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Hopkinsville Kentuckian from Hopkinsville, Kentucky • Page 3

Hopkinsville, Kentucky
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ijopHirwilU XtntitMwn IllftO. K. HAHTLKY, HihIihi UUESDAY, JUNK 14, 1802. JSHS KM it B5W! L. M.

TIME TABLE, Tlitxiaoixoxouii. Ht.Uul. atKl Chicago tf.Trelu. Wgy P. TltlKiUOIXaHOGTU litl (.111, rttuilllAocom lilin.

u. done not run on fti. Uul CMC4D Fa.t Tnn bit through tralne lend enu eieepera I ml. luCUIcaruaniioi Ulll Ulp unit kl linix.ilinl nation. MbU nrvMlnp.

11m through i'ulliana DlMixn J.lI.Aoiul, Agent, PERSONAL GOSSIP. ''Mr. M. Wnllls baa returned from Howling Green. IJarker Jwiup of Fatrvlew, wm la the city.

laslThureday. Mm. J. F. While, of Cadiz, Is visit-log relatit en In Uio city.

Dr. John P. MoKenzIe, of Loroy, 111., vWted relative hero lout week. Charlie Nourao has returned from Central University at Richmond, Ky. Mm Birdie Caudle, of near the city last Thursday, visiting fritnda.

Mis EIoIbo Nelson has returned from pleasant visit to; Columbia, Tenn. Miss Mary McCulloch, who has bees teachintf at Howell, has returned homo for tho RHr. Miss Sammlo Whlfo and Mtea Mary Collins, both of Newstead, were in tho city last Thuwday. JHmJooJowW, of Tedueah, has returned homo after pleasant visit to Mrs. Jno.i'.

Campbell. Mlw Mary Tyler la expected to return from'sehool at Bowling Green Uda week aoeompenled by two young ldyfrwHi' Misses Nwmte Downer and Lula Moaley were In ttumllvllle last week attending the commeacement oieclsea of Bethel College. Mr. and Mrs. W.

A. WUgus return-d Friday from the National Editorial 4 Association trip through tho Western Stale. Miss Sallle Joeup, returned homo from B.uaeelhillo last Thursday whoro she has been attending tho commencement eieicises of Bethel College Mr, R.H. Wilson, who at Johns Jlopklns University, Baltimore, tho degree of A. B.

at the Atako oxerclses this oveaing. Ilopklnsrille Is nqw unusually well Muwlied with visiting joung ladies. The following are now visiting In the Mkses Ellen and Mary Joan son, Louisville, at Mr. C.B. Wobb'a; MtoeeMary Posoy, EvaurviUo, and S115a Lindsar.

Owensboro, at Mr. J. M. roan's: Misses Josio and Nellio at Mr. E.

B. Long's; Miss Nora Badger, Naahvlllo, nt Mr. Wall's; Miss Edna Browning. Anchorwre. at Mr.

Geo. C. Long's; Miss Annie Thomas, raducah, at Mr, Buckiier LoaroU's; Mlsa Coutie Baker, Springlisld, Bt T. W. Long's; MkeWlthrow, Virginia, at Mr.

J. E. Morherson's; Miss Mario Sullivan, Elklon, at Mr, E. M. Flack's; Misses Lucile and Cwnllle Gordon, Columbia, at'Mr, M.

H.Nel9on'ssMlsa Ruby Cobb, JPadiicab, at Mr. Jno. P. Camp-belt's; MUa Daisy Rloe.lGreenvllle, at Mr. John L.

Brasher'a. INCREASED REGISTRATION. Incomptets Rtturos Show Nesrif Full Vats. The regular registration closed Saturday with a heavy vote registered. Tho colored voters with hardly an their.

uiMe8." A few Demoeratyea usual, hided tho enemy talnir away, but as thoy will havo an opportunity to register for and President In October, iii miv have more sense by that Tha. following had beon heard from yesterday: 1892. 1891 Y. O. w.

