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Shullsburg Free Press from Shullsburg, Wisconsin • 3

Shullsburg, Wisconsin
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Miller's Corner cigars etc also soda water and an ice cream and lemonade hall where the caller can be comfortably waited on Come one come all Benj Brown article and are fully competent to judge of the truthfullness of the accusation made Truly it must be humiliating to such a public-spirited man as Mr Meloy to be thus forced to make public declaration of his acts when the acts themselves both in public and private affairs Stand out in bold relief in vindication of a career untarnished by any trickery or fraudulent motive as has been grossly insinuated Editor trations are three designs for cottage homes We know of no publication better suited for the household than Demorest's Monthly and the August number fully justifies the reputation it has acquired as a good family magazine you have a cold of cough of any kind buy a bottle of liill'B Peerless Cough Syrup Use it all if not satisfied return the bottle and we will refund your money We also sell the Peerless Worm Specific on the Same terms no core no pay Cobb's Little Podophyl-lin Pills will cure Headache BiUious-ness and Constipation or no pay One pill a dose For sale by Ladd Shullsburg new Catholic Church of Ken dalltown was dedicated on last Sunday The day was all that could have been wished for and the attendance was large over one thousand people being present The impressive ceremonies were performed by Rev Kinsella of Shullsburg who also delivered the want the only reliable stemwinding and stem-setting binder call and see them at once Ladies' gent's and children's rubbers at McKey 's soda Water at Riskens bakery is "boss" Try it finest stock of wall paper in the county at Brewster's car load of the best Wheeling nails just received at Proctor's Sugar-cured hams side bacon and leaf lard at ok Hillemeyers George Proctor is the only man in town that sells the Glidden barbed wire delivered every morning by leaving orders with John Abraham in Williams' block paper of all kinds colors and shades and borders to match at A Thompson's furniture store Some one borrowed the stove-carriers belonging to the hardware store of Brown Brothers and they desire their return Attend to this matter at once those interested Sprim MILLER 1 Scrap Bas BY TAUT A new organization sprouted in this village a few days ago known as the Bachelors' Club They met in the cold clammy precincts of Obadiah Bull-pump's roothouse last Saturday evening After appointing a chairman the young men present proceeded to elect officers for the first term of six months The following is the list: Moses Buckboard Chief Bach Ed Speelsbanks Assistant Bach Ebenezer Swayback Treasurer Socrates Johnson Secretary Tom Bobblecrop Beer Guardian Hank Swop Spigot Yanker Clay Woppyjaw Waiter Alphonzo Tu-bero Janitor Meeting was then in order to make Personal Paragraphs Herny and Ida Risken spent last week in Galena at the residence of THE MAIN George Caille Henry returned last and covered which he will sell cheaper than ever Persons who contemplate purchasing a vehicle this spring should call on George and learn his prices he will give you a bargain The Knptual Band It is again our pleasurable duty to chjtmicie the attending particulars of one ot those hap py social events that now and again transpire in every community and especially so one of the importance of the village of ShuUsburg where either one or the other of the contract- lag party has been reared from babyhood to that stage and age of life where the union of two hearts in one-is a natural consequence This village and adjacent country the present season has become notible for its several brilliant weddings the transformation of loVely charming and accomplished maidenhood into that of a more higher and nobler sphere of devoted wives On Wednesday morning last at 8:30 o'clock in the chapel adjoining the Catholic church Nuptual Mass and the beautiful marriage ceretaony of that church was celebrated and performed by the Rev Kinsella assisted by the Rev O'Mahony the contracting patties being Mr Charles Meloy of Jamestown Dakota and Miss Bessie McNulty of this village The groom Is the son of Hon John Meloy of Hastings Minnesota and is General Agent for the Northern Pacific KaU' road at Jamestown and the bride the daughter of the late Thomas McNulty Bsq The chapel was handsomely trimmed with evergreens and vines and decorated with the choicest Sowers for the occasion Attendants of Miss Jennie Brewster and Miss Ida Earnest Attendant of Messrs Grattan Earnest and Brewster IMPORTANT Clothier! Sunday and Ida will return the last of tlie present week Mrs Frank Thompson of Hazel Green visited a few days With relatives and friends in this village recently sermon on the occasion assistea Dy Mineral Point Democrat: Mrs Geo Weatherby and daughter Josie of Shullsburg are visiting at Mayor Priestley's Judge Law and daughter Josie A Thompson and Misses Carrie and