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The Record from Greenville, Kentucky • Page 2

The Recordi
Greenville, Kentucky
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Rt THE RECORD rvvvvwvvw Au Independent NfWbiai er rUOUfllKD THIIUDATH BI RECORD PRESS OVKX UlCR OmEN ItoIIK UlCRPrwslilrnt ItoIIKScore Prwslilrnt Score tury OKIKN ROAKK EDITOR LongDistance Telephone No 72 OIMiO In Sioii Storv of the INwirk Hullillnp 50 CENTS PER YEAR IN ADYANCf Rl Th Htibmtrlptlon prior tIJ pa1rr porn fi OQ in lruti mul whrn the tune 1 uurxplrr lo which II KiI the jinjxr wilt sit xtoppcil nnniRnf thank oliUunrv uoticrti rte If not lonsrr rhuii ten HIICH will IH pulilUhiil fr A Charxv lbclter lint will Ix nude for nucocril Inn nnrs Xu variation of thlernlr tonnynnr 1 Krc Kitiiijilc ruplea will be niullvJ ArtTrrtlrnw will hr lUMirteil A rnteenr 4 IoIU li IHrulllhu rt inist Attrr 5 etMiimniilititliiim and ITlIk ill rr I Mtiirww imyaW ti TIKrniU PiER rrriiTlll Ky 1945V qrttsrrA HitDrM Jit for Orwn IM Ky 1OotUr a lIIton1of mnttrr 1hOI1111 TAUKIvcjmN tr Indiana left his nmtk In literature and I ij pnUcemc II 1 Mu UunsKVRiT who is a met rirr llt stirelv ill not jiuiiish PI a fiUJntr in lovr with tlu IcF 1 A iittin I II HI ic tnl of Sfcibo CIst mi is Another 5 oooQOo to the fund if the Carnegie Institute it shaves LU uualconfulf ncc in the progress lit citrni and dividend ttiiif ca1putt Icy of the American producer andt tonsunier They have nci i ed to justify it no matter what has been their prorated per capita share in his great philanthropies 5 5 WITH one harp our Federal Go 1ft sting literature and uVin i owl jmwey to encourage fir cst culture and save our retnainiiii forests from ruthless ravage With the ithcr hand the ov rnmelit col empurtet lumber and wood pulp thus ottering A a prciiiium for the quick destruction idT the forest tttlj ailif thl3 iieJjr llH wil Ja rltt tj vill reach the ofensc needs at least one additional enactment Not ontare the officers andabate holders of a bank injured by libels ft against it but the depositors who arc certainly innocent parties are often injured There should be a substantial penalty for circulating defamatory reports without founds tion regarding any corporation but especially a bank KEXTUCKV liquor men are so alarmed for their business that they have invited preachers lawyers educators and legislators to meet with them In convention and pre pare a model license law The liquor men want to weed out disorderly and unnecessary saloons sm and remove the liquor interests from politics The purposes are laudable And if the saloons and politics could 1be separated it would5 be as good for politics as the Kentucky whisky men i believe it would be for their busi I Hiss But so lone as tome men are 1 determined to drink too much and other men are determined that no 1 one shall drink at all 1f1he Record Alt tears that the divorce cannot occur 0tt if there were some infallible means 1 of Jcoowing when men have drunk 11 about much as tJ yIn properly carry the proposed gonyifttQn in SLouisville might pet with rcA il able prospects of attaining rfijWlts A figlit fir Lfc The tncfcfifliitf of New York have set about waking erginized war upon 1 a foeman worthy of ibeir steel TJiey have tackled the eomqian tvbuse fly Recognized the doubt I Ail result flf the contest they have at die ottUtarf besought the aid of 1at inutiicipatity which is accused to I of aiding and abetting the sn rming sowi ers in New York which pour there filth into the waters which encoii I pass the city It is shown by actual investigation that the outlets of 1iuestiga tuaiiy of these sewers are above low afcr mark and that these