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The Holton Recorder from Holton, Kansas • Page 1

Holton, Kansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Subscription Adverticins This Recorder ii published every Thursday at 2- Per nnum, ia advance. The official paper of the county. ADVERTISING RATES Whole Column, one rear 00 Half 60 Quarter 40 Eighth 85 Sixteenth" 15 CardB of eix lines or less 6.00 Sheriff's Sales, Original Notices, 4c, inserted at legal rates. Business Locals ten cents per line., overExchange Bank, northeast corner Public Square.

7. i- fv' r' TOT EECOSBFBoacflbelisgBnppIlea with rcd Presses, New Type, Border, liuiea, Cuts, a.o., we are prepared to execute, on short, notice and inthe best possible manner, ail kinds of Vtom a visiting eard to a three-sheet poster. Our stock of card-boards, fiat papers, envelopes letter and bill-head papers, colored inks, Ac, i the largest and most varied of any oflce west ox the river. Our facilities enable us to do printing at the very lowest prices. Orders by mail will receive prompt attention.

aarAll work must be paid for before taken from the office. VOL. XV. HOITON, JACKSON COUNTY, KAXSAS, JUNE 22, 1882. NO.

13. ffh BDSIIESS PROFESSIONAL CARSS. THE CELEBRATED SHERIFF'S SALE. IIarpers Magazine for July heaviest loss was to the Kansas Central railway, in the destruction of the eleva fee itolttm fpttWtU. mi mi OF- ROSE CHRISHAN! Choice Wild Lands and Improved Farms, in all pans oi iacKson county, ior saie.

a a a as 3 3 11 3 2 2 2 5 a 60 C2 1 Z7 S. a. 3 4 its 3 a-2 S3 Office directlv north of Court-House. Holton. Jackson County, Kansas.

lltf ROSE CHRISMAN. SHERIFF'S SALE. THE STATE OF KANSAS, Jackson county. ss. In the District Court, sitting within and for the county ot jacitson ana state of Kansas.

Isabell Morley. Piaintin. vs. Case No. 1465.

George A. Fiester, TJ virtue of a special execution and order of JJ sale, to me directed and delivered, issued out or the First Judicial District Court of the State of Kansas, sitting in and for Jackson Coun ty in said State, I will on Monday, the 3d day of Juiy, a. it. itsse, at ciock p. m.

or saia day, at the east tront door of the court-bouse, in the city of Holton, in the County and State aforesaid. offer at public sale to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, all the right, title and interest of the above named plaintiff in and to the following aescrioeu property, to wit IiOt number nine 9) in block number twenty- one (21), in the town of Whitimr. in the County of uacKson anu state or nansas, with ail the im provements thereon. Situated, lying and being in the Countv of ana state or Kansas, said property leviea on as commaaea Dy saia oraer oi sale. Dated at Sheriff's office.

Holton. Kansas, this ist aay ot June, A. if. lees. ED.

F. JONES, Sheriff of Jackson County. Kansas. Hayden Uayden, Attorneys for Defendant. iota.

SHERIFF'S SALE. THE STATE OF KANSAS, i JACKSON COUKTT. ES. In the District Court, sitting within and for the county oi jacsson ana state of Kansas S. K.

Lin scot 1 namtiff. vs. Case No. 1429. Wm.

Balding, et el BY virtue of an order of sale, to me directed and delivered, issued out of the First Judicial District Court of the State of Kansas, sittintr in ana ior Jacason county in said State, wiil on Monday, the 3d day of July, A. D. 1SS2, at 2 o'clock p. of said day, at the east front door of the court-house, in the cily of Holton, in the County and State aforesaid, offer at public sale to trie metiest bidder lor cash in hand, all the rignt, title ana interest or tne above named defendants in and to the following described prop erty, wit; The north half of the northwest Quarter of sec tion number four (4), in township number seven (7), of range number fifteen (15). Csubiect to the ngni oi way oi tne nansae central liaaway com pany a cross a part oi saia premises.) Situated, lvinar and belnsr in the Conntv of Jackson and State of Kansas.