Laura Thompson let'tfjast Monday to spend a few days in Chicago Miss Xettie Burlingham departed last Saturday morning for Janesville Beloit and other places of interest to visit relatives and friends for some rules Dy wnicn tlie memoers ot the society should be governed After considerable meditation and discussion the following rules were adopted: Rule 1 This lodge shall be composed entirely of single men Rule 2: Xo married man will be allowed to join our order Rule 3: Xo man contemplating Wm Deegan the bmger sewing machine man is doing a good business in this section of the State He claims tiiat the Singer is ahead of all other machines and is prepared at £11 times to prove it Roberts of this village drives one of the liveliest little teams On account of the backward sea-son for tlie next 60 DAYS there will be a Great Reduction in the prices of all goods bought THIS SPRING in Dress Goods NUN'S in all the new shades Cream Cardinal Crushed Strawberry Black Jersey Suitings Cashmeres Bro cades Serges Seasuckcrs Ginghams Lawns Cambrics Calicos Swiss Mus lias dotted and plain Of Shullsburg Has on hand one of the finest line of CLOTHING for Spring ever brought to this town Tou can buy a better quality of goods at a CttKAPER price than from any other firm We can fit the largest man and smallest child Our HATS are the nobbiest of the season Our SHOES are the finest in town Call and examine our goods and prices and be convinced Bespectfully i mm THE FREE PRESS Utinii 20 1883 'Jim'7 in of any one around here Bride wore white satin trimmed wtfb satin 1 stands what a good span or horses Rev Father Haberstock of Seymoiir The church is a large and beautiful structure erected by the munificent donations of the people of that town out of debt and with money in the treasury In a few days the parish will be supplied with a pastor and by fall a parsonage will be built for his use Rev Father Haberstock and the people of Kendall deserve great credit for their enterprise in this matter A subscription was taken up Sunday and over $200 was realized To Subscribers There are quite a number of our subscribers in arrears for the Free Press We have adopted the plan of marking the papers of the same with a Blue The amount due from each is small and takes no stock whatever in any lace with Veil aud natural flowers fiss Jennie Brewster light blue mull with brocade ottoman basque same shade veil cream rose marriage will be allowed to unite with the Bachelors' Club Rule 4: Our meetings shall take place just so often as tlie Chief Bach sees fit Rule 5: In case of absence of the Chief Bach the official place of said Chief Bach will be filled by the Assistant Bash worn-out plugs buds Miss Ida Earnest pink mull and satin The butter market is on the "drop" time We received a pleasant call -Friday last from Mr Able Proctor of Fryburg Iowa pleasant because Mr Proctor is an old settler of the Lead Mine region having come here as early as 1S27 consequently was full of interesting reminiscences of pioneer days Mr Proctor is now 83 years of age and is so hale hearty and nimble that he appears not tp be over 70 He is father of our enterprising townsman George Proctor and with his sofl Henry of Hampton Iowa is making a short visit among but our buyer is paying the highest market price for a good article Our market is there is no paying a Rule 6: This secret society is for high price for a few choice lots to the benefit Of young men who love pleasure pay their dues and who wish to protect themselves from all females cause a "boom" premium lists for the State fair are issued The fair will be held at Madison from the 10th to the loth of Rule 7: Any member who is seen in apple blossoms and veil -Groom and groomsmen in regulation black After the ceremony at the chapel the wed- ding party repaired to the residence ot the bride's mother where after congratulations a magnificent eolation was served The following comprises a uU list of the Invited guests present Mrs Margaret McNulty mother Mrs Mary1 O'Connor Mrs Mary McNulty Misses Celia and Jennie McMulty Mr Patricius McNul'y Mr and Mrs Brewster Mr and Mrs Brewster Misses Nellie and Laura Brew ter Mr and Mrs Scales Mrs Rosanna Boberts Mr and Mrs Richard Sheehy Mr and Mrs John Savage Misses Annie and Maggie Meloy Rev Kinsella Messrs James Roberts George Jane and Walter company with a lady shall be promptly but in the aggregate is quite a large sura We hope those indebted to us will pay up promptly as we are in need ejected from our lodge room the first opportunity and shall then be debarred from further participation in any of our of the money Entered at tbe Shullsburg poatofficeaa second "lius mail mutter relatives aud friends here We hope toe old gentleman will be spared many years of his present apparent good health Charley Townsend started for Helena Montana a few days ago to see the meetings Attention Comrades! A special business meeting of Union rule Any member who is seen looking smiling winking or bowing to In Clothing! 200 Men's Ciothiug! 