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Virginian-Pilot from Norfolk, Virginia • Page 2

Norfolk, Virginia
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE NEWS OF NORFOLK ON PAGES TWO, THREE AND FIVE WA NT EH. WA E5 BOA IM.) AND ROOM with privilege oi bntli. by young niarrlrxl couple. Weal of Granby Btreot preferred. References exchanged.

Address, P. O. Box No. 17. 300 AND 6001 Vino Piles, feet w.

D. ML HH AY, ran by street, opposite Monti cerfl'o NO. 1 SALESMAN AT ms Crawford street: oulv those who havo hod experience need apply. 1 rp it BE N'wof LD LIKE JL Board and Room In private Chris? tian family or nice boardiiiK-ltouje at reasonable rxtfis. Address, "PROMPT PAY," care Virginian-Pilot.

WA NTE PARTNER IN All imuiufac luring business: man preferred, with $1,000 to to Invest. Addrws, "ENTE RPlll care Vlrglnlnn-Pllot. MAN OP kihiit years' experience desires a si tun tlon ns Luiuber Inspector. Will work for moderate salary. Address, "INSPECT? OR," core iyll-3f Ij BETOUCTl'ER AN'f) Printer wanted; man or lad) Rox 90.

Newport News, Va. W-ANT EN (' 1:1 ble entry Bo I per and all-'round man desires position; AI reference furnished. Address, "ACCOUNTANT," ths ofllce. EVl'N lnzs. after 7 o'clock.

LANG BALLE, Church street. Jy9-3t YOCNO MAN OF So? ber habits, with knowledge of bookkeeping, shorthand and telegraphy, desires posit.on at once. Rest of refer? ence. Address, care this oftice. Jy9-3t? POS1 WA NTE BY RECEN graduate of Eastern Business Col? lege, Paughkccpsle, N.

who has had several years' experience In the mercantile business. Position as bookkeeper pre? ferred, u. L. holt. Waverly, Va.

Jy9-3t? AND COL lectora lo work in the city and country Apply lo the HINGER MANU? FACTURING 281 and 291 Church Norfolk, or -107 Court street. Ports? mouth. juS-2taw-tt JIEtPWA NT ED -FE ALE. LADIES TO EMBROIDER AT THEIR homes; all ur part time; no experi? ence. Send reply ehvi lope for free sample of work.

UNIQUE EMBROIDERY 102 Fulton street, New York. Jyll-lw? HELP WANTED-MALE. WJ MAN TO FILL vr vacant position, $18.00 weekly and expenses. Slate nee and roforeil. Ad? dress.

GLOBE Cu, 723 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Pa. IN OR LADY TO Tl tA VE I AN5 agents. Establish ci firm. ner month and all expenses to start Hox Philadelphia, Pa. jull-lw ONEY TO PA TENT IDEAS may he secured by our aid.

THE PATENT RECORD. Baltimore, Md. SALE. FOR SALE-FINE PAIR SIN-YEA It old Carriage, pacers, iron gray, good stock, harness and rubber tired double buggy. Owner Itolng to fornla: rare bargain.

Mra. A. M. THOM? AS, Hampton, Va. RO TO LET ENTLEM EN only: cool, comfortable, bath, gas, nicely furnished.

Half block from cars. Brown avenue, Bramblelon. 11? FOU" DES I RA RLE RESI deneo for rent at 204 East Lovitt avenue, Hrnmhleton. Possession given Au? gust 1st. For terms apply on FOR RENT CH EA1 A V15-111 )OM House.

In Park Place, on Twent; eighth street, between Lawcllyn and bree Apply lo Mrs. CARRIE WHITE, corner Twenty-n nth and Chun streets, or WHITE No. Bank Btrecl. FOR RENT. STORE No.

69 NEW Market Place. Apply to 1'. UN? DER, H3 Market Place. OR RENT. FURNISHED HOUSE on Colonial avenue for July, August and Address "COLON this office.

iny31-tt BOARDERS. FURNISHED ROOMS, with or without board, at 211 Church Etreei opposite tit. Paul's Church. rilHE NEW Ji and clean, table board J3.ia>: board end room c0 pur week. 421 and izj Church street.

