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Yonkers Statesman from Yonkers, New York • 4

Yonkers Statesmani
Yonkers, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

OUR TOKEIGH COMMERCE. teffi Statesman. ICE FOR MOUNT The- foreign eommeree of the' Dr. Lyon's PERFECT BRIEF CHRONICLES OF A DAT. Gather Froa Haiy Srarett ny SUtcnu Reportara.

Woir Axo Wirt. Waiting wxrk vou wwrfc le you Wait. State the 111. year ended Mayor Braah, if That City, Determined to gated1 7b tniHion doHr, thut. falling Build a Municipal Plant I hava that.

I can. get plant but. 30 million the 3illion dolIar ii'i. If the, trade with' Vporto Slco and Tooth Powder SOLVED PROBLEM mh may do the. bet he TERMS OF ADVERTIIINQt OrdiBi17 lt aa lack.

tat iMnttak for. laager avrtlsBnts tad eoMla'MM Inoertlon. liti tixsa. forty word isr lets, BO cent tot "a taserHoa. II thrss taacrtlM.

11.50 week. IracUL Koncxt, forty word sr tat, T5 eeat for eas bucrtkia. $1.50 thrss nuertlMia, a irttk. Uauimi Hoticb. TS eat! Births 50 rati CHEAP RENT erected arid in operation almost within 60 day and.

begin. leiiry of ice to Mount Hawaii, 'which wV included it 0if. foreign lemonfte jutt when the other mipply it coniinerce to were addedt the totai would materially exceed exhauated, about the latter part of Septem can and Mill: get he wort of it. Curaarut Givwa. -r-Tlie.

Lord Jove i cheerful be love- jwit OfiaVT OcKAif TaAVtX--fiecord fiat of 'Biith inrporti and export' 'ESSa Jantifle the teeth and rwifle th breath, SjwdJfcT people of refinement lor over a quarter of a century. Convenient for totiriats. exceed thoe. rif any earlier year. Deata.

cent ier om Insertion: 60 cast for each eaaltloaal Inwrtloa. ber or the rt of October," jiaid Mayor Edward F. Briuh, of Mount Vernon, in peaking of Si fropoied hygeia lee plant for Public Utility Co-Operativ Company which he intend to organize. immediately. eabiir puaenger are being oarried by the The total import of tfce year were 120 pMlllon ilnlUi exceeding the higheiit.

Record of ny erlier yetrIUOu 6y 100 AN UP-TO-DATE -ia" PHEPAMO TOIIESB, THUMDAT, JOLT II, 1908. a outgoMig oeatB liner. Osr. 6 Ernra-4Kven a. munie-loring man Vw the lirie at a who i forever nd the export were 1.744.

ex. I never saw a pn," aaid the Mayor, "that ceeding thot of the Wghett jTT PRISOX FOR iATJTO 5C0RCBSR. met with ich uniVrral approvaL' rx- harping Mt Dr, Bruth ha discovered a plant that" Jl'tr ioV lBaj-One rear co 'toda the lenlencing am autoist convicted -of driving his tohine a inordinate nd lmovt and he -ha ecured an option on it. i lie 3 now looking for niaee io put- "i'airi going right ilam-barig at' weather thi citjr waa. 'pa port over jnrport 6J7 miHlon doHar, otnreding: that-Of 1003 by lift nriHK)n, but iattjiig each "ye'iir -of, -the "i'omparing JDOti VithVtie fijrur f.

(Iw Tim tmperatttre roe irom 74 thi. thing," he Mate, "and there'll no let rate of. need. 0' two irtontV pftsdnment; In Khig County Teniten- SiioBTrVV'ciuHT let fic'AuafXew' JipXamgoiBaiaTt are cwiftWatM 78 leU ice eale thai amirr irom 80 4o 40 per "'cent- Will: Vti. service tltogethejf Vtoo-sndulgent public.

hort weight if I have to borrow the money, I have my. eye. on plant, aiid on tome land, and I thiriV I can keep well within' the figure I flrt Risceipt or. Taxr The amount; received Or; ceived- an from Thj pum'shrocnt seem nut to ha ve been umkrvedi; although ii; Ui ijritt crease iirijlioii the ex-liort in iflcreaue of, 260 millionv fom-paring the fljjnwe wiph tiioe df JO year iniport '-ho'ilr an in-rreane pf Wimillipn' and the export a inereite of 801 jnrllion. The table whieh fokiw ahowo the total import nd export of meTchndie in each for taxea at tliO office of Receiver Lennoa, from reiiterdav to noon tajtowSim ItAIIf BTKEET, VONICEBII.