100 Boy's Suits at prices that will astonish the purchasers Post No 96 A will be held on Monday evening next July 23d at 7 one of the opposite sex shall be deemed Earnest The friends from Darlington were Misses Julia Theresa Josie and Emma Gor country and "take in" the sights Miss Rose MeComish of Seymour visited last week with friends in this o'clock All comrades of the guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be compelled to pay a fine of one dollar for Boberts Savage have received a large stock of LuiTl" ber Sash Doors Blinds and BUILDING MATERIAL of all kinds FENCING Ac Their stock is now complete for the SPRING TRADE all graded up to standard and will sell at lowest prices man The party left at for Chicago and each and every offence Post are expected to be present as business of importance will come before the meeting Application for membership will be received By order of The following resolutions were ap other places of note from whence they go direct to Jamestown which place will be their future home carrying with them the best proved and adopted: wishes of a host of warm friends in this county The presents were numerous and II Oates Commander II Chambeulin Adjt Resolved That one member shall be required to relate some true story of his bp found on Die at Geo nrau Co' Newsriawr THIS PAPER past life at each meeting Resolved That the secretary's re 1 Ivirt Ltn-r niirrAUMO 8nrut? St whre atlvprtinlnir Sidewalk Sale There will be sold at public auction cuutracu may tie mode fur It in NEW YORK port be given to Tart of the Shullsburg BOdTS 200 pairs Mea's Boots-l-fine and coarse 200 paiw Boy's fine and coarso 200 pairs ChiMren's Shoes 200 pairs all styles from the fmesl made down to plow shoes September inclusive About $3000 is to be devoted to horse racing in purses of from $300 to $500 your paper is marked with a Blue it denotes that your subscription is due We hope our friends will pay attention to this little hint and also to the fact that it takes money to conduct newspapers Our citizens have become so accustomed to the threatening appearance of an approaching storm now-a-days that instead of entering cellars some of them mount the roofs We are an intrepid community we are John Truran has been doing quite a business of late in his grocery and confectionery store in this village John makes it a point to keep none but the best of groceries candies tobacco cigars etc which accounts for his increasing trade desiring to see the working of the McCormick machines sold by Gleason Galagan Co of Darlington should visit the Harrington farm miles west of Shullsburg on next Saturday morning as one will be there in full working order perfect work does the McCormick twine binder do that of all Gleason Galagan Co of Darlington sold last year they did not- have to make a second visit to repair or adjust one of them Such a machine as this is what in the village of Shullsburg on Satur Free Press for reference and that a fee of thirty cents be given him for his day July 21st 1883 at one o'clock 'l 4c HU I Time Table Passenger departs 6:45 a Freight leparts 1 :10 Freight arrives 9:35 a in Passenger arrives 1050 the sidewalks now lying on Judg trouble ment street in front of the property of l'assent'r arrives at Milwaukee 3:40 Osborne Wm Tregonen Wm Gundry and Samuel Rickert being Chicago 7 Orllefrigerator car leaves every Wed uesday at 1:10 11 Bi'kuxoham Ajfent about 920 feet also on Church street from corner of Judgment to church being about 680 feet also about 400 feet on Pratt street These side Resolved That the officials of the Bachelors' Club be appointed to visit Mr Obadiah Bullpump and make arrangements to rent his roothouse for an indefinite period provided he puts in a floor and benches and builds a cowshed over the entrance of said roothouse to be used as an ante room by the order The secretary then took the names of those present and announced that there were twenty-nine The meeting then adjourned till some convenient future time walks will be sold in sections of 50 to A Car Load of the Celebrated Minnesota Flour from the Polar Star Mills for sale at Osborne's 100 feet each to the highest bidder for cash village Frank Whaley of Benton and Will Whaley of Helena Montana worshipped in this village last Sunday McDermott attended the consecration services of the Catholic church in Kendall Sunday last Owen Conley of Dublin spent the Sabbath in the 'Burg James Meloy rusticated among the green fields and pastures of Seymour last week and had a good time Patricius McXulty and I Milliken left last Sunday evening for Scales Mound where they took the train for Trinidad Colorado Miss Julia Gorman of Darlington was visiting this week with friends at the residence of Mrs Thos McXulty Mrs Lamar of Xewell Iowa is in Shullsburg this week visiting relatives and her many friends She is a guest of her sister Mrs Hardy Dr Gunn of Scales Mound was in this village Sunday last Capt Stewart of Darlington visited the Free Press office Monday last Hen McGinty of Kendall was in town Saturday last Pr Pilling of Darlington