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Republican Banner from Salisbury, North Carolina • Page 4

Republican Banneri
Salisbury, North Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

SLDowell, of Georgia. CAN'T DO WITHOUT A PAPEItf, What! cJo without a pa per? 1 No, 1 1 I've tried it lo ray sorrow; So, to subscribe for one I'll go, Nor wait until to-morrow. Should lovers drown, or hang i Or cut other foolish caper, i IAVlNCfrebunt their rge Carnage man ufactoi are now in fall blast onceT.more CLARENDON IRON, WORKS, rp HE subscriber havin? purchased the entire interest in the CLARENDON IRON solicits orders for I Steam Engines, any power or style, Saw Mills of every variety, i Mining Machinery aud Pumps, i Grist and Flour Mills, complete, Parker, Turbine and other Rice-field Pumps and Engines, i A Rogers, WD Do well. of Alabama. of Florida.

DOWELL, ROGERS CO. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND SHIPPING AGEXTS, NORTH ATLANTIC WHARF, i Charleston, s. c. i WE present great facilities for selling COTTON, and especially FLOUR, WHEAT, CORN, and DOMESTIC PRODUCE. We make arrangements with our interior friends to transact their business at the very lowest rate charges, pledge ourselves to promptness every transaction.

I Liberal Advances made Consignments. Strict personal attention to the interests of our patrons, and! your favor and influence respectfully solicited. O-BEST OF REFERENCES GIVEN. Sept. 25, 1855.

17 ly. AYER'S PILLS. i FOE ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIC. There has long existed a public demand for an effective purgative pill frbich could be relied on as" sure and perfectly pale its operation. This has been prepared to meet that demand, and an extensive trial of its virtues has conclusively shown with what success it accomplishes the purpose designed.

It is easy ta make a physical pill, but not easy to make the best of all pills one which should have none of the objections, but all the advantages, of every other. This has been attempted here, and with what success wc would respectfully submit to the public decision. It has been unfortunate for the patient hitherto that almost every purgative medicine is acrimonious and irritating to the bowels. This isj not. Many of them produce so much griping pamj ana revulsion in tne system as to more than counterbalance the good to be derived from them.

These pills produce no irritation or pain, unless it arise from a previously existing obstruc- 3 i i i 1 unn or acraugemem in me Doweis. jjeuig ymvij vegetable no harmi can arise from their use in any quantity but it is better that any medicine should be taken judiciously. Minute directions for their use the several; diseases to which tney are applicable are given on the bo. Among the complaints which have been speedily cured by them, we may mention liver its various forms of Jaundice; Languor and Loss of Appetite, Listlessness, Irritability, Bilious Headache, Bilious Fevier, Feyer and Ague, Pain in the Side andjLoins for, in' truth, all these are but the consequence ofj diseased action in the liver. As -an aperient they afford prompt and sure relief in Cos-tiveness, Piles, Colic, Dysentery, Humor's, Scrofula and Scurvy, Colds -roth soreness of the body, Ulcers and (impurity of the blood in short, any and every case where a purgatrre is required.

Thev have also produced some singularly suc OQV lat cessful cures in uout, urqt ropsy, Gravel, Pains in the Ervsiuelas. Palpitation of the Heart, Back, siae. mey snouia De ireeiy taken in the spring of the year, to purify the blood and prepare the system for the change of seasons. An occasional dqse stimulates the stomach and! bowels into healthy action, and restores the appetite and vigor." i They purify the bipod, and, by their stimulant action on the circulatory system, renovate the strength of the and restore the wasted or diseased energies of the whole organism. Hence an occasional dose is advantageous, even though no I serious derangement exists; but unnecessary dosing should never be carried too far, as every purgativ? medicine reduces the strength, when taken to excess.

