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Fort Scott Tribune and The Fort Scott Monitor from Fort Scott, Kansas • Page 8

Fort Scott, Kansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

8 TUB FORT SCOTT WEEKLY MOOTTOB, THUESBAY MOKNIKe, AUGUST 24, 1882 LEGAL NOTICES. as We understand that Messrs. T. H. and R.

A. D. Curns have arranged with the Gilfillan Flagstone Co. for the handling of their flagging in this city. This eefms to be a move in the right direction, as the Curns Brcs.

are boss stone cutters, and can be relied on for first-class work. They will be able to give the flagging business the attention which the Flag-stone Co. could not give it, on account of their fast increasing trade in neighboring cities. General Blair, commander-in-chief of the G. A.

R. and Veterans' Reunion atTopeka, has made the following selections for staff officers Col. J. H. Brown, assistant adjutant General.

Col. Isaac Stadden, inspector general. Col. U. B.

Pearsall, chief of-staff. Capt. B. Kelley, (Elder Kelley) chaplain. Col.

H. W. Pond, quartermaster general. Opt J. D.

Hill, aid-de-camp. A large number of veterans who were in the city attending the convention met A Mm mPfj J-o 5 CM 3 3 CD EH I Personal. Judge Brinkerhoff returned yesterday from Ohio. W. H.

Hatch, of Emporia, was in the city yesterday. J. M. Iliff, cf Baxter Springs, was in the city yesterday. George H.

Smith, of Leroy, was in the city yesterday. Mr. Million, cf Memphis, was in the city yesterday on business. Mr. and Mrs.

Chas. Rowe went north on the Gulf train yesterday. W. A. Corm any went to Eureka yesterday on insurance business.

B. Bradley, of Clayton, was in the city yesterday on business. Mrs. Frank Anderson returned home yesterday from a visit to friends in Illinois. Miss Alice Charles took the Memphis train yesterday for a visit to Springfield, Mo.

Will Bay came in on the Gulf train yesterday and will leave for Kaneas City to day. R. W. Sparr, of Lawrence, was in the city yesterday and registered at the Wilder House. Mr.

and Mrs. J. Krum, of the Grange store, returned home yesterday from a visit to Illinois. Prof. Frankenburger goes in the country this morning to alter the boundaries of some school districts.

Mrs. Dr. Forster, of Nevada, who has been visiting her parents in this city, returned home yesterday. Mrs. Oscar Calem and children took the Gulf train yesterday for a two months' visit to friends in Illinois.

Mus Mary Bayless, an accomplished young lady of Girard, is visiting Miss Maggie Davis, of this city. George Cop, chief clerk in the general ticket and freight effice of the Wichita road, has returned from Sedalia. Miss Fanny Buckner, of Brownsville, AT ONE PeICE CLOTHING HOUSE The wide-awake and daylight Clothiers. Come and see ns. Notice for Publication.

"VTOTICE Is heNfcy siren that the following named J3( settler baa filed notice of fait intention to make final proof in support of his claim, aod that said proof will be made before Clerk of Listrict Court at Fort Scott, Kansas, on Monday. October 16. 1882. Tlx: David A Muncor of Bourbon oonntv.Kftnsaafor theH Kef yi. taction 32, township 23 south.

range ks east. lie names the following- witnetsea nrore his con tinuous residence upon, and sulfation of, said land. Tix. Maphet, Uaphet and A Abba, all of T- Aem, ooiuwa county, ivansas. No.

1193. 31. J. SALTEB, Register, Publication Notice In the District Conrt, Sixth Judicial District, sitting within and for the County of Bourbon, state of Kansas. Mary E.

Lark in, Plaintiff, "I ra. No. 2723. Andrew Lark In, Defendant. You are hereby notified that yon hare been sued in sail Court, by said Mary E.

Larkin the Plaintiff in said action, and most, on or before the 17th day of August, D. lSi, answer the petition of the Plain tiff, which was filed in the Clerk's office of said Court, on the 20th day of June, A. D. 1882, or said petition will be taken as true, and judgment rendered accordingly against you, dissolving the marriage contract existing between you and said Plaintiff; and also the custody and control of the minor child, Le. ona Velma Larkin, will be piTen to aid Plain rff, free from any interference on the part of Defendant.

