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The Guthrie Daily Leader from Guthrie, Oklahoma • Page 7

Guthrie, Oklahoma
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE LEADER, GUTHRIE, OKLAHOMA, MONDAY, APRIL 11, 1904. PAGE 8EVE? Vlt OO OOOOOOOOOO 'I i) 16-Gauge Bmfcmm This is the smallest and lightest weight aboui 6 1-2 pounds) repeating gun ever manufactured, and opens up many new possibilities to the un-to-datc It is not a iG barrel on a is-Action, but a new, well-balanced, properly-proportioned gun that, with modern smokeless powders, enables a shooter to use a powerful load in a' small shell and reduce, materially, the weight of shells and gun to be carried. The small, light gun handles fast, results in close holding and increased accuracy. QFult dticrlpllon In ntw Martin CalalctSt). lull out- Stnl thru ttampt for pottaf to THE MAHIIN FIWCARMS row hvh.

uomh. Kviii OKLAHOMA NEW: ooobooooooo MR. GIDDING'S PLATFdRM. High Ci in KL Wl Congressional Candidate Who Views on EVery Question. Has AND OTHERS.

THE LEADER PUZZLES J- A father left his property C. In such a way that the grounU otit- talde of tho house Is to bo divided aming finn- sons The eldest one Is to get one-fourth of C. Including tho well and tho threo others Ixro to get one-third each of the remaining ground. The nous is to go to I' he daughter How was It divided? Solution of yesterday's puzzle -Chocolate, 2 Peppermint, 3 Wintforgrein. 4- Cocoanut OOOOOOOQOOOOOOGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO File Your Wants oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo FOR SALE TOWN PROPERTY.

I Special to Dally Loader. Oklahoma City, April It. 13. J. QlddlngB has announced h's candl-dacy for tho congreeslan-nt nomination.

He Bafld tbot he would stand for a coach law, a railroad commission, free and uniform text books, submitting the school laud question to a direct vote of the people, free homes In the new country, the suffrage prajtosttlons in the Hamilton statehood bill, and against keeping the temporary capital at Guthrie any ther placo for a specific period after the passage of the ate-hood bill. rhe Roptibtfcans omitted from their platform an Indorsement of Delegate ajcfjiilre's bll for free5 homes 1nUhe new country. Olddlngs says this was lone with desltrn Wtnts Damages for Son's Death Special to Dally Leader. Shawnee, April 11 Suit wot filed today by A. B.

Chandlet, an agod man of th's cllty, aga'nst the Eastern Oklahoma railroad, now part of tho Santa Fo system, for $10,000 damages for tho death of his 19 year old sonj Tom Chandlor. Young Chandler worjf. ed on tho construction crew and foil under a train on January 5. k1 '1 Plans TracleExtenslon Trip. alto Daily r.eadcnj Shawnee, April 11.

Charles Benson, proeMdont of the Oklahoma National bank has been elected pres ident of tho chamborf commerce In place of Charles Brett, resigned. A rnde extension trip Is being planned Eight Years fcr a Slayer. Special to Dally Loader. Shawnee, April 11. Jerrj Brown pleadeJ guilty today In the dU- trict court to manslwighter la the second degree, and was sTvon elsh years at Lansing.

Ho killed Tom Am-' broto in a quarrel. B. L. WEBB'S $10,000 BOND. RATES.

It I Five cents per line, first Insertion; two and one-half, cents per lino each Lubjoquent insertion. FOR SALE. 30TH PUIVATE and company money to loan on city property. Phono 47, II Green. SALE Crotors No.

1 corn popper and neanut roaster combined. En quire at 21G EaBt Oklahoma avenue, Suthrle, O. T. IPOR SALE Good all purpose aorao, I linmAea Tnnlifrn lfilfl "UB6 auKi uumvon. IW Noble.

)R SALE Roller top desk, good condition. Call on Calvert Car son, 13 W. Okla. avenue. lull tiAL.ii.

Five good lots in no town of Hunter, Garfield county Reasonable, good Investment. Addresi C. T. Wish. Guthrie.

