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The Rocket from Rockingham, North Carolina • Page 3

The Rocketi
Rockingham, North Carolina
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Rockingham llocket. A KIGMT OF TISRRQR County Commissioners. From the Spirit of the South. A Mutual Misunderstanding Between the THURSDAY, SEPT. 16, 1886.

Cold weather is Coininsr New Machinery. Our streets have been made warm for a week past by wagons hauling machinery to the Roberdel mill. The last of the lot of one hundred new plaid looms is beins transnort- This body was in session on Tues dayand Wednesday last and the1 following is an outline of the most Buckleys Aruica Salve. The best Salve in the world for bruises, cuts, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores' tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures Piles, pr no pay It is guaranteed to I give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box.

For sale by Thomas S. Cole. LOCAL DEPARTMENT. -s 0 1 R. W.

ENIGHT, Local Editob. important of the proceedings ed and placed in position. The mill AlSrp YOU WILL JSTEEP UJinter Clothing, Boots and TO KEEP YOU WARM. W. F.

Brookshire and J. J. Ben win men be fitted up with a bun dred plain looms and a hundred for i aees. From the Wadesboro Intelligencer. Wednesday night, September the 1st, was the time appointed for the uprising among the Richmond county negroes, it was generally believed and a great many, of the white people were really looking for the uprising.

negroesi on the other hand, had heard that a white army five thousand strongwere camping in Wadesboro, ready to swoop down nett were appointed a committee to contract for the building of a bridge ANNOUNCEMENT. JSW over JtJig Mountain creek, near J. J. Remcanber.we are ilreTjared as per petition filed. V'vv'- 'v'i'A I am a candidate for Sheriff of Richmond county? subject to the action of the Democratic nominating convention.

If chosen for the oflBce I shall endeavor, in the future, as I MY STOCK IS COMPLETE, And will be sold as Cheap as the Cheapest. Also have Fresh Stock of Groceries and Confectinoeries' to do all kinds of Job Printing on short notice, and irill Archie McNeill, (son of Mrs. Polly Mctfeillj and J. P. McRae were plaids.

All arrangements preparatory for the manufacture of the latter quality of goods will be ready after this week. The plaids' now being turned out by the twenty-six looms in operation are of first class finish and compare favorably with the Pee Dee plaids. We are glad to note such improvements in our section. drawn to serve as jurors in place of ofany- first-class house 1 in this section of the State. uavo aone in tne past, to merit the confidence of the people by a faith- yjtvu bucm at, any aour and exterminate the last one of them.

When the earthquake shook wna AND THE FINEST ASSORTMENT OP CRACKERS IN ToHvN GILES E. OTSHABT. H. Morrison and John G. Mc-Keithan, excused.

The time of the board Wednesday was fully occupied in revising the iui uiscnarge oi, auty. Bebry Bryant." felt on-Tuesdav nisrflt, wai 'the tneges "af Lh at Dr' .7 oes auer owlkes drue store. Also then jury list, which is required by law aad tbe negrofis thought tho fth slock of pkial The Palmetto Railroad." There has been talk for some time rumbling was the tramp of the white dies- to De done once a year. i The following appointments were made of registrars of voters in the Cotton, 8 to 8i cents. This is another dull week for news.

See notice of Mr. Wz Tillett, calling township conventions. s. The fall term of the Su perior Court for this county convenes on Monday week, 27th, Judge Gilmer presiding. New Advertisements.

army's, deadly footsteps. In less than twenty minutes.lully onehun- several townships for the apprbach- vROOKmGHAM. O. Pure ared white people, of all ases. ofPbuilding the above road, to run from Hamlet to many persons never believed that it would be built, but these will be converted when they learn that iron is rapidly arriving at Hamlet for this road, and MOMoir men scuooi and conditions, had assembled at the residence of Col.

John P. Little, Fall Session pens Aujr. 30th, '86. 7 Several of our citizens report hav-k MEDICINES, CHEMI PAINTS, VAEl near Maneum. neCTORR in t.Pr.

lug-rtrrrfaro shocks of earthquake on ror, fled in TevCTTitfrft; mat tlie track laying will begin-at CALS, PATENT MEDI ITISIIEStb CINES, TRUSSES, SHOUlr piteously to their wlUs and praying to be savedt the terrible -white army. Qae iarkev -on tug eiecuon JNovember next Steele's J. P. Little, Jr. Mineral Springs J.

II. Hines. Black Jack W. D. Townsend.

Beaver Dam James Graham. Rockingham S. Ledbetter. Wolf Pit JasA. Harrington Williamson's Gibson.