The thousand cases in which a physic is ifequired cannot be enumerated here, but they suggest themselves to the; reason of every body and it is confidently believed this pill will answer a better purpose than any thing which has hitherto been available to mankind. When their virtues are once, known, the public will no longer doubt what remedy to employ when in need of a cathartic medicine. Being sugar-wrapped they are pleasant to takej and being purely vegetable, no harm can arise fr6m their use in any quantity. For minute directions see wrapper on the Box. PREPARED BY JAMES C.

AYEK, Practical aad Analytical Chemist, LOWELL, MASS. Price 25 Cents! per Box. Five Soxes for $1. AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL, iFor ltl rapid Cure or coughs colds, hoarseness, BRONCHITIS, WHOOPING-COUGH, CROUP, ASTHMA, AND CONSUMPTION. This remedy has -won for itself such notoriety from its cures of every variety of pulmonary disease, that it is entirely unnecessary tor recount the evidences of its virtues in any community where it has been employed.

So wide is the field of its usefulness, and so numerous the cases of its cures, that almost evenr section of the! country abounds in persons publicly known, who have been restored from alarming: and even desperate diseases of the lunirs by iti use. i When once tried its superiority over every pther medicine of its kind is too appa- rent to escape observation, and where its virtues are i known, tha public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the "distressing and dangerous affec- tions of the pulmonary organs which are" incident to our climate. 1 And not only in formidable attacks upon! the lungs, but for th6 milder varieties of CotDS, Coughs, Hoabsebtess, and for Children it is the pleasantest and safest medicine that can be i At it has long! been in constant use throughout this section, we need not than assure the i people its quality is kept up to the best that it ever has been, and that the genuine article is sld by SILL, SILL, Salisbury, N. KING HEGE, Lexington, Nj C. and J.

ROBBERTS, Swangstown, iN. C. and by dealers in medicine evey where. Tlios. AlcxaiKlcr, i Formerly of Win.

S. L.awioii Formerly of Lawtonville, Beaufort Dis'ct, s. York District, S. C. Produce Sea Island UPLAND COTTON AND RICE HiFAcrrpRS, rOUVAltlI'o As MERCHANTS, SOUTH ATLANTIC WHARF, IT CHARLESTON, S.

Our senior partner hs been in the Factorage and Commission Business about twenty years. We hope by experience and attention, to give satisfaction. 1 June 8, 2 tf. STAGE HOUSE. AT the Rowan House is keptthe Stage Office for LUCAS Go's Line ox FOUR HORSE STAGE COA CHE S.from Salisbu ry to Charlotte; andt from Salisbury to Danville Richmond and Petersburg, Va.1, via Lexington Jamestown and Greensboro'.

Also for Warlick's lineof to Mor ganton, N. and for the Raleigh line by way of Ashboro'and Pittsboro -Mav 17,1853. 1 tf. Marble Yard, riiHlS Proprietor otjttie oiu aiarbie lara, in Salisbury, still continues to furnish all or ders with neatness and dispatch, Irom the smal lest Head Stone to the finest iifonuraent, at the i possible notice. Engraving done at usual prices', i lie would respectfully solicit a continuance! of patronage.

I nn w. 1 II. i Notice. TJST recc i-td from Philadelphia a Superior lot of Shoe ci all kinds City made; Gentle- mens ami ladies Ua iters and. Shoes, from the finest to the common and cheap article.

A good assortment of Brogans for Plantation Childrens Shoes of all sizes and Drices. Call soon opposite Murphy's Granite Building. kJ. 11. HOWARD.

Salisbury, Sept. II, 1855. 15 tf. NOTICE hereby given to all persons indebted to Miller, James, that the Notes and accounts that firm has been transfered to Bell James, and all concerned must pay Bell James, or II. Hogan Helper, who is their only authorized Agent, -i I.

September, 25, 1855 1 17 tf. WM. K. BRAiLSFORU. Comiiiission Merchant AND AGENT FOR Baltimore Philadelphia packets.