Okla. Charged With Assault, With Intent to Kill Kendall Still Alive. Mr B. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. GIN LOCATION Free gin site given In Castle, Creek nation, Indian ter-L ritory.

New town, excellent lo nation 1 No gin there. Large crop assured. Gin must be built at once Adciru Smith Western Railroad lownslte Weleetka, I. T. WANTED Attention ladies! Earn 20 per 100 writing short loltors from copy.

AddreBB stamped onveJopo for particulars. Albion Specialty Albion, Mich. Tho bettor class of druggists, everywhere, arc men of scientific attainments and high integrity, who dovoto their lives to the wolfuro of thoir fellow men in supplying tho best of remedies and purest medicinal agents of known value, ir accordance with physicians' prescriptions atid scientific formula. Druggists of tho bettor class manufacture many oxcollent remedies, but always under original or officinal names and they never sell false brands, or imitation medicines. They aro tho men to deal with whon in need of anything in their line, which usually includes all standard romedies and corresponding adjunctR of a first-class pharmacy and the finest and best of toilet articles and preparations and many useful accessories and remedial appliances.

Tho earning of a fair living, with tho satisfaction whioh arises from a knowledgo of the bonciils coiiforrod upon thoir patrons and assistance io the medical profession, is usually thoir greatest reward for long years of study and many hours of daily toil. They all know that Syr'p of Figs is an excollent laxativo remedy and that it gives universal satisfaction, and tlioroforo tl'uy aro soiling many millions of bottleB annually to the well informed purchasers of tho wholes remedies, and they always tako pleasure in handing out tho genuine artiolo bearing tho full name of tho Company California Fig Syrup Co. prinlod on the front of every puokoj.e. They know that in cases of colds and headaches attended by biliousness and constipation and of weakness or torpidity of tho liver and bowels, arising from irregular habits, indigestion, or over-eating, that thero is no other remedy eo pleasant, prompt and beneficial in its offcci" as Syrup of lugs, and they aro glad to sell it because it gives universal satisfaction. Owing to tho excellence of Syrup of Figs, tho universal satisfaction which it gives and immonso demand for it, imitations havo been mado, tried and condemned, but thero vo individual druggists to bo found, hero and there, who do not maintain tho dignity and principles of tho profession and whoso greed gets tho hotter of their judgment, and who do not IipbUh io to recommend and try to sell tho imitations in order to make a larger profit.

Such preparations sometimes havo tho namo Syrup of Figs" or "Fig Syrup" and of eomo piratical concern, or fictitious fig syrup company, printed on tho package, but they never havo tho full namo of tho Company California Fig Syrup Co. printed on tno front of tho package. Tho imitations should bo rejected becauso they aro injurious to tho system. In order to Bell the imitations they find it necessary to resort to misrepresentation or deception, and whenever a dealer pntcs off on a customer a preparation under tho namo of "Syrup of Figs" or "Fig Syrnp," which does not bear tho full namo of tho California Fie Svruo Co. printed on tho front of the pack Fig Syrup Co.

printed i pne nfiC he is attempting to deceive and mislead the patron who has been eo unfortunate ns to enter hio establishment, whether it bo largo or small, for if tho dealer resorts to misrepresentation and and deception in one case ho will do so with other medicinal agents, and in tho filling oi physicians' prescriptions, and should bo avoided by every one who values health and Knowing that tho great majority of druggistB aro reliable, wo Bupply the immenHO doitmi.d for rur oxenllent remedy entirely througn tho druggists, of whom it may be purchased ovcrv-whorp, in original packages only, at tho regular prico of fif'y cents per bottle, but as cxcep'im cxto it is necessary to inform the public of the facta, in order that all may decline or lelm i any imitation which may bo sold to them. If it docs not bear the full name of thoCompanj California Fig Syrup Co. printed on tho front of every package, do not hesitato to return article and to demand the return ol j'our and in niture go io one oj me nonor in" ii uriiftrisitBwno win sen vonwhnf vn wish anrt tun nest oievorvininc in iijimoairenwiuii'it l. WfJZk -r- r1 ssMZ "''SfcMWWMPflWWlSMlMMWBMWIillWIMiMa SBKassuw which tho case has been continued. Garvta Lehigh and Chicoto and pro-! trict Indgeg of probate eanntfsslonaw Mr.