a 121 210 187 UmUuivlllo. 95 817 108 100 ICO 116 237 172 300 Pembroke 223 190 225 FakvteW 91 22 30 15 80 23 BeUe'view 79 Wl 80 93 IlnlAo 8, II BO 135 84 114 Crelt 72 809 01 122 90 129 152 72 181 112 CO 111 93 118 LalayeWov 89 Barker's 78 72 72 GamUaburg 113 85 120 MtlYerwHi R2 i5 185 41 iRsbu Tewstead RewmWowu FrSfllill Scat' a To4 8709 2209, TUlMSpvwiiiwis reported give 2-114 MU oelered. The nlno misSMtrpWfMJ" ln 11 registered eolored. This wlUiWfW P8" iBoreasq tt ilia itrauM(4d preelncts lodicateii a Malty fclwit 6800 against 1 year4 5 To Olsanis The Syitsm. Eflfeetwilly yet gently, when costive weenine woou jnjure or sluggish, to permanently cure habluot (sassUpatlou, to waxen HiueysoM ttvfr witttftut lll'img or umm fmmnt ine 19 nwwu or weAKsoing tnew, ooKM or HERE AHD THERE.

yiUllft Liver Tills euro without de bilitating. MoKeo has 25,000 Totalo slljw for sale. AH choice variolic. Next Sunday will bo children's day ot tho Ninth Slrcot Presbyterian Court li. Duckor Underwood, undertakers, office oppoeilo First National Bank.

Something extra cheap In gold fill cd and silver watches, at Bow Knota In Chatelaines, Stick and Breast l'ins sllror mid gold, at Yates'. McKoc, tho grocer, wanta to buy your wool and cow hldos as woll as produco. Dr. A. Knapp, tho colobratod will bo at Dr.

Young's office July 1 and 2. J. Robs Grosham, who was Injured in tho wreck noar Trenton aotno weokB elnco, Is out again. Dr. Donnln has been nppointod sur geon for tho O.

V. Railroad nt this placo. The revival at tho Ninth Street Presbyterian Church closed last wook with 39 accessions to tho church, Soo special local of salo of GO Wyo ming horses and mares at Williamson, root Golay's livory stablo next Saturday. Mrs. Elizabeth T.

Green wtw strick en with paralysis last Friday and still lies In a very critical condition. Dr. A. I. Campboll, dentist, Mo Danlol building, upstairs, next door to Judge Landes' law office, Oper ating a specialty.

Tho delegation from Uopkinsrillo 18th aid tho rush on the 19th. A dozen or injre expect, 10 go. Tfo closing exercises ot the Public Schotftwill bo hold at the Opera Houm Thursday night, Juno 1G. Ticketron salo ot Galbrealh's to-day. Mr.

m. Cowan has boon annoin ted agrlcultiial agent for tho World's I'fllr conAiiss'on for tho counties of aouu, uvna, union, lion bids and ThocMdron of Mr. W. W. zio, ot 04 Grovo, had family reun ion lastriok on tho 89th birthday of tho old rjntleman, who Is Btill halo and lioslf, Tho pofractod mooling at tho nurch is still in program.

Tboro hii boon 40 conversions up to Sunday 'JUtornoon services have boon changed'rem 3 to 4 o'clock. Aroumduthrio somo wheat has already boharvestod and this wook a great dot More will bo cut, Farmors who harvested their crops say that It Is finest raised for many years. EnginrcTJiltner, who was Injured in tho retHt Trenton wreck, was taken to NaivMle last nwk and his leg wan amputid. Ho stood tho oporn tlon withtQMrkablocourngo oud Is getting alag.nlooly. In a gaw base ball botwoon the Guthrlos od J.Clarkarilloe, played Bt the fornuliplia) Saturday last, tho Guthrlos vaf Victorious by score of 18 to 13.

Qaly eight innings vrero played and rifcho rules of tho gamo thoGuthrlobJafmcd ntno to nothing. A now of tho Publio theiil Library bos just been printody tftia office. Tho library has volumes for circulation, and 8 WSrofdrence, makings total ot HKMfcmoa. Tbo library will boopon fl'r tho summer vacation on 9 to 11 m. This affords bjAug folks an excel lent opportunist read good turoduring tb6tummur vacation, Thogold treiamt forthe euro of drunkenuesa iooilongoran experiment.

Wo untrsnd that Uiero fa a strong probab'ljfjf! tha gentlemen who own tho sWifcht of tho Hogey system, whose lesBquartera are In Bowling Groea4Hng an institute hero. Somo ixywus cures bavo Iron effected at3oliiutr Green, and as this is a gootfetitis to be hoped that Inuucomerjwi do sucn as to socuro tbo an Institute hero. Mr, Jno. ab. one of the best known and capablo young merchants In I has bought an interest In tlie Mr.

