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The Herald Statesman from Yonkers, New York • 8

Yonkers, New York
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PAGE EIGHT THURSDAY. APRIL, 925 THE XONKERS HERALD 1 Cburt upheld the contentions of the declaring there woe no question Ived. of Federal jurisdiction involr STATE RETAINS News of Interest 1r: (By J. ROYLE) CHAS.E. HUGHES ENRIGHT TO HAVE A SCOTLAND YARD lnit good yaraa ahowiag added ia-quiry.

Xachiacry Cleveland, April 22. The Wiatoa Engina Work report aufik-irat order on baud to inaura capacity operation for about eight month. Twenty Die-eel engine are bring built fur boat to be uaed a aupply craft in tbri eoaat guard icrvice by tha Government. The company la 'an offahoot of the Wintou Automobile Company whirh haa eeaacd to function. Emit VF Home Builders Former Secretary of State and to, Defend New York Water Right From Fed! Encroachment York, April 22.

The delicious aroma of preserving fruit, will ariaa from tha kitchens of America in' unparalleled voliims this. year. Kpr the American houaewifa makea few mistakes in her, judgement marketa and tha eeaaon la opening with super condition better and more itable than for long time. Weather condition in general throughout tha country hara been remarkably favorable for frail'. arid '-there are eaeeiient proapecta for good yield The contrast aa to.

supar.U particularly iharp: aa' compared with two yaara ago when, for reason, eastern rejlnera of Cuban sugar skyrocketed price to such an extent that the retire country became alarmed. Housewives formed organizations. to. curtail- eonaumption and the President directed aa inquiry to lie made.v Till Inquiry developed that the Cuban-American growing and refining eompicta control of tha domeatie augara, eane and beet, raised in the Wales and ita inland possessions had become exhausted. high pricca continued until -tha new domeatie crope became available.

Little Rock, April 22. Fijie weather haa aided pollination and Arkanaai now haa proapecta for aa exceptionally An fryit. crop, Aatamobile April 22. The Hupp Motor I- Good iilver i practical gift a gift of ae price. Odd piecea, act or comfjet cheat.

Jn ipectioa of sew pattern and defigna invited. Tea Spooa Seta $1.75 Company expect te act a new produe tioa record ia April The plant are -We have prepared a booklet containing ninety eight (98) popular designs for homes and garages which We believe, will prove interest ing gi useful in prospective homebuilders in determining the type. of. house they wish to erect. Any of the' sketches in this, booklet could be-' very easily worked into plans, specifications and working drawings by a capable architect.

This Booklet -Is Sent Free Upon Request working at tha hlgbaat apeed they beta aver attained. Second quarter output I expected to double that of the corresponding period of 1924. Inereaaaiu domeatie production in two year hat-- exerted lain influence and there' iunre been few wide fluctuations of price, Fruit Boatoa, April 22. ArgentlnapeaehH aad black grape are being aold in thia former ara priced at 20 to 2S centa each and the latter are aell-ing at 75 rent a pound. AlbanyY April a 21-Chariea E.

Hughes, former Governor of New York And former fof State, haa been, retained as counsel to protect New -York State's water power right "against tha steady encroachment and centralization of power in tha Federal Government." This announcement waa made tonight by Attorney-General Albert -Ottioger, The -appointment follows conference in New York: City. -Tbia ia one of the first retainers-'aeeepted by Mr. Hughe since bis retirement from President CooUdgea-Cabinet, "The people of tha State are fortunate in obtaining tho eervice of Mr, Hughes," Mr. Ottinger said. "Aa a former.

Governor be appreciate! the' necessity of safeguarding present, and 'eutial 'water -power developments New York Ha -knows the situation here and ia familiar With condition in According to Mr. Ottinger, New York State finds itself in' dilemma ea to the general development of it, water Consolidation of the three training schools of th New York Folic Department Into a Police Academy which. It Is stated, will be a standard of police throughout tbs- jrorld," waa announced Wednesday -by Police Commissioner Enright. The Police Academy, which. '1C Is said has been contemplated (or a long time, but of which no Inkling haa heretofore been disclosed, will be houqed in a single building at Lea-lagton Avenue and Ilrd Btreet, hitherto occupied by th Commerce Department of the College of th City of-New York.