NOTICES. A. S3. (Weir Mitchell System.) JOHN J. BERG1N, Graduate' Orthopa die Hospital, Phlla delphla.

BRAMBLETON AVENUE. Hell 'phone 8,9. NOTICES. MA A A A SP! It I Tl' A 'iranct and Business Med'um, reads life from cradle lo grave with aba lute correctness; will Blvc name of youi future husband or wife, with exact date of marrriage. All in trouble are especially Invited to call.

Office ami residence, 402 Bute street, Norfolk, four doers west Bank TO LEND ON THE 11 Building nnd Loan Association p'an. ii SAROEANT .1. Room 31, nb JunU-lm nnil HodiIn, MOTTU. de WITT 31 st Stocks and bonds Southern Investments. Correspondence sol cited.

TWON 'ro 1 ('an im anr kj x. amounts; no lay easiest terms. LEO JUDSON, Academy of building. marl-lf Ladies ee I no tr atm ent for Irregularities, Leucorrhom cr ony other i'rcubles consult Dlt JACKHON. 112 Mulberry street, Md.

Private, sanitarium; ti.iined nurses. "dTE'iNO. CLH.VnTn? and Repairing Co Lr.dles' Multa cleaned; GwV Suns Dyed, $'- 00, cleaned nnd pants pressed 10c, oar pets a Specialty. 441 Main. New 201.

/ Chtcheiter'i EngBih PXs iwwu Sittel, ara ths Uost. S-ri HlMcheater rhewicii IRWINS LiXPRIfSS CO St? Phons Phons Ws haul anything to and from any. where In the' thrao cillea. Soaolal facilities for hauling Boiler? Furnltura and Planoa. Lota niled und Clltns wanted.

Washington Street to Be Widened Through to Granny Street. MEETING OF COUNCILS The in ill mi tirxnctl Mo it Npeolnl im I lievo Im? nnd ilie Seleci Urmu'li Caneun- Tita Asiilii lamed Netteroue-Son commission. The Common Council met In special session to consider the Tripoli and Washington street matter, with Presi? dent East, Messrs. Camp, Cousins, Al? len, Whltchurxt, Ridgewcll, Callahan, Beaman, McManus, Taylor, Joynes, Klernan, Stahl, Hannan, McFarland, Martin, Mohoney present. THE RESOLUTION OFFERED.

On the recommendation of the Fi? nance Committee a resolution appropri? ating $160,000 for the opening of Tripoli street and tho widening of Wolfe or Washington street, also the guarantee of D. Lowonberg for tho payment by the Norfolk and Atlantic Terminal Co. of four per cent. Interest, for four years on the amount expended by the city for tho opening of Tripoli street, was presented and tend. OPPOSITION.

Some little opposition was developed, hut a vote showed a vote in its favor of to 2, and it was adopted. The guarantee of Mr. Lowenberg was ac? cepted nnd tho streets heretofore voted as petitioned for by the Norfolk and Atlantic Terminal Co. were granted to their use, not, however, ns an exclusive right. Messrs.

Callahan, Hannan and Ma honey were the opponents, Mr. Ma honey suggesting that the Interest pay mi nt of bonds should be for eight years Instead of four. THE STREETS WIN. Mr. Callahan developed into a flllbus terer against tho measure, and fought every move.

Ho was backed by Mr. Hannan, but the majority proved too strong and the move went through tri? umphantly. resolution accepting the donation of property by Messrs. Dodson, Lank Cord and Ferguson for Tripoli street, subject to certain conditions, was adopted. A petition for a terra cotta drain In Clnclnnntus avenue in place of the open drain was referred to the Street, Sew? er and Drain Board.

FOR FAITHFUL WORIC. On motion of Air. Camp the proper recompensing of President Newblll and Secretary McCormick, of the Hoard of Health, for their active and Intelligent services to tho city during tho threat? ened smallpox epidemic, was referred the Finance Committee to ascertain the proper recompense. Mr. Camp paid a high tribute to the skill and unwear? ied zeal shown by these gentlemen.

