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The Semi-Weekly News from Warrenton, North Carolina • Page 4

Warrenton, North Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

hi JAMES OLIUSTKAD, Cool mid Iioc Jlaiiiifhcfnrrr, 3 LILE PRESERVING PATENT SttlX-GLETHEH fYiHE fubetribera bavinr Purrnaard tl AND DAGUERltEAN GALLE11Y TTh PARRISII would inform bis friend and JU' the public generally that he is now prepared to take the best LIKENESSES of all kinds jiXnufactuufrs of and wholesale RETAIL DEALERS IN Clothing, 1 r.irl Et JL right to make and ell these Swinglrtreer, tn the 'counties of Wake, Johnston, Chatham ()r ange. Franklin, Ware and Nash, would rrJpri. fully iiitocm me P'umic mai mey miU admd tU cfrt in ihe e'ove eountii with tkin, ihH Will peddle ih ttrich the coontrt L'V this horse, or two nr iwAv horses, rno 1-r Aoni vehicte speed. prrf. nfriv t.

the vehirte and those in ii. I iuiple nd essr, tn tKm nr iboy ten rsn vm1 hini-ff of it. nnn Js such haaeer I eftrrleru i Rgainsi le lariurni io fractions horses. Lvery ridinj rrhicle oit in have one attached to it. It is a chea Sate and certain, protection against danger, tachrd to old or new vehicL.

It can le at Notke is hereby any infiinte ment this patet, or any (lunation or atternpt make or wse any modiftjti.B patent Swingletrce in any the coanVie above enumerated, the jeraon or persona, ofTrndin" will be proneruied to the full extent of the law. in the U. S. CourU "Washington. P.

P. WILLIAMS CO. Raleigh. Feb. 2C, 1S56, 386m.


WARRENTON, N.C. The following article comprise a portion tt us assortment, to which hehreupertfullv invites the attention of the Public, as it vi lli, no doubly be to their interest to examine his Stock, bcfoia purchAsJrg elsewhere Allam, Blutstone, Indigo, Madder, -Logwood, Ext. do. Cochineal, Oil Vitrol, Solution Tin, Gum Arohic, Cream Tartar, Lee'aSup. carb soda, Salt Peter, Brimstone, Carb.

Soda, Carb Ammonia, Sal. Siilj. Quinine, Blue Mass, "Turkey RhubarW, Jiiiiap, Ci(. Magnaaia, CaU do. Carb.

do. jump. Heuryfa do. Hydrymlate Potasum Jodiue Retublirae. Sulph; Morphia, A at.

do Murict da Oil, pure cel4 i Draw. Codlivcr Oil, R. A fT. Olive tu, in Iiaket4. Lirts'a pure Lead, Cliirone Yelloar, fellow Ochra-, Tlurkey Umber, Sione Oc-hra, Brown, Red.

Calomel, Eng. Am, Doreis Powders, Terra Drasbnna. Chrom Green, Pari Gr-- Purple Lake, Car- min, llass, Putty, Brushes, c. 11 in cm Cards. I7itder'8 Patent Salamander Safest With Rich's Improvement, (toof against both Fire unci Gunpowder,) 1 by STHARN3 MARVIN, Successors to Rich Co received and.for sale on consignment by NORWOOD, PARKER apl 22-ts Warrenton.

WHITE, DAVIS HARDEE, COMMISSION EH CHANTS, Rank Street, Petersburg, Va. FfTSO par North Carolina friends we ofTer out rcr-! JL" vice3 ani will frive prompt attention to sak-J of TOBACCO. COTTON', WHEAT, offer for sale three hundred ton3 1 PERUVIAN GUANp oo CtvoraUe tcrias. Orders olioite.L IrUOS. WUITE.


mhSn13 1 RICHARD D. rLEMIHG, DENTIST, AVING located fop the present in Warren- ton, with view of practising Dental -Sure gery, begs leave most respectfully to 'tender his services to the citizens of the village and of the surrounding country. His otfice-i above Mr. James A. Egerton'a store, vhere he may be found, unless profpssiooally eTigaed.

apl 22 BIL G. A. rOOTE, offers his professional services to the public. Or vice Over J. A.