was in the 'Burg Tuesday James Robbins of Belmont candidate last fall for sheriff on the Republican ticket was noticable on our streets Friday last Among the distinguished visitors at the Free Press office Monday last was Col Knight and Revenue Collector Albert Richardson of Darlington John Abraham is "under the "weath Base Ball Last Monday afternoon a number of MILLINERY Our young lady milliner MISS NELLIE STEVENS displays exquisite taste and good judgment in the trimming of hats aud Bonnet and if you will only give her a trial am eure you will feel satisfied that it has been good for you to be hero 0 HrlefleU wall paper go to Brewster's suits of men's clothing atMc-Key's For pure groceries call at White Oak Springs Railroad Aid Editor Free Press: A communication appeared in your last issue signed "Chips" regarding the railroad aid granted by the town of White Oak Springs If the courts have decided as the communication asserts they have the aid could not be lawfully granted and therefore "Chips" and the others who are opposed to executing the bonds need have no uneasiness they will not be required to execute them and all discussion of the matter is to say the least useless And if a majority of the resident taxpayers of the towfl did not sign the petition the aid was not granted and that is the end of it But Chips goes on to say that "it is also reported and on what appears to be pretty good authority that it is not the railroad company that constructed the road that are pushing this matter but that it is Earnest Meloy and Moses Strong who are engineering this job for their own benefit" Messrs Earnest and Strong are very well able to speak for themselves if they desire to do so and think the accusation implied is of the least consequence to them which they probably do not think For my part I wish to declare in this public manner through your paper that I have not received from the Chicago Milwaukee St Paul Railway Company a single cent FROM OUR CONTRIBUTORS our young men indulged in an exciting game of base balL The stakes were "ice cream" the defeated nine to bear expenses The following is the list of those who played also the score: the farmers want and will have Enterprising people are beginning to learn the value of advertising the year round The persistency of those who are not intimidated by the cry of "dull times" and who keep their names Onr Chicago Letter July 17th 1883 Dear Free TRICK O' THE LOOP The ruling of Postmaster Gresham on the question of allowing lottery McKey 3 and 1 3 Osborne 2 3 1 Risken 2 1 Butler 3 and 1 2 Bright 2 0 Troy rf A 0 and business ever before the public will Hi Roberts 2 muiiJJi surely place them on the right side in thread Jt was resumed Tuesday last on the iilackstone level north of the vil II Meloy 2 1 Hebenstreit If 2 1 Copetand's Block 1 2 3 4 5 6' 2 0 11 1 11 lage the contract being let to Wm Gundry Thomas Rule Dick Ed- Simpson 2 Brewster 2 Jane 0 waras ana JLeonaru ungnt At some some future time we shall make a visit Miller's car load of nails just received at Proctor's shoes in V2 different styles- at McKay's Tlie latest styles of clothing at GMiller's Ljeraptjs Xory cents per dozen at Truran's Oranges lemons figs and dates at Risken's bakery to lit any one and prices to suit at Miller's J00 p-uuuls of white and colored carpet warp at McKey's stock of ladies and gent's fine BhoesafLook Hillemeyer's who by his biz would rise must either burst or advertise" Hour graham screenings corn meal bran etc at Rule's black and colored kid gloves at 50 cents per pair at Miller's Pure mixed paints and white lead received in great quantity at Proctor's A full line of candies and confectionery dates nuts etc at Rulers THE PEOPLE OF LAFAYETTE! Look 1 Williams 3 0 to these works and inform our readers of the progress made and prospects in view matter through the mails will if made general strike a blow at a business which if not in his opinion strictly honest must be in the opinion of the lottery men a pretty good paying business As to the question of its illegality on the score of gambling many may be inclined to differ with the honorable postmaster because in a thing evidently so one sided where the gain is all on the side of the lottery there is but little room for the term gambling Whoever heard of anybody who work anything in these gigantic systems of money making? It is true in the grandiloquent prospectus large prizes are announced but who ever heard of anyone who knew anyone who ever gained a cent by such institutions? The fact is that the desire to become suddenly rich seizes upon our very gullable people and money is squandered often at great sacrifice in the vain hope of securing in this neighborhood should patronize their home dealers WJane 2 3 0 Risken 3 2 0 Brown If 3 0 Gore lb 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 0 0 1 0 JDix McKey Umpire Du Hayden Scorer for any labors done or service rendered in connection with the promotion of the construction of the railroad from Monroe to Shullsburg and that I have no interest in