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Lincoln Journal Star from Lincoln, Nebraska • Page 13

Lincoln, Nebraska
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TWELVE THE LINCOLN EVENING MONHAV, NOXEMBEK 16. 1931. John Bentley Iowa State Only Obstacle In Husker Path To Big Six Crown JL WHEN Coach Bible called Lewis Brown up from the bench to fhto the Kansa.s Aggie-Ne- hraska game, he said, among other things: I believe you can go in there and run one of those punts bark for a KvWontly there wa, germ of Scarlet ShOWS Stuff FOUrth an Idea there because that Period Assault Against noiiis NfElN CRONKITE'S PLACEKICK AND ACTION IN SATl'RDAVS CAAIE pr J. exactly what Lewis did. For the old swashbuckling courage in handling a punt, the laurel wreath goes to Brown.

Despite the waterlogged, heavy ball, Lewis came tearing after It, snagging it on the dead run. Kansas State. RAIN SLOWS GRIDIRON BY C. E. McBRIDE, hy Norlh The Linrnin olhpr Brown could only turn out for one practice last week, following the attack of appendicitis, and he took that one workout in a sweat L'ANSAS CITY, Kan- home that evening rs.

a On the way sas Aggies are on a in talking with Harold Tetz. jjjg championship race for 'You know what Id like to do? football honors; the Iowa State, eleven, in the running, ha.s Saturday wuth the score tied and a trifle in the general ruq a punt back for a touchdown, the Cornhu.skers of Lewis told his teammate. Nebra.ska are looking about for wLsh. with exception wreaths that will fit their of the standing of points when his I brow.s ruq came. Nebra.ska’s 6-3 victory over the BAD WEATHER.

Aggie.s at Manhattan. Ka.s., on a LJOW much longer Is the weather heavy field under a downpourmg man going to frown on these fy. was a last quarter triumph annual Kansas Aggie-Nebraska team that carried an edge games? There’t been a fair play. Iowa State 6-7 defeat by Drake produced twistings of the that are interesting. For the first time in four games the Iowa Staters were favorites and for the first time they lost.

Twice in other games Dick educated toe kicked the their point after touchdown that brought victory to his mates but Saturday the toe forgot its cunning and (lay for this game since that day when Sed plunging upset a fine Manhattan team and IhaA was in 1924. And the name Brown Is becoming somewhat of a sore spot with the K-Aggies. It was Jug Brown who literally ran wild against the Wildcats in 1927 to upset apple cart Th most disappointed Nebraskan failed to swing the team into the In Manhattan after the game was fje it wanted badly. Even the Ray Ramsay. The alumni secre-j stars of football can not keep tary who takes action pictures of smothering the law of averages, the various games, had just run i out of film before Browm started! defeat of Iowa State, of th.l winning run.

affect the Big Six I race but it reduces the status of Bruce Kilbourne, one of the inspired eleven from Ames to Huskers who counting pigeons i of another frenzied foot- in Chicago when the train pulled hall team back at a normal out, was stowing a hit of food in Tigers Hard Pressed. Mqrysville, when the old 7-0 victory over Ok- rhoo chTO got away irom him jahoma was w'ritten in a terrific again. However, one of the re- struggle to maintain the touch- turning raters hauled him to Be- down lead scored in the first three ateice and he boarded the special, minutes of play when Missouri Dr. Earl Deppen, serving as team phy.sician during Dr. Oliver "sabbatical claims ho won the football game.

Instead of removing appendix he decided to let it ride a bit, hence appearance in the Manhattan conflict. NEBRASKANS SAFELY LEAR KANSAS SIA FOOTBALL RESULTS IS The upper photo shows Henry Cronkite booting his 38-yard placekick, in the Kansas State-Nebraska game Saturday. The ball vi.sible as it started on its journey. The lower photo shows George Sauer being stopped after a gain of five yards in the third quarter. This was just before the Huskers started their "big of 67 yards which fell seven yard.s short of a touchdown.