Wobb's physical Condition Still vidOB that tho Inrlj-oa 1in rM.nnt.!nn,l tiilmlntat'rnlnra ivnil rwtltkm 1irrt- 4.x.0w wui'tw-- diction upon tho United States courts In nil probate mnUors. Tho bill will probably passed by both Iwrtistts tomorrow remains bad, but hu Is gome better Ive districts shall designate rcord than last wfc. Noims TranBcttp Inp. for each ctirt bv nibtes and bounds. The measure further prvft'ldefl for tho appoln ment by dls- L.

who was shot L. Webb last week, ts still alive- though the phyislcans hold out but, IHtlo hopo of ultlmato recovary. jHe is strongqr at loast. and talks froo- ly aud rationally and it Is not impos Ible that he may recover. Mr.

"Wobb has boon roJeaseJ on a ID 000 bond to answer to th charge of assault wfth Intont to kill, whloh will b.e changed to a graver charge If Mr. Kendall should die. The bond Is for his appearance beforo tho grand Jury at the next of court, to A Petition of Osage Citizens. Special to Dally Leader. Pawhuska, Aprtl ll.Petl tions are circulating In tho Osage In-dlau reservation to Beouro tho tiirot, of Qsago olllzons In approval of tho bill offered In oongrem month or two ago.

Thvro aro oltizons, af whom more than 1,800 havo slgnad Indorsement petitions. The approval of th bill by tha Osagos is require! bofor.e oan bo onacWd Into law. We are buttin' the but ton business Lriges So cie tie's Churches Reuniess Advert'sg Purposes )nly first class outnt in the Iterritorie" Write foi saroph ind gel prices. Armantrout Bros Guthrie, Okla. Buttons LADIKS: AVhcn In need send for free trial of our never falling Relief sure and quick.

Paris Chem leal Milwaukee, Wis. he Denver, Enid Gulf R. R. "Alfalfa Route, Through Rates to all points, Via Enid, O. in connection with the Frisco System and Rock Island System J.

J. WANTED Young men Of education, enterprise and ambition to fill post-tons as correspondents, dlsTict circulation managers and collectors for The News-Dispatch, Oklahoma Ctty's new dally and Sunday papor. Tho News Dispatch will be the laad'ag afternoon paper th southwest, reaching out all parts of Oklahoma and Indian territories, oa the day of pub- llcition. Addre The News patch. 129-Mlest First street, Oklahoma City.

FOR BENT. FOR KENT 10 North Broad street, 5 rooms and bam. close 'n, $12 00 For rent. COB Bajt Oklahcjna avenue. vooms and wall, $10 00.

by A. G. Keelor, B0 North Flrsl streot. (First published in the Dally Leadei April 5, 1004.) Application for Liquor License. Territory of Oklahoma County of Lt gan, ss.

Notice is hereby given that M. J. Jones has this day filed In the office of the County Clerk, In and for said County his petition asking that a license be granted him to soil at retail, malt spirituous and vinous liquors In Congressional township South Cimarron at Iconlum, lot 13, block 7, In said Cqunty and Territory. It no protest bo died on or before April 10th, 101. his petition will be granted and issued.

Witness my hand and the seal saf- County hereto affixed th 5th doy of April. 1MI. (SEAL.) N. C. Johnson, County Clerk.

A Great Sensation. Thero was a big Herniation In Lees-villo. when W. II. Drown of that placo, who was expected to die, had his lifo saved by Dr.

King's Now Discovery for Consump'ion. Ho writes: "I endured insufferable agonies from Asthma, but our New Discovery gave me immediate relief and soon thereafter effected a complete cure." Similar cures of Consumption, Pneumonia, Bronchitis and Grip arc numorous. It's the peerless remedy for all throat and lung tumbles. Price COcand $1.00 Guaranteed by F. B.