IBERAL advances made on Consignments jo'f Produce to my address for sale, Charleston, S. SeptJl 1, 1855 15 ly DR. A KEGVLAn GRADUATE 1: 'i of the i Baltimore College Dental Science. Vl'OULD inform the citizens of Rowan, and the public generally that he has removed to the town of Salisbury, and may be found at thVRowAN House, except when professionally iabroad. I I ST Communications by mail, or otherwise, promptly attended to.

IV Uctober '-J7, U5 Grand Lecturer. A LEXANDER MURDOCH of Salis I bury, has been appointed Grand Lecturer, for the Grand Lodge of asons, in the Western District of North Carolina. May 28,1855. 1 tf. THE Scientific American.

Eleventh Year. A SPLENDID ENGRAVINGS AND PRIZES. The Eleventh Annual Volume of this useful publication commences on the 17th day of Sep tember next. THE 'SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN' is an IL LUSTRATED PERIODICAL, devoted chiefly to the promulgation of information relating to the various Mechanic and Chemic Arts, Industrial Manufactures, Agriculture, Patents, Inventions, Ensineerinsr, Millwork. and.

all interests which the light of Practical Science is calculated to advance. i Reports U. S. Patents granted are also pub lished every week, including Official Copies of all the Patent claims, together with news and information upon Thousands of other subjects. The Contributions to the Scientific American are'amongthe most Eminent Scientific and prac tical men uf the times.

The editorial department is universally acknowledged to be conduc; ted with sreat ability, and to be distinguished, notpnly for the excellence ami truthfulness of its idiscussions, but lor the fearlessness with whilch error is combated and false theories are exploded. 1 Mechanics, Inventors, Chemists, Manufacturers, Agriculturists, and people of ex- jd profession in life, lhe Scientific American to be of great vitue rrr their respective caltinT8. Its counsels and suggestions will save heft hundreds of dollars annually, besides affording them a continual source of knowledge. the experience of which is beyond pecuniary es ii The Scientific American -is published once a week; every number contains eiht large quarto pages, forming annuany a complete ana spiena- id volume, illustrated with several hundred ortg. xnal Specimen copies sent GRATIS.

ICr 'lEKi'ia. mgie lyz a year, or, $1 for six months. Five copies, for six monins iwr a ycai, o. an a mu For further Club rates and for statement of the fourteen large CASH I'KIZES, offered by the 'publishers, see ocieminc American. Southern, Western and Uanada money, or Post Office Stamps, taken at par for subscrip tions.

Letters should be directed post paid to MUNN CO, 128 Fulton Street, New York. The great Southern Weekly! I THE SPECTATOR WASHINGTON CITY, 1). C. A FAMILY JOURNAL OF i LITERATCRE AND KEW8 FOR SOUTHERN READERS. T1.HE South has too long been dependent upon the northern -cities for its periodical literature.

The weekjy newspapers of Boston, New York, and nave swept like a flood oyer that part of the nation South of Mason and; D.ixon's Line, many of them carrying with them some of the prejudices of abolitionism: and inculcating, to a greater or less extent, doctrines injurious to southern institutions. This dependence of the mass of southern readers should be thrown off and it is believed would have been long there had beep facilities in the South for the publication of first class literary papers. THE SPECTATOR. published by a gentleman who has long been connected with some of the southern dailies, and has been undertaken to. supply this want that of a high-toned weekly paper.

4. Qf Southern interest and character. The general plan of the paper is as follows; It has eight pages; three of which are.nlled with the, best articles on Literature, Science, and the Arts; one to the editor comments "upon pass ing one to general. news, foreign and domestic; one to the interests of jthe" Farmer the intormauon on this page. wutbe mainly derived, from the Agricultural Bureau: jf the U.

S. l'aient umcej; one to a synopsis of the oper- ations of the Departments of the Government; and during the to a report of the proceedings or congress; altogether making a plan which will be rigidly adhered to, and which is unequalled by any paper in the country, North or -y. rfx Tiie Spectator is printed. on new 4ype and on fine paper. Its quarto form makes it conve nient for binding, and each annual volume being accompanied by a full index, it will be a most valuable paper for preservation and reference.