compelling the town of White Oak Springs to execute the bonds for the aid granted nor any de Proctor Dougherty and Roberts ARE INVITED TO ATTEND THE GRAND OPENING Savage if they are in need of farm ma chinery These gentlemen are reliable er" this week Miss Trevethan of Houghton Michigan is the gitest of the Misses Hicks of this village We are sorry to learn that Mrs Wm Ahem has been quite ill the past week non Thos Bainbridge of Xew Diggings was Shullsburg Tuesday last Thomas Harker of Dennison Iowa an old resident of Slmllsburg and who has been absent for many years is visiting friends in Slmllsburg He is stopping at the La Fayette House Mrs Bonson Spensley and Mrs John and permanently located amongst us and the machines they carry are stand sire to do so other than the desire to contribute honorably my humble efforts ard Don't be influenced in patronizing towards making good to the Railroad Company which has been named every outside dealers and be made to believe The following nine will play a match game with Darlington Friday: John Risken George Jane Thomas MKey 2 Charles Brewster Jeff Simpson 3 A Roberts 1 John Williams Jule Osborne 1 Gore all that Is said of other machines thing that was promised it Among which things it was promised and southern portion of Wisconsin SUMMER GOODS the present season has been specially competency without that necessary con Thompson left Wednesday last for exempt rrom severe storms so much so dition which honest men must supply Warren on a short visit agreed to turn over to it the aid which I then believed and now believe wras fairly and legally granted by White Oak Springs that up to the present time no damage has been done by rain hail or wind before they can reach that desideratum labor If our government and the consequence of this provident! MAY 1st 1883! would turn its thoughts to the opera I am quite sure that I know who the tions of our merchants aye and some1 al exemption has been to put all kinds times to our sanctimonious elders and person is who signed himself "Chips" I have great respect for him I have of crops in a most healthy and flourish exhorters on the board of trade they ing condition and the crop prospect is considered him to be my friend through would be coming nearer the crime of eramblina Siuco the attention of the Old Vets A large and respectable gathering of old veterans of the war of the rebellion members of Harvey Post Xo 45 Grand Army Republic of Darlington arrived in Shullsburg on Monday last to establish a Post of that order in this village Among those present we noticed: Commander Knight Senior Vice-Commander Dipple Junior Vice-Commander Marsh Adjutant Chris Vickers Chaplain Mc- brighter and more encouraging than for many years and I am mortified as well trovemment has been turned to this many years Alabastine paints oils glass putty and brushes always on hand at Proctor's family groceries of all kinds kinds and the best quality at John Trunin's Graham cornmeal bran and "Leader' flour just received at Look Hillemeyer's lot of trunks valises traveling-bags satchels just received at Brewster Co's those indebted to Ben Brown are requested to call and settle at once as he is in need of money Ladd's Pharmacy has been replen-ishep this week with a large invoice ot new drugs and fancy articles On account of lack of space in these columns this week the communication from Dublin was crowded out is reported that Dr A Green will as surprised that he upon the authority branch of indnstrv many of these lot Farmers and others should look out of mere report the only foundation of teries have made their headquarters at Chicago to avoid the effects of adverse for sharpers who are traveling through the country securing the names of re Teach Children Politeness Exchange Teach children to be polite Teach them there is nothing but goodness of heart of so much durability as a pleasuring deportment They will lose the idea after a while that it is smart to be pert and boisterous arid take pride in being little ladies and gentlemen Teach them to say "How do you do?" or "Good morning" to everybody with whom you aie acquainted: never to contradict whisper hum beat a tatoo with the fingers on the furniture or loll around in lounging attitudes in company to say "Yes ma'am" and "Xo sir" "What ma'am?" "If you please" and "Excuse me" if it is necessary to pass before any one or to leave the table be laws elsewhere and since this last blow which is idle talk in part doubtlessby way of joke should publish such statement to the world in a public news Cry stalPalace Store DARLINGTON WIS At which time we adopt the sponsible parties to "orders" which many of them look decidedly bluei A CORNER ON OOOSB attendants turn out to he promissory The nayy is again before the country paper it were not top-loftical I might say to him "and you too this time howeyer our "jolly tars have some show of reason By those who notes You can buy everything you want of home dealers who are Well known and thus avoid the risk of being swindled Your home papers give the