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Orange County Observer from Hillsborough, North Carolina • Page 3

Hillsborough, North Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1 VPJtKMK COtTR TS OPJN, S9t BINGHAM SCaooi 'BXtoGEr. A v. J- A nun 1 1UW Hf. Justice PeckhacD's Deliverance Compared With the Prophecy -ScRimON BATES Uttered in of rn be paid in advance, LOU 1 a the, Worjh Carolina'. Legislature I I who is greatly beloved all oer this State' and ba the confide'nce' he people of North- Carolina, will de-I ivr an a reus on State rohibi liojn in he co rt ho use a' Billsboro, oh Monday; April 20, 108, at 1:30 O'clock, p.

ffl.y Evervboy InyitedTo attend and ea is i li ngu isfi ed ci izen anc gifled aud Eloquent speaker. lutes jn TKS OF ADVKKTIS1NO '-rtcitinnts will insertea lor 1 1 i cents foreach subsequent pub. 4The Kind You Have Alvays ougljf and wilcii has beeii ligation. in use tor over SO years, lias borne signature of a' JVl r. 'V.

Mnrrnm nf Tlnam ana nas been made under Ills personal sripervision since its inancif Allow no one to deceive von in this. opeos at 8:00 a. m. Closes Mail going East closes m. and p.

Mail pomg West close? 10 15 and 30 p. m. A-Money Order books clofce at anuary; Charlotte Observer. vWhat follows, is reproduced by 'request 1 I Eiract troni the. speob, of Sena-tor John W.

Giaham, of Orange, in th special pessian pt-lhe General Assembly. January, 1908, on tte Raj! road Rale mil, In Thomas tunter, "Sheriff ot Buncombe, vs. James Q. fron custody on rVabeas oor pris issued by Judge Pritcl.ard, as an opiniop pt Supreme may fpon be expected it js useless to dis-, ci8 or speculate up the final result. I have read with care the brief Cor by Hon: E.

J. Justice and take p'easure' in saying it is an able prestntation of his side of the case, but as a lawyer I roust say that is something to be resented on the othr si3e. tlioueh All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-ood" are but Bsperiments that trifle and the health of i Infants and ChildrenBxperience against Bxpciriinent county, will be in Hillsboro, Toes-day -night, April Sftst, and will speak in the interest of Ashley Hprne's cand idacy for Gove rn of. Re viva I Ser ices Xectb by Sear Commencement In vita tins 10-. Bl NQHAM ScflOO Mebane, 19Cfe.

TTor some days a prottacted net has been in progre-s at the Presbyterian church at Mebane, the. attendance being good and able ser heiiiji precunei, by the pastor, Re. R. tji Hon. T.

Shaw, Superior Couit adge of Korth Carolina, r--cently delivered at the saiae chuich an Address on prohibition, which is 3aid to have been helpful to the earse and agreeable to the people. The noted lecturer and humorist, Dr. VV. Sear, will speak April 15tb at the, school on the subject of "rtie A literal treat i expected. The invitations for the Com mencemeht exerpises, which take place May 10tb to 15th, will spou be completed They are beautiful sifeoimens ot the printer's and en-graver' art.

Students who are distiBguished, having obtained a grade of 90 on studies and conduct on the last re port issued, are as follows in the order ot their standing: Gray, Godfrey; Gray, Taylpir, C. Reid, -Andrews Crawford, A. Jones, Morrow Stieet Atkinson, E. Cleudennin Foushee Hall Parker Caldwell Ginn Whai Cm TO I is p. in CHARLES G.

ROSEMORD, P. Lynch TiDniD, colored, died at the County Home Sunday morning See advertisement on 2nd page Laxative Cough Syrppthe cough syrup that tastes nearly lis good as maple Vfjgar and i ch ch Id re like so well to take. Unlike nearly all other congh re me-dies, it does not constipate, but on Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, "Paregoric, Brops and Soothing Syrups; It "Is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is ts guarantee It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness.

It cirre Diarrlioea and Wind Colic: It relieves Teething Troubles, cuVes Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giiring healthy and natural sleeps Children's Panacea The Mothers Fjriend. the othe band it acts promptly yet gently on the bowels, through which Ijiave not 7 seen briefs af annellee. the cold is forced out of the system, and at! tbe same time it alUvs in- flammatiou. Always use Kennedy's GENUINE ALWAYS ot 01 "'1'0i D.

Tomer. See advertisement of land sale, bv Messrs and vVatker, administrators of L. Walker. Mr. Geo.

