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Western Carolinian from Salisbury, North Carolina • Page 3

Salisbury, North Carolina
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

tf Xr0t-Cutting KtvaA untji Woo fcotV, Jol.n C. Vfrfftt was then ptMci, yes III, QUPP.BIOtt Court of lit, A I U-m, A. D. Jsn Wcavtr Hiiliam Weaver those Wh I voted Sgalnst lilt rcsoiuunn, Petition for Divorce. In this case, tt anpearin sayl Mesr.

Armstrong, Hartley, Brechsr, Bur- lo lb safitfaction of th roort that tbe defend rei James Clark. Crelgliton, CVxfter, John Da- nt i not an Inhabitant If this iur i. I there fore ordered by tbe court, thai bIeatton mad in tb Western Carulinan sm 4leigt Star f(jefctunh Lapis CslaminarU le Sulfihut l4Jnar Caustio ludmiim Lichen Islandicua Mat Manna Flak Magnesia Carb, Calc Muak- Nutmegs Nui Vomica Oil Aniseed Crotsn Worm Seed irutUm'sL'iiX lodin Cob liicurn Termerle rapalrum irpntariVir4'. irtst Steal Musk Call Vslerian Red Maunders Opium Blood Root Vitriol White Blue Wine, AntiinoniaL fcuctb "iixi Gait. PfltlR Piliscrib'-r being determined return to th eastern part of th rrsd neil winter, ofTen fur ssl his ralusble fLani.

lit in Hows county, containing firs Amwiivi mnJ hwiifn nertt all of wUcb i up rior quality. Tboa who hare eea land, ay it ml to any in th county. Tlier art iccllcnt building of rery description on the place. Persons who want a beahby aituttion, a good stand fur a Store, and an lcrnt farm, will very much pleased with th Uml Tb Und is tan mile west of Salisbury, an the Sherred' Pord road, adjoining th laiwU af Mr. Allmand Mall, Mr.

Joseph Cowan, and others. I deem it unneoesanry to aay any thing furtlier, ai it li prsuosd tlx purchaser will iw tbe premi. 0. HOLMr.l. jmt iik.

tm. i II tor hi week, that be be ami appear befure th bfttr of our nert Superior Court of law to held for tb county of Rowan, at tbe Court, lloua in Salisbury, on tb second alonday tfur plenty but fruit there arc a few, very few, applet but tit peaches, ami but very little other fruit of any descrip-lion. Dut we ah all have the tubitan-t'tals of life, without itint, Cyrui Rollnn, who wat convicted of larceny, at (ha late term of the superior court in thlt place, and whipped, hst gain been apprehended, and confined in Concord jail, under a charge of breaking open a ttore in Montgomery county, and feeling sundry article! of good therefrom. -The caw of thin young men it a peculiar one He it apparently non ton' fin. I but when at libertVjwiU ateal every Hing 4hat comae (ft lie -way 1 mur difficulty Jn disposing of hit cue feelings of e'ommite'retloo'- would" prompt Ih fourth Mondar in Septemher neU.

and plead, answer, or demur le (aid p''iV other wise judgment pro cenieaao will be entered, ami the petition be beard ei parte. Dorey, John, Laercnce, MVkctl, Pearce, Pirn, Reed, ergent, glvn. II. Thompson, K. Tucker, Vane, Vsr.

num. Vinton, Wale. WhittUsey, WiHUm. Woodcock, John a Wright-28. It will be seen IhaJ many of the administration member, fearful of offending Mr.

Clay, nd unwilling to rot git the resolution, left the Of UU cl who ruted to Ue the reo- Jutlon on th llle, and left the limit rathe "t6h7B'WyV fleUwln, Barnard, Bet, Duckner, Marvin, Wetton V. John Wood. wen Witness, Giles, Clerk of aaid Court, at of fice, tb 3d MomUy after th 4th Monday in Marco, A. U. UT, blLgS, V.

wttt PATF.NT MEDICINES. Roger vegetable put- touhton' Bitter monle detergent, Arwnwtie ditto coughs, cold, nd fUeer Opodeldoc conwmption. Menry1 Megnesin Baleinaa's Dcopt VegeHbto Go.lfrey' Cordul llarlaetn Oil, or 1 Cottoii jjj Tirili) retpectfully inform tb citken of Sal IOR Sale, IVMttmU UtiaiU HP US COT TXVLVa. 6 to 15, inclusive, at tbe Factory British Oil MediceiBcntuia, j.i I Mmry, and tU urrounIing he haf taken the lloua on Mala ftree in said TUrtlnrton'r BaKwiw a jury lo be fenienttowtrdshlm while Jut ynt: inn, rjv.iiic nyij i'! Saluburp, Mat 5, 1828. J.

