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Kentucky Irish American from Louisville, Kentucky • Page 4

Louisville, Kentucky
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fcCjaxNrooiciir aiw ajmjeiioi KENTUCKY IRISH flMERIGflN. PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY. Rented to the SocUl and Morl Advancement Itlsh Americans ad Officially Indorsed by Ancient Order of Hibernians. Yonng Men's Institute and Catholic Knights of America. KENTUCKY IRISH AMERICAN PRINTINO Incoffotttti.

Publishers SUBSCRIPTION PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR, SINGLE Entered at the Loutivllle PoitoHlce ai Second.Cleii Matter. lUnti ill Communications to tha KENTUCKY IRISH AMERICAN, 319-321 Wit Qretn St coanxa events. LOUISVILLE, KY. MAY 3, 1919 MARY'S MONTH. With Thursday we welcomed the beautiful nionth.

of May, which Is dedicated to tiro Blessed Virgin Mary It Is a beanm or universal and extraordinary devotion to tho Immaculate Mother of God. So Intimately "was the Blessed Mother associated with her Divine Son that we could not, if wo would, hondr and it fits in well with the prevalent philosophy that discards tho spirit ual and supernatural in its specula tions. Tho primary cause for the growth of Socialism may oe found In the fact that the model rystom of education prepaies minds to accept tho specific remedy for social and Industrial evils in Socialism. It Is puerile as well as futile to deny the existence of such evils. Wo would despair if we must" at- hei without honoring, loving and adoring Him.

Ict us 1iave true de- tribute these evils to tho ion laws votion to Mair 1f we wish to be of political economy and deny that said: "I society can supply a remedy. In his I Encyclical on the conditions of labor, Leo XIII. declares that society 0 Alnliinciia lm a "tuj do not think that hell can boast ot possessing a single soul who cn- fc i deavored to parctico true devotion to Mary." In all tho churches public devotions are held during May to honor Mar'- Let us attend them and beg the intercession of our Heavenly Queen who has always been known as the safe refuse of sinners. situation ix Ireland. Extension of the Limerick strike against martial law from that city to tho whole of Ireland Indicates that a condition has developed there from which serious consequences may flow.

There Is no doubt that for some time a tense situation has prevailed throughout Ireland, owing to, the garrisoning of a large army there and' the praotical enforcement of martial law by tho British Government. It seems to "be the intention of the military authorities to piovoke open rebellion. All know what that would mean. A general strike in itself means passive resistance only. But the danger of disorder and conflict is greatly increased by the strike.

If it can be kept within limits by tho Irish labor leaders all may be well. But the danger of further trouble is imminent. We can only hope that disorders will not follow the proclamation of the strike. 8ECIIET TREATY. seciet Jtrcaty Qf London, which was enfeied into by England, France and iRussia Italy is now returning to plague its promoters.

Italy exacted her price for participation in Hhe war. The other nations were willing to grant it in order to secure her co-operation against the central empires. That wis before President Wilson's idealism was introduced to European politics. This country was not a party to the treaty of London and our President Ary properly refused to be bound by it. Italy, with the other allies, accepted his principles as a basis for peace terms.

They should not now attempt to escape from them. has its duties and defines tho uses of wealth and lays down the only principles on which social peace can be secured. The Catholic Church has always been tho one organization that has apprehended the full meaning and menace of Socialism. It has stood alone In uncompromising position. When political paities used it as a recruit grounds for votes or a store from which to borrow campaign thunder tho church saw and pointed out the danger.

If wo would de stroy Socialism, or Bolshevism, wo must have a definite programme. Wo must fight the devil with Ore. Remove tho prerent cause of ifnrcst in America. The gospel of So cialism is a gospel of action and we must answer in Its own terms. May and 7 Annual charity en-' tertainmont of Ladles' Sewing Society for St.

Anthony'B Hospital at Phoenix Hill Hall. Ma? 8 Moonlight excursion ot Columbia Athletic Club on Steamer Island Queen. May 9 Euchre and lotto" Louis Bertrand Church iDebtfBuihl-ing Fund, in Bertrand Hnll fitter-noon and evening. May 20 Euchre and lotto, afternoon and night, for benefit of" t. William's church, in hall, Thirteenth and Oak May 2G Sacred Heart fedhurch May festival and andy-pulling, school hall, Seventeenth and June 3 Moonlight excursion of Maekln Social Club on steamer Pil grim.