Watts, of Durham, has given out the coutract for his hospital buildings, on acew eite that wil! st in the neighborhood of 8200,000 Married at Edo Cotton Sunday, April 12, 1908, vat 8:30 a CASTORIA Laxative Couah Svrup. Sold bv W. A. Hayes, JDjuggist. In the case of Fitls MpGhee, 172 Uf, 8.

516, relied on by appellant, it 1 admitted Mr. Justice Harlan used this language "There Were no exceptional or extraordinary circumstances in these cases to have justified the interference by the Circuit Court under writ of habeas corpus with the trial ot the indictments found in the State ooiirts" so that Bears the Signature of To Our Cuutrv Friends l- We want your trade. Always pay fair prices Always glad to see Kirkpalrick; Marshall Ray the only Question before the Su yon come, and will do our best to m', by Joseph A. Harris. J.

lvir. W. T. Farrington land Miss Belle Currie, both of Orange county -Rev. J.

F. McDuffie's echoc-l, pieae you. We will show you as Koads, Taylor, M. Bell; Barker; Gore Lynch, F. Mac Rae; Oliver; Roads, M.

WhLtson Craig, C. JohustoD, and Mc Lean, D. good a line of Shoes, Dress Goods, as you will find in this section. The Kind You Hmiteajs Bought Price right. Quality right.

Jn Use For Oyer 30 Years. The ceivtaur company," rr murra stbcct. nrw yob crirr Yours truly, West End Grocery WM. H. NEWMvAK.

Manager. LOOK 1 LOOK LOOK I OLD GLOTAES For tbe To the Democratic Voters of Orange County: As candidates for the various county offices are being discussed, and as I have been asked by several preme Court is whether the rule or the exception will prevail the rule being that the United States Court is slow to interfere with a trial in a ate court, but wili do so under extraordinary circumstances and in cases of great urgeocy that require to be. promptly disposed of, and for the purpose of inquiring into. the canoes of restraint of liberty of any person in oustody under the authority of a State in violation of the con stitmion or where the petitioner is In custody by State authority for an act done or orr itted to be done in pursuance of a law of the United States, or an order, process or de cree of a court or judge thereof. The petitioner claims that the last exception fits his ease.

Moan Extract from the opinion of Mr. mjade to look Cleaningti inenaB 11 1 was a candidate tor re- RELIABLE GOODS PRICES We waited late before buying on lour mils west ot Chapel Hill, will close next week. On Monday night, April 20, there will be a moeical entertainment, and on fues-day at 3 p. ra Prof. of Wake Forest College, will deliver an address.

The dosing exercises will take place Tuesday night. Tired mothers, worn out by peevish, cross baby have found CAS casweet a boon and a blessing. Cascasweet is for babies and children, and is especially good for the ill so common in cold weather. Look tor the iugredients printed on the bottle. Contains no harmful drugs Sold by W.

Hayep, Druggist. The closing exercise of. White Cross Academy will take place on the 22nd instant. Trie University band will furrmh ovisic lor the occasion. VVe learn that Hon.

A. L. pressing, altering, repairing and fing, done on short notice for ladies and gents. Hats cleaned and rebanded Goods sent for and delivered. First-class work guaranteed.

Tailor made clothes. Suits from $10 to $40. Pants $3 to $12. Perfect fit guaranteed. Clothes shipped to all points.

M. C. WILLIAMS, Opposite west side of court house on Churton street. SmiJXGr STOCK QFLADIE8 DRESS GOODS. SHOES AND HAS, ccm.naiiori for th6 offipe of County CoumineioDer, I feel it myduty to publicly announce that I am net and will not be a candidate for le-elec-tion I know there aie plenty.of good men in the county belter qualified to fill this important position than and I will be glad to support whoever the Democratic Convention may choose for my successor.

I lhank you all Tpr tbe confidence you had in me in electing me twice to this important position. While it is not a very desirable office, I feel that it is one of the most important in the county. I have felt the re Justice Peckham, at the Unired, so. that we com Id get the very lowest prions, and we have succeeded 1 doing so. Our New Go-ids are coming in daily, and we can ahcw5 yo the Cheapest and Nicest Lioe in Ladies-Dress (Joods and Shoes we ha1 ever ha-1.

We have a full lne of FRENCH BATISTE; ORGANDIE LAWNS DIMITIES, WHITE AND COLORED DRESS-LINENS NANSOOK AND FANCY WHITE GOQD pf all kinds at button, prices. Onr MEN'S AND LADIES PATENT LEATHER AN I TAN OXFORDS are "up to date Slates Supreme Court, in the NoHh Carolina and Minnesota Railroad rate cases Being detained in. custody by irtoe of this conviction by one of the police courts of the State, he Brooke-, oar able Solicitor and can didate for Couyress to succeed the Hon. W. W.