have ever visitep Washington that El Brutus" But "Chips" is not consistent ne signed the petition and earnestly ad dorado Of the self-sufficient American it has no doubt been apparent that with many of our governmental rrtatniates tlipir is a decided aniner af names of persons who advertise and do a legitimate business and they can be Ginnley Officer of the Day Stewart Sargeant-Major John Hanra-han Quarter Master Sargeant Farrington and Comrades Luke Tabor John Tabor Bigler Bish Baker John Meehan Jas Dunbar and Ed Stott The old Odd Fellows' hall was fitted up for the occasion and sixteen charter members were mustered in by Adjutant Chris Vickers of HarAey Post special mustering officer assisted by Com vocated the granting of the aid and now after the road has been constructed ter English fashion and style It seems it seems that he is opposed to paying now that this spirit is creeping into the for it what was promised to be paid public service for it has been deter fore the rest and never to do any of the things for which it is necessary to be excused unless it is absolutely una And Will make prices that will astonish the closest buyers SWIFT LOGTJE ProduBe Butter and Eggs taken in exchange for Goods mined so savs report to order a new stvle of naval uniform which will voidable not to toss things instead of bring our officer to an almost exact similarity to the English naval officer mander Knight and the other handling them not to listen to anything hot intended for their ears not As this change will entau an expense on the American officers Of something like $400000 it is safe to conclude that to refuse to give the whole to a visitor comrades named Union Post Xo 96 A was organized and the following officers elected and installed: Commander when half will not do A polite child some tailoring establishment has its finger in the pie What with the ex is the best of companions but a rude Thos Oates Senior Vice-Com patronized safely du Chien Courier: Itiswud that Colonel James Knight of the Darlington Democrat will be made assistant doorkeeper of the house of rep-resenatives He has held the position before and was very popular "with the members Col Knight received much help in his early educational struggles from a sister of President Arthur and the first two books except school textbooks that he ever perused were brought to him on foot by President Arthur a distance of four miles They were school children together Although Col Knight is a Democrat he says Mr Arthur has made a very good president August number of Demorest's Monthly Magazine repays perusal the articles being well written and of an interesting nature "Agathe De Val- one is a troublesome nuisance and will find Himself learning at 18 or 20 things which should have been taught him mander George Proctor Junior Vice- pense of transporting his family back to its original place of abode and the expenditure necessary for new toggery if there be not a Providence aloft to look after poor Jack he will inevitably Commander Wm Honeycomb Ad But jf he is satisfied with such attitude I suppose that I have no reason for objection Edward Meloy Shullsburg July 18th 1883 It is with great pleasure that we give space to the above letter from our esteemed fellow-townsman HetLCjSSr' ward Meloy in reply to the Communication from "Chips" hi our last issue reflecting upon the sincerity and life-long integrity of that gentleman and also upon the motives of Hon James Earnest and Hon Moses Strong in relation to the White Oak Springs railroad aid We care not expressing our opinion in regard to the differences between the town of White Oak Springs and the railroad company other than fully endorsing toe only honorable one presented by Mr Meloy in his letter above The reflections of "Chips" when a child jutant Chamberlin Surgeon occupy the old bank building as soon as vacated by the Douglas brothers Geats' furnishing goods such as shirts overalls socks etc for summer wear for sale at Longdon's Cash store Tuesday we ware favored with a liberal slice of cold weather which made us think of the balmy days of December friend who presented the editor with a box of fine Havana cigars Wednesday evening will please accept our thanks street has been improved by a substantial crossing between the residence of I Hardy and the Honeycomb block Richard Maher of the Dry-bone has placed us under obligations for a large and varied supply of garden vegetables telescope seems to bring distant friends near you the advertisement really puts you into communication viih them" base ball mania has arrived in Shullsburg and our ballists are of the become bankrupt This however may A Card not much matter as we have no navy Gratiot Chaplain John Thompson Quarter Master Thos Teague Officer any way THE BOYS IW BLUE Owing to the large amount of work on hand and the uncertainty of good of the Day Add A Townsend Officer of the Guard Peter Baker Sargeant weather I cannot promise any pic Of course we are at present having ihe annual display of the wartlike pro pensities of our young