Terms. One copy one year -g $2 00 Sixteen copies one year 15 00 One copy to the maker of the No paper is sent without the money. Speci. men copies cau oe naa on application to AUG. F.

HARVEY, i Ed-tor and Publisher, WashingttnL, D. C. Aug. 23, 1855. 13 12w.

Job Wo rk done here. of in 11. Helper, I Helper Brother, PENSION, BOUNTY LAND AND GENERAL AGENTS. SALISBURY, n. c.

AVING competent and confidential cor- "-respondents in the principal cities and other important portions of the Union, all busi- --i I cacuuicu iiip rnnai tavoraoie ierms.1 t.a, iiactmn. nH i wvuuiivuo auu Negotiations attended to wuh fidelity and dis patch. 1. Office in Cowan' Brick Row Oct. 23, 1855 20 tf.

9 JOB Saving received a large supply of NEW ANt BEAUTIFUL We are now prepared to execute all kinds of 1 SUPH A8 1 PMPHAITS, Neatly Cheaply, and Jifrpeditiovsly. CALL ATI THE "BANNER OFFICE A NEW SURELY of WATCHES UEWLRY JAMES HORAH 111 AS just returned from New York and Phila-delpliia, jthe largest and WATCHES AND JEWELRY, consisting ofj Find1 French Chronomefersl Double Time Keeper's Independent Quarter Second, Eight Day Watches, Jos. Jdhnsoii's 19 Jew- elled Hunter's, James WardirCs superior Gold Hunter for Ladies, and a variety of others, both jgold and silver. Gold Fob and Vest Chains'J lets, Ear-bob, Cuff-pins, Ladies" and Gen-j tlemen's Breast'-pins, Gold, Si.ver and Ott'L'l OjJUCl dCICP, CI P.IIU Jliaicu Spoons Butter Knivep, nd a variety of Plated Ware, Raz((rs, Scissors and Knives of the best quality, Coral Necklaces, Bracelets, and Seed Coral, and; a few superior nd a variety other goods loo numerous to men' tion, Call one door below U. A.

Murphy' Store and examine for yourselves. i. Clocks Watches, and Jewelry of all kinds repaired in. the best manner and on; the most rea- sonable terms. i I i -v' JAMES HORAH.

Salisbury, nov.27. 1854 ROWAN HOUSEi II. L. fTlHIS House, so quietly situatedand soorder- 'conducted the i ndefit has now an established renutatioiii. beinor one of thebest Hotels in the Stale.

vt I lie secona euiargemeiM. is nqw nearly a new addition of iwelve elegant rooms, superbly fu-n shed, and ii all ticenly-bhe rooms added to the House within the last two years by the present proprietor, who returns his thanks to a generous public for jthe liberal re- ward of his efforts top ease themf Iheunpreq- edented increase of his bus ness demands he should bestow on those patrops ievery exertion which is beinjj made to render jthem comfortable while sojourning with him. i To the large number of regular boarders (48) who are now at the Rowan I House, the most grateful acknowledgments are ijiade for their united adding to the reputation of i the House, and the little trouble required to satisfy them. H. L.ROBAltDS, Proprietor.

May 17, 1853. i tf. WM. Ji JU I I LARGE DEALER IN Watches, Silverware, Cutlery, Perfumery, Fancy arlicles He is constantly receiving direct from the Manufacturers new supplies 'jthe latest; stylesj which he-offers at Northern "fricps for cash. He invites all to 'give.

him a and examine his stock. One door East of ilfurphy's Granite building. The strijctei attention is paid to the repairing of Watches, Jewelry, Music poxes, Accoraions, au work war ranted twelve months. -I Rl WILSON. Salisbury Feb.

23 '55. 39 tl. MANSION HOTEL. Salisbury n. c.

