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Council Grove Republican from Council Grove, Kansas • Page 1

Council Grove, Kansas
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3 REPUBLICAN Established 1872. DEMOCUAT Established 1870. TIMES Established 1879. COSMOS Established 1882. COUNCIL GROVE, KANSAS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 8, 1890.

VOL. XVIII. NO. 32. ft I 11 I II fill 1 1 I I I I -I (yp THE EEPITBLICAirS BOLL.

Cat Up Your Corn. Mr. Editor: In reading the communi cation of H. R. Hilton in vour issue of ft.

S. GROW IiEY GO. W. R. Bigham, of White City, had his name advanced to 1891 on our list this week.

D. W. Mickey. White City's popular real estate agent, paid for his paper to 1891 August 1st, it brought to my mind what 1 had seen in 1843 to 1845 near Delaware, Ohio. A Mr.

Nettleton undertook to make molasses out of corn stalks. I was called this week. on to help him erect his mill to grind the corn stalks. He used a three-roller mill -George Boten, our worthy street com A Hellish Deed. Some miscreant without the fear of the Lord in his heart and devoid of all common decency, entered Mr.

W. II. White pasture in Parker township, one day last week, and plugged up a well bucket which is used to regulate the wind mill which pumps water for several hundred head of cattle. The consequence was it stopped the mill and cut off all supply ot water. For two days, during which time the sun and hot winds were playing sad havoc with nearly everything, these cattle were compelled to do without water.

Mr. White is in the habitot visiting his pasture once a week, and just by chance happened to reach there in time to save his cattle from starvation. We can't imagine a more such as our sorzbum mills and his pans missioner, settled for four dollars worth of ARE AS USUAL THE FIRST IN THE FIELD: the Republican this week. Joshua Baker, the cheap cash grocer on were similar. He went through the corn about four times and cut out the young ears of corn just as they got large enough the east side, remembered us this week to The Alliance Barbecue.

Owing to the absence of the editor the Republican was unable lo attend the alliance picnic at Hamilton's grove Wednes day last, and therefore cannot give as extended a report as we would like. Those who attended from this place report an immense gathering and a pleasant time. The different alliances throughout the county marched to the grounds in a body and by noon it was estimated thut fully 2.000 people were present. Several large oxen bad been roasted for the occasion and everybody enjoyed an old time barbecue dinner that will long be remembered. After dinner A.

B. Utley of Osage City was introduced aud spoke to the farmers for about three hours, delivering a scathing rebuke to the old parties and his criticisms ol the administration were not clothed in language that would imbue the listener with the impression that the speaker was In sympathy with the powers that be. He advised the agricultural and laboring elements to guard well their ballots in the future. Speeches were also made by Jesse the extent of a subscription. Jno.

B. Wiloox, before leaving for to draw oft the stalks, when a knife could be inserted to cutoff the ear and not injure the stalk. This was repeated until the etalk was fully matured, which was then cut and hauled to the mill and worked up Seattle, appended his name to our list and paid for a year's reading in advance. Mrs. M.

K. Woodworth settled for nto molasses. The yield was about two- ow down dirty trick than one of this kind three years' reading of her old home paper this week through her agent C. M. Reese.

thirds the yield of sorghum and the mo- WITH NEW FALL GOODS. NEW GOODS ARE ARRIVING EVERY DAY. OUR MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING- ARE NOBBY AND VERY CHEAP. and the culprit, whoever he is, should be made an example of when caught. Mr.

N. G.Rice, one of our esteemed read asses about the same flavor, but would not long until it He shipped east White says he will give fifty dollars reward er on Diamond Valley, liquidated for another year while in the city on last for any Information that will lead to his to make into New England rum. By removing the young ears it left all the saccharine juice in the stalk which would have dentity, and will also giye the above re -W. H. Riggs, one of our worthy sub ward for any one caught breakingthe locks been taken up by the formation of corn and left the stalk as our common fodder.

scribers, tendered his check for 6.00 this week for tour year's reading of his family Grav and others, and the Arion band of on his pasture gates. We trust that some one will succeed in running down the villian. Mr. Hilton is correct in his theory of cut newspaper. OUR STOCK OF Wm.

Dettman, before leaving for a ting corn in the green state. I believe that a stalk with a soft year of corn on has as She Broke the Engagement visit to his old home in Germany, called because she saw that he had ceased to love much or more ieed in it than a lull matured Monday and liquidated tor his favorite CoulciI Grove enlivened the occasion with their choice music. Died. HASKIN At Miueola, Texas, July 25, 1890. Alfred Haskin, aged 52 years.