In whereof, I hereunto sign my name and rKi 1 affix tne 8eal of id Court, on this SCth day laKAlJ of June, A. D. 1883. W. WINTER, Clerk District Coirt, Bourbon Kansas.

By L. A. Datidson, Deputy. J. H.

Sallei, Plaintiff's Attorney. SHERIFFS SALE. In the District Court of Bourbon Countv. Sixth Judicial District of the State of Kansas. STATE OF KANSAS,) Bocebon CotfMT, C.

W. Morrill, Plaintiff, vs. S. W. Garwood and Tashtl Gar r.xo.

2613. wood, Defendants. BY VIRTUE of an Order of Sale issued by the Clerk of the District Court of Bourbon county, Sixth Jntiicial District of the State of Kansas, and to at the front door of the court house, ia the city of Fort Scott, Kansas, on MONDAY, THE 25TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1882, At 1 o'clock p. m. of said day, the following described real estate to wit The north half () of the southwest quarter cf section seventeen (17), 1n township twtnty-fiye south ot range twenty-five (25), containing eighty (eO) acres, less three and 271-2178 acres; sold to satisfy the judgment mentioned in said order of sale.

Terms of sale, cash in hand. SGiven under my hand this 18th day of Anftust, A. D. 1882. CHAS.

LOYF, Sheriff. By L. E. Potter, Under Sheriff. SHERIFFS SALE.

In the District Conrt of Bourbon county. Sixth Jo dicial District of the State of Kansas. STATE OF KANSAS, County of BouaBO Mark Finnicum, Plaintiff, vs. Jamej Clendfnnirg, Amanda L. Clondenning, James Q.

Spen- VNo. cer and Spencer, wife of lames U. Spencer, Defendants By virtue of an order of sale issued by the olerkr of the District Court of Bourbon County, Sixth Ja dicial District ot the State of Kansas, and to me directed. I shall offer for sale at public auction, at the front door of the court house, in the city of Fort Scott, Kansas, on the 26th day of August, A D. 1882, at 1 o'clock p.

m. of said day, the following described real estate, to-wit: Th west half of the southwest quarter (). aid lot four (1), all in akttfm Awa CtK V. I ao of range twenty-five (25) east tituated in Bourbon county, Kansas; appraisment waived; sold to satisfy the Judgment mentioned in said order of salev Terms of sale, Cash in hand. Given under, my hand tbis 24th day of Jnly, A.

D.1882. CHAS. LOVE, Sheriff By I. E. POTTER, Under Sheriff.

The following statement shows the amoutt of Stato- V. 1 Jk t. O-l Tv Incrr find That the Public may ki ow and appreciate ocr efforts in their behalf, by I0W PEICES AND CC0D GOODS! We annex a partial PRICE LIST: 4-piece Glass Tea Sets, consisting of Sugar Bowl, Butter Disb, Cream Pitcher and Spoon Holder 25 cents (Jnbandled (English) Tea Cups Saucers 35 12 large Tumblers ....45 12 Goblets 45 12 Glass Sauce Dishes 35 12 Tin-Top Jelly Glasses 50 Extra lops for Mason's Jars, Extra Covers for Same. French China, Oueensware GLASSWARE, And all Household Goods. J.

P. ROBENS. LOCAL MATTERS. Where is that Fort Scott prophet who predicted rain last Saturday Taken to the woods, eh. Captain George J.

'Clark was expected yesterday with a party of excursionists, but he did not come. Since the change of time on the Gulf road two Horton reclining chair cars have been put on the night trains for the Accommodation of the traveling public. A Mr. Shaw, of Rich Hill, is negotiating for the purchase or lease of the Gulf House, and it would now seem that our friend W. R.

