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Hopkinsville Kentuckian from Hopkinsville, Kentucky • Page 7

Hopkinsville, Kentucky
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I4T PHrH WWM iW0tefPl i jiu jaaruwicjtjciruififiw rwj ti i ii JMfcyOwiy nw mi Circuit fcwi Directory Twos First Monday 1m February term three -weeks thlri MoBdy In Majr termiwo weekapr Monday is September term thre weekY Chxisti Fourth Monday In February era six lew first Monday In June term tour wee Monday In September fpfetoWAi oond Monday in April term thife woeki rs Monasv August term two weeksj necond Monday in Korember term throe weeks Lton First Monday In May term two weeks flrat Monday In Aiigusfr ierarjstwff weeks flrn Monnday December term two weeks Di Kollock in Nashville Regular Graduate and Registered rhyslclari Formerly Asilstabt Qurgeon 8 Nary afterwards Post Surgeon Army and later Surgeon British Marine Serrlee with two years experience as physician at Hot Springs Anc Indorsed by tho Encyclopradla anlca Vol page 185 the largest and tMi Important work In the world bein in wenty flTe Yolumes each the sire oi mrso church Bible He Is noted as the dlsooyerer ot tho actlre principle of gelsemlnum a specific for neuralgia of the 1 aoe and womb Cures vaiarra orpaius juost jmuuuuu JDeouity The Dootor nas oeu uvt world and has made mrny cures given up by other physlelans Yendome Bulldlnsr 71 Japan exports matches A Soohd Livkb Maxes a Well Man Are you bilious constipated or troubledwitb4aundice sickheadacho bad taste in mouth foul breath coat ed tongue dyspepsia indigestion hot dry skin pain in back and between the shoulders chills and fever etc If you have any of these symptoms your Jiyer is out of order and your blood is slowly being poisoned because your blood does not act properly Herbine will cure any disorder of the liver stomach or bowels It has no equal as a liver medicine Price 75 cents Freq trial bottles at 0 Hardwicks drug store 1 Obamborlalna Eye and Sklu Ointment Is unequalled for Eczema Tetter Salt Eheum Scald Head Sore Nipples Chapped Hands Itching Piles Burns Frost Bites Chre nicSoro Eyes and Granulated EyoLids For sale by druggists at 25 cents per box TOHOEaBWEras For1 putting ahorse in a fine healthy condition try Dn Cadyfl Condition Powders They tone up the system aid digestion cure loss of appetite1 relieve constipation -correct kidney disorders and destroy worms giving new life to an old or over worked horse 26 cents per package For sale by druggists lmmi0ratioAis Increasing When Baby waa rick wo gT her Costoria When aho was a Child she cried for Castoria When eho became Miss aha clung to Castoria When she had Children she gare them Castoria jjjrdwmenneed to have their blood7 purified enriched by Hoods Sarsaparilla If will give them strength and health New YorkfioVsts a snake farm If Tbodbled With RhedmatismRead This Annapolis Md Apl 16 1894 I have used Chamberlains Pain Balm for rheumatism and found it to be all that is claimed forit I believe it to be all that is claimed for it I believe it to be the best remedy for rheumatism and deep seated muscular pains on the market and cheerfully recommend it to the public Jno Gr Bkooks dealer in boots shoes etc No 18 Main St AL0 READ TIIIS Mechanicsville St Mary County Md I sold a bottle of Chamberlains Rain Balm to a man who had been suffering with rheumatism for several ears It made him a well man A MgGill For sale at 50 cents per bottle by Hardwick druggist St Joseph Mo- expects SI gas ITOXICE I wast every man and woman in the TJnlted Statr Interested in the Opium and Whisky habits to have one of my books on tbese diseases -Address Woolley Atlanta Ga Box 382nndiohe wfllbe sent you froo i Baku people us a clay asfuel Ballards Snow Liniment Mrs Hamilton Cambridge Ills jh7b had fhfi rhmimatiqm so bad I could not raise my hand to my head Ballards Snow Liniment has entirely cured me I take pleasure in informing my neighbors and friends what it has done for me Chas Handloy clerk for Lay Ly man Kewanee Ills advises us Snow Liniment cured him of rheumatism Why not try it It will surely do you good It cures all inflammation wounds sores cuts sprains etc Free trial bottle at Hardwicks drug store Missouri has 886 coal mines With two little