Geo. W. Center, on Nint sud the firm of Lipscomb I will open up in a few days, Lipscomb has been tho right I lan at A. A. Metz a for sovoi ly understands i business.

llo will havo this depart- ment, Tha 1 occupy both rooms of tho ling, The Hopkin' 'ubllo Schools wMloloee the the present aehool year next" and reopen aaimrston thofc iiday of next Sentember, Tb eommenoe; meut exercises yi teld at Hol- land's Qperalx lio evening of Thursday, Juuoft be exercises will begin at 8 iptly, and will close about, The for the occasion! (3 delivered by PrbLW.H. iw. Prlnctpal oftha Girls' III Louisville PxofiBirthol of, tho fore- most educators i(e, and a flae sneaker. 'HI will a LreAt. A amaU a'1 fee will be charged and rea4: osjiba eured without fl lleoal 'soet.

S4aoMleai 31 sjianhia1 Wathmadi'i CHEAM OF NEWS. Struck by Lightning. ThoBlabloofMr.Phll Redd, noar Caledonia, wns etnick by lightning last Wednesday night and burned down with all lis contents. Residence Destroyed. Tho dwelling houso of Mr.

Spasior itepso, noar Roaring unrintrs, was burned last Thursday whllo tho fomlly was away from homo. Nothing what ever was saved. Mr. Roeso Is a broth or-In-law of Mr. Thos.

M. Jones, of this city. Ills loss in 1,500 or more, with no Insurance. An Arm Broken. A hoavy blast was let of on tho railroad Saturday afternoon, which throw a four pound rock through tho upstairs window of C.

B. Wobb's storo. Tho brooking sash frightonod a country team nearby, which ran away and throw two colored women out of tho wagon. Ono escaped with few bruises but thoothor was badly hurt, having ono arm broken. Sho was tnkon to Dr.

Young's office, whoro hor injuries wore ottonded to. Her namo could not bo learned. Tho team was driven by Sam D. Radford. Knocked off to Martin.

Tho city Council hold a special meeting yesterday and sold to J. Martin tho franchises for eloctrio Ighb', waterworks and sewerage sys tern, tho price being $1. each. Tht was tbo only uiu. was ine last precautionary step and tho con- Uract heretofore entered into with Mr.

Martin was thereupon closed and signed. Counciimcn Flack and Ellis ontorod a formal protest and had It entered on tho records. Tho contract price is $5,500 por annum forlOyears morn pipes having been sary than estimated under tho (5,000 pro post! on. Only $9.00 to Chicago and Return Via Evansvillo routo from Hopkins- villo. Tickets on Solo Juno 10th to 20th, good returning until July 8th.

Solid vcstlbulod train of Pullman slociKjrs and day coachos leaves Nashville dally at 7.55 p. m. 1020 p. arrives at Chicago 10.40 tho following morning. A special train elegantly equipped will leuvo Nashvillo p.

in. Saturday, Juno 18tb, arriving in Chicago 6:00 a.m. tho 19th. Secure stooping car berths in advance through W. H.

Halfltoad, Commercial Agont, Tonn. R. A.CAsmtEix. Gen'l Pass. Evansville, Ind.

Christian County S. S. Union. Tho Christian County Sunday School Union mot with tho Gracoy Presbyterian church Juno 3rd and 4th. Thoroworo present representatives from the Mothodist, Prosbytorian, Baptist and other churches.

Mr. J. G. Barkloy, Stato visitor, op ened devotional exercises. Rev.

S. N. Vail, of Hopkinsvlllo, is prceidont ot tho Union. J. F.

Clardy ucted as Thoro was a long list of for discussion, with assignments to each for oponlng discussions. G. Barkloy read a communica tion from tho. Graves County Union sending greeting to this Union. Fol lowing is a list of subjects: "How to keep up Sunday School in tho country all.

tho yearf," discussed by J. D. Clardy. "Church mombera and tbo Sabbath School," by S. N.

Vail and J. G. Berkley. "Tho tendency of Sabbath School to promote christion Union," by E. B.

Bossett and W. Randlo. "Sowing tho Socd Tho word of God From heart to heart," discussod by E. B. Bassolt in an earnest, Interesting and instructive talk, followed by D.

