls I -who oiooose escorting ner of Alcanas stauen, berteley aid early oompleted. -'V i en. ITn v.K IV K. H.

1TBC.' tant, off-hand. The first was carbine through the Golden Gate and bidding iher "God speed" on ber perilous voy thirty shot per man 80 ets per yard, Brussels carpet sewed and iesiaenti out aeierapn avenue are in denunciation of the mis- 1 We li tweea hills and bay, sflords a fine of both slso ot Baa Francisco city. Golden Gate, against carbine, iaa tl laid by H. Schellhaas, Eleventh street.

age. It is reported that some detects Table 1 valks which aict that in rounds of ten shots. Williams Oaiiand aad the university. i V- have been discovered in her machinery which make a short delay imperative. ttozi- Barassus carpet sewed ahdlaid for 41' per feet: water of good ooelity at2i Sv reel streets-opened, rocked, trees set out four- opened the fire with bulls-eye, (5); the yard.

1107 Broadway. Private Anderson followed with a close WHoi aui.a aa nmt pmauut xa The American District Telegraph Company are erecting a new llue from a Pablo to Tt'egraph avenue, on veil. -'fossa soa nous umwr i George A. Adams, BU Broadway is sgent for Whatever taay be the cause, any detention is greatly to be regretted, as every day is of importance now. "A '4.

At the end of the nrst round to he omit tois no wmim morel Williams made 41 out of the possible Paradise Park. PIANO MANUF. Goody's no 1 rowu or Thirty -fourth street. Chester oneeu FLC-jn, few days delay now may greawy em 50, Anderson. second round, Wil Tbe number of new buildings noted Lots 60 135 for $325; 25 'down, flO per amnnut down t.Sto ii ie tO barrass the expedition ana renaer im- i liams.

43. Anderson, A4, tnira rouna. Clxth Street, nsmr wresawiii report ia fourteen, with an g- month in Faradiss Park. if Anrlnrson. 38.

Williams I Dossible the attemDt to make as good anit. Inier- 't at eight per wit i rl dis-Mnnnl for cD.or to ens builaine JOd house And Airw'ta for Three he Pisno mi i.M.ijaui haassil of tn Piano A at VA cost oi io.iuu. I r. t. i M.ftnmmer.

Bror a few minutes at Townsend's Steam made 125 out of the possible 150, Anderson. 122. The secoEd match wss progress to tne nortawaro vi jKuimstj Straits tha resent season as would T.k.iiii. s.BQ.'tJS0. 11.60.

a. or HOODS IiEITfXBED JF.FK OF CBABGX. First Asastl Regatta. Candy Factory, Palace Hotel, San Francisco, STi' made from the Bert 8e asnnel 1 tn a or 4.80 P. m.

trosdvray train. Tate carbine eslnsi Winchester rifle. Wil I'nierlt traia at Ijatl." 1 1 The Columbia Rowing Club hell its and see his immense variety of choice candies. liams used the carbine.

Anderson the iw nff at Aicatrax Station, follow baard desirable. The Alaska proceeded to Mare Island to-day for thepurposaof having her armament taken out and receiving a car 20 of coat, if it is decided No- one nnred to huv. -Branch Store. 213 DlVlDZriDUOTICaT. it anaaal regatta Us.

Sal Jay after- Wincheiitef rifle. On tbe first round to the Harmon Tract. a oo the rreek, tha water of which UUTUAL CO. Kearney street. XHeZ" Diarnaal 6nlia the I rscU Williams made 33, Aiderson, 3U; second round, Wil'dams, 43.

Anderson, 41; that ehe shall convoy the Jeannette to 1 ia fjivbra'Ja condition. There The AJAic- of the nT(v 1 ne time tiow in j. on fiie, il cr third round. Williams, 4. Aodsrsoo.

Oonalaska. tlO at Strathera's. TwsUth street, three ADIVIDESD OF ONE FEU CEST. TJPOS ik. of this Cumrsnr hs-r.

3 twQ i for the barge race, 42. Williams made a total ot i ol a mile and anted te Drown. Himself. doors west of Breed sj CaliroraiaGci Fj rap. ing bn declared, payable on and aiier Jnne ta.

stockholders residing la Alameda tht satneat the Al.mmla v. 3 1 barce point, -AndersoB, 121. lha third match was with Winchester nfleB. John II. Jones, a mulatto endeavored 1:0.

Eli a i )E i J. Casey, P. rim, l.r.nK Office Of the Cnmraoy. 8t Williams made 121 out of the possible 65 cents a rlon; also .1 Tk CfTee, choice to drown himself yesterday morning i Dow. uafe 150, Anderson, 123.

This is shout the article. 25 eta. at Y.e -5 Washing- Eroaaaay, comor of Ninth reet. E. H.

stroke; E. am 8hootin2 that has er Been cone by jumping from Long "Wharf in the ncinity of the old ferry landingl" He I am now pr'-" 1 S. Lllmore, a st the -The following is the score: Wi'iiiaiae made 377 ont cf a of machine 11 railroad sir. sctiU tort tiriJwT. Veev Utter hats i jt less taoney tfc.

nthr house in Oakland. Give him CK-ine-" 'iff if 1 distance, was rescued by persons who chanced to be near him at the time, and taken to Proa -ay staron' on the 8:30 train. Wl-Ue on t' a cars he attempted to from them, declaring that he wished ta -o to heaven. At the city call and he convinced. poasihie iZO.

and Anderson, ZZa. Cone to Enrope. The F.ev. J. L.

Purks, the a3 es.Uf.uied Hactor of St. Pad's Bills' "il wor- i. c' I men ilunuJ Cur-J, 4 dari I cf nal C'nr 'a of thu city, It-ft this la 1- .1. V-: prison Le waa charged of explanation that he I 1 't wi, and he re i 7 en for I faith Lai in- if I. .3 i t-e.

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