children subject to croup we do not rest easy without a bottle of Chamberlains Cough Remedy in the house for the most severe attacks quickly succumb to a few tloBes of it Morrison Colo Bud For salo at 25 and 50cpbr bottle I 0 Hardwick druggist tjpDenmark has 226000 farms If your children are subject to croup watch for the first sjmp torn If Chamberlains Cough Remedy is given as soon bb the child becomes hoarse it will pre vent the attack Evon after thecrpupy jcough has appeared the attack can always be prevented by eriving this remedy It is also invaluable for colds and whooping cough For sale by i TO 10NG V4jfi 0 MK IMKII 1 HFMFnY WHinH Has led all WORM Remedies EVERY BOTTLE QUARAMTEED sOLBBIAIXBSUWHiTH KICKABMOS aufcua CO 8 tOClfci I WIVES 4 INSURE SAFETY TO LIFE OF MOTHER AND CHILD iUdtlieWlrienil 088 CONFINEMENT OF T8 PAIN HOnnOR AND RISK My wifo wsed only two bottles be Was easily and quickly relieved is now uomg spienaiaiy SoMpnToiT Harlppr Sent by express or mall on receipt of price 100 per bottle Book TO MOTHERS mailed froo BB1MIELD SMDUTOB tC0XUlIi GA BABlES Orj BrCyCUES Looks Pretty Bui It Is a Danger ot Practlco Biding along Boyltreet theloibci man with a child not over two years old sitting ioontetitedly in an extra Boat which had been fastened on the frame in front of tho regular seat Tho child and the young man appeared tp exJg jjjdghnj niensely and attracted much attention from pedestriajasu The llfcilo ones feet fitted snugly intoo fVamo support and its hands rested on the handlebar Altogether it appeared just as well satisfied and looked to be as safe as if in a buggy or other vehicle says a Florida Tirqes Union reporter but more than one person remarked Just suppose the bicycle should strike something and turn over If it should the man could possibly get out of the wreck all right but the child would not bo so fortunate It would be almost Impossible for a rider to take care of a child should the bicycle get Into a smash up It would bo all bo could do to look out for himself A Patent en Perpetual Motion It is said that once shortly before the War the patent office did Inadvertently grant a patent for a perpetual motion machine but that is the only case of the sort on file and the model thereof has never worked any better than Its successors Ballards Horehound Sxrup We guarantee this to be the best Cough Syrup manufactured in the whole wide world This is saying- a great deal but it is true1 i FpE consumption coughs colds sorp throat sore chest pneumoniti bronchitis asthma croup whooping ctfugh and all diseases of the throat and lungs we positively guarantee Ballards Bpfehound Syrup to bp without an equal on the whole face of the globe In support of this statement we refer to every inOividufil who has ever used it and to every druggist who has ever sum oucn eviueucoia ble Free trial bottle at li Jttard wicks drug store Great Falls Mont suffered a severe loss from fire on Sept 27 The Darlington Wis Journal says editoriallyof a popular patent medicine We know from experience that Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Di arrhoea Remedy is all that is claimed for it as on two occasions it stopped excruciating pain and possibly saved us from an untimely grave We would not rest easy over night without it in the house This remedy undoubtedly saves more pain and suffering than any other medicine In the world Every family should keep it in the house for it is sure to bo needed sooner or later For sale by Hardwick druggist Eggs are hatched by electricity Do Not Be Imtosed On Always insist on getting Foleys rHoney and Tar as it is positively absolutely aud unqualifiedly the best cough medicine Accept no substitute For sale by Wyly Brazil has a 8l00 karat diamond Never Say Dif Many desperate cases of kidney diseases pronounced incurable have been cured by the Clinic Kidney Cure Many physicians use it For salo by Wyly We havU 203916 acres of peanuts What The People Say I couldnt keep store without Fo levs Honey and Tar Whipple Loshnt 111 Ship at ouce cant sell any other cough medicine Ellis Montrose Wis Foleys Honey and Tar saves me doctors bills every winter A Towner Manteuo 111 For salo by 0 Wyly MOST IN QUANTITY BEST IN QUALITY 3 WHITES GSESM iVERMIFUGE ESCAPED THE BEAK