Robinson will consummate a trade. The committee appointed at the manufacturers' meeting at the Court House last evening, are requested to meet at the office of Van Fossen Wilcox this morning at 8 o'clock. Travel having been increasing lately on the Gulf road, has necessitated the addition of another car to their usual num ber. Five cars are now taken up with the regular travel. The Fort Scott Carriage Works will ship five new carriages this morning.

This looks like business. The Fort Scott Carriage Works is an institution that Fort Scott ought to be proud cf. A telegram was received by relatives in this city, Monday evening, from George R. Sweeny, at Rock Island, staling that his father, Miles Sweeny, had died in that city Monday morning. The finest specimen of Kansas peaches and plums it has been our pleasure to inspect this season, was left at the Monitor sanctum yesterday by Mr.

H. E. Cooper, one of the best farmers in Bourbon county. The premium list of the Bourbon County Fair is now ready for distribution, and will be, as far as possible, placed in the hands of every farmer in the county and it is the duty cf every one to make the Fair a complete success. The State of Kansas against Doc Robinson was tried yesterday before Justice Morgan.

The defendant was acquitted on a plea that he was once tried for the same offense, and the prosecuting witness, Mr. Schultz, was adjudged to pay the costs. The meeting of the directors cf the Bourbon County Fair was adjourned yes terday until Saturday next at 3 p. when bids will be opened for erecting a floral hall. George Goodlander was the only contractor who reported promptly with a ma.

Walnut has new four grain dealers and a national bank, and the inhabitants of that burg has the ambition of at no distant day becoming the county seat of Crawford county. Indeed they expect that in two years they will be able to take the coucty seat away from Uirard. Chailes Nelson's sale took place yester day, and it was very satisfactory in re cults to Mr. Nelson. Ten two year-old steers averaged $37 50, and the one-year-old steers 1 i averageu ou.

jx sfienaia price, air. Nelson is now go'ng to deal exclusively in iull blooded pedigree stock. Yesterday a young woman from Union- town was bitten by a mad dog in North Fort Scott. She was taken home in a wagon afterwards, but we hope that no fa tal injuries will result from the bite. When will our city protect us from the hundreds of worthless curs that infest it? Mr.

L. Steel had an exhibition yesterday at the office of Van Fossen Wilccx, the largest peach ever seen by the oldest inhab itant. It weighed 13 cunces and mea3 urea 12 mcnes in circumference, is was sent np to the York Nurseries to be placed in alcohol and preserved. Who can beat it? A special correspondent of the Eureka Herald, writing from Topeka, sajs: Gen. C.

W. Blair, of Fort Scct was ellcted Commander-in-Chief cf the forces Et the reunion last Thursday eight. Gen. Blair ia one of cur most generous and coble-hearted veterass in the State and is ttsII fitted for the position. I 110 23 ere CO IH CD 6 QD ST d- 09 P4 Public Bale.

I will sell at public sale, at my residence, tour miles northeast of Uniontown, on Sat urday, September the 16tb, 1882, the fol lowing property, to-wit: Three work horses, 2 three year old celts; 1 two-year- old colt: i much cows; 3 yearling heifers; 4 three-year-old steers; 5 two-year-old steers; yearling steers: 6 spring calyee; two two horse wagons; 1 spring wagon; 1 top buggy and harness; 1 grain drill; 1 set double harness: 2 double harrows, and other farming implements and household furniture. Terms of sale All sums of $5 and under, cash; all sums over $5, a credit of five months, with two approved security. If not paid when due, 10 per cent, interest from date. Steers cash on the day of sale. Rosalie B.

Taylor. BLACK-DRAUGHT" makes chills and fever impossible. For sale by Prlchard Bros, Mason's Self Seatlers a the O. K. Flax Seed and Castor Beans in unlimited quantities by W.

R. Henry Co. Seed Buckwheat. Barbed Wire. Sulky Rakes.

Moline Plows. Western Cultivators. Nichols Shepard Vibrator Threshers. Reapers, Mowers and Self-binders. Lumber, Sand, Cement, Lime, Piaster of Paris, Hair.