Laurel Hill A. A. Malloy. 1 wartsville HjMcLaurin. No poll holders were appointed.

There are 32 regular out door pau oncer I his road is xmned by Mon-cure Robinson. It is understood that he has secured use of the tracks of the Raleigh Gaston and the INSTEUCTION thorough, and practical; board and tuition quite reasonable discipline mild but firm. Country produce talcen in exchange for tuition. For full particulars, eend for circular to J. A.

MONROE, A. Principal, 34-lm Monroe, N. C. FOR SAXE i A DER BRACES, -'J the premises of Mr. JiS.

Pemberton. CANDIES, STATIONERY, CIGAESTOB A CCO AND and who prides himself on his bravery, when he heard the noise grabbed PAPER, PENS, INK, i Raleigh Augusta railways from Weldon to Hamlet. It unquestion his gun and, going to the door, fired Cheap for Cash or 07b Time. ably means a through line from BUIST'S FRESH GARDECJ SEEDS. Pare Wines and Liquors for Medicinal Purposes Alwrys on Hand Saturday night.

A shock was also felt on Friday night IXt.Im. IL Russell is in th Northern market! purchasing his fall and winter goods, which will begin to arrive in a day or two. i llr. H. -Dockery is getting in one of the most complete stocks of fall and winter goods he has ever and' maintains his reputation of keeping- the "cheap cash store." Call and inspect his stock.

Mr. T. C. Guthrie loft Monday pers on the county 16 white and 16 colored. Number of Dauners at the oui inu) me aarK.

Liouaer and loud- TITY DWELLING HOUSE near Fifth er grew the noise, and more 1V1 Avenue, in Rockingham. furious grew the shakmg.i Dropping Apply to McKae or Capt I Hamlet to Raleigh. Like much railway work in this State, it is kept as mysterious as possible. a poor house, 11 all colored but two Physicians' Prescriptipn3 carefully compounded at all hours, day or night. his gun the darkeyjfled from the vereu- Nancy Yates and Katie McKeith- G.

H. HALL, Red Springs. N. C. house, crying, Lord 1 Oh, Lord 1 Please don't shoot 1 Please don't I shoot! I'll give up 1 Oh, Lordy, I'se an.

Cost of feeding the paupers during the past two months, $141.40. Cost of feeding during same time, $112.11. Number of prisoners now in jail, 6 all colored but one. so skeered." The whites soon discovered their night for Nashville, to take a error, but the negroes were confront-1 ed with a great terror when they nine month's law course in Yander- I' OFFER for rent for the year 1887 the plantation on which I now live, known as tnet'MoUy Love place, about four miles northwest Rockingham. There is a good nearly new dwelling house oT five rooms on the place, convenient outhouses, atables, etc.

also well of good water and a splendid mineral sDrine. Location ishieh and noted Sabbath School Mass-Meeting. Last Saturday, was a day, of unusual interest at Mt Pleasant church, near Ellerbe Springs. The various schools of Rockingham circuit came together in mass-meeting, presided over by Rev. F.

L. Townsend, pastor. A large number of the patrons and friends was in attendance. The exercises were interspersed with choice sacred songs, under the leadership of that competent singer, Mr. W.

W. Gibson, and speeches by Mr. Frank biliJJni versity. We hope, and pre found no army was after IW 7 I KN. CALL- Th ey im agined that the Lord had dict, that he will attain distinction in the profession he has chosen.

sent a special judgment upon them I for its healthtulness. There is a two horse and let the devil loose right in their Col. W. L. Steele, President, was Xaim uiiuer uuiiivauiuii, nuiuu xa uuiupoia-tively.

freah land and very fertile. Excel--lent orchard of fruits of all varieties. Markets, Churches and Schools in convenient reach. midst. They, began to pray, and now you can hardly find a darkey among the first to forward one hundred dollars contribution of the Pee Dee Manufacturing Company to the iri all that country who has not got I will rent either for one' year or for a Garrett, Rev.

Walter Townsend, of religion. term of years, as circumstances may war earthquake sufferers in Charleston. rant. Notice! The Democrats of Richmond county will assemble in their usual places in respective townships on Saturday, 2nd day of October, 1886, at 3 o'clock p. to select delegates to represent them in the county convention which will meet in Rockingham on the 5th of October, 1886, to nominate candidates for the county offices.

