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Fort Scott Tribune and The Fort Scott Monitor from Fort Scott, Kansas • Page 1

Fort Scott, Kansas
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I A I Concord, N. Nov. 7. The two unmarried nieces of Cardinall the people's candidate for District ling the day and the election of Pottsdam," Nov. 7.

Hayes 830 Democratic majority in the State. The Republicans claim the State by State has gone Republican by 3,000 McCloskey. Mr. Kelly, when in- Judge has about four hundred ma-1 Congressmen in the 3i and 4th By Telegraph. majority.

republican gain 1U9. quiries are made concerning bis in- jority over Hubbard in this county. I districts is not yet decided. Auburn, Nov. 7.

Hayes luo ma majority. Lawrence, Nov. 8 Returns a Bmall majority, bat admit it to De very close. The Democrats claim jority. Democratic gam tenuon or giving up toe leadership I a wo smaii precincts noi yes neara I vieorge i.

Uornam received a of Tammany and retiring to private from. I dispatch from Oregon this evening, FD8T SCBH MUM PilBLISSlSS CD 0101 OX WALL STRUT. Daily Weekly Monitor. run OlDBST PAPEB 11 BOCTHIBR IAH818. PublUhea Aaeoclated Preee Beporteand Kl ten liUtory of lb central nWi and ijplos of tue day from all quartom of me i.

aAnnMtd with It one ol from the city and all bat two townships in the county give splendid Elmira, Nov. 7 Tilden 160 ma the State by 5,000 to 10,000. St. Paul, Nov 7 Return re HOPE ON! jority. Democratio gain ait.

majorities for the straight itepub- ceived uu to 9 clock indicate a life, does not deny that this is his unicago, -Nov. 9 following signed by Senator Mitchell and purpose, although he does not di- the Congressional result in Illinois: Conercssman-elect Williams, stat-rectly admit it. The Cardinal has The Republicans elect Aldrioh in ing that Senator Kelley conceded cw York, Nov. t. Keturns ail vote and heavy Republican Kuan picket, there being bat one ex- from election distrie outside of lately received much of his former lDe e'ento in me oa, (ooin me mate lo the Republicans by majonty on the general ticket, cepvon, wnere, in me case oi siase DanieL Republican, in the First Senator, Gov.

Charles Robinson New York city, compared with the Presidential vote of 1872 gives a to ttie meet eomplet end ex tenet ye lob Printing Book Binding KataMUh. Uncertainties and Conflicting Reports. strength. It ia stated there Is a I "1Di Conarpasional District, will be is elected over John Speer. There menta la the Mate.

nilLY. strong probability that he will per- ru rgim. ity aispaicn saye eW.ted. Stewart. Ren in the are no Democratic game.

tal Democratic gain of Re publican gaius net Demo cratic gains 2,148. form the wedding ceremony. One copy one 8 00 When delivered by the cairler In the Third, and a nrobablv straight Re- Chicago. Nov 8 The Tribune's ndianapolis, Nov. 8 A special a tT Tji elty eenU per week.

iiriKLV. publican in the Second. Washington telegram to the Con- (lolnmVina fla. November 7 gressional Committee from the Brooklyn, N. Nov.

718 counties, from trust wcrty reports, some them official, gives a Republican majority of 14,159. The two remaining countics.Charleeton and Cooelstone, the Republicans claimed before the election by 6,500 majority. If the result con-' firms auiuatiocs llampton'a majority will be 2,454, and Tilden's from ten to fifteen per cent less. New Orleans, Nov a. The Democrats claim the State by 15,000 msjoriiy.

The Republican claim that when the river parishes are heard from that they will have 10,000 maj. The returning bocH-d decides the election in New Orleans, Nov 9 Des-patchis from Florida indicate a Democratic majority of 1,200 in that State. New Orleans.Nov 9. Chairman Palmer of the New Orleans Democratic Committee i ays returns tonight from twenty- he-Tilden 15,235 ahev -of 9,926 on the vote of 1874.He Onenony one 1 0 Florida Ku-Klux Preventing Returns. election districts in Brookly oat of to the Journal last night from New AgchJoft nht l6tb P'eme Court are elected by per-Castle reports that John Pun- encumbent.

The Demo- baps 1,000. Nt doubt about these Democrat, shot and killed th lIl.ifi. Harri- fiiriw. Muskogee countv eives 1.400 mai. National Committee claims New rxo paper will be tarnlahed nnleaa paid for In advance.

All lettereabonld beaddreaeed to SUBITUM PIBLISB16 eOMTalH, Port Soott.Kanaaa 161 give Tildeo a majority of 15, 651. for Tilden and Harris, for York for the Republicans by This district goes Dem- 000. Another telegram says the ocratio by a large majority. figures received gives ths State to Charles Pressell, a 80n H.rtford, Nov engaged in a political discussion. l2th Aforrion' i7th m.ioritv in Vh Rt.tA i.

New York, Nov. 7 Vote ol Train Thrown off the New York county Tilden Track. Courier A special to the same paper from Town8 f9 and Mj Spark9' 37'0o joiot ulloU ndorann TnHiana am man I I Indiana, says a man Atlanta, Nov. 7 This State the Republicans sure. Anderson, Hayes Cooper 252; Tilden's majority over Hayes 53,550.

gives a majority lor Tilden of New York, Nov. 7. Eleven named Whittereck shot a colored fifty to sixty thousand. towns of Ontario county will give We have delayed sending out the Weekly Monitor until Friday in order to give our readers, if possible, deffinite news as to man in the head, when a man New York, Nov. 7 Brooklyn gives Tilden a gam over last year Providence, R.

Nov. 7. Par Laphas, Republican, for Congress named Leonard interfered in behalf in the 16th. Hartford, JNov y. Til-Chicago, Nov 9.

