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The Herald Statesman from Yonkers, New York • 2

Yonkers, New York
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to sPAGE TWO THE YONKERS HERALD FRIDAY, JULY 9, 1 926 Attorney-General Sargent Denounces Violators Of The Federal Dry Law SPECIALS IN OUR TO CONDEMN SCHOOL 4 PLOT (Cwmibm inm hit i) GOVERNOR FLANS TO VISIT COOLIDGE CAMP NEXT WEEK Governor Smith will go In the Hummer White Hoiim at White Pinal, like Osgood, next Kiidey. to extend Near York Stale's uHirial weleome to Preaident Cnolblge. The tinvernor will make the trip from Albany hy motnr and may remain over night at Paul Smilli'a. following hia eall upon the I'tvai-delit and Mra. CooHdge.

lie prnlui-hly will bn aeeniiipanied by Mra. Smith. 10,000 SEALS IN. BERING TO RECEIVE HAIRCUTS Seward, -Alaska, July Haircuts for seals is the latest thing in the Prlldlof Islands, in the Rering Kes. Ten thousand one-year-old seals will receive tonsurial attention this season, ('aid a in A.

Anderson, nf the United Stales lluresu of Fisheries vessel Eulrr, retried on his arrival here, Tlie object of tlie shearing. Captain Anderson said, was th Indicata tlie inercase next yrsr, as tlie seal are slaughtered only in -a certain per cent, each year. This year seals were Trintmm Metcalf on the meOi-i rsoent vandalism in School mall boys wai reported to Education, Metealfs nalitainhif that tho Principal, Thom-aa f. Xelly, should havo Immediately notified Schools Superintendent F. Hodge, which waa not done.

If a. 4 Addition Imperative Lit thoro onlata an Imperative need Itha Immediate rnnatnietlim of an addition to Sehool 4 was the sulistanrt report to the Board by, thipt. anil Mr. Metcalfe. If we should (don tho addition now, Mr.

Hodge there would he further delay. raiiiitiff the anhool to. become more and mom crowded." hw. Burk agreed. declaring that hy bui Hilly the addition at this time a dew of at lea at one year will lie pre- vented.

Mr. Burke, In seenrdanre with a evolution adopted by the BoanI, will ronft-r with Corioratliin Counsel Ar 1 thii C. Ihiuu? on the matter of ton drntiation of the plot needed for the addition. Metcalfe Urges Cara w. Metcalfe took iaaue with Mr.

Bnrte on the adequacy of tin- di-ig-natn of the idol whirh la to lie enn-denied. Another miatake would In-volt additional diflinrhy ami exis-nee, he fuld, md thrrrforn peat i-are ehoiHd he cxewised. He lo declared that the Board ought to investigate thoitmghly the prrrioua rrmr in ile-lgnafing the property an that reapoii-. the mistake fiuild lie def-initiy Hat'd. Met Burke kerted that failure to aecufe appropriationa from the city for lurveya waa the primary ranae of aucli miaiakra.

The present Mayor, he afided, haa suggested that each pity i department, aa well aa the Biaird of Kdntation, provide for the making of sunyv 1 wherever property la to lie acqifired for new building or addition. (his Board ha never had money for bursey.1. said Harry C. Adam. Ijaa It ever aeked (or fund!" Mr.

Mettalfe The question aaa not Mt. Burka eahl that the origins! dr-arritlon of the Selmol 4 plot fur-nieiifd hy the Kdiii-alioii Board to the dirt wai fully adequate for1 any eon-veyiiierr. Tiicre eoiilil la1 no dould tp the loeatimi of the property aa it 4aa dearrllieil on the miniilea of the Jlosrd." lie wtid. He aikleil. in reati4uM! to further question hv Mr.