Juno 13-15 Moonlight eTcursions given by Trinity Council, Y. M. I. June 17 Euchre and lotto toy ladies of the Cathedral' In hall, 431 Sptfth Fifth street, afternoon and evening. WHY IS A FIRE DEPARTMENT? SOQIETY.

Miss Louise Tucker left on Friday to spend the week-end in Lexington. Miss Malone Is visiting her sister, Mrs. Thomas Hogan. in St. 'Louis.

Louisville's fire department at recent blj? conflagrations gets "homesick" and leaves beforegthe fire is out. Miss Elizabeth Winn is the guest of the (Misses Baldwin at their home In Eastern Parkway. Mrs. Thomas J. Duffy spending the past ten French Lick has been days ab Mr.

and Mrs. Alfred Mohr hada pieasani time wun inenas in now York City the past week. BRING ROYS HOME. While all our available ships aie engaged in bringing tho boys home the British ships which carried them over are carrying British goods to the markets of the world, and ousting the United States "from her commercial hunting grounds on the American continent. Tbls has not surprised us.

In fact, it" Is the very thing we expected to happen; we have said so time and again. Bring the boys home and let the Allies do their own policing of Europe; that is one way of squaring accounts with Great Britain, and an effective way, too. ar CHURCH IX FRANCE. WORLD XOW KXOWS. All the world knows that It was Northcliffe who made Lloyd George the Coalition Premier, and now these two have quarreled quarreled about a question of foreign policy wo are told, although it Is well known that the policy George adheres to -Was fathered by Northcliffe In January 6f this year.

Well, one excuse Is as good as another for the man in the street who does not look very deeply Into political matters. The truth is George has outlived his usefulness from the Northcliffe point of view. He is a Liberal of some kind and consequently was better fitted to deal with the crisis arising out of the demands of the workers than a Tory would be, but now that affairs are ibecomlng normal the crisis being passed Northcliffe wants his place for a Tory. That is the sum and substance of their differences. MENACE SURE ENOUGH.

The American. Defense Society 'has 'saued a statomont which contains tlvls, sentence: 'VTOie man who thinks that Bolshevism. Is not a menace to Atnorica Is himself a sourco of dan- gef- to tho state." Two thoughts may be gathered Bolshevism, which is nothing more than applied Socialism, can not be ignored and a "watchful waiting" policy wU tjpajl social suicide. It Is a mistake to believe that all Socialists laro elthor ignorant or deluded and that tho rank and 'file is nothing tout an unthinkable, mob. Tho virus ot Socialism is found in all walks of life, and the causo of Socialism extends for beyond the numtoor of professed Socialists.

In the extensive literature ot Socialism is ound evidence of (hard study and dp thinking. With an ttorce appeals to those (who ard imlMwd with modem t- Bofore turning over the fund of five millions which it is proposed to raise in America for the reconstruction of French churches, would it not be well to make certain that the Government there will not seize the churches as soon as they are finished? All church property In France was taken over iby the Government some years ago. It "should be the duty4of that Government now to repair the churches which have been wrecked In the war. And in comparison with the 'billions that have been shot away in the war the little Item of lhe millions Is a mere trifle. DISGUST OK CARSON.

Sir Edward Carson is so disgusted with the manner that government in Ireland Is being carried on that he has actually threatened to turn Home Ruler. The arrests and imprisonments and persecution of Irish Nationalists do not seem to satisfy him, although it is hard to see what more he Government can do to assert Its authority except introduce the policy of the Turks in Armenia. Carson's attitude toward organized labor has opened the eyes even of his Shankhill constituents and ho feels that his day amongst them is over. Whither shall he go? This is to him the all-Important question, and the Belfast workmen answer it by saying "he can go to (Miss Mildred Rapier has returned from a visit to her sister, Mrs. J.

I. Greenwell, at New Haven. Mrs. Robert Murphy, of Jefferson-vllle, was called to Tennessee, whete her brother is, desperately ill. Noonan Ryan, who Is home from the navy on a thirty days' furlough, has been visiting friends at Pres-tonia.

Miss Lucy Raffertv of Highland Park, was the week-end guest of Miss Corinne Holmes at Glasgow Junction. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pooley entertained Messrs. Arthur Signer and Walter Slener, of North.

Vernon, last week. Mr. and Mrs. T. H.

Bennett, of Crescent Hill, spent the week-end With Mr. and Mrs. James Reagan at Pewee Valley. Dr. John T.

Malone, of Jefferson Barracks, St. Louis, spent the weekend with his Mr. and Mrs. foh'n T. Malone.