Tl LANE CLASS OF SOUTHERN TEAMS took advantage of a fumbled kickoff to stage a scoring offensive. Valiantly was the lead defended in the tumultuou.s last quarter, one moment of the Sooners charging Tiger goalward from the 1-foot line. A fumble and a Missouri recovery got the Tigers out of that hole. Rain before the contest did not affect the Missouri gridiron, owing to the canvas covering that is kept over the Missouri turf until game time. There was no rain during ucmox the Missouri-Oklahoma game CLEMORE.

there was thruout the Nebra.ska- Ga. (UP). Now I dont know a sinele soul connected Kansas Aggie battle and so the Bowl businesss. Not even an usher or a third assistant JOHN: How to ftrquire rrpntation ra footing on the Missouri field was so it must just be my big-heartedness that prompts IN-rAon with Urgo c.lrHe of aoqualntancPA: Introdiirtlon to all nionibora of Notre Darae football MR. MICAWBKR. -Aggies are likely to accept an invitation to play Centre college, Dec. 12, for charity. The ganae would be played at Louia- vlHe. Ky. MANY FRIENDS.

Bif( (Irvtm Eleven Would Re Worthy Opponent V.S.C. in Rose Rotvl Looks dood in Knocking Over Vanderbilt, firm for the furious passing of a gEive that outfit this unasked advice. Spectacular airline combat. advice to the Rose Bowl folks is simply this: Invite Tulane, The Kansas score was the football team, to come out there to this al nersonSlv of Southern California on New Years day. This is sound I conducted affair of advice, for that Tulane outfit will ---------------------------1-----------------------And no brokerage could tronkite, Aggie captain right into the ai.sles.

Wow So as a precautionary measure I ever make a go of it. working on was nearly forty yards from margins as slender as the Huskers been compiling all season. ll rn nx it a. championship comes this II 1 II II I week when it meets Omaha at JU I LU if UU Omaha. The Wildcats have three conference decision.s to their credit.

If they lose they are assured of at least a tie for the first as Kearney is the only other team playing a full conference slate and it already has one defeat against Wesleyan Downs York With it. The Antelopes still have two games to play, meeting Peru this week. Chadron encounters the champion of the South Dakota conference, the Northern Normal and Industrial school of Aberdeen which is undefeated in South Dakota Bronchs Next Oponent vs. Omaha This Week. BY HDWARO GILLESPIE.

Wesleyan scored a clean cut 14 competition, to 0 victory over York college last 'Midland plays York and Cotner week and has but one more team tackles Doane in N. C. A. C. the NebraX eoal oLte boy.s and girls Jo say out loud and in to overcome in its march toward games.

Wesleyan journeys to Ok- twd thrbaU baT Thar jts first Nebra.ska College Athletic i lahoma City to play Oklahoma toeu me ban across the bar. lhat power, speed, brains. fighting Tennessee whoop Vanderbilt on; conference gridiron championship' City university. The southerners Saliirflnv inatoaH nf i came in the second quarter. Not until the final period and near the finish of the game could the Ne- had ever tossed a pass for the i appondicitis.

Panthers. Everyone, Pitt followers I caught a punton his fling is the fact that the Army had seventy yards to plant the ball a.tac. stopped 1 behind the Agpe COm ENTIOIS running plelely. Usually, to make a pass-1 eleven on the main ing attack go well, it is nece.ssary foil steam up for the Big Six title. spirit and loads of color.

Saturday instead of watching Tu-1 several years Hastings, with have a good record, having wal- Georgia, I be victories and two ties on its loped Haskell Indians 28 to 6 last week. RESn.TS I.AST WEEK. A. A. Wenleyan 14, York 0.

Midland 21. Doane 7. Hastings 6, Parsons (Fairfield, la.) 0. N. I.

A. A. Peru 18, Oiadron 6. Nebraska 7, Kearney 0. Omaha 33, Buena Vista 6.

Wayne 33, South Dakota Mines 0. UA.MEN THIS WEEK. N. C. A.

A. Midland at York, WesleVan at Oklahoma City university, Cotner at Doane. Hasting, open. N. I.

A. A. Kearney at Peru. Wayne at Omaha. Northern Normal (Aberdeen, S.

at Chadron. Pittsburgh 26, Army 0. finish of the game could the 9 course, Tulane might up an(l urging Tennessee for Rose i -j-' Pitt gained 279 yards by bra.skans realize on the yardage i i Bowl with every one of the 150 hurdle the ing, certainly one of the greatest' Rains they had put into motion and I Californians are comoact well knit I teams being totels ever compiled with tieTr-1 then it no sustained offensive Sv Jhteied "bv frame ward pass in one game. And Paul I that did the work but rather the i a invading Tennesi. Collins, a Sioux City boy I aolo flight of Lewis Brown, a back Tulane than "ter all Vkn i (Joacn Howard Hill's playing end, does some of this who has been out of the game until i character dangerous panthers turned back three Mes- flipping.