THE SELECT COUNCIL. The select Council nu-t in monthly session last nlfrht. with Messrs. Green? wood, Bonney. W.

und R. B. Vail, I'annlll, Marx. yer, Spann, Jacobs Oberndorfer, Holland and Kahn pros ent. AGAIN TURNED DOWN.

Tho anti-spitting ordinance canto firs' before the Councils, together with the letter of Hr. McCormick. urging a re? consideration of the revlous defeat nnd passage of the ordinance. The Council adhered to its former action, on motion of Mr. Jacobs, who denominat? ed the proposed ordin no "Child ptay" in speech in which denounced It.

Presjdcnt Greenwood nlonc voted to pass the ordinance. WILL HAVE TO PAY. In tho matter of Rramblelon Ward's part in the expense of vaccination, Mr. Spann moved that the Council non-con cur with the Common branch In tho matter of the proposed $2.800 assess? ment. Mr.

Mayer spoke in favor of tho assessment standing, ns the four main wards of the city wore paying double what Atlantic city and Qrnmbleton had tn pay. Tho body concurred with the I branch. BOND TSSI'E. The ordinance for tho issue of jr.O.noo in bonds for Atlantic City Wi rd was adopted under suspension of tho rules. petition from the same ward for a an of $6,000 for current expenses was adopted.

The city Treasurer's letter giving plan for furnishing the $100,000 school building property! nnd an ordinance borrowing the money from th- sinking fund commissioners, was adopted. An ordinance amending clause 3 of section C-. chapter another amending Beet Ion ohap'or c. and still another amending section 17. chapter 6, wore each adopted In concurrence.

FOURTH WATtD SEW KRAGE. A resolution to appropriate $17,812.20 'o complete the Fourth Ward sewer? age was adopted. A resolution to npt ron'-lato Kl RIM? 5(1 for pavinc Graeo stroe'. was adopted THE STREET OPENINO. It was moved by Mr, Kuhn that 'he body take lip tho Tripoli and Wnshli fr Ion streets matters passed in from the Common Council.

This was reaolm tlon appropriating $160,000 for widening Washington street to Granby from Tripoli nnd from Tripoli to Cum? berland street, and the opening of Tripoli street from Washington street to Muto street, as recommended by the commissioners nnd in accordance with tho amount determined by the commis? sioners In condmehatlon for this work. All the rapors in the matter rrad and tho action of the Common branch in tho premises was concurred in. THE REGULA? ORDER. The Select Council then took up the regular order of business. The ordinance authorising the Issue of notes and bonds for current ex? penses was adopted.

THE HOSPITAL REDS. Tho contract and resolution for en? dowing two heds In St. Vincent's Hos? pital was approved nnd adopted. Jtesolutlon transferring balances to general account of the various depart? ments wore adopted. OTHER BUSINESS.

Two hundred dollars was aoproprlat od for ensts in the matter o. widening and opening "U'olf? and Tripoli streets, respectively. A number of Important resolutions, covering lost bonds, tax reports, tho ap? propriation of $SS2 for the Hoard of Health and approving petitions to build, heretofore published, were adopted. Tho disapproval of the Chesapeake and Ohio petition to cross Boush street With' Its tracks was concurred In. The new crossing on Main street, at tho head of Monument square, was agreed to and $275 appropriated there? for.

Tho ordinance fixing tho hack stand below the above crossing was adopted. Tho report of tho Street Committee on tho Detltlon of J. T. Bolton, to be al? lowed to open and dedicate to the city new street along Smith's Creek, was adopted. THE NEW JAIL, COMMISSION.

Tho report of the special committee on the city Jail needs and resolution for appointment a commission to con? tinue the Investigation, $000 being ap? propriated for tho same, was adopted, und President Greenwood appointed Mr. Jacobs on the commission. An ordinance extending provisions of chapter with certain exceptions, to Atlantic City Ward, was adopted. The resignation of Mr. J.

T. Allyn from the Board of Health was1 referred to a Joint session. BOARD OP HEALTH REPORT. The report of t'he Hoard of Health was received, read and liled. A resolution allowing the City At? torney to turn over to the City Treas? urer certain bills for collection was I adbpted.