Later advices den's majority in the State is says Tipton, Republican, carried 2,989. the 12 th district. This makes a Indianapolis, Nor. 9 The gain of four Republican Congress- most intense excitement has pre-men in the State. vailed here all day and the street Florida.

Louisiana and tial returns from all parts of the of 1,500 and indicates a majority of -the negro; the city marshal, over 10,000 majority. ew York, Nov 8 The Herald claims the Presidential election in State show that Hayes will have there of 12.000 to 15.000. which the Presidential election. Our Daughcrty, then interfered and South Carolina Still in Doubt. rnaionty gives Tildeu the State, struck Leonard a terrible blow on from 5,000 to 0,000 majority.

-Bloomheld. Ia. Nov 7 This doubt, and it may take the official Richmond county, 11,500 Tilden columns are filled with the latest telegrams received to 4 a. m. township gives Hayes 332, Tilden vote in the States pt.

Wisconsin, the side of the head, from the effects CrowjB to on the etreets quarters has been literally packed- eSrD iT' a awaiting the returns. Tilden and was serenaded to-, Oneida. 2.000 Hayes. 223 Conner 45. Liousiana, evaaa ana iiorin Var this (Friday') morning.

The Rome. N. Nov 7. Tilden New York Tribune and v0 nitrht imnii.nsn crnwd with a Tilden 10,000. Omaha.

Nov 7 The election olina to settle the matter. It looks dastardly attempt was made last thA ftt. han(1 Th. whole thing is yet in doubt. Both Iew Orleans, Nov.

9. The Dem- na-ped ff quietli: a hi-aw vote now as if Louisiana and South 450 mj gain 3C8 Dunkiik, Nov 7. Tilden rnnj D-mocratic gain 392. Times Still Claim i Hayes Election. nigniiOBieaiiDeDonesoirresiaeni fimllprt han nt thn dwaa th p.rowi and in th mnrse ocrats claim the State bv from ten parties claim their candidates poilcd in this city.

No returns jet Carolina are certainly Republican Lincoln from the cemetery vault nnt.h. Thft nt hiffaneeoh said? thousand to fifteen thousand the in from the Both parties JNew Xorlt, JNov pm i. Complete loturns Republicans claim it by rive thou elected. At this time it looks as if Florida would decide the mat claim Dou-jlas county. The straight The'electoral votes from Florida, nere.

'lbe plot was suspectea some three Pemocratio congressmen is "I am not well enough to-night to time since, and Elmer Washburne, conceded. In the 3rd district Stu- make a speech: the work of the erive iilaen Mi maioritv. a Uenw- tickets so Jar cunted in the city Nebraska, Nevada, Oregon, Louis- Sun and World Believe sh Democratic plurality. U. S.

Detective Terrill and assist- art j)emt ja defeated and official campaign, in which I have taken ants watched the vault last night. 00unt is required to decide the quite a part, has fatigued me and 1 ter our opinion is that Mr. Til d'n is elected. that Tilden is Safe. Special Dispatch to the Monitor.

1 PieaKaoton. Nov 8 Fall returns The scoundrels broke into the outer election of Cravens and McClure, have not been able to be out to-day; and inner doOrs of the vault, opened Republicans. but I guess I 6hall get well now. iana, and south Uaronua are all required to elect Hayee, and any one of them carried by the Democrats elects Tilden. At this hour all theee States are claimed by both parties, without sufficient re sand.

Washington, Nov 9. Tho Assistant Secretary of the Interior, Gotham, has a dispatch from Secretary Chandler, stating without qualiti nation, that Hayes has 185 electoral votes and is therefore elecod. Washington, Nov 9. The following dispatch was received at 2 Awwlated Press DlHpatchen.l fn.m all the precincts in Linn the several cases of the sarcophagus, Yesterday noon a fire broke out 1 Cheers. I I believe that the re- countv give Haskell seven hun rraiic gaiu of 319 Newburg, N.

Nov. 7. The city complete gives Hayes 220 majority Republican gain of 802. Cohoes, N. Nov.

7. The city complete gives Tilden 192 majority; Democratic gain of 103. Iudianapolis, Nov 7. The election parsed oil quietly. Indications are that a full has been polled.

Comparisons will be made with the vote for Governor at the and were about to make off with in the sale house at Hot suits will justify you in the cxpecta- in Doubt. Leavenworth, Nov. 7. First ward. Haves 3G5.

Tilden 278. First dred and fifty majority Anthony turns to make any one of them the remains, when the detectives which destroyed that house, the tions which have brought you to-sprang out. The accidental dis- larere banking house of S. P. gether this evening.

The dispatch- 1 bo last telgrma ibis tLOrnii ward, Martin. Democrat, Governor six hundred and twenty-five, and certain charge of a pistol alarmed the rob-1 Young the banking houBel es are not uniform, but it will ap- St. Paul, Nov. 7 Returns are announce that the result is yet nayes about 800. 3G8; AnihoDy, Republican, 2G1; Fenlon, Democrat, Corjsrreef, 319 still far from oomplcte, but enough d'liib'.

The Titti'8 unl Tribune Girard, Nov 8 Majorities in is known to assure the election of bers, and they fled and escaped in of Sumpter and bnuth, the omoes poar tbat the Uemocratio ticket is the darkness. A slight clue to their of Dr. Westbrook and Aruta and elected. 1 suppose that ia the identity remains, and their capture the office of Morgan, U. 8.

Receiv- country Gov. Tilden has received Phillips, Republics, 300. Crawford county Hayes 367, Has- positively that Hayes is elect October election 3 Republican Congressmen by a majority of 10,000 to 13,500. The Leavenworth. Nov.

