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The Montgomery Vidette from Troy, North Carolina • Page 2

Troy, North Carolina
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Pi ui i a. 1 1 i i ii i i ii i ii i f-. The Nowh 'and 'Observer on year's Ud not entirely -A-Tay's ti? 20th Idrtli -comes to ue i lr Oi.riv hv jr. n. )rft til OR iin a Laiidecmi nett llitu of y-Vk touiii a mate Jj1(tii8i Awie.

an a x.r; trr.fct thtft his, the most valua 1 Itch-arty prows that any wo and me trying to devise menus to. n1" ecom withmn prevent it! If they would have Piu wrlmuvr. It also then- ordinarv execnt ivo sesans, i i nintn Wic ptnc kiwi tli i mam' ble da jl'y iii the State, will 'get all the pal ronae it so richly deiserves T-he cash piice'of the daily has been reduced! to- six dollars per. year. I Form our regular TliOV, X.

A ll. 0, jMjUfci iJXK-m-iiWiiiwiifciiHiii iTTTi nrrn -r A nVHeiMf general interest Conffross last week waV the vote in the JJouse on the location of the World's Fair of 1H02. On the eighth ballot Chicago; has! 157 votes, three mom than a majority. On the.tfrst htliot Mr, Henderson voted for Washington; ami Mr. Cowle for Chicago, and on the 15 nnl baljot both of thee voted for New York.

i. SAUNDERS' Gm St. OPOJI the trouble Would bo ended: lvH pgnancy. It is The Ii(iCe and Ways and etui Uy physicians every committee aie jraclicaiiy a wn're w'-'s true private on. till in the.

preparation of 'a tariii refbrih bill. 1 i ii tns i ii w-vii-'ii, mn.iiii iir iif PI bi The Finaitco eoininitlee of the scnpKivf circulars, testimonial. an Sena'e has to report tl ct.i.IiJfiitS. Jeiter mt in K'alfd in-bill for increasing the eofnn -e of i verrl' Address Frank Thomas siiviVhdlars nf VMhi: Bahi.uore. "La Grippe'1' has made-; its np-pearance, und are not families ot which some of members can tell that they hae the worst colds ever had.

Siua'1 grain i not looking welh Insects have killed out at 20 per cent of it. Tanners are thinking of their needs' in the way of fertilisers. t- month, We have received a programme, fron: L. E. Conlter, Ri a (Oi Yiiiing.

Men's Christian A Revenue. Avrat S-it Jt r. inm.l borne ai guano tnrouga i It is announced that the Hal fliffh News and Observer-is to pat in a new outfit and Uo take on more editorial feree; that the State Chronicle is to beco-ine a daily and absorb the Call, a Hal eigh afternoon papc.r; that. the Winston frsntiwsl and Greensboro Patriot are sooii to issue daily editions, arid that, the purhaii; I iiuiiimi itvt'lili1' tahe phice Gohisboro, bT Iiavji to fit the hard times he receiving hj 'Pi 1 on lt-nrsiiav, of r.ex: heenue Agent Irkna.t.n-1: t. the Alliance agMvey, and others who do not to that order are getting it as heretofore, or trying to make arrangements to do w.

(who was appiiinted under the i i i.i:;ilmd ii l- ii ti if KV I. N- Daily Globe, has been revived -TSA Tcii'K SO, i. th Wr Aft Ti if 1 l50t '-t relieved) wasib.i..t Sijihi, s'chtweak er, is a large, com modi- a.t lv II M- Ev ous and one of the wondiirs. and paiiiftiliy v0.undeih Ue reach a Willi us is; that he does not take iliilsboro that morning and, the -'L'GGS, Troy, x. 2sr iili wish all the brethren the idization of their best hbjtes.

OF unto ir.mselt a wile, i limn or it: Durhaia Globe savs, Started ut I I i i wit a his posse and a negro, who 't had volunteered to pilot them "to it. Senators Ransom and Vance Avill fail of their duty if they do not. bring promptly to the attention 'of the ITuited State Senate the fact that.a Democratic reve- a distillery' in'th'p neighborhood. After going a short distance, the If your boy has a taste for natural history buy him the York Ledger for Idareh I. and have him read the first of a ye ies of art icle.s by Professor John i I on rv 'oajstock, of Corn i verity, on the study of insect.

