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Shullsburg Free Press from Shullsburg, Wisconsin • 3

Shullsburg, Wisconsin
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Oyster Bssmi i 1 i mmmmim TAa 1 THE FREE PRESS masses but what we read in the dal yfl George Foltz tlie popular clerk atPof Earnest Blackstone calender of casualties of toys meeting Drug-store arrived home! Mid this season both ft i both OUT 'call her) farewell! farewelll rest peace! iMay we all imitate your good ruditiesg 1 prepare to meet you In tlv i better Eland'-' are doing splen-j for the fanners and Great credit is due for this success John Abraham is now in complete unning order and oysters can now be? of him by the can or dish on the rustlca- jthe company frontier! tleman shortest notice: Wlota Sept18 1831 Jgenl Mhv I Crops in this immediate section are fcreni generally fair com is good oats fair TnrBSDAY REFTE3IBEB SB 1881 It 1b tlie duty of the parents to wanif ting trip though the western Xw AlnrUacn tiu 1f hi craw per uim each inset- The found guilty of violating the law vMiriri in The ladies of the Shullsbuig Libra! lion frtnivnthm issue fur lUMna'eentsT with serioys'accldents from this cause Friday last from an extended and we hope no one in our village will ling Camp CoL returned to Tuesday after an absence of lyears eir children It is a punishable offense Edw- Williams of the Gunnison BABIIBD AsnsriiBsim the nearly six heat In a few-flavored spots averaged to fifteen bushels to the acre patat are generally poor vegetables of al will to scarce Sept 1 1881 FOR SALE A two story brick dweUfnyboasa SSriM feet witb basement In (nod condition good cistern i -to About Sii seres nf land emmected with TREZOB A At th nMrt of tki do's parents in the rtllaa of Stan1 slmnrln-Krr CL Dswsho on Friday STitenib' rlSJliJ HtOmtfeliwkpLn Ms VaICtmud Unas 8sak Tkbsoiia tioth of Bhnlir Mud About forty ry Association are requested to meet at the residence of Mrs 8 Osborne To ttnwHUnta wehrtl (Inn tnlte it as a favor to reoMn Rev Fullerton returned on Teusday night's passenger from the conference held in- Sparta We had the pleasure of the acquain- items 4 order to Close local MW from cnmspoodeiits in ail Tuesday afternoon next without foil Out our 'entire stock i SPECIAL BABGAlNi pwuof ueeounty In even the smallest communities take piaea aJnKMt dally tbs county In even tbs smallest com- letter from Ohio signed Situated In the east part of War Jaea would suktaekat desirable home and will be sold cheap For further particulars apply to JAD McFEBLV Bhullrtniy a matter of tetnwit vnw iwiiiUsh iiiu-hAm 1 from an old tarice of Mr II Budinghun of to tbamders of the Free Press In nebor part Hni Ilanovef thi State Teusday This Mends of the hsppy eoupla JfiaaXUa idBelated iw bridesmaid and Mr 1 joasunuuk Tba FMs Press was 'kindly iberad In tbs dlatributtan ot ar4 things md In common irltb lsr airris vr friards the newly married couple a pleasant? journey tbtoufb 1 The fblknriuy la theff liet of presents: Richard Tresona and wW Haypr rl gen -leman has bsen appointed Station Agent md Operator atthls point Editor Free Press: wtbc county To tbow of rHenrtswbT jfriendof Shullsburg Wd Glynes Esq No doubt many of our old citizens will gentleman and read hlsj printed thermo We shaU further reciprocate very interesting letter with much relish Summer Dress Gdods i thafollowinp are always msehine John Tresona fuldina chair Bliss TreanuaJInen tabM spread w' tidy bum an sausv ppi inn av Muyta i'i V- aeoeptabie to us: ttuiklin taenia enwlidmi of tbs asws aesMeiits inn or Srstlsc 1 On Friday the 8th inst Chris Noonan working on the construction train tween the and Gratiot bqd the calf of his' right leg badly bruised tween two loaded cars No tones ken He is doing well under the care Dr Stevens Some two weeks aim -little Lemont 'dauiter at of Gratiot fi uul broke th right humerus dose to the elbow Blui is doing well A Joke turned Last Friday' some of the of Gratiot playfully