outlets 1 life prolific breeding ground fo SI ruilJjns nC flics carying poisonous baCteria to cur dweeling places J5xatniu ops najdj by kjjed bac teriologists showed at he btimnin oi the fly season last summer when ithe insects carried few bacteria ithat the death rate from typhoid and Aiiiier intestinal diseases was low but iiiie death tate increased with theft i ii i iij LuniLcr of Ales carrying i f7r animal and vegetable parasites In some cases individual flies carried as high as 100000 bacteria on heir legs and in their mouths The cor cO1respondc1Icc respondence between the increase of death tells its own story Wnuii it is considered that one mother fly lays boo eggs and that twelve generations may be hatched during the active fly season the peril of the situation may be more readily conceived The merchants asked thut the law of 1903 shall he enforced which required permis trom the State Board ut Health governing the discharge of sewage under conditions imperiling the public health and imposing suitable penalties fur infraction As there are 7000 deaths yearly from intesti 4nll diseases the virulence of which corresponds to curve of fly preva hence the argument of the merch ants has a cemetery backing of the strongest character The fight against the flies set on foot in New York is clearly a fight for life As the New York situation is in large mesure the Philadelphia situation war should also be declar ed here It is not only the sweeter outlets that are breeding places fur the pests 1 he stables slaughter houses amid market places turn them forth in clouds Entire extermin ation of cither flies or mosquitoes is pei haps impossible but a coin part live amid tolerable immunity can be brought about by the conjoint action 1of the Wealth authorities and the owners of establishments furnishing all the necessary outfit bur active fly culture Estray Notice Taken upas a Stray by A Mchtvain on his premises about 2 miles North of Greenville Kncar the Rum road and near Ncbo Church Qne yellow Jersey Heifer with some riiujlc eolgr unmarked and halting liqrneSajd heifer SBi posed tube about 2 years old and valued by Green and A 14d Said A McLevain states under 8oath that he has not altered or de faced JiJiy flesh marks on said ifetl a I heiferr ttII ia Infantile Paralysis This is an acute disease of child hood or early adult lifer the cause of which remains as great a mystery today as it was when the affection was first clearly described by a French physician over fifty years ago It occurs for the most part in children rarely in those over six or eight years ot age although young adults are occasionally affected The disease is more common in summer and sometimes occurs at that time in small epidemics 1 An epidemic of this kind has prevailed in New Work City and in other parts of the country during the late glimmer and autumn of the present year yearThe The symptoms which resemble in their general character those of an infectious disease and the tact of its occasional occurrence in epi demics have led the physicians to believe that it is due to the action of some microorganism but the most diligent search has asyetfailed to discover any such cause The disease begins suddenly with fever headache tenderness on pres sure or actual pain in the muscles Vomiting pccvishnoss and some times although rarely convulsions TJj5f js nothing definite in these Symptoms 3 cad the physician to suspect Uifi KJ flajur fiflhs malady except in time of an lipid Fm1Ff ejy any sudden fever excite suspicion The fevci lasts as a rule only two or three days and on its aubTU dencc less often before it has dlsI appgafed the child is seen to be paralyzed