The articles treat ofitiBfi-ts which are useful, as well as of those Mr. John II. Allen is aho pre fed FT i 8 t) it.n vhicli ht sold ut RQGE-BOTTOM mill paring lumber for aVJarge negro made some excuso. and. but thought it vvas.betteri)ping hio gl small by to marry, and now bus a good jtlie waTsi(ie, returned with a gun deal to say about his boy, being which are destructive to life and big enough to trv to talk, i -i-.

vegetation; They deal, however, particularly with the pe-ts which Hie toaii taxing eitoct the lace.77 ime officer, in the performance! of his duty, in North Carolina, lias Iweu shot by a negro moonshiner, nd that a llei)ublican ofileer lias shot and killed a negro. Senator Jloarshould at once introduce a resolution of inquiry into this cjikc and Attorney General; Miller fever" occasionally, but think it One of his' eyes is put out. ravage grain, rice and best to work for that which' is cial Dejmty A. 0. Patterson, who bmas.

Hlfeady coined. 3'ut doubtless, wa-; with Kiikpa'trick at the lime. A 'niCii who ius irscHce1 iriPflirii.t- for -iO pars, ntiyht to I'roru there is plenty in our; river lirml xro (Ilearv more-prospecting wdi L. some dav reveal it. S.

by name) and It Hhoult enter into correspondence i a i. r.r ueiievcu inau milieu wa a moen- 'with t.ip marshal of the pistret EH3 rt3 eul what hft avs: 10, S7. Messrs. T.i J. Co- Gen 'ja liern in lie gMei a' action of iMtil fur iiml -Ui ar ti -1 wou'sl -av t.i a it; mv praciicv i i .1 I i (f Uhiner and that his diitillerv was with tho view of nossessiug hi in iiii self of the Among- other tidies too iedious to nu'iilion, vil! bt found.

fnlf lint of GENT'S Ready-Made Mm uuw revrr seen pori-'espon-lence Yidette. JJr. Editor: I am a1 regular. read "er of your most valnahle i'nat I cmiM piescrihe with of succe a I fan Hail's (Jsilan-h Cufe, in'nmfac-lureU vou it'n and there is nothing that I hiok Cotiespauda'aco Vii)kttk prrent limes its i licet is Masou.Texa Feb. 12th 1SH( tor more eagerly on rnlay than 1 he-' arrive! of '-iii(l: In' fin! wno'il in thai hnve yt-t t.

cuc In its editorial comments the Kws and Observer expresses the Opinion that the Republicans may succeed in passing a bill through Congress to perpetuate the grojss gerrymanders of its own party as I never lav it aside nntd I have ol 1:10 1 l5U' read all thai is in it. 4 I cannot see tlai'ht tur someviuie" I word -a how anv citizen of the countv can wnreu tbc "'a tit age. and d- S3 i CI that it will they now exist, but advantages ot i uis count ry, and as wrunped in a man- i tie oi wtiite, tins -AM)-' UNDERWEAR thru a-oiiM iu.t cure, if itufV would ttike it according tu curs (ams'trn. i I Hi -e li.niDit We i'l givo $i(to for a fiurli can not te P'ireii witti lUll's Cure Tnkin luie- j. CUE I EV CO.

Prop To O. by 'Drni-ets, alxord to bejwithout it. hink I can safely to all jsuch as deny themselves4ho iead-ing such a valuable iiouie pa'p-er, that if they'wiil for, and will careful! the mrr v. a good oiortun ity. The siiou-is now 0 inches deep and snowing, being the largest tha 3 six monihs that fhev: woaid i'uI1Vn lier" fo1! Ladies' FANCY D-sxjJl it ooen a very dry, wnr.n not tend to eradicata the prae-Jjco, but rather it will tend tu increase it.

i The New York World has com j)i)ed the votes of fourteen port Ik rn States, casting 3,380.300 Republican and Democratic votes. These States elected 15-0 Republican -vjdc-i was not quite 36,000 votes to ja -rue- Lint ni it'. Jiitgti re- 5 i i But what I 'wish to say is that we have a excellent eor.utry. It i.s-' health v. and oroductiv-e.

m. es ii a rd Soft or ChHousccJ not Do wuhuiit it tor inure than twice its cost. Idr. Editor, I aiaitrprisod hat no one has Suid nay thing to ay in -regard io this thriving lift Jo village. Onviiie is sifuaied i iio' soafh-easterfi part of! Tr5V Lti vi ft ii ti IVene.shes -frnrn horse-, GOODS, vij OO 9 CX Mot.

however at the! 8 bwc bottom lands of llie K.oR-h.'.nc, Stife Strains, all or Red iiiver; yet, it -returns a vvoben Thi -ats, Cughs, Etc Se sr.iaclent quant ity. for the labor ue of Nittk-. AVarrm.ted Republican Congressman. ship, on tlie; east side of Little Sad tr Vi Uiveratjontl'one mi'd from i tons Bridgei a-ndTs perhajs one' of the most wideawake ji trie vii- bus he corn per acie; to 0') -lXCLUDIM(i- A Chci Cciection oWhl L.V.V:"S ilL'SMXS -AT prices raijii Ihnn to also elected 47 Democratic Congressmen, was an average 05,000 for a Democratic lnenj-her. Hero, then, one Republican voter is made efpial.

to two Demo a cats, 15 to 35 oi' wheat, 20J to r'J'-. i.ige. in r.ui it'OunLV. iiiiS Hi tit town is run bt that wideawake and of sweet potatoes. eg-eiiei go tie man J.

