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The Troy Herald from Troy, Missouri • Page 8

The Troy Heraldi
Troy, Missouri
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

TROT HERALD P7MSRBD BY, FISHER Jb MUDD, AT (jftl-OO it Year la AdramM ATM OP Aovimtmo. imraart tlnsertten, Each additlona itBMftlM Admtalstraton' Notices rlnalSettlekmt 'Smenu wiUUx run tA the paper. Extra charges made tor P- "nS wrtSS'tt of pubUeatloawM bs aide hu tan nalit fop. the occasion 01 niucu miuuiu nurtemsare: Cash In advance, on cash on, delivery, Jot 'Job work ml CUD On uemanu, ivr Baptist. nev.

Mr. Burnbam. pastor services on seconu ana immouumj't "tWEO. pMtor, CrVlCCB UrSb IIU luuu month, morning and evening prayer meeting.

Weduesday evening. SUtiiodist B. 8O0TH.rBev. Mr. Bar-nett, pastor eervlcoi first Sunday, morning ami evening, third Sunday, ovenlng; pastor tervicei, every Sunday, mornlug and 1 nvn'tf- Sunday echoel every Sunday morning.

Circuit Cotnvr. First Monday after the Coohty Court. Second Monday In Feb- nisrr, nay. twini auu Probatb Monday In Apm, iuiy wwucr. a.

a. aa. Troy Lodge No. 84 A. K.

ft A. M. meeta Saturday night on or before each fuM moon. Jn MftDOM AID. See'V.

Troy Royal Arch Chapter No. meets at Masonic hall on the Saturday brvorr the regular meeting of tho Troy Lodgo A. F. A A. OI aacu McELWEE( j.M.MoLBUAN.Sec'y i.

a. a. v. Troy Lodge Ho. 681.

0. 0. F. meeta every a. 1 taaalt in Ilia UT It tl block.

Visiting memMn inwiea aiienu R. A.TBAIL.M. Q. W. II.

Wells, Sec'y. QRARQBVJ. Lincoln County Grange meeta on the see-ond Tuesday In February, May and Au gust, anuu.exsi jivuY. II. W.

Pannes, Secretary. EaRleTorVOrange P. of II. meets at Olive Branch 3d Saturday of each month. O.

C. LOVELL, Muter. f. A. Millbr, Sec'y.

Linn's Mill Orange meett the Saturday on Of after each full moon. W.H. MABTIN, W. M. Huon Lowry, Secretary.

Urown Orange meeta every two weeks, Saturdays, two o.oloek.EwiTTMMter J. B. Secretary. .1 aekion Grange Mo. 1788 meeU ft Jackson school house first and third Saturdays, two O.N.

WALES, Master. V. II. Bartholow, Secretary. Corso Orange No.

1780 meets at Mt. Vernon school bouse, second Saturday In each month. W. B. DUNCAN, Muter.

U. N.Coitby, Secretary. Millwood Grange No. 1791 meeU at Mill- woou nrsi uaiuivay in cacnmonin. B.


Roberts, Secretary. New Hope Grange No. 1M0 meets at New uupe seconu anu iouitu oiiuruayn. T. B.

BK1D, Master, J. P. Webb, Secretaty. Star Hope Orange No. 1868 meets at Star none scnooi uouie vmru oaiuruay in ncn a tf A W.

C. Sleet, Sec'y. DrydenvlllB Grange No. 1867 meets at 9 o'vlock p. m.

Urst and third Saturdays in corn luouin. J. o. AiitnuLautM, n. U.J.

Hrydem. Sec'y. New Salem Grange No. 1787 meets at 3 o'clock p. m.

on the Saturday ol, or after, UK' iuii moen, ana two weens tnereauer. U.DUEY.W.M J. B. Sitton, Sec'y. THE AMATEURS.

The Amateurs will give one of their very best performances on nextTues- da, the 4th of July. Tho charming threeaet drama, The Cricket on the Hearth, the laughable farce of Pop ping the Question the burnt-cork piece of Who Died First? will be produced, besides songs and other attractions. Prof. Gulou will fur ulib the music Mr. John W.

Wilson tried to take advantage of the rise in Cuivre to send a raft of a hundred feet in length over the dam at Moscow last Mon day. The water was not high enough and the raft wont to pieces. The mishap entailed a great deal of labor iu securing and oelleotlng tho drifting logs. The lumber was on the way to St. Louis.