Said property levieu on aB commanaea oy saia oruer oi saie. Datad at Sheriff's office. Holton. Kansas, this jia aay oi may, a. u.

lass. JD. r. JUNES, Sheriff of Jackson County, Kansas. HATDEX HATDE3T.

Attorneys for Plaintiff. 10t5 HIRAM SIBLEY GO. Will mail FREE their Catalogue for 1883, containing a full descriptive Price List of lower, jrieia ana Garden Bnlbs, Ornamental Grasses, and Immortelles, Gladiolus, Lilies, Roses, Plants, Garden Implements. Keautifully illustrated. ver lOO pages.

Address ROCH ESTER, M.Y. 179-183 East Main St 200-206 Ranfolph St -A-O-Ersra? J. Case Go's New Still without a successful riral. It is the Most -jr v. ii in on of to rlLLGI nn UIiAN and ULAN is Dapple Gray, five years old, sixteen and a fourth hands high, weight 1725 pounds.

He is a fall-blood Perche-ron Norman. Imported in 1880, and for style and appearance cannot be excelled by any, horse in the Uine of Draft Horse in the fiAAfSnv n-nm ilin PAlonrnf iu horse SUC CESS, is Samson on the part of the Dam. He is a dark Dapple Gray, six years old, fifteen ana three-fourths hands high, weighs 1000 pounds. i a. i a HIS REPUTATION as a foal-getter, and has never failed to carry off the First Premium in Sweepstakes as the Best Stallion.

For Terms and Pedigree, Address, Or call on Daniel Allard, 52 Lawndalc, Jackson County, Kansas. EAKX WADDINGTON and ONARGA DUKE kaieTj WADD1KGTOS is a full-blood Norman. V9R ftn nortAd in lXMl. hv llabcock Brown, is a jet black, with star in forehead, stands 16J hands' high, and weigns l.sopounas, ana ior oiyio action cannot uc exceueu oy any norsu vi uia weight. nVAnaA DTTICE is a thrcc-fourths Norman, Is rmm thn epif hrotAd nrizA winner "Decided." is a tiark Bteel gray, stands 10 hands' high, and tiu'K -x, ,1 a Ha a a fi nrAiitl 11 riri I'll carriage, is a good traveler, and has a well moulded body.

For Terms, Pedigree, Address or call on Wright Allard, Holton, Jackson County, Kansas. yThey will stand at the stables of T. T. Wright, at the west end or ounn oirect, iiui ton, Kansas. BOM Will make the sean of 1882 at the old stand, at Tucker's stable, in Holton.

CELEBKATED JACK flniGHT of Malta, Eaown as the Tousej jack, at same stable. For Terms, Pedigree, call on W. H. ROBY. ELECTRO-R1ACNETIC BattepyBelt! CUBES KEAILLoaCMD Lnrti Diseases, Keiths Exhaos nox, Pasalysis, SHEnUATtSU.

CT7BES NCKVOOS AS 9 QYimrMia KlOMCYDtSCASES, KEURALC1A, TKADB UAJtK. Omentes more toetrldty In five mlanU. than aev OUmt Bolt don. la a day. Th.

only iulMro-MasaMto Bait mada. sartag primary MeomUireuiwota Oa b. mad mo milamm to emzcrtiy (tit, aad il, ehaamdaod tnnre till tJU. treoMrt axaa eaonot hold It. hiomgtal eomw lneontact wrva thikjn tow rod.

ud irritate it Ham and eoadoettna eord 1 apolyiaa aleetrioitT to any part of to body. apolyias ataeUictty to any part i for mrnit ar.atin.wt la oonrplaiota ratorar aaaltb aad visor. MEDICAL USES OF ELECTRICITY an Oloatrated 80 paro book, eontAlnlnc fall daaeriptton ot Bait aad imoinmwm: lor aiaetnoal traat raz. CELT CO A Sil Chestaat SU ST. E3, J.