Albert Stadler, of thff i Vergnii Machine Company, and from Ppntiflx lleridrix TELEPHONE No. 8. offense Ircorded againitt thil man in 34,183 pnviouary. reported, JHM. 20i tJopU $351,7328.

Thertnre many who; like arrogant, domineering, and drHant yrtem rh rew York. lie 1 bIm in recript of-a long communication, full of IntereitSng, Iwuwo Batted BALU-Wiirle Um 'j information, from a. engineer, who give some flgwre a to the eoi. of when on road' end Human life it loo commonly regarded by autoistf CxiNirtiL piring a 6ebairmatAury Park, fjur; rogate Rmeil, of Newark, N. wa bit jn the iice by a batted One eye wa 1 Inportfl irr.784.fl74.v.

WKa.HOo.MII Yaar lading. Jua30, 1 To Stay 566 maintaining aoplarit 50-ton capacity, which he tWnk would be 74,730.4 1 perhaps' of little eomeqiMOofe' when ft 4 riot. WESTCHESTER LIGHTING H1H.04R.A&4.. 1JJ31.4 TO injured and 'hi none broken, unf l.m.ossjwa Here .1 what Or. Bnuh think hi Public And Save Toil Money in Your Ha Pucioim SeciET.

Rather than tell 11)00 H40.W41.J".. 1. una 1801. IIS3.17a,l6a...l,487.764JWl 0OSWSO.04II.. 1.31.1B.401 i her age.

Hi Frintoe, of -CohimMH; Household Expenses. 'V" 1904... 0t.0H7.a71.. 1 1.11711,071.. 1JHH.561.MO l.awiM7B:.

1.743,70.815 Company can furnish ice to local retaii eonaumir for per ton Factory coat of mariuf acture, SO cent, ad-minutntion expenses, S3 cent; selling ex-pen, ebat of feed, livery -men, repair to Ae- retail exoenie. lo in Obib, b' gone io Jiil for eontompt of "None, of your bojiine id he, to the Judge and the lawyer. SPECIAL their on, and, tlic impnsttlun paltry fine wealthy- law-jireakeM not proved a deterrent tbrtu. Thi; ha been proved in hundred of case. it i to.

be' hoped, will' 'have a more wholesome respcotfor the Ypu-'ker speed, limit, and. that even thow oVfying. men who dash "ttirough WrbiKton and Rirerdaie avwiue and South Broadway Paixca. Fob i'aorawtoxAi, Qoirtmi. -rr-: WORMSER FIRED FOR SPEEDIHG.

yerterday, Iiidoc hwney priB, ranging from $123 to eutting. Jtc; .15 cenli total- retail jbst p'-r. ton, dSjSl. 23, win be. played for in the jirofewional fwH tournament to be held on Van Vornier, Manhattan banker, wa a THIB WEEK OMLY.

The wholeiale eot would be but 75 cent ted, aad found guilty eedMiv41 a-nrinoe-'tWrrnmw TJorllandt Ui, iTue(Ky, July 3 1. and simW limit iii hit automobile. A thi wa 4 Evaporated Cream 8 telling expeniea. It -will be een, according Wedneiday, Aug. hi aeemul offenne, he wa fined the maxl- Largs can gg( Small can 4g( to these figure, that the.

retail eost of clear Aftkb Tiw. Ick TlUHT, Tbo New York riiunr penalty of. (SO, and, eerely. lectured HeraM ya the 'Federal Oovernineh hygeia ice, delivered to the door of, the eon-, turner, would be but 13 oent per 100 pound, Sultana Tomatoes, 10c, a Can Marshall'i Kippered Herring, by judge Vahy villager who haiv itood along the roadiile aiid gated at bably will proceed1 againat tho American lee et-iiigA speed, morning; and. flight, wMl "take timely 'warning and art accordingly, if they would prefer to keep out of prin.