Only to Meet Suffering In a More iPalnful Form A Commercial Traveler Tells a Story of I SfcHrtUnjr Advontnro Ills Hero Won- dors Nine Days In tho Wilderness Drulflod and Hungry Ira Smith commercial agent of the hprthTnnd south roadj roturned recently from a trfp along tho line Hetel9ai3lory which verifies says tho Arizona Republican the say ing Ahat truth is stranger than fiction While ho was going to Ash Fork a youngmanstepppd aboard the train ni Jereme Junction who looked like thetfscnd edUloibf RlpTtm Win- rlde line fijfcrauge and uncouth bpfrUr waa unaouoteaiT young out nis iace was pinched and drawn -with hunger and his eyes large and haggard J1 clothes bung about hlm Jy epireOe vnuetno ttesh that showed through tho rents was laoerated and bruleod The aspect of the young man waa one to excite pity Mr Stnitb spoke to the young man and Baked him the cause of his forlorn appearance jatPhpyoung follow stated that nearly fcIiVee weeks ago he and anotheij young mad named Kennedy left Wlllams to go to Jerome to get work in tho mines Not haying an abundance of money they concluded to walk tho entire distance They experienced nothing out of the ry until the third day on the trip On that day about noon they were descending a mountain when a commotion in their rear caused them to look around and to their horror they beheld a largo cinnamon bear making dlreotly forthem To think was to act and the young man who tells the adventure dropped to tho ground and rolled down the hill over brush cactus and stones to an arroya below When he arrived at the bottom ho was nearly insensible from hiscontact with the stones and cacti He painfully picked himself up ud could1 distinguish tho agonis ing cries of Kbnnedy on tho hll above and ho feltcertaln his companion was in the dutches of tho animal The crlos soon ceased and the young man set to work picking tho caotua points that literally covored his person Tho process was siow and tedious and attended iwltbi great agony After he hadirid himself of the cactus points ho literally covered the wounds vHth mud to keep down tho Inflammation and started up tho arroya Each succeeding day brought him no sign of a human habitation and his lacerations made progress slow He subsisted on berries and tho fruit of the cactus which ho suckedto obtain moisture when water was not to be found Each nightie lay down thinking it was hla last on earth but would awaken In the morning stiff from his bruises and weak from hunger but he staggered on and on the ninth day struck Jerome Junotion more dead than alive How Ho Took Exercise Poor Harry Shelraan the longhaired poet who dressed his entire person to resemble Buffalo Bill and who waa in fact startlingly like the greatest of scouts used to tell of a literary friend of his who had a novel method of taking exercise His workshop was on the top floor of his house far from tho noise of the street and ho used to write about fifteen hours a day He was not a Howells or a Bronson Howard whose working hours never exceeded four in uny one day He worked he labored ho tolled He had no time for a bicycle and could not afford ta horse He hated walking Run ho could not Stlil he must have exercise He kept his dictionary in the basement and his thesaurus in the kitchen As ho used both very often it wasi necessary to make many trips downstairs and up again and In that way ho kept himself In splendid physical condition A visitor once saw him dashing downstairs like a madman and soaring up again like a kite and was distressed till informed by Johns wife that John was simply hunting for a word and had found it Monday Is Wash Day Just the Same I dont see why It Isnt as well to hang out the family wash on Wednesday as upon Monday said a disgusted man Yet I have known women who wouldnt have a flat unless they could wash on Monday As five floors of two families cant dry hi the back yard and on the roof the same day and the Mon day prejudice is very strong landlords have had to erect huge telegraph poles In the rear of the flat houses from whlqh pole lines are operated on a level of each floor This system also affords tho addi tional pleasure of a near view of the number and character of your neighbors family wash There must be some substantial reason for