DF.ALgRfl OT LU2IBER, HARDWARE fAJtro TXXJJ CELEBRATED fS KJti i a is a very strong number. The fronticepiece ia a portrait of Emerson, engraved by W. B. Clos-son after the crayon drawing by Samuel Bowse. Apart from its value as the best portrait of Em- erson, it is the most remarkable instance ever given of the possibilities of wood engraving.

Two eminent English writers contribute illus trated articles Henry W.Lucy and Amelia B. Edwards. The former nflfier the title of "Glimp ses of Great Britons (Caught at Westminister giving us living pictures of the eminent members of the British Farliment; with interesting des criptions of parlimentary methods. The article is illustrated by sketches drawn by Harry Fur- niss, and portaits. Amelia B.

Edwards contributes a curi ously interesting article on the recently discov ered Theban Mummies. Miss Edwards easily threads the labyrinth of the Egyptian dynasties; and her acconnat of the post-mortem adventures of Egyptian kings, and in particular of the tomb- breakers who despoiled the Necropolis of Thebes under the Barneses, is ef thrilling interest. The article is illustrated by sixteen engravings pictures of the mummies, and funerary accessor ies found with them, from photographs taken un der the supervision of Emit Brugsch; and representation of Dayr-el-Baharee and its Cave, where the mummies were discovered, from drawings by Tristram Ellis and Professor Mas- pero. Mr. Lathrop's third instalment of "Spanish Vistas," beautifully illustrated by Re in hart, re lates mainly to Cordovia.

G. W. Sheldon writes entertaingly about the Old Ship-builders of New York, in the days of Christian Bergh, Henry Eckford, Jacob A. West-ervelt, and Wiliiam H. Webb.

The article is il lustrated by portraits of these remarkable men. pictures of some noted ships of that day, and views of Henry Steers' Model-room and the Old Mechanics' Bell-tower. Mr. Sheldon opens the article with a graphic and picturesque descrip tion of the East side of New York city fifty years ago. Octavia Ilensel contributes some pleasing reminiscences of Franz Liszt, with portrait.

In the second part of "The History of Wood- Engraving" Mr. G. E. Woodberry treats at some length of Holbein and Bewick, and (hen concludes with a rapid review of modern work. The article is illustrated by facsimiles of old en gravings.

Julian Hawthorne contributes a paper on Ralph Waldo Emerson a subject treated also at considerable length by Mr. George William Curtis, in the Editor's Easy Clutir. Short storied are contributed by Edward Ev erett Hale, Marie Ilowland, and Josephine Harper Fiske. The poetry of the number consists of tributes to Longfellow by Elizabeth Stuart Phelps and A. T.

and contributions from Paul Hayne and Tracy Bobinson. The editorial departments are full of interest ing matter. Among the good things in the Drawer are "uncle itemu's queer vision," oy Joel C. Harris Notes from Danburv, by J. M.

Bailey Notes from Norristown, by J. H. Wil liams; ana -lotai Anninuacion" a numorous poem, oy aiary u. urine, uinstratea. FLESHER, SCHUMAN LEAVENWOETH, KAS.

THE RELIABLE HOUSE' TO SEND TO FOB TOUR DET GOODS. TEE LARGEST STOCK AND TEE LOWEST PE1CES. We desire to call attention to a few specialities to partes living at a distance. and where they do not have the advant age of a large stock to select faom sam ples will be sent upon application from anything samples nan be sent from. Our order department is steadily in creasing, and ladies are beginning to realize the fact that a great saving can be effected to send to a house like ours that buy goods in large quantities buys them for cash and sells them on a close margin.

We are offering some great bargains in Nun's Veilings, a thin dress material very popular this season. In 25 inch goods we have a nice quality at 35 cents, a better quality at 50 cents, and an ex tra fine 42-inch Nuns' Veiling at 85 cents we also sells a beautiful Alba tross cloth, a cloth very much like Nuns1 Veiling only that it has a crape finish, at 50 cents a yard in all shades, Summer silks are as popular as ever. and very scarce. We have a good as sortment now at 65c. 75c, 85c, and SI.

