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The Guthrie Daily Leader from Guthrie, Oklahoma • Page 3

Guthrie, Oklahoma
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I HE LEADER, GUTHRIE, OKLAHOMA i 1 1 THE HOUSE aigMiu.iiiiiaiirjliiii.M..uliih,iiiiiii willing. i CASTORIA ANfcgetable PreparalionfbrAs -similating UicroodandRcguIa-ling the Stoinuchs artdBowcls of Promotes Digeslion.CheerPul-ness andltest.Contains neither Opium.Morphhie TfOT IAIIC OTIC CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Stetpe fimJan Set A' Mx.Smtui IlocMU -finite Serft IhCttrtxAaifSotla Cfanft'td Aignr hfntayrrtn. Taivr Aperfccl Remedy forConslipa-Fion, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms and Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature or NEW YORK.

Bears the Signature Am fv Jrv In faX Use For Over BESTFORTHE BOWELS If yon havon rcKuIar, tioalthy movement of tho bonds ovcry day, you ro sick, or will bo Keep your bowel oiion nml ho null Korea, in tlio thinnnf i v'i-mvt mvi? 11-17 ti in Tim violent pliyslc or pill polMMi Is dangerous Tho LONDON, JUiNii In llloi Htuoothcst cnMoU, tnostpcrfuctwarof kooplugtbo (Does i not Want to 1'romoto jlil anil Corbin. the following bowels clunr auil cloau 1 to nko I CANOV CATHARTIC TRADE UAXN REOIBTtRID war office Iuih rocolvod from Lord Roberts: Pretoria, Juno 5 12:55 p. in. Just before duy yesterday tho encmj wore beaten back from nearly all the position Hit had boon holding and Ian Mammon's mounted infantry followed them to within two thousand yards of Pretoria, through which they retreated hastily. De Lisle then sent an officer with a for free, sample ami booklet on health Address i 1-PJ., M.nlrr.t, N.wTorl. KEEP YOUR BLOOD GLEAN TRADE With the Islands has Greatly Increased. WASHINGTON, JUNK from th United State to Cuba, Porto Rico, and the Hawaiian, Philippine and S.iinoan islands will reachc in tho llscal year which ends with the pres-out month, and will be more than three times as much as In 1S08 and more than twite as much as In any year of our commerce wit lithose Islands except In th" years 1S92-3, and four, when reciprocity Kreatlv Increased our exnorts to Cuba til riuainiiv luiuuimu, i uii'iu insoiioon wouoou, ,..,,1 ti i mhIh (lie. ni1 rm 1 Never Sicken Weaken, or Urlpo.,H)o Write allJ C1 to illc0- 1o '-UDa tlio total fOl i hirty Years EXACT COPV OF WRAPPER.