OF INTEREST TO RRAMRLETON. A resolution authorising the Bram bleton Local Hoard to execute a con? tract with Guild Co. was adopted. Tho ordinance allowing BrambletOn Ward to sot aside J600 for bills, in Tstoad of $500 per mouth, as at present, was adopted. HOLT STREET BRIDGE.

Tho resolution for removal of the keeper's house on Holt street bridge I was adopted. A protest from the owners of pro? perty on Grace against name for the now street on the south of Smith's creek was referred to tho Street Com? mittee. Petition to build by J. J. O'Keefe was granted on the advice of the Fire Com? mittee.

FOR THE WHEELMEN. A petition from the local consul ot the League of American Wheelmen to lay asphalt side strips 011 paved streets for the accommodation of bicycle riders of tho city was referred to the Or? dinance Committee. THE LIGHT INFANTRY Re-organized Last Night With Sixty-two Men. JncliSOII Light Tune OIH. com i.

mi Night Ha .11 em be Helped the I s. ring on .11 orro 4 untie. A meeting was hold last night at Armory Hall to perfect the re-organ? ization of the Jackson Light Infantry, formerly Company in the Fourth Virginia Volunteer Infantry. There was a largo and enthusiastic attendance, and the meeting was pre? sided over by Mr. W.

C. Shelly as chair? man. OLD OFFICERS EE-ELECTED. Tile meeting was called to order at o'clock, ami immediately proceed? ed to the election of officers. This re? sulted as follows: Captain, Thomas J.

Nottingham; First Lieutenant, Win. It. WaSflUm; Second Lieutenant, Edward W. Jones. There being no other business, tho meeting then adjourned.

A number of new members wore added. The com? pany now sixty-two men, or three more than the number required to'or? ganize. A 1st of the members will bo for? warded this week to Governor Tyler, at Richmond, and one to Secretary of War Algcr, at Washington. The company expects to receive nn acceptance of application and be mustered into ihe Stale service in the near future. ITS HONORABLE RECORD.

The Jackson Light Infantry, though one of the youngest companies In the State, may point with pride to its hon? orable record since Its organiza? tion, on April 13, 1WI. The company always attracted much favorable no? tice on its annual trips, amnni the most notable of which were to tho At? lanta Exposition in 1895, and to the Nashville Exposition In IN THE WAR WIT11 SPAIN. Its war record is as follows: Left Norfolk May 12. 1898; mustered in the United States service at Camp Lee, Richmond, May 16. left Richmond June 5, ls9S.

for Jacksonville, Florida; left Jacksonville October 27. 1898, for left Savannah December IS for Cuh.i; arrived Havana De? cember 21. 189S; was stationed at Cami Columbia, at Bueria Vista, litt: town about miles from Havana participated in the raising of the flag on Morro Castle, Havana, Jan? uary 1, ISOD: participated in the long march February, 1S99, from the 20th to inclusive. This was .1 ten-days' practice march, and the company aver? aged miles day undi a ec ircnlrig, tropical The company boars the remarkable record of being one of the few companies of the corps that did not lose man in service. l-Veil Mini nml Meed." Feed your nerves, you would have them sir.hi*;.

Blood mide pure and rich by Sftrsnrarftla is the only true nerve food. Be suie to get Heed's, i it never disappoints. noons PILLS euro constipation Price Ont.T St. Vlrc'Ut" Roiictl nnil Ketnr Ono meal nnd bath at the Hotel, accommodations llrsl-class. Per inancnt rates very low.

Reason: This is their advertising year. Try it. Tickets for sale nt Virginia Beach depot, TEACHERS ELECTED Important Meeting of the Board of School Trustees. f.ot to lie Disposed or Important dent's of Itcctom and Tenctirri, The July meeting of the Board of School Trustees was held at a. m.

yesterday, with the president, Mr. John B. Whitchead, presiding, and every im mbor of the board present. In the matter of exchanging an unoc? cupied lot near the city stables with Mr. Nottingham, the following resolu? tion, offered by Mr.

Randolph, was adopted: Resolved. That this board approves the proposition to dispose of the lot in the Fourth Ward, and that the mat? ter be referred to the Committee 'on Buildings for action. TEACHERS AND BOOKS. The Committee on Teachers and Text Books presented the following report, which was received and tiled and then taken up for udoptlon by sections. To the School Board of the City of Nor? folk: Your Committee on Teachers nnd Text Rooks reports as follows: 1.

