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The Lincoln Stari
Lincoln, Nebraska
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Novak, Rezac Repeat All State Selections unirap Journal anir Star 1970 Class A All State Team By IRC ill. PAKKKK Prep Sports Writer A Sunday struggle Scoring power, rebounding strength, production Hnesse, speed and delensie ability all pionship Ri the necessary factors for success arc In the found in the mvthical all star quintet. and the i Tonsil One On Oiic I don't know anyone wh Randv Adams Lincoln Southeast Tyrone Pryor Boys Town Mini nut In the tallest Toughest Dave Rezae Omaha South Tom Novak Lincoln Northeast Kent Reckcwc) Lincoln East Class A UkStatc Team State College Stars Great Plains Swim in m. doss Northeast 81 170 12 South 6 5 185 12 oin East i i7ii 7 190 12 155 12 LINCOLN. MAR.

22, 1970 10 PAC1 SI I Honor Roll Greg Wright, Lincohi Northeas Ecoffey I State NU Defense: Reeains UCLA Wins 4th Straight Title Has4 Tho plains illege Ptrk, Md Artis Gilmore by attacking the outrebounded Jackson passers. But Gilmore pumped triy in the benched by Coach Joe Williams icing con for 16 minutes. Wooden used only five Liiamps Touch By WW. BROWN Grand Island Jockey Bv DON FORSYTH Just two Sun Bowl starters, linebacker Jerry Murtaugh and Jim Anderson, will be among the 51 candidates for lefensive positions when coach Bob Devaney calls his tity of Nebraska football squad together for opening of spring This gives emphasis to Devaney claim thai there will be i wide open battle for spots with the Black Shirt unit this spring. right and vi adjustments client job." Big Light Confe Wooden, who has coached I (LA to six NCAA titles in the past seven years, said he may be able to keep his winning watch this season after giving away the others to members of his family.

Wicks, blocked five the past thrc AW only one fifth Oi 8 second off the track record. The other two Iowa State iuners were Dave Butman in arallel bars and Buss Hoff inn in the side horse. Both ere defending champions. The top three finishers in ach event qualified for the 2d 17 li Steve P. jrrant shots.

With Dave Walline, who started in 1969, and Larry Ja cobson, who saw considerable jjm Anderson action as a sophomore, both missing from spring drills while recuperating from knee sur Kemling owned five year old marc who went oil as an odds ol the there will be no le spots this spring. Meanwhile. 7 0 Pcmbrook Burrows III snared only six rebounds for Jacksonville, and the two Dolphin giants managed just nine points in the second half. Neither had a field goal in the second half until nine minutes remained. Jacksonville, the NCAA upset top ranked Kentucky in ripplei the Mideast Hcgio third ranked but Bonaventure to ret The underdog L) a came of it for I nsive backfield, where three year Larson and Randv.

Ri eve svi be The switch of offensive let termen Dave Ma.M.n and Paul Rogers the defensive back field highlights the new look in Mason, who saw action split end as a sophomore, will get a trial at monster and Rogers, v. ho backed up LuTY Frost at right halfback, will be given a shot, at a eornerhack The join mlcrson and back up lettermen John Decker. Bill Kosch, Tom McClelland and fT Laver Reaches Tourney Finah 41. second. Pinkie, who rode two winners in her Fonner debut Friday, finished lirst on Wait's (, amble in the third race and ran out of the monev with Buck Shot in the fifth and Margo C.

in the Wicks. UCLA 80, Jacksonville the fourth and Msgr. Frank the sixth. Kenneth Jones, who had In Dunlop International Tc tourney. The' unseeded Taylor, year old son of a Shef steelworker, took Laver to sets before bowing 6 4, 12 1 2, 6 2.

JFK Capture Fourth Place Amarillo, Tex. ffi Ne ter two davs. He won ood River Miss in the and Kathy's Date in SPORTS SLATE ped the old record of 6.417 set 3ii April 20, 1968, and the mutuel handle of $426,943 topped the previous record 17.399 also set on April 20. 5 followed by all dfaced for m. Wednesday niinlay 1968.

Results Page 2C Sunday 'CLA's Sidne) Wicks 35 comes down on top oi villus Chip Dublin after Rebounding a missed shot by Gilmore (left)..

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