Ken at Police Headquarters said it would be an Improved Gotland Yard," tho greatest police school in the world. It will bo opened Friday. Police Commissioner Enright will control it, but Its command will be under tbs' direction of a newly created commandant who la authorised to mahapplicatlon for ae many nsalaUnU as ha need Folios Commlaeloner Enright In hia announcement, of establishment of th Institution amid It In dona because tha preeent method of training policemen is Inadequate and has failed to aeenra high, a quality of. effleleney In tha training and eon-duet of. th fore aa th Polio Department ae would consider Tha.

establlehmant of tliq Police Academy la announced In General Orders II of the Police Department which abolished training school for patrolmen, th training school for detectives and the school pf equitation (horsemanship) hitherto maintained. The departments of Instruction are divided Into classifications In the Police and It la 'announced that compeUnt' Instructors will be obtained both from within and. without tha Polios Department. --Lambar New Orleana, April. 22.

-Order at Southern Fine 1 Aaeoeiation mill laat time ia view of the country-wide plana for railroad conlolidatiqn. The wi week increased 6i per cent, to 000 Shipmenia advanced 4.7 per rent, to 70,000,000 feet and production grew 5,7 per tb 78,000,000. total 246,7001001 feet. more than anything ejse will aerva to put the Norfolk anil Weatern and Virginian in fewer hand. A large block of and Weatern itock ia held by the Fennayivania road and the Fenhaylvania haa at variou time made-projiouli or ha.

leasing of the Norfolk and Western. If the Virgin- power law, purporting to author! th Unjt'ed State Goyeraii Government to enter ateadying Theae cropa are atefdily inrreaaing and 'apparently have enfllrient weight to 'prevent a runaway 1- In Cuwri, production, According to recognized expert prob-hably will reach a total' outturn of about 4JSI0.0OO Production In 'tha iiland up to tbs ilrat oft this month allowed an inervaae over Ji24pf 437,139 tone. Storks at Cuhan porta tlie middle. of thia month eunablrrably exceeded 900,000 tona. Western beet- sugar producers are now quoting cent a pound pr.

a. tenth of a under -eaatern reflnl-r, The -Louisiana sugar induatry now ia changing for the belter and it had need, for' it we in such dr'iierala caae that it alnioat disappeared. Bapkera who. had to-take -over and auddculy found themselves in tha auger business. are si ill suffering from a had.

attack of- nerve. In the old day a tha Louisiana planter via. ilia aristocrat of farmen hut nona the Icaa -a aliice hi problems; were. largely -lie Jilanted harvested it. carriid it bis- iillle- mill, pressed put the nice, the syrup and aold the' brown HuV after tlio Civif.

War the labor problem became difficult ataj pphmvshc more Tha' planter found the auger bnumvjipt- hi-' field. wa- taking moat of his Hr. suddenly forced in larninr a manufacturer- andsalcsman although, he at ill bad to produce his raw material. He rniihl. not afford to hire executive for the varimia.

phna(-a of the induatry. Leak developed especially in production ut ianci Kiiiili- ht'ine infected with discs and production dropped: Last yiaf Hie -average lamiaiana production waa torn pf cone, per acre or indy 3 iona more than aeod requircmenla. It take ton to the acre to par lor cultivating and harvest in a Tha induatry has been saved liy development' of disease relating cane that has been "proved ip the Terre Tliinne section, pf yielding, front 10 to 4(1 ton. an Siifliciciit aiccil I mm Ilic yarictiea will lie raisedto plant the entire belt within 9 of 3 years, Tor the Aral, time the planter have conimenreil to co-operate in hiring xperta to handle the different jihyaes of augur production from, planting the end' to marketing tlie linislieil product. 'Thia ia the beat guarantee that the Louisiana augBr imluslry has nime The Uiw prices of Sugar IhU'yrar have caused mot of the agitation over ugar tariff to ili-nppear.