It recommends that only the three new buildings and the Fourth Ward school bo opened, that In its Judgment (be Queen street school ami Bank street primary will not be needed. The enrollment for schools In the four old wards Cor the past session was for the Fourth Ward 255 and for all others S40. So the accommodations afforded by the three new schools of 1,200 and by tho Fourth Ward school of about 3ii0 will be ample for tho probable Increase. 2. Wc recommend that the Boush street school bo for girls, the Char lottee street school for boys, nnd tho Fcnchurch street school for boys nnd girls, nnd Fourth Ward school for boys and girls.

3. Wc find that In addition to the present number of teachers employed live- new female teachers will be re? quired to till the above rooms if a fe? male rector Is retained In the Boush street school, and four female teachers and one male rector If a male vector is placed in charge of the Boush street school. 4. Unless the board Intends to take up the whole matter of revision of sal? aries, wo suggest that same salaries as at present attach to the same grades for next session. 5.

We suggest that there be only ns many substitutes as there are schools in operation In the city, nnd they be elected only after reference lo the Com? mittee on Text Books and Teachers, and that one be assigned to each school by the superintendent ajid said com? mittee. 6. We suggest that our prospectus, and the rules and organization, be referred to a committee for thorough revision, who will report to tho board when their work Is finished. 7. The rules require that all charges affecting the Illness, qualification and competency of teachers shall be receiv? ed and considered by your committee, who shall report to the board.

We re? port that there are no such charges against any of the old teachers suili clent to cause us to withhold our recommendation of their fitness, but the committee and the superintendent may at any time make transfers or as? signments In the interest of the schools. The resolutions after their adoption by sections, were adopted as a whole. SUP RI NT IS N1) NT'S RE 0 P.T. Superintendent Doble read his report for June, which showed average daily attendance to be 2.lS"i pupils. The report was received and Bled.

ELECTION OF TEACHERS. When the question of going Into the election of teachers was taken up -Mr. Flveaah asked for the reading of the Itet of old teachers as well as the grades of the certificates they bold. He made the point that the tendent Is not authorized to extend sec? ond and thirei grade certificates as he has been doing. His rern.irks provoked considerable discussion of the matter, and tho record was finally read.

A motion offered by Mr, East that the election of teachers be post? poned until the State examination is held, and that a committee of three he constituted by the chair to examine and report upon the qualifications of all tho teachers as shown by the re? cords. This motion provoked a lengthy nnd warm discussion, and the original mo? tion was amended by Mr. Eaat, post? poning the election next week, hut the amendment was) tabled by a vote of four to ten. The motion to postpone until after tho State examination was lost by a similar vote. A motion of Mr.

Davis that the ac? tion of tho board at its meeting last month with reference to the election of male rectors for the new schools be rescinded so far no it applied to the Boush street school, was defeated, RECTORS CHOSEN. The board next went into an elec? tion of teachers with the following re -nlt: Richard Doble, J. P. Dritt. J.

Boush, and Winston Parrlsh, rectors. Mr. East pieced in nomination against Mr. Parrlsh Messrs. Peters ami Kil lincer, but the former was elected by i vote of 11 to 3 Mr.

Peters, RE-ELECTED. All of the old teachers of the pri? mary grades were then re-elected in a body, with the exception of Miss Bon icy, who did not desire a re-election. On Mr. East's motion the board re? commended to the Text-Book Commit? tee that Miss Southall be promoted to the position now occupied by Miss Bon ncy. When the board proceeded to the election of four new teachers for the tame grades all of the substitutes' names were placed in nomination, as an that of Mis" Annie C.

Cray, recent graduate of the High School. Messrs. PampUn and Davis were ap? pointed tellers. The first ballot resulted as follows: Mies Cray, 10: Miss Rain, Miss It; Mlnilrce, 11; Miss Old, 10: Miss Ashley, Worsham, Miss Kelly, 1: Mrs. Clay.