Clardy and others. "How to enlist tho Sabbath School In tho Missionary work of tbo church," S. N. Vail and J. I.

Landes. AVTEnNOOX SESSION. After partaking of a bountiful din-nor, services wore opened by singing and a prayor by Judge Londea. Tho noxt subjew: "Kentucky Sunday School Union, its alms and methods This subject wo? ably discussed by the Stato Sunday School visitor, G. Barkloy.

Tho next thing on tho program, delogates to tho State convention at Princeton were olected, B. and W. W. Clarko, of woro olocted. Tho next subject, "Practical method in Sabbath School work," was ably scussed by Airs, 11.

11. JJrvant, in a concise and interestlntr paper, cover ing tho wholo subject, Tho largo audience, by unanimous consent, voted that it bo sent to the oouutj pa twirn far DublicatiOU, Judrro J. I. Landes, of Hopkins vlllo, read a vory able and. eloquent paper on tho subject, "Essential UlcatlOOB or oupenuiuaueiii, biu Teacher." This was also requested for nubltention.

After tho reading of Ihispapor tha Superintendent ot Pembroka Sunday Sonool was chosen of tho County Sunday School Union for Pembroke dislriet, Clardy, of Bollevlew nroclnct. and Andy Boyd, BenuetUtown precinct. After closing exercises, adjourned. J. F.

Cladpv, Soo, Tho New York bulldlnst at tha ex- nosition. as shown br tho plan which tho commissioners haye approved will bo one of the most commodious ana artlstlo of all. It will measure 97 by 193 feet, be two stories high, and covered wlth.stuft treated to represent marble. The estimated cost ia from 160,000 to 1100,000. The ground Hoor to to contain wide corridors, an tnfnrmiitlnn bureau, nostofflce.

narcel room, open court aud large receotlon xiajha nj, nvutmi w. mw wvwm. w. Ttir have a large hall (f auditorium, 431 by 80 feet, a general reception roett) aud an spariweafor the tho'stata who may-be BMtthe. Tbedtjsitfnof the mm at tha ItaMaa tmikjmm eftter with a mgfmUofi jet mHi eolotal CITY COURT NEWS.

Rudolph Croason, drunk, fined $5 and costs. Laura Taylor, disorderly, fined 1 aud costs. Lona Skinnor, same, samo. Hcury Clark, c. a.

d. givon 45 days in tho work houso. Everybody buys Paragon Brands aftrr a trial. Tho best moats on tha tnarkot. A Prompt Payment.

Gracev, Jdnb 7, '92 Buckuor Loavoll, Spccal Agont, Mutual Fund Llfo Association, 88 Park Row, Now York. Dnar Sis; An ac- knowlodgomont is duo and your toomod association, for tho prompt ness and very satisfactory mannor in which you paid mo $2,000, on policy hold by my late husband, Jos. M. Toor. On Invostijmtion I find Mr.

Toor paid only $12,24, Proof of doath was Bubmllcd to association May Claim was allowed ono week nftor dalo, namoly May 11, and nineteen days aftor satisfactory proof of doath your association paid mo abovo amount in full, being nearly throo mouths before duo, according to poli cy, very liospocuuiiy, MarvU.tekb. Tho Paragon Brand of meals Is tho i cnrlh. Ask your' Krocer for Paragon brand. KooJloc ft tonic, or children that want bull dlat up.tliouMuVo HHOWN'S 1IIOM B1TTB1U. It ti plaanl tk, curt MiUrU, and DUlonsceti.

AU dealn keep U. SPECIAL LOCALS Columbian Exposition. Tha Vint. Knlinnnl Bonk has open ed an account called "Tho Columbian Exposition Fund," and proposos a plan by which most any body maylxj bdio to attonu ino ctooi iiur won, Particulnra on application. Dividend No.

12. At tho semi annual mooting of tho Board of Directors of tho Crescent Milling Company, a dividond of four tier cant. Ml was uoclarod out of tho net'oarningsfor tho six months ending May Ulst, lavi, ana payaoio miy ui, R. H. Juno 9, '92, Soo'y Troas.

Barred Plymouth Rocks. Pure and carefully bred stock. Eggs 75 conts per 15. All eggs dated and cuarantod fresh and pure. Orders by mail promptly attondod to.

