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Kansas Farmer from Topeka, Kansas • Page 7

Kansas Farmeri
Topeka, Kansas
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1886. white stuff bordered with pale blue manda Cft Chroroo or S5 ITidden-name Cards, nam ea 10c. Crown tig. Northford, Ct. rins, each one trying to hit his neighbor with a mushroom-like parasol, while a big man darin sat in the center in seeming bliss.

Ileautlful Cards. Agents' sample book and foil outfit for 2c. stamp. EAQLK CARD WORKS, North ford, Coo u. Hive of B's.

"We sell good many of these for picnic. The Bendlns: Boughs are Bright with Bloom. Sample Book of beautiful cards. 14 Game iiEva? tricks in magic, 4-hj Aioum versos. All rot Americans say they are 'funny.

1 see no funny, but still like they please. Here some more fancy $1 one hundred. These good for stamp. SXAK GULD Btettoa IS, Okla own dinner table." THE MORE EXPENSIVE KIND. The more expensive napkins were not gen quaint, artistic, thatched roofs of the teahouses, asking leave only to grow and bless the light These tea-houses seem idylic They are a national institution, for they are everywhere, as the people are everywhere; along the city streets, by the roadside, In the groves, woods, parks, valleys, and up the mountain-side.

Helen Thompson, in Brooklyn Magazine. A Toy from Antietam's Field. Gen. Hector Tindale post, No. 1G0, of this city, has been presented with a small brass cannon, which is apparently a toy, but it has a historical interest.

It was used at the battle of Antietam, September 17th, 1862, with deadly effect. It was drawn from Sharps-burg while the battle was in progress by a boy 16 years of age, who lived in the vicin AGENTS COIN MONET WHO SELL DB. Uiaae's Family Physician and Receipt Book. Ntw and Improved Edition. Thrte Thousand aold In on month.

Price, 2.t0 For particulars, address A. W. HAMILTON A Ann Arbor, Michigan. And portly Blows the Balmy lireeze. When Baby Bov across the fields A Beauteous Basket-palace sees.

Now Baby Boy is Blithe and Brave, And Bonny too as he is bold; His Bosom Burns with high desire, That palace nearer to Behold. He drops his Beautiful Bouquet Of Buttercups and Blossoms sweet, And Briaklv through the Bushes creeps, erally comical in design, according to the Japanese idea. Some were as soft as silk, BIG OFFER. To intrndneo them, we A and could be doubled up in the palm into l.woSeli-OperailuK Washing Machines 1 you little balls and smoothed out again without a wikiniii-wnn ur vur nam, u. ana eipr as office lit once.

The National 23 Der With Bare white knees and slippered feet. break. They were In white, pink and blue, and while the majority had only Borders of prices are low la 1 llf when bnitne doll and pr Hfiy? BUY YOUR the ontnt for Ute tell snooting. a different color about them, many were covered with birds and flowers, umbrellas, Hnnti fnrnaw tc n.i a mm Great bsriralne hurraing. loti of WatchoeKlfletSportlnarOnonsandLl Ulyii i.

W.ClaUlnJfc 51-60 Uuane tt. New Yoris weeping willows, teacups and pots, and ity, and who, like old John Burns at Gettysburg a year later, went into the conflict on every kind of a Japanese figure. "Do you sell many of these queried the his own personal responsibility. He took a FREE I New Book of Pane; Work with 100 I Illustrations, 10 New Stitches, 10 Spmlat Oflers. 200 Picture Aulletla, 48 col.

storv naiei. all for 4c noetare. position on an elevation, and with his little cannon faced the enemy and poured load reporter. "Oh, yes I We sell this warm time thousands and hundreds. They go for picnics, NATIONAL liAZAK.

7 W. Broadway, N.Y The Bngs and Beetles crawl Beneath The Briars Bruise his dimpled hands; But valiantly he Battles on, Till Breathless by the Bench he stands. The Big Brown Bees come Booming out, With angry Buzz about his ears; His little Breast Begins to heave; His Blue eyes Brim with Bitter tears. He Beats a Blundering retreat, Bewildered By his vague alarms, And Biting Back his Bursting sobs, Betakes him to his mother's arms. The Baffled Bees go Booming Back; Faint laughter Bubbles on the Breeze, But Baby Bov will, atter this, Beware of Bee-hives and of Bees.

Harper's Young People. atter ioaa or aeaaiy missiles trom tne muz they go for summer resort cottages where Lmlies ami WANTED nice liirlit work utlhf ir lieuics. CMmmmtmmmmmm al to a3 ilir easily minli. ladies want no trouble with washing. They go with traveling parties, who like them at vir Work sent bvmnil.

Nocsnvassing. Sie'ndy Km- toymen! Address with stnmp CROWN PlF'U. 804 Tine Cincinnati, Ohio. WE WANT YOU! profitable employment to represent us In every county. Salary $75 per month and expenses, or a larpo commission on Rales If preferred.

