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The Bradenton Herald du lieu suivant : Bradenton, Florida • 9

Bradenton, Florida
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Texte d’article extrait (OCR)

Th Bradenton Herald, Thursday, September 21, 1950 TONIGHT! Of The A KJ Manatee Countys Newest Open-Air Theatre on 1 Patrons view of screen showing latest RCA individual speakers. Screen in background measures 40'x52'. View of our projection room showing modern RCA projectors and Herbert D. Bonnett, operator. Joe E.

Sanders, right, assisted in installation of projection equipment. JU O.RENZWIR TONIGHT and FRIDAY Our Grand, Grand Opening Feature STMS wu crown ft- I .4 iyilwew-wfc'v A MODERN SNACK BAR A COMPLETE NURSERY FOR YOUR CHILDREN THE BEST IN RCA SOUND EQUIP-MENT A WINDOW ALLOWING YOU TO SEE OUR PROJECTORS OPERATE THE BEST IN FILM ENTERTAINMENT 2 COMPLETE SHOWS NIGHTLY THE LATEST NEWS COVERAGE ELEVATED RAMPS A Truly Outstanding Show I Cartoon Goldy Locks and 3 Bears 9 Comedy I Love Mjr Mother-In-Law But A Pete Smith Specialty. 4 -J, few! 'k Neon sign ot entrance to theatre on Trial. Daily show programs will be featured here. 7r ADMISSION 40c, federal tax 8cf contribution to charity 2c -7-Total 50c i' CORNER OF TAMIAMI TRAIL CORTEZ ROAD TONIGHT!.

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1 504 511
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