CASTORIA THI CtNTAUS COMPANY. NEW TOBK CITY. OUR NEW CLUB LIST i The Oklahoma Leader and the New York Tri-Weekly Tribune, 1 year for 1 50 The Oklahoma Leader and the New York "Weekly Tribune, 1 year for 75 The Oklahoma Leader (one year) and the Farm Journal of Philadelphia, from January 1, 1900, to December 31, 1904, for only 50 The Oklahoma Leader and New York World, Thrice- a-Week, 1 year for 1 15 The Oklahoma Leader and Texas Farm and Ranch, Weekly, one year, 1 00 The Oklahoma Leader and Twice-a-Week St. Louis Republic, 1 year for 125 The Oklahoma Leader and Thrice-a-Week New York World, 1 year for 1 15 The Oklahoma Leader andWeekly Kansas Cityj Times, 1 year for 1 00 The Oklahoma Leader and Prairie Farmer (Orange Judd's paper), 1 year for 75 The Oklahoma Leader and the Home and Farm, of Louisville, 1 year for 75 The Oklahoma Leader and Youth and Age 80 The Oklahoma Leader, 1 year 50 The Oklahoma Leader and the Live Stock Inspector, yGtiir ior jj The Oklahoma Leader and Fireside Gem, 1 year for 65 The Oklahoma Leader and the Twice-a-Week Dallas News, 1 year for 1 25 The Oklahoma Leader and Kansas City Weekly Star, 1 vear for 70 The Oklahoma Leader and New York Weekly Press, 1 00 1 year for 85 The Oklahoma Leader and Chicago Inter-Ocean, 1 yr The Oklahoma Leader and Texas Stock and Farm Journal, 1 year for 1 00 The Oklahoma Leader and Sunday Globe-Democrat, 1 year for 2 05 The Oklahoma Leader and Kansas City Journal. (Weekly) and Agriculturalist, 1 year for 65 The Oklahoma Leader and Orange Judd Farmer and a copy of Judd's 500-page Farmer's Almanac and Weather Forecast, 1 year for 125 The Oklahoma Leader and the National Tribune, the great soldier paper, 1 year for 1 40 The Oklahoma Leader and Oklahoma Home, Field and Forum, 1 year for 1 40 The Oklahoma Leader and Oklahoma Livestock Inspector, 1 year for 75 The Oklahoma Leader and Toledo Weekly Blade, 1 yr 75 Guthrlo, Juno 4, 1900.

The Hoard of Equalization met pursuant to Art. 0, Chap. 70, Statutes of 1893, and adjourned to meet on tho 11th, 12th and 13th days of June, 1900, at 9 o'clock a. at which time all persons having any complaint to make will ho present and present the same, O. P.

Coopku, Chair, Attest: R. P. Morton, Clerk. We purchased during our Eastern trip the entire sample line of Pique Shirts of one of the best manufacturers of Ghioago, which we will place on sale tomorrow at 5Vo on the dollar. The Grand eadef.

KrUco Itulletln, Account of the German Baptists' Dunkard meeting held at North Man Chester, Indiana, May 29 to June 8, the Frisco Line will sell at rate of one fare, plus S2.n0, for the round trip from all stations in Kansas, Indian and Oklahoma territories. Account of General Assembly, Presbyterian church, St. Louis, May 17th to 31, rato of one fare, plus $2.00, for the round trip from all stations in Kansas, Oklahoma and Indian terri tones. Home seekers' excursion tickets on BaleMay 1 and 15, June 5 and 19. For further information call on or address the nearest Frisco station agent, or B.

F. Dun'N, District Passenger Ag't Wichita, Kansas. tBnvAN Sxvder, General 'Passenger. Agent, St. Louis, Mo jfl line of truce lntq tho town, tiemamuns its surrender in my name.

Shortly before midnight, 1 wius awakened by two of tho South African republic, Sa ml berg, military secretary to Commmlant General Botha and a general officer of tho Boer nrmv. who broucht mo a letter from Botha, proposing an armstlee for the purpose of settling tho terms of. surrender. 1 replied that 1 would gladly meet tho comaiulant general tho next morning, hut that 1 was not prepared to discuss any terms, as tho surrender of the town must bo unconditional. 1 asked for it reply by daybreak, a I had ordered the troops to march on tho town as soon as It was light.

In his reply Botha told me that he had decided not to defend Pretoria and trusted women, children and property would bo protected. At 1 o'clock a. I today on tho line of march, I was mot by three of tho principal offlcors wit ha Hag of truce, tsating their wish to surrender the town. It was arranged that Pretoria should be taken possession of by her majesty's troops at 2 o'clock this afternoon. Mrs.

Botha and Mrs. Krugor are moth in Pretoria. Somo few of the British prisoners have been taken away but tho majority are still at Watervel. BRITISH DEFEATED. LONDON, JUNE 5.

12 m. Lord Roberts reports to the war office that the 13th battalion of the Imperial yeomanry (Irish) was "overwhelmed by tho Boers at Lindloy." Lord Mothucn made a "magnificent march to tho rescue," but was too late. ROBERTS TELLS OF IT. LONDON, JUNE 5. 12 m.