The course of Iftj paralysis is peculiar At first it is extensive 111 volving perhaps both legs or an Jrm and a leg andjncreases a little far te OF fOUr days After that a turn fAr MP 1 1ptlPF flfCBftr The ptll tisly14 EIY fetiib Ali strength tyrns jq qrjg limb qr qne group of musclosat 4 time At first the return of power 13 pFQ grcssive and quite rapid arousing hope of a perfect restoration but that happy termination is seldom reached Usually one limb more often a leg remains paralyzed and flap gjjjrj is permanently crippled Thejjmb I remajn weak although seldom entirely Hgelcgsj jjp pffected muscles waste away and if tbu tH posing muscles arc not paralyzed they pull the dart often the foot to I i to a one side and thus produce deform itin the case of the toot a clubfoot The growth in the affected limb is also retarded so that the member lags behind and is perma nently shorter than its fellow The disease is an inflammation of a limited portion of the spinal cord and so far no treatment has been discovered that will cure it The general health after the fever has subsided is good and the treatment electricity massage hydrotherapy is directed toward a diminution ef the paralysis It should be contin ued for a long time for sometimes there is marked imurovetnent even after months or may be a year A tickling cough from any cause is quickly stopped by Dr Shoops Cough cure And it issn thoroughly harmless and safe that Dr Shoop tells mothers everywhere to give it without hesitation even to very young babes The wholesome green leaves and tender Stem of a lung healing mountainous shrub furnish the curative properties to Dr Shoops Cough Cure It calms the cough ary heals the some and sensitive bronchial membranes No opium no chloroform ribthing harsh used to injure or suppress Simply a resinous plant extract that helps to heal aching lungs The Spaniards call this shrub which the doctor uses 11 The Sacred lferb1 Demand Dr Shoops Take no other Sold by all dealers dealersMarc Marc Strayed or Stolen Solid bay mare 143 high about 13 years old natural pacer sHared or was stolen from turn at Beech Creek on Dec 9 Reward for return OSCAK CRAIG J2 lleeck Creek Ky Engraving Work Quickly Done The Francis Engraving Machine recently Rc to tjg Undertaking equipment of The Roark Ejy tate docs perfect work and th supplying of individually engfayp casket name plates free by tnislfi is a feature that appeals st ang eyCryone Articles ver ctlrarc rick a rare 11M itltrlp I night rc col 3 years old marked with crop offi each car and a hole in each ear ap praised by McCown and Frazier at SI2 brazier states under oath that he has not altered or defaced any flesh marks on said cow 1907s FRAZIER Subscribed and sworn to before me by RE Frazier this December ii 1907 1907BRYANT BRYANT WILLIAMS PvMr UAnfnii Local reprcrtcntntlvca fur Green Wanted vllle nint rUIiilty to Took niter re KUblKlllHlonI Itat of IUOJ11Ielll monthly uwjmzlueon it KIll liry inn ronnil4 lflun basis Kxperl nee OeHlr nbi but Nor nnjT II fi lnr upiHirtnultjr for right lJelJ IIreJiIlJrnhlJ 1Jer ifill 0 13 ttonO New York YOUNG MEN tVA TED to earn better salaries and do more congen ial work If able to read 1ind write and ambitions to succeed we can qualify you for a position Jf rne chanical electrical stein civil or mining engineer architect etc etc Write at once stating position wanted rsko INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS Box 799 Scranton Pa See model No 5 Oliver the fittest typewriter ever built Put on market March 30 The speediest longest lived most convenient of operation exclu RoarkY representative TI 14fg 18 JIl 89 BY Mena litlta AMIi1NilEts6 New 5ihH Fares