Kitchin, will deliver For Sale. Buff Orpington Eggs 50 cents for thirteen. Mrs. C. H.

ROBERTSON, Eno Cotton Mills. sponsibility, and doubtless have (had the right to 4ipiiy tor 4 writ of made mistakes, but I assure you I Reniember we carry at all times a fall and competfe line of MSN have at times done what I con PANTS AND BOY'S SUITS, HARDWARE AND GROCERIES." We hae a beautiful line ot Easter; Cards. Hillsboro Bookstore. ceived lo be my duty, and for tbe Weiwant yonr trade and will treat vou fair. best interests ot the county and all concerned.

Again thsnking you all for the Your friends, COMPANl: nabeas corpus to the United Slates Circuit Judge, and thaC Judge had power ip issue the. writ and dig-charge the prisoner under Section 752 of the Revised Statutes of the United States, asr' be as they in custody for an act' 4ooe pursuant to an order, process or decree of a Court or Judge of the tUnited Stales. The writ being properly is sued, the Judge had the right, and confidence you bad in me, I am Wanted. 50,000 pounds of Oldj Casting; Copper, N. W.

BROWN CO. an address on mis occasion at io'olock p. m. Everybody invited Cbapel Hill News A Beautiiul Woman. Her surroundings shoold be in harmony, and cn best be made so by a well kejit ho ve The L.

M. Pure Paint makes the home beaotirul. It preserves it and pre vents decay. The con per gallon ready for nse is only $1 20. It wears for ten years and longer Thirty-three years of continuous use.

is evidence. H. W. J. C.

Webb Paint Agents, Hillsboro. Your servant, J. F. Mo AD A MS. Married on Wednesday after The Durham District Confer 1 1 1 .3 1 1 it was his to examine into the noon, April 8, 1908, at o'clock, by tbe rector, Rev.

S. Pass on Wattersv, in St, Matthew's Episcopal Church, facts and htd jurisdiction to discharge the petitioner under the 01 r-cutuslanoes stated. Hillsboro, N. Mr. Woods and Miss Maggie E.

Waer, daughter of Mr. Tboma-t L. Walker. All Death of Mrs. Harriet I No appetite, loiis of strength, nervous ness, headache, constipation, bad breath, general sour risings, and catarrh of the stomach are all due tdp indigestion.

Kodbl relieves indigestion. This new discovery represents the natural juices of digestion as they exist1 in a healthy stornach, Combined with the. greatest'-'known tpnio of Orange. The Observer extends congratulations and best wishes. Mrg.

Harriet Kirkland, iwife of Ladies. A little walk will do you srond. See oo' line of White Goods, Belts, Dres Goods, Shoes, We think oar. prices will encourage you to take a little walk often out our way. are shnw'nar Bnmalhinif'nAur oil Captain John Kirkland, died at,0D-aacwflL TL II-' II II 3 and reconstructive properties.

Kodolr-fo Bears the hm Tuu.HawwwajB dougm wtu uo fjeiu Jiieuaue, April 22-26. The following are the delegates trow tbe Hillsboro Circuit Messrs. John W. Jordan, S. M.

Gattis, John Hodge and Henry Haley. Orange connty, was well and ably represented in the State Sun-' day School Convention! at Barling-ton last week. The following delegates attended from this county Rev. and Mrs. Wiseman, Chapel Hill Miss Maggie E.

Forrest, Mrs N. Brown, Mrs. W. E. Steward, Miss Mary I.

Tinnio and Miss Irene tWhitaker, Hillsboro Mus Maggie Laws, Rougemont Mr. George F. Crutohfield and Mr. Cicero W. Efland, and a Mr.

Durham. The county delegates organized a their borne, "Ayr Mount," one mile only relieve Indigestipn dyspepsia does not dBBK BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBU Bignatuw and dyspepsia, but east, of Hillsboro, Monday morning this famous remedj troubles fey cleansing, of Tielps all stomach April 20th. at 7 o'clock, aged 64 purifying, sweeten ng and strengtnenmg years Mrs. Kirkland Lad been in the mucous membranes lining the stomach. declining health for some time She STATE OF NORTH CAKUIjINA, Orange Counit.

i is survived by her husband abd four Brfor You Purchase Any Other Writs Superior Court, Mar. 25, 1908. sons and three daughters. James D. Long, as Administrator of Rev.