Screen Doors to keep out mosquitoes. 100,000 bushels Flax-seed and Castor-beans wanted. Repairs for any thresher or horse-powers. sections or guards for any reaper or mower; SNotes bought and money loaned. Taylor DeLano.

Tourists. The Kansas City, Fort Scott Gulf Railroad is now selling round trip tickets to all the popular pleasure resorts at greatly reduced rates. Tickets are good to return until October 30th. Cars are run through from Kansas City to St. Paul, Minneapolis and Milwaukee.

Remember this and purchase your tickets by the known reliable Kansas City, Fort Scott Gulf. E. E. Dix, Agent. Heal Estate, JLoan and Insurance Agency.

I have a large list of Land and City Property for sale at reasonable prices. Satisfaction guaranteed. Property insured, Money Loaned and Houses for rent, etc. A. H.

McClintock. Teachers' Examination. There will be an examination cf applicants for teacher's certificates at the Central building, in this city, September 2, 1882, commencing at 8 o'clock a. m. sharp.

H. Fraskexberger, Co. Supt. Fort Scott, Aug. 17, 1882.

Glassware, bottom prices at the O. K. To the Iadles. Another invoice of millinery goods just received at No. 114 Market street.

If you wish to buy a new hat or bonnet, be sure to call and examine our goods and prices Quick sales and small profits is our motto. A. Parker. Personal I To Ien Only The Voltaic Belt Marshall, will send Dr. Dye 3 Celebrated F.lectro-Vol taic Belts and Electric Appliances on trial for thirty days to men (young or old) who are afflicted with nervous Debility, Lost Vi tality and Manhood, and kindred troubles, guaranteeing speedy and complete restoration of health and manly vigor.

Address as above. N. B. No risk is thirty days' trial is allowed. Go to the Old Reliable O.

K. Store for Fruit Jars of every kind. Sealing 'Wax and Rubbers. Uniontown. WUley Eres hare added men's and boys' clothing to their general stock of merchandise.

Wonderful. The Nojes Hay Fork is one of the nost wonderful inyentions of the age. Peter Hanson, living south of our city, stacked his hay with this fork last year and eared all of it. The fork can be seen at W. R.

Henry Co'f, Fort Scctt, Kan. in conference with the committee of thirty-eight, and after much discussion decided to divide the State into three departments for reunion purposes. Each Congressional district will constitute a department, and for each a commander was chosen, as follows North. Col. J.

C. Carpenter South-eastCol. W. Shockley, of Fort Scctt; Southwest, Col. H.

Millard, of Sterling. In the course of ths meeting the fact was brought out that the veterans are forming all over the State, and that fully 30,000 are sure to be here in Sep ember. A gentleman came into the office of this i paper yesterday ana was Dragging aooui milk cows, but the local of the Monitor took all the wind out of his sails with the following: The editor of the Monitor owns mm tfT. 1TTMI a cow tnat ne Doognt ci jonn vvuieit, or Dry Ridge, in October, 1880. Her calf was tiien seven montns oia.

ne Drougnt her to town, put her in his cow lor, and has fed her on bran, spring, fall and run her in the herd on the prairie in summer, and she has given all the milk and butter that his family of eight wanted to use, and is now giving two gallons cf milk per day. besides she is as fat as a batter ball. She will doubtless. milk on till this calr, (youngest one) becomes a milker. If there is another cow in this county that has milked continuously for two years and six months and still milks two gallons a day, we will give a copy of the Weekly Monitor one year for the proof.

Mannfactnrers Meeting Last Night. At a meeting of citizens held at the Council Rooms last night to consider the proposition of a number of persons who de sire to establish a manufactory ef wagons and spring buggies, in this city, the following proceodings were had Henry Wilcox was called to the chair and C. L. Ware elected secretary. S.

P. Mosher and Captain Henry ex plained the object of the meeting. On motion, the following committee were appointed to wait upon the business men cf the city to-day to see what aid in the shape of subscription could be had Henry Wilcox, Col. Stadden, U. B.

Pear sall, A. L. Gangwer, W. H. Stout, and W.