01. A1EACIIAU. Hopkinsvillo. Ky. AUCTION SALE! OF Wyoming Horses.

Will HBU UIO UltiUIXII, UlUUUli ai HOPKINSVILLE, SATURDAY, Juno 18th, 1892, 50 head of Western horses and mares. This stock is all vountr and well bred. Tbeso horses should not bo classed with Texas ponies, as aomo of them havo boon sired br standanbbrod horsos, raisod jn JContucky. Thoy arp cosily broken and mako good horsos for saddlo and Jicrht harness. Every boree must bo as I represent, Dotti as to ago ana oonuiuon, on win not ask you to pay for it.

Farmors should not fail to attend this sale, as thoro will bo somo lino colta that will grow Into monoy. Salo at Williamson's at 10 a. m. TERMS: Ninety days time on approvod notes. 2 por cent discount for cash.

R. W. Browning. Boarders Wanted. a Boarders wanted, with or without lodging.

Well furnished rooms. Virginia shoot, house lately occupied by Jno. C. Doy. R.

E. Waltolb. lt FARM FOR SALE. Two and a half milos from Hop kinsvillo, Clarksvillo piko, 1G0 acres, woll improved, good dwelling, aud For further information apply to BITTER nopkinsvillo, Ky. 3PsitxorLlZG L.

Home Industry! A full lino and splondid stock of strawberry, mspborry end othor small fruit plants for salo. Quality, oto. guaranteed. Mrs. Alice S.

Hancock, Casky, Ky J. R. Hawkins, the ninth street grocer, has always on hand fresh butter and eggs, poultry, fruits and vegetables and a general stook of staple and fancy grooeries. All the newest and latest styles in Shirt Studs, Neok Chains and gold Hairpins at T. G.

YATES'. Lots for Sale. Two very desirable building lots on Virginia Btreet, rear, of tho W. T. Rad ford lot.

Excellent location, west side of tho street, and suo otthem a corner lot, within a few blocks of the bus! sees portion of the city. Apply to, Trustees Baptist Church I Unheard of Prices from 9 o'olook to 12 o'clock Thursday, June 16tb, Read every line of this and then come and see that everything is sold just as advertised. COST NOT CONSIDERED FOH 3 HOURS, Jo for pnpor of hair pins, 8 hour salo only, la fomtrinnnntbluo Anlr. box for best hair pins, box for Invlsablo hair To cako of transparent 3o cako for Dusky Diamond tar soap, 8 hr Balo only to vnnl for novoltv ruchlmr. 8 hour solo out v.

5j a pair for mon'a suspondors worth 15c, throe hour salo only. 7o for men's box, worth doublo, 11 hour salo only, lba for ladles fast black hoso full regular, worth 25a 8 hour salo onlv Gc for ladies fast black hour salo onlv. 7Jc for Mnsonvlllo Lonsdalo nnd Fruit domestic, 10 yds. to customer, lioursnio only, for 10-1 brown or bloodied aheelluir. Lockwood, Androscoffirnn or rjuc tor imost nnon snooting, iiiournaioouiy.

Inr iCock (Jily Uro. Uomestio hr. salo only. for Gilt Edgo Glondalo Ac, Bleached Domes tic 8 hr. Salo only.

9c. for 42 Inch Cabot Cotton 3 hr. salo only luc. lor Uotlon a lOo. for Lonsdalo Cambrio 3 23o, for fino Holland window elmiloa on spring rol lore it.

15c. for best cloth window fo. for any brand of Calicos tic. for no. 1 Cotton Checks 3 hr.

salo only. 25 ner cent off retrular 35c. for mens fino nock wear latest stylo worth 50 to $12.00 for figured China only four loft. Romembor from 9 to 12 o'clock thoso On abovo day from 10 to 11 oclockbodn Wator 'lickols given froo to ono and all. -A- Mi unuMu Commissioner's Sale.

Christian Oirciit Oourt, Kentucky. T. Mason's dd'mrs Plaintiffs vs. Equity. Josephine Mason OtJiers, Defts Under judgmont of tlio Oourt, rendered in tho nfbresnld cnuso nt tho Mnrcli term, 1892, 1 will on Monday, July 4th, 1892, At tho Court Houso Door in Hopkinsvillo, sell at pub in auction, on a credit of nlno months for and months for two-thirds, the following trait of land, situated in Christian county, eight milos bouiu oi viii acres, known as tho Locust Grovo nlaco.

and adioininc tho Locust Grovo Church lot. Bounded on tho nortb by tbo road loaumg irom ino Clarksvillo Turnplko at tho to Locust Grovo Church; on tho oast by tho Radford or Modloy land, and on samo is tno om uoson uwomng houso; barns, stables, oto. 807J acrea known as tho V. Ttadford land, sold by W. T.