bloods Military Major David Jones Quarter Master tures inside of four weeks from date Sargeant John Henry organizations are the order of the day of sitting Patrons will please make LUMBER YARD Roberts Savage General Dealers in LUMBER LATH SHINGLES Basil Doors Blinds Mouldings Screen Doors Posts Mixed Faints Cement Lime Barb Wire also in Agricultural Implements I Wagons Buggies Etc drilling exercising camping out and note of this and oblige Respectfully looking fierce: moustaches aie curled rhe exercises were interspersed and made interesting throughout by the singing of the old familiar patriotic and waxed in the most approved Xapoleomc style ana any one wno uoes not shoulder musket is at a decided songs and the spinning of camp-fire suze" is the commencement of an admirable story "Out of the concludes pleasantly and the shorter stories are all excellent Among especially entertaining articles may be yarns Xo one but honorably dis charged soldiers are admitted to the discount among the guis I wonder has it ever occurred to any student of (female) human hature to turn his thoughts to the investigation of that oecunar leaning of the fair sex for the mentioned "Seven Borax Villages of ware unwarranted and should have been made only over the real signature of that writer and not that of a disguise Mr Meloy and also Mr Earnest have spent years of bard work in endeavoring to connect this section of toe State in direct railroad communication with the world and to now say "bould soger ever since the time that the military poet gave vent to his feelings in that popular air "The girl left behind me" and anterior to that business meetings but we are informed that the exercises are very appropriate and especially soul-stirring to old veterans This evening in particular was spent very pleasantly and profitably The regular meetings of the new Post will be held on toe first and tliird Monday evenings of each month to begin at o'clock and we suppose all old soldiers sailors and marines of the late war are cordially invited to become members after those efforts have been crowned for all I know a girl is always willing to stand or fall by toe decision of a mt-RT martial Your readers will CHAMBSRLisr "Fbtoist Shullsburg Wisconsin jlj 9th 188ft For Spring and Summer The attention of the ladies of Shullsburg and vicinity is called to the new arrival of String and Summer goods at the store of Belle Roberts in Honeycomb block tocluding Lace Bonnets and Hats Flowers Feathers and Ribbons including Ottamen and Velvet notions of every description for ladies and Children a large assortment of rucbings also of embroidery silk for Kensington and Aresene work hats and bonnets trimmed and untrimmed all of the latest styles hair work stamping done to order pattern hats received weekly Call and examine this fine selection of goods Something New In toe room adjoining my meat market can be found nicely and neatly fitted a full hne of confectioneries tobacco opinion thai this village can organize the champion "nine" of the county post of the A was organized in this village on Monday evening last by a large and respectable "squad" of veterans from Darlington in need of second-hand lumber at their own price should attend the sidewalk sale in this village on next Saturday afternoon at one o'clock Gleason Galagan Co of Darlington have received a car load of the celebrated McCormick twine binders Italy" "The Memounier Schools in Paris for the Professional Education of Women" "The Costumes of some of Rosetti's Dream Women" and an illustrated article on "The St Gothard and Mont Cenis Railway" Jenny June continues her interesting articles "How We Live in New York" Hetta Ward contributes "Home Art and Home Comfort" "Current Topics" are agreeably discussed and the various departments are replete with useful information The frontispiece is a charming portrait of "A Celebrated have to bear with me for thus discant ing on this peculority of the ladies but this militaiy movement has knocked me clean off my base I got the mitten LADD'S PHARMACY I and toe soldier fellow got the girl with success that they are guilty of illegally and dishonorably extorting from a neighboring town a sum of money for mercenary purposes under the disguise of a town aid to a railroad corporation is doing these gentlemen an injustice entirely unwarranted and uncalled for It is to be thanked that the mass of the people know the gentlemen reflected upon by the writer of the Talkimr of soldiers and encampments OATES' BLOCK ffnod storv is told of an eastern sentinel which may be new in toe 'Burg: To begin in the most approved dime-novel stvle the sun had set behind the west- Courtland Buggies George Proctor has recently received a car load of those celebrated Court land Buggies in every style imaginable every shaped springs one and two seated open Prescriptions Carefully Compounded at all hours- BaantM Fbxk and have a few yet op hand If you Beauty' while among the other iilus- (Concluded on 2d page).

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