R. Henry. On motion, the committee are requested to meet at the office of Mr. Wilcox at 8 o'clock this morning promptly, so as to call on the business men tc-day, and that the committee be required to report to a meet ing of citizens to-night at the Council Rooms. The chairman of the committee was re quested to correspondent with Mr.

Has Clark and such other parties as the com mittee direct. The meeting adjourned to meet at the Council Rooms this evening. Hexry Wilcox, Ch'n. C. L.

Ware, Sec'y. The following is a list of delegates elected at the ward meetings in this city last evening to the Democratic County convention first ward. E. W. McComas, John F.

Cottrell, E. M. Hullett, W. C. Stewart, Dr.

V. W. Sunder- lin. SECOND WARD. Wm.

C. Perry, I. S. Sanger, J. D.

McCleverty, John M. Galloway, Martin Heine, THIRD WARD. C. A. Nelson, D.

C. Noonan. Wm. Hurl- but, Michael Riley, John Hiegins. FOUKTH WARD.

James H. Sallee, A. A. Harris, Tom L. Herbert.

Veteran Badges. Arrangements have been made with the Fort Scott Monitor Publishing Company to print )he badges for the veteran's reunion. All regiments, posts, companies and detachments desiring such badges will please send in their orders, accompanying the cash, at the rate of $3 per hundred, as early as the 1st of September if possible, with letter of company and number cf regiment, town and county. The 1st regimental color will be red. The 2d regimental color, white.

The 3d regimental colcr, blue. The 4th regimental color, yellow. All papers within the Second Congressional district please copy so that this notice may be well circulated. Address all orders to C. H.

Hatxes, Aes't Adgt Gen. Fort Scott, Kas. Attention, Ex-Soldiers. Lytle Post, G. A.

meets Saturday night, the 26th of August, at which time the Post will muster ail honorably discharged ex-Union soldiers and sailors who present themselves for master unless there are objectiots, Boys turn out and join jour comrades in fraternity, charity and loyalty. Go prepared with tha muster fee of $2.00. Republican Primary. The Republicans of Walnut Tp. will hold a primary convention at Independence School Hcuse on Saturday, Sept.

2d, 1882, o'clock p. fcr the purpose of electing delegates to attend the County Convention to be hold at Fott Sect, Sept, 7tb, 1882. Also to elect one member of the County Central Committee By order cf O. St ait, Central Committee. gust apportionment, 1882: District District District No.

1 18 45 ISo. 34 26 85 No. 67 2 16 15 85 21 25 63 3 31 OS 86 19 33 63 4- 20 2 87 12 75 70 5 29 83 3S 17 00 71 6 90 17 $0 2ft 22 72 7 S3 15 40 25 60 73 8 27 20 41 20 40 74 9 23 37 42 24 65 75 10 62 90 43 16 15 76 11 21 25 44 40 80 77 13 33 57 45 2115 78 14 I 37 46 31 45 80 15 23 80 47 24 65 81 16 11 47 43 19 b7 82 17 21 25 49 17 85 83 18 27 20 51 80 59 84 19 21 25 52 17 00 85 20 17 0 53 27 6 2 86 21 34 85 54 40 80 87 22 10 20 55 847 02 88 23 32 72 56 29 75 83 24 31 45 57 23 60 00 25 16 15 58 19 33 91 26 .25 07 f9 36 97 92 27 54 40 60 3108 93, 28 44 37 61 18 70 94 29 23 80 62 27 63 30 16 67 (W 80 60 98 81 83 57 64 16 67 93 32 18 23 5 27 20 33 20 82. 66 34 00 Attention, Veterans. All ex Union soldiers and sailors in Bourbon and adjoining counties who have enrolled and will enroll for the purpose of attending the Topeka reunion, who contemplate going with Lytle Post G.

A. Fort Scott, are requested to meet in cenvention at the Court House in Fort Scott, Kansas, on Saturday, September the 2d, at 2 p. for the purpose of organizing one independent company of veterans, election of company officers and transaction of business necessary to our comfort and a proper understanding as to transportation, rations and quarters. Rolls should be made up from each locality and presented at the meeting of only those actually going from each locality. Understand, the rate over the Gulf road is only cne cent per mile each way.