Following is the text of the dispatch from Lord Roberta announcing the disaster to the 13th battalion of the Imperial yeomanry: Pretoria Station, June 5, 12:55 p. m. I regret to report that the 13th Imperial yeomanry had to surrender to a very superior force of the enemy, on May 31, near Lindley. On receiving Information of the bottallon being attacked, I ordered Matliuen to proceed with all speed to Its assistance. Methuen was then on tho march and, half an hour after the receJpt of my telegram on June 1, he started off.

By 10 a. m. on the following day he had marched forty-four miles In twenty-five hours, but ho was too late to rescue Colonel Spragg's yeomanry. Methuen attacked the Boers, who were between two and threo thousand strong, and after a running light of five hours completely routed tho enemy. It is a very regretablo circumstance but I trust it will not be very long before the Irish yeomanry are released from captivity.

SURRENDER OF JOHANNESBURG. JOHANNESBURG, JUNE 1. The entry of an armed force yesterday Into thl- large, modern, populous town afforded such a Strang oeontrasfc to tho previous Incidents of the war as to make tho occasion peculiarly memorable. Soon after 10 o'clock Lord Roberts and h's staff left the eamn, lollowed by tho guards and Stevenscn'3 br'padcs and a few newspaper correspondents. Preparations had been made on a largo sca'o to welcome the field marshal.

The space around the court house was thronged and tho balconies were filled with ladles. In front of the court house the "vlerkluer" Free State flag still flew. At about 2 o'clock cheers In the dls-Roberts. The din Increased and became deafening ns the commander In chief, calm and colected the column Into the FQunre tho front of the court house. The crowd became al most unmanageable to break through the cordon formed by tho body sruard, In order to get closer views'.

Cheers and cries of "Wolcomo" and, "Well done, Bobs," resounded on all sides. After his Introduction to tho chief ofTl-cials, Lord Roberts dismounted nnd entered the court house, made a short Bpeeeh accepting tho surrender of tho place and requesting tho ofllclals to re-tltln their ofllco for tho present. Gen. Roberts afterwards left tho bulld-Inc remounted and tho flag was hauled down, midst hurrahs from tho nonede-scrlpt population. But thoro was visible emotion on tho part of many of tho ruged burghers.

Tears streamed from tho faces of the big, bearded men at the sight of the loss of tho flair they had fought for so well. After a brief Interval tho rattle of drums and shrieking of fifes heralded the approach of Gen. Pole-Carew's guards. Tho troops woro drawn up around the flagstaff, and tho union jack, worked by Lady Roberts, 'was hoisted tho flfea playing "God Savo tho Queen." As the music ceased a trrent roar of cheers broko out, folloyed by a chprus of "God Savo tho Thoro -was 'asIgnJflcarirlncldont. Dur- 3.21ft State artillerist, who was watching tho and a bystander tried to forci- him to do so, when a British guardsman forcefully Interposed, saying: "Lonvo him nlono.

He fought for his ling. You aro too cowardly to fight for any flag." A march past subsequent to tho march through tho town closed the ceremony. Lord Roberts headquarters was at a small In nln an orange grove. Thoro was tt characteristic scono there at tho close of his victorious day. Ono of tho staff officers approached in order to d's-euss a matter of importance nnid found the field marshai with tlio Inn keeper's lltitlo daughter on hl knoo, trying to ach hor to write.

"When tho ofllcor Interrupted Lord Roberts looked up with a smile and said: "Don't come now. Can't you see I'm busy." Last fall I sprained my left hip while handling some heavy boxes. The doctor I called on fcaid at first it was a slight strain and would hoon be well, but it grew worso and the doctor then baitl I had rheumatism. It continued to prow worse and I could hardly get around to work. I went to a drug store and the druggist recommended to try Chatnberla'n'a Pain Balm.