1. The successful contestants were Miss Cole. Mrs. Mlnltree. Miss Old and Miss Gray.

AU of tho old. teachers of tho High School were re-elected In a batch, after which Chairman Whltehead read a let tor from Miss Tilley, asking a twelve months' leave of absence to study In Europe, which was unanimously granted, and Miss Lois V. Corprew, substitute teacher for the High School last year, was elected without opposi? tion to till tho vacancy. ATLANTIC CITY AND BRAMBLE TON. The teachers In Atlantic City and Brambleton Wards were re-elected.

At the conclusion of this last Item of business the board adjourned to Tuesday, the 23th Instant, at 11 a. m. THE MOB JACK ARRIVES. THE O. NEW PALACE SIDE HEELER.

Yesterday morning at 7:15 o'clock the now steamer Mobjaek of the Old Do? minion Line river and bay licet assed in the Capes from New York, nnd about thiee hours later tie.l up at the Old Dominion wharves. She was on her maiden trip and fresh from the hands of her builders, the W. A. Fletcher Company, of Hoboken, N. J.

She was commanded by Captain Thus. W. Sottthgale, and manned by a very competent crew, as is readily seen when It la realized that her actual run? ning time from Now York to Norfolk was about twenty hours, or about as good time ns many of the crack screw coasters make. She Is a side-wheeler and a beautiful boat, painted while out? side and finished In her Interior passen? ger apartments In white and gold In general outline she has sura? likeness to the old Northampton, which was burned, and the place of which she will IUI, a fact that will not hurt her with tho traveling public of this section, with whom the cremated boat was a prime favorite. The Mobjack's saloons and deck room are even more capacious, und her gen? eral arrangement better than was the Northampton's.

She is licensed to car? ry 1,000 people. The steamer Is ISO feet long. 2X feet beam, and draws about 6Vi feet of water. Sho has a condensing engine with a "12-inch cylinder, 9 foot stroke, and a steel boller 26ft foot long and 112 inches In diameter. On her trial trip she made sixteen miles an hour natural draught, and eighteen miles forced draught.

She Is expected to make tho run between Norfolk nnd Ohl Tolnt in thirty-five or forty min? utes. The saloons have side scats uphol? stered In olive hued plush and very comfortable. The main saloon Is spe? cially attractive. Tho lighting arrange? ments are thoroughly modern and will at night make her brilliant as daylight. Every convenience for comfort in tho way of toilet nnd ladles' cabins, have been furnished, and not tho least in point of attractiveness is tho dining saloon on tho main deck, which has a kitchen In the rear.

A large number can be accommodated at tho tables, and a tempting menu will bo served daily during her regular runs. The Mobjaek has large freight capac? ity and will at once go on her regular route to Mathews and Gloucester, re? tiring the Accomac. AFTERMATH OF WRECK. MOTORMAN DAVIS AT AM PUTATED. The excitement occasioned by the wreck on the Ocean View Railway Monday, an account of which was pub? lished in yesterday'9 Vlrginlan-Pilot, has subsided.

Motorman W. R. Davis was removed from St. Vincent's Hospital yesterday to his homo. No.

91 Wood street, and Is getting along nicely. Tho negro Holmes had one of his llmbfl amputated yesterday morning at St. Vincent's, and It Is said ho Is In a critical condition. Mr. C.

V. Holland, of Huffman. S. was hurt by a splinter nnd ono of his hands was mashed. Ho was attended at the Norfolk depot by Dr.

B. M. Taker, and displayed groat nerve, say? ing his injuries were inconsiderable. Ho was afterwards taken to St. Vincent's Hospital and is getting along nicely.

Mr. Frank Moron, of No. 331 Main street, was injured In tho spine nnd is confined to his room. Dr. Ncwbill Is attending him.

A Miirtjr. A very delightful birthday party was given last night to Miss Vivian Fair cloth at tho residence of Mrs. M. N. Woodhouso.

No. Chapel street, the occasion being the sixteenth anni? versary of Miss Falrcloth's birth. Quite a largo number of Invited guests of about tho celebrant's age wore pros out, and the evening passed in music, games and discussion of charming refreshments In the line of Iocs, c.ike, etc. Many wishes for hnn py returns of the day were expressed and a very pleasant evening left as a memory to all present. it Rnnl t'tir Norfolk.