H. S. Bradshaw conducted Mr. S. S.

Ball, of Ravenswood, says: I was troubled with 'sour stomach for twenty years. "Kodol cured me and wa are now using it In milk for baby." FOR BACKACHE WEAK KIDNEYS 5 TRY EaWITT'S KIDNEY and BLADDER PILLS-Sars and Safi Prepared by E. O. DeWITT Chicago Sold by A. HAYES, Draggist Miss Fanny F.

Latta, deceased, tbe funeral and banal services at tbe home Tuesday at 5:30 p. and the t'me WEST END GROCERY CO. r. Notice to Debtorss. The judgments, mortgagesnotes and accounts dae to James Webb, Jr.

are my bands for collection. All indebted will please call at my offioe and make payment 10 appreciation of the large indub 2ence which has been given JOHN W. GRAHAM, Trustee. THE NEW HOME EEWINQ MACHINE COMPANf ORANGE, MASS. Many Sewing Machines are made to sell rejar less of quality, but the New Home" is maj to wear.

Our guaranty never runs out We make Sewing Machines to suit all condWo'-f the trade. The- fJTe Home" stands at lead of all High-grade family sewing machin Sold by authorised dealers only FOR SALS BY Josopb H. "Latta and others, helrs-at- the interment was in the iamily County Sunday School Association grave-yard. tor Orange County and elected the following officers Rev. Mr.

Wise Among tbe relatives attending 60 YEARS tbe funeral were Miss Sue Maye man, President Mr. Shepperd EXPERIENCE Strudwick, Vioe President, and Miss Mary I. Tinuin, Secretary- Treasurer. law of saiG anny Liatta. Pijblication of Notice of Summons.

To Joseph S. Latta, Sarah Latfa, Einma Thompson, Dr. L. Thompson, Horace Thompson, Martha E. Thompson and Thompson her husband.

Arthur Latta, Thomas J. Latta, W. O. Latta, Jua Hagee arid Hagee her husband, Elie De- vore and Devore -her husband, all of Mooresville, Ind. Mary Aim Latta, Monrovia, Sarah J.

Kirkland, of Greensboro, and Mrs Clinton Crow, ot Raleigh, sisters of Capt. Kirkland. Mr. James Kirkland, of Cincinnati, could not reach here in time Tbe next meeting of the State As sociation will be held at Concord. 1 -L to attend his mother's tuneral.

Trade Marks 1 The Kind Yoa Have Always Bought designs Bears the For tUe. 1 Good Mule 4 years old. Also 1 (00d Horse. APply to P. C.

COLLINS, Hillsboro, N. C. Copyrights Signature of frP Willi JMIIjl (IN HCSEx( JiATTt rr cure zl'l Cbmiic Oragh, Hatwa'i jja'SV Htfttnd Appetite, In- Tj tumoer. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly our opinion free whether an invention ia probably patentable. Comnninica-ttons strictly confidential.

HANDBOOK onPatentl sent frfift. Oldest asrencv for securlnz patents. Patents, taken through Co. receive MILK COWS FOR SALE at "Meadow Farm." Call on A. H.

RIMMER, Manager. March 6, 1908. A letter from "Country Wo OF NEW REGIS 1KA tpecial notice, without charge, in the At Cost, TION. Scientific Jlttierican Piotur iron iyi 11 1 pi. DOOKS, Largest ell A handsomely illustrated weekly.

nnlntinn of anv sclentlflo lournal Terms, The Board of County Commissioners having ordered election in a special tax district covering the town ol Hills v.uina and other things. HILLSBORO BOOKSTORE. year four montns, i. esoia Dy aii newsa eaters MUNN Co.36teroavNew Yorfc Branch OfQce. 625 St, Washington.

D. C. man," on Prohibition, will be pub boro and parts oi Hillsbdro School Din Woodard and Woodard, her husband, Plainfield, Dora Tansy and her husband Carrie Waldo-and her husband Wald, Everett H. Moon, Ernest V. Moon, Laura Moon, Howard L.

Moon, all of New Providence, Iowa Arlie SidelU 111. William O. Dillon, Martinsville, Ind. Anna Smith and her husband Smith, 'Hazel wood, Ind. Thomas H.

Durham, Crockett's Mills, Tenn.f James B. Long, Danville, Va. Augustus W. Long, Princeton, N. J.

Vernon W. Long, Saratoga, 'Miss. Q. P. Long, Gainesville, Fla.

William G. Long, 2019 West Monroe Street, Chicago, lll. Jolin W. Long, 1326 1-2 N. Sarah Street, St.