dipped iiand-cuflS'on the wide-awake citizen known as and started him home but a blacksmith shop would stumble inter his way and four licks ter at Lemont! from a little wagon ter Tresona and wife silrcr table spoons Oates and wife lounge bed sprerd and low shmmMea EUs Oates set silver k-iirca and ftrika Annie Oatea sauce disbar tMariea Oatea and srife pair towel Thus nates and gWife fniearies Wm Slmnam and w-fo act Iivn some chins will and Qooote Hi luces mu stuns cnlns Will im anm srenSjnei Msis law-? hnontll mUJmIIs parties and the libs lr 1 nsohtli Lwo Useos Lavsi Sbavls Glim Lais Mitis ParaioItEtc BLOCK 1 Syga postoaos ss semnd simp-ln water pitcher and Dowl George Kk-hsrd-i WISCONSIN i Cssaty CbnrsaUan Thera win be a Pemocratlc County Onoven-tlnn- snmpoted of the usum! number of eldat sntea helilat the Court Honan In UsrilnctMi TzrqiwTim It Arrtna la Shsllsbarf Bsay Usf After a delay and much aggravated suspense of nearly thirty years the first train arrived In tlie village of Shullsburg on last Monday early in the afternoon The completion of the road is a source of much satisfaction to our citizens s- pecially those who have labored so as- slduously and waited so patiently1 and the Free Press congratulate the citizen of Shullsburg and those in the immediate vicinity which the road benefits upon the fact that Shullsburg is really nd truly a railroad town and that tliey liavh at present the terminus at the best uid largest road In the world TO to sure this result will cost our ieopli thousands of dollars But what great result Is gained without money aCnd labor? Now that wa have the road the work so well and satisfactorily begun muntp in the town of Montlcello of Donsomptlon on Saturday Sept 17 81 buwr improri mt Mrs Margaret Fran-tyai ykittcai oh Hitchcock aged 21 years and one Deceased leaves a husband and children The funeral took place at her late residence at three o'clock Sunday' afternoon last and the remain buried In Uonticelld eemgtery black and colored Dress Satins in all the new shades Yelvetain all colors and widths Flushes in all tyY new shades Stylish Dress Goods in grades Hosiery Underwear Ac Just opened at James Morgan's 886 and 88 East Water Street Milwaukee and marked at his usual low prices have been asked on more than me occasion for the real names of corespondents This we cannot do and if pepfcons would desist being so inquisitive it would to a source of great pleasure tr the editor and obviate considerable annoyance and the humiliation of being flatly refused an1 dish Louts Mrs Ann Orrno fruit dish and tidy Listis Gnats worth pitchor Rschid Coats worth set inseph Cbpeland set sauce dishes John Kewaunee 11L sUver pickle jar neys broad plate Kosepttwley pickle dish Prudence Tmrnnninaffruit din Mary Thompson pickle dish awoZhkHvldusI adts John Trebtlouck and wife parlor lamp dam Torrid and wife table spread and towil 0 Dawson and wife half dnsen napkins Tkwi Kneebone fruit dish Charles Brawn gnuiite-j? ware teapot Msiy Bwlnbank cake salver Jisp eph 8winbank preserve dishes- Fred Miller Mi silver teaspoons Mrs Charles Trenuweth Ueutral City CtoL set ibuswara au wife Urge fruit dish Emily Hicbntiifrult 1 Hicbsrda msjcliou braag plar so fruit lib Li uia Own pic Saturday September 24 1881 to select dc Ideates to at tend the Democratic State OnnmlMii also dekfratea to senatorial voorenttno ami transact other bnstneas that nwy enme tebiw the convention By ordurof Coxa Extraordinary Bargains 'ainta tb QIlw lesi Toilet -IX- SPECIAL X0T1CES with a hammer and cold-cliisel enabled in- two minutes to fling tl Mollar band-cuffs into the saloon The boys looked In dumb surprise bat soon! le up their minds that the price of the band-cuffs and the foil ou them AL Cone and family are soon to torn to Darlington Ed Cole and Dr Stevens will soonl move into the new bouse erected by the former Bctt- Sept 1831 KepsUlraa Reaatsrial CaamiUsa A Repobllean convent low for the Tth Hens-tnrtidj IMatrMb eomprisod of the