I tried it and one naif of a f0-cent bottle cured me entirely. I now recommend it to all my friends. Baucock, Erie, Pa. It is for sale by 0. It.

Renfro. MILWAUKEE, JUNE 5. Tho opening of the fifth biennial convention of tho general federation of woman's clubs today was most animated. Mrs. Lowe- delivered her biennial address at the morning session.

Tho Massachusetts delegation hold an Indignation meeting during the day at wlch a committee of two was apolnted to carry out the wishes of this delegation to support tho colored delegate Mrs. Joseiniino Ruffln. The committee presen a resolution of protest to tho board of directors In which they asked that tho colored delegato be restored to her rights in the convention, urging that in a great organization such as the national federation, there 3hould be no distinction on account of color. A Curd of Theiik. wish to say that I feel under lasting obligations for what Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has done for our family.

We have used it in so many cases of coughs, lung troubles and whoop ing cough, and it has always given the most perfect satisfaction, we feel indebted to the manufacturers of this remedy and wish them to please ac-eppt our hearty thanks. Respectfully Mrs. S. Doty, DeB Moines, la. For sale by C.

R. Renfro. Winfleld Chautauqua A.HBcmbly. For the above occasion we will sell tickets to Winfleld at rate of one fare for the round trip. Tickets on sale limn on tn OS nlcn Oil tn with final return limit July 3.

Going trip to commence on date of sale and continuous passage in each direction. A. J. Corkins, Agent Santa Fe. wfl( UlorlotiH Sewn, Comes from Dr.

W. B. Cargile, of Washita. 1. T.

He writes: "Electric Bitters has cured Mrs. Brewer of Scrofula, which had cau-ed her great suffering for years. Terrible sores would break out on her head and face, and the best doctors could give no help; but now her health is excellent." Electric Bitteis is the best blood purifier known. It's the supremo remedy for eczema, totter, salt rheum, ulcers, boils and running sores It stimulates the liver, kidneys and bowels, expels poihons, helps digestion and builds tip the strength. Only 50 cts.

Sold by (J. It. Renfro, Druggist, Guaranteed. the llxcal year seems likely to be fully aglnst $7,530,010 la the llscal year of 180C and $25,157,000 In the great reciprocity year 1S03 when exports to that Nlaml were moro than double those of five years earlier To Porto Rico, tho exports of tl.e year will be In round numbers against an average of in the reciprocity years of 1802, and 1S0I, when exports to that Island were doobk those of earlier years. To the Hawaiian islands tho total for the year will be about $15,000,000, or five times as muc has In 1S03, nearly four times as much an In 1S00, and moro than double tins total for 1SSS.

To tho Philippine the Tor 1000 will bo aobut $2,50000, or more tl-sn in the entire IB years sinco 1S.S3, the date at which the first record of our exports to te Philippines was made by tho treasury bureau of statistics. To tlio Satnoan islands tho exports of tho year will bo about or nearly as much ac In all tho yours since 1S0S at which dato tho official records of our oxports to thoso islands began. On tho Import side, Cuba begins to ilicw something of her old-tlmo strongth as an exporting Island, as tho total imports into the United Statos from Cuba fcr the full year will show a total of 31 mliliot: d' liars, against 15 millions in and lSi million In 1S07, though they still aio less than the average for tho rocel-prje'tv years 1892, 1S03, and 1591, when our imports from that Island avoreaged over seventy-Pve million dollars per annum. From Prrto Rico tho imports of tho yoar wil Ins whicji Is less than tlio total for any preceding yoar slncu 1S0, and is pprestur.ably duo to the destruction by last year's tornado of tho crops which supply Porto Rico's chief articles of export From tho Hawaiian Islands tho imports for tho full fiscal year will bo 21 million dollars, or daublo tlio annual Im-poralt'en from the period prior to 1S9G, and twenty per cent higher than In any preceding year, while from tho Phlllp- pirtu, di suite the war conditions which reduco productlng and exporting power, tho lm: oi ts will be larger than in any year since 1891. Tho following table sows tlio oxoprts to and Imports from Cuba, Porto Rico, and tho Hawaiian and Phillplno Islands In each fiscal year slnco 1883, the figures for May and Juno 1900, being estimated: Exports from the United Statos to Cuba.