W. H. Harmon, Com. Lytle Post G. A.

Ft. Scott. The Adams Express Company desiring to see the coming Bourbon County Fair a success, will carry all printed and advertising matter ever its line free of charge. Those desiring to send away large bills, posters and premium lists of the fair to any point in Kansas, Missouri, Texas and Indian Territory or Colorado, will please ad-drees and leave the same with Mr. George Radell, oar agent in this city.

J. H. Butler, Route Agent. In Probate Court In the matter of the estate of Osamus Chapman, the examination of witnesses was resumed yesterday, and will be continued to-day. The evidence has to be written in full, questions and answers.

Mosquito Nets, All colors, at J. E. Westervelt Co's. The following premiums are offered by Mr. S.

P. Tresslar, at the Bourbon County Fair: Fifty dollars in gold offered by S. P. Tresslar, photographer, 104, 108 and 110 Market street, Fort Scott $5 to the handsomest baby under months old. $5 to the handsomest baby over months old and under twelve months.

$5 to the handsomest child over six six 12 months and under 2 years of ege. $5 to the handsomest child over 5 and under 10 years cf age. $5 to the handsomest boy or miss over 10 and under 15 years of age. $5 to the handsomest unmarried lady. $5 to the handsomest married lady.

$5 to the handsomest gentleman. $5 to the ugliest gentleman. The photographs of the competitors are to be made in my gallery between August 15 and October 1. To be cabinet size. There will be no prize awarded unless there be at least three competitors for either prize.

Horsford's Acid Phosphate FOR OVERWORKED PROFESSIONAL MEN. Dr. Chas. T. Mitchell, Canandaigua, N.

says I think it a grand restorer ot brain force and nervous energy. Wanted. To buy one thousand bushels of coal at the Mokitor office. No head-ache or back-ache for ladies who drink "WINE OF CABPU1." For sale by Prlchard Bros. To Our Patrons, From and after this date Mr.

E. -W. Morse will be our only authorized agent for the collection of gas and other bills. L. K.

Scofield. Fert Scott, July 28, 1882. Don't forget to drop in at No. 114, Market street and examine the many bargains on our cheap tables, consisting of notions and different lines of staple and fancy goods. Yoa will find many useful articles at half the usual price.

A. Parker. Dr. R. V.

Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Dear Sir For many months I was a. great sufferer. Physicians could afford me no relief.

In my despair I commenced the nse of your Faaorite Prescription." It speedily effected my entire and permanent cure. Yours thankfully, Mrs. Paul R. Baxter, Iowa City, la. If you want 4c prints, 4c crash, 5c bleached muslin, 61c cheviots, 7c "lOe buntings, 10c denims, 10c bciticking and 10 worsted dress goods, yoa can get them by calling at No.

114 Market street. A. Packer. 204a 2862: 2125 64 82 3U5J 17 SO 221(7 17 43 2423 28 C5 25 60 1997 19 12 T2S 13 17 14 02, 860 25 20 2125. 14 02; 14 87 20 49 14 02 23 37 14 23 14 87 29 75-27 63 14 02.

Public Sale of School Lands "VTOTICE ia hereby given that I will offer at Pub-J3 lie Sale, to the highest bidder the Court House, ithe city of Fort Scott, Bourbon county, Kansas, or Saturday, the second day of September, A. 1882, between the hours of 10 a. m. and 3 p. m.

of said day, the following.School Lands: Description abd Appbaisemzpt. who has been visiting the family of Col. Brown, has returned to her home. E. D.

Shoemaker and wife left yester day for St. Louis, Cincinnati and Chicago, on a pleasure tour, to be gone two weeks. Mrs. Shoupf of Girard, who has been vieiting her parents, and Mrs. H.

E. Cooper, in this city, returned home yesterday. Mrs. E. C.

Havely, of Green Ridge, and Miss Josie Havely, of Sedalia, who has been visiting Mrs. Westervelt, northwest of the city, returned home yesterday by the K. T. train. Illinois Settlement, Editor Monitor As Beecher has been silent for some time, I will pen a few lines in the interest of our neighborhood.