7 Fourth is Drobable. er. liOSB aDout tne largess popular vow ever given Terre Hauieo. Nov. 7 Five kel1 45 Anthony 135, PiDg, Sena- fJ aod (bo sun ami World just as clock inis a.

ro, Savannah, 9 a. ra. No communication from Middle and Western Florida, railroad and telegraph injured by lightning; a large number ot voters on the trains. 9 Peter Lusby, acquitted four months ago of the charge of murder brought against him forkilling a negro in ward ol this city a total vote of JJetrOU. EOV V.

Will to a canuiuaio. luresi. tucur.l i Legislature is also undoubtedly Re wards and townships in this county tor, 198, Ballaine, Representative, positively that ho is not. The die New York. Nov.

Tribune give nayes from 18,000 to 20,000 believe that this emphatic expres publican and tho majority on the 765 Tilden's majority 187. Martin, show a Republican gain over Oct. 144, Magie, Representative, 56. 7 -a. i 1 1 lp.

vi wn t-v i ni 1 1 am nar the public will must be electoral ticket will be at least 10, pitches germ, on Iho whole, to favor ut 29. for Governor. 10.000 eight heard and heeded by Congress. I Republicans elect the entire county o00. Cincinnati, Nov.

7. Business al i ho Democrats, t)ui they aro con and still considers Hayes elected by out 0f nine Congressmen, and a think I may say that I know it will ticket. Chicago, Nov. 8 Farther returns Democrat, for Governor, 213; majority over Anthony, Republican, 150. Fenlon, Democrat, for Congress, 254 majority over Phillip.

Toneka. Nov. 7. The Chairman from the interior of the State do tradictory and aro most entirely es one vote. I large majority 01 ootn Drancnes oi 100 neeueu our eipcamiun arc wa.

found yesterday most entirely suspended. A very large vote is being polled, with indications of quite an increase over I .1 "I-. I tn fK.A alaplinn Mr 'III. I of the State Central Committee has not materially change the majority Forestville, Prince timates, and in tbo excitement it is Detroit, Nov. 8-Returns thus den.

The Republican party is not Lmintr Ma hU Humboldt, Nov. 7 Presi of Hayes beyond all doubt, and the October vote. Everything quiet returns sufficient to show that the namely, a little over so far as heard from. State will give Hayes 30,000 major- 000 Collum, for Governor, has a far received give Hayes 14.687 ma- the only friend in protecting the I Tf says the Republicans have carried jority. Further returns will prob- colored people of the South.

If tbou fc wm raurtierej t0' dential vote of Hamboldt township, Allen county, Kansas, Hayes r.O..mK.,Q rm; KT anrt Anthnnv. Ronnhliran. for uu unii, uuiuliuub, vuiv, i -l 1 I ir "XT rp. 119 intri.Q);ng n. nnvomnr frnm 1.000 tn 90 000 Ji-ttUBBS XI oy AUB tltB South Carolina by 8,000, Louisiana able increase the majority to we nave carnea oouin Carolina I the death of the negro killed by 8,000, and Florida by 2,000.

000 or 20,000. State Legislature is by the aid of the colored vote, gl pau, Noy glfj re. IUIUD A VSUS WJ TV UOU1UO KUU U1V" I a a vau a.w vjvwvra I and Wheeler 248, Tilden and Hen cincts in Ohio, covering 65 ceun- Hasltell, Republican, is elected In "BBeu uu 1uiew w.uuou 8uy dricks 140, Cooper and Cary 19. Mas fthnv a ript. train fho Hwnnl Dintripfr.

The Sun and World continue ieiu. turns from 42 count es and partial ine eun ana woria continue nem. 42. year ago. The success of the Dem- r.m ut one disturbance in the 6th ward, where a Demo j.opeB, o.b.,xiov.

ineucKev 2(j(j fts oompared with the vote In Shawnee countv the whole strong in the belief that Tilden is gt. Louis. Nov. 9 Returns from ocratio party will soon inspire such Him, tn th Siat crats, colored, was Bet upon by the is so long that it will take till to- of 1875. Republican ticket is elected with quite liktly that most extravagant claims aro made.

In faot we place i.o reliancR ou the estimates oa uia-jmi'ipH, hut settle ourselves down In awiit the official returns. In Finn la llio report claims that effort are being made to prevent relume from the interior countioa, are strongly Republican. A train on which a report of elections ww 'mint: in was thrown off the elected. fifty counties in the State give Til- confidence in that State that it will i i8 n0: Dudwell.Re- Republicans of his nationality, wards morning to complete the 1 nuaaeipbia, jnot. i.

earner I the possible exception of one Re which resulted in a row, in which Nothing more can be obtained den 36,000 majority, Phelps, be divided between the parties upon First Congfessional Dis-s ifnr Clnvmmnr hna Rhnnt ten ner and conscience like the I1 count. Enough is known to say "uu' publican in tne sixty-second lis- one colored man was wounded. An from Florida to-night. Telegraph i The re-examination ot the other one of country. If, in this Ws ct' quent rain, ne election aDsomea that Hayes' majority in Shawnee to th- hftn unprecedentedly large vote was polled, but at this hour little pro county will not De less tban 1.2UU.

indications aro that the day's vote 'JZ i 1. I 1 vi 1 ti 1 1: -i i teen counties to hear from gress has been made in the county, Anthony's majority or Governor will ba far larger than usual From i A will be about 1.000 Veale. 1. JJJ 5 k- Mti-Oaborn, oyer Hough, A limes special from the Second New York, Nov. 9.

The follow Osborn candidate for is claimed to-nigni, gives rrosc, carnea souin uarouna bdbuuuim 1 majority over Metcalf, ana, I believe the trouble between for Congress. the races will wholly disappear Jefferson City, Nov 9. Of- from the land. Great Cheers. It ficial vote, of Cole county gives is tho mission of the Democratic ing has been received from the Na '7 leauois esiuuaie mat ruiiaueipnia Ann tv election of Haskell, Republican, district by about COO maionty.

va mnritv 9s onn "UT and a courier from another tional Republican headquarters at Buckner, is elected to the BRb y7 7ri elects Clark itepub- lor tne rvepuoiicau electors. over Goodin. the Fifth Ayenue Hotel: Gov fayor8 0sborn tj. i ii is elected by about and Strait, Republican, Second District, by about 2,000, and Stewart, Republican.Tbird 1,000 to 1,500. Macon, The Democratic majority in Macon county, official, 1,000.