He died peacefully trusting in Jesus. Funeral services were held at the Methodist church in Mineola. Rev. Calhoun of her. Her beauty had faded, her former county paper.

high spirits had given place to a dull lassi Shoes Boots -Mr. E. Rees, a well-to-do farmer re ear and a dry stalk of fodder. The ssme principle held good in Pennsylvania when our heavy crop of wheat was frozen in the tude. What had caused this change? Functional derangement; she was suffer- siding in the western part of Council Grove township, paid for another year this week and secured the cyclopaedia for a premium.

ng from those ailments peculiar to her sex. And so their two young lives drifted apart. ficiating. "And tins is the will ol Him that sent me, that everyone which seeth the blossom and our meadows all lrozen dead. The farmers cut the wheat for fodder, which proved better feed than timothy hay, as the joints of the straw was sweeter than sugarcane and was eaten by stock greedily.

S. D. Bancroft, who recently traded for How needless, how cruel Had she taken ARE UNSURPASSED. Son and believeth on Ilim may have ever the Geo. Sanders' property in East Council Grove, will remove, temporarily, to Ga Dr.

Pierce's Favorite Prescription she lasting life: and I will raise him up at the gbt have been restored to health and J. P. Brown. lena, Kansas. Before leaving he called and last day." John 6:40.

happiness. If any lady reader ot these ordered the Republican sent to his address. We base soon to see Mr. Bancroft ines is similarly afflicted, let her lose no Beggs' Family Medicines Weather Beport for July. Prepared by Proi.

F. H. Snow, ot the time fn procuring the "Favorite Prescrip have achieved their wonderful success only and family again occupying their beautiful residence in Council Grove. tion." It will give her a new lease ot life. WITH OTHER NEW GOODS, WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF THE FAMOUS JACKSONVILLE University of Kansas, from observations taken at Lawrence: by their actual merit, and the many thou Sold by druggists, under a positive guar- R.

Morganfeldt, a well known and pop sands that are speaking worde of praise for Only two Julys ot the pa9t twenty-three antee from the manufacturers, of perfect them would not do so had they not been all ular engineer on the Missouri Pacific, band years have been warmer than this (in 1S68 satisfaction in every case, or money refund ed in his name for the Republican thin that we claim lor them. Every bottle is and 1874). On two-thirds of the days of ed. See guarantee on bottle wrapper. i ILANNE warranted for all the label calls lor, and week.

The Republican has nearly 200 the month the mercury reached 90 degrees. Mated. railroad men on its list, and every week one or two new names is added. We at- each medicine is prepared for a special disease. $5 invested in Beggs Family Medi Married in this city, Friday evening, The rainfall is 2.67 inches below the average, but two Julys in the twenty-three years (In 1874, 1.19 1886, 0.11 in.) show- cines will save a 850 doctor bill.

Sold and August 1, 1890, by Judge Huffaker, Henry ways appreciate such courtesies and are glad to know the railroad boys appreciate warranted by H. E. Richter, druggist. Scott and Miss Amanda Brown, both col in? less rain. But one fair rain, that of JEANS, YARNS, BLANKETS, TRICOTS AND CASSIMERES.

THESE ARE GOODS THAT ARE the Republican. ored. Mr. Scott is well known in this city 1.25 was had during the month. Troy Laundry.

The postmaster at Wllsey informs us where he has been enjoying single blessed The wind velocity was above the average. Rainfall 1.565 inches, which is 2.67 To get gentlemen and family washing that one John Francis, who has been read done, so to the Troy Laundry. Guarantees ing the Republican the past four years ness for the past fifteen years. The wedding which was to have occurred several days previous was unavoidably postponed inches below the July average. Rain fell to give good satisfaction.

East Council on five days. There were three thunder IWARRANTED 1 ALL I WOOL without money and without price ha skipped for parts unknown, and that hi paper remains dead in that office. There owing to business complications over which showers. Of the total rainfall for the Grove, between Wood and Union streets, north of the bridge, and west of Christian the groom had no control. The happy couple month 1.25 inches fell on the 15th.

church. Jas. Butlkr. are a good many kind of dead beau. In this have the weTT wishes ot their friends whilst Mean Temperature degrees they are traveling over the Rocky road to which is 2.47 degrees above the July aver Persons wanting to sell or trade property wealth.

aire. The highest temperature was 100.5 world, but the man who will beat a newspaper out of four years reading, would rob his dead motber-ia-law and steal an acorn from a blind hog. will do Well to place it in the hands of th Neosho Valley Land and Loan as they degrees on the 14th: the lowest was more List of Letters. than 35 degrees lower than the maximum. are arranging lor excursion parties for this Remaining uncalled for in the postoffice section of the country.

9-tf at Council Grove, Morris county, Kansas, The mercury reached 90 degrees on 21 days, or nine more than the July average. Mean AND NOT TO SHRINK. WE ARE EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR THESE GOODS. WE PROMISE YOU HONEST TREATMENT AND CLOSE PRICES. A.