The Executive committee recommend that at the township conventions a primary election be held, giving to every Democrat who attends the township-convention the privilegeTof by vote his choice of candidates for the various offices to be filled; and that the vote of the townships be cast in the county convention in accordance with the result of this primary elec Receipt was acknowledged through To My Friends and Patrons. For further particulars call on JOHN C. ELLERBE. Messrs. Johnston, Crews Co.

Robeson, Mr. William Smith and Mr. J. T. LeGrand, in the order in which their names are written.

The occasion is reported as a marked success, and in no feature more than in the speeches made -Mr. LeGrand New York, Sept. 13, 1886. Wait a few davaand I will have I An lnnilllPrtinn I The best bargains we have seen for a long time, are being: offered by Mr. H.

C. Watson, in hosiery, gloves, lor your lnspecuo" me iargesi, ine newest, the neatest and cheapest stock of goods that it has eTer been making the the younger H. C. WATSON MURDERED handkerchiefs and other lines of The Shirts are manufactured 'j from Wamautta or New Mills am0 I Pi. lin and the beBt 2200 power loom Linen.

A -They have edge, linen IM mv measure to oust lam here men measuring up also to relatively high expectations. Such occasions in the metropolis of these United I high prices by his judicious purchasss, now rood. Sow he can afford to States, the biggesi market for every-1 nYuig. qi them so is his own business result in advancing the important i -the public is satisfied to profit by tion, giving to each one voted for his proper per cent of the whole vote to buy for. you goolsvtUsitno, EW Sunday-School interest wherever TTeld." -v -y I tJL 'IoTir-pW-nck-baad.

wLtbhftLiade 'T the bargains wnicn ine lownsnip is chuubu. mercnau. can roaica in price. J. nese goods I shall offer to you at a small Each townsnip will also elect a margin on JNew lork cost.

1 came Township Executive Committee of here to buy goods low for cash, and five and-these townsnip executive I have been, here long enough to About the Earthquake. Mr. Henry Stewart, in last week from Georgia, gave quite a gra'phic account of his experience in passing -A revivaVirieeting has been in progress at Roberdel mill for more than a week and with good results. The meeting was organized first by persons engaged in the mill, and has committees will assemble at liock-ineham on the 5th of Octobor, 1886, find that I can do what I came to do. Hence I say, wait a few days and see my stock and my prices.

There is no use in fooling away a to elect a vjouniy Jiixecuuve uom- through the earthquake bdlt, between mittee. In Dry Goods we Have: Worsted goods from 6 cents per yd up. Ginghams in all colors. Peerless Velvets in all shades. Cloaks, Walking Jackets, Dolmans, Neckwear, Hosiery, Gloves, Corsets, READY-MADE CLOTHING, steadily extended its interest to the I gavannah and Charleston, on that By order of tne Democratic iiiXec- utive Committee.

back and 4 I KTSS The "SILVER" Shirts are.mannfact- I risa ured from Langdon Muslin and the best IM I I tSS 1900 power loom Linen, and have nearly I all the valuable improvements possessea 1 I fetjf by the "Gold" Shirts. Perfect fit and I I WTjn elegant in finish, inspection and compar- 1 1 ison show their immeasurable superiority. fJeJS I For Sale by M. H. RUSSELL.

3SS- JSm dollar when vou can save it by waiting only days." Thanking you for past patronage, I am surrounding country. Kev. Jesse nignt ot ight8 Aug. 31st. The first Page, of the Methodist church, has mtimati0n of the awful situation was Chas.

W. Tillett, Chairman. 13th of September, 1886. reached out there several times the appearance of danger A large line and cheaper than the cheapest. -xours iruiy, H.

Russell. COLD AND SILVER with powerful effect Thus far about I lights on tne railroad jbridge, not far 24 have connected themselves with out from Savannah, the train having Watches at New York wholesale Mr. Bellinger Smith, a merchant ihm Methodist church, and nity I i-fv thp nt R-40 p. The ensineer, rvriees. guaranteed solid ladies goiu Shirts, laundried aid unlarmdriecL Boots, Shoes, Hata and Caps.

CARPETS, Ingrain and Brussels, from 25c. per yd up. of Tryon City, Polk county; had the conversions in all are reported. at these signals, checked the speed cuff pins and Dreast-pins, misfortune to lose his storehouse -T of the train and approached the ZZl 4ateh and entire stock of goods by fire, I nave nearu bcci- ina the 6s-" 'A p.fiarma. hrilliants.

All xne yesterday morning Deiore HARDWARE, mark that last Sunday night was one LJ.Z The largest and most complete stock of latest styles and as Dottom pnees, ai i jhe origin of the fare is unsnown. i i. i pnmnK auu uus ncio vvluu'k Wooden and Willowware, Glassware and of tho mort oppressively noi mgoa with Dr. W. M.