a woman doing1 just as her neighbors do and what al women in the civil 1 ized world do and haye been doing KTirtA Wf TT A Miracle in Texas INVESTIGATED BY THE TEXAS CHRISTIAN ADVbCATE AMD unrimrn tad dv no Yuuvvncu run ui vi Jfh STANSBURY From the Texo Cliruwn Advocate Our representative has made a careful in Tcatigatlon of tho II 12 Spaulding case at sXqngvlew which is here published for the first time and which will be read with great intei est bj medical Men eyerrwhere inrepiT to me Lnrtman Advocates quel tiofas Mr Spaulding said About eight years ago while running a locomotive I contracted Sciatic rheumatism in bit left side from my hip down It camo on slow but sure and in a few months I lost control entirely of that member it was just the same as if it was paralyzed I was totally unable to more sut of my room for a year and a half six moptbsof which time I was bed ridden I tried every remedy suggested and had regular physicians in constant attendance on me I was bundled up and sent to Hot J3pringi where I spent three months under fiht treatment of the roost eminent special ists all of which did me no good and I came back from the springs in a worst condition than when I wot I came home and laid flat on my back and suffered the most excruciating agenies screaming in pajn every time anybody walked across the room the only ease I obtained being from the constant use ef opiate After thre months of this kind of agony during whioh time my entire left leg perished away vo mo very iraoi wrmnuwiu nu uauoa io a new remedy called Dr Williams Pink Fills for Fale People by Mr Allison who is now train dispatcher at Texarkana and who was relieved of locomotor ataxia of1 twenty years duration At his urgent and repeated solicitation -I consented to give them a trial after taking a few dotes I began to Improve I continued taking the pills and kept rizht on improving until I was finally cured My leg is just the same size now as the other oDemu i am sure thai Pink Pills not only curcd me but saved by life The reporter next visited Dr CH Stanu bury a graduate of one of the mrdicalj schools of Kentucky and a man who enjoys the confidence ofeverybody in Longviejv He said I know that Mr Spaulding had a terribly severe attack of sciatic rheumatism of which I tried to euro him used every thing known to my profession in vain and finally recommended him to go to Hot Springs He came back from the springs worse than when he went aud I thought It was only a raater of time until his heart vould be affected and he would die I also know that his cure is tho direct result of the ua of Dr Williams Pink Pills That is ratheran unusual statement for a regular physician to make doctor I know it is but a fact is a fact and therodare hundreds of people right here In Xongvlew who knw what I say is the truth I also know Mr Allison and know that he was relieved of a genuine and severe case of looomotor ataxia of twenty years standing Deciphering an Abbreviation Heros a letter fpr pujrout said onorostal clerk to another What do you suppose stands for Not British Columbia surely No roplied tho man addressed That stands for Bleeding Kansas It was sent to the Sunflower Judgo Even Up Ethel Singleton But tell mo dear doeeaman got really angry every time he comes home and finds dinner isnt ready Mrs Benedict sweetly Yes just about aa angry as a woman gets every time sho has it ready and ho doesnt come homo Puck That Ended the Dream At mtdnlcht In his guarded tent The Turk was dreaming of the hour When Greece her kneo in supplianco bent Would tremble at his power And In hi dreams the fooman foil Boforo his blados fell stroke And everything had como his way And thou tho buby woke Detroit Tribune The Modern Daughter I wish to ask your permission to pay my nddressep to your daughter said the old fashluned young man AU right said the old gentleman If I can get her permission to give you my permission go ahead Indianapolis Journal Poor mind Pupal Peremann Ilattie is such an affectionate daughter ThlB morning I received such a tender appreciative three page letter from her at school Hattles Sister cynically What did sho ask you for in the postscript Truth Travels of tho Puff Oldboy I wonder where these big puffed sleeves arc going to end