Midwife, that' the Boanl bad already aided on the matter- anil that if a redetipnation of I lie pniarly waa thnijrht ueeeaaary another meeting of Hoard would have In la called. ThiaS ended discussion. Tn letter from Mr. Kinsley. asking perufisaton for the Community Ker virojCommikaioti' to utilise the iiortnn 't, Hip School athlelii- field for general enmtiunity athlrtire aroused diicrae opinion from Bnaril inntilier.

lidn Hot heliev in opening school gnnqiila. for general athletic pnrjmsea. Slit her la 'Ta-t the: city use Ihe puhlie parka." M(. Metmlfe deelared that iif hia npinhm llie property should lime Ihe largest and freet puhlie te pus sihW Kehiad children elauild not lie the July one to use the privilege, lie aahlc dfhriinoi properly ia used for general I a 11 Xlu Unllikelkiul i Mr. Sutherland Us S.

ATTORNEY GENERAL SARGENT Speaker At Pittsfield, Mass, Shoulders of Young Mutton Legs of Winter Rib Chops -Loin Chops -Blade Roast -Top Sirloin or Cross Rib Pot Rst. 25c Sirloin Steaks 32c; Loins of Pork 30c Fresh Shoulder Pork 28c Plate or Navel Corned Beef 10c Boneless Corned Beef 20c Sugar Cured Bacon 28c Sugar Cured Smoked Hams 38c Cured California Hams 24c 20c Fresh killed L. I. Ducks 35c V1- SECRET OF OUR SUCCESS Quality Quantity Service J'lllafleUI, July Without epccincally mentioning th a Elgh-tei-nih Aniendiiienr and tha prohlltl-tlnn Art, Attorney General John G. Hiiraent, epeaklng at the dedication of a War Memorial here yesterday, churaeterixi-d the action of those who annulled violated ihe prohibition law aa more threatening; to tiro, na tion and Ita institutions than- any European war aver was.

-The Attorney General's address was a strong appeal for obadlance to the law. Ha oppoied tha proposed national control of schools and said there waa too much tendency on the part of States to delegata to tha Federal Government duties that ahould primarily fall on tho State. Hoover Advised That He. Has No Authority Over The Radio Rules LIABLE REIOND I2JRLE 1M U. S.

Circuit Court Of Appeals So Decides In a Decision Affecting; The United States Vessels New York, July B. There is no 12-milo limit" preventing seizure lieyond that point for American ships, according to a decision of tlie United Htatn Circuit Court of Appeals, just mode fublie In reversing a finding in the 'nitfd Ktatea District Court of the District of Connecticut. Tlie Connecticut decision had sustained exceptions to government libel filed against the American rum-ruiiiirr The Underwriter was seised beyond the 12-mile limit, a fact upon which one of the exceptions was based, "An American ship on the high acts retains her allegiance -to the United States," the derision of the Circuit Court of Appeals recorded. quite well recognised that every nation haa tha right to bind Ha own aubjects to Ita own law In every place Libel on Five Chargee The libel wa baaed upon flvo alleged pauses. First that liquor was being transported aboard the Underwriter, second that a quantity Of intoxicant was found on the vessel, third, alleged Illegal transportation of intoxicant, fourth that the Underwriter was engaged for another trade than that for whirh she was licensed, and fifth that alia was engaged it making a foreign voyage without giving up her enrollment and license aa a coast-wise vessel.

As to the fourth and fifth pauses tlie Apellate Court holds that tlie libel sets forth the sufficient pause of action. A to thp first, second and third, tlie finding of the Court, is sustained, the law permitting libeling of ocean vessel being limited to certain specific sets and the Underwriter having been seized beyond the 12-mile limit and there being no evidence apparently- that she violated the prohibition law within those limits. N. POWER PACT AUTHORIZED Niagara Fails. July 8.

The New York State' Water Power Commission adopted resolution todsy authorizing State Engineer Roy (. Finch to arrive at a decision with Ontario Pmrinriul authorities as to wlietlier a double' or single stage wer development should lie undertaken along tha NL Lawrence River. Mr. Finch and Deputy General Randall J. Lc'Boeuf water power expert, left soon after-wurd for.

Toronto to pursue tho matter with the -officials there. The meeting of the commission was attended hy Attorney General Ot-tiiigcr, F. P. secretary' of tlie eommissinn; (. S.