gfnlu lira and ibn nuUie tr mtkA firtii town, two door east of tb CourMttUe, former. BUMJHIEa, Medicine cbeal atrealnir malt brniasa ly occupied by Jacob Knder, a a ttort Camel haired pencil Fin aad i apwet) --dniiftmeMiM Mc the rtft embanks Court plaatcr Gold leaf nat.vA!).. Whit leatner akin Wer ditto Apoth. ecalea Is vetgiUa r- XtU ttgn tfihtJHirtaranJ Ptitle, Sahitoy, JV. C.

AVING freauentlv been aouci- wWDTireptredto carry the Dying JJutnestt. in all it various branches. nUla, Cottons, and Woollens will be dyed any clor that may be desired, and be will warrant b'l color to tand. Alj kimls of Merchant' Goodwill dyed, and finislied off at neat when in ported. Ladies l)rese dyed by pattern or otlerwise, an color.

tkld Bronze Poland starch Silver ditto American ditto Ud to publish a hst of their Si" Medicine; Vmg; Paint, Cflaurt, Copper ditto Twine 4'! lor tbe benefit of the public, Hatter's bow string Vanilla Dean present tbe following, aa comprising was five. It will be teen tht of the friends of the administration, who roUd In, feor of the resolution, re, Messrs, Noye Barber, Barney, Bartlett, Blake, Brown, Back, Condict, Gurley, lletly, Ingenoft, Little, Mclntire, McLean, Mtrwin, Plant, O. II. Bmith, Swift, Wesh'uigun, Whipple. Whilst those who voted again! it, are, Meatn.

Armstrong, Bartlcy, Beecber, Burets, Jme Clarkv Crelghton, Cnlptper, John Davenport, Doner, John. Lawrence, Martindale, Pearce, Block red ink powderTonqua ditto Liquid Ink White wax India ditto Yellow ditto th principal part of their present assortment i Gentlenvn't Coats and Pantaoon scoured and We bare been adrited of yet another bloody afTjIr in Uncoil tounty On Saturday, the 3 1 it ult. a wrr4nt wat lotted gainat Motet Humgarner fur tttault and battery, on which be wat apprehended by a cotittable named Henry Tarf: On their way to jail, Bumgarner contrired to cut bit bandt boat, md get knife, with which he ttahhed Tarr in fire or tii placet, to terrrely, thai the phyaiciant pronounced hit wound mortal. Hum grner wtt tecured; tnd will receire hi trial at the next tuperior court, if he doet not etcape in the mean time. fwiiilird off in neat style.

Ladies' Leghorn lint and Straw Bonnet, vet and finished equal Clark's indelible ditto Bsy ditto ditto to any in th United States. Mourning Dreei '4 Perkins' ditto Patent Lint Red sealing ditto Whit balk Red ditto ivcd and finished on tbe ahalcat notice, and i the neatest manner, Lamps icks Lancet raS French ditto The pubfic are requester to patronize the eibsrriber'a establishnient. Hi utmost endea Com. Mortars It PestlesCologne water Serjeant, Sloane, Vance, Vinton, Wales, Whit-tlesey. WilKam, Woodcock, ftfcd John C.

Wright. Polishing Powders Antique oil Pill boxes Acid Muristie Nitric Sulphuric Lemon Acetic Tartaric Alcohol Aloea Alum JEthiops Mineral Ammonia Carb. liq Vol. Antimony Crude Puis. Arrow-Root Indian Arsenic Asphaltum Almond Pulegii Oil of Larender Cloves Rhodium Castor Sweet Sassafras Spike Rosemary Cinnamon Hemlock Tansey Pip.

Mnt. Otto of How Opium Turkey 'Oxide Bismuth Oxymel Squill vors shall be exerted to gire tbe most entire satisfaction to all who may pirate tofarorhini with any business in the above Use. JOSEPH WOODWORTfl. 1828. 3t20 All who am conversant wth the history of Tooth brushes Tooth powder Pomatum irJte: A an irwianee of the pr cicity of regrtation thii arawm, I will take the liberty Fancy paper Swia Glue of mentioning, that I on the 28th dav of Sinif S'trtk Cursana, Surry ctvtty.