S. CROWLEY CO. A Card. Mr. Editor: Permit me to say in ans for the week ending August 6, 1890.

temperature at 7 a. 76.30 degrees; at 2 You will always find the freshest and wer to the numerous questions asked in reference to my being a candidate for the nicest candies at Billings' bakery. M. B. Brown, J.

W. Norton, M. G. Mead, D. R.

Roberts. Peter Rauscb (2) Miss Tillie White, Miss Alvira Wilson. p. 91.44 degrees; at 9 p. 81.66 de grees.

office of probute judge this fall, will say, Mean Cloudiness 24.31 per cent, of the These letters will be sent to the Dead sky, the month being 12.57 percent, clearer than the July average. Number of clear lhad intendeded, all things being favorable, as early as last fall, and so expressed myself; but when speaking ot the matter some time ago to several persons aud being Letter office September 3,1890, if not deli ered before. In calling for the above davB Hess than one-third cloudy) 19; half GREAT: please say "advertised," giving date of clear (less than two-thirds cloudy) 10; cloudy (more than two-thirds) 2. There told it meant money and big work the way politics was now rnn In this county. A regards the money part of the program, list.

C. L. KNIGHT, P. M. 4ft Died.

were three entirely clear days, and none entirely cloudy. Mean cloudiness at 7 a will say 1 will be sixty-four years old In At her home in East Council Grove, July CLO NG- OU 18:21 percent; at 2 p. 32:07 per 30, 1890, at 5 o'clock, P. M. Sarah Kather- September next, and money in no instance ever entered into my politics in the way of cent.

Burned Out. influencing a vote directly or indirectly and ine Baker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W.

Baker, aged 11 years and 5 months, with croup of a diphtheritic form. Katie was only sick a few days, and all that could be shall not in the future. As to the big work On Thursdav morning of last week the residence of Warren L. Johnson, ten miles north of Council Grove on Munkres creek done for the little sufferer by loving par ents and medical skill was of no avail, was destroyed by fire, the family. barely es "Death loves a shining mark," and her cap in with their lives.

Ed Johnson who spirit passed to the realms above. In their require of candidates if itmeans traveling over the. county, greeting every voter with an extra long and hard shake, and an un-naturaf broad grin, I could never fill this requirement or accomplishment, if you choose to call it by that name. And for the benefit of those that expect to be candidates for this office and who have been stating that I was a candidate, 1 hope that was sleeping up stairs was awakened about grief over the departed one the parents 5 o'clock by suffocating smoke in his room MM Qj have the sympathy of the community. lie immediately aroused his two brothers who were sleeping in the 6ame room, then An Amphitheatre.

rushed down stairs and gave the alarm to his father and mother who were sleeping Heretofore the word "Amphitheatre," Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder. Highest of all in leavening strength. V. S.

Government Report, Aug. 17, 1SSD. below. The family just had time to get as used by show managers, has simply been a mere figure ot speech, but Wallace and Anderson, who exhibit here August 18, EVEEYTH KG out of the building before it was in a sheet they will now feel that so far as I am concerned the way is clear. I have been a resident of Kansas with little exception since the spring of 1860, and of this county continuous since the summer of 1867, and dur-Ingmy residence in the state have followed of names from cellar to garret.

Nothing in the bouse was saved and the boys es have adopted it in reality, and we shall present a number of acts peculiar and pertain OUR CHEAP COLUMN. caped with only their night clothes. The ing to stage accession. These features loss will foot up about $1000. As to the consrsiSTiisrc3-LOF- origin of the fire no information can be have never been seen with any tent exhibition, because of their complicated nature thl head five cents a Advertisements tinder line each insertion.

farming twenty-four years of this time, and although farming some of the time has not been very flattering, and the present prospect rather gloomy for this calling, yet 1 obtained. Warren Johnson is one of our first settlers and has scores of friends in and necessary effects, which could not be produced outside of metropolitan theatres. this county who sympathize with him In would rather follow it as a renter, and will do so rather than adopt the present DRY GOODS, BOOTS I SHOES his heavy loss, there being no insurance on WANTED AN ENERGETIC MAN WHO UN-derstands clothing or tailoring to represent us in Council Grove and vicinity, as sales agent. Splendid fall and winter assortment now ready. Wanamaker Brown.

Philadelphia, Pa. The largest clothing and merchant tailoring house in America. Woodland College, the property. He is preparing to build methods of electioneering for office. Independence, 10 miles from Kansas again.

Respectfully John Karr. City, with trains every half hour, is the i30TBOSS; August Weather. Prophet Hicks says August will open in a FOR SALE CHEAP. A SECOND HAND BICY-cle. Enquire Charlie Schultheis most conveniently situated school for the residents of Eastern Kansas.