Mrs. Nolan Dant little daughter Drusctte have been visiting her patents, 'Mr. and Mrs. James Mahoney, at New Haven, Mr. and Mrs.

James Heeney and Mrs. Marguerite Schweers, of Frank-tort, spent several pleasant days with Louisville friends last week. Mrs. John tho engagement Keane announces of her laugher, ington, sister of the bride, acted as mala of honor, and Thomas Smith wasyoest man. Miss Mary A.

Qulnn and Law- ence I). Meany were united In mar riage at St. Louis Bertrand's church Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock, Rev. Father R. G.

Lyons officiating at the ceremony. Miss Catherine Keane and William B. 'Meany were the attendants. Following the ceremony a reception was held at the home or the bride's cousin, Miss Mayme Keaney, of Rogeis street. The happy young couple will begin housekeeping at 730 West Breckinridge street and they have the 'best wishes of their many friends for a matrimonial career of happiness and prosperity.

MANY APPLICANTS. Mibs Camllle Detert. who has charge, of the bureau of employment opened last week by the Women's Activities ot the N. W. reports that from the day the office opened many applicants have called each day to register their names for positions, most of them being for stenographers, bookkeepers, clerks, salesladies, etc.

As there is no charge made for services to either party, the men of the city are asked to co-operate with the bureau by telephoning Miss Detert whenever they need help of any kisd. More calls than can be filled are coming In for wo men who sew and who do housework. Miss Detert is also very anxious for all the 'Catholic women of the city to call to seo the attractive rest-room which has been fitted up for them, to provide a comfortable meoting place, which is open both day and night, up to about xu ciocic. ourien is spending this week in Louisville, having arrived Mast Saturday from the Washington headquarters. ItKTHKAT A SUCCESS.

The spiritual retreat conducted by the Rev. Father Roger, C. of Miss Margaret Keane, to Edward Chicago, for the local Knights of Ammund. The wedding will take Columbus at the Cathedral came to place in June. a close Sunday morning with a 'special mass, when the members, Mr, and Mrs.

Raymond Renn, 411 lied by Grand Knight Thomas D. Eqst Eleventh street, new Albany, Clines, approached the altar in aro naDoy over tne arrival oi a uuuy uuu receiveu woiy cuuimuniuu. pretty baby girl, who named May Joyce Renn. has been Mi 3. Alice McCann, of Cincinnati, who was visiting her mother, Mrs.

Alter the mass a light breakfast was served at the K. of C. Hall. Beginning at 10:30 o'clock, the thiee degrees were exemplified for a class of nearly one hundred. Whon degrees had been conferred the Knights adjourned to a banquet at the Seelbaoh, where covers were laid for 500.

The non-arrival of Misses Helen. Elizabeth and supreme Knight Fiaiierty caused Frances Malone, who attend Sacred, keen disappointment, and a feeling Minnie O'Connell, East Court nue, Jeffersonville, has gone to In dianapolls, to join her husband. CONFIRMATION PICTURES We are giving special attention to Confirmation and First Communion Pictures, at special prices. New York Studio L. F.

GA.UDIE. Prop'r. afll S. THIhD ST. If You Are an Employer And Need a Girl orker, OR If You Are a Girl Worker And Need a Position Sain 3359 CALL US Citj 3359 Wtmin's Activities, Natidhal Catholic War Council 37 South Fourth St.

Eat Side Fourth, Near Broadway CAMILLE DETERT, Employment Bureau. $1.35 Cincinnati $1.35 $2 Round Trip $2 THE DREADNAUGHT Oil and Refining Co. (In Pre-Organized State) Proposed Capitalization $1,000,000 Offers a Limited Number of Its PRK-OHGANIZATION STOCK at fc Per Share PAR VALUE 10c Wo liavo options on more tlian 5.G0O neros of carefully selected drilling: acreage in Kentucky along the of the Cincinnati Arch, in the following counties: Lee, Wolfe, Magoffin, Cumberland, Adair, Allen. OTHER DEALS PENDING Among our options is one well in Cumberland county, tfood for about 40 barrels when shot. Three others drilled there work starting within thirty davs to clean Mime out.

Wo aro negotiating for drilling several wells in Lee. Wolfe, Cumberland and Allen counties. It is our purpose to produce oil and market it, and not to sell any more stock than is absolutely neccssarv to properly develop our properties. Now is the chance to get in on tho "ground floor" of a company that is assured of success. Our manager has, had thirty-three- years' experience, profitable lesults of which are yours at a great bargain for a short period only.