Fowlkes Co's. iJrug ti ia was discovered the Crockery large assortment. Store. emphasis the cause storehouse was ablaze with flame, everything in the mercantile 1 Furmtiire aeemea ue ouuicw rv nMa nMp.nmR of the Eroods could be ta- une. XK MEMOKIAM-DAVID McKNIGHT, ThsLnWincr mv friends for cast favors and Personal ZT.Z&, Smith's -r rr.v ken from the building.

hoTHuer for a continuance of their liberal were sleeping by open windows I 3XT patronage, I remain ground was in the throes of an earth- hu8e th tell me that the remaina of my loss is $6,000 upon which he car-auake. The timbers of the bridge 1 0ia friend are brought here for burial and ed an insurance of only $1,500, H. C. WATSON. eryiruiy.

Observer, loin. were cracking and swaybg for some SS through which a stiff breeze was blowing, complain that they felt as if they were in front of a blastfurnace, and that they were literally bathed Shoe And Harness Shop. EAnnds. then all was auiet but, at- left for us who "one by t- not of sorts' with headache, stomach A 1UVV1 w. 1.

PIANOS AND ORGANS, mHE OLD AND RELIABLE SHOE disorder, torpid liver, pain in back or side, constipation, etc may be fatal. One dose of Strong Sanative Pills will give relief, Af ew doses restore to new health and vigor. ter eiamination, the train was moved one" are to follow. It would im a on across the 'stream. Repeated fflffjB an( Harness Shop of A.

W. Jones, located above stairs in the old postoffice build Of the best make on the installment plan felt as the train 1v nresent in thoueht. as it ran OUVWikW -tm n- I A i i ni i 4W Ko.v fhmncrh the vears mat are eone, sau ing, is still open to the visits of mends and the errands of all persons who mean busi Low prices and easy terms. prices ness. Mr.

Hiram Sheffield. a first class A Card. To all who are suffering from the errors and indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, I proceeaeasiowiy axuug, --c b-ereaved that ea one of passengers gorng on foot aneaa oi thgm jay be tbe graeious koeping of our a. Tt.w aiA lontsmQ tliA I V.ll,.. in Visnnn KTld all refit Well at last.

in perspiration. This was between 12 and 3 o'clock. Just before day wind shifted to the northeast and it turned much cooler. can take the cake fof runaway" One last weekEev. R.

S. Ledbetter flrnnsed at the unseasonable aroused 'at, the unseasonaoie Shoe and Harness maker, is in my employ, me jjy wsoiu ul jooci-4 ness. early aecay, loss oi mannooa, early decay, loss of manhood, Work guaranteed to be done as good and oorth Hnrhances cotild be seen. have: anown o.r TA will send sfrecine that wiU cure you, FREE as cheap as anywhere else the btate.

A trial will prove this fact. A. W. Jones. and in thousands of spots, on either Kra rfinferl side and in the center of the road- he .084 Send a'aetf-addreied envdope to the KQeuu iu came on Chickering Pianosf Arion Pianos, BENT; PI AN OS C.1Y BAKERY oh D.

New JOSEPH X. ww hour I again in full blast, presided over by a dents of his life the evening of 4 o'clock to unite a couple bed, appeared spouts of water jetting and his sunset drew after it the "curteins came 'from away up about the up from the goundn some places tmjttj I oi-fh riroken: wis me wiu uj Good of earth were broken, shadows Good lipst. ass BaKer. ana can now nu oruem Rf8ulls lu Every Case. fnr fresh BREAD.

CAKES, PIES. JtM Mills neighborhood. With larger spaces dbed bv the olouds and. will actine I leaving chasms ol several ieet in cir- pa8Sinff by, has Been D. A.

Bradford, wholesale paper dealer of Chattanooga, writes, that he was seriously afnjcted with a severe cold that at lowest prices for cash. Also have a full stock of i Groceries, Confectioneries, which will be sold cheap for-cash only. Give me a call. J. W.

HOLT. JUSON HAMLIN mined pair and sent them hence to with mUd and water, i ne train was when a near neighbor, in ac- milieu. pit tinyj. luimw settled OU ms lungs uuai ipsa many remedies without benefit. Being induced to determine' their leisure, which of UteraUy dragged along, the passen- Uve busiieas, good iealth, eniorag plenty Sead brn made gers walking a great distance, and WI.

try Dr. King's Hew Discovery for Con- ----9 -'-V-. "-w BayState Organs, f- ever and anon being shaken by sue- gcrm, elastic step, bland senile and sumption, did so and enUrely cured On' Monday evening last jur. Shocks. train, due af cheerful Voace, all come Dem me Wil Kvander Deaton stole a marcn on cessiye FftaNKLIN MCNEILL, 1 ATTORNEY AT LAW, ROCKINGHAM, N.