Times are lively, and plenty of hard work for every one. The rain of last week improved the prospect of the corn crop greatly, which promises to be abundant. Our vicinity is soon to be favored with a store, which will meet a want long felt. Mr. L.

G. Porter is ta be the proprietor. A petition is in circulation for a post office also. Success to L. G.

in this new enterprise. Mrs. Leonard, of Sharon, Illinois, is visiting her son and daughter, Mr. George Bolinger and Mrs. A.

H. Dundy. Mr. L. G.

Aorter is in Illinois visiting his parents. Hje intends taking in Chicago before his return. Mrs. Loomis, of Walnur, has a class of young ladies in our vicinity which she is instructing in instrumental music- The Seventh Day Advents are holding a tent meeting on the farm of Mr. Clifton.

Messrs. Bandy, Prudy and Henderson are busy threshing grain in this pait. Mr. Brenner hollers lender than ever for St. John since his return from Topeka.

The young people are making prepaa-tions for an ice cream supper, to be held in the Illinois school house August 31, in the interest cf our Sunday School. A cordial invitation is extended to all, and a good time is expene. As the State ticket is made, we expect soon to see the friendly faces of candidates for county offices. 'Farmers are busy making hay and plow ing for wheat. Kansas Normal College, Fort Scott, Bourbon County, Kas.

1. MAKE NO MISTAKE. Remember the Kansas Normal College offers the best advantages. A full corps of teachers is employed. Each teacher is an earnest, energetic worker.

II. Fifty minutes are given to every recitation. III. Students can have the use of an excellent reference library. IV.

Students select their course of study and advance as rapidly as they are able. V. Expenses are as low as the lowest Students select rooms that; 6uit them. Usually only two to four persons to each house. Never more than two to a room unless the students wish to do otherwise.

If yen think of going to school, consider the merits cf the Kansas Normal College before deeding to go elsewhere. Come and see what the Normal is doing the class of students it has. 2. EXPENSES. Tuition, 11 00 Boarding, per week $1.50, $1.75, $2.00 Room rent, per week 50 Books per term, per volume 10 Total expenses for eleven weeks, for room rent, boarding and tuition, only thirty dollars.

One hundred and twelve dollars in advance, will pay for room rent, boarding and tuition for one year of forty-four weeks. 3. CALENDAR. 1 Fall terms 5, 1882. Winter term opens 21, 1882.

Spring term 1, 1883. All inquiries promptly answered. For catalogue or circular Address D. E. Sanders, Fort Scott, Kas.

Indies, Yoa can get R. J. Robert's Raxor Steel Scissors, and his Parabola Needles at J. E. Westeuvelt Co's.

2s 5 3 1626 22 4.0O 16 26 22 4.0O 3j23 21 3.0O 36 23,21 8.00 36 23 21 S200.00 3.50 3t 21 2i 3.00 36 24 22 3.50 36 24 22 3.60 16 25 22, 4.00 16 25 22 3.00 16 2.5(22 3.00 16 252 3.00 6WM Xt-K-. Witness my hand this 29th day of Jnly, A. B. 1SS2V J. IL BROWN, County Treasurer, Terrible SaiTerinars.

Dr. R. V. Pierce. Buffalo, N.

Y.I hare a friend who suffered terribly. I purchased a bottle of your ''Favorite Prescription, and, as a result of its use, she is perfectly welL J. Bailey. Burdett. N.

Y. Dr. Pierce's "Goldsn Medical Discover and Pleasant Purgative Pelletts" puiify tha uioou ana cure constipation. Beauty, health, and happiness for ladies in "WINE OF CARDU1." For sale by Prlcbard Eros, Youoff and middle-aeed men. snfferin? ry from, nervous debility and kindred affec tions, as loss of memory and hypochondria, noma iocicsa inren Htamr tnr Hart i rt World's Dispensary Dime Series of pamph lets.

Address World's Dbnensarv Association, Buffalo, Y..

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