C. iiruton, En etabies of. all kinds do well. This uid iieisettiiigtluiriLliH). TrsFe iias ueon a slu'K eountry-uuf.

cratic yoters. Such are the etVects he lias net dtkndeditoibirdd a rad- Jspwig ri.e epw uoy rr i rear. IS eon.s!;era road yet, but -he did decide, to ATKINSic SUGGS. Druggists, Troy. N.

c. Bldocli ALBEMARLE, X. 1 have rented Uo'e'. aiid iive refurnished aiid jefitted it (sjr tiie ti avei'tii: ouh ir. Horses a'td yeiiic'es jiru ided fiir.

u'Xtruis I IAS IV, I'roorielor. Feo. lu, 1 VOl We return 'iptf ltmnk t' o.r un r. f.r I i I jKtronc jrt lr.o theiu. i-o'iiit conimi build a bridcio across ItiusV.

ailKiUUl' (u iiU0 tarming 1'ow at frciu to 10 c-cnt. a few years 1u go. du he: did- it. ibr Si! verAMlow. -lie of Republican gerry myiudet ing North.

With ai showj-ing, Mr. Hoar and others arc anxious to perpetuate the present conr gressional districts, and they pro pose a law forbidding afiy ehahga Mr. Rriuou rnns a kuw mill. faviaiug land as canjbe found' in iniimjtius in cml- less Largest Stock of hv ixisting: legislatures. I Thev mi'l, cotton in, and hsldoiiig ouite country.

It is the. finest place an extensive'! business hi for ll- -hny I eVer saw. Thjs tine. iv. Rrkiton is gaining very hind which, under a good; fence -fast.

in this wothls dod. cau la hought tor t'wo dollars per iuck seetas to!" foljow him. Eoeent- td-enpj it will pn-ly, he had a cow to give birfh to lnre 2000 lh cotton' ier two calves, oiie a red one the other -wre. These hiiuhyare at spote'd; he alio had a-ewe to r-ive tliis Priee, for the, whole tract: Mort'finge Sale. are not after hat is fair and just GOODS but are Peeking to prevent changes in districts which tlseJ By virtue of Mortgage Deft.l e.p- i 'gia'R iy K.

0. OJoirii and ife i- 1AMj ii r'int ir in t'tic tiftii. fr rah fori Hp.i i ti ic "us-s, en' th. Ctii d'ivlot ho.d win be at rj i birth to two "il-iMihs. xi-ub'white the hi any of your ieope thiiikuig WVtl, to twhm'vtitftU If any of your have so arranged that one- Re i i publican counts equal tu two Dem pcrats.

Vr ST.fh 4P I otLer tnar-k. yon he stains 01 infj tniiiK ijiey February is-:) We sfci! tj-. In addition tu these will be K(ii. fV i. i do better; than, consul roiirt hno in! Troy -t the.

hiht who are 1 1 er rhs hi dt-r Ch, ho 11:1 dny h.f no aie sait to ie -Uoi a lucny. i o. an- de5T n. Wo.have a flonrishiiig5 School at suy 111 clxsiqn tmp tW Onvil'e, with LMr. A.

as jot the couutiy HUiiu( C'aitn aid hr J-J K-cOoii. CI to 20 por v(ird. Yes; and right in the the face! cM list jnt jd 1 re 11 tt Slute lu nta 1 of facts as the above figures ahont miits (iOi; 1 Mitch! Richmond county, as pidncipal I have. an opportunity of knowing is.ia hist rate teacher. as,i 1 give prove, the leading Republicans down here, (such -influential demagogues, lor instance, as Col, ti ()ES- 11 0 --11 1: i i)iloi i'ii one an in soi niuuon uie.v nii Dockery, and our Col.

on bund mil rd Ull-iiiincnj 31 Ik in full Id'-nit. We J1ARJ1 YOTT't WfJ iI. well, far niiich f-r nr Ctt" e'l y.M an cSeip' r. ttet riousl burned a few. weelb a-o, is "I ltanl to fast tltey wdl vrite to ine at Kateiucy, Aafo 1 Texas, eif addressed to Yt virtue of 1 De-d of Trnt cxe-n-' will get u) and tell bur people, in one and the same breath, that tU is all right; thafe all the Success to t'he Vi- iiut t.uii "illlil LH'jl jlj I llifl section is badly damaged bv in envc sects.