P. Rico Hawaii Philip 1885 1,509,203 2,787,922 188G 10,109,170 1.710.5C9 3,192,098 18S7 1.73S.I92 3,022,029 18S8 10,033,500 1.9C9.C1S 2.0S3.203 1889 11 C91.311 2,221,931 3,373,011 1S90 13.0S1.415 2,297,538 4,711,117 1S91 12,221,888 2,153,231 5,107,212 1S92 17,933,570 2,830,003 3,781,023 1893 21,157,093 2,519,007 2,827,003 -icm on 9 -on r.OS 9. 1S93 1,833,511 3,723,037 1890 7,530,880 2,102,091 3,983,707 1897 8,239,776 1.9S8.S88 4,090,075 1898 9,501, C5G 1,503,010 5,907,153 1899 18,019,377 2.GS5.S18 9,303,470 1900 23,000,000 3,000,000 11,500,000 2,500,000 Imports Into tho United States from Cuba. P. Rico Hawaii Philip 18S0 51,110,780 1,591,511 9,803,707 1S.S7 49,515,531 4.GG1.C90 9,922,073 18SS 49,319,087 4,112,483 11,000,379 1SS9 52,130,023 3,707,373 12,817.710 10,593,172 1890 53,801,591 1,033,020 12,312,908 11,592,020 7891 61,711,335 3,161,110 13,895,597 5,167,209 1892 77.931,671 3,215,007 075,882 6,308,633 1893 .78,700,500 4,908,623 9,140,767 9,159,875 1S9I 75,678,251 3,133,63110,065,317 7,003,312 193 52,731,259 1,510,512 7,888,091 4,731,366 1896 40,017,730 2.290.C53 11,757,107 4.9S2.875 1S97 18,406,815 2,181,024 13,687,799 4,383,710 1898 15,232,177 2,411,356 17,187,380 3,830.315 1899 23108,282 3,179,827 17,831,403 May and June, 1900, estimated.

132,933 117,682 165,903 179,617 122,276 121,572 00,911 151,373 113,466 119,253 162,166 91,597 127,801 401,193 WASHINGTON, JUNE B. Tho bill introduced by Delegato D. T. Flynn in tho house, and passed by that body, allowing cities of tho territories to Issue bonds for public Improvement, such as water works sowers, city buildings, was called up In tho senate, by Senator Hatfiold, of Idaho, and passed. A Mounter Devil l-'ittli Destroying its victim, is a type of constipation.

The power of this mal ady is felt on organs, nerves, muscles and brain. But Dr. King's new life pills are a safe and cer.t&in cure. Best in the world for s.tomach,, liver kidneys and bawetslf Only 25 cents at RTRenfro's drjig store, olicHt for the Howul No matter what alls you, headache to a cancer, you will never get well until your bowels are put right. Cas-carets help nature, cure you without a gripe or pain, produce easy natural movements costs you just 10 cents to start getting your health back.

Cas-curets Candy Cathirtic, the genuine, put up in metal boxes. Every tablet has C. C. U. stamped on it.

Beware of imitations. SAN FRANCISCO, JUNE 5. Tho managers of local pool rooms were granted a temporary injunction today preventing Chief of Pollco Sullivan from enforcing tho ordinance passed by tho board of supervisors last night prohibiting betting on prize fights. Tho pool room mon contond that tho ordinance conflicts with certain stato laws and deprives them tho pursuits of a business on which they havo spent much tlmo and money. All who suffer from piles will be glad to learn that DoWitt'e Witch nazel Salve will pive them irstant and permanent relief.

It will cure eczema and all skin diseases, Beware of coun terfeits. a.

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