It was the first time he recently because of an attack of levan drves that earned the ball to Tennessee Strong. be as good or i York inthers turned back three Wes- tKxx 1 leyan drves that carried the ball to the football team it is possible to i a va-d linas the Cov- assemble under one roof. For in By nominating Tulane ter the; whipping Georgia ease' and Army team, were taken en- 30-yard line, a punt that came to other half of the Rose Bowl lineup i which is called ridiculous Tulane plunging for tirely by surprise when the Iowan him when the Aggies had repulsed I automatically become public looked like the McCoy touchdowns. Lyle Hriggs 'Hpped a He had been I hard driving Nebra.ska charge nuisance No.

1 in Tennes.see, and i rlty, the good.s, the class, Miii.xr bnwight back occasionally to punt, i their own province. Tuck- several of the more hot- I well, like a football outfit that but never before to pass. ing that ball under his arm.s. Brown headed citizens may take up my would stand a lot of beating from And what makes it more baf-1 swung into action, and negotiated i trail, armed with squirrel guns. i any team.

t(x have a line buck or two sprinkled in. High Cronkite takes Bittner Scores Marker. The Missouri touchdown was a Stuber to Bittner forward pas.s, Henry ree or kAicking placements. Most place- kialMM teke but one. Big Six games thi.s week end; KuimaH, at Iowa State vn.

Nebraska, at I.lnritln. vs. North Dakota, ij Manhattan, VIS DER WAY US about three or four steps before Mis.souri captain leaping be-----------X tween two Oklahoma defenders to! boot against the Huskers i and behind their goal line, is pie fourth he ha.s made this year quarter did Ok- ihf giames. two of them being ageieet West Virginia. He cer- i score.

Then the Sooners found STANDINGS BIO SIX. th me that brought the Aggies ir three points. NSERS LEADS CARDS OVER PACKERS 1 Bay Drop First Mix lp sequel. ilTPro 'Bags Tenth Victory Win. A middle of the line thrust two feet.

Another waa stopped on the line. A third saw' the Missouri valiantly shot out of the arms of the Oklahoma carrier, the alert Schiele falling on it three yards from the Missouri goal. Punter Gill added Kansas found a team that stand hitched while a Jayhawker I offensive oiled up, and the down: trodden Washington team gave way before a 28-0 onslaught. teotball league champions, had their first defeat of the 1931 sea- Fourth quarter scoring was the Chadron son against them Sun-. big offensive fireworks of the day, Dili continued to hold the Drake-Iowa State game at Ames.

league lead. i Drake drove to its touchdown and I PorumouYh Chicago Cardinals, paced by the winning point, and then, Iowa Hrnirf' Nevprs rirxx.xr. Ba With a 21-13 victory before 8,000 persona at Wrigley field. A 35-yard pass, Brumbaugh to Garland Grange, in the final min- of play enabled the Chicago to defeat the New' York 1 pt oppet Nebraska 4 C3510 lOOO Iowa State 30 4018 :1000 Missouri I3 2150 .250 Kansas 0 3 026.000 State 3 2 .600 1 42247 .200 BKi TKX. 1t pt op pet Northwestern 4 81 26 1000 1(1 7727 .750 Purdue 3 10 5727 .750 Ohio State 3 10 39 23.7.')0 Minnesota 2 1u 6232 .667 Wisconsin 2 2 34 .500 Indiana 1 3144 48 .250 Chicago 1 30 3259 .250 Iowa 0 2 10 56 .000 Illinois 0 5 01294 .000 C.

A. C. 8TAM)IN(i, 1t pet. ptops Wesleyan 4 0 0 1000 6724 Hastings 2 0 21000 56 6 York 1 1 1 ..500 7 20 Cotner 20 .300 20 14 Midland 1 21 .333 33 47 Doane 0 4 0 25 91 N. I.

A. A. 1 pet.pts Ops Wayne 3 0 22 0 Keainey 11 .500 13 21 Peru 11 .,500 12 booted goal after each tally. Miller, captain, was back in the lineup and seemed to add life to the team. The victory was the fourth straight against conference opponents.