NO I'ICF. is hereby given, that tie subscriber lias obtained letters of administration on tbeae men, (ears tbe U. 8. Telegraph) are at no low for the motive Influencing their rote a pri-rate grief party malice characteristic of the man who would deaolate the republic with war, fomint, ptttiktt, or any other scourge" to retain himself in office. Castile op Windsor ditto Macanuu oil Eye -stone Eye-water Rotten atone Lamp oil Bole armenio Taper Imon juice Hull's Tniwea.

Earthen Wart. gaJ cerate pot ql, 1 pi. do. do. do.

An. do. -Gallipoti assorted Pill tile the eatlle of Harrison, dee'd tb beir of Naples ditto Transparent soap i May, in the rardi-n of Kfi in Lincoln cxin-tv. Urge and luiuriant Coax in full TASSK.L. Should you not here ifrn or heard of any thing of tbe kind to excel tlir.

you are at liberty to name in tbe Western Carolinian. hare nelrher aeen nor heard of ny corn being in tal, a early the 2Jtli ult. E. Ointments AaftHla Waahball ditto White 'ditto Anodyne LluoMfo'ffrPeYrTssn said Elisha Harnon are hereby notified to come forward (if any tbev are) and receive tneir di. tributire Jure of said esfste, or it ill bt disposed of the law direct.

4t3 JOHN Nock ford, fnr, 1828. Cephalic inutT Pearl barky Allspice Macuboy cutlo Scotch ditto Sulphuric Aqua Form Jlotx 2wtfaw-igAverydet'ruelire fire broke out in Bayard atreet, city of New-Tork, on tlie 26h ah. and before it wu got undc tbe coatfy and aptemtid Bowery Theatre, nttb 15 or i jpifat julMings re burnt jjown gfiO.lwO a inaurtd on the Tbcatre, but that Snuff xes -Vial CluVj 'friend commtihkate ui iheTeaulr nt PAINTS, Baltam Copaiva f. JOS mi WRIit, do hereby crrify, that Mile. Hill, Theodore Merrell, Tbrmas Git White lead Black varnish Peruvian Tolutan Con1 varnish Red ditto Black ditto Uid-uuLxoir the whole of 'be lu i there Barbadoes Tar, Venetiafi red Hcc.

-Boras Brimstone Spanish brown Chromic yellow Twr wen wiiwri conpany, on Wiuw creek, Mecklrnburg county, on the Jtlt of April: Por Jackson 90 por Adami J.z.-.r..,ty.i.. A informs ut, that at a late mutter of Cant. Belt's conipsny, nraj the bwi-r edge of tkltnlxirg county, "the sense of the company present was taken on the subject of the Presidency the re'ult of which ai: Pur Jackson 101 Por Adams 1 nOtMnt; 1'rfMred on the otlier botUinp. A nefn haa confined that he wu hired to act fire to the bouae in which tbe conflagration first appeared. lospie and Jai.

W. Tigret, those who were acting Guard atd who were accused of aiding me getting wr of The Jail hr CnaHwte; f.1 C-are innocent of tbe charge alleged agtost them, and that the above named bad no srtney in tbe transaction. Witness my band and kJ, JOSEPH WEIR. Ma 1828. 3t 0 Wm.

C. Means, R. W'sflace, Geo. Fleming, J. L.

Beard. C. S. C. G.

W. Spears, M. Harris, Philip H. Moore, Jno. N.

Spesrs. 'bromic green Camphor Cactnr Cantliaride Ivory black Yellow Ocre V'r. 'i fr 1, Creta I'raepanta Madter '-Cepprraa Turkey umber Terra de sienna Terroerie Ground fustic Logwood in stick ditto ground litharge Red saundet Nicaragua Verdigris Vitrioli eolcothar Spanish whiting Arnatto Lamp black Crocus marti Flake hite Paris while pink fitale tf Xrih-('anlna, Linctlm reuny The aalc of lota in the new town of Columbua, at the Falls of Chajtahoochie, Georgia, it advrr. tiv.l to take place on the tenth day ef July next. One fifth of the purchase money to be in rath, the balance in four equal annual instalments.

Pipe Clay Enjbb Pepper Long Cavrnne Black Pills Anderson's Lee's Hooper' Fills -Comp. AaaaUe. Ilbubarb Precipitate Bed White Barbademit Poladelpbi Phosphorus Polakh Hot suae Sulphu Fitch Burgunda Quassia Rasp'd Quicksilver Quinine Sulphate Mixture Rad Rbei Pulv. IriiFlav. Mezcreon Sc'dlx 7-inzibar ditto Pulv.