Foulard silks, 24 inches wide, in new and cnoice patterns t90c, $1 and $1.25. Two ot our greatest bargains in our silk department are first a Surah Satin, in all imaginable shades, and the second a beautiful Satin Rhadames at $1.75 an elegant line of colors with trimmings to match. We have just opened a beantiful line of Linen Lawns at 16, 18, 20, and 25c; new choice patterns and fast colors some new choice designs in French Lawns at 25, 30 and 35c. Solid colors in all the delicate shades at 30c. The largest assortment in Pacific Lawns ever shown under one roof at 15c a yard.

There has been a great demand this season for Ginghams, and we have by far the most extensive line that can be found in this city. Fine French Zephyr Ginghams at 25, 30 and 35c. Solid colors and stripes or plaids to match, in beautiful combinations of colors. Dotted Swisses is another very pop ular material this season, and we are al ready selling them quite extensively, al though the weather has not been very favorable for them. These goods ranse in price from 30 cents to 75 cents a yard.

and make the finest white wash dress of anything out this seaso'n. Laces seem to be trimming for every thing this season they are put on silks, nuns, veilings, grenadines, lawns, ging hams, aud in fact on every thing. We have some exceedingly pretty laces in cream for trimming wash materials at 10, 15, 20 and 25c. In Spanish, both in black and cream we have a beautiful line of new patterns and remarkably cneap. -'V Ladies will do well to give us a trial order and we will guarantee that we will save them money, time and trouble if they will send to us for samples, or come in person ii possioie.

FlXSHZB, SCIIUNEMAN Co. THE STATE OF KANSAS. I ma Jackson County. jf In the District Court, sitting within and for the county or Jackson ana state or Kansas Wm.T.McVay and John 1 bioweii, Plaintiffs. vs.

Case so. 14G3. Isabella Weaver and Jo seph Weaver, Defendants, BT virtue of an order of sale, to me directed and delivered, issued out of the First Judicial District Court of the State of Kansas, sitting and for Jackson Countv in said State, I will Monday, the 2th day of Jnne, A. D. 1882, at 2 o'clock p.

m. of said day, at the east front door the court-house, in the city of Holton, in the County and State aforesaid, offer at public sale the highest bidder, for cash in hand, all the right, title and interest of the above named defendants in and to the following described property, to wit Seven acres out of the southwest corner of the southwest quarter of section nineteen (19). in township five (5), of range fifteen (13), commencing at the southwest corner of the southwest quarter of section nineteen (19), in township five (5), of range fifteen (15), running thence north eighty roads, thence east fourteen rods, thence south eighty rods, thence west fourteen rods to the place of beginning. Situated, lying and being in the County of Jackson and State of Kansas. Said property levied on as the property of the said defendants and as commanded by said order of sale.

Dated at Sheriff's office, Holton, Kansas, this 24th day of May, a. D. 1882. ED. F.

JONES, Sheriff of Jacksou County, Kansas, Kellek Keller, Attorneys for Plaintiffs. St5 J. C. Weiss, mm HOLTON, JACKSON COUNTY, KANSAS. SPECIALTY.

WINDOW GRATING AMD- DOOBS ARE MADE TO ORDER IN A WORKMAN LIKE MAIMER. All work in my line Warranted to give Satisfaction. SHOP NEAR NORTHEAST CORNER SQUARE. 45tf "VTOTICE is hereby given to all creditors and ii others interested in the estate of Marv J. McComas, late of Jackson county, Kansas, deceased, that W.

A. Allen, administrator, will make final settlement of said estate at the Pro bate udge's office, in said county, on the th day of July, iss W.A.ALLEN, 12t3 Administrator "XTOT1CE is hereby given to all creditors and 1 others interested in the estate of Thomas T. McLin, late of Jackson county. Kansas, deceased, that Nancy J. McLin, administratrix, will make final settlement of said estate at the rro bate Judge's office, in said county, on the 15th aay oi uiy, is2.

NANCY J. MCLIN. 12t3 Administratrix. KFine job printing at this office. Job printing at this office.