counties of La Fayette and Green wUl be held at Wwaurwe Wednesday Oet 81 one o'clock to nominate a candidate -for Stain Senator to be rated fur at the annual election Each assembly district will be entitled to Sre delegate Clothing A Aidimox Cb'n Chadwick ot stop here We must take advantage We were shown the waking off to reap tlie reword No town has more brighter prospects ahead and we hope Penmanship Instructing Charts as a mechanical device for assisting Tnos BAMnninon Cunnlttaft Arayle SepCS1881' New Lusaber TarL Dodge A Stone desire to1 announce to the citizens of Shullsburg and thc farming community that aa soon as it is possible for the train to do so they will have in this village one of the Largest cargoes of lumber ever brought to the county They have procured Uufd suitable for a yard near the depotfi everything pertaining to building tuul young in learning the true principled Clothing Beat 7 A dwelling house Enquire at office this BMITMCr FBESH1 Ftff themselves by being derelect aar to let the grand results to be obtained thipugh Uieir To no one man is more credit due for this gyind achievement than Mr Edward Meloy lie has labored night and doy weeks months cooper's stock lumber laths shingles aash -doors and blinds lime brick Ac of pmunsnsbip we think it cannot to excelled Prof Spencer of tlie Spencerian Business College of Milwaukee WIs says: Charts in tlie hands of teachers who cannot write are like crutches In the liand of a ir -'A Vi i i 1 -i i Go to the fair locals Darlington letters were crowded out this week Burke loou notice hi another column i looks as we were not going to have Ac will be kept oh hand and for sale at low figures They ask sli those in need of anything id that "line to wait of their Clothing Childrens Clothing PRESCRIPTIONS CafhUy Compounded at all hours New 0Remember the Oates' -The Free Press is under obligations! hin tlat olur can do or say will ever recompense him without the very fact that wc have a road apd that he with the aid of jothere have gloriously triumphed is Block Cbsies BsHdlsg for sale' in this village Apply to James Roberts LADD to Swearingen ticket agent atl Darlington for the following rates off any celebration fare from Shullburg to prominent pointf We advertise this week a detixablel on the road: From Shullsburg to Gratiot residence for sale 1 13 cents round trip 70 cents to Darling-! win to ready to-purchased ton 85 cents" round trip 8125 to Mon-I grain about Saturday I roe 81A0 round trip $200 to Janesvillef Our merchants are nbjgehdy topurf J52B5 round trip $105 to Milwaukee Fram Bed Berk BdMar Free Press Never since the reverberating ech of Boaring Thunder's thrilling whOop died away were our citizens so tied aa bn Thursday night of last week The circumstances attending this noo-turnal boom are as follows: One of oUr toys who the way is slightly acquainted with the dark shadows of rural life took aii evening ramble to a neigh boring domicile where a few pleasant! tours were spent dissecting the topics of the day winding up with a ghost story after which our guest started homeward sponte sua were bid upon him Hot to cross a tain clover pasture as there Is in the that residents of the plu nian shore hold torch light picnics at certain intervals but shucks! be who load braved midnight perils in the north pineries among b'ar and red sk of those not he and away he went undoubtedly contemplating on how su- perstitious some people are Afew mi meats of fast walking brought him Gent's Furnishing Goods Ilots and Caps' Si Goods trew CUa lqrge stock and a great vaety atl iLongdon's cheap "cash grocer store Here tfe are Again satisfaction enough-Tlie first train left our village at six for Gratiot and on board were several of our prominent' citizens On lts return at about eleven a huge concourse of people assembled at the depot grounds with music qannon bon iflre and hunalia to greet her grand entree At some future day a general celebration is contemplated to which a