Esrton' store, where he may always be found junles? proftssioually je 27 -ts WILLIAM H. CHEEK, ATTORNEY, AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, WARREN WILL attend 'punctually to business en-, trusted to his je 24-U 2. xM MARTIN, CO. Ceral Coiamission Merchants, w. m.

brother Sc CO. Grocers aad Coiaraissioa Mcrcliants, PETERSBURG, VA." ,1 Partners residing in Richmond, N. M. Jtartin, Walter K. Martin.

ri45 Purtntrs residing trt Petersburg, Ro. A. Mjarun, fl. Plammer, jr. Ro.

Tannahill. DEALERS 1W J' Bar and Bundle Iron of all k'nds; English, Sweeds, Russia, and America of Lest brands. Cast, German Jilister and Sprin? Stfte1. all siz HorseNail Rods, Oral, half tfal, halt rouiid. Square, Flat, Round Irons, all sises Horse Shoes ahd Nails, Files, Cellows, Stocks, and Die3, flaiamers 11 Water' Street, LEIGH SON, GROCERS, Forwarding and Commission Merchants, No.

10, Campbell' harf, Norfolk, Va, J. P. Leigh.x J. Y. Leigh.

Particular attentloh given to the sale of Produce. Liberal advances. made. September 18, 1851. 2-3-tf JOHU STEVENflOM.

JAMES WEDDELL. Stevenson A. Weddell, 1MPO RTERS AMD JOBBERS OF FANCY AND STAPLE DRY-GOODS 73 and 80 Sycamore-street, PETERSBURG, VA. artH-1 1 VICKERY GKIPFntTTT Wholesale and Retail Dealert Book3 and Stationary, No 19, Majs Street, Norfolk, Va Are for Conrad Meyer's celebrated Piano Fortes, and Silas C. Herring's Salamander Safes, 3-27 -y JAMES T.

LITTLRJOIIN, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, OXFORD, GRANVILLE N. C. Will attend regularly the County and Superior Courts of Granville, Warren Franklin, Wke and Nash. 15- Sl MeVCBl PRACTICAL HATTER, No. 7, Market Shuarr, Norfolk, Va.

Dealer in Furs, Panamt, Leghorn, Straw and Wool Hals, rf every description Umbrellas and Canes. Always on hand, a large stock, whole-Rle and retail. 3-43-1 DONNANS Jc GROCERS COMMISSION MERCHANTS. PETERSBURG, VA DOJifiAS fe commssioin merchants: UICH.MMOND, I). Do.vnan, J.A.Johnston, ftcsulent Partners, PetersburgV.

S. C. DtXNA.V, Resident Partner, Piichmoml, Va rnj" Cousisnmcnfs dfUibacco, Cotton, Corn, Wheat, respettfully solicited. January, 1853. 5-8 Sm COMMISSION HOUSE Pot era in tho Citv of urg DINWIDDIE GHIGG.

(Late Inspector of Tobacco at West HiT. Ware House,) will receive and sell on commission Tobacco, Wheat, corn, Flour, Uacon, CHon, AnLl7yJiI7IYr7SOCL7CB. fspirits ex 12 respectfully offers his professional services to the public. Calls loft at his OtUce over the store of Messrs Norwood Alston, or at Brownlow's Hotel, will receive prompt attention. Coming to the place an entire stranjrer.

he 1 rusts it will not be deemed indelicate to cive pub licity to a letter which he had the pleasure of pre- MORTI5IEU IXVFRENCII, Mm D. D. D. HAVING located in Warrenton with the view of making it a permanent residence. I i I i 1 I i I I IN iva i un c.

TrETIT.NS his thWnk frml nd the JLt public, mhn have lilH-rnlIy rtaffornfed hm during the past rer. and takes this means of informing thero that he has removed his shop to the North side of Public Square, second door from the corner, and is prepared ta put up any and every article in his line io a substantial and nuiMiHinimf mmntr. 1 Ti 1 Ladies Shoes, every style and of the bet and finest matenalt, will be kept on hand, of his own an4 orders fill ed at short notice. Gcntlemrji's rise Calf ad Morscco Coots. Shoes and Gaiters, (vf the latter of which he has an extra fine lot.) will be keul constant! on hand and made to order.