Had-ford to O. T. Mason. Bounded on tho east by tbo Clarksvillo Turnpike, on tbo north bv tho road loading from sldo to said church, on tho west by sail! b'Jij acres uract, on llboforo dosignatod, or ouough tho Medloy land. There is of to mtht" dobt8 0gain8t C.

T. an old barn and cabin on this tract. MttSon. mnountlnir to tSSiw UnSnmuoUilM barns dSSSiSvSi HUNTER WOOD, AMOS W. HARRIS, Utmljcxmd Dlrottor Id SwIdc Ureoden' Af UUon.

and UrceJtr ncgl.tereil HHHjA HOGS, Union County, Ky, NolMDSlMitSnl.claHSUMk tilpied, all iurnld rc)rtJ. Bre.lliiKuUt'lo Ibtl l'lg un up. piled Htlray month la lb jtt, I'rlce. AcerdlB( A snd ex. 1'aitoMt Ad Jr 4.

flOVRNOr, Vntoli Count XV. MniWll NMUaul Bank, MorjMaJ. tUnkol UnlocUura ni Ctcnty USlclilj nd WhULx HaU. npiiTM It. eored lumt Willi out itfttn.

Koek Bfti1. uzzz SStMpoiLxr.UHU, tji WblWUMl worth 10c, hr. salo only pins, nour suio ouiy. toilot eonp, 3 hr. salo only hose, worth doublo, thro Popporill.

it lir. salo only. long lir. Bain only. shades spring rollers 7 ft.

a ii r. nn lo only. price on all cinrrhamf 75c. ii lir. salo only.

Silk suits that sold at 15.00 prices go THURSDAY, JUNE in. GO feaa And look at his beautiful GOOdC WHITE G000S, MBROXDERIES JMmi Nitin nmn a ivwrt(Sl sf oast by tho Clarksvillo Turnpike, on tho north by said 8073 aero tract, on tho west by Uio James Modloy farm. I 207J acres known as tho Jnmos Jlodley land. lJoumleu on tho east by tho said Jonnlo and Ilottio uiw uu uw uww uj uw Radford land, on tho west by said Locust Grovo place. No" houso on this tract, All of tho aforesaid land is in a

nt nultivntlnn lira, nlnRa Bnn. rvMmivinn.i nni will bo sold in four soparato tracts as hero- jr'8 1U)r0Ht tWoroo'audoirect of replevin bonds. Master Commissioner. Money Saved is Money Made StJloW) cent. onetcryilollar Jim iind Wrlta forprmammoih Catuloguii.

Loot.contalnlnKltlujtrsIloiuauilKtvlnslowf.l niaUUI3ClUIVH 1UB.HI.M.I. (Uounl.oecrrWliitotopcU an-y ilitcj, Uruceile4, llouMiliolit OinmI. Irml line, Clutlitiig, jiltb ami CMlilng anil irnUhlnx uiwi, Dry Uw, llaU and Uiu, UlllUM illj.VA.. K.llllltlH. I fiiailunrry, Watcliaa, Ulwka, Jonvlry, silver wair, UuxglM, Wlillu, AKlIoullunl liu.l.

IIICIUV, tl. vw.n Catalogue wnt on Kccli't ol 11 rvnla lor IIIUM'HKU. ,1 lirV vmiicvi.I wwvii.i irlc, allowing the bu)r lh tain, illncouiil that Hie manulaotnixr kl'i" to Ihewliolttale buyer WeguaraHlve all kiknU mrtprwnudi II nol louud oil. Uooil. Mill br eiiirew or livlal.t, wllh Hit lrirleol eiamfnaifon tMtonuMlvji.