Cuivre Is again past fording, in consequent of the continued rains last The mall service feu been interrupted la aany parte of the county. OurOlney friends have bad to mall lor two weeks. THE TROY HERALD, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 28, 1876. sites fv lfch, 187f. Eiiton MmmU Aeeoriing to th earl Ttmnn s.

Howell, district depaty, the Good Teaplars of this district mt here In convention on the third day of Jaae. An organise tlon was oxircted by eleetlag J. 0 Porter, of Crystal Fonnt, chairman, and Moses Ilowell, of Pleasant drove, secretary. A foil set or oncers for the year waa then elected and a die trlct lodge organised. Seven lodges war raBraaanlad by a full eat af dal-1 valaa.

aa rnllnwa I I 'r vital Wnnttt. Pleasant Grove, Cold Water, Trnx ton, Centennial, Pin Oak and New Florence. Kach lodge was reoorted through their delegates as being in good condition and working bard In tne cause or temperance, ana aster- mined In this centennial vaar to mal every every effort in their power to I aosomithinff in tne nome cause of vvmivimivii sewwew evivue ssi uisiuo for holding their next convention. uu tne nret asiior, ijentenniaiiiOdge room was SeiCOtea as tne mace, ana tho executive committee then set the ZBtnaay or ootober as the time of noiuing saia couvention. a resoio icm.ial plc nlo on I ho 4th day of July, not only by Good TemDlars.

uut ty ail rrienui or the tomperanoe caun. iuo ooiiTonuon men iDieoieu by ballot place on West ijuiTro known aa the Kennedy ford, and omellmos called the Cannon ford, Appropriate committees were ap pointed tor arranirinfr the srounds. electing speakers, socurlng music, Licn' adlourneJ. lu the ovenlnr the dele! gates ana eitisens or Trnxton ana vicinity met In public meeting. Teni- perance ddresies were delivered by Key.

T. T. Johnson, Truxton, v. iivignin, urn Hudsoti, of Crystal Fount, and AMen Howell, of Pleasant Grove. The delegates felt and expressed them selves unaer lasting obligations to the friends of temperance ol Truxton orioe very nosDitaoie manner tney morocMioriaiiicu uunnir tneir nir.

There appears to be at this time a' strong feeling against dram shops In this county. God speed the day that no win uv aiuwiiK iuiuVa ui uo past, and that In this the befflnnlmr of another century of American in dependence, all good men and women may join logeiner in one nana ana work for the salvation of our coun try from this curso that blights so many otherwise happy lives. UOOD TlatPLAB. We have been informed bv neraona in whom we place.lmpllcltoondnenco, that the Instruments manniantnraii by Mr.Danlel F. Beatv of the Bcaty Piano and Beaty'e Golden Tonguo Parlor Organ notoriety, at Washing are constructed by acorpe of skilful workmen, who have been in his employ for years, and are noted tor tne great tuterest they take In promoting and maintaining the al rcauy euviauia reputation or his instruments.

His advertisements appear in tble issue of our paper, It wouia be well for persons Interested to examine them. 244 The wheat crop, which Is about all harvested, is considerably more than an average. Corn and grass are do tng remarkably well. Tho oats will be short in many localities. MlLK.

Milk delivered nrnmntlv night and morning. Price reduced to nve cents per Quart croam fifteen cents per auart: buttermilk ten ota. per gallon all fresh and rich. i MBS. tillie Hammond.

David Swlnney, aon of Jesse Swln ney, of thle place, fell out or a awing last Sunday and broke one of the bones of his right forearm, lust above the wrist, it was attended to by Dr. Ward ricka tor Bale! I have a large number of excellent bard burned brick from the old Jail which I will sell at low prices. Porter E. Norton. Troy, Mo.

26 Notice to Teachers. Examine. Hons of persons for certificates to iobch win oe nem on tne arstoatur day Of each month. J. M.MoLelziAN, County Com.

Look Herb Plain horse-ihoeins? With new shoes al around, done in best style tad satisfaction guaranteed for only $1.26 at the shop of Thos.M, Stephens. Will McE. send us his name? Whewlll persoae learn that we do ot insert anonjmous communlca Hobs w.Tthm h0t weather. I Sev.teese Bat ton preaeked at the Methodist ehareh last Baaday. taora- if nd realRg.

Mrs. R. Harper aaJd slanghUr, of Albany, Hew York, hem several weeka visiting Mrs. Brevator, left for hone yesterday morning. film.