Misses' itocs, of all kinds suitable for keep in the feet dry in walking to school. Heavy 1 'rowans, Uitchers Boots and cither kinds of heavy articles, sewed and' pgt will be kept on hand of his owii make. All jobs will be warranted He has laid in And shall keep on hand, none but the best mate rials, and having in Ins employ experieeted and taiuuul worKmen he feels eoniideiit of being able to cue satisfaction tdall who may pa'-ronize him. He invites alf persons wishing to pore base any article in the shoe line to rive huu a call. SEYMOUR'S BROAD CAST GRAIN AND GUANO SOWER We confidently recora- mend this Machine to farmers.

Having but little machinery, it is durable and flily kept jn order, and sows regularly, any quantity of Grain or uuano desired. rank Kuthn, Editor of the Soufnern Planter, thus Comments on It "We are so perfectly convinced of its great value in efficient working capacity, cheapness. durability and simplicity of construction, that we do not. hesitate to recommend it, to the pab-; lie a ming wuica is Known we do not Olien venture upon. Again, one horse works the ma1- chine.with: perfect ease.

It sows a breadth of ten feet as: fast as a horse can walk, and carrying two bushels at a time, does hot require as many stoppages as are necessary by a man who seeds by hand Ihe seeding too, is entirely mdepen dent of the wind, and was done with us as well during very high winds, which prevailed most of I'me, as. during a calm, because the seed are delivered no close to the ground. We not only recommend the machine therefore, to every farmer, but we urge them to buy it, not on Mr. Sey mour a account who is nothing to us, but on their own." THOS. BRANCH 4-SONS, Sole Agents f'r Petersburg.

ii hi BURRELL'S AND HUSSEY'S PREMIUM GRAIN REAPERS! ARE READY TO SUPPLY PLANT ERS with these justly-celebrated Reapers atfJManufacturers' rnces. I liey both operate oli the same. principle, and are by lar rhemot pppu Reapersin Eastern Virgftim. They are adapt ed for cutting Wheat, Oats and Grass, and have side deliveries, so that the team and machine may ass ogam, without treading. oil the gram, there leaving it to be cured.

These Rear ers are made of the best materials, and in the strongest and most durable manner. One will easily, cut twenty acres per day. Address THOS. BRANCH SONS, May 24 Sole Agents for Petersburg. FIRST PUEMIUAI PIANO FORTES.

"TTSTILL1AM KNABE, senior partner of the IT late ujm of Ivnabe (jnelile if has just re-established 'the manufacture and sale of wihu tvtxtrrtn ts FOIlTUS.un'-der the narae of W.M; KNAKtl if old stand, Nos. 1, 3, "5, and 7, North opposite the EuUtw Ilwuse, Baltimore, Md. Thankful for the extensive patronage received by the late firm for the last fifteen" years, the undersigned tulbrms the public, that since the death of one of his partners. MK Henrv Gashle, by which the partnership wa3 he has purchased the entire large slock of unfinished lumber, and other prepared jnate-rials belonging tc the latefirni. He will therefore continue the business at the old stand as above, and will endeavor uot only to sustain the well established reputation of.the.4ate firm, but to excel all former efforts in perfecting the Piano Forte.

In addition to the old established vvarehousps and factory on Eutaw pear Baltimore street, lie has started a very large New Factory on South Eutaw street, fronting on West street, where he has now employed a large number of the most experienced In this factory, he is making Pianos upon a new and improved scale, the first of which was deposited in the late Fair'of the Maryland Institute, at which it took the highest premium over the unusual competition of fourteen Pianos exhibited by some of the best makers in 'Bostoii, New Baltimore. Extract from the Report of the Judges on usical Instruments, made to the Committee on Awards, of the Eighth Annual Exhibition of the Maryland Institute, for the promotion of the Mechanic Arts, for the year 1855. To the Committee on Awards The special committee of judges of class No. 45, after a protracted and careful examination of the Musical Instruments, deposited at the Eighth Annual Exhibition, have agreed upon the following report which they respectfully submit First in the first class, stands the 6 34 octave Piano, made and deposited by William Knabe (No. 5,) which for the sweetness and evenness of its tone, as well as for the perfect regularity of its'touch, has been considered best of all the Pianos on exhibition.