Guffy I dont know tho bicycle girls just now seem to wear them between tho waist and tho knees Ilarpers Bazar A Mean Lover I love to make my Mabel cry By Jealous taunts and Jeers For tnon I set a obanco to try And kiss away ber tears Harpers Bazar FORCE OF niDING HABIT Sbo stood ready resBed for cycling In her latest costumo sweet And hor luiHbntul oUarmod enraptured Could have worsblpod at her feet Sbe was In tbo act of mounting Yot she seemed to hosltato Then sho asked with old tlmo vigor Kxo my bloomers on quite stralKhtf -Truth Stningo aud It a re IIow Strange a Thing Is Man This was tho title of her graduation essay Afterwards sbo went to tho summer resort liotol and found that ho waa even mora so Ni Recorder iWH CERULEAN SPRINGS 1845 Ttlqq Coiintv Keixfrucky GUNN 00Maers This famous health and pleasure resort tho oldestffhT jjVestern Kentucky is situated on tho 0 Railroad li miles from PrihcefonandlG miles from Hopkinsville and is open the year round SIX TRAINS DAILY THE HOTEL ACCOMODATIONS ARE UNSURPASSED ujphur and Chalybeate Water in Abundance Temperature of Sulphur Water 56 degrees flowing from a bod nd neva failing spring AN EXCELLENT ITALIAN STRING BA0 QN HAND Rates reasonable and made known oh application Address Managers For Descridtiye Pamphlet and full paHicfujjitfs jurjeVfeaapanow open TOM MAJOR HEADLEY Jb Late of ClarltsvllIeTenn Late of tilvens Steadier fcO MAJOR TOBACCO WAREHOUSE TOM MAJOR CO- PROPRIETORS No 1025 West Main Street Louisyille Ky in the Old Reliable- 1895 MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INSURANCE CO OF NEWARK NEW JERSEY AMZI t0DD President Total Assets January 1st 1895 652830 Paid Policy Holders since organization 137 66131662 Surplus Former Standard 67283 Losses paid In Kentucky over 80000 After second year GUARANTEED 4SH SURRENDER VALUES on life and endowment policies INCONTE8TIBLE CASH LOANS made on assignable policies In caseoflapseno FORFBITURE policy Is continued In force FOR FULL AMOUNT by the reserve or If pre ferred to the purchase of a paid up poller No restrictions as to RESIDENCE or OCCUPATION THE BEST CONTRACT EVER OFFERED Call or write for sample policy at your age and on plan desired FW SMITH CO State Agents 542 West Main street Louisville Ky CALLIS WALLACE local Agents HOPKINVILLE KENTUOKY II IWMH I I I II I I Grant Propr Formerly with Alexander 01 MONUMENTS FjJSTmxsvmTzmmKaanaKxrstvwai TABLETS Grant BBaldwin fCIerks ARLINGTON HOTEL BEAS0N0NBLL RATES CORNER TWELFTH AND MAIN STBEET LiCl IJ 1 i ll ML- -5 TOT BAR BARBER SHOPk lftLNHUJftKX3E3KJLJS SAMUEL MDBdN Claiksyille Tenn MANUFACTURER AND IMPORTER 0P ITALIAN MARBLE SCOTCH SWEDE and the most desirable EASTERN GRANITES STATUARY ft After 40 years experience we feel confident that all work i entrusted to us will be executed in an artistic aud skillful UILUIUUI a ONLY THE BEST MATERIALISED 63F Mr Whitlow is our solicitor BBgram ii Lull 3 wtjWSlssri33HMMife wmmm Livery Feed And Sale Mmi Stable COR SEVENTH AND VIRGINIA STS HOPKINSVILLE KENTUCKY J2flpGoodRigs -with or without drivers furnished day or night Special rates to Commer clalmen Good lot room adjoining NICE WAITING BOOM FOR LADIES TWO SEPARATE SCHOOLS UNDER CNE MANAGEMENT BOWLING GREEN Business Go ss JLKJ ir SOUTHERN iWmiiM Normal School ESTABLISHED IN 1870 BOWLINQ GREEN BUSINESS COLLEGE SOUTHERN NORMAL SCHOOL The creat Business Training School ol the South I English Teachers Scientific and Classic Book Keeping Short hand Telegraphy Type 1 Courses Music Art and Elocution provided Writing and Penmanship Pupils can enter at I for Low rates of board and tuition Send fat any time Send for catalogue catalogue 0Mentloa Courso desired Address OHEKET BE 03 Prours Bowling qreenKy HOW TO DRESS NEATLY Every one knows we are artists in woolen fabrics and the most fashionable tailors in the city We guarantee fits and absolutely dont want our customers to pai for am clothes that are not thoroughly satisfactory Our stock fall winter woolens is now complete embracing all the latest designs in London specials and Foreign importations exclusive with us No one else can show them OUR TRIMMINGS are always the very best Wq invite you to call and see for yourself and get prices TOBINCQ.

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