Ferric, counsel for the Imard; Stile Senator John J. Knight, JnscpirMetiainie, Speaker of tlie Assembly, anil others. While, here meinberi the commission inspected tlie power developments on both sides of the Niagara River and rmidnctrd a hearing on llie application of the -Lower Niagara; Uiver -Power and Water Conqiaiiy for. a license tp develop power in the lower gorge, Testimony as to this company's plans of development and their financial stability ws taken by tlie hoard. Members of the commission were taken to th location nf the prnosed development, which calls for construction 'of two gigantic tunnels for a distance of 16,000 feet.

UNITED STATES 7T IN INFANT MORTALITY Washington, C. Rlx nations have a lower. Infant death rate than ths United Rtates, according to figures public today the Children's Bureau of the Department of Commerce. These countries sr Australia, Tha Netherlands, New Zealand, Kwedrn and Rwitserlsnd. In tho.

birth registration area of th United Rtates the figures show that out nf -every 1.000 babies born, 71 die, while In -New Zealand only 40 babies out of every 1.000 dies In Australia and The Netherlands only ST babies out Of -every. l.OOO lb Norway only 6S babies' out of every 1,000. die; In Sweden oply fl babies out pf. every 1,000 dia and In Switzerland only if babies out of every 1,000 die. The highest Infant death rata shown for Chile where 301 babies out of every 1, 400 -dle.

NO OPPOSITION TO CHANGE OF GRADE No opposition, developing at a hearing held this morning by thq, Board of. Estimate and action was- taken 'on the proposal to. ehangs the grade, of Linden Place between Palmetto Street and Millar Avenue. In the nbvenca nf Mayor Walsh who Is spending hti vacation at. Rhrller'.

Island, Council President Alfred Watson, at ths meeting -which was attended by Comptroller Ilobsrt FsrguNon, Corporation Counsel -Arthur C. Hume and City Engineer Chris Ji -Sheridan. at School l.i during tho innnlha of September, Uetnher and N'oveinlier aa an experimental playground under the xuperviainn of tile I uniinunity Service Commission, The Hoard awarded the elertrieal contract for the addition to Nehnol Lincoln 1ark. to Hubert Springsteen, whoac hid of (ID.M9 waa low. Finance Report The Committee on Sinanee, hhlward fierbereux, chairman, aubinitled tho following report, wliieli waa anrptrdi To the Boanl of Kduratiun.

"fienllenien The Ciuiimlttee on Finanre of the Ikiard in an effort to fatuiliariae ilis'lf with llie flnanrial delaila of the srhonl depart nieiil has olsu-rveil a iniulilioii existing and in pnu-tiee in relation In most of building management and operation which are so inuelt in excess of what similar xrrvica alioiild inl that we deem it our duty to rcstrl tame Immediately to the Boanl. Thia report ia eotifined to four important iteiua of cost in operation and management of llie school proMr-tiea, namely: Coal anil its ronaiiinptinii. Electric light and gas consumption. Insurance. Building service and aiqien Mon.

Theac foitr items if ixnilinniNl on hasia of inacnt Innlget sejimlnle Will eosi more than MLWV for 1327 llml-get, an' increase, of at least over 132ll, these upward -eoala leein constant We believe" a survey and definite stalillixalioii of all units of coal under llieM iteina will show tliat many Ineimsisteniriea and eahorliilant posts have crept into the seis'd ule from time- to time and can lie discontinued without Injury to the present standard of building management and operation serviie. Comparisons made by this committee tinder the present schedule of operation denioiiMrate that if only a standardisation of many existing unit costa were effected alt inqiortant animal saving would follow. i foal with a total budget appropriation of varies from l.A7 to I At. 71 on a similar unit result In its innsiiniptioii. "Electric light ami niw6r with tidal budget appropriation of Itinl.lil varies from to tNil.lMl on a similar unit of Aaka Competition "IMnauranee ia to be i-onlinueil on all buildings it should be on an nien competitive liasii; the authorisation of a coniielitive survey for a new rate ia certain to prod me a rale reduction ami the acceptance of one.

year sdi-riea should Iw diaeontiniiMl. The proper rele reduction which- is due mi thia character of. riak ami the placing of five year policies which an nlitain aide at four year premium costa will produce a saving to the Hoard of Education of at least f2.T,taHl for the period of such policies. If private and pub-lie inatiluliona ami industrial eiitvr- with leas financial reamm-ea do 1 this we. certainly can afford to do U.

