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Yonkers Statesman from Yonkers, New York • 38

Yonkers Statesmani
Yonkers, New York
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

I TB THF. YONKERS STATESMAN. WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 30. 193f COUNTY OFFICE BUILDING COKNEKSTONU Planet Exhibit V' i'9 Soviets Boast As Plaut Cuts 2 Months Off Job NeivCrinicCode In Italv Marks Fascist Ideals Philip Fox stated.

And It la not alone th stranger who ta attracted. Chicagoans have flocked by the thousands to hear tha lecture and to sea th planetary movements depleted. Mecca for Research Group Many scientists from nil parts of the country have muds uaa of tha planetarium in their research. Professor H. I.

Schleelnger, of the University of Chicago, said hoped tha university would be able to uaa tha planetarium and similar Institutions as substitute laboratories for work In physical aclanca under tha new plan of education to ba Inaugurated by tha university. So many persona visit tha planetarium on Sunday that It la regularly necessary to give an additional lecture to accommodate them. Vlckara. Tha Soviet newepaper continual ita account from Ion la-grad thus: "Consulting engineer! of Metro-Vickers, shrugging thair ehouldare, amid. Wa have never teen such devllsh And they nr right.

Capitalism does not know them these are socialist tempos. Boating 'English Firm "Stalin Works In 1 1928-24 produced 13.780 kilowatts of turbinea in 1929-30 it- produced 310,000 kilowatts. 1 Fop the present year It la planned to construct 803,000 kilowntta of powerful turbines. In tha paat eight years our worka Increased production only one and half times: from 854,000 to kilowatts thla "In tha race of tha two giants of turbine building, Stalin Works and Matro-Vlckers, the latter la already In tha roar, Lauda Socialist System "This could happen only because of the enormous advantages of tha socialist system, It means that In tha race between capitalism and socialism the victory will be on the aide of Tha totals In the struggle of the two worlds have not yet been drawn, but they are definitely and irrevocably predestined. Thus great oaks of conclusions grow out of little acorns of fact.

Whan Soviet Industries fall miles behind their European or American competitors In spaed of production. or size of output the same press does not tor that reason conclude that socialism la doomed. The logic of the above quotation Is a one-way street. Makes Chicago Science Center Flanetarium Visited by Millions in 14 Months Since Opening i Ueltea CHICAGO, Sept. Under the gray dome of Chicagos new Adler planetarium th mo amenta of the heavenly bodies may be seen dally.

Tha first Amer' planetarium haa prorad popular that during Ita first 14 on tha nearly a million persona have visited It and witnessed demonstrations. Tha number of visitors for the first year 781,000 was 381,000 In exceaa of the number which the dlrectora estimated would call during that time. New Interest Scientific Tho planetarium and Institutions of Its kind are held responsible for tha changing trend of Interest evinced by visitors to Chicago. Tho once popular trip to tha stockyards, slums or to some spot to which a violent crime had given tha name of "death corner; ia waning In its appeal to the stranger. Civic leaders declare than the planetarium ia becoming definitely associated with Chicago and outsiders are not so apt to think of Chicago In terms of a gigantic meat packing town, or a city famed for Ita crime.

Virtually all distinguished visitor to Chicago have wanted to see tht planetarium, Director 24.000 Kilowatt Turbine Ruilt in Half Year Quality Ignored By EUGENE LYONS Uatt4 Prase MOSCOW, fl-pt. SO. Modesty la not one of tho outstanding vlrtusa of tha Soviet State. On those rare whan It seta a record for apead or slaa la any department, it crows about tha fact loudly. An opportunity for aome luety crowing was provided recently whan the Stalin Turbina and Boiler Works in 1 Leningrad flnlahed the construction of a 34,000 kilowatt turbine in six mootha aa against tha bight months said to ba required for tho asms job by tho English Metropolitan Vlckara.

Called Leader "Who la tha loader now in tho turbine construction Industry of Europe, Matro-Vlckers, or Stalin Works! asked Ixveetle, in announcing tha newa. Ita tone left no room for doubt as td the sn ewer tha believing render la ax-pectsd to make. Of course Isveatia neglected to eak whether tha quality of the turbine matches tha output of tha English Arm, whether Stalin Worka can repeat th stunt and maintain tha pace, how much labor and money went Into tha Job aa compared with tha Metro- Ceremonies atendlng the laying of the cornerstone of tho new $2,000,000 county office building. war held yesterday despite the delay rauaed liy a strike of three hoisting engineer. Left to right: William English, general construction superintendent; Daniel Miller, superintendent; Albert N.