Its thirty years history and steady growth evidence Farmers Want Foreclosure Proceedings storm period, with clearing aud cooler SEWING MACHINES OF ALL KINDS CLEANED and repaired. All work warranted. C. E. Day ton, corner Second and Main streets.

23-2t. the confidence of its patrons. Experienced teachers; best advantages In music and painting; -library and apparatus. Ask GENTS FURNISH NG GOODS TRY THE CELEBRATED SILICIAN HAIR Tonic, if you are troubled with itching of the scalp or dandruff. Geo.

S. Bryant for catalogue. 30-3t Married. FOR SALE 21 HEAD HIGH GRADE TWO year old feeders for sale. A.

P. Ashbrook. WHIT1NG-PULLIAM In Council Grove, Kansas, August 1890. at the residence A GOOD VICTOR SEWING MACHINE FOR only 12.00: cood as new. Enauire at this of the bride's parents, Mr.


Stayed. Abilene, Kas, August 2, The farmers alliance of the Eighth judicial district ban put in circulation and endorsed meetings a remarkable petition one which demands of a judge something the state can only give. It reads as follows "To the Hon. M. B.

Nicholson, Judge of thr Eighth Judicial District of Kansas: In view of the disastrous failure of crops, general stringency ot money matters, we, the undersighed petitioners, do hereby most earnestly request that proceedings in fhe foreclosure of all real estate mortgages now-pending, orthat may be commenced within one year from date, be delayed." As foreclosure proceedings are regulated by state statutes, the unreasonableness of the request is easily seen. Still, the alliance is getting many signatures to the petition, and it will be presented at the next terms of court in the various counties. rrio RENT A GOOD FIVE ROOM HOUSE NEAR Whiting, all of Council Groye. Beggs' Family Medicines. JL west side school house.

Apply to F. A. Mc- Oollom. For blind, itching, or bleeding piles, Beggs' German Salve will relieve at once, USE DR. TALLERDAT'S BARB WIRE LIN1-ment and Ointment, for fresh cuts, braises.

weather from the 2d to the 6th, when Vulcan and Mercury will combine and produce a hot wave with storms, followed by a drouth extending to the 23d. 24th and 25th, when rain will come. The meteorlogical element will undergo their regular changes between the 11th and 12th, and there might be a slight rainfall then. The month will be free of great storms. But the calm summer will be followed by a mild September.

The equinoxes ot Mercury and earth will fall on the same day. the 21st, and but for Ihe fact that we have passed out of Jupiter's influence we would have a stormy term. As it is. we'll have a frost between the 16th and 30th. It's Bad Enough to fool away one's precious time in experimenting with uncertain medicines when one is afflicted, without being out of pocket as well.

The only medicine of its classi sold by druggists, possessed of such positive curative properties as to warrant its manufacturers in guaranteeing it to cure, or money paid for it returned, is Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. For all liver, Jblood and lung diseases it is spe sprains for man and beast. Best In the world. 19tf and in time effect a permanent and lasting EXCHANGE A FINE HERD OF FASH- cure.

It never fails. Price only 25 cents. Sold and warranted by H. E. Richter, WE "-MEAN-- BUSINESS! ionably bred Jersey cattle for clear property.

J. M. HEXSON Co. druggist. rpo RENT A GOOD SIX ROOM DWELLING IN Two propositions to amend the constitu JL Park addition.

Apply to F. T. Behring. 1CY PROPERTY IN COUNCIL GROVE FOR tion of Kansas will be submitted at the November election. One is to change the JJJ- sale; house and two lots.

Those meaning COME EARLY BEFORE THE STOCK IS BROKEN. ousiness enquire oi me personally. D. A. Alden, TTTANTED ALL THE FRESH EfWiS vnr? bring us, for which we will pay the highest possiDie prices in casn or trade in dry mods.

notions, clothing, boots and shoes, hats. caps. Beggs' Family Medicines. Beggs' Diarrhea Balsam will cure any case of diarrhea, colic or dysentery more quickly and effectually than any other medicine on the market. It is purely vegetable, and no one need fear giving it to the most delicate child, or the strongest of men.

Try it, and you will not be disappointed. Sold by II. E. Richter. druggist.

date of meeting of the legislature to the first Tuesday ot December of each alternate year, and increase the length of a regular session to ninety days and that of a special session to not exceed thirty days, and fix the mileage of a member at fifteen cents. The other proposition is to Increase to seven the number jof the judges of the supreme court. at our store. 3 M. Henson Council Grove, GO.

Kansas. 23 cific. iTJil ATT EtOBEiTS COUNCIL GROVE. KANSAS. jousk A2iU TWO GOOD LOTS FOR SALE Board and lodging at Billings' restautant cneap.

win give purchaser plenty of time, and only want 1200 down. Balance t25 per month. Appiy at wis omce. Everything new and first-class. 48-tf.

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