The irtion of Jurhjo Beall cerUln to pbtlin akle populaTHy vjth" all except the lavrlrtw element; and it i worthy of imitation A CLEAR COURSE OR. HIGGIHS. ALL KINDS. ALL! QUALITIES whjch i 37 cent eheaper than the American Ice Company i now telling for at retail, Wnrmera machine, with, awe a whixxed Plain or Tomato huibe, OU Company; under the AntiTruHt. Law, fcr arbitrary increea u( pricea of ice in a by them were ill the.

Town 1111, in tin Domestio Sardines, with key, 3p. box doen different citioif afternoon, arid did, riot exprr any ym- GOODS DKLiVERKD FRSI. BHAWL Ab BAQ 8TRAPB. Stafohjpsukaim. 7ot pathy with Wormer: Vuaaiw liont at VAUiALVA.Atlibrew FAVORS A MUNICIPAL ICE PLANT.

The banker. kini through Katl- 5 SPECIAL SALE OF NICE LUNCH SATOHELS--39C, P. Stove Polish, box, 3o. To tM Editor 0 Te Bttieimun: on hi Way. from hi Home Will Jie: frccted on the Raven Facui, of Kenico: take at VarlMlla.

imrin tjrunture 125." bv iOO feet. 8afety 1 doz, boxes, -v5o. A lew. on the ice question mar lHHiio. in Dulili ti bi New York ile-jha a.

large 'touring riot be amiss, iegiii mnth, it need riot with an.tslktpe traion of 122 It. necessarily be because an imli- The ciHiervative resident have ob- EXTRA STAMPS This Week Only. will.lie a granite arid bride structure. 1 A Iv 1 11 11 i vuou en aTAum with one iitm4 jected the which Uriancirr ha rliaheil through' treet, and Bate yidual or a neirspa'per efayor thV niariJuipai erection anApwrieninip of an ice house, that Orricrjw ip; or Ikbtaludx- The rea coif; Q'. DistHot ffresideift, ATre.

--ft Mtoir, in- either favor the riiuoicipal ownersliip of On the Qohieb 28,28,30 Main BTonkari. k. On ni Conn. () IjQ KTAMW with wne OHimd QC JrrAJsWwHb ope iwint V. WW Te ii itallvd the: ofiicer of.

Camp lf P. O. of veryimng esse in the dty. are dir proietted lo Ito ftibbt Ferry. Tn answer td the proteM, flnnciej, ft it aid, 'haw-riiit'.

rep'ir- fPwTullyi last eVenfrigi. hrrge maiaVr of visiipr ooooooooooooooooooooocooccco cutting a single flatter not a theory. aiiit niember were preterit. the cere'i There no il reason wiry Yonkert i 60c 50c 40c 35c 35c 30c 25c 20c jnonieg, refreirtHiients served and sv 1 ()tmitie jpi. coH(Sfrnihj the didacy of liovwrnw ilijqjint for TeniiHiina-tiou 'continuB etiiritt'; from Friend 'they, not look for any.

'ffght in the Stale they' e()ect that tbtwe who may. iavnr the noniipaltiim of vinother man- will the wiwtoul of aj(ain placing Mr. itipftin at the Vd, Of the 'ticket. A friend of the-Uovernor hi i aware the tkil-f eombiiiatlo'. "tiaiin't idhejion; fiirmcr (iovcrniir Frink S.

HliickLHit on an haai iif It lirubtbie that Black, w'hiiiie-. jiojltieal. aiufcneat (enlitiMj Voiild eonif rnnii; liit; poliUtaV future by lying up to ueh a combination. i. "It h' e.