Hie high class const met ion in all new IhiiIiIUiM IsIlMlIfl Alli idA lift til tmllMI buibling abonbl entitle us to Inui'ti liettcr rates pimn a 'rcaurvey. Board slioiiM also consider whether it might not eliminate aOinc of beat luiiUliiiga entirely from llic inaurani'c acbedule aa la dune in tlie City of New-York, where greater tire hazards exist', Buibling aorviiw and mats, exclusive of rcmira with a scheduled total uf over icr annum, hiw greatly varied results for -instance janitor service cost varies from f.V3li for a given unit to IIS.lMl for given unit. In extreme caae with reasonable justification fur extra nwt till unit runs as liigli a f. Tlicac variations are in different claasca of nrupcrtj for tlm same unit of service. The mot significant figures are shown by a comparison of totals- for lliia unit; 24 grade school with It! 4 clasa room acromodating over 1.1.000 pupil at a budget cost of.fUA,543 and five high arlioola with 3.12 class rooms ad; comodating 4,100 pupil at a budget eoat of $07,600.

Tbi i approximately 100 per rent, increase for tlie same unit -of service in more modern and better, equipped buildings. A complete survey of theta conditions shoukl be made to provide equal units of cost under equal conditions and fair and equitable pay fur all personnel -found necessary, together with a system of credits baaed on ellicicncy and time of service that could lie used, aa a record for promotion and advancement of the personnel from time to time. Through such a revision conditions and co-ordination of effort, carnfuMy iW fairly appjed, economy ran he effected, a better uiot ale and concentrated spirit of depart mental pride and co-operation can lie developed and our. obligation to the taxpayer fulfilled. Element sAhat must be given careful consideration to insure, economy arc: the quality and character of fuel, the efficiency of beating and electrical equipment and- time- of operation re-' quired, the- insurance standard and modifications thereof, the co-itprraliun and.

standardization of tlie Service personnel and-, it control, -the require; menta and support of the'Supcrintend-eut of ami the principal and faculty generally. order that the important condition referred to be promptly surveyed a one problem, we recommend that tlii Committee oft Huildinga consider them in 'connection with-it present study of janitor costa and confer with such other committee and tlieir subordinate a may be affected with' a view to reporting to the Boanl at tlie 'earliest date atirh action' a will stabilize and harmonize these costi ao that an equal standard of efficiency and economy may nrerail on- these item throughout tlie department. EDWARD CiERBF-RKUX T. W. METCALFE x.

donoghce Committee on-Finance. SEEKING MEN WHO RIFLED PHONE BOX Police arF 'tanking- for two who nn Wednesday afternoon rifled the eoin box in a telephone booth in tlie drug tor of Frank Lyneh 177 Ashburton Avenue. According- to the rfiKirt made to th police by Mr. Lynch, ths men entered tne-stnih at noon on Wednesday and went id tho- booth- end -a short time later walked from tlie store. miMfllaneoua purjmses, -reiilid.

it will iiui.klv la.ine unsiglit Jy n-silll. in the expenditure .1. II liy tie city of thousand of dollars for repairs. "These gtlilelie fields." lie 1 said should la umuitained aa lieauly Smt for use by the school only. In eonnwrion with thp regular selmol 1 progeam.