Valerian Spigelia Marilandica Angelica Serpentaria Virga Columbo Columbo Pulv. I Puity John lliison, 8. Huson, and Mortimer liuson, by their guardian, Eli Hoy v. CANDIDATES. t7 Through mnv and urgent solid-ta'iutis, br number of the citizens of Uowan.

Mr. Kufui 11. Kilhatride has ai Coc'iineal Chinese Vermillion Pmasian blue Figured ditto Spanish indigo Calomel Cochineal Corrosive Sublimate Crocus Martia Cocua Indicua Cubeba Cobolt or Fly Stone Coloc) nth Pulv. Cloves Chamomile Flo era Cinnabar Factitious Cream Tartar Conserve of Roses John priddle and wife Mary, aad Joseph Oriirinal bill. It to the iat- 1 American ditto GLASS.

2 Gala. Specie-Bottle I do. do. da. I qt aalt mouth'd 1 pt.

do. de. 4 do. do. do.

(iraduating mesjurej Phials assorted 1 do, do. do. do. do. do.

I qt. do. do. 1 pt. do.

do. i do. do. do. length consented to let his name appear i defendanta In the tl 1.1:.

-j-j I above caie reside out of tbe state r. therefore, before the public, as candidate for a teat otdcrcd by cwurU tht( pubication be made sis in the House of Comrapns a the neat werks successively, in the Wejtcrn Carolinisnj Ocneral Assembly. for the d-fcudanta to appear at our next Superior Court of Equity to be held for the county of fttVWare authorized tO announce' houaein Lincolnton, on the r.i, rt, 1n 1 4th Monday afterthe 4th Monday in September r. John Scott, at candidate to to plead, answer demur resent the county of Kowan in the to complainant, else the ame will taken pro Senate of the next Legislature of this confesw, 'and brsrd ex parte. Witness John D.

Hoke, Clerk and Master of said Court, at olHce, Major- General. -la the Senate, ol U. the bill which had patted the other home, to abolish the office of jMaj. Geo. in the U.S.

Army, hatteen rejected and the nominati of Geo. Alexander Macomb, confirmed, 11 aeojtora voting in the regativr. The nominationi of James Barbour, aa Minister to England Gen. Harri-son, as Minister to Colombia, Gen. Petf Porter, as Syrcretary rf War, Bcajifort aa Secfrtary; of Legation to- Russia and of E.

Tayloe-aa0 Colombia, are confirmed. 1 gal. Tincture Bottle Funnels do. do. do.

Nipple shells 1 qt. do. po. Breaat pipe 1 pt. do.

do. Bed urinals do. do. do. Mortar tnd pestle 6 os.

do. do. Pungent bottle 4 do. Tincture Bottles Retort 2 do. do.

do. Peg lamp Omega," Uecius," and other commu- 1S.M. 6t21 l0. D. HOKE, CM.

mention, shall be attended to as soon as we can apare room. is ree'd. IT. Fayetteiille, Journal of 28th. inst.l to tice the advance in the price of Cotton, which has een progressive for the last fortnight It readily commands 10 dollars and 5 cents to-day.

INSTRUMENPS Evan' Lancets Gum elast. Catheters Common do Stomach Tubes Spring do. TWx Boogie Gum de, Metallic Bougie, Scalpels Gum elastic do. Lancet phlemes Female Syringe Teeth drswers Male do. Forceps Clyster pipe Seton needles Spatula.

Jwit 9th, 1828. 18 Cortex Cinnamon PeruFlav. Rub. Aurant Saasafraa Caacarilla Csnella Alb. Cortex Mesereon Rimarouba Cornu Cervi Rasp'd Dovcr'a Powders ExriactorBart Cicutae Henbane JaUp Belladona Gentian Liquorice' Catecbu Epruce Liquorice do rehVd Essence of Bergamot Cinnamon Lemon Hemlock Peppermint Tansey Winter Green Mustard Veneris Elixir Paregoric Vitriol Emp.

Adhaesivum tit ice to Tanntta, flHE ubicriber offer, for tbe Valuable ,1 tt property in tbe town ofCharMte, lately belonging to Mr Allirlff 1 bia pryj-erty include about. 60 lota, a Prt of which are improvements viz A vakisbfe Tcn-nery, including all tbe neceesary buildings, Ice. and a patent Bark-Mill i also, a good dwelling-houc, with the necessary out bouae. The land ia all under cultivation, and well fenced Any peron wishing to purchase, can learn tie terms by railing on the subscriber, living in Cabarrus county, on Buffalo creek; or on Mr. William Smith, living in Charlotte.