One I Way and Mound Trip The Morton Route announces that it will henceforth sell tickets between Louisville and Chicago at 7 one way instead of 8 as formerly and 1260 round trip good thirty days refusing instead of 16 Patrons are ogercd eptionaly good ser viFe rHu ono ff on ffgg spinB partmcnt and Dra JPgrflpm Pulj mans as well as the usiial straight sleeper The day trains have lar veryd finest modern new coaches In queries cheerfully answered by Louisvilled Ky Subscribe for The iecdfi i I I 1 a 1 tAND SAl 3 JPOR TAXES 0 By Irtue ot taxes duj Auil nberj county and the Stats of Kentucky for the year JC Including penalty and cost I or one of my deputies will on Vloriday January 27 19OS that bcifft County Court day between the hours 6f Jo a and 4 in at the Courthouse door In Greenville Ky for cash in hand sell the following property or so much thereof as to satisfy the amount of the tax due aforesaid and the costs to wit NOTE Tlt first column of figures indicates acreage or lots of hand the lots beIng disl iiigulshcd by I accompanying the figures Ta scs are for lco7 except as noted District No1 TAXIA RK NEVatsr UBSIIlSXr 1ROPBRTV TAX lBNlTV TOTAL Carter Jf hn Ed Lnccficld 11z2 205 4 und CfWS Gleme 2a 300 214 514 Dank llargrcttl Spicer H3a 414 231 645 Edwards I i I 9 00 2 95 1195 Ed wards IM il 945 j011246 Garr llo Staples 33a 48i 39 720 Gann HeW Whitmcr loa 1150 528 14 i8 Hall A Il 375 225 600 Lewi 1 1 5 25 i 39 764 Mostly II 600 8s 5 5 Mojie Jas i I 264 10 474 Nllsbn Flit Jim Daws loa 300 a 14 514 Rasst WW agt for Hjenry Isoyde il Goo 355 8p Wells IV il 969 3 04 1273 Young Baxter i I 3 75 sir25 Goo Colored I Austin John i 1 354 S58z BenUiett Mrs Rochel i I ISo 123 34 ira se Allar il 450035 685 Eons Ellen i 1 300 214 5 14 Joh son Henry il 1418 54 1772 Mo bre Walter i I 5 502 799 Quijsenberry Jim il 400 228 628 Urilsdn 11 Jnd Magaun 6341 264 2ib 474 District No2 Hlajckford Mary Jno Payner boa 495 241 7r Frizier Mrs May 239o7 44 Helck Mrs Minnie Annie Jemizan il 375 205 6 Juries John Maus 10011 864 2 9 1 1155 Majiary 1 1to 194 344 Noflsinte Isack Heis iT 75 185 20 Sweat Mrs il 225 206 431 Sh rschell Mrs 0 near Pond Creek 194a 3600 6i57 4257 Suimner Mack Vanhaur 3oa 500 2114 741 Woodridge 0 Renard Colored loa 250 zp8 458 rrisJH il 4 752t 9 714 aI District No 3 ininshanan Mrs Hill 1341 1050 3161366566 75W 239 114 A Mitchel aa 189 If5o 389 rs Jack omett 501 i I 774 278 1052 tro Will Brown lou 700 268 968 Sal hnspn 6oa 550 249 799 i i 225 205 430 trnalc 31 850 239 1139 enr a4ta 496 24i 737 Jt 394 Iit 8 Ii 8i4 1 3 I 3 4tom tomS Colored 1 axis Mrs CeUa 27a 05 202 407 District No 6 tutee Mrs A James Vincent 65a 150 194 344 tturnes Henry i I 450 235 685 Hates I Alex Carley 8oa 804 2H2 1086 Harned MIl 913300 1243 Hlckersnn Mrs Lucy Rolf Stovall 4a 139 193 332 Hudson Pete Hudson 85 a 1174 339 1513 Jarvis Edman Philips Wilkins Son 375 2025 600 Robert Bishop Phillips 55a 1650 39G 2046 Kester CAU cc600a 16689 2504 19193 kiltniger 10 Joe Gish qa 225 205 430 Lewis Martin Ia 550 252 802 Mercer Mrs Dallas RufWacker 109 a ioo 266 9 66 McGowan Taylori Cradock CJ Sample 2 67a 3000 517 3577 Kitze Mrs Francis Carr z56a G3G 261 897 Swoop Eades 1 II 374 215 600 Turner Mrs Elizabeth Right 50a 375 2iS 600 TerbunepJ JR Batsel Booa 15000 2187 71S7 TerbunepJj A arlandIoa 180 Ig9 379 EBIBrgg A hby Lewis John ilrawnlilSa il 46 IGOats Oats Bettie Col man i Ja 1 0f 1 44 1 wyri City Lots 5 i Ashley JJJq 18i 220 Jennie 1 i 1 Baker I 1 39Illh 320 Cimes I I a Jf 7t 4 Bailey 11 75 Sit 8f jo Baker David 11 39 J8fx8 r20 Brasher John II 39 i81 2s 0 Buchanan 1 I 39 i8r 2a Babaries 3 1Ir4 190 3C Cobb 1 I 39 I8i 2i Carnahan Willis 11 39 i8s 20 Coftman 1 39 18 