In ease of injurr to any children in-Ing till ground tfina thrown oen. Mr. Donoghne Ihe Ihianl ncation would la directly lialde, The ilisculMiuin endeil witli llie suggestion by that Mr. Burke anpoint a mPffliitlrr of three to study tna en-rert Iwnif to live mprnmirf or inrei 10 .1 tire problem and rert SARATOGA WATERS Root Beer Ginger Ale Vicby Birch Beer Coeta Geyser Grape Jnice Hathorn Sarsaparilla 4 j-. This was dime, School 23 Dam Damage 20-22 North Broadway Expert For du Ponts Suggests Eight Mid-Ocean Hotel In Air ha created as a result of which all but the moat powerful whlrh could turn on sufficient power to wipe out competition, would auf-fer.

It waa partly because of this danger that th Department Of Commerce ought from Congres legislation which would mak 4t posalhlo to enforce its edicts whenever It saw At to refuse sending Hcrneae, or tp dose stations whloh refused to abide by decisions made as to wave lengths on hours flxtd for tha, 'sending of programs. -Ths Administration hill fdr radio control would have placed tbs au thorlty in th Department, of -Commerce, under th direction of Secretary Hoover, with discontented radio Interests having tha right to ap; peal." The House was willing to accept this form of legislation, but In the Renats bill Recretary Hoover was stripped his authority and con trol of radio- was put In the hands of a commission. Th differences between th Renat and House '-were never reconciled and aa a result all leglalatlv proposals Wr Ths power of th government to 'exercise th sir routes by the provisions- of the law of 112. under which the' Department of Commerce haa been exercising authority, haa been denied In a test rase In tha and ths 'Commerce- Department then asked the Department of Justlc for a ruling. the lake.

Caruso earn often and his gulden voles has floated many times over the sparkling waters of Lake Osgood. For lighter entertainment White often Invited- the cast and chorus nf a music chow-or a revue. Thia section once was ona of the gayest spots in New York State. But today its stillness rivals the stillness of tombs. Only the occasional rumble of a motor boat, carrying President Ooolidge on a fishing trip or on a tour of inspection, breaks- the tranquility of what was once a miniature Riviera.

ITALY PENALIZES STRIKING LABORERS Tlie first eonvictinn under, llie new syndicalist law forbidding strikes was handed down by the labor court hero today. Seven laborers, employed in a jute factory at -Carrosln, were found guilty of having on June ''30 organised a strike of BOO. laborers to get better working conditions." Five sentenced to 10 months' imprisonment each, and tlm others, who wrro minors, to right month. Under- the syndicalist law, the penalties' will not be applied -provided the men arc well-behaved for 'five years. RADIO DIRECTS LONG TRAIN Elkhart, July 8.

A 113-car freight train, on which a sucoessful test of radio communication between rugine and cahooa waa made, arrived in Elkhart at 2 p. m. today from Today's run is said to bs Die first radio test nf its kind. MEN WANTED To train for expert positions 50 to 55; hour. to start; Apply Hastings Pavement Co.

HASTINGS-ON-HUDSON, 1 NEW YQRK Tlie' report nf Biqn-rvisor of Plants, dntTuiing the damage caused 'to Schiad S3 on 24. last two small and years of. age, broke in inul wrecked much npcrty, waa read. Mr. Metcalfe objected to the method 1 by which tlic' cane waa renirtd to tlie pnlicw-liefore' Ilialgc waa notified.

The principal shiiulil have rcjairted tlie ce immediately Hodge," he eajd Adams echiK-il the same i iqiinion. 1 do nut approve of tlie Irinflpal railing in tlie allies without 5 first notifying the Superintendent, he aaid.j MtvEdie and Mr. Sutherland agrcfl. Hodge defended -the Principal, sayiqg that -in- such caacs it had not lawn! customary, in the peat, for the Principal to notify-the Superintendent Only in matters of a directly educa thnidl nature; hr said, do tha priu--ciw4 ronenll hint, Ml Burka also upheld Mr. Kelly, ayiqg that principal had notified him Immediately after discovery of the vanillism and that thru the police wvrej asked to investigate.