Garthwaltc, superintendent of county office buildings; Supervisor Whalen, Yonkers: Supervisor Archer. Mount Vernon: Airred Priestley, clerk of works; 8. X. Mapes and Addison Epp, architects' representatives; and Reed Ferris, county building engineer. "FIRST AS FISH City PHILADELPHIA.

Philadelphia la a city of many "firsts but few, persona know that it was the first center In tha United States for the breeding of aquarium fish. glgoloa from among American-born applicants, preferably those college educated and skilled In handling their feat on waxed floors. When Byfleld hinted that ha was considering tha gigolo large numbers of unescorted women, alone in partlea, were attracted to hla night club and Inquired when the gigolo would be available, Byfleld said. er, the College Inn of the Hptel Sherman ha decided to put glgo-loa on Ita payroll. In Europe, where gigolos are mostly romantic Latina, tha lonesome women entertained pay tha bill of the man they hire.

At CoV legs Inn the plan la to make the dancing men a free feature of the nightly program. Ernest Byfleld, owner of the Inn, said he probably would engage bla Native Men Will Be Used As Gigolos United Praia CHICAGO. Gigolos, of a variety more or less homegrown, will be Introduced in Chicago thla month. After watching the pioneering of the Ambasdador Hotels Cocoanut Grove. In Hollywood with thla type of profeeaional male dancing par JACOB WILLIAMSON, INC.

10 MAIN STREET YONKERS are 30 YEARS 4 4 Hi I 9 i U. S. Passes Germany In Air Line Mileage Unit! CHICAGO. With a dally schedule of 88,000 miles, United Air Lines, through Ita subsidiaries, National Air Transport, Boeing Air Pacific Air Tran-port and Varney Air Lines, has outstripped Lufthansa, tha Gar man line, to obtain tha record of flying more miles dally thnn aay sir line In the world. United Ah Lines officials announced.

With new schedules, United- All Lines ta flying 88.000 mllea a day, or approximately 12.000.000 miles a of which 8.000,000 mile are at night. Thla night flying ta three times greater than that of any Eruopemn company, official! stated. THIS: season, yet solved by Many Criminal Charactrr (iun Stalua.liiHrr MiiMolini I'alta Prwi ROUE. Sept. 80, -The principle behind the elaboration of the new Italian penal which went lata effect recently, 'crlve from th Fascist conception to the elate, mat la to aay, crime In all Ita forma la considered In the new code la Ita jmclal and political character an well aa In ita private relation.

In 'the new code more atreaa la laid on the aoclal character of the than under the old rode. Thla la beeauaa Fascism eon-aid era th Individual chiefly aa a unit of the atate a unit that haa fta own peraonal libertlea up to a certain point but muat forego them Immediately they claah with the Intereata of the community. For lnatanre, 1 atrikea and loek-euta are now offenses In Italy. while they are considered perfectly lawful weapon of offenee and defen nearly everywhere Th reeaon la baaed on the' con-fenllon that In theae'ease Indl-! vidua! liberty of action exceed Ita prerogative and by combined ae-: Hon dam ar1 the communlty'a In- taraata. Feature Death Fenalty Notable among the chances is the Introduction of the death penalty.

Italy waa. one of the first nations to abolish capital punish- ment. After 40 year she haa restored It In certain cases. Under the new code. capital punishment I ex.eded to some other cases, for glaurhter In mess such as Is tm- 1 piled by letting off bombs ann lHIHng several people; brigand-'.

when murder Is committed, and also to certain common crimes which havs no "atrocious character and menace the safety and tranquility of the Many reforms have been Introduced into tho prison pvstom by tho now code. The funda-mental concept of prison la Still that it 1 should ha a form of punishment, hut the code seta out to organ! re the form of the lm- prlsonmsnt In such a way that the time spent under restraint ahall help to regenerate as far aa possible the character and mentality of (he prisoner. Fine Graduated The change In' ti. nrifo-i tern. Include th.