I. Caaaann, Geo II. Laugh ton, rrea s. JSiriett, a oe. rr uawson 'and A.

Amann all of Bt Louis, were In town on Thursday last. I nha fVlha ohn haa kw. I ww" mmm ettendlng college at Bethany, West Virginia, retimed feoae last week. ii. -m Md wllh the He will return in septemoer.

Jm. E. Caratarphon, candidate for state treasurer, and Homer L. Murray, of xuUUna, were In town last a a a Thursday and called at our ofloe. Jt.

uareiarpncn-s prospects are, we ir a-lail ta aav. vary annnn-aalna-. Thos. L. Bonfils, a cadet at the naval academy at Annapolis, Mary.

rwched home last Mondaj to loend hit trtt Ttcatlon. Tommy' eonduet at the toadetny haa Ka.n cpillil In him anil hla mint ewmuwe to wm, ana Wi many friends have a cordial welcome for him. About fifty of our cltUena, inclnd mg our senior editor, have gone to St. Louis to attend the national con- ventlon and subsequent Jollification, especially tne latter, Mr. Daniel F.

Beatty, manufacturer Md proprietor of the Beatty Piano ma ueaitys ceieoraiea uoiaeu Tongue Parlor Organs, Washington, N. .1 mh.iiv". and sonorous man to transaot bust- ness with. Ha makaa thla vrv r.i- proposition to any who may favor him with me tun inatrnmnnt tinnm not nmn hnin aria ui ftor receiving it, the purchase money will be refunded upon the return of me instrument, ana he will pay frAicrht Aiiarra iwh nut. i- annainiv an AVMAlfllnillw IfANaMAlia wwb vaaiaMi Muiiiai SSLVSICI VUS and safe manner In which to transact business with him.

He warrants hla Instruments for six years. See his aavertlsemont. 8yl Cy If you want Posters, Cy If you want Envelops, If you want Bill Heads, f3T If you want Statements, Gy If you want Box Labels, If you want Note Heads, C3T If you want Show Cards, C3T If you want Justices Blanks, If you want Auction Bills, Gy If you want Calling Cards, C5T If you want Business Cards, Cy If you want Programmes, fjy If you want Letter Heads, (3T If you want Bank Checks, If you want Shipping Tags, C3T If you want Ball Tickets, Cy If yon want Wedding Cards, 6 If you want Invitation Cards, C-If you want Business Wrappers, GST If you want Pamphlets Printed, If you want Job Printing of any description, done in a moit satisfactory manner, you can satisfy your wants by calling at or addressing the Troy Herald, Troy, Best Flnnr made o( old wheat, 93 60 Choice Family Flour 8 40 New Wheat Flour, 8 00 Aveuverea insiae the corporation. Nobton Sa 8oh. Moaeow aula.

Moscow Mills are now in fine rnn. nlHg order. When not runnlug this uuea wui ua witnarawn. Mtf F. Wing to Son.

mnUSTEE'S SALE. Whereas. JL Lewis Wiggins and Josephine Wiggins, his wife, by their certain deed of trust dated February twenty-flftb, eighteen hun- urau anu sTuuiy-one, ana recorueu in iMn rl, conveyed to the undersigned all that county, Missoun. as lot three (8), in tho division of the land of Henry Martin, deo'd, among liU heirs made by order of the Circuit court oi liincoin county, Missouri, said lot con raining siy acres. two-quarters and thirty-''.!n1 a.

part oftno lands the estate of his father7lfen Martin. dS 7 hS the OSVment Of a oarlaln nata nIHnl In ZZ ar "mwhi aw Maw ww a vvua said trust deed: now, under the provisions' of said trust the undersigned will of- saia property tor sale at public aucUon forcwhtd tte Llgheat bidder, at the east hours of ten o'clock a. m. and four o'clock p. on I Saturday, July 2, 1876, junH Truites.

INAL Ms JsSrebf aiveatbaltke aaderstgned. iladatrator of Ska aatata nf TInaa Stone, deceased. wflT slake a aal settle-set of his administration or said estate at the next tens of the Uneeia eesjaty Probate oomrt to be begu sad held at the court home la Troy on the tserd Monday in July, 1874. B.O. SITTON.

JUB IS AUBTi FINAL. SETTLIMENT-Notlce Is hereby given that tie underlined, adm'r of of Cynthia O. Olbeoa, deceased, will stake a faal eettl stent of bin sdmlnlstratlon of said estate at the Best una of the Frobate court ot LlaeolB county, to be began nad held at the eeurtaouse iBiTroyoatho third Monday In July, 1876. junta w. uiDouii, audit.

FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice Is hereby given that the waderslgned administrator ot the estate of Rachel Hamilton, deceased. Will make a Bnal act. at the next term of the Probate court, of iiincoin county, Aissoun, to oe oegva anu held at the court bouts la Troy on the atonaay uiy, ioto. 1 Mm Ifilll jui it vaaisimt, Aorn'r. T7IINAL JD Is hereby given that the undersigned, adm'r of the estate ol si.

II. Segrass, deo'd. will make a final settlement of his administration of said estate at the next term of the Lincoln county Probate court to be begun and held at the court bouts lo iroy on ineimrajionaaT in wuty, miu. ju Aiun-r. FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned.

makea final settlement of his adm'rsblpof saiu esuw ai tne next term or tne X'ronate Court of Lincoln conntv. Mo to be liemin ana uciu in iroj on tue tnira jnonuay in July, 1878. J.CBKECH, Adm'r. TKUSTEE'8 SALE. herons Win.

H. Elmore and Ellxalieth F. El. more, his wife, by their certain deed of truMtaaiBii june au, ioto, ana recorueu in book at paae 4S0, of the records of Lincoln county, Missouri, did convey ro theun-denlaned trnitoe the followlue? real citato. In the county of Lincoln and state of alia.

sourl, to-wft The southwest quarter of tne louinwest quanei oi section 04, uwn- snip rangotwo west, containing rorty (40) acres; also the followinit described nleeo of land, beginning at the northwest corner of section No. three (8), In township 48, of range a wc, tnonce iuuiu ou roui a iiono, thence east to a branch known as Spring .1 uiauvu, iiiviiw uvttii ihiiu uranuii uj uouu creek, thence do vn Coon creek to tho half-section line ot said section 8, thenco north to a stone dtvldlug township 48 and 49, thence west to the place of beginning, containing 74 (seventy-four) acres, be tho sime more or less, containing In all 114 acres, which said conveyance to me as trustee was made to secure the nsvment of certain promissory notes in said deed of trust described, and whereas said Wm. II. Elmore and Elisabeth F.

Elmore have failed to pay the principal notei In said deed mentioned, together with the Interest thereon, now therefore in compliance with tho terms of said deed of trust and at the roquoot of the legal holders of said notes, I will proceed to tell the above described real estate to the htgheit bidder, for cash, at the court house door In the town of Troy, Lincoln county, Aiaivun, on Saturday, July 32, 1876, between tho hours of 9 o'clock In tha fore. noon and 4 o'clock In the afternoon of that day to satisfy said deed or trait and the cost and expenses of executing the same. junji i'. u. BHfiLiuai Trustee.

TRUSTEE'S 8 ALE. a Mary Urown and William Brown by their deed of trust dated the 84th day of March, 1876, and recorded In tho oulce of tho recorder of deeds for Lincoln county, Missouri, In Ti ust book No. two, at page 819, conveyed to the undersigned trustee the following described real estate, situated In tho county of Lincoln and State of Missouri, All or one hundred and twenty-live acres taken out of the oast ol ono thousand arpens, known as the Isaac E. Whiteside's farm, eighty acres taken offtbe north end of said tract, the northeast corner beginning at astone en tho line between Wllllum White-slde'sand Susan Jl. Whiteside's (or the land formerly owned by them), from which a black ouk 14 Inches in dlameterbearssouth sixty degrees west, ton links distant thence north twenty-one degrees west.

83.20 chains, to a stake from which the said ono hundred nndtweuty-tlve ncros begins thenco south seventy-one degrees west, 23.95 chains to a stone; thence south twenty-one and one-third degrees east, 82.20 chains to a pile of stones thence north 71 degrees east, 23.05 chains to place of beginning, and being part of survey sixteen hundred and twenty-six iiinoj, in townsnip nity-one ton, range one (11 west of tho fifth principal merldlan.and whereas said conveyance was made Intrust tosecuro thenavment of four nromlamrv note therein described, and whereas one of saia notes is uue ana nnpaia. now, therefore tne undersigned, acting herein at the request or tne iciraiiioiaer or tne nrst tnree or laid notes, and In pursuance ol tho covenants of said deed of trust, will proceed to sell the property anove aescriDea at punuo vendue, to tne blithest bidder lor cash, at the put irontaooroi tne court nouse, in the town or Wednesday, June 28, 1876, between the hours or 10 o'clock In the fore-neon and A o'clock in tha afternoon nf day for the purposes stated in said deed of uun, wAijJLUM riraiiian, Trustee. Troy, Mo April 34, 1878. nl7 rnilTJSTEE'S BALE. Whereas I Msncv Wells bv her certain deed nf trust aaieu tue tne seconu aay or March, eignieen nunureu ana seventy-iour, anu recorded in Book Number Two, at pago two hundred and ninety-six.