Dreadnaught Oil and Refining Co. C. E. Hoffman, Trustee. 516 Inter-Southern Bldg.

Louisville, Ky. INQUIRY COUPOX Date 1919 Dieadnanght Oil Refining Company, 51C Inter-Southern Building, Louisville, Kentucky. Gentlemen: Send me particulars about your sale of Pre-or-ganizatlon Stock as above stated, without obligation to me, as I am Interested, and you may reserve me shares for ten days at 5 cents per share. Name Street Town State AMHHHM ON STEAMKRS America and Queen City At 5 V. M.

EervFiidav 3oo MEET THE BOAT TRIPS Every Sunday at a. m. from Third and River. Phone Main or City rt. FOLK MONTHS IN GIHOIANY, Heart Academy in New York, spent their spring vacation with Mr.

and Halsey Malone in New York. Eleven months since the money was pledged and there aro still people in Ohio, Indiana and Kentucky who have not yet paid their subscription lo tha second Rod Cross war fund, according to accounting department records at Lake division headsuarters of tho American Rfed Cross. In these three States, $681,645.44, almost 5 per cent, still remains unpaid. GRAY-nUME, "Wednesday morning the marriage of Miss Carollno DeButts Gray and William Garvin Hume was quietly solemnized at St. James church, Rev.

Father Wlllett performing the. ceremony in tho presence of i two immediate families and a close friends of the 'bride aid groom, Tne 'bride was attired in' a tailored suit of midnight blue trico-tlne and a hat of blue straw faced with rose. Her flowers were a corsage bouquet of lilieu of the valley, bride roses and sweet peas. (Mr. and Mrs.

Hume are now on a wedding trln. and after Mar 15 will be at materialism home at 2105 Dougla3 boulevard. of deep sympathy prevailed that he had been summoned to Philadelphia because of the death of his aister. MOURN HIS KKATH Mrs. S.

J. GIsh and Misses A Pelouse, C. Mandevllle and Bess Ilensel and G. M. Shumate com prised a very happy party of Louis-.

Farland this past vlllo visitors to Gotham last week, and needy of tho lose a friend and "benefactor In the death of Armour J. Mc and Seen about the New York hotels they sincerely mourn their loss. In last week were F. E. Bishop, B.

the severe winter seasons and river Woodward, K. R. Morris, J. L. floods McFarland was a fiiend in-Lynch, .1.

Baird, G. E. Vatter ded to the needy and suffering and and Miss L. Stevens, all of Louis- his works df charity were a by-vllle. I word in that district He was a son of the late James and Maria Mr.

and iMrs. B. F. Mattingly, ot McFarland and was associated with Highland Park, and family are his brothers in the grocery and Rnnndinc a few weeks with Mr. Mat- blacksmith business on Fulton tlngly's parents, Mr.

and Mr3. Mat- street. r. aici-anana is surviveu nve different nations, being destroy-tlngly, at West Louisville, Daviess by two brothers, Thomas F. and ed three times.

A part of this fort county. William J. McFarland, and one sis- dates from the Romans and is nat- 'airs, wuuam aemeri. tno u- uraiiy a position ot defense, being John Lynn announces the en- noral took place from tne ramuy390 fet above the Rhine river, and gagement ot his daughter. Miss residence, oao juver roaa.

tjunaay will accommodate 30,000 men. At Sergeant Adam Emmetsberger, a well fenown Louisville boy who is wun tne First Pioneer Infantry ot the A. E. writes as follows to his uncle, Thomas Lynch, of 1113 Seventh street, from Ehrenbreitenstein, Germany: "We will be foqr in this place April 14 and aro longing to make the return trip. Have seen all the Interesting places along the Rhine river, the castles In this section each having a history.

One week tne poor; castle was erected In 742. and had "Point" district different markings on tho additions made in honor of the ruler In power. Some of our soldier boys gath-cied mud and stones and built an addition, labeling It "Woodrow Wilson, November 11. 1918," the letters very large and can be seen miles away I am sending you a picture of Fort Ehrenbroltstein, where we are located. It was erected sluco 1245 and since that time Jins been In the possession of ppnss WAMMYymHMAHHMt MADK IN LOUISVILLE.