Official returns from Mexico, show Tildeu's 1,297, Phelps l.SGO. Full returns Irom Troy, gives Tilden 2,295 Hayes 1,005 Milwaukee, Nov. 8. The major legislature in tho 64th district in IT Tilden430 maj. Phelps 239 maj, party to secure equal and just laws Bt.o'FtoritoWeapta Uhdy and Crittenden 411.

The Demo- to protect lab6r and the just rights f.nmTolTohaaQaaaafnllnvB "Tharn ...1... from Tallahassee as follows: "There unicago, ixov. neiurns nave oann, Tho Tnui ity for Hayes is from 3,000 to 5,000, been receivea irom niteen townsnips 0ian.a K-iirt ttnf onn 'unty kidnapped. Such proceod-i rjr may seriously interfere with results. All that we can say is Unit wo all will bo condemned to I vvv0 uuva a aa San Francisco, Nov 8 The State is no doubt of our majority in this Shawnee county, and the Republican State Senator is elected.

Humboldt, Nov. 7 Cottage Grove township, one precinct, in xowa, snowing a neavy uepuou- maiority. Tne Thirteenth District will probably give a Republican can majority, aiso irom twenty Whoa, cratic county ticket is elected with ol all elasses. in tne election oi the exception of Pattle for Judge. Gov.

Tilden I hope for better days Kansas City, Nov. 9 Full I look 'for the supremacy of the law returns from this ceunty show a everywhere when the laws shal maioritv of 2.300 for Tilden. prevail so that there shall not be State if we can secure an honest count. The Indications are that maiority of cownsnips in iu.nois, snowing, gen- th bv Columbus, iNov 8 There has wit for at least another day. In Hayes 49, Tilden 21, for Anthony erauyj Republican majorities.

frauds are to be freely resorted to so uiojvi in uv a. vua kvVUVll xiowi IVV been terrible excitement here to Phelps 2,266 Fmklenburg 1,011. i- m.cuuu,i. ohta i fir i nniiRr in hditir nr inn in- T- 1 I the eastern cities both parties are di.trict IIaskll al Gnnd.n 40 v. elects uiipnant, JJemocrat, ami- as to prevent any returns from reaching here from the interior, rneips ana me enure jemoorauo u.

Tfae balanC8 of the Stftte tickfit the day over the election news. Ohio i lenur ouuuuua is ueariv euuai iu lue xt srate ine couniv jemo- idw any oiaie. iruav a euauic 1 cfna Tra Yn. 7 I wfsuoru, uy iwu uiajorny. iiure- i m-1 i confident and are exceedingly jubi same as Tilden.

vme ior iiiaen. i V.lrtV. mill ItiAVABaa nn. wiotArltv I I.I 1 I. nAM I nr nniintv rAtnrna -rnt onmnlota rr.u lUinB irom Oiaie Oenaiors returns havo been ignored.

Governor Hayes has just received the frtllrhtirinr fjairrama nVitk avIa.m nuivu T.M cratio ucket is eieciea ov a maiori- tuaii vue uayuueiB bio nuw ocu i w0f -Knv a nro n1la.f ro. I onn nn Vru. I ro-i; ik el, i'uv. a. n.u pre Key West, Fla r- iunwautee.iMov t.

luo roiurns i xt. tt lant and demonstrative over that vui iy varying irom OUU IU lUH I ouuvu vamuun t- rpj, cincts of Key Wi i- 1 I vinvva v. i i.i Innrnchina fl Harupv Annntv mffA 1 themselves: UUUl IT lU-UlgUlf Will U6 Rep. victories on the county, State compare wjtn tne election of Hayes 231; Tilden 92 Anthony, Sa FranciBco.Nov ann nationni iii'L-nm iiaakcii I i fct. The Advertising Colamm.

i trwriirnitr' in in; non i j- 213; yA a --b Kepublican, lor Governor The last returns eho you have tOD ivepublican, was electea Dy UfaVtin Dprnncrat 110 tnct. receives a snlendid ma or tv. Una tt ajtin, democrat, no, ..1 on llfovrki Nair.fla twA I 1 I tuius iiuiu wo nwwiu uuuunwj jemocratB eieci oiave oeuaiur niu penue, uut iu linnj iua ciowhvu, was ku-knixed a few miles west of three representatives, and the Ra- Indianapolis, Nov. 7 Returns here, and the train thrown from publicanB one representative. The from 62 counties in full, and 20 the track, which was torn up and vote is the largest, both in the city counties in part, show Hayes over blockaded." and county precincts, ever cast.

Tilden 2,761, a Democratic gain of New York, Nov. 9 The exoite- This oity gives about four thousand 590. The places to hear from gave ment is growing as the crowds be- Democratio majority. a Democratic majority of 8,490 in ama creator And the- dav advances St Louis. Nov 9.

A man named October. a I 4 ov iua uo a Li buuoiuciauij den and 676 for Hayes. Fort Myers gives 22 for Tilden and 11 for Hayes. The only precinct not heard from will probably cast an entire vote of about 40 for Tilden, making a probable majority in the county of about 6,422. Montgomery, Nov.

9 Florence, Nov 8 Doyle town- fornia Regarded in a liberal light, the uu vwie pui eu aiiu au quieu ahead of his ticket in Milwaukee RriwrriAVtIlA Ka Nov llnvjaa 1 Signed O. P. Morton advertising columns ot a newspaper are ot no inconsiderable im 29, Tilden 10, Cooper 35 Anthony BoB'to. Nov. 7The nni)lea9ant i San Francisco, Nov.