THE subscrA) er havinnr taken rliartrp nf tho above estaplishment, begis leave to; inform v. ut the public, that) there shall be nojefF)rt wanting on his part to make-this oneiof first class Motels, xie natters nimseir, qnatitiaving the advantage of a Rail Road market, his table will always be supplied with all the juxuries the seasons can afford: "CaTl and feivd rhe a trial." WM. B. GRANT. May 25, 1855.

52 tf. Please notice This. THE subscriber wishfng retire from the Tailoring arid Clothing business, requests all persons indebted to hitn to call and settle, by the first of December next. As Sthis is considered to be ample time, Iherel will be nd indulgence given after that date i N. B.

A small stock pf gooa clothing on hand, whicfr will be disposed of on very low terms. -4 i HORACE BEARD: Salisbury, 1.2310.855. 3m. Coach A KER OULD say to the public tfiat he has just returned frora the Northern with a supply of materials and dnaftsjof the latest fly le. Havinf visited the most renownedjManufactoriee in theljnited States, he has been enabled to nror.urp drafts of rare beauty jand feels himself fullv nreoared to execute anyj He feels that he can offer greater inducements than ever Call and see.

Salisbury, Oct. 22, 1855. 20 2m. Blank Deeds AT THE BANNER for Sale OFFICE. H.

Helper. -Si, Manulactory and at y' win that io to 1 f); i "i i i- i i i 1 4 j'- r. 14 3 ::4 i f. -I v- -1' v': it -siifi-ih-t -is. i Ml-: 1.

fi i i i 5-. i I i I i i i- i 1 ready ti supply their tcuslomer? aod -alt, viiiuio ill tvlL til 'f-f the short; jst noticeyriiy )now liaye on band mi ii. 1 M'5i iiui ust mat uict also. setj at asi low prices, a i- ThankftiHor past encouarement.HbeT boMi for tHeifuture (notwllhslaiuling the late di- a'stroua firVto receive a cominuance and to br' able to SafisiV all who may tall on them, both ai biia ouraoiiiiysoi invir worn. itf.

SOIiETK mxji al AKIIIAUT, CO.i 1 AVEijot jene'da Litery or Public Stable, aeaf El 4 the Dene fteijot in the towrtof Salisbury, where illfhEld ihemselvesjin readiness to hire they ana the pubVjc, and also to furnish Cpnveyances and any point from They will themselve8 i readiness to do any Drayage may he desired in the low to and from the IKjpot on short; iloticei and also with teams and vfagohs to haul any Good or that may jbeL wanted to ailv point remote fmm this placed 1 Stock layers will find ofr sl able and lot iur uieir accmmodaiion, it aesired. Our terny Shall be made! as easy ks possible We wolilji inform the public that we have employed Mi. hn A. Sside superintend our that-he is ourj authorized Aeent. Horses Jipt on hand for fcale.

SalisburypJanuary Pt I ly32. W.IIP. ELLIOTT, Late of th Eilliot, jpayettevjuie, N. c. i s- i i jr.

WfLMINGTON, N. C. 1f i Orders cbrisignnientsbf Flour andoilier Produce, fir or ehipment: ihankfullv received and profnptly, attended tD. June Hli-ni ly. NewBbofls! NewGodrJs! J.

D- BflOWN ll A KE nh! receiving BrilUNG. AND 4- STOCK OP I whlch whei complete, will compare favoi-ablv witlf ahy jiijtheVesiefn part if 4he' State, in Style anctjrices. I aiisDurvi April jlsoo tr. A- BETHUNE, 1 4i 1 3, SPRING'S RO 4 DOOkv EAST. OF THE ICIIABLoixE BASK.