220 Corbett A 1 3981 230 Craft I il 39 i8j2z Crenshaw James I I 39 IBl 220 Dattcllo Ageljna 2 I 75 i8 2Ga Doudcn HS 11 39 181 220 Dobsou AP 11 39 i8i2z Draper Maryz I 39 181 220 Edmonson Tate 11 39 iJJi 220 lcY l1r 1 I 39IBl ao luCyfleogc II 39rSi 220 jan Jr II 39 A 18 1 2zo farrU Juq I I 39 t8t 220 1 Hatnian A nnfIl 3918ri 220 Hibbs Ellzalii 1 39 i8t 220 Hill Mrs Blanche 3 181 220 1 181isi I Htide A 1 39 isi 220 Mary 11 3918r 2201 Jones Aubry I I 30 171 210 I Kdinon II 39 181 220 King 1 I 391r 20 11 James 11 39ibl 20 1 I 39 1Si 220 Krebs 1 75 185 260 1ahy 1 I 39 18t 20 ft Ist 1 I 39 14Sl 2z 4 i 2z1iticic 4o MpEwen Mre alhtllf feI I 39I8I 20 Morraw I U1I iI I Q18t 220 flyers I I fJL8x 220 Newton i 1 75 185 260 Pritcherd Logan 1 I 30 Jp 210 Ramsey I I 39 181 220 Rogers Mrs tV 21 75 185 260 bey 1 I 39 18l 22C Ryan ittie I 1 39I 2 20I Silevy Mrs SK Jl 114 190 3041 I i tfl i 1 i fij nL ip 1 0p tt1fi Sisk Mrs H1i1he 2 1 75 r826o Wm 31 114 19 3 4 Slaton James 13 1 1 39 z8r 22O Stagh ll 1 1 59 I8122O Smith I39I8 20 Bence 11 1 39 181 220J Todd Want 1 I 39 i8z 20 Vanell1 FI I 39 18r 220 Ware WI I 39 IBI 22 Wallace CI I 3gI8I 22 White Mrs ell 39 IBI 2O 4 Wcllcnghb GAl I 39 18r 220t Wilson I I 39IBI 2z0 Woolfork 1 I 39 181 220 1 a A SHAVER CJ FOR ELECTRICAL WIRING I and Fixtures do not Forget that the Rock City Electricr I Co have their Electrical Man here and will Sa 1t i CHEERFULLY GIVE ESTIMATES vJK Works Any Size Job Tele 1052 A PELHAM Supt fs 4 BLACKWELL CITY MEA MARKET Fresh Meats Game Fruits Vef etables Etc TelepfosnNo 231 Fnaft Delivery Announcement 1 HQUSQS Furnished Complete on the Easy Payment Plan r1J We have provided anew means of supplying the pubs lie with Houscfurnishing Goods of all kinds and the plan is meeting with hearty approval in all sections On the payment of a small sum down we will fit anYf or all rooms of your home and accept monthly pay ments for the balancer Make 4i your selections fiaus Irottnr ts3s sj our immense stock of goods have them delivered at onceand pay for them on the installment plan EvrYg thing needed for the home from cellar to gaiv vV ret from kitchen to parlor can be supplied if i o1I otiLOiu god let us supply all your wants i 1 I i Iti ItFk I Ir 1 I 4 I 0 trt I IXCOKPOKATKD SEE McLARY CJ 4 eca eOT8COT Complete Line of Fixtures and Supplies i Estimates Furnished Satisfaction Guaranteed ALL WORK APPROVED BY NATIONAL BOARD OF FIRE UNDER Vn11 ERS 3 All work Installed by Union men Cum Pho 243j Greenville Kentucky 0BLACK DIAMOND I Roof Stack arid Bridge PAINT 4rvr S1 ft For 11 kinds of Metal Roofing Iron Bridges Fences gpilerfy Stggkg Slacks etc J1 inj tip VtU 1 qqr ftgt Graphite Grystalizcd Crc5Pter anc her et inewn meW preservatives oo egrth Will not run off of hot itSQ if tfc hottest roofs drJei black und glossy There Sf 89 WMte Pf1 ffd iment It covers more surface per gallon than any other paint and you are not buying an experiment as our paint has been put to the most rigid test It standswithout a rival ont Jj the market Always ready for the brush Lasts many year 3 and is guaranteed for five years Sold by DEXTER CO Greenville We handle Cylinder and Black Oil for Machinery 60000 BODIES Mirfflated MlfftJafedAIBlaliy 1 10 It hsediag Tt Ill F5 rilR WATER VERMIN iE BURGLAR PROOF GRAVE VAULT far THE BIKER nlslies absolute protection lftlolt tbe 11 tJl of trio human thoul Tcrulln burrow I nlrfiht antmnlI and Is nrrtt ht RlltluoterJruor A llAKID VA LT should be mlllocd in every burial Made in aU sizes The BXKER VAT carrie In stock ty The ROARK ESTATE flremille Fine Line of Futiwrn and Burial OooclF IIC COOmka CatSkMfa tr3 hIotio i 3.

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