Midland won its victory of the season, defeating Doane Tigers, another luckless team this I year, 21 to 7 at F'remont Friday in a game closing the home Olympic Tryouts Likely to Max Coe, who scored twice, Re Held on est Carleton and Enebak starred in the Warrior victory while Adams coast. tallied for the Tigers after taking KANSAS CITY, Mo. (UP). Nu-i a long pass from Hodges, merous recommendations made by I Hastings Stops Parsons, twenty-nine committees and more Hastings put up a stone w'all de- than 144 records will be passed on! fense against several goalward of NORIDWESTERN MES RODE CNARITY MIX at ihe general sessions of the Amateur Athletic union at its forty-third annual convention be: ginning here Monday. I The session w-as to start at 2 twenty-six yard sweep around end p.

m. I in the second quarter Has; It was recommended by the tings its lone tally, i United States Olympic track and i Aided principally by its pa.ssing field committee that the final try -1 Parsons pushed to within outs for the United States team two yards of a touchdown no in the 132 Olympic games at Los than three times, losing the ball Michigan to Go Against Will Count in Final Big thrusts by Parsons college of Ten Standing. Fairfield, on the Broncho grid CHICAGO. (UP). The Big Saturday and nosed out with a 6 charity post-season football ache- I to 0 decision.

Sunny i has been arranged as follows: Nalurday, Nov. 28. Northwestern vs. Pnrdiie at Soldiers Held ChlraKo. Mtrhlaan vs.

Wlsronsln at Arbor. Minnesota vs. Ohio State at Minneapolis. Thursday, Nov, 26. C'hleaao vs.

Iowa. Indiana vs. Illinois. Two winners to meet afterward. held at Stanford university July 15 and IG.

This, however, will 33 47 acted upon at a meeling of the All games, 30 minutes each at down.s and again when the half gtabb Pleld, Chicago. time whistle halted play. The gate receipts will be pooled Nevers, smashed Ine-game winning streak augurafed a rushing attack swept to a touchdown only to have staten island tjie hitherto faultless le needed point. Drake Bumps Cyclones. Valley dopesters have held that Omaha 01 000 8 13 Chadron 02 000 (i 21 NATIO.NAI, I'RO I.KAGl K.

1 tpet. i fSreen Bay 1 0 .900 Portsmouth 10 2 0 .833 Chicago Bears 5 3 0 .625 New York 5 4 0 ..556 Chicago Cardinals 3 3 0 .500 Prtividence 33 2 ..500 Cleveland 25 0 .286 Staten Island 2 6 1 .2.50 Brooklyn 29 0 .182 Philadelphia 1 6 1 .143 He: iiiingford Peru staged a fourth perio(l rally divided among the cAtfcuiive commiiiee of the Ameri-1 defeat Chadron 18 to 6 in the states compri.sing Big Ten terri- can Olympic association in New conference game in the N. I. I tory, according to the population 29. A.

A. loop. The scored of each state. The money will go They also recommended the i in the game when Stangle to the unemployed we.stern semifinal tryouts be held I plunged over after end charity fund in each state, at Long Beach, Calif. The date run.s had put the ball in position.

Results of the contests was to be set later. It was decided pass to Miller on the the annual meets of the Intercol -1 play of the fourth quarter legiate Amateur association in the Bobcats their first touch- 1932 should be listed as semifinal down. Miller and Sautter tallied will count in the final Big Ten standings and in the case of ties in the foursome between Chiacgo- lowa and Indiana-Illinois, the out- tryouts and that winners of Lhe other touchdowns after inter- come will be decided on basis of first three places represent the ccpting Chadron passes. yardage gained. United States at the Olympic! Carlyle Staab playing the game.s.

leading role, team PlayinK Coacfl Anot.ner recommendation sug- game of the sea.son, gested that winners of i defeating Kearney 7 to 0. DULUTH. Minn. Johnny Mitchell, who heads the Duluth annual endurance races at Boston, to Wilson accounted for the tAam in tha Ampnran Bear, to defeat the New York dopesters have held that! Teams Play for Charity- and Los Angeles, com- Husker touchdown. will the to 6, boior.

30,000 at ALLfANCE a LL" towl ma'rathon, Witb Huff acoring two touch-. aidmoTto thZ JYYJ; football team will meet the Hem- the second man at; Omaha umveraity walloped New York. Portsmouth Spartans scored beyond the limits of their the Los Angeles meet act as alter- Buena Vista 33 to 6 their tenth victory of the season by Physical prowess. These dopesters a cnarity VIV.VU 1 1 ui luc oy 99 Thp re date. Cleveland at Cincinnati, are pointing to the Drake score divided between the Brundage was ex- li-6.