SOAP IS EXTRA GOOD! BUY IT. SMILES. BY MAGIC-KELLER SOAP WORKS INCORPORATED tAAAAAAAAA -c TRY IT. I ASK ANY OCULIST Correci Glasses Are as Important as the Right Medicine. We Make Glasses to Meet the Requirements of Oculists' Prescriptions.

THE BALL OPTICAL CO. OKI FOURTH AVENUE OPP. BIAltY ANDEKSON Mary Lynn, to Harry T. Kibhy. The afternoon at 4 o'clock.

wedding will take place in june. Both are prominent In West End Catholic sbcial circles. HONORS ADMIRAL BKNSON. William S. Benson, Chief of Naval Operations, has been the Navy Distinguished ATra.

P. Edward a was host at tea Monday afternoon In tho red 'awarded room of The Seelbach for the Camp Service Medal by direction of Presi- any worse for 'it Lee division of the Victory Loan, Talks were made by Mrs. William Marshall Bullitt and H. Lewis. some later aate i win give you a little synopsis of my war experiences.

I have lived a life' that I never thought I would pull through, sleeping In huts and dugouts, wheat fields, hard rains, and most of the tlmo in the open, vet. I never felt The hardest part LIBERTY INSURANCE BANK For Your Savings U. S. Government Protection. More than 35,000 Bank Accounts, representing 100,000 people with a total deposit of more than 10,000,000, is the monument of confidence built by the people of Louisville at this safe, conservative shty.fHe.year.old bank.

UNDER THE BIG CLOCK MARKET AT SECOND MEN TWO-PIECE SUITS THREE-PIECE SUITS TRY US p1aD $1.50 WE ARE RESPONSIBLE. BEST SERVICE IN TUB CITY. Mr. and Mis. Edward Sheridan announce the marriage of their daughter, Miss Clara Sheridan, to George Larkius.

Jr-, which took place at St. Cecelia's church. Miss Alleen Har rison and Alfred Johnson were the only attendants. Among the Louisville girls to at tend the first select dance of tne Catholic Men's Association of Jef-fnrsonvlll6 weie Mlsfaos Virginia Antre, Adelaide Heuser, Agnes Hal-lanan, Mamie Heuser, Josophlne TIerney, Margaiet Sweeney and Agnes Connelly. The wedding of Miss Anha Fear-ington, daughter or Mr.

and Mrs. J. Fearington, of Park boulevard, and Charles G. Kuhn, took place at St. Leo'a church, the Rev.

Father Newman officiating. Miss Mary Fear- dent Wilson. Admiral Benson is of war was the heavy shelling and now at Paris and presentation of gas" explosives that took many of the medal will not be made until our and those who suffered his return to the United States, as from shell-shock are shattered tho navy medals have not yet been wrecks and may never toe all right, completed. Acting Secretary Roose- Tfje boys fought and died, fought volt sent this cablegram to the Ad- with that true American spirit of miral: I which we can all feel proud. Hope "The President of the United to see you In person before long.

States takes pleasure In presenting Best wishes for a happy Easter." to you the Navy Distinguished Serv- ice Medal for exceptionally merltor- WKST BROADWAY VULCANIZING ious and distinguished service as chief of naval operations through out the war with the Central Pow ers." TI1K PLACE TO KAT. COMPANY, The West Broadway Vulcanizing Company, located at the northeast corner of Seventh and Broadway, Is widely and favorably known to motorists 1n this city, and the work If you wish a regular dinner 'done here is exactly tho same as splendidly cooked and neatly serv-1 that done at any iblg factory. Auto ed, do not fail to 'go to the Medley tires are vulcanized- by experts; tne prices asKea are moderate ana all 'orders promptly attended to. Give the Vulcanizing Works a call when, your tires need fiuch service, Puis Cleaning and Dyeing Co. INCORPORATED Both Phones 2635.

421 W. Chestnut St. BYRNE SPEED COAL CO. 315 NAME, City OfC Mala olD Hotel restaurant, at 620 West Mar ket street The service is quiet and refined, and embraces everything from a buffet lunch to 'banquet. Manager Alexander gives his per sonal attention to his1 guests.

and you will be satisfied with the merits ot the establishment INCORPORATED GuibrioSi. Speed Bldfi. PER TON. WHERE FROM. April and May Delivery Only.

"Taylor" $5.60 Western Ky. "Jellico 6.50 Wilton Mines "Harlan" 6.50. Beauty DOMESTIC COAL STEAM MS. 8RABT, Sate AfMt MS. McTISHE, Sate AfMt X.

A. WATSIM, MMf -i 1.

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