Signed by Edward M. Green way, George Flick, Charles Gold, J.T. Stoddard, Louis E. Smith, Charles! Grobe, This judgment of the Institute, was immediately afterwards confirmed At the Industrial Exhibition, of Richmond, where the fi ret Premium was also awarded him. By the facilities combined in his two'establish-ments, he is' enabled to fill with promptness and satisfaction, all orders with hich he may be favored.

i All Pianos at his factory have full Iron Frames, being so constructed as to secure great additional strength, without affecting the tone, and therefore wilt rtarad in any climate. Pianos made to order, of any kind of wood, and with any style of finish, that may be desired. The greatest care is bestowed upon his frork, and the selection of the best materials; and every Instrument turned out of hi factory can there fore be fully warranted by him, possessing all the qualities requisite for a good Piano. AH Instruments of his manufacture are "also guaranteed for five years from the day of sale. Particular attention is paid to the atlertion of Instruments for distant orders, and a privilege of exchange granted at any time within six months from the day of sale, should such Instrument not give entire satisfaction.

Wholesale dealers will find it to thetr advan tage to give him a call before purchasing tjsc. where. Constantly bo hand a fine assortment of Melo-deon, of the best makers, at prices ffom 15 t(. N. Piuos exc.hanreJ, hired and tuned WM.

KNABE Baltimore, Md NORWOOD, PARKER Sc co Jnt. al iNo to AND GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING No. 38 SYCAIilORE Street, Comer of ATTENTION, YE LOVEKS OF THE BEAUTIFUL! I these republican times, when a man can pursue the bent of his own inclinations, in selecting to what vocation he will lend his labors, and when each one, by consequence, has his own business to attend to, it befalls air individual to sing his own praise, and it befalls the publie at large to seek a verification in propriis of the representation which i he makes of his mode of dealing and and the quality of the articles by which he hopes to attract the fancy. To this attestation the proprietor confidently challenges the scrutiny of the public. In doing so, however, he must ask indulgence of a portion of the community whose favor he would especially court.

It wocld be little short of impudence to proclaim in Petersburg, so prcverbial forthe beauty of its "fair sex," that an offspring ef man's fancy could give an additional polish to the exterior of its ladies but there is something in the inner attains its perfection of development in the female mind, to which the beautiful peculiarty addresses itself and it is with a reference to this mystic influence that he ventures his invitation. The extetisive valua ble and fancy-intoxicating collection of evefy thing that appertains to a jeweller' line of business, alluded to, can be seen At J. T. YOUNG'S Emporium of Fashion, No. 40 Sycamore street.

He hopes the public will not seek for a criterion of his rapidity of motion as well as that of some his articles of trade, in the sign which is suspended before his door; the one is beautifully slow in its motion, if in motion at all, but the other only requests a trial to prove his promptitude in fulfilling his contracts. Among the innumerable variety of articles which he has to exhibit, can be found the following, viz 1 gold hunting lever watches do duplex do; dd anchor do; do cylinder do; silver hunting lever do; do do anchor do; do do cylinder do; gold bracelets, breast-pins, ear-drops, thimbles; fob, vest and gunrd chatalaine silver ware, table, tea pottm, cake and fruit goblets, Bait cellars, mustard pickle knives, forks and spoons, plated ware, do tea sets, castors, waiters, fruit and card baskets, candlesticks, snuffers and trays, Besides these there are many others, an enumeration of whicht it would require the patience of a Job to peruse, and just apprecia-tionof which can only be effectedby the skillful eye ef the practised artist, lie is prepared to furnish everything in his line of business on the most satisfactory terms. Call soon, lest every body call before you, and you be forced to re- ret, when you do caw, mat you naa not caueu before. ja4n23 J. T.

YOUNG. BOOKS AND STATIONERY, II LKS A AND TAIL VICKERY No. 19 Main Norfolk, offer to the city nd country t.ade the largest stocks of Books and Stationery! ever before offered in this market. Believing that the wants of the city and sur rounding country, will sustain an establishment conducted on as extensive a scale as those found in the largest cities of the-Union, they have been induced greatly to increase their stock, and have during the last two or three weeks purchased in the Northern and Eastern markets, (on the very best terms.) a large supply of books every department of literature, together with all kinds of foreign and domestic stationery, which they now offer for sale, on as goodjerms as any establish ment the united btates, and altogether worthy of the patronage of an intelligent community. I hey have made arrangements with all the principal publishers of -the rto be supplied with new publications, as soon as issued from the press.