C. yesterday. Iolds with best results. This irlhe 4k arpnts of Misa Mary A. Leach, Charleston at 12 o'clock that night, of thousands whose lives have MASON HAMLIN Keminary, weenBooro reuiws heat! saved bv this Wonderful Ducoyjry.

T-naane Asylum. attest his Trial Bottles free at Thomas S. Cole's Drug Will practice in Iiicbmond, Kobeson, Store; skill his trade. "A By industry he had supported his family and saved the nucleus of i tlA who was under parental surveillance did not reach there till late in the for supposed matrimonial intentions, next day. The scene at Charleston and bore Off the said Miss Mary as on Wednesday, according to Mr.

a. willing captive. 'Squire Cooper beggars all description, and the par 'tied the "connubial knot, and they pers have but imperfectly drawn the Anson and Moore counties. FOUTZ'S a gOOCt provision lor oiu age wucu iuo -and awent it all away. It had also' ANTED, AT.

ONCE. I deliver freight-paid to your Order direct from' meand save time freight a9 ffir and will attend to your HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS Five hundred white boys and airls nPArest depot as cheap as yon uj "the factory pruarantees, 0 are now' as happy as a spring chick from 14 to 21 years of age to learn cigarette; wants in case anytnmg buuuiu en with" its head cut off. T3. C. picture.

By the first tram that pulled out from Charlestoar-either on Wednesday night or Thursday niorn-ingj we forget which Mr. was en E. P- nrJDBEVJS, Charlotte, making. The worK is ngntana very profitable to those who are willing to apply themselves diligently. Address, W.

DUKE, SONS Aug 18, '86. Durham, N. C. abled to continue his journey home W. GUTBRIK SON, Groceries I full, of Groceries of ail ward, reaching here safely but leel- Houi wtll tile of Cot.ic.

Bot or tro va, If Foutt' rril nei Fonte's I'owrtemwlllrtwanil prvu Hoornoi.M. til PM IV rtlTClA. CRilNnRIIJlT: taken from bin bis son of promise, a young man remarkable for his purity of character and devotion to his parents, i As a member, Trustee and Stewatd of the -Methodist Church in Greensboro for inany years while a resident of this place, part of which time I was pastor and Presiding Elder here, he was consistent, liberal, active, and highly respected by rhi3 brethren in the community As niy neighbor, Iwaa much attached to him anf his family. They, are scattered. He is gone.

We who survive must follow. May the unseen hand of God gently lead those who yet linger, and may we all meet where sorrow and adversity never come and where friends never part. KH. D. Wilsox.

Greensboro N.C., Sept. 10, 1885, District Agents Pontx- PowiUi will inrrcn hl.tttr fin5 aa( ream twentr per ceirt aiiU make lb bur firm A Good Citizen Gone. lit: 'Henry A. Covington, aged about 50, died at his home, in Mineral Springs township, this county, on Thursday last, His disease; dropsy of the chest with vwhich he- had' been a sufferer for y'more than a year. Ro to sneak.

He is hot now, with the moat perfect Force Feed Fertilizer Drill Fautt-s 1'ovdpra will rro or prercnt lniot FBT all his commendable enterprise, seeking adventures with an earthquake. in existence. 5. ena ioi tawwoguc, nu.r and CJrUt 91itl, llnsriurM, Liverpool London. Globe SISKAS to which hot! am FOVTZ'S FOWIMCBS Wll SITU 5aT1FACTIOX.

Sold evcrrwhvre. BAVUJ JU. rOUTZ. Proprietor. kinds, which we sell at LOWEST.

PRICES FOR CASH. rf Call and see before buying. T. p. HcRAE C0M.PT Gin Powicra, tJiar ffXillx, lhresh-Manliines.

Corn Shellers and Standard ASSETS OVER $33,000,000 Handkerchiefs from 2 cents up, KB. A m-imiltural ImDlementa generally. Send i hnsirre from' 4 cents up. and other aid 8ual iwcown 0 fat beef cattle wanted at once Pern. Agricaltwrf York, fa.

31 1 BOBBINS CO. I sseM, goods at proportionately low prices, at H. C. Watson, Cf3hpaid TnE.otVYEIL.

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