ROBERT M'KENZIE. Caftarrwi cony, Mag 22, 1828. 16tf SneUon theT bank robber, was arraigned for trial at Petersburg on the 21st ult. was cmvictrd by the jury, and sentmced to hard labor three yeara in the penitentiary. JHarrfrt.

On the 27th ult. by the Rev. John Reck, Mr. Solomon Dellinger, of Lincoln county, to Miss Catharine Remfieman, of Kowan. In Favetterille, on the 24lh ult.

bv the Rer. Glycyrrhiza Curcuma Long Galanga(, Gentian Ginseng SarssperilU Elecampane Althea Cokbicum Jalap Pulv. Ipecacuanha Pulv Rosin White Yellow Seed Anise Sweet Fennel White Mustard Black ditto Caram ay-Coriander Cardamom Sugar of lxad Sanford'i Bark Sodae Sup. Carb. Phoaphat Soda Powders fieidlitz Powders Spermaceti Spirits of Nitre dulc of Wine 40,000 Acres of LAND, FOR SALE.

THE subscriber will offer for sale, at the-Court-House in Wsynesville, in the coun 1' if Ti: ty of Haywood, on the fourth Monday in June, Mr. Wiley, Edward J. Hale, Esq. editor of the; MlU. -J I Carolina Observer, to Mi- Sarah J.

a.UUlS ftUQ lifHiQg. daughter of Charlton Walker, Esq-of Wilming- pHE valuable MM and Lamit formerly tbe ton. ,1. property of George Saner, dee'd. are of- On the 2d ult.

by Wm. Knox, Eari. Mr. Rob- red for sale by the late purchasers. Thii land ert Hannah to- Miss Esther Catbey, all of Iredell lies on Dutchman'! creek, 4 miles east of Mocks- it being the week of Haywood county court, one hundred and thirty-eight thousand acre of unimproved LAND, lying in aaid county, on tbe water of French Broad, Tuckaaege, Scott'a Omngi Cimy.

The following persons are announced as candidate to represent Orang county in tbe next General Assembly: Pr. Montgomery, in the senate i John Boon, John Stockard, Thonum Taylor, and Hugh 1. Wad-dell, commons i Frederick Nash, and Richard S. Clinton, for tbe Town of Hillsborough. Janet Ctly, Esq.

U. 8. Charge de Affaires to Peru, died at Lima, on the 24th February last creek ami Oconaluftey. Jit, on the third Monday in aaid month, at the court-house in Aaheville, in the county of Buncombe, twenty five or thirty thousand acres countv. On the same day, by John Turbyfill, ville, adjoining the Gilea Mumford tract, and i Erq.

Mr. Buckner Harwell to Miss Rhody West- Cqu to any land in Rowan county, with a large moreland, all of Lincoln county. Also, on tbe proportion of superior meadow the Mills are 16th, by John Sloan, Mr. Thomas Godsey of superior construction, and have now a very to Mi E. M.

Finch, of Iredell. Also, on the good and increasing run of custom; tbe wster-29th, by the Rev. II. N. Pharr, Mr.

McDowell power can very conveniently be made to drive of unimproved iMnd, lying in the county of Woodside to Buncombe, on tbe water of French Broad and Swannanoah. Alto, On tbe fourth Monday in July, at the Miss Cornelia Curry, of Mecklen any kind of Machinery. For other particulars, of Lavender Com. burg, of Turpentine of Hartshorn The weather has been uuusually court-house in Morgsnton, in the county of DIED, Can'haride -Hoborans Hydrargyri Simples Diachylon Maby'a Fol. Digitalis Senna Alex.

Uva Ursi Juniperi Sabini Flores Benzoin Martialis Zinci Sulpburi Ferri Carbona Burke, sixty or sixty-five thouaand acrea of un warm for a number of days past, the improved land, lying in aaid county, on tbe wa In Iredell county, Mrs. Elizabeth Lackey, wife of Mr. Samuel Lackey, in the 47th year of Jier age. thwxnometjAogiDgft ters of Toe, Elk, and Wautaga Rivers. Tbe and terms, apply to Thomas D.