Providence from Staten support of their belief. Iowa the suggest to the com- WMd. 6-0, In the other league State charity organizations. Foimer high jointly school nrid stars will be the chief ork sometime in December performers, a tof, purpose of formulating a mat out. I code to govern them all.

The A. A. practically controls all The victory w'as seventh straight of the season. Coach eleven is the only team in either conterence N. Y.

(UP). The but the "of the Omaha OKLAHOMA CITY. The an- i exception with a perfect slate, altho the nia- Siiig Sing Eleven Is -----------------------------X-. the valley conference Grmnell inner Ivaiiie battled royaiiv Creighton Plan Sooner (zhecker Meet Blatt and Wayne Wins Seventh. Two Alabama players, Leon Wayne, conference leaders, Dong and Hillman Holley, tied for drubbed the South Dakota Mines scoring honors early in the south- 33 to 0 in an Armistice day game, ern conference football season.

of the Omaha White of Sing Sing eleven waa just eight points better nual Oklahoma checker tourna- pfisdfi swept to a thrilling 33 to 0 than anything the lowans could ment be held here starting over Ossining naval militia mu.ster The Oklahoma Aggies Dec. 28. All players resident in after the prison band found Tulsa just as Tartarish the for six months may com- piayed Him Down. Me- as expected and emerged victors i pete for the title of S. W.

Russell. The Oregon State college beaver, a bronze mascot weighing nearly 1,000 pounds, a symbol of the col- lege spirit since 1894. was stolen and a striped pony, mas- only because the kicker who will not defend his champion- from the campus at the start of cyt paraded ground the field i failed to add his point after touch- ship. the football season I jority of its victories has been by margins. The record: 9, I.

30 0 7, Western I nloii 6 Whvdp is. Kearney 0. Wayne 6, rent 0. Wajne I hadron 0. Wayne SU, South Dakota 0.

chance to clinch the N. Coach Donald Tubb, one-time professional, will have a strong boxing team at Alabama this year. NLUMBERuu i to pgr 1.000 rester Co 069 No Sauer Shows Return to His Plunging Power in the Aggie Game. BROWN HERO OF BATTLE BY JDHN BENTLEY. With four conference victorie.s tucked away, Nebra.ska will start Monday preparing for the Iowa State Cyclones, undefeated in Big Six competition thus far.

The Huskers were pretty badly used up in the Kaggle Melvin Swanson. Kimball leather lug- I gcr, being the in- jured. He probably will be out the 'remainder of the sea.son with a fractured wrLst. Gall and Dutch Ko.ster, with injured legs and Chick Justice with minor hurts were the other casualties. Coach Bible stated Monday that the regulars would be permitted to take it easy for a day or Clarence Nel.son, York, game captain for the Iowa State mix, suffered a fractured w'rist in the Kearney Normal game and will not be able to perform against the Cyclones.

Besides that miraculous and game winning run of seventy yards which Lewis Brown made to win for the Huskers against the Kansas State eleven, this also saw the return to plunging power of George Sauer. One of the best plays of the game was his fake punt and run of sixteen yards as the third pe- ri(xl was ending and before; the Huskers started that sixty- seven yard march. Auker, the mainstay of the K-Aggie back- fleld, had punted and hia effort, rolled dead on the Husker 7-yard line. Sauer w'cnt into the end zone in punt formation. Receiving the snapback from Ely, George started the motion of punting and it had the K-Aggie left end so thoroly i convinced that he leaped in the air to block, whereupon Sauer swung outside of him and got back six-1 teen yard.s before he waa cha.sed out of bounds.

With both Justice and Ko.ster out of the fray with injuries it fell upon Jerry Adam, Warren DeBus and Clair Bishop to handle these assignments and all three of them were outstanding, Ely, Rhea Star on Line. Lawrence Ely and Hugh Rhea came thru with another great defensive performance. While the Kansas Statens were playing defensive football, in the belief that the three points scored by Cronkite in the second period would be sufficient, the fact still remains i that the McMillin crew did not make a first down during the entire second half. One of the oddest plays of the i game was during the sustained march oi the Huskers. Sauer i cracked left tackle for ten yards but the ball popped from his arms as he was tackled.

Bauer, out in front to block, saw the oval bounding along and he promptly fell on it for three more yards. Graham Play. Ralph Graham, the plunger of the K-Aggie backfleld, out the entire performance on the bench. No one seemed to know exactly W'hy, most of the Manhattan followers declaring that McMillin care to take a chance on an injury which Graham wa.s still carrying as a souvenir of the West Virginia game. Others declared that it was because Graham overcome a fumbling complex, having let the ball get away from him on about six occasions in the Missouri game.