BRAI Dr. C. Wm's Nfrvk and Braim Truatmikt, a guaranteed specific for Hyetoxla, Dizxines, Conv-ulaion, Fits, Nervous Neuralgia, Headache. Nervoun Prontra-tion caused by the use of alcohol or tobacco, wakeful, ness. Mental Depression, Softening of the Brain resulting in Insanity and leading to misery, decay and death.

Premature Old Age, Barrennewi, toss of Power In either sex. Involuntary Losses and Spermatorrhoea caused by over-exertion of the brain, self-abuseor orer-lndul (fence. One box will cure recent cases. Each box contains one month's treatment. One dollar a box.

or six boxes Are dollars; sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price. Wegnar-antee six boxes to cure any cae. With each ortfer received for six boxes, accompanied with Ave dollars, we will send the purchaser our written guarantee to refund money If treatment does not effect a cure. Guarantees issued only bv twiftfc Holllday. Druggist, Topeka.

Orders iry mat at regular prices. foe, Agitator Tiireslier. Simple, the Most Durable, the Most Perfect in its band a sample Case Agitator the only perfect Holton, Kansas. Geo. H.

Barber, Notary Pablle A TgTTTCP. INTEREST AND DONT.YOU FOGET IT SECURITY AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST couniry. TfulmanCs Earlier. BUG KS tor. The loss in this alone was $60,000 or $70,000.

Reading the graphic description of the storm as published in the Times, one can't help but wonder that so lew people were killed or wounded. The saddest part of the sad story was the account of the depth of four school girls at St. Marys college, near the city. The heavy cupola of the build ing blew off, falling upon another part of the building where the students were sleeping, crushing to death these four girls and slightly injuring several others. With the exception of one man.

who was unknown, blown into the river and drowned, these were the only lives ost so far as heard from, although there were numerous narrow escapes ana quite a number received slight injuries. KANSAS CITY. At Kansas City the storm was not so severe as at Leaven worth, but baa enough. Only one or two persons were killed. The los3 fh property will aggregate several thousand dollars.

THE IOWA CYCLONE. Grinnell, the Iowa town wrecked by a cyclona on Saturday evening, is on the main line of the Chicago, Rock Island Pacific road, in Powesheik county, and about 120 miles west of the Mississippi river. It has a population of about 1,500, several large flouring mills, five churches, the Iowa college, a foundry, etc. Malcolm, also devastated by the tornado, is a village of about 500 inhabitants, in the same county, and about nine miles east of Grinnell. The cyclone came from the southwest, an ominous funnel-shaped cloud, with a roaring, rotary motion, and it struck Grinnell about nine o'clock in the even ing.

The loss of life at Grinnel will exceed ifty, and over one hundred and fifty were wounded, many of them seriously. At Malcolm the dead number eight, and ten or twelve others are wounded. The financial loss is estimated at about 000. In the country outside of the two towns the destruction wrought was very great, and many persons were killed or wounded. The total loss of life, in towns and country, will probably reach one hundred, and the wounded over two hundred.

We have only mentioned a few places where the storm seemed to rage the fiercest. Many other towns and the country within the scope of the storm sunered more or less loss. The aggre gate amount of which will swell to a very large figure. PREJUDICE KILLS. "Eleven years our daughter suffered on a bed of misery under the care of several of the best (and some of the worst) physicians, who gave her disease various names, but no relief, and now she is restored to us in good health by as simple a remedy as Hop Bitters, that we had poohed at for two years, before using it.

We earnestly hope and pray that no one else will let their sick suner as we did, on account of prejudice against so good a medicine as Hop liit- tirs." The Parents. 13t2 KEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE, In Probate Court, Jackson County, State of Kan sas: In the matter ef the estate of Robert Simpson, a convict. To W. H.

Simpson, Archie Simpson, Mary A. Mmpson. saran Simpson, unaries bimpson, Jennie Simpson. Agnes Simpson and Ama Simpson, and all persons interested in the estate of said Robert Simpson, who is a convict sentenced to imprisonment lor lite. YOU will take notice that Jennet Simpson, wife of said convict, have filed in the Pro bate Court of Jackson Countv.