...1. -I Feb. 38-tf! NEUFER, CTB TIIE SALE OP, 1:5 -t- flOur, rrO.QUCC uenerallf, If' IV iRRppporfupity inhere resehtefjf by the jsscriber to ay one-J wishingf -io The tract con. sists oi 'Ubl I- -i 150 cres half. hf hiPh mt' splendidly timbered, and! th other is Urvaer a high etate, of Cultivation: On is, newlyj and islsituated; at a'ood distance jjrdin any other 'Mill, and has heretofore commanded extensive patronage Its situa tion, m'htfj midst, of as 'fine grain growing-, land as tltcrp isin the wquld make it a safe inveitment to any one desiring to pur ciase sucfit3perty.t I-'' The Jaii(j lies 13 milesS west of Salisiuryfr adjoiniflglUje lands; of Maria Cowan, Robert Harris, ahdjbthers.

Ternis will; be madd ac-cbmmodafiif to the purchaser, if applicatkin nfade soo ja me at my redence Similes West of Salisburon 'tlie Liiicold road. Fer particulars apply above, i i ,1 i RICHARD H. COWAN. ternVf J8i 1S55. 1 16-itf.

i-r I- al4'4-be found afc his Office, next door aboyeP Sill's Drug Store, and opposite the Mahsjo Hotel, when liot professionally en- kFFEliSlhis professional services to the! pub- lie JTjs OfSce is on Water sL, two doors below J. P. Ghambers' Store. Salisbuiyf May 17, 18ii3; r. IKV' n.

I it n. a. i- i- i tf. A VI Gl permanently located in respeCitfally tenders hit profesional sertices tol the poblil: Office Cowan's Brifck rwJ: iSalitbu Aug: 27th, l55. tfI4- I I AS settled PERMANENTLY in Salisbury hjs professional to the citizens, i 'WV rt His Offics is onnosite.fhe Posti Cpl.

WVlf is'. Con feci ioiia ry -whpre Jie ca -29, i 5--tf. C'R- H. K.LUY Methodist Chhrch. 25, 855 i' 52-rtf.

Notice; settlement Looser indulgence cannot begittn. 1 'i JOHN pril 27H855. HOW FORWARDING 1 I 1 185o. HIy. mm pnwr HAViN( removed to taieayllle, offers bw services Jo ihepublic- j.r nfliro fin mn ill slict'I.

oDnositfl th ALL penins Indebted tofthe'esUfe of Samuel and Elf bvbeth Turner deceased are hereby notified lo ime forward nd make: immediatflr I never get to hear of iU I do not take the paper." Why, there's my neighbor; old Jolm Slout, He always hears the newe, And Laving news to talk about, He jiever gets the "blues." -While; others yawn in ennui, His mind is light as vapor! The cause is plain to half an eye, He always takes the paper. While neighbor Stout hears all the news, 'And knows the current price, And always minds his P's and Q'e, By taking good advice: I cannot tell the price of calves, Of poultry, coffee, tape, or Any kind of I Because I take no paper. Though I have studies which require Much time and1 mental labor, Yet I can spare a little time, As well as Stout my neighbor; Though time is precious, I can use! A long midnight taper, And thus take time to "read the take the paper, i HOURID AFFAIR A most shocking afiair was perpetrated JO District, on Sunday, the lith irutant. A friend has fiunished us with the following account of On Sunday evening last, a young man named Edward Lewis, living inlLancas ter S. near the North Caroli-: na Jine, was shot through the head with a Rifle, and wa3 at the time of his death sitting by the fire reading, as wassuppos- ed, by a book being found open on his lap, and he still sitting on his chair.

The murderer is supposed to be his Brother iu law, B. F. Therrell," as Ther'rell was seen about there on, Sunifay, the; day of the death, with a Rifle and was seen immediately after the report of the Cup, coming round the house by. his mother-in-law with the gun, on his shou der, and then walked in arid dragged out bis wife from the corpse of her Brother, without regarding the corpse. And still more shocking.