They have also obtained the agency ot ail tne leading periodicals published in England and in this country, which they will furnish at the subscription prices. All foreign books not on hand will be imported to V. G. have, connected with their store, a very extensive bookbindery and blank book manufactory, and with competent and ex perienced workmen, they are prepared to manufacture all kinds of blank books with punctuality and dispatch, and to bind printed books jm the most improved styles. 1 Schools, Colleges and Libraries furnished with books-ou the most liberal ttrms Country1 merchants and strarigcrs- visiting the ci ty will please eXainiue Wr tfJ PORT ANT TO EVERYBODY Having just returned from the North, I Like pleasure announcing to my customers and the public, that my stock of Dry Goods, Jewelry, Clothing, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Hats and Cap3, Boot3 and Elioea, is uow complete, It has been my desire ii.tentlon have this stock better than any other in this section of country, and no pains or expense have been spared to accomplish this object; and I now offer it to my customers and the public, with the assurance for styles, qualities, cheapness and varieties, it is not excelled by any house in this country.

J.AUGUST. P. S. I have this day received a large variety of fashionable Mohair Head, Dresses, which will be sold remarkably low. ray 2-tsJ J.

A. WHEAT THRASHERS AND HORSE TWVERS. We furnish Thrashers and tiorse rowers, ot the most approved at factary prices, including Sinclair's, and wmtmore Cylinders, with self-oiling box es, and Lever and Railway Powers. THOS. BRANCH 30NS, May 24-7-y Petersburg Virginia.

FUST RECEIVED A large supply of prime some tery low priced 14- B. PERKINSON. ztrM im adc i nt hii SKY-OCHT GALLERY, in' the most improved ty1 of lh Art, And to place them in I Lockets, Breast Pin, ptain and fancy Caaea, Frames, of, which be fas jitst received a new find oeaUHIUl STOrimrlli uu m- at moderate price. If he cannot furnish at good a picture ft any Artist in the Union, he will not charge acent. He has had a Ions; experience, ha studied carefully the art, h4 ha kept up with all the im provementa that' have been made.

If any one should suppose that he cannot obtain a fine likeness without goingNortb let him pay one visit to this G.lry and satisfy himself I-2S) The British Periodicals THE i FARMER'S GUIDE. GREAT REDUCTION IN THE PRICE OF LATTER PUBLICATION. New York, continue to. publish the following leading British Pe riodicals, viz TIIE LONDON aUAETERLY, (Conservative.) -THE- EDINBURGH REVIEW, Whig.) THE NORTTI BRITISH REVIEW, (Free Church.) TIIE WESTMINSTER REVIEW, (Liberal.) BLACK WOOD'S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE, (Tory.) The great; and important events Religious, Political and Military now agitating the nations of the Old World, give to tkese Publicatious an interest and value they never before possessed. They occupy a middle ground the hastily written news items, crude speculations, and flyin rumors of the newspaper, and the ponderous Tome of the historian, written long after the living interest in the facts he recojrds shall have passed away.

The progress of the War in the East occupies a large space in their pages. Every movement is closely whether of friend or foe, and all Tchort-comiiigs fearlessly pointed out. The lejter3 from the Crimea ami from the Baltic in Black wocd's Magazine, frpm two its most popular contributors, give a more intelligible and reliable' account of the movement of the great belligerents than can elsewhere be found. These Periodicals" ably represent the. three reat political parties of Great BritaiD Whig, Tory, and Radical rbut politics forms only one feature of their character- As Organs of the most profound writers ou -Science, Literature, Morality and Religion, they stand, as they ever have stood, unrivalled in the world of letters, being considered indispensable to the scholar and the piofessionat man, hile to the intelligent rea-.

der of every class they furnish a. more correct and satisfactory record of the eurrect and' satisfactory record of. the current literature of the day, throughout the world, than can be possibly obtained from any other source. EARLY COPIES. The receipt of Advance Sheets from the British publishers gives additional vahie to the Reprints especiaUyFuring thepreseot exciting state of European affairs, inasmuch a3 they can now be placed in" the hands -of subscribers 'about as soon as the original editions.