Mi Metcalfe said that the State Edajttiim Lav required that in such case tlie Principe I report immrdiafely to Superintendent and introduced a npolution for the revision of the Boaif present rules ao that thia pro-ceduga, in tha future will be followed. The notation was adopted, ihe work WaahfnKlon. July 6 The Depart? men! of Justice ruled yesterday that I the.Giiverniiiriit was powerless to enforce regulations govern In radio liriHKlcastinK and other activities of tlie indusrly unless additional powers were voted by t'unicrea. The le-part incut of I'oniiiicrce 'asked for it tulltiK on the sulijeot when such authority whs tin I obtained tnthts last nil litlldealinir with radio liclint lost in thiTjuro oP the closing days. Hci-ri-tary Hoover hns been, deeply cniu'eriu'd.

luirliciilarly over tlie liroiidciistiiin i mt i lou, as there are peiiilliiK -more- iliiii; lilll apiillcatlona for the ti im-ti 1 1 1 ir of lo-w slatluns, and it haa been, impossible (t llnd wave lengths euuuah to lit around. Tha private Interests have until tiow co-opera led io Inost Instances with the department, anil thua there hae been pijly Interference In the itlr. Hut there. have been- emfie' threats by owners of ktmtlofia which have not jet received wav lengths that they would refuse to the. ap tliurity of the tSn'vernment to keep 1 hem off the ulr" much lonacr and would 1 up without olitulnlpg seiidiiiu lleeiisea.

front the Commerce on wave lengths whlah already had been asslsiied to existing stations If tlican threats were carried out, Bncrelnry Hoover haa Inti niaird, i-hautli- ulr condition would LIQUOR BAR NEAR COOUDGE CAMP But It Has Been Closed For ears as Erected By White, The Builder Cleveland Visited Cabin V'sul 'Smith's. X. Y-, (United Press), Nut more tllliii 1.00 yards from llie master labm.of White I'iuo lamp, where I'residriil- ('iMilidge is siending tlie Summer, is a fiiniplrlrly (urnirlieil liqimr with only tlie liquor misting. H' i iiridi t'nliin Xo.1.1 of theiamp, Tlie rsbin lias been lorluxl and liarred for many years, and the jmlished oun p'xi-i of shining roils and sparkling is now -covered With dust hd grime. The liar- was installed by- ArrhibaM White.

llie- bulkier- of'- the yamp, for his many distinguished friends who spent llie Rummer 'days Iaike Os good, jn The lisseineni of the eshin Is a steel and ninircte wine 'cellar Until' a few-year, ago held the rarest vintages of this country and Europe. Tlie bar now stands idle: and unviait-ed-the-wine cellar -is empty'. And every -day (lie of the United States psssrs it on liis daily walks about the rump without giving tha building more titan a liectirig'glsney. Bill, tlie President vf hi United Slates nut regard Cabin No. 1.1 so' indifferently.

Once the President of (his -country Grover 'sjieiit many hours in its mill inleriiir. tlevelsiid was an intimate fried, of White pud -often alipped awsy from Washington to fish and rest oil IjakS Osguml, Hi lisit wire by no mean as ostentation a Mr. However. old-timers relate how President Cleveland would arrive at a nearby rsilwav station slime, carrying only mU ig, and vide hnraChaek to the esmp where White would be watching for him. T.he black bag, they y.

held one elesn shirt' sml eollsr and Mr. Clevelands 'favorite fishing tackle. After fishing All day, White and Cleveland would retire-to Cabin No. and-' pass, the rvetiihg '-retailing fish stories. Besides the hidst prominent-personage of the time were, often guret ill Pine I limp.

Whits iss vgry fiinit of eitlcrtaiiimcnt (mil it. was' not remarkable for him to in-vite tlie ciitirv cast of tha Metropolitan piwrs' House- to spend a wepk-end st 11- i 8 if Naval men snd airmen believe, tha plan feasible, Mr, Armstrong said. The seadromes, the big feature in the project, would anchored, and; ho claims, entirely, free from the pitch to which the great liners are subject. The ocean Unding fields would cuver approximately III seres, having a displacement of many thousand tons, 07 per cent, of which would be below tlie line of ware disturbance. They would contain hotels, fuel storage tanks, food; machine shops and meteorological bureau.