State of Kansas. a petition for the appointment of commissioner ana me allotment 01 my share in ana to the following real nroocrtv of said Robert Simnson. biiuswu in iu county or tiacKsoo ana 01 nanBHs, to wit: The west half of the northeast quarter oi section 24, in township 5. of ranve 1G. and the Baid petition will be heard in said Probate Court ami an order granted asprayd for therein on the 15tli day of July, A.

D. at Id o'clock a. in unless you or some one of you appear and fhow cause wny 6uch urder should not ue maae. 13t3 JEXSET SIMPSON, Petitioner. Bboderick a Rafter, Attorneys for Petitioner.


1S82. First Winter Term 10 weeks, begins November 14, 182. Second Winter Term 10 weeks, begins January zj, itsi. Sfriko Term 10 weeks, begins April 3. 1883.

Institute Term 3 weeks, begins June 12, 1VS3. First Axnual Commencement Aug. 3. 1383. EXPESSES: nla.

AA Board per weea, 1.50-12 Boom rent. 50c 5 $28 Tuition, for Institute 6 Tuition for year in advance. 33 COURSES: Business, JPhonographicf Teachers Telegraphic, Musical, Literature, Classical. AiyVJLSTAGESi A magnificent building. Complete la arrange- Hospitable accommodations in private families.

Stadeuta may enter at any time. May choose tueir own kiuuics- masses organizea earn tern in common branches and Algebra, Book-keeping, Rhetoric, I.alin. Sciences. Vocal and Instrumental AIoric. A regular claes ia Theory and Practice of Teacninz.

A Faculty of earnest, conscientious, thoroughly trained teacner. aujri J. U. President Campbell Normal Univereitv. 3 Holton.

Jackson County, Kansas. BARBER SHOP. MA. PRYER offers his professional scrvi- ces to all those wanting anything in his line. Everything first-class.

Shop under Ltn-Bcott'a Bank. Hot and cold baths. lu J. T. SCOTT.

J. A. EAFTEIt. SCOTT RAFTER, PHYSICIANS and Surgeons. One door east of Exchange Bank, Holton, Kansas.

Dr. bcott examining surgeon for pensions. 9t( JOHN NIEDERER, MANUFACTURER and dealer in cigars, and dealer in manufactured tobaccos, west side the square, Holton, Kansas. DR. C.

II. GILMAN, -s QURGEON'-DEXTIST, having be- come a permanent resident of Xllyy rff Uolton, offers his professional per- vices to the citizens of the county. Office over Linncott's bank, west sido of the square, Holton, Kansas. 4tf DR. FRANK DAVIS, DENTIST, offers his profeBfiional services to the citizens of Holton and vicinity.

All work warranted. Office up stairs in Lin icon's Dana oiock. ayi jr. L. LOVE.

J. E. LOVE. LOVE LOVE, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, Whiting, Ks. Office third door north of L.ove Green's drug store.

All calls will receive prompt Mention. noinG THOMPSON USE. JOHN H. THOMPSON has again taken charge ef his hotel and boarding house, in the went part of town. Boarding, per week; meals, 20 cents.

Travelers entertained and horses well cared for. Give Uncle Johny a call and he entertain you. J. L. Williams.

D. U. Town-send. HOLTON NURSERY. KEEP all kinds of nursery stock, consisting of apple, pear, peach, plum and cherry trees, evergreens, grains strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, gooseberries, roses, and other flowers, shrubs and ornamental trees, and a general assortment of other nursery stock.

Case Bkodeuick. E. e. rafteu. BRODERICK RAFTER, AWYERS.

Will nracUce In all Courts. Ol-JLi lice on west side of square, up stairs in Linscott's building. COMMERCIAL HOTEL. FORMERLY Park House. West side publio square, Holton, Kansas.

J. (J. Cook, pro prietor. The house is thoroughly reiuteu and refurnished. Strictly flrst-class in all ita Sample rooms for commercial nieu.

4Mt DR. E. A. JUNKIN. PHYSICIAN and surgeon.