Tlie pliaaes of the subject till remain, however, ami apparently, 'will V-iVitl iniici as buig aa the niajiir political parties have opposing tariff Imiiisiana sugar men aay. nevertheless, that scut in tariff in favor of tlie tnlaiii pnaluccra- now would work and doom the-1 inditelry. i A matter ataiul, the heel sugar interet am the eane men of trie talamt Vegetable Santa Crua, Calif, April 22. California artichoke grower who ahipped only 1,100 carlooda thia aeaaon ara prer-ing to organize a gtatc-wida aelling organization to market next aeaaon'i crnp.r -Cotton "April 22. ra ashnppe RHONE 9200 Office: 44 North Yard: Foot of Ashburton Avenue SINCE 1970 upon and seize any present or prosper tive water power development on navigable Streanis.

'Tha effect of the' law, it ia itateil if the Federal Government moves under it, 'would be ian' i brought into tha Norfolk and Weatern fold, if ia expected these negotiations will be reeumed. It haa bean understood that Henry Ford waa after tha Virginian to connect hia Detroit Toledo and' Ironton road with tidewater but' hope of auch a merger fell with a sickening thud when Ches ter, waa aelerted as the port from which Ford would ship ilia export ear. which laat year deatroyed tree on the weatern plain a well ea whole flrkl to strip the State of its rights ovqr the more important-water power deveiop- are in the centre of the treat. -James Den mors of th McKinley -Park Civic League told Mayor Hylaa that eight persona had been killed and homestead on tha northeast corner of Park Avenue and 34th Street has been known for many yearn aa No. I' Park Avenu, hod for othet members of the old.

aristocracy of tha residential part of lower Park Avenue-. HYLAN VETO HALTS PARK AVE. CHANGE 89 injured crossing the streets to gat to or leavo tha kioaka In tha laat three An investigation ia bo years. PLANS FILED TOR EVENING POST BUILDING og growing crops hare made- their a' pea ranee in coudtieaa number in the cotton districts, llaakdt, Colling and Kilia eountiea wera the first to report tha reappearance of tha. peats.

Cement Atlanta', April 22. About 52,300,000 will go, into the development of paved highway in connection with federal appropriation a a reault of tha taxes received from licensing of motor vehicles during the past three months. Farm Houston, April 22Kaat Texas has plenty of rain and fttream are full for tha first time In 18 Cotton planting ia general. -Tomatoea have been transplanted to the field and corn ia up to a good stand HkPUBLICAN CLUB ELECTS W. M.

ALDER PRESIDENT AGAIN William M. Crilder of Brooklyn, former U. S. Senator, waa -re-elected preaident of National Republican Club last night at tlie annual meeting in the clubhouse, 5fl West 40th Street, New City. Other officers reflected were Richard' Lawrence, first vice -president; Elon H.

-Hooker, second vice-president, end James F-Callender, corresponding Mayor Hylari' vetoed yesterday the ordinance passed recently by the New York Board of Aldermen rescinding its action of a year ago whereby it had' extended Park Avenue southward from 34th 32nd Street by a change in name. result of. the veto la a victory ments, including Niagara and the Long Sau'lt in the St. Mr. Hughes -ha retained because of the' great importance of the question involved.

On "a determination of the rights of the 8tate under the Esph law depends the future developments of water power in the Slate. There i potential development nt the Long Fault Rapids in St. Lawrence, of -more than 1,500,000 horsepower. At Niagara the potential development ia mote than 300,000 horsepower. In the famous Long Sault Develop-, nient rear-, 'which affected a.

vacation' of a- water power grant made' by tha State in -11MI7 to the Long Sault Development Company it was contended that these two developments would be sufficient "to- turn cuevy wheel end Plana were filed -bn Monday with tha Manhattan Bureau of Buildingi tor tho construction of a sixteen- tory office building for Tho New York Evening Post on- the south aids of Carlisle Street, Manhattan. NEW LARGE ANNEX FOX HOTEL A seven-story addition with 120 -rooms and baths will be erected adjacent to th Brunswick Hotel, Fourth Avenue and Kingsley Street, Asbury Park, by M. Levina, proprietor at th Brunswick. Tha addition, running 365 feet oa-Fourth Avenue and 120 feet on Ocean Avenue, will an a plot adjoining the hotel, aad will cost $35V- ooa poaaeasion are prosperous, -prices are well witliin tlie. range of all and are jirfunng fur bu.y iirowA'ing-wnnum.