In the recorder's omceoritincoin county, Missouri, conveyed tAtha linriAralimflil trmitaA lha fAllnwInw Hu. scribed real estate, to-wlt The south bain or tne west half or tne southeast quarter of section twenty-one, townsnip rony-nine, or range one wen. ot tne nun principal meridian, all in Lincoln county. 'Mlisourt, which conveyance waa made In trnit for the purpose of securing the payment of a certain Drominorr nou inarein aeacnnaii and. whereas, said note Is past due and unpaid, now, under the provision Mid deed, I will ojfer said property for sale, at puollc auction, for cash, to the highest bidder, at the court house door In the town of Troy, Lincoln county, Mlssoari, between the hours of ten o'clock a.

m. and four o'clock p. on Saturday, July IS, 1876, for the purpose of said trust. TJum E. UO.NriU, Tnutee.

BicCkesk Mills FRIENDS, READ THIS The above Mills are always la good rmv nlngosder. We Invite the ratawfaot Lincoln and Warren counties to GIVE US A TRIAI. And set what we can do foryou. We GuirtntM SitUfiOtltn. FR1MYI AND MTVItDAVS, Our grinding days, TZXS BEST IfcttEAXe On hand for exchange.

We solicit your order, which will be punctually tienoea to. PRICE OF LUMBER. Oak tl 80 to 2 00 Sycamore framing and sidings. .1 to 1 80 All other square-edge ah oiacr iiquBTa-euge sycamore is' Sheeting per hundred ft 75 PRICE OF 8AWING. Oak 70 toSOcte.

Best Flour XXXX.T7T. 8 80 Flour XXX i Meal per hundred lbs iu we always acep on bsbu as above stated. TERMS CASH, Wo are thankful for mat favor anil rr. spectfully solicit a continuance of public patronage. A.

H. SCHBOEDER February 18, 1870 ly SHIPPERS, ATTENTION The Staunch Little Steamer, MOLLIE GLENN, OAPT.O. M. THURMON, Master. O.

W. Thurmon. Clerk, N. II. Williams, at the Wheel, leaves Chain of Bocks on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 1 o'clock, for llceche's Land'ng.

connecting with the Dockets for 8t. Louis. Throush MIU given for all Frvluut. We are well pre- liureu io ciirrr an hinun oi stovK. cattle, UOgrt and sheep, all at can! rates.

Will go as far above Chain of Mocks as water win permit. Hcmemlier this boat was built lorthli trail. For freluht annly on hoard or to Mershon, agent, utJ. W.

Ulrkhead's t4ire, Chain olRock, Ma. n.1-70 Troy mills! Tho above mill has been thoronshlv nv paired lu fact, alinnit made new. We are-prepared to do as good work aa can be done any where. WE WILL BUY WHEAT, Corn, Logs and Wood. HMD PAY HIGHEST MARKET PRICE.

RIGULAR GRINDING DAYS I Tuesdays, Thursdaya and Saturdays. Will be prepared to exchange at nnv time on liberal term. SAWING BY THE 100 OR ON SHARES. Give Us Your Custom and we will 'sparo no pains In trying to please you. NORTON It SON.

BEATTV'S, PARLOR ORGANS ESTABLISHED IK 1856. Fhotoorapakrs. first-class, can kmrn something to their advantage. Address, DANIEL F. BEATTY, 'Washington, New Jersey, U.


Collections nromntlv attended to, and Bemlttan made at le wool rates or exenange. Uold and Silver, County, State and (Jov-ernment bonds bought and sold. Interest allowed on time deposits 4 per cent, per annum fori months, aud (I per cent, per annum for 6 months. Letters of Credit. Foreign Bills of on all the principal cities of Europe furnuned at current rates.

Exchange on St. Lonls or Now York xoltl on favorable terms. If OsuaisjM bbms) CllectlsM lor ysutlea ratdaUm In the ctraaty, far aaaer Dessuma. June SA, 1873. Cashier.

TATE WARRANT blank print-' ed in a neat and convenient tdm at the Herald olHce. RECOGNIZANCE oy PRISONER tUe Peace' tor sale at this office. but mm--.

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