Gibbs, one of the proprietors, on tbe premises. 16tf THOMAS D. GIBBS, JOSEPH HANES, PETER SANER, JACOB SANER, May 23 1828. MARTIN SANER." N. B.r Another tract, nelonging-to Peter Saner, adjoining the above, containing 225 acres, will be sold in connexion with the above, or sep degreea and ai there have, beep sea sale will continue one week at each place, unless the land should be.

sooner disposed of of Camphor Kpsom Marti Glauber Diureticui Tartar Cheltenham Tbe lands will be sold in tracts, containing from sonable rains, it has been line grow- two midred to one thousand acre. 42The flUrftf ts. Fayetteville, Mag 28. Cottdn, 9 50 a 10 BeeiVircsbin-nwrkeLJLcenU jJaCPntTto 8i JPfiLweather." The farmers have com Bonds will be re cutred of purcbajer payable Phonphas Nitre- arately as mayestiultTheTnirehMerThiehrjurn-Ammoni on-ibefirt day of April, 1829, with interest from the dav of talei anVnheibscrlbeFTrlll menced making their hay the grasa rjnaaL.Ut 1 TU. peach brandy, 45 to 50 apple do.

33 to 37 flour, 4 to 41 whiskey, 25 to 30 United is likewise tint rate land. Arabic enter into obligations to make a arood and law A-Jllh will be lot adjoining tbe town of Mocksville, containing ten acres Und, with a Billa on the North, 60 day 5 to 5 per ct pre. ful title when the purchase money ia- paid, and not before. Tbe salubrity of the climate, the fertility of the good dwelling-house, with out -house, and an excellent garden thia property will be told low, on aocommodatuig term. Apply as above.

Ammoniac Ref. ditto Crude Saffron Spanish American Oiled Btiraz Liquid Catamite Stanni Pul. Tartar Emetic Ammoniated Turpentine Venice Tapioca Tragacanth Copal Elemi Guaiacum Galbanum Gamboge Elastic Aloe Soc. Benzoin Kino Gum Shell Lac Chatktttn. May 31.

Upland cotton 841; whiskey, 23 to 25 begging, 42 inch, 22 to 24 ugar, 8 9 1. molasses, 28 to 29 eenti bacon, 6f to apple brandy, 25 to 28; beet-wax. 32; cofl'ee, 13 to 17 hyson tea, 100 to 105 oil, tbe abundance and excellence of the range, are equalled in few "parts of the United Person residing in the low and sickly countries, planter and s-rasiert, would do well to SPRING XmONS "U8T received from Philadelphia, the Spring' attend the above sales, as good bargains ma Jamaica mm. 110 to 115 West India 75 Fa4hnut accompanied by the various co to 1 80.SrJ6rrbi Carolina billa, 7 to 8 eent, lor and form now in vogue at tbe Nortb which I bis part of North Carolina is the favourite will enable the subscriber to uit tlL both crave rviuai muty lUAUMaittr WC lUU ing wheat is beginning to present a golden aapectf and will be ready for the sickle in two or three-weeks the crop ifji In 'very 'gobdr Rye la remarkably good and we have, observed that there was more sown the good and com, perhaps, never looked fatter. The agriculturist has, consequently, abundant cause to be grateful to the giver of every good and perfect for the fruitfulnesa of the earth this season.

Every thing is summer retreat of the sitltWvleAle''j Turner' cerate IhV- gajrfwbfnay faw.bim with. work, vlli TIhWuw JrSS.t 'HJrS no Camden, May 31. Cotton, middling to fair, 1.1 I 9 to 10 i fair to good, 8j to 9 for very prime. vate sale, can be accommoaawi, CJTling' nil the subscriber, who may be found at one of thn 10 cents have been paid. boie places.

all the, lands n. be. dis posed of during tb weckaol saH a -'l sale may be expected. ahortly afterwards. i.

divid- work shall be better made tnan any in town, and warranted to fit well. The subscriber having been appointed by A. Ward, of Philadelphia, an a teacher of hit Patent Prot racier system of Tailoring, will instruct those who may desire to learn this superior mode of cutting out garment. BENJAMIN FRALEY. Sattsiury, tf, Jpril 1st, 1828.

09 A lor c. Myrrh Cantharidc Alois -Peruvian Bark Digitalis Rhubarb Cinnamon Guaiaoum To OoU Scamony Tho Mastic Gall Aleppo Helleboie Nig. Alb. Hive Syrup Isinglass uals may purchase privately. of pure Qnickiiher, just received, and for sale, by E.

W1LLEY Co May 17,1828. 3fft 18. SulHlmry, Jin lOrt, 1838..

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