cardial ronud trip $8A5 Our readers (sliould place this iir their pocket-book for reference At the Wisconsin Conference the following appointments were niade Ifor the PlattevUle District: Wm Ilara- iv HUH a MWWIIUB aBUIVV Uia AIBUrAi iWe out In our new a fresh stock of We are bound to close ont all our Summer Goods to make -Voom for our Fall Stock of whieh we arc every week receiving nnr and Desirable Goods for the building wi DMikt Oflnr public schools have you een the Penmanship Instructing charts placed in your achoo rnish you a professor of penmanship them and do not foil to purchase set for your schooL Charles Bonham general agent I llton-P Belmont Wm Cook Ben-CinvIt0? win 1)6 "to the public (ton Jos Jefferson Bloomington andg11 towns to participate- ft ONFECTIONER chase produce -Arfoel a though we've beefi a railroad town our It not about time to appoint a liitdiing-poat Free bus from the depot to any part of the city is fiie latest out Is' a misdemeanor for bays Jump off or on passing trains in need of building material should read Dodge A local notict elsewhere the weather will permit the Odd Fellows ot Shullsburg will hold their picnic next Wednesday Flaaltawat tbs Fair The special attraction In Darlington Beetown to be supplied by Ira LeBai ron Darlington 'A Davis Dodge-f ville Henry Dockliam Fayette Alfred Charles Fennimore Shepherd firisdwlWM' apply Uf Mrs Gea Symons Thursday and Friday evenings Sep- the grounds where as lncl would have it Tom monarch Zm 1 3XTCF Fancy Groceries! Itember 22d and during fair week- Georgetown Lewis Hazel Green SwiU to the renditionjn the Conrt House Ziegler JAucaster Cook Lin- of that wonderfully- popular brilliant len John Harria Mineral lWnt Chasj beautiful comic opera IL M- Pin me of the finest stocks of botto and pea Gver brought to Shullsilurg i for sale cheap at Loagdon is CIGARS AND TOJJACCO I--1 i ri Some of the residents of our viUagelalrlali Montfort and Washburn BLfore ortheLaBs nt Lovea Sailor I a a moir or cnejAiss reap loveq a sauor BsIMshi ssd CsstrselsrPi Wm Youatt and sons late of Eng-1 land contractors and builders liavef a a -x sa is it a nf hovines was tethered for safekeeping with which he cams directly in contact Supposing the bovine to be his Sal Majesty for eyes had an the seeming of a that is Not wishing to hold any Interview wlth this sable dignity he turned on his heel phantom lights danced around him and even Tam evil pursuers seemed to be following in his wake uttered a' loud lialloe that shook the fii the cries for his faithful lTEAS I From the land on and Waali-ee Wash-ee should make arrangements to accomo-ftiBacliman Patdi Grove' James Sims: i This most mtrtnining of entertain-! date boarders JlTattevllle II Shullsburg inents will to given under the amp" account of the death of President iM Fullerton State Line Thos Lawson tje TorHngi Glee Club- The 1 Garfield vthe Odd picnic is post- d- exchange says: persons iniwnt in that ity has been ngnei poned nntilTiext Wednesday vontinualiy grumble that one is neglect- Htie performance of this opera the Catholic Chunm a flag waed in the and reminds tliemtliose well known forrithen as follows: Will publish per-F Mr Monnbnn win aiiprsrssHt Hnn jSfr Jmippb Butter CLfil First hoisted at half-mast In mourning fornthen aa follows: our' dead Ll-wnal items just the same hut want the isrpk irst Ljrd of th Our assortment of goods will at all times bo found foil and complete ri customers can depend upon getting just what they want a Lowest cash price Our motto -Quick sides and small profits yourself at fc i MillersjCashjStore fSPICES I From Arabia I 1 permananthf located In Sjjnillslrirg ad will at all time bo prepared to atdenu to all work entrusted to -their care Many years experience in tlio hasincsenhe blest! 