Quli.r Street. CMfaia ill. WE WILL PAY A ot IM lo IM ir week la (iOOD agent. reprtMnl u. lb ererr eouuiy ami Kll our general line o( Urrcliandlx) at luanuiarl.

titer' I'rico. Duly IIiom wliu waut ewBtoyiuent noed aiily. Catalogue and par. IHqulocT Street, CUeago, II), SPECIAL If veil wiihl In urn Hie litrirosl. chenn.

ct and inostronipletostock of SASH, 1)00118, IH.INDS, LUMBKlt' PAINTS, OILS. GLASS, cull on FOHIIKS BRO. If you want TIN ItOOWNG or OUri'KUlNO. or OAIiVANlX.RI) ntONCORNlCH WOIIK ilftno clienp call on. FOIUIKSA5 JHIU.

If you want to buy the best PLOWS. II AUUOWS, COKNimiLLS, UOUN on FOIUIKS into. If you want to ceo the NKW FOLDING mNIItilt, (lie latest thing nut. Does not rcipilro tnirks, call on F0U11K8 llltO. For tho Improved DKKUIXG JIO W-KUS and bout nuallty 1I1NDKU wlno, call on FORIIKS Si IIUO.

"Hoincslcnil" nnd "Horso Shoo" T01IACCO OltOWF.K, best on the market; guaranteed analysis; buy no For salo by. FfJUUKS St BKO. BUY THE BEMIS TOBACCO PLANTER. FORBES BRO. TO HAM'S im m.

fcix f.T&jf mwBH vj. ws. biiv "GSy Ncte kTL LOOK! LOOK! Having determined to reduce my large stock of Dry Goods, Notions, I will for the noxt thirty days cut the prices on everything in my house. Tin's is no bluff, I mean just what I say. I quote no prices, for my goods are all marked in plain figures and you can see for yourself.

I will invite you most cordially to give mo a call before you buy. mmx This colobrated watoilnir place and tho S3B.S035T FJ. SS5 Tho waters, ombrnrliiK Chalybealo, Bulnhiir and Salts) woro novur better than now. llclow Is appended nil analysis of (ho Chalybeate Analysis ofjfciv Chalybeate Springs, at Sebrce, Ky.f lir Ir. Wajrue, U.

1., Analytical and Chcmlil aud Kuayer, U. 8. Drug In Hwctor, Cincinnati, Ohio. TOTAL MINERAL MATTER (SOLID) IN A GALLON OF WATER, Carbonalo of Iron Sulphate ol Mine f.lmn Oailoiiatoot Magnr.ln, Utiloililo nt fCHlliiui, lnm held lu eolutln by Carbonic THE SEBREE HOUSE. Mr.

S. Y. l'arkoi', tho proprietor of tho Bcbrco llotito Im boon runn vatcd nnd relltted thla excellent hotel ami tho patron ago of tho public. Itcdtiicil rates on tho b. AN.

niter Juno 1. A Ininil IKiw till iiuiiu. nan hi uv IjOOALS. For lino nUGGIKS shop nmtlo an caitcin made, ltoatl Carts, Fino liar lies of nil urndos, lnrgo ncd cotnplcto stock, don't lull to Mil mi FOIIHES Si BltO. "Gllddon" cheapest wire on tho market, ,100,000 lbs.

told tho past twclvo montlii In Christian county 10 cheaper than nny oilier wire on tho market. For alo by FORBES llltO. "UntKot" Bock Salt, only J1.00 per hundred pounds. Kvcry farmer should havo rock snlt In his pasture. It vents stock from dvliirt with clover bloat.

Try it nt onco. For salo bj Fcitims into. "jralcsllo" Steel Uanao. bent that money unci skilled mechanics can produce anil at tlionrlcoof coiiunon enht Iron. Warantcu In cvory parllculai For salo by FOHIIES BIIO.

If you want lo buy a wagon, re-member that tho "Excelsior" Wagon. or Uio "Mogul" Farm wagon, Is inado oi mrictiy urstciass material ami war-anted In every respect. Don't fall lo call and eco our wagons, before v-in buy. Thoy nro tho cheapest on no market. FORBES BRO.

i Vi ,1 rJi ftmih MY4 a 3) WBSi 3 9 noted hoalth resort now open OP 1892. 0H5 Acid iiuur. Arlington Hotel, ii. j. hurt, BATES: $150 to $2.00 PER DA if.

COK. TWELFTH AND MAIN STREBTS, l.stiareaalyeJ.M.A Land UK, A.St. L. Depot.) I nillCUII I UV -ft. ISituaretbclow Union Deiot.

LUUIdVILLCi llt 1 DoorMrery 'i V. 'v 'I' i IP.

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