Goods staple. Every otic 1)WH. Outfit and particulars Free. STAJDA11 SlLVlultWAltK BOSTON, MASS. all times.

Then we sell them for decoration of parlors." "Do the Japanese use them?" "Oh, yes, at all times. We have only the rice and the bamboo for our house. Out of rice we make our food, our paper, some of our wraps. Rice makes the soft paper like this, that does not break. Other things we make of bamboo.

The reporter learned that scented paper zle of his miniature cannon into the ranks of tha Confederates. The young hero fought for hours in the ranks of the Union army. Among the 100 000 men with whom he fought there was not one with whom he had any personal acquaintance. While thus engaged he was shot, it is be lieved, by a Confederate sharpshooter. When found he was lying upon his face, with his body across the little gun.

After his death the cannon was kept until re cently, when it was sold for old brass and brought to this city with other old metals. A comrade of the Tyndaie post, who is an extensive metal broker, learned the history of the little piece of artillery, then dirty and corroded, and presented it to the Society. It has been cleaned and brightened up and looks like new. It is about three leet in JAPANESE NAPKINS. Funny Little Mouth-Wipers Made from ClfJfiCD MODKL 8KWISG MACHINES for 12.60 up.

Warranted years. New and perfect. Sent on trial If Eice Paper. "Paper napkins ho ever heard of such desired. Organs gives, as premiums.

Send for circular with 7.000 testimonials from every state. We can save you Sift to UKO. PAYNK W. Monroe Chisago. napkins, as high as fifty cents each, are used in New York.

Jay Gould and many other nonsense I What good are they?" were among the many exclamations uttered by good housewives when they first learned that men of wealth have them for their yachts, and many of the cottagers at Newport and length and has a bore of less than two Send six cents for postage and receive free, a costly box of goods which will help all, of either sex. to more money I right away than anything else In this inn Long Branch are using them this summer. inches. Philadelphia Times. For watermelon or berry parties, for pic wona.

Fortunes await we woraersao solutely am. Ter ma mailed free. Taui fc Auguita, Malpe nics and garden parties, they are considered WILMOT ACADEMY Has a complete an1 practical Academic course: rKo a CHAMPION special School ol Elocution and hkUctlc Short hard. just the thing. Fine linen is apt to become stained or get lost, but paper napkins are sweet and fresh, and may be thrown away when used.

The Japanese expect to drive a big trade in them next winter, and several Address I', Ji. fiinmcuck, i rinclpal Wiliuot. CowUy Kas NeechJ HAS HO KQVAL. Inilil epo Free Tuition. Expenses Light.

FKST IN Til It WORLD, ri-tthiir tlin fhsmnlna I cargoes hare been sent here. New York nd to Journal. KANSAS STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. uk. Send rent in Mnmpi for Illustrated Ss.Pag Cataleeee nf (iuni, Hi Itpvotvpr.

Police UooJ, Ac. Eitalillnhed 140. JOHN P. LOVELL'S SONS, Xaaafaeterers. BOSTON.

MASS Endowment $500,000. Building Apparatus INSTRUCTORS. 400 STUDENTS, paper napkins wers being sold for table use. They pictured to themsel ves squares of thin, white paper that would break at the first attempt to put them to use, and sighed over the frivolity of the Japanese for bothering to mako such articles. Now, however since their value has become known, every picnic party must be well supplied with these little squares of Japanese art.

Hotels and boarding-houses have begun to use them, greatly to the delight of their guests, and it will not be long before restaurants, steamboats and even private families will have them in use. "We make no pretensions to what is called style. We are still in that social stratum where the article called the napkin-ring is recoguized as admissable at the dinner table. The napkin ring is the boundary between certain classes," says Oliver Wesdell Holmes In his most recent story, "A Mortal Antipathy." PAPER NAPKINS INTRODUCED. But the introduction of paper napkins will 17 Japan's Wondrous Garden.

The spring and summer in Japan is full of Farmers' sons and daughters received from Common DO YOUR OWN PRINTING HAULING JOHNSON. Topeka. Fin picturesque beauty, and yields an atmos Schools to full or partial course in Hclence and Industrial Arts Send for Catalogue to Manhattan, Kansas. phere of delicious comfort. The skies drop CHICAGO gladness, and the earth teems with loveliness.

Its garden pictures are changing as a kaleidoscope. The terraced hillsides rank with verdure, vie with wheat-fields bending 'neath their load of grain; some just cut and VETERINARY COLLEGE, INCO RFORATED 1883. Job Printers and manufacturers of RUBBER STAMPS I (or printing cards, envelopes, marking clothes' etc Also stencils for marking tacks. 49" Make money by writing us. FIITE Gentlemen of Rood address "WANTED To Solicit for Our Portraits.