TERMS. Per ann. S3' 00 For any one of ihe four Reviews For any two of Ihe four Reviews, For any three of the four Reviews, For all four of the Blackwood's Magazine, For Blackwood and three Reviews For Blackwood and the four Reviews, Payments to be mide in all cases in 5 00 00 00 00 00 7 3 9 10 00 advance. Money'scurrent in the State where issued will be ftredtTir i i CLUBBLNG. A discount of twenty-five per cent, from the above prices will be.

allowed to Clubs ordering four or more copies. of any one or more of the above works- Thus: Four copies of Blackwood, of of one Review, will be scut to one address for $9 four copies of the four Reviews and Blackwood, for. $30 and so on. Postage. i In nil the principal cities and towpajhere works will be delivered, flee of postage.

When mail, the postage to any part of the United States will be but twenty-four cents a year for "Blackwood," and but. fourteen cents a year for each of the Reviews. TIin-FAUWER'S GUIDE To Scientific and Practical By Henry F. U.S.,' of Edinburgh, and the late J. Pr Norton, Professor of Scientific Agriculture in Yale College, New Haven.

2 vols. Royal Octavo. 's 1CO0 pages, and numerous Wood and Steel Engravings This is, confessedly, the most complete v.ork on Agriculture ever published, and in- order to give it a wider circulation the publishers have resolved to reduce the price to live Dollars for tie lrco Volumes rrThis work is not the old "Book of the Farm." Remittances for any of the above publications should always be addressed, pOst-paid, to the Fublisners, 1 LKO.AUl) SCO I I h20 --s No 54 Gold Street, New York. The Temple of Fashion, No, 7 Market Street NORFOLK JUST DECEIVED CASES OF STRAW GOODS. Anticipating an early and large'trade, 203 I have laid in u.

very extensive assortment of Spriugandummer Hatsi My stock is carefully selected of the largest mannfcctureis in the -Uni ted Slates, and embraces everything kew and desirable, at prices that ennnot to i'rica(la find it to their ad vantage to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere, as I am detentiined to sell at the low est rates, and on such terms as -rannothe surpassed by any first class wholesale Northern IIoue. Rrir; steve AS, Practical Xo. 7 ilarket Square, Norfolk, Va. 1 fe 10 SPIUNQ TKADE. "TVTEW GOODS.

Tumbutl Son respectful- ly make 4uown tothetr friends and the public generally that they are now receiving and keep constantly on hand at their Family Grace rv Store, on Alain lrginia and Nortl Carolina cured Bacon of the best quality. Lard in kegs, Sugar Coffee, Molasses, Powder and JShot. 1 hey have also an assortment of Staple Gooa3, boots, snocs, nais ot alt Kwius. crockery. naruware, occ, ona, a Corsfec tioneries.

always fresh andof the- best quality, oranges, lemons, prunes, English imitation cheese, a nice article and every thing else in tuis line. They will continue to receive fresh orauses. lem ons and chees regularly throughout the summer. They are thankful for past favors, and will be glad, in the future as heretofore, to sell any arti i i cie low lor casn, or it punciuai customers on a short credit. Warrenton, April, 15th, 1856 tf "JTOTICE.

AH persons indebted to the sub- 1N senbers ore earnestly requested to settle- tlieir either by payment or je G-ts NORWOOD ALSTON. fy motto being. nuict k4iIps and tiro. in, a win ten cneap as ClSH. C.

1. 1 aiiyoiiier r.rm, tor a Jk BPLRKIN'SON. K'Vt, n47 tf HJartison's Columbian! Hair Dye. Site ea- -H-iarg-a, style It hasj double the quantity and any i n- It gives a perfectly natural color, It col ors every hude fn hi light brown to black. It is perfertly harnileM tjo the sltin.

If ellect is liistantaneou a .1. and permanenf. It is the best, quickest ihenpest mtd cafest uye ever made. Directions Tor use accompanr each boyj a a Price 1 oz. SI; 2 02.

ox. fi J. according in f- umcei.i me Uistrtcl of U.S. for tlie Eal em DiKtrict of Pcnnsvlvaniia. For sale by IL! PEHKlKSON.