This animal Ther rell dragged his wife some two miles that evening arid slept with her that night, in an old barn, and after makiriff her take an oath of secrecv, told her that: he had two other men to kill, which he could do Jhe thouglit by Thursday of this week and then he. was going to leave the country again, he having- been absent since Au igust last; at which time he ran away and eft wife. It was not known that he returned until Sunday last, and then fee soon made an indelible track in Therrell has riot yet' been arrested, iHough many are in pursuit. '1 Therrell has light or "Auburn hair with Blue or Yellow Eyes, about 5 feet four inches high, short neck and down cast look; and usually red complected, The above accourit'is'as related byjlbb family of Lewis, to the Jury There is a very Iriiportarit matted cbn nected with dress, which I cannot pass rover in silence: I mean the wearing, of flannel next to the shin. In the minds many persons there is a considerable prejudice against wearing, it, 'though of late years there is a sounder public opin ipn than formerly.

I will now state ry briefly the advantages of flannel arid give some striking examples in confirraa- lion. In the first place, it is a bad con ductor of caloric, and lends therefore, to prevent the escape of animal heat. Sec ondly, it aids largely in protecting. the body: against- the influences of; suddjij changes in the wealheK By preventing the rapid escape of animal heat, and by the gentle friction of the skin ii and the slight irritation of the general surface, its tendency is 'to keep, up an Unequal tem-r peraturei The gentle friction; aids in I maintaining the circulation in the cutas -neous vessels, and at the same lime im parts a healthful stimuloiis to the nerves. That it contributes no, little! to these ends may beieadily- perceived by observing j.

the change of; tempeVature andiother ef- fects prodiicedin parts subjected to frio tion by the handor in any other way I know that the irritation produced by I flannels is so; greatj in some persons that they cannot wear it next to the skin. When it is worn loosely as it should aN ways be this friction must take place to a considerable extent in every movement of. -the body. I have to add, as another that there' is" no other material which absorbs scT well the exhalations from the skin. This tact ve ry naturally suggests, a frequent change or its thorough ventilation at night; the former however, is to be preferred.

-Ex tract from La- Borders introduction to Philosophy. Just so. The London News, commen-ling on the "threatetiod rupjure," thinks awar'now with England would be certain Vdissolvc the It regards that event with some degree complacency, and endeavors convince the people of the North triaf an" al liance be-. tween New and Old En must bo stronger than a nnibn between the free and slave States! This an original specimen of ncodleism rarely exhibited an English jouhialr as I Leavitt's Corn and Cob Crusher, I Kice crashers, Shingle Machines, Shafting Hangers and Pulliee, Cotton Gins and Gearino-. Iron Uastings of ait kindd and patterns, Brass Locomotive aod Tubular Boilero, Flue and plain Cylinder Boilers, Blacksmith work of all kinds.

Iron Doors for Houses and THE ESTABLISHMENT Having been re-oreanized for the express par-pose of insuring punctuality, in the execution of all orders, the public! mry rest satisfied that work which may offer will be promptly delivered according to promise and of such workmanship cannot fail to give satisfaction. THE MEClIANfCAL DEPARTMENT Being in.charge of men of talents and experience, no hesitation in saying that the work hereafter turned shall compare (Favorably in every respect with that of the most celebrated in the States, and at; prices which will make it to the interest of all to send me their orders. REPAIR WORK i Always done without delay and haying a large force for that purpose, it will prove advantaseous lo any person needing such to give me the preference without regard to expense of sending for the same from a distance. i Ordefs will be addressed to "Clarendon Iron Works," Wilmington N. C.

Ii i A. II. VANBOKKELEN. Oct 23 1852. lApril Book agents Wanted npO obtain Subscribers for a Book that will be A' prized by every Literary and Reading Man as an important National Wonit.

Ii i Being a Enctclopehia of American Liter atcre, emoracmg personal and criUcal notices of Authors with passages from their writings, from the earliest period to the present day, by E. A. G. L. Duydkinck, with moire than 300 Potraits of Authors, Views of Colleges and other Literary Institutions, Vignettes of Residences together with more than 400 Autographs.