-id. (IdeU, rlatt, QiiW ind Uuterbach should President Frederick ii. 7iiiiwer. of tlaht'-' could not eat ice froin the. Qraasy Kprain Ul.

iThit tlie eity, and the isocial hour QC "TAMI'M me prniqif WW- CiifTei? OA HTAJII'M wljb one pojisrt OU VoCnr orgnied ruxade againtt' needing tutouiclii litta, B'nl' yeaterday he Jirt Tp VPoT-GaAiuAT flowiTAr A cut from K' wpuld. a good Va.the water in it which ie good deal more liiiiiBi Of) HTAMHH, with one tKiunil CW Ooffes Oiin tp rttchahy -one. who violated the-. s- A gift of. 15,000 has been made to the New York Post-Oraduate Medical School and ft with one punad.

IU I'liffce (peeil With Cliff of Police OXearjr. ha tfi. A one-thtrd. of a can be laid; of of the Ice' sold. tis only potsible objection that could be made IIcMpttlal by: Mr.

and Mrs, Edgar -E. Bran gTAl'M with three eakea 10 Onr IVMte KJustinsj Hoapi i to the tcJieme would be that the work might of Oxford, "in membry of their 5c 5c In HTAUIW wltk twn VMkM ome. nrayt pollute the water, and thi infant Will'iain Templeton Brandon, I U. A. P- )arln Moap, sach.

niili in kirigih. wa -nieatured, off; rih'eiid were. ati atarteri and. Thre top-'wtche were held oathf 10c in, afta-vnogMe could be prevented by proper attention tb eieanUneB Jn perforurlng audi wonk. in 8TAMPH wltti one' ean IU iNew Rhvhara a BT1UIM -Ik'.

to' establUh an obstetric ward In connection iwith'ith- Hospital. A J. 10c IU rraacs-ABKrlcin Patted Beat. flRht erea though they retllied that th j-ir Mr. WormWr pcd over the ttretch hi A to; to city right to da the work, it 'rw Yoa Bc Daxhr jia) at Cathkiui.

ionld be reTy weak reasoning that would iikiial hour iq the He Wa un- IfJ STAMP wttli-one ran fJCa IU R.R. Boned turker or ('hUea ftwG Seyanour Stone, 0 year' old, ion of Mr. WEIGHT. SERVICE. admit tlie city right create, and main QUALITY.

a ware' of- the Deputie in' aailitiith until the Charles Stone, of 154 84XA street. New York, was drowned. "in" jC'ataldli-CTe've tain a 'water aupply; iriwtting Juimfiue siims'. 'i' and. estalirrshmg a wa up told that he; hd Uien traveling at the.

rat of -30 fnile jib lour, TAUPH with U-pInt IWUle 99-, I terdayi While on. a pier' toiling boy' business; with; ttuustnds pf customer, and i -k -r Vr- swimming; young Stone. lost hi balance, and pattHied overboard. wa visiUng CaU- Says EajiMpli Co, Ihen deckre lliat it hair ho Tighi to harvest and dix()ose of Uie ice' which formed on property; kHI with bis mother, aii invalid. SIRS SEND SACKS ORE." llie Yorikew'lflk wlio are.

attending the WITH ON POUND Mihh LimEtTY To Bk FaiSTbd. Til ottr thf great, confpanies which har Drriver- Convention, are not. forgeHing their fnendii lieipe, a is eridejicetl tiy ihe vest lce: on the uppet Hudson about COAL 15 cent ton: to house the blouks, and I iwinber. of jioatal cank and. other; abuvenir Htaiue df Libeityi on BedlbV island i io paJn.ted;: tlie goddess; is to receive a coat well a without.

In the 18. years during whioli he lias borne aloft her torirh can tee should cost re4cbing, Yonkor daily, Several citizen received ptrcarxU, ywteruay, pn ee. wa leieratie: Tttiry are like; ini'ff wit the rBpf aroiihil: their Beck i the; Kavn nothing next -in i different wMh it different Willi Wnndrijfr, Wihiam L. Ward iu'Veaieheiter. -and.

bthera who eouldlie nmf(Ji If jjriie lir to' lie. Vny fjghl thrite uien, itke it; iriB be'-found following a hopelrn 'tajik President- Rootevi-IL. it intenxeiy the lie jt l.repTwnliiJ'-'iti -iielnghilarioua about the i4 that fanijls, Watt.leU iither men have (rot he vPrenidfint ih reported to htwi the new- aiipnct of thing eoiild Jar lietter; jn'thi the foreiV hVtiie i the National hv inR thiT nninrf fhade tt fnlr -BiMweyelt, and jiia Xo achieve" the overt hrow of; Iht i -whole in a single "CARROT MEEt DEMAltD FOR DWES. Vaited State Tmaiiivr Treat tajd, lerday, that he wa nmf mtftwl 1y a dt-mniid 13 times, a much, or $8 a ton, to gather she. lats been exposed to- the salt of ice from the lrr rtprain Lake.