Office north side of the square, over liirkctt's store, in the Helton City Bank block. JOHN 8. HOPKINS. J. H.

IirjNTKU. HOPKINS HUNTER, ATTORNEYS at law. Offioo over Holton Clf Bank, Holton, Kansas. 4 1 FURNITURE and MA'ITRESSES. I CARRY a good stock of furniture, coffins, plcturefr ames, etc.

All kinds of maltreH-ses made to order. Repairing done cheap, nnd on short notice. Give me a call, one door south of the post-office. 42yl K. T.

Sl'ENCK. CONTRACTOR. W. J. HOCKHAM, Brickmaker and Contractor.

Holton, Kansas. Orders from other points and from the country promptly at- tended to. ti B. QBUBB. W.H.ROBINSON.

GRUBB ROBINSON, DEALERS IN LUMBER, Lath. Shingles, Doors, Blinds, Hash, Lime, Hair, Cement, Ac, north-east corner square, Holton, Kan. 1'.) R. B. CLEGHORN, BOOK BINDER, cor.

2d and Delaware streets Leavenworth. All kinds of work in the binding or ruling line done with neatness and dispatch, and toarraivted. No shoddy work turned out. Give me a tiail. HAYDEN HAYDEN, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW, Holton, Kansas.

Office east side publio square. SAMUEL OSTERHOLD. 9 1- AW AND COLLECTION OFFICE, on tne east side of the squaro Dr. Nichol'a office Holton, Kansas. 11-tf Dr.

J. G. NICHOLS, PHY8ICIAN AND. DENTIST, respectfully ten ders his services to the people of Holton an-vicinity. Office on east side square, Holton.

R. E. SMITIIERS, PLA8TERKR AND BRICK LAYER. He will take contracts tor work in his line at reasonable rates. AH work warranted.

Residence corner of Ohio and fifth streets, Uolton, Kansas. C. FLETCHER, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER In Boots and Shoes. Repairing done to order, and all work warranted. South side of square, Holton, Kansas.


KKLLEK LAW AND COLLECTION OFFICE, KELLER SON. AWYERS. Office over Exchange Bank, Hoi JU ton, Kansas. M. AMADEN, GENERAL PAINTER, House, and Ornamental.

Graining, gilding, glaring, paper-hanging and calcimlning. SOLDIER CITYjnUO STOOE! JONES BRADLEY, DEALERS IS DRUGS, PMTS, OILS, GLASS, PUTTY, VARNISHES. BRUSHES, ETC STATlOlttY, tlACKSOARDS, WAll-f kept constantly on hand, which we propose to aell at bottom figures. jtvP-ATBoarAGB Solicited. Dm WILLIAMS 5 HATE A LA BOB 8TOCKOP Gliolf end DuHdcrs' (rfiiiiiuaf i.

in lij w. HTUCII THEY 8 ELL AT VERY jOXTESTaCASII rniCT" "XTOTICE is here vrgive4 that I willmako Coal i 'iiUmcrtiif ee-aiUi of tin A. I i An ft ftn a V. .1 1.1 3 of the in c. son county, at wl.n-h -t i i AdraioiatntL-r of t-deceased.

Dated June 1st, 1 A. i XVE. TkLm BeoL, JESc5LLtOTT. Holton, Thursday, June 22d, 1882. A MASS MEETING.

A mass convention of the voters of Jackson county who are in sympathy with the National Greenback Labor party is hereby called to meet at the court-house, in Holton, on Saturday, June 2t, 1S82, at 2 o'clock p. for the purpose of organisation and to elect a delegate to the congressional convention at Clay Center, on the 28th inst. All who believe that the old parties have outlived their usefulness, and who favor anti-monopoly legislation are requested to meet with us. GREENB ACKERS. THE STORM.