1 iinnuiaciurer, miioi South 7th afreet, fi lade! ll 13-1 Tot tho U.rn. The Kubscriber begs eive In invite the at tectinjnj of those who ride or drive, to a varied and V54- pviiawi wssorinient or Sat. 1 i 1 plete nit varritJfi, now com-and ready to roll mut terms mat 'lail to ease. Ife is deter mirred to sell, even if he has to do ao iht rrdufft pricesand tliose vwho deeikel to purchase would do well to call immediately. TjZt New work of the 1et Und put up hi ii Curtch Factory, at the shortest notice, and workmanlike manner, i It Call and examine rhy stock on lhaiHl.

1 A I'O' Wt Warrcjiton, April 4 ts JaHmers, are you in wint of a Fan Mil thi JL will separate from youif wheat nil impurities, say cocttle, garlic, cheat1, Ac, and make it perftly clean for markeij, or for seed If so, send an order to Farmers; Head Quartes, an-1 procure one of Rockaway said by thosewho have trifd' then to be the fern in use Price 34. lak also hand bans, (hare takH 51 R-dair Fans, Grant's CnnlonN r.ini?' in price from 15 to 35. Al Uu be suited isprice and quahty. 4 IORUM St MeCLEJlSm mm GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, BACK- Street, Petersburg, Virginia. THE undersigned have entered into a copartnership for the purpose of conducting a general Hardware and Carriage Material business in the City of Petersburg, under the name of FAL- William Falconer and S.

Armistead Plummer Are General Partners, and will reside in Peters burg. William Plummer is Special Partner, nhd has contributed and paid in SixThousand Dollars, and resides in Warrenton, North Carolina The said copartnership is to continue until 1st January, 1861. Given under our han.ds tlus 2d day of Februa ry, nuriDD General Partners WM. PLUMMER. Special Partner State of North Carolina, County of Warren.

fto wiO Henry Macon, a Justice of the Peact, for the county in the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that William Plummer, whose name is signed to the writing above, has acknowledged the same before me in my county aforesaid. Given under my baud the 2d day of February, 1856. (Signed) H. I. MACON, J.

P. City of Petersburg, wit; This day personafly appeared before Jus tice of the Peace for the city aforesaid, S. A. Plummer! and made oath that William Plummer has paid in the concern of the sum of six thousand dollars. Given under my hand this 5tl day of Februa cy, 1856, (Signed) DAVID TOTTS, J.P.

CjrAH those indebted to Falconer, Plummer Co. and Falconer Plummer prior to 1st of January, 1856, are requested to settle their ac counts at oiice, as longer indulgence cannot be given. FALCONER PLUMMER, fel5 No. 10 Bollingbrook Street. Try PltnriliAMATION BY HIS EXCELLENCY THOMAS BRAGG GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF NORTI CAROLINA.

Whereas, an act was passed by the last Gen feral Assembly of State, by a vote of three fifths of all the members thereof, a duly certified rnnv-nf which is na fnlln-ws; AN ACT to amend the Constitution of the State of North Carolina WneaAs, A large number of the people are dis i i i i i irancniseu oyine ireenoiu quauucar.on'naw re quired of voters, for members of the Therefore, Sec. Iz Be it enacted by the General issembly of the State of JSortli Carolina, and it is hereby enact ed hu the authority of the same, (three-tilths of th whole number of members of each House concur the 2nd clause of the 1st section of the 1st article of the'amehded Constitution, ratified by tne people ot xsortn Carolina on the second JMon day of November, in the year of Our Lord eigh teen hundred and thirty-five, shall be amended to read as follows: Every free white man of theag of twenty-one years, being a native or naturaliz ed citizen of the United States, and who has been an inhabitant of the Slate for twelve month a. I 1 .1 immediately preceding-tne day ot any election and shall have paid public taxes, shall be entitled to vote for a member of tne benate for the district in which he resides. Sec. 2.