And It was a dry ball they were using on that occasion. The Kansas State-Nebraska game undoubtedly found more hard and certain tackling than any tilt in which the Nebrasaans have engaged this season. Both elevens were "making the leather so that it could be heard in the stadium. And with all credit to the K- Aggie line, the Cornhusker forward wall was the aggressor out, with exception of the second quarter. There were three Huskers who went the entire route for the Ne- I'RO EODTB4I.I..

(irffn B.i> IS. 4 ltlra(ti 12. (ilanta II, 4 0, OI.I.MzK. HanlH liara Han I unl- 1. I 6.

Htaplrinn 0. brn.8kans. They were Rhea. Flly and Bob Joy, the latter turning in a fine performance at left end. On touchdown run.

the Husker team did fine blocking, Ely, Rhea. Mn.sterson and Bishop accounting for at four of the K-Aggies who started in pursuit of the little man of de.stlny from NOIRE 3 VERTR By GEORGE KIRKSEV. CHKWGO. (UP) The Notre Dame-Southern Caiifornla football series, which will be renewed at South Bend Saturday, not only has produced some of the geratest individual brilliance best team play in history, but many of iho grid never-to-be-forgotten thrills. Southern California, victorious in six straight games since a 13-7 loss at St.

Marys, is bringing r.n- other high offensive machine to the mid-west in an attempt to smash Notre Dame remarkable record of 25 victories in 2b games. Only a 0-0 tie with Northwestern breaks the sequence of Notre Dame triumphs since Southern CallCornia beat the Irish 1928 by a 2T-14 score. Games of Past. Thumbnail skctche.s of past games between Notre Dame and U. S.

follow: 1626: S. 12. Trailing 12-7 in lant tq play, ruihed In Parinifn, French left-handea who threw two to Niptnic lot th nK tciich- down. Attpnoiinre. I.ot 1927; Notrr 7.

L. 8, 6 Trojaim fliht on a In pirlod. Dame look Ihe eiitiUlni; kickof. and merrhed to a touchdown whlih ciilniliiated a 25-yard pas.s Flanakan to Dahman tenoancf, Chlrano. 1928: IJ.

S. C. 27; Notiv Dame. it. Notre Dame previouJly loet to CarneKle Teeh and Teeh.

The won eaelly, hut Notie Dame a half comeback which ecored two toiich- It the toothall game loot by Notre Dame. Attend.ince. Ankeler. 1929. Notre Dame.

13: tJ. 8. ,2. TrOjans fliait wtii Bucky O'Connor hllndad hy a Maek eye on the and let a get hy him for a tmithdo'vn. The came and marched to a touchdown by Savo.dl.

A 45-yard Jack to Tom Conley, acored another touihdown. On the next ktckoff ran 97 to Bcore and tho failure to Kick goal cost them a tie. Attendance, 120,000, Chicagc. 1930: Notre Dame. 27; U.

S. 0. only time Notre Dame haa ever hlankcd Southern California. Notre Dame noeing out Northwestern, 14-0, and Army, 7-6, In two prevloua Attendance. Angeles.

A capacity crowd of 55.00U will see the sixtn game, but it will be the smallest crowd ever to see the two teams play. It will also ba Southern first appearance in South Bend, the 1927 and 1929 games having been played in Soldier field, Chicago, lim -a complete A service -3308 STUART INVESTMENT CO. Fifty- First Yeai in Nebraska man or woman for secretarial position. Exceptional opportunity as a.ssi.stant to the President of company. Must have thorough business training including business letter writing.

YOU CAN BE READY FOR A FINE JOB NEXT YEAR Frequent requeats come to uh time to enroll young men oi similar to that In the want-ad women who have a background above. More than ever, In of a year or more general col- of depression hlghtype commer- lege training. To such cal graduates are In demand. We we can offer exceptional oppoi- are particularly anxious at this tunitles. ENROLL DECEMBER FIRST Our winter term starts December 1st.

All regular commercial courses will be offered. Students showing exceptional promise and industry will be assisted to prepare for most desirable secretarial positions as rapidly as possible. will help ambitious students to obtain work toward paying part of their living expenses while at school if necessary. Call At The School in Person If Possible! LINCOLN SCHOOL OF COMMERCE Member of Accredited Commercial and 14th Streets, Lincoln, Nebraska.

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