Louis. Mo. Charles D. Long, 1638 Chestnut Street, Ottowa, and Jesse L. Long, 481 East Ful- lerton Avenue, Chicago, defend: vant8 in above entitled proceeding trict No.

1, east and south of said lished next week. Unclaimed Letters Hidebound, tedijasiaa Wtd lO Stomtrh ud Etc WkiwSttnMUd ad Ridiclt aim. IN HOGS Milk -De Witt's Little Early Risers, ALK OF VALUABLE TOWN stares town ot Hillsboro, and appointed me the Registrar for the election and ordered that an entire new registration gaming In tbe post-orBoe at Worm. IChoter. Elc.

Sura Stwa. I is cow tad the famous little liver pills. Sold by W. A. Hayes, Druggist.

be bad, notice is hereby given that the ran Colicky tadatFnesi by iTmlg dt I qmetity of milk i fcaatwholfioinjJbod. tmfriflitioii. I crcm. Tlx rwM atVI vHm4 riMliun od Mia ad 1st tf Wek w-acM tbe coeOciEM erf digestibdity prateia. 8 PKzy.

J1.00f 12 Pk(K J2.0O. diatxe Pmld. Get tbe GcatniW wad Is m. Paaptdet No. be.

books will be opened on Thursday, Rev. Dr. J. O. Atkinson, Elon College, speak on Prohi VAVID B.

rOVTE. HWlri, AprJ 23, and kept open lor 20 days (Sundays excepted,) previous to the day closing on May 16, 1908. On Saturday, April 25. May bit ion at Chestnut Ridge Institute April 11, 1908 Andrews, Mebane. B'oob J.

J. Wrn. E. Jones, W. Parker, W.

eSan, Miss Sallie. Kobereon, J. ias, J. W. Worker, Charlie.

53 For sa'e at Hjiieboro by W. A. HAyS.Umsgisv 2, 9 and 16, 1 will attend at the court Thursday night, April 16, 1908. Everybody cordially invited to at tend. bouse with the registration books lor LOTS.

Under authority of a decree of the Superior Court of Orange County at the recetitX March term) in the case of H. S. Bradshaw and others vs. Edmund Strudwick and others, I will on Monday, April 20, 1908, at 12 o'clock noon, sell at public auction on tbe premises, to the highest bidder, a Town Lot No. 16 in the plan of said town, bounded on the North by Margaret Lane, oh: the East by Mrs.

Bradshaw, on the South by George Craig and, on the West bv Alex. Llovd. 1 will sell You are hereby notified to appear JJ 1X16 fKATORi N.OTICE. the purpose of registering voters, and before the Clerk of the Superior Court -Prof. J.

W. Gore, of tbe State on Saturday, May 2d, the Saturday pre ot range uounty, n. at ms omce in ceding the election 1 will attend at the University, died in a hospital at Hillsboro, C. on Monday tne 2th day of ApriW'4908, at 12 o'clock, M. to court house with the registration book, Baltimore, Wednesday, April 8, answer or demur to the complaint that WUZ CalUna: for aboVo rs, Hease sav "ad.

ah from the hour of a. m. till the hour of 3 p. -when where the said where he had been under treatment has been filed' rby the plaintuT, and ypn will further take notice that this action only a few days He was buried at books shall i be open tor inspection of CHLES G. the eleetors, And any ot the electors- is brauffht for the purpose of obtaining Baltimore on Friday.

Prof. Gore bad been a Professor in our State shall be allowed to object to the name H-ivIn qualified is- adminJMrator the tte Green Wright, I hereby notiiy? nil persons iDdebied to said estate make immediate paymcnt to iue, anl; all persons bHviiiff H.fais against estate must present tbe same to the, undersigited on; or bciore the 2nd day of April, 1909, or thw.HOtice will le piwd in bar ol their' recovery Aril. 190S. T. M.

BILEY, Administrateu an ordei of the Superior Court for the sale of the real estate belonging to the estate ol Miss Fanny F. Latta, deceased; bscribe for The Orange 01 any person appearing on said books. University since 1882. first the west half of said lot, then the east hal f. Terms One-haif cash, and one-half In 6 months, interest on deferred payments, with, right iii purchaser to anticipate the ame.

Tfeis March 16, 1908. fkaNK NAsn, Commissioner. Com to make assets to pay the debts and DTOHIA. iThe Kind YouHave Always Bought etc. No person who does not register wil be allowed to vote.

-This 8th day ol April, 1908. CHARLES STRAYHORN, Registrar. costs and charges of-administration. D. H.

HAMILTON, Clerk of the Superior Court Bears th of mouths 50.

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