abolition solitary. confinement. establishment' of the. -obligation to. work.

a lire extension of the practice of giving convict outdoor work Minora are detained in tb. llshmente which not .1" have anoearanca of Toting 'offender do not 'wear prison clothes under the new Another Important reform Is the mpllfleatlon the concept of th state's territory. Thla Is now extended to Italian ships and planaa wherever they may. A novelty In penal procedure Is (hat Introduction of the avstem whereby lines are graduated; '-carding to pecuniary posal- hllltl-of the person condemned. Th regular' line for.

a' certain offense aa preserlhed by may ba Increased as milch as three times In the ease of persona of Stalled Coach Fails To Ruffle Sir Neal United mn LONDON. Failure of the mayor's horses and all the mayor's 'men to move the glided roach In which ha ridea, recently forced (he Lord Mayor of London, Bir Phene to resort to the pro-sale, automobile. 1 The Lord Mayor wee going In aeml-atata from th Guildhall to Cornhtll. With' him were his mace-: bearer and hla sword-bearer. About hundred yard's from the Guildhall the coach came to a grinding The tugging of the four horses, plus a little-manual assistance, failed to budge The Lord Mayor's coachman, who never gata exelted.

got down, surveyed tha front wheels with erttleal glance and reported: Lord, tha new axle which was fitted yesterday appears to havs aelsed one of th wheel. I am sorry to say the coach will not move! Tha Lord Mayor maintained hla usual calm demeanor, called his automobile and completed the Journey by motor. Texas Bars Roping Of Goats At Rodeos PmtH'PrMi BAN ANGELO, Ttp.Evtry Unie a Texas cowboy rope a calf nr a goat at a rodeo he ta subject' to a fine, of from (106 to $500. A long forgotten law discovered by Gena Mathis, district attorney, aa ba waa looking over tha penal code to determine the legality of boxing. Ask Warship Named For Spanish War Hero t'nltee NORTH ATTLEBORO.

Representative Joseph W. Martin, he asked Secretary, of the -Adam to have cine of the new United States destroyers now under constructionnamed for John J. Doran f. -Fall River, Spanish-American wer hem. When the U.

8. S. Koarsag hit Roneedor eft bt 1S92, Doran Vol-. unt erred to put adiore, ip. (be fane of fire, to gig a breeches kufljr, BUT 1931 HAS TAUGHT US WHILE DOING DISHES Do you dry your dishai? Some authorities on household management say it isn't necessary if you have a ready supply of Hot Wafer.

After dishes have been 'washed, they may be put in. a rack. After bising rinsed with Hot Water, dishes "drv Purchasers are qiiality-conscio us today as they have never been before they arc more ac utely sensitive to values than ever in the past. Conditions have forced them to become so the result is a more intelligent, more alert and more highly educated buying public. nxiant Service We have always been proud of our success in building up public confidence in our merchandise, our store and-our service throughout our long business career.

Now we are proud also that our belief and faith in high quality merchandise has been justified. For the demand is stronger than ever for good materials, careful workmanship, and true style value. Dishwashing becomes a simple matter with an instant supply of Hot Water such as the Gee Water Heater provides. But this is only one of the many convenienses and effort savings produced by this appliance. Majng Uses Our, friends and customers know that at THE FASHION SHOP quality is never cheapened or marked down Yet the past year has taught them that our prices have dropped 33 1-3 or more.

YOU CAN PURCHASE AN Automatic Water Heater i FOR ONLY 5 DOWN BALANCE ON EASY TEAMS Terms itated above also avoMoblo from your own plumber any 1. Prnyn, Manager If you are planning to spend less than usual this wanting to get more than usual, your problem is shopping at THE FASHION SHOP, automatic. No matter what hour of the day er night, Hot Water will greet you at the turn of a faucet. Stop In at our showroom and we'I explain how easily you can sattia tho Hot Water question. ester ng 45 SOUTH BROADWAY Telephone Yonkers 800 'j JACOH WILLIAMSON, INC, 10 MAIN STREET YONKERS i LYYX2TTTTXII II TTTgYTTTTYTTTYTTY 4 i.

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