Lllllo Drug. gists. Trial bottles free. Economical Trip to Cewlif orrvia. Hflsew-M- You will be surprised to learn for how little money and how comforla-ble the Calirprnia xtour may be made.

Join one of the SANTA PE personally escorted excursions in Pullman touriSfcslecrWs Chicago and Kansas City to Southern Caligorniafand San Francisco. Pvi The way is through Southwest Land of Enchantment over the old Santa Fe I FUHNJSHIID ROOM for rqnt Bakery. 301 E. Okla. Vienna FOR RENT Barber shop In splendid location, with bath tubs furnished.

Address W. Sebmldt, Guthrie. Guthrie Towel Supply. Towels and aprons of all kinds fur Dished at very reasonable rates. Soe me before jou buy.

Walter Hammock Phone 527. Jti ISRADMf PTri-'r-y-fi. MORE RURAL ROUTES. Special to Dally Leader. Washington, D.

April 11. Rural routos wW bo os'abllshcd In Oklahoma as follows: Enid. Garfiold county, threo additional routes; area covered sovonty-throu m'les; liojnilntion 1,232 Peckman, rule roUto; area orvorml thirty-four squaro miles; population, 421. Waukomls. Owfleld eotmy -w additional route; area oorereO fifty-two square raUee; population.

S04. May we seud you our Tourist Sleeper Pamphlet 7 if l'lease Rend me "California In a Tourist Sleeper." Name Street No. City ana State A. S. Ry 4 Guthrie, Okta.

t. (First published in the Dally Lender April 2, 1904 Application for Liquor License. Territory of Oklahoma, Logan county. S3. Notice Is hereby given that D.

A- Arthur has this day filed In the office of thl county clerk. In and for said county Logan, petition asking that license granted him to sell at retail, malt, spirituous and vinous liquors on Lot 9. block J.Ptrst ward, Langston, O. In said County and Territory. If no protest be filed on or before April 17.

1904, I his petition will be granted anj 25 CENTS 1 license issued SRADflSWsPTri-fj-f'. mv hanA RAfll at sai'J county hereto affixed this 2d day of April. 1904. (SEAL.) N. J.

C. Johnson, County Clr, By I. N. Burnett, Deputy. Farms to Trade.

I have farms to trade for city property. Call at the Capital City Business College. R. A. Gaffney, Guthrie, Okla.

"Little Thousand) of live sacrflficed every year. Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup cures Utile ookls, cures big colds too. down 'o the very verge of consumption. AGREES ON INDIAN BILL.

Conference Committee Settles on Provisions cf Appropriation. Washington. D. April 11. Ths Indian appropriation bill wa- today agreed upon by the oenfert-ne mlltee.

In 'o provision hsretofore covered la these dspitch the bill ooatalns provis on for the purrbasc -t 217 acre of land alj't-nt to tho Sulphur Springs reservation InJian -errltory to be paJJ ftr at $100 an acre the Cjlokasew The owners of improved property within this terrtory, of which 'ner- si a-early 1,000 are to be paid th amoun' of the appraised valuo of he bui iage. The bill establishes aii courts at Wapanucka, Mad1 Weleet ka Wotunka, Batilejrtlle, Duncan THE BEST SERVICE POSSIBLE is jlven the traveling public by the Deliver, iKnid Gulf Betweein ErJd.and GuthijeJ jfSfr ftl Jra'cfc as smooth tin it fibboii. Equrpmerfts first Connections made with Rock Island and Frisco Trains at Enid. If you go this way you can rest assured you could not have gone a better route. TEfkjMjfatTlf-TTf" "HftBisB? It you will pay a viat tothc.

OKLAHOMA Carriage and Wagn Worfci 822 S. Division St We will show you how wt titihten loose wauron and biiL'v tires without welding and heating them, thus the vood work from iniury a wonderful invention which, a large sum of money in order to be up-tc date- Our shop bas the Only Henderson T're Setter in this section of the United Stateh. We also have the very latest Goodyear Rubber Tir5 Machine. We put first quality rubber tires on any wTiasS thai rolls, buggy or wagon.

New vehicles made to order Re- First clabs Horsesholng SCHICKRAM (8 WICKMAM..

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