8 Califor 28. Martin 12. Hudson 33. Goodin. iUU iyu, nia is Republican by three thousand n.

j.ii.:- T'll Republican, for Congress 150 tha Vmaidontiai AP.tinn nnwa i tsristow resristerea at tne ranaeii x-nuaueipnm, uu uu jo I I 1 majority. Oregon ia very close, 45, Haskell -s, larce vote beinsr cast. Business Crawford 72. Atchison, Nov 7 The city com- ft, ft A Wma nt. iB but is claimed by the Republicans is receivea Detween ine Doaras.

aunt. ffi5 non noinrk. fnr IT oo. i I Parsons, Nov 8- Haskill, Re The brokers collect in knots on assigned to a room, lietween 4 lehow Republican gains opine ires-T2U' 'T nArn by a small majority, eie gives iiajes ooi, Aiiaeo ba, beiDS DOne(j ia Butler's district publican, will carry Labette county the sueets. completely stop all and 5 clock this morning he was laentiai ticket comparea witn ine o- Phillips, for Congress, 789, Fenlon, Han Francisco, Nov 8 Latest and the indications are that he Democrats to Congress.

by about 100, Hayes by about Democrat, 010, Anthony, Rep. for returns from Oregon show a Re travel either on the sidewalk or on found dead in bed, having shot vote for Gov last year of 11,612. frnm in himself in the left side. Bottles of The Democratio gains in these Augusta, Nov 9. Official will be elected over both competi 200.

Matthews. Democrat, for ovtriiur, 1 04, Martin, Democrat, publican maiority of 1,000, and Haves tors though Judge Hoar is receiv- SeD'ator ia eleoted. The Republi front of the Western Associated chloroform were found beside the counties 689. The roturns from the county the Democrats now concede tha ing some unexpected support ies are 7,955 net Republican j672 Tilden 43,492. il'adplnhia.

Nov 9. The Pres- Oalcutta.Noy 9. The dis Philadelphia. Nov 9. The Pres- J.

Ihe cans claim the county by a ma will the Republican ma- State to the Republicans. Hartford, iNov. 7. Harfr a vart Tf, i aotpd been used in the alterant to kill district ot jority of from 600 to 800. rities.

The other candidates on Kan Francisco, Nov. 8. The ma ford gives Tilden a plurality of 868 portance, for no reader of the public prcHH is properly informed or fully acquainted with the news of the day until be has thoroughly tn advertisements. They are tht of commerce and utiiv r- and contain not nly i i rp. c.

-nens of human idi-i-nyoc' --ics, bin. are illustrative of lifi in phase.and are i nec "iry auxiiiary to the development ot arts and sciences as well a to the agricultural interest of vhe louality of their publication. They minister to love; they speak of change they betimes excite a smile, sometimes a tear. To the hick they promise health to the weilih; the, pleanure-veeker I posted on current arauxeoieola Parsons, Nov 8-A dispatch jority in California) official the Republican State ticket receive Democratic majority for Governor from Parsons says Anthony is 200 kaTv aro trnnii notiirorl ani I 1 wo neirroea named Adams ana I vameron are in tne cny cuesis oii-j as returns, is estimated at ,5,000 for ands of natives ho'iKs were com last spring, 676 Democratic gain in behind bis ticket tiai-ktll is even and Woodworth, Republicans, are content 'themselves cheering and Douglass Defour got into a quar- I Gov. Childs.

President Grant and hiastntr the retains last as political rel to-night about a woman and I Secretary Cameron visited Drex- Hayes. the city, 313. with his ticket. Labette county Iected State aonatcrs. Storeh pletely destroyed.

Tho town of Donlekeh was submerged. Twd thousand perfons are believed to JNoiurtner returns tbis evening Meriden gives Hayes 27 major is Republican by Bradieh and Briegs, Republicans. preferences dictate. Adams stabbed.Defour, inflicting a el's banking house this mornmg, ity Democratic loss of 216. Aniline, Nov 8 Abiline citv from Oregon, which is conceded to the Republicans bya small majority.

are certainly elected Representatives Hartford, Nov. The gives Hayes 226; Tilden 870; An- and probably Riop, Representative Scattering returns from Nevada aldranaspeci'al ysthe among the brokers byr the 1 State has gone Democratio by St. Joe, Nov west- rumor that they had given their has eent relief to the destitute ward bound passenger train on the decisive information of Hayes' State is Democratic by 3,000. thony 192; Martin 111; Phillips the be vent District. Ilawley, for Congress, was defeat 210; Fenlon 93.

Lawrence, Nov 7. Six leave no doubt but that State has gone Republican by a fair majority. ed bv Landers by 64)0. lopeka, JNov 8 Keturns are in wards aod townships known to Ibe loiio wing oas Deen receivea aw -o oial ti, th Herald aava that the v.i: thmarn tmm tha H-ant Rrnnlr. lonrt ained tn be false, however, and 10 lue "B11 says vnai ine Yankton, D.