'iVe them coafidiik fhattlrev elle Aiisqilment' qt Lo'igSdn Pig-tail Viimiranfr 1 iJ i ilr 4l II LtiC'lt JU jiT iViiii irt' in '-a r-yhistitog" trouj mament while fcwiiwa Molt r-omli-v? tbd' ilsrsvs wbwr boion't wanted Mr Mad-lUui tbo -twain president trabis leave Simllsburg to let ns know by dropping "us reiru-3H carihewsitliN ia UiC 'Fouliave friends visiting you fnmr tli Qidte a delegation of 'our citi-r: East' whose ariival in town youwisl! renfrom fchy andebiiiitry' witnessed Mironicled If you are going sway let Sunday last iis know and the fact will he dtily pnh! The (a Fayette County Agricultnr- listed and our word for It tlie item il al Sodyty is in luck this fall as far as jjbrtead Just as though ire found it ou hue Weather is concvnied throngh other dioiinels But don't Warn ib of our energetic editor for not knowing eveiytliin merchants has repaired his sidewalk in that is gedng on and remember that he PA and iLLTETOIS MriSCOgBIN IOWA OVXB THR ROADS OF THB OTA f( Ifi it a 1 DAKOTA 'Ut w'i'jle wih a few 'exceptions to the rescue "IpluAuulurfii eViJ esqorfed to parental ifood 8aerfJysnnd heart felt thaLi -rere plforea win ponanato reIoratfoncf jhe: First Lord's Firwlkusin futhe dead Miss Minnie Hlahiirimiv ss BatCoroup oity PonsanMith bumb-Mt woman Tlie llOg Mis Msk-Ious Bmith Tom Tnckcr tmjGittigan ia constructing Miss Rattle Hall will appear as Jesi-phtuiv rhe 1ms tbit loved a isilor dwwUw uf Csj inUsiiipmlhiL i I3HICAG0 MILWAUKEE SL PAUL CO Canned Goods I rflp you can trest 1 Iwkkoat AmbSac isjisf tnrf This I "1 SUMMER SE80BT i itowx errt i JfORTHWKST UisehiiBSiksaBlrThrnwk CMssp Bilssshss A sail Gi ksBssssiwimn ifcs rafankea Bnas iwnid fcjr i InI 1 TbrouRh Routes bstwsm lias to find out tilings just the same This will apply also to our) people XsShsrWs on hand Foreign their season 1 A XAmls arid Xorttors VlaimpoIU It ribs I ALL thsTsrWilnal Points shown upon this Map smhssipb i -I also! land Domestic Fruits I would cause tlie wild boar to idurmar the devices of civilized man Fat Fisher is whooping up jbam with lightning rapidity Wilson had a valuable horse idiqlast week Drs Kelly and Thompson were summoned but arrived toolatx The above will be assisted byr a selected of trained voices appearing the First Lord's Sisters his Cousins and id Aunts and tlie and Sober of the good ship The music is light sparkling and operatic: Admission to all parts of thehouse GU pntronge the me in the past the same WiL BisKEir- I oyster ytwi screed in the latest style witbiDeleryj iiesirod 'at the restaurant' 'tif Wm Riskek -i JLr at 'y'i -af Wm Riaken' MX Tliankfnl for the II Ioublic has extended ask a continuance vjwj THO8- IV Bnxke formerly of Gratiot located in tide village and liia place of business can be found one door west of tlie post office MrBurke keeps on hand all kinds of boots and shoes of every description and quality and Invites the public to call and examine his goods He does repairing an short notice Gm Wsliocauir- tDoooLii -0 1 ents no extra charge for reserved seats 510 assist the noble equine Any one wMiSTserved seats for Williams-the creamery man either night and not being able to com a little about a spot 1 fmd seSrethem if tbeywillWd the where on our highways 'SayJimJ Inrinai trt AitJmr TYri llmikitnM' nr tllS-it liot In BlOWn POStun price to either Bookstore- ot tofei that in pasture t' Sell many pounds of coffee and mgr for fl as' any house in tlu OwEStyand guarantee better value top i -fjr- r- MlLLKB -v-J-- i Cysltw IBsisP 1- Ed Bintliff good seats will be se- i "bere that nigh horse fell into? now uured for them and the tickets left sub- this ls the' locality of the defective jfet to their order- at the Bookstore 1 ion don't silence -your com-Seats may be secured in1 advance at plaints we shall see If our road boss has Rookstoni '-5 1 sj ot tlie Indomitable pluck of the driller ir i Connors Sept 19 1881 Tfes Fansrs Shullsburg Is now a market town and buyers and mexcliants are now prepared to pay the highest market price for all kinds of butter and eggsrain cattle and in acteyerything that ia produced on a farm Our buyers and businew men ate all honorable and experienced men arid we hope to see