Last Friday night about midnight our county was visited by one of the most destructive torn ado 3 within the recollection of the oldest inhabitant. The storm did not come as a cyclone, although it may have assumed that form in places, but as an old fashioned tornado with a wind that swept nearly everything before it. So far as we have been able to learn the width of the track of the storm was from six to twelve miles through the county, the north line commencing at Havensville, passing a little south of Soldier City, Circleville and Holton, a little north of Tippinville and passed out of the county in a nearly due east course. The following are some of the details of the effect of the hurricane. We are gratified to be able to state that no' lives were lost, and so far as we can learn, no one seriously hurt NEAR SOLDIER CITY.

George Clowe's house, occupied by Henry Owens, was blown about 100 feet and left on the steep bank of the creek, the floor standing at an angle of CO degrees. The family were in the house, but escaped unhurt. John T. Bell's house was blown about 20 feet, but was left standing right side up with care considerable damage done to furniture and dishes. The family had taken refuge under the bluff and were exposed to the heavy rain.

NEAR JAMES CROSSING. Saunders Meek's house was blown 40 feet and considerably racked. His family had taken refuge in a cave. Box house on James' place, unoccupied, removed about 60 feet. Thos.

Rudy's barn torn to pieces, one hotse killed and another badly hurt. An. Johnson's house unroofed. An old house on Mrs. E.

Fairbank's place unroofed, and the chimneys of her dwelling blown down-Windmill on Mrs. Clements' place completely demolished. Wila D. Thompson's house was blown all to pieces and scattered over the prairie. Mr.

and Mrs. Thompson, and a boy living with them, were in bed in the house, and strange to say, the two former were unhurt except some slight bruises. The boy was pretty badly bruised, but, we learn, not seriously. Johnathan Ray's corn crib was blown all to smithereens. NEAR SOUTH CEDAR.

Three houses belonging to ThosJ King, Henry Champlin and, Thos. McCowan were blown all to pieces. Five other large houses were blown off their foundations and one of them moved 100 feet without blowing over. A number of other small buildings were blown down. NEAR TI I'FIN VILLE.

K. L. Tippin's barn was blown all away. Saunders and Milligan's windmill was blown down. Cass Wright's house was wrecked and his wife seriously injured.

Out buildings on many other farms were blown over. Orchards were greatly damaged everywhere in the track of the storm, by the fruit being blown off, limbs broken, and trees uprooted or broken down. Some few valuable orchards, like J. liafhs, have been nearly ruined. The wheat in some places was badly tangled, but the probabilities are that the damage to this crop will not be great.

AT ONAGA. The storm done considerable damage in upsetting several buildings. Also a HAVENSVILLE i there was much destruction of the same sort. II. S.

Hart's store front was blown LEAVENWORTH. Leavenworth suffered more from the tempest than any western city. Scarcely a real estate owner in the city but has suffered loss either in damage to build ings or in broken down or proofed shade or fruit trees. Many business houses and dwellings were unroofed, and a few were about destroyed. The L.

-fr-J i ko Construction and operation or any xnresner made. Also the J. Case Hew, Double Pinion. Woodbury Horse Power. Each Power furnished with Powerful Brake free of charge.

Also the J. I. Case '1 Apron and Ectfpse Thresher. TVn.w fat1 anil ana rfia Vav A irifif mvtA HAnrtlA T.mfj na rAt fMM. chase, and you will hare no other.

I will bare on nax inresner maae swot ue uuauie oi joijt. Send for Circulars, they wIH eo6t you nothing. 2tl2 C. Tollman. THB BOSS XJ.IiTX)A.3-B3iTTS AT.T.TT A TT LttiD OVaERS BE SURE AHD HAVE YOUR LAND OH THEIR BOOKS WE MAKE A SPECIAL BUSINESS OF SELLING LANDS.

TEAMS ALWAYS READY TO SHOW PARTIES LAND FREE OF COST. So DO NOT FORGET TO CALL AND SEE US. I WE CAN MAKE IT TO YOUR WK CAN FURNISH MONEY ON REAL-ESTATE Also, agents for the National Temperance Relief Union, the cheapest as well as AGBICTJLTURAL I1IPLEIIEIITS I iy CIrcIOTrillo. Has. uia naiest Lue insurance to be tne.

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