Be it further enacted. That the Governor of the State be, and" he is hereby directed to issue his proclamation to the people of orth Carolina, at least six months before the next election for' members of the General Assembly, setting forth the purport of this act, and the amendment to the Constitution herein which proclamation shall be accompanied by a true and perfect copy of the act, authenticated by the certificate of the Secretary of State, and both the proclamation and the copy of this act, the Governor of the State shall cause to be published in ten newspspera of this State, at least six months before the election of members to the General Assembly. Read three times and ratified in General Assem bly this 3d day of February, 1855. SAM'fc P. HILL, Speaker of the llonse of Commons.

WARREN W1NSLOW, Speaker rf the Senate. State of North Carolina, Oiliceof the Secretary of State. Wiliiarre JJill, Secretary of State, in and for the Slate of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the original as ratified and on file in this office. Given under my harui this 21th day of January, 1856. W.

HILL, SeerUaru of Slate. Now, therefore, in conformity to the; Consljtu- tion'of the cuate and the of the aforesaid act, 1 do issue, this my proclamation. making known to the people of North Carolina the provisions of said ncl-aud the amendment thereby proposeutto be made to. the Constitution of the State, and do cause the same to be publish ed in ten newspapers.of this State six months be fore the election of members of the next Geueral Assembly. In testimony whereof, 1, Thomas Bragg, Governor of the State of North Carolina, have hereto set my hand and caused the L.S.

great seal of the State to'be hereto affixed. Done at the City of Raleigh, this the 21th day of January, A. 1856, in the 80th year of our Independence. THOS. BRAGG.

By the Governor Pclaski Cowter, Pritale Secretary. Raleigh, January 21, 1 856. n30 Cm SUGAR. "Stuart's" coffee, crushed and powdered sugar, for sale by JL M. MARTIN, BRO.

if ja8 123 SycVe st. Petersburg, Va. rt npadquaiie.ii, atlga Water itrM. y. SCHL0SS 4, BROTHER take pleasure i nouncm to citizen of Raleigh, and the public in eneraL tjirit they ha efcanpeit tHirfirm by taking in a a pnner Xt.

Grausman, uho vill Clothing utiiLliiiirSuuf. in i' nenung to a genneman nere, Dy wnose pernns sion it is inserted i i Baltimore, Aug. 9, 1S53. Dr. Howard Dear Sir have exeat uraiicneK.

All orders will receive strict attention Any garment sent for will finiuli tor warded to its destination wjithin eiHit day. sizes of Coats, Tanfai Vests, (tc, constantly kept up ly our own original nxrcfwuit tailoring establishment of jOSPJfi Broiher Light and Mercer Twlumore, Md. UurDry Goods shall and urut lK "00" as we are anxions to makpl our store a Rfgular Clothing House. Call awJ get, Dry Goods "or before wc send tjieui rf to Actier Raleigh, Jan. 21, 1 85(T.

"HlC' A I SHOP IS now open at the old IctarJ MitcfielU-for the reception of all kinds of work in that bae. The services of Davy; known as a w. mm a iure cnoer. has fH Unit. a r.

my. m.m' Ti-V cnipetent help he Smith Shop have, on a connection wi fa tner cornea rcq a wood shop, ir4 tacturcd-and repaired, at thd wbicB I nave ma nil shortest noiice, ag ons of all kiiila rw "crse Carts, c. 4c. it w. jiy personal inspection of boto aepariuiciiw.

wni. inc. 'i tta anxious to servc Wuutlu momft paired I Thankful for former linage, I hoj-e to nier- wuunBance of the IS B. COLLINS. have also on W'if ild a feur nice AVooden ure in introducing to you my friend D.

French M. a graduate of tho Baltimore College of Dental Surgery. 1 liave been acquainted with Dr. F. for about four years', during a part of which time he assisted me in practice.

lie is a man of irreproachable moral character a welled- seated Dentist, ana inoroughly skilled in all the departments of lus proiession. You may there fore recommend mm wun connctence to such of your friends as may need the services of a den tisf Very truly yours, Vi auglG Cm C. A. HARRIS. GRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS.

We M'lll furnish, the coming season, at mmn facturers' prices, Hussey's and Barrall's Wheat Reapers; Baldwin's, Sinclair's and Whitman's Horse rowers and Vlieat hrashers. TIIOS. flTMXCII SOXSm apl 1 ts Petersburg, Old sl.No. 8. Mm i.

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