FRESH SEA FOOD ALWAYS at' THE NATIONAL FISH MARKET 31 NORTH BROADWAY Telephone 5400 POKEEPSIE BIDS FOR VOLUNTEER FIREMEN Two additional approvals of the plan to bring the 1137 convention of-ths Hudson Valley Volunteer Fire mens AssoeUtlon to Pouffhkoepel next June have bean registered by Davy Crocker Hook and Ladder Company and O. H. Booth Hose Company of that city, according to th Eagls-Newa O. H. Booth Hose Company appointed a committee composed of Assistant Chief P.

W. Oldfield, Roland Puff, John Travis, Milton Close. Thomas Whalen, Toy Freer, Thomas Bltaksr, Charles Valentins and Edward O'Hsarn to make arrangement for ths masting. LADIES ALL-WOOL SUITS CHIDLRENS ALL-WOOL SUITS 2 98c op up Phone Yonkers 8385 Philadi-ljiliin, July -8. A An tic air line Letwecn Atlantic City, Slid Plymouth, eight IflO-ai-re Hosting snd gm-hored landing fiekl fitted with sumptunua hut els in fleet of super-plane that would carrv 25 passenger iu sd-ditiim to baggage; series of powerful aeetvlene sesrchliglil that would Msxe a.

trail of scroti tlie-At- This, in brief, is the outline of a 3(1-lionr vovsge from. America t- England its conceived bv Hiwrd Armstrong, of rhiladelphi. of the. me-rhsnieBl experimental development division of -the E. 1 Pont (Vunpsny, of IV1.

His plan for attaining this goal in oeean flight have readied the point where government' olliris have become interested. Next Wednesday army and navy officials, representative of Urge shipbuilding concerns snd expert In the field of commercial aviation will visit thp engineer's wliere working models have been prepared for Mr. Armstrong has hern flying since) he' was years old and1 hr. hss'i been working on fiis sesdrome hies for 20 -years. Wednesday hf will'dispUy a model of (he seadromes and a model of tlie S.

Majestic on a Urge pool. I A blowing appHratns will make waves of the pool the same, in- relin, ss ocean waves. He expert the Majestic to. sink and- that thy seadromes will not he damaged. ''tjJ being placed in the hands of the 'I i- i mittAe on Kulca.

I'i Arrest Ha Urge 1 Tlar parents of tlie boy whit 1 the damage having 'refused' to make good: Mr, Douoghue suggested that the poyi themselves -arrested anil that: tha ease be brought before the Children's Court; He added: The way hhe Children' Court la conducted now we would probe hi get little action. I'd be willing to make fi aati GET IN THE SWIM; SUITS FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN At the Store of Good Values Splendid values in all-wool suits in all- the popular styles and colors. Large Selection of bathing accessor-' iesincludingsmart rubber shoes and caps to match. 0 the tomplaint-myself. -The matter wai -placed In' the handa of the -F wittae on Buildingi.

:t.A' TVs Police estimate of the damagi damage caused by the' young vandals waa ap fi 1 -r proxlmately 11,000. Tlie ayitem for the relief -of te sewer situation at tha Benja-1 i mia: Franklin School-wa drawn up 1 by City Engineer Chrii Sheridan. It i provides for tha bnildina of two man-. hole on Poplar Street, with the poa-i' 'i aible ultimate acqniaition of an caaa-; meni to th east of th school for an; A other tributary Mwer to jm on Oak Strekt. The matter of the easement, the School Architect pointed out.

waa mcrCr an -added precaution. The troil probably will -be remedied mUtenit I Vm ftiU STENOGRAPHY IN .6 'j: An 'intensive, course "in Stenography i being offered by. thia. institute. begin.

July. 7th and every Monday there-' after. PACE BUSINESS INSTITUTE 45 WARBURTON AVENUE 12 Palisade Ave. Citizen A athletic srouai It' -j qucA of tha CTectwood i -3 oelAUom to tiao tha at qucA of tha Crest wood -F.

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