The healrh of oar 'imt J. JL). liUilLiHY- tftd. bvr Jaiues CanioVicU and his-Marihn Cainlhe'l, A. Vrehsltr, dattd te I4i day of issy.

and doty corded tn rh otfico of-thc fJ ei? iter of 'd-s Montgoufery courtly. to li ok So 'M, Ja o1, th as lruUe Ii, as never better except colds which are quite Gsscrai i uv, i Ko at prices ranging frGm 80 ct-to d.75 pt-r pair. i The Dokes, of Darhatn, oirer to give Trinity College 685,000 if it Satutdav the otfi df. of April, Well by pitlic aiii'tion fr ch, at intelligent and iuliuen-jtiaj voters of' the North are Republicans; that the poor, ignorant, laboring people compose the' rank and tile of the Democratic party pp for all that the. Republican party is the poor white man's in 1 tbauV juu lirar.i' an an oiidy e'e- We lmv aJot of second hand Bagging, and thi lecejdnr to divtrito' Hunting uir truer friends.

Come and ee n. Th nf? 1''' sis moved to that town. i v.our.i uoiihti u.or 1.1 1 roy, I Fee Ccrresponilciice Viuettr I i rx ttt i ji uikimuii nas Tlie hen roost of Mr. a a GROCERIES, at Uail Road Prices. tract ot Ijnu nl personal propert conveyed in said deed of trust; which said land lies iif Montgomery county, adjoining the lands of Geo Tirnti-n Hi.

others, on ike waters of CarkV Lilly has been; ieeentlyroibed of aco 11111 'tUil Uaf aiticle ur several tine chickens' Air. IAllv ghig the removal of the iState friend, Why rnd rniiip ur town ff life tnt and on nur rt oi V. II- ATKINS. Ar crek, toiilaiuing aeres, saore- or The attention Fanners Also, two nitre males i) vcars ol-l. Colum'oiJj Co- yes; certainly, mighty 1 good rieiidij, judeed; but it isn't) sale, you know, to let the poor man's 'Vote count inueU up ortli, es-exrially if he is a Democrk, ac- 1 kept a -ilook for the capital to that place, thief and soon; found that it wav T)- I i 1 i John Pierce, an old and respect-a.

uiiatv nicii had made its home under a shnekpen in the lot. A e(Veitizen, living near Cameron. Ishot gun soon put an end to its county, hanged himself on idepredatioiis. UhelTthult: till he (Wn. wheat, wis, fudder.

Snicks, ctlou I CSpCCiallV UlVltjU t() tllln aiui coucn Men, aru nav. uiei 1 ll in ncrcountsand nl.bpation" de Jar.ics Vi US Ileailqiiai'UTiS fo! liiUIiill TU liUiiix. to th theoTy, pm-tic 10 ti theory, practice t'ampbe' 1 and wife I lie frry known as Suitir Ferry, on Pee Ute Ilijer. lhl, March i0. YV A vVEIiSTER, Trustee, Brown, Aits.

UI.OVTC 1 Low and tlie celehrat-jd ana On Irrwcvo'J Farm Lan2 Last week Mr. Tom jLisk had tuMe, i methods of the great and niisfortnue" to receive a severe; IKepublicausolons. I I just beio -the uye by TIili rcPort Po, Sous I are glad to' state that th 'Co, had moved their machinerv grand li 0 lerel Jiynb I -i 111. IFor 111 -w i Four frontjurr on rjh.stnut.The latter sold on th; lnt i tr tret moe mooer at 1 Slit et, feet. terms at Newslm- -now Kvoni1 quite painful is net' from Durham has been contradict, from Wushinfeton city tljat the Amde iLedbettir is still eu hy tue Durham I reys.

ot a U.S. Supreme Court had decided Guil- si lathed, IJia-flue Irom fhe Temple State boivd caU lliiam In Uurlia they run favor of tho tnto due larmers are quite busy nre- thirty lour cianetto 11 achines. I to mother and in Mew Ycr eirht. Meit-t. and lef-r liere'of 'JO p'o-Td ijiiouii ba" or rtAe rui plv biht or ten ljils jfrontinir on Kast stiel iboth Fide-) i r-; I ti le-r-t.

U'lll be j.ii va or on Apiil 1st, at 12 in VY. WKir.HT. Lcck.Bci. l-, JUdi ti.e, X. C.

J.UV C. I.

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