Nov. 8. Election Concord, Nov 6. The increasing ufficient to show that Have has give a gooa majority lor Haskell, iii.i ieini inr pnee, t1 i I "77: 'Ia-, Turkish fleet which was about to returns come in slow, but indicate a carried the State by over 30,000 no returns yet complete, ii 'imUruy, and of the last returns coutinue very favorable for the Republicans. Oue hund- maiority.

and that Anthony, for larger Republican majority than Atchison, Nov 7. Muscotah i work in fact, every want of also dred and five towns and cities give Governor, by over twenty thous- ever given before. Yankton county precinct, Atchison county, -((iin lite is exuressed or suppo Hayes liiden 17,666 and. Three Republican members gives a total vote of 1,407, giving gives au average Kepublican maj fuiou-iy supplied by the adveriis- scattering 54. In 1872 the same of Congress are elected, which is a Kidder, Republican, for Delegate, for Anthony for Gov, riltn Avenue xioiei trov ixeiiogg neiamis morning auoui o'ciocjl.

uo -j telegraphs as follows "The re- One car was rolled twice and a half Lake City, Nov. 9 The turns are even better than we ex- over and three others were turned steamboat Durthill is confidently pected. Be easy bo far as Louisi- over on their, sides. One man and expected to arrive about 8 p.m., ana is concerned.

an infant child are supposed to be with sufficient returns to deter-New York, Nov 9 The bark fatally injured, and about twenty mine the result of the election in Nonna arrived to-day and reports other passengers Injured, several of Florida. No returns have been that on November 4tb, she passed them severely. The wounded were received from 18 counties in the a large man-of-war heading west, tftfrn in TtmnVflAM and State. places gave Grant Greeley gain of one. Haskell, Republican, oyer Spink, a majority of 167.

All who gets 49 majority and Otis, enter the Black Sea will take up a position off Trebison The advance ol the Turkish fleet into the Black Sea may fire the mine which all Europe is shuddering to see explode. Another special from the Herald correspondent at Vienna declares that Servia has been tendered 10,000 breech-lo lers for her rail v. i Tini.i jff i'ig depart ineut ot the ordinary neWKpap r. Advertisements are addressed an euiire uonimunity, whether they the people's candidate for District neat uooain, in me tne county ticket is i i 1, ri at 1 rt i udse.who gets 41 over Hubbard, cuipuio, iuvemuer csecona iisinci oy over mree mou- elected, except one outside county. regular Republican nominee.

Not- Ane election was unuBuauy quiet sand majority. Ihe legislature glying Kidder a large majority, are ol a personal or general nature, and are an infallible index of the waka precinct, National ticket C' "coV vul stands tnree to one ivepuonoan. probably reaching 3,000, apparently in distress, supposed to assistance promptly rendered. Lake City, Florida, Nov 9. seven ahead.

Notatawka township lDB f11 DeiD over AUUU" or More Kepnblicans electea cn the Cheyenne. Nov. 8. The lat- ine ranitiin, 1U. UU" 'JUIIlll 1 prosperity of the community from The Herald will nnhlish tn.mor.

a 1 filt A I i I .1 I 1... I kill Ity IUV UIBUU AU1VC 911 went Republican for the first time, straignt ticket tms year man ior a est returns give Corbett, Republf FA.l!,(nf Id. momkor. A1oofvl I in FloHda glVB whence they emanate. Tbat ad New York, Nov.

8. Senator Ran inn am iidv uv uaMana avvwA I counties not Anthony fir Deniod. iuuuiw, mufpruuesi numoer oi years oeiore. can 100 majority vertising pays is evinced by Ihe tn thA K-anaaa TD-ialaHir Ttin al. majoriij.

dolph spoke as follows in front of TT Oitowa, iNov 7 ouowa 1 lur "overB" yanaoue, ov uompieie Raleieh. N. C. Nov. heard from, but estimates bed nn tVio clantinn nt 1874 will irivft most unanimously Republican.

long continuity of different specials generally; and hence, where it has Hayes 410: ha8 Cfl.rn?d lhe. couly hy over returns from Wyandotte county, DemocratiC renorted from all city returns complete the Everett House After the suspense in which you have been kept for the last two days, I have now great pleasure in announcing to sian lorcas in Bessarabiv Where the men will be found who are to us these arms rennins to be seen. The theory in Vienna is that they must como across the frontier of Rissia, Tilden 138; for Governor. Antho- hoW lpnblioans inoluding the city, are as follows: from whloh fnrna proveu remunerative to advortis quarters San Francisco, Nov 9 The a Democratic majority of 1.9GS, Democrats concede Nevada to the which wilI lne Slate Demo-Republicans by about 1,000 major- cratio by 255 m8jority era from the extreme limits of the v. Kenublican.

33: Alartin.Dem i f'' icK.oioihd i ruyeii iwo uuuureu maiority. il I TV, T.m 11 A. 1 5 "i been received. There is no longer any doubt that the Democrats have 68; for Congress, Haskell, Re Union, to insert their briefly word cl. auo womuwBiD cucisiiy uou-1 14 viooam, xnaepenuent canaiaate cede the election of Randolph, for Conerress.

ten maioritv. Dem- you that from dispatches received ht7 publican, 408 Goodin, Dem, 190. ed descriptions of specialties in our carried the State. Richmond, Nov. 9.

Additional returns from the State confirm Republican, for Congress, over ocratio candidate for Governor, local press, so it will for our local New York, Nov 7. The vote of Wilmington, N. Nov. 7. The wniajr we auun wi wihuu tuao uie gtn ranClBCO, NOV ICe- Democrats have carried the States turns thus far received from this of South Carolina.

Louisiana and fii.ia fV A.fn minnt nil rr IIm nrouint innnmhant I TaV. m.p,. has an mainritwr 5I last night's despatches in relation dealers and manufacturers to pat ronir.9 this same local press. AV.Ub.vC uuuiai cu ike omciai vote will not be known Bachan. candidate for state Sen 4 UVaVQ K.VQ I I latest returns continue to show Democratic gains.

The State is cer- Florida. which additional returns are not 'luuen majorty with Grant and Greeley vote till a late hour. ator. eleoted James and The depression of business offers Kmm VrtrV Nn. Tn.nicrlit I IiVaIv tn rwlnna.

Two RannWirtan Kresslonal aelegauon, except in tne Galveston Nov 7. The election Grover. elected. Alden. Re- tainly Democratio by a large ma Markets by Telegraph; It.

Leafs Market s. louia. Nov n. tiemp trail. TOia; wo.