Something NewPhoto-Steel-EngraTings. supplanted by rice, in fields flooded with water, while others, green with the tender shoots, are ready for transplanting. When the seasons are unusually dry nothing is left Regular session begins Friday, October 1st, 1888, and runs six months. For nn lal announcement, giving all particular, add res the Secretary, JOSEPH HUGHES, M. K.

C. V. 120--25th Street, Chicago, 111. WASHBURN COLLEGE TOPEKA, KANSAS. do away with this social stratum, and in stead of a clean napkin once a day, or twice a week, as the rule may be, every one may be even more fastidious than a Vanderbilt or a Gould, and have a daiuty and new nap Enclose stamp for Catalogue.

Address PiloTO BTEKL ENGRAVING CO, Geneva, New York. kin three times a day, and at a very trifling expense. "I NEVER!" make a spec laity of giv to suffer. The reservoirs are so large, and the irrigating system so complete, that Japan's wondrous garden smiles on beneath scorching rays. The trees of Japan are a wonder.

Here is the "mockungi," with its purple bell-shaped flowers; also the magnolio, with Its rich white and purple clusters. Queen among the tree towers the camelia. Some of these are sixty feet high, and are covered with blossoms from January to May, of many varieties, from the large pure white, resembling a double rose, to various shades of pink and red. The cherry and plum trees are For a family of six three napkins for each one every day would make 126a week, which is quite an extra in the wash, besides the ing Premiums for the funning of 'I ea Clubs. Now Is the time to set up orders for our celebrated TEAS and COFFEES.

Teaa care to keep them in nice order. 'return Ji wm. The reporter visited a quaint little Japan of all kinds, rom 30 to 73 cts. per pound. We defy the world on price and quality.

No house can Kive the same quality ese store on Broadway, which, strange to say, is kept by a Turk and a youth from the Mikado land. Queer little dolls with bald 33 )r or good ami premium as we do. We have a hst of useful and ornamental articles to select from. heads and bright, black eyes peeped out i from Nankin bowls and Tokio pots; mat toth sriti aUuiitte.i. t-our lUuiHfH oi etuuy Lias sical, Scientific.

I.lterarv and Engllnh. Two depart ments Collegiate and Preparatory Exci lietit fclll ties. Expensts very low For further Information address PETER McVlCAR, FrMiunt. I Stud your address (mention mis pniiiicsiiuiii mu will mail you our Illustrated Prlwand Premium Llit.and 'mil particulars. Addreaa NATIONAL TEA COF-jFEIS Wuahlngton Huston, Mass tings and hammocks, fans and umbrellas of Well Paid Employment cultivated solely for their blossoms, and are trees of rare beauty.

The former grows thirty feet high and as many broad, its branches covered with red and white flowers, two Inches In diameter and perfuming the air at a great distance. Its petals of snow and cream, falling in showers, spread many a carpet for the feet on the stone paths leading to the temples, verifying the native poet when he says, "There are snow show-era which do not descend from the skies." The plum tree is par excellence the poet's tree. Often it is seen 'standing leafless in the snow, yet adorned with blossoms like a bride. The tree bursts into soft clouds of bloom and fragrance in February, but with a faw Can always be secu-ed bra competent SIIOKT-IIAND WUITEIC. MTW You mar become this In moDtLs, at very little expense, by either coming to us, or getting out Instruction to coma to you.

We Can Teach You by Mail. JF9Send forltrge Illustrated Catalogue to We can also tech you Book-Keeping and Penmanship by Mall. II. A. HALE, Principal, 8hort-bsn Institute, Louisville, Ky.

wonderful size, spangled with impossible Japanese ladies and gentlemen in painful attitudes of Japanese grace; funny little ivory "back-scratchers," tobacco jars tea sets, bamboo chairs, and hundreds of other odd, yet useful, articles, which the two countries have taught us how to use for our own comfort, filled the little place. "Abou Ben Adhem," in a flowing gown of soft red silk and a little cap on the back of his broad head, sat in the back of the hop on a square box covered with a bright rug, and purled calmly away at his long pipe, while his Yokohoma assistant flitted about with a big silken handerchief flipping specks of dust from the thousand articles of bric-a-brac. The reporter asked the little Japanese if he sold many paper napkins. "How many hundred you want?" he said, bringing out four or five packages. "For picnic these very nice.

Sell for fifty cents 100," and he took out a soft bit of crumpled out leaves. Along the hillsides maples and pines are Commercial College. FLTJICER, BLOCK, covered with vines of exquisite loveliness, trailing and intertwining with bewildering City (1) HUSINESS. intricacy; among these are the wistaria and thumbergla, with their purple stars and -SIX DE3FA.K,TE2STTS. SHORT-HANI).


From the verdant valleys to the tops of the mountains are seen lilies, pinks, and fg FivTeacbera. Tuition lower here than in soy other Business College la the United 8Utes. Band for Clrrulara roses of endless variety. The grass is stud E. II.

IIASS, President. Emporia, Kansas. ded, and flowers spring even from the.

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