them have a full share of trade Iakry Doglan iwitb all the seasoning accompaniments nelhding celery -fmay bo procured at any hour at sthe restaurant of Riskbst t- v-t 'r 4 1 "II -I Bwlrshb lists Oar Sols Fraw Msyasar BdltarFre Frass: w'' i Fall tlie saddest season of the year i iiere and is made sadder still by the A Septl7th 1831 yts Sidney annnsl niiminw of thresliingmacliineac- Matre aged 79 years 2 jqonths II Shxjlxsbubo "VWisooxsur i 9 I' I cidents that of Ned Bride being the lar erEttmbrt2iii Company OWNS all Hoafii fiovn abera ia heavy Usm Rdereaceto Om Ofidil Rsihraj Guides or tl Tine TUm Company Wffl Aov Ak Aa test He lives about two miles north off Mrs Van Alatre was bom in Wanen f-fi 3d aaribjwnta IreOBsImil ssTuhu TO slisiwt sayukswatb for 4 welling hpuse in ad-JitiiHi adjoining Presbyterian parsonage' Also a business stand on Water St Apply to Fbid JoxkA i -r i -jpy tj jAjRegulax Banking and Exchange BusbgJ ness i- VI rf 'V: Ohio June 26 1808-waa mar-aried to James Yan Afotee in 1317 site was tlie mother of fourteen children eight of whom survive six sons and two daughterqjthey all live near here except one son who lives foOliio They moved to 'Wisconsin in the year 18401 and settled op 'Ithe form on which -she Platte Mound'and bad bis' band iff while oiling the machine 1 TWe are having smne improvements in our town this fall which is a good sign that we are not least going behind Mr Wm Huntington is building aj dwelling house on his form-which wa formerly owned by Thos' 'Woodhull ITS ROAD-BED SUPERSTRUCTURE and EQUIPMEMTB COMBINE ALL MODERN IMROVEMENTS AND ARE PERFECT IN EVERY PARTICULAR (trass ks tn MAONIFICRNT BLXEPRRS apos afl Ttmmk Trim sad its mra PARLOR la tMs wnid haBinJUUD HOTXLS Bad SCmiO BUU an aoMl far ikear sopsrior WUs aswMsto ka sraaaral Brinas Ctons of Iks kas alss spas fes Iras wora Hnnldk sura Rrissrts ssd tnowrBssntoAttraeMsns tins sWtfhCTirrienofrosdsyKu ks mnriTuiit Its Raw Usm Depot MsdiooB Qsri udAdaosSnaU CkicSGa wlkswsu I aauBMBnFuwBaer Staboa in iki United Staiea lib uuBisliil lij llisTisrdiinrnHir- bshs aZ dbp THEUtlBIZil MSB a MEBKflX TiSHOMA A cakpbwtbb PAOt front of hie store and done an excellent jt-b t'- temperance society liclvl a party in the hall Wednesday night u'uiclx was well attended end a auocesS-" ful affair- We publish this week full proceed-! Ings 'of the Republican county conven-J tlonjield in Dariington on Thursday oi lust week telegraph will soon follow tlie railroad The poet-holes are dug and telegraph-poles greeted nearly along the entire line the receipt of the sad news of President Garfield's death flags in our village were xaisedat half-mast and heavHy craped call the attention of the ladies to the local of Mrs Dr TP Lee of Dariington which we publish In nnothefolumn Ool Gr Townsend shipped Tuesday to II Smith Yankton PaL three car loads of sheep and jar load of yearlings first thing those persons who hive the means should do is to erect fow dwelling-houses There are several parties in need of homes that on Thursday jsnd Friday evemngs of this week the cele-J brated nautical comical opera Pinafore will be rendered in Darlington Dray No 1 is now making reg- ular trips to tlie' depot and other of the village The proprietor should be -encouraged in this enterprise II Oates store was burglarized on Monday night As Mr Oates is a very prudent man there was ho nwh left in the till worth taking We are much pained to learn of the death of an eighteen old child of Jno Sanders of the town of Gratiot The parents have the sympathy of alaree qircle of friends in this eommipity Stanley the painter and artist? returned to the village pne day last week and was immediately engaged to paint audfrescoe Ladd's Pharmacy Mark is skillful workman and we hope he has concluded to remain with us mailing newspapers should! de careful to see that they are suffldent-K ly as papers cannot he sent at li-nleM there Is stamps enough to pay I rate of oqeC ion of twei the postage on them