KLOUK-Dnll and unchanged. WHEAT-tiulet, No fall 1 Vt bid. No 3 do 1 01. No 4 io. CUKN-Steady.

Io3 lOKI1. for President in 1872. no tangible argument against ad ia nrnrreaaiDcr naietlv. withont anv I nnhlman cAantoA loritv. Governor Tilden spoke as follows Congressmen are certain! elected, 4th H'' whlch, "ported The Pennsylvania returns will vertising rather should the ad excitement at all the polling places Girard' Nov.

8 Crawford, Charleston, Nov 8 Unofficial vertiser be stimulated to renewed be compared with the vote of to a large number of persons who la third believed to be, and the collected in front of his bouse to fourth doubtful It is reported to-night from all the onnoratnlata him "I thank nn San Vranniano November fl Counties in that district but three, heard from. SDecials Irom the in- Walnut Waahinctnn and Sherman revurua irom uau activity, for the ostensible purpose 875. terior of the State indicate that townships gave Hayes 591, Tilden ine Dlsie Bnow democratic gains UAn-vam, zn mixea wv of waking op Quslomera, and thus a I a -w-k I 4Yx 4 4 TTnntA TAvir Aval I RY-E lower. very little interest was taken in 227. Cooner 59 Anthony 559.

Mar- of over 1,200, oompared with 1874, New lork, Nov 7. Two hun tor the interest you snow in tne re- uispatcnee trom 1'ortiana says tne animating the general commercial, th nontest and a small vote ia be- tin 319 W.ab-pll fRT. linndin 3P.7 when Chamberlm had 10,000 ma dred and ten election districts fn suit, of the eleotion. 1 on do not Democrat, now concede the State j. as fo-pSJ- 17921 Dlry agricultural, and domestio interest ing polled.

There is no question Osage Mission. Nov. 8. Jority over Green. The Republi this city give Tilden maj expect me to mane speecu w- aai gone ior najei oy irom uuu w.uv.

Uv. vuU. v. UQv l(are of depressed communities. Every KOas tter.

21. iudicatinrj a majority of about as to the result in the State at Returns from 31 township in this can" claim that Charleston county paper is devoted to some specia night. ellow-citizens Ibid you 800 majority. The Republicans me resuu. ion ww maae me good night." from 1,000 to 1,200.

vote of the delegation solid Demo- will give a heavy Republican gain 000 in the oity. Scattering returns large and in the Congressional countv are as follows Erie town- purpose, that is, to expound and to offset Democratic gains. The York, JNov 9. A dispatch I San Francisco. iNov JJis- cratic.

trom the interior show Republican Districts, except this, the 5th. In ship, Hayes 129, Tilden 72 An- advocate the interest of certain in result hangs upon the Coast conn- A Dull, timothy 9 50. pralrta 8 to 11. PoKK-Lower. Jobbing 16 75.

BACON Kasier, m. S'i and SJi. LARD Quiet at Qi'i. Live Stack Market. HOGS Active.

raaging from SUA 00. CATTLE-Fair demand for ahluping. gams over 1872. this district the probabilities favor thony 124, Martin SI Haskell 121, from the Governor of Florida says I patches from Virginia City; this Raleigh, N. Nov 9.

General the State has gone Republican. morning, says Nevada will givelKilpatrUsk arrived in this city this ties not accessible by telegraph. Oswego.Nov 7. Hayes 176 ma- Giddings, regular Democratio can- Goodin 87; Lincoln township, dustries; and on this plea we are told that "it ia ot no interest to me to advertise in your, paper, as Charleston, Nov 8 Keturns and jority. didate, against Jonesjndependent.

Hayes 112, Tilden 68; Anthony Atcmson, JNov v. The lull vote nepuoucan majority, scat- evening irom Washington, ue is estimates indicate that the State of this county gives Hayes 2581 tering returns from that State also now closeted with T. 15. Keogh, Soheoectady.Nov 7. Tilden 2C7 Montgomery, Nov 7.

The 114, Martin 84 Haskell 115, Good- laca nro ior ou ten era. gooa enoice va- you do not reacn my class of cus has gone for Hayes and Hampton majority Democratio gain 399. election is quiet throughout the! in 80; Grant township, Hayes 103, n' 1-. I i i i t.i: oews. aod heilera 2 5040, toJk.r.

s0 JNew lork, JNov A special to lthioa. Not T. Hayes 139 msi State as far as heard from. Hayes I Tilden 93 Anthony 112, Martin vougreBo, iu juariiD, ieuiuvrai, icuuuog in very aiuwty. vuiuiuii i mittee tuu otner avuhuuvbub at i 385, throajen Texaa iOQsiM.

torn era." We cannot see the though a paper may have a larger rural than a city circula the Times states that South Caro Republican gain 121. majority in this city will De 53 Haskell 104, Goodin 57 La for Governor, 326. majority I returns lent received gives Hayes I the Yarboro House. Keturns from fori other candidates on the Ue-1 5,400 majority, which additional I the eastern part of the State show lina has gone Republican by ten Other daces heard from indicate a 1 hnra tnwnshin TTavea 76. Tilden Petersboro, Nov 7.

Tilden 50 tion, yet the wants of the farming community areidentioal with those larce Democratic msioritv in the 88 Anthonv 66. Martin 100 Has- thousand majority, and Iprida by maj Democratio gain 231. Baltimore Market. Baltixobz, Not 9. -Mixed Weatern firm aU7j7i.

Cklcago Market. COBS publican State Ticket were about returns are not likely to alter. I Democratio gains. The counties the same as tbat for Salter. Por-1 For Congress.

Davis and Page, Re-1 to hear from are Democratic and New York.Nov 7. Two hundred State. It ia safe to sav that Dem- bell 67. Goodin 100. increased majority over 1874.

of crowded thoroughfares. Therefore it behooves the mer ter and Wood worth, I publicans, are certainly elected. I the majority will certainly reach and eeventy election districts in the ocralic Congressmen are elected. Humboldt, Nov. 8 Official I Tribune has a dispatch from city give Tildon 74.000 mai.