Baltimore Sun says: "At 1 o'clock Saturday afternoon the Spedden Shipbuilding Company will launch a large tugboat from the com? pany's yard, off Boston street. The bo.11 Is for Joseph M. Clark, of Nor? folk. Va, She is 90 feet long. 20 feet 7 Inches beam nnd 11 feet depth of hold.

The engine, to be of the fore-and-aft compound type, tho boiler and all the machinery have been built by the R. Spedden Company. Mr. Clark has not yet selected a name far the boat." ut hi 1 The pleasant flavor, gentle notion nnd soothing effect of Syrup of Figs, when in need of a laxative, anil If the father or mother be costive or bilious, the most gratifying results follow its so that it is tho best family remedy known and every family should have a bottle Manufactured by the Cali? fornia Fig Syrup Co. 1 Rieltmond nnd iteiiim 82.00 Vi? A Hallway icon ii II.

V. f. U. Tickets will be on sale July nth, 12th anil limited for return passage to July 81st, with privilege of extension to August 15th, by depositing tickets not later than July 2Sth, with Joint agent and on payment of cents. Ap? ply to P.

w. curd. Passenger Agent, 22 Qranby street, or C. and o. depot.

July ll-3t. Wo nro making a special run on FINE QUALITY DIAMONDS. Learn our prices for first-class goods. THE GALE JEWELRY CO. OTHER LOCAL ON PAGE 3.

the Joseph Brown STORE, Summer Corsets. The 50c. Ventilated is doubt? less most used of all Summer Goods. Made by reliable cor? set people. The dollar sorts are here also.

Nazareth Waists. A new lot just arrived. Ideal comfort giving waists, for sprightly youngsters. Elastic and cents. H.

W. Underwaists. light. Just the thing for small children. Investigate their numerous meritorious claims.

To-morrow's Special. Coiton Grenadines. Five hundred and ninety yards of Cotton Grenadine at instead of 10c. Good in color and texture? not a a clearing up sale. We shall also have to-mor? row a grand five-cent Dress Goods sale as shown in East window.

jjjjtgjj Brown, 820 plain si. I WANT ft BISCUIT YOU CAN GET TTIEMj AT THE VIRGINIA GROCERY CO. Wo have the finest line of Cakes and In tho city; also Smlthflcld Hams, small sizes lfic. pound. Volght Best Patent Flour, $4.25 per bar? rel.

VIRGINIA GROCERY 61 and 63 New Market Place. Both 'phones 462. Pointers are nil right when POINTING In the right direction. Thero Is a vast dif? ference In POINTERS. Just as much eo as In the quality of Laundry Work.

Thousands POINT with prldo to Ilia high-class work wo turn out. Don't you want to bo among tho POINTERS? Call either 'phono 557 nnd we will please you In superior work, promptness, Troy Laundry, Cliuroh St. N1XDORFP, FINE FARM FOR LEASE About four miles from Norfolk, on the Virginia Beach railroad, the Rolleston or Wise Parin. About HO acres, with large Residence south of the railroad, will be. leased as'one farm, and about 135 acres, wlih two small Residences, north of thai railroad, will be leased as a whole or di? vided Th's farm has been thoroughly dltchml and well farmed, and is In fine condition.

Possession January 1st, Apply to RARTON MYER3. Norfolk, July 8th. VIRGINIA AND CAROLINA TRANS? PORT LIMITED, Room 511 Columbia bu'lding. LIGHTERAGE AND STORAGE. STEAM.

DECK and DERRICK BARGES. Superior facilities for storing and light? ering lumber and heavy goods. Goods stored and re-shlppcd to any point at rea? sonable OUT PRICES STRAW HATS Must be sold. See our windows. WALTER J.


has moved his offleo to Albcmarle Build? ing, corner Granby and Plume streets. COOKE, CLARK CO, SASH, DOORS AND BLINDS. Cabinet Mantels, Tiling and Grates, Fine Builders' Hardware, Paints, Oils and Glass. 84 COMMERCIAL PLACE. 67 ROANOKE AVE..

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