at cent for two 1 I a v- p- Alljiersbns knowing themselves indebted to tlm estate of Andrew Hclj-mstreit deceased on book acconrit or by not are hereby notified to pay the ane on or before Friday September Mete-' W' Hebxxbtriit Hbbxxstbeit The mason work will be finished this 4diL Tliey made their Journey from IfjPBGIAL ATTKNTIOK GIVEN TO OOLr uspruniA 1 PC iwauix LookwV 'zt- Hi Hzunm MELOY AdministrrtorB ir I 7' r-J ft -r-! -S- n- JW- nt w-v-T -r I-- bL 'V week ready for carpenters JamesCur-ten of the north part of the town is mihlingan addition to his already commodious dwelling which when com will be a very nice residence The Crops as ascertained by threshing ire rather light Flax average from 2 tc niushels per acre oats 15 to 86 wheat almost a failure com a very fair crop and a little ahead of JF Add A Townsend of your town pafo-ed through this place last week through this place in the mum JJT OjrMsrs Fried! mdiuitedito any palate canibe bad witbjc oderj- at the' restaurant of Wx Buy rind sell drafts rai Rnetaiid Ireland Boot land sad tko Uoutiooiit 1- a if Come and See Us mP- 'V- -yT Fgagnaks Edw Weatberby Esq arrived home Friday last greatly improved in health James Urmson one of the influential fanners of Seymour- called upon the Free Press Monday last Mrs Tlios McNulty and daughter returned home one day last week from an extended trip through Minnesota and other points north Attorney rD 8 Rose and Prof Peck of Darlington were in the village Friday last Adam Reinhart and family of Darlington were in Shunaburg Sunday John Blakey returned from an extmd-d visit in Iowa last Monday Mrs Scales and children oi Ackley Iowa ere visiting with Mrs father Richard Ivey Brewster was In Milwaukee this week purchasing goods and looking after railroad matters -C Helm and W'Naramore of in th6 Hfflidfty Vndmade' the Free Ptesa sanctum a easantfSifll Mrs Longdon the Misses Min-nie and Charlotte Ivey Mary1 Trestrail Nell Stevens and Mr Charles Douglas made the Free Press office an agreeable rail Monday liiss Caddie Estabrook who has been visiting at the residence of ST Osborne the past two months left for the east Friday last --Miss Fronie Rickert left for the Fe- '-ft Iks Lsdlsa' DRY GOODS Ohio here with teamA 'and wagmis bringing their stock and provisionswith them camping where night overtook them reaching their destination In the month of October Her husband died Janaary 18' 1863 after a brief IllneBS Shortly after his death Morgan his elde3t son bought up the old homestead and moved on to it after which the subject of this sketch made her home with him until called to join her husband and children that had gone before -V Mia-Van Matre received a paralytic stroke in January 1880 which completely paralyzed her right side and otherwise disabled her so that she was entirelyr helpless and had to be waited on likeiJnriunmM tin infant On the 20th ot August last she bad another stroke fram which she 22(18Blyand save i Mra rA fjst XMba tm Sirs Dr Lee of the aejYiraa makOTwlio ija tionce in MrsDr Lee of a vho comes have Bcndi dresses -1 -j i AT TUB COB3TEB Dariington has of a fost-daas city- aterests of the Continental Ins Co Add 1 I thcpoiml Uw old eouour jld at tbs lowest rates -u i I fVW --r Groceries Boots and Shoes haa bad-tea yeor fiisinonalfie dress makingj 1 agent Sept 17-1881 RG -V Fi 1 1 '-t: -Nbigif domamnsmnnri 4Nirtinnl! Dank' CUMOi Quae Natioiial Bank Hew York Wkits Oak Springs Editor Free Press: propose to come over and celebrate with your townsfolk on the advent of your being linked by railway eommuni- knowing the waits and first-class dresd maher has wellviecom been in the Jhaldt of away can bare 'them homi Lsdie 1 ot nmfooring Choice Brands of Floor 11 wajs oa Band xA- ll- tWr 'A -SJ ACT cation with the outside world andthc never rallied all her kmgaad S' I writer trusts thafyour most eangnin liopes be realized provided thej painful sickness her mind seemed clear land strong" She was always glad to have House "7 -f1 