The Book will be published by Mr. Charles Scribner, New York, in two royal volumes of 1500 Drintcd on'sunerfine naher and new type vill be ready on the 15th of Novem ber and sold.exclusively by agekts, subscnp tion price, Seven Dollars. i1 i A Circular 'giving full details of discount made to Agents (who will find canvassing for this Book art unasualfy pleasant and profitable busi ness,) duties required or them will be furnished to persons disposed to engage in the business, by addressing, the subscriber, Genera Agent for the sale of the Work in the States of New- North and South Carolina and Georgia. Applicants will please state what district they propose to canvass aud whether they have befoie been engaged in the business. i i O.

A. ROORBACII. 145 Nassau Street New York. Oct. 30 1855.

i 1 21 7wv TO SHIPPRS HUGH LL TINLY CO. (successors to tinley and iierbox,) Receiving: niid Foi wardikig Agents, rSc. General Commission ITIercIianlsJ No. 2 Exchange Street, South Atlantic Wharves, YJ.IVE their personal attention to the sale of Cotton as customary, or by special contract, all other kinds of Produce and Manufactures, and make prompt returns of the same, for2 pei cent, commission. 'I We will CONTINUE, as heretofore, to give our special attention to the Receiving- and For warding ofj all goodf consigned to us, for 10 cents per package.

i' Machinery, large packages of Furniture, charged in pioportion to trouble, and responsibility, for advancing freights and charges, 2 per cent. I (LT Persons shipping Goods or Produce through this house, may rejy upon their interest being POSITIVELY- PROTECTED, both against over-charge and loss of goods. We have in no instance nor will we detain any goods for freight and charges, jj. We would respectfully begleave to refer to the following gentlemen, with whom we have had business transactions: lij John President of S. C.

R. i I U. Passailaigue, Sup. of Public Works, Columbia- i F. W.

McMaster, Librarian of S. C. College, Columbia. P. W.

Fuller, Columbia; i John King, S. C. R. R. Charleston.

Henry Missroon, Agent of New York Steam- 7" 'it "vi -y Holmes Agents of New York Sail ins Packets. i H. F. Baker Agents of Baltimore and Philadelphia Sailing Packets CafdwelU of Baltimore Steamers and Boston bailing Packets. July 13, 1855.

i. i 7-6m. MOCKSVILLE MALE ACADEMY. nrHE next session of this Institution com- mences on Thursday the 9th of August, The subscriber In; taking charge of rivUl only say, that he will- use his the school, (utmost en deavors to sustain the reput itionrl which the school has hitherto enjoyed. Young men will be preparedo enter anyclass in the; University wnica iney inay uesire.

r- Primary Department per session of five 8 00 Higher English Branches' 12 00 Classics JOHN GRETTER. August 7, 1S55. 11 tf. -R a. i 4 iPresident and Faculty of the University; Hon.

John M. ftlorehead. Hon. John M. Dick, Greens borough; I rancis li.

bhober, Esq J. F. Bellf Salisbury. Ranaway-- 15 Reward. ANA WAY from the subscriber on Sunday the 7th ins.

Bob (or Robert) Hitman, alias Bob File, alias Linn. This fellow is a dark mulatto, aged about 25 He is free born, but a slave at this! time, by virtue of a bond for the redemption of Court charges. He owes me nearly four rears service. He had on, when he left, a woolen shirt, a dark broadcloth (rock Coat and a broad, brim; white He was once whipped at' tlie. whippiug Post, and bears the i.jyw.

g'c uie aoove rewara lor nis ap prehension and delivery to mc, or for his confine. mpnt in some au so uiai i yet in again xeuers addressed to me at "Mount Pleasant, Cabarrus County, will receive attention. i CHARLES KLUTTS. Oct. 16,1853.

4 i 00 tf. of Feb 24 i'55 39tf IX FEAT ORDER. 0 ex.

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