the One Park Avenue of the tion," which, on the strength DEMAND change ordered a year ago, maHe a Commodity Notes Big' l-ake, Tcxaa, April' 22, Tha I production' of the Big Lake oil field ia -risen to a day. owing to an inereaae in the flowoif Rig lake nil eomjutny'a No. IS, the largeat, well ao (nr drilled in the -territory. Business News REMOVAL OP SUBWAY KIOSKS Removal of tha kiosks serving aa entrances to tha Fourth Avenue subway in Brooklyn was urged yesterday by a delegation of Brooklyn residents who appeared before th Board of estimate. Tha kioaka provide en-trance to island station platforms and.

large investment in the old ear ham site between Fourth and Madison Ave-nuei and-32nd Street and 33rd Streets and began the erection of a1 large commercial building' on the block. Tha Mayor's action also registers a defeat for. Bacon, widow of the one-time Ambassador to Franca, whoa (By JOHV GLCAIOS) light every home in New York State." After tlie Court of Appeals nullified HERRI0T HEADS CHAMBER Paris, April 22. Former Premier Edouard Harriot today was elected President of th Chamber, of Deputies-. RENEW FIGHT ON PULLMAN SURCHARGE 'Washington, 'April 21.

A renewal of attempts to get a reduction in Pullman aurrhargea was made before the Interstate Commerce Commission today by tha International Federation pf Commercial Travelers' organization. Early in the year tha commission refused to abolish surcharge. The Federation's complaint asks consideration, In view, of the opinion of eorne Commissioner that the charge might be cut. Yarna Norfolk, Va April 22. The leaalng of the Virginian Rail way-to tha Nor this grant Hie United States Supreme Oil -April.

22. The Standard Oil Company of Louisiana expected to atart hortly ennstrueliiiii of a 100-mile 10-incli piie linn front Smarkover field in a point a yet on aelerted oil thn' Miaiaippi River to relievo congestion fmn liuah Smack-over pradiirtinn. The line will rit about IIJMKWH and will hare a daily capacity of l.VnfMi to 20,000 lmrroU. lliil.idelpliia, April The wnrated varu market rcfli-eta a lielief on the folk and Western subject to approval of stockholder of the road and the Interstate Commerce Commiaaion did not come as n. surprise here.

It haa been under consideration for some part of many apiiiuera that prieea have rcm-hiil New Imaine nn yarna haa impmveil thia- week with il- il ij 1 The Qifts of Packard New Standard Six Brougham TOURING the last twenty-five yean it has been Packards privilege to make many fine gifts to those who buy motor cars. ri. if A few years ago it was the fuelizer, found onlyon Packard cars, ana then last year, four wheel brakes, for Packard was the first well-known motor car builder to indvde four wheel brakes as standard equipment. i (wfAfulMceBaBoonTfrp) Now, Packard is offering at one time three rifts, the most rme electrical important improvements since the days starter, nearly fifteen yean ago. The thousands who have taken, delivery of new Packard can, both Six and Eight, during the past few weeks have found in them: irl A 'FASCINATING new motor car which combines smart- ness in appearance with outstanding economy the new Studebaker Standard Six Brougham.

Here is a fine, family closed car with four broad doon and fuILwidth front and rear seats ample room for five passengers. Oval rear-quarter windows with omamental top braces add the finishing touch of style. The worlds most powerful car of Its she. Come let us show you this new Studebaker 1. The motor oil rectifier 2.

The chassis pressure lubricator 3. The new steering and front spring suspension Numben 1 and 2 should double the life of your car, reduce operating and maintenance charges and add yean to your peace of mind. your peace Number 3 makes a her 3 makes available the advantages of low pressure with the elimination of dangerous wheel wobble. No other car has these three improvements. tires May we show you why those who own Packard can need to change motor oil but four times a year, and how they lubricate their cars in less than one second of time? And will you, as our guest, drive one of these new cars over to brii a route selected to bring out the advantages of the new steering and spring suspension? If it will be any hardship for you to stop at our store during the next few days, a 'phone call will bring a car to your door where you and your family may inspect the latest gifts of Packard, Sax Rosenfeld, Inc.

297 SOUTH BROADWAY Packard Westcliestcr Company, 238 SOUTH BROADWAY, YONKERS Corner Ludlow Street, Telephone 9596-95971 PARTS and SERVICE-MORRIS PLACE THIS 18 8 TUD EDA YEAR IT.

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