'iv 'j Ti ri A hqi-l 9ur prfeori inuloe wthe towrst nd emaploto stuck ot Stand opposite fhe-LarFayette i- KhTllshiiTg Wisconsin i -v jumnv lire invited to call and ilers avl am now prepared to receive 'AhirMd immense stock of' fall 'rn-L': just received 1 -A- ni'' iiave not been 1 too extravagant Al- any of her old neighbors or friends calL -T'r Jthough I opposed our town being taxed jfor that purpose I did not blame but imtlitf fldmivs vnnr wmrmnM am far rather admire your perseverance as for V4 Family Groceries was legitimate to obtain tho object your desire I have no reason to re- jasit jofyc iii 1 mM Seminary at Rockford 111 on jurat aret Ice lmeof ladies and cldldren's DRY madei -boots Defy Hnpeti- -ix tbe course I took- and In case an y'' ittempt ia made to collect the taw vre ItiYIi 1' Kirnished on Short NoCloe sad -V1 s' -tr-? It Is a Cact that after thirty rain of in ttalsoommimity I enoestonr IrtuineM nnrs wpmv niTSAWDCAtT Hats and Cais- i ilk the suninfrictiire of custom giads fff ounces comphdnt is made by aome ofjbcitiieni of Darlington in-re-the appearance of the! Court it is not handsome enough to auit theml The improvement seems please the people of the county though we understand McCall fireman on the nuini" from (IriLti't to Milton a accident --y prove 'whilt i cirs 1 "i md would converse with them fen hours upon the semes of the past Since the 20Ul of August she sufferel the most excrnciating pain and It seemed at times that it wfis impossible for her to live aahour still her iron constitutioi refused to yield to the pale horse audits rider but hire all afflictions with patience and Christian fortitude unti the morning of ihg 17th inst at ou o'clock when she peacefully foil to wake no more until the morning the resurrection Thus lias passed away a long and me that was held ia high esteem 1 who knew herae the large con coni rf sympathizing friends that folio-' renudnk to the silent city of i I IlOOTS AND 8IIOES Vj iiOOTS andSuurs JariOpcsed 11 styles mens- boys mid chiles and VilL- be-' soM cheay i'i hfear -V tSoots and Shoes Shoes! Crockery Glass- and Quecnvwsre i Jshall fight it to tlie bitter end but tki wiD not deter ns in the least from trad-jing with yourmerehants provided they pn show Us that we cn do as well or a jilttle better than we can elsewhere foz we are not the least wanting in the first law of self Brother you lean get your hat Messrs SawteU and Cavanaugh of mr town are now running thpir sorghum mill to its greatest capacity and ire manufacturing a splendid article 1 article1 Qfr Friday last Eli Tolley and John Laird of Darling ton spent Sunday in the -Mrs Roberts mother of James Roberts our popular agricultural mar returned home Wednesday last from lengthy visit to the moth Howard Stanley an old Shnllsburger now of Teutim HL Is tisiting his parents and friends in tlie village Stone of Dodge Stone the -reyr lumber firm was in our village Tuesday last looking after business Geo -E Weatherhy started aa tbe passenger Tuesday last for to attend the BepuMIean State the ag jes in-p toatkrad the wants erf both- new friends whasuy -r giveiMserilL 1-' -V Xi H1 5 5 if ftaBid Shoes jrai wish re twr if Jast ot Simpamw -store snd try His Rnets how well thty HI ymir feet Uia shoes in town caojut na btttt' jomnd fruits ernifhctfnurry snd eni Ih'n -fugually foend in a flrrt-ctnss smerry stum w- are slim wile spent f-w tin world nrnmni iCrtsm Oat M-sI IMM oil -others szw Wr keep enustantly tk Twst brands if fl sir -M eve tlinf in th i inV i-if feei wh'ch we nnypirt ths jdty Fair deslina I our motto ShuUharjr Jaly 7 1851 require tHlwfcw fT the- register o( abort uriiwtke re-j -H 3 'Mwd Is FsrSsbk tore 45x20 foet niiiiiider nl the day I She was a true and afir' nip I epeak from experience jwifo a kind and indulgent mo Farmers bring along your cane Our creameries under the supervision xme of the best- of ('o vc -i i "-i LOOK A HILLENTYm -j 1 3 i.

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