Charleston. 8. C. Nov. 7 Un-1 rAtnma rhia tnwnahin Mmnlnta Governor Chamberlin, of South are elected state senators oy over raekard, Jttepubiican.

is tnougnt i quite la.uou I cbicao, Nov 9. a. 1 i 1 ri I I a chants and manufacturers, the pro rtfiil Iam a kA ft a Hwafr It. I liaitt I fkaalAaA Maw I AftMi al a UULJ U'Jte BDU WCBB OUin II1UU in uwego, JN. Nov.

7. The city official returns from various seo- give Haves 348. Tilden 146. An- Carolina, claiming tne imie ior tne fessional and non-professional men, zuw mBjutity lur eawu. i xcm- uu fcu iu iu.

uu-- vuwKawu, i w. ehfMce weaUm ihlpplng eatra 4 2i 25. ocrats eleot the County Attorney I running considerably ahead of the I returns frTra Colestone and partial I wasax-uaii aad lower. apring is com olete Tilden 220 tiona at th Statn. ahow larcreDem-l thou 917 Mariin IRQ HacVoll Republicans by five thousand ma- Democratio gain 293.

ocratio gains everywhere aa com- 199. Goodin 215. The indications lony- ine lriDuneai-ioriaa spe- and Probate Judge. ticket- In the Fourth Uistnot the from Charleston county, indicate ijnj; to advertise liberally, advertise courageously, and the pubho to read advertisements and profit by Kwgston, Nov. 7.

Tilden 524 dst ad with the vote of two vears are that TTaBkell will earrv thia cial grves tne State to ine In Jackson county the majority contest is close, and indicates that tbat Hampton has carried south I epBN-iranr and higher, ho h. Dee. majority, Demoeratio gain 251. ago. No Republican gain yet re- county by 200 maiority.

Keplinger, CM19- Ppe claim the elec- for Hayes is 250 for Phillips 230 I both parties at present claim Con-1 Carolina by from 1,700 to 1,900 for Anthony 100. Watkins andtgress. I maiority. The Democrats gain 7 mem in patronizing the advertis IlQdsOO. NOV.

7 Tilden 292 norted an where. The Dem. oom- Rennhiinan r-nrnaantative. ia' elect- Ot Uayes by one maiority. era.

maioritv: Republican gain 254. mittee are iabilant. Th Rannh- ua. intense excitement exists in all cir- I 1 I Chase, Republicans, are elected! JNoiurtner news received from I senators and 34 Uepresentatives, Representative Wells, Republi-1 Oregon. loiTing tbem a eore majority of 100 OATi-Klrmer at 3UaS31 eaah, 33 YE Kasier at 5.

BARLEY Higher, 79 eaah. WUISKY-ltteady at 1 OS. Uve SMeck Havkaa. CATTLE Doll and unchanged, cowa and fair ateera 2 5594 S8. HOOrtAotlTe and heavy, light pack Binghamnton complete.

Haves 89 hcana are nnwilliner to rrnt that Hiawatha TTa. Nov. 8 Tha oies, ana me streets in me vicinity maioritv Demoeratio erain 14. I Chamberlain's maioritv nf 1874 1 vnt a in Rmorn mnntv trivum Martin I of the news center are almost im- The government commission an nvranriaa Nn 7 A larcrn nnm.l Knnn Acnrnnma iTRn 1 1 OT fTn1an TT IDaSSlDie. pointed to treat with the Sioux In can, lor senator, nas zau majority i san raoeisoo, ov.

xunDg i on joini nauot, securing one uoit-in the county. I the day there has been a great ed States Senator in place of Rob Troy, Ka, Nov. 9 Doniphan ideal ot talk about frauds in the I ertson. The vote for President is diaos baa done its work aad dis Jacksonville. Ark'.

Nov 7. Til- Tilden 6S0. FTavea 1.256. Cooner I New York. Mov.

8. It la stated ber of arrests were made in this city ing uu, gooa no eooaoe aupping a sq banded. During its labors it trav den 145, Hayes 35. 215. For Fenlon 701.

in social circles on the best author. county gives Hayea about eight city election and the board of so-1 still close. The committee are con-1 13 tor illegal voting. Among those ar rested for bribing voters was Mich Wilmington, JN Nov 7 Ke- Phillips 1235. Ity that after the excitement oi tne I.

Mssej larkeu. elod 3,500 miles, attended seventeen pow-wows and it firmly believes turns thus far received show almost Girard. Nov. 8. Crawford count election has subsided John Kelly hundred majority, and elects tne pervisore nave authorized the n-1 hdent oi a small majority for lu-Repnblican State Senator and three nance committee to investigate I den.

Representatives. Most of the Re- matters after the returns have been I Charleston, S. Nov 9 Nine- ael Aver, united states Marshal. secured the relinquishment of the Syraouse. Nov.

7. Complete universal Democratio gains. Wilson retnrna. Have 1.111. TUden 744.1 will retire from the leadership of i no .1 Nw Ypaa.NovS.

Gold opened aod eloaed at 1 myr Carrying ratea iy per eenU Qorernmenta active and ateady. Kallroad bond atealy. tetale bonda a a 11. inaiattfuna to. the Hil i.a&i mij Or ity.

liepuDlican gam countv gives a Democratic gain of Cooner. 1.026. Martin Tammanv Hall and marrv Miss publican county ticket is defeated I canvassed. Returns from the in-1 teen oounties, official, give a Dem-by divisions in the party. Otis, terior have been very meagre dur-J ocratio majority of 23,613 eleven country.

140. Indications all favorable for a I S91. Hakn 1.039. Goodin 904. I ThiistonMultin.

the younger of the.

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