No ae printed: apt. ahipning you; prepaid, i sack of Coliiraogiild; ore, look out for the -Atlautii and Hwir adion ha begun to doubt ft wollld oot 'mewba. more t'buq affeot het bronxe i alsb proposed cost ihe Trust, but four or fire weU-known time hiox'h would aeem to be great Klk Thw wioriiing each of the aame per- to im'reaiN) the torch frt)rii S.ligliU to. 10, but the power of ihe. IQ lights) vW be three 'diffcreripr a tiere.

ought to b. Iri any i " mail a dimidutiye bag, on tjrnie greater than that of the present 5. Cost No More event Junlea eome one, really robbed the it could get niore for ice LOXU SnVIClB I9T SUKDAT St'HOOL WOBKV TELEPHONE CONNECTION. than it eot to harvest Tdis Sarah Allgood, who for 30 years ha Tlie work should be in charge of some had charge, of tta deiNHinwnt of the First Baptist Sunday School df Mount Cheap whK v. wa printed: 'Xjmd Ore tlw 'niuky: tonteriU glit-'bwd 1 y-v 'This fATUAs reoeivexi a dispatch from W.

RaynMatef and W. L. Richmond, Which read X'oftpNA, Cirtnd C'ounUi CVM. (irerthigs to Yoiikrrt fAm Corona; IljlOO feet above aea hirel. 'in Uw-'revBin of 'nerpKual Board, such an the Water Board, all ha announced her retirement, and other dt-prtnnt hould be charged -for the Joe, and a careful account: kept Ice giving iH health a the reason for her action.

There's iiomoiny in haviiiL' a poor, ojd lor, tUyer idimea that hc oouW nut. Prior Ho her removal to Mount Vernon lie should be soi to: retail dealer at a fair pocket- ft a' knife-blade wohVhold VTber; a din her the wa. for '24 year teacher rn the First wholesale and any, overcharge to the iw'. the hieheat standal jatuiw' railroad New York Bank have only dinfea on Baptist Sunday School, hi Rochester, Mis an edge what it it giipd for? Good blde- coriimnaT should be reported to the Board, trtutiori in the' world; snowball battse. now and; the retailer charged refuted: further tleci is whut a knife must, posse', to.

be going on, IUUMTn ahb KlcnilOKU. Mary who. ha been asaociated with her in the work ir Mount Vernon for. the A BVTPLT Good-Service Coal FOB WEXT WINTER-WILL XARH THRKI TlatlS INTKREST PAID QY THE BAVK. DID YOU EVER LOOK AT IN THAT LIGHT worth 'anything, for then the blade will slay hut eight years, has abw Mired.

The heme would aerve two. purpose i sharp and be a help. carry the famous RIVAL SOCKAW At STEAMBOATS. It would fimih employment to more of Fob Waixo Fibe-Fiuhtou). our own eitiavna; arid1 iwould weaken X-VUnqna11 and liriM of pocket cutlery; These nariie.

are-guarantee -A new -'400- feet; of on th lluditon. lias' never 'V hold of the ice Trust New Zealand, the bien a' strenuous as-it' used' to te on the double-jaelccW hose, ha been installed in State keep down the oorporaHons by going of mialily. Price. 25 cent. up, rSI cbii.

st the faring Hat Factory by the member of in an'te-belluu days, but an into bueinew itself. We have a tdiance. to tceuriling Ui number 'of liUilot. There are the. Waiing BrfrkV The jumper.

i initidnnt whlirh wirred morning no th? Mihe tiring now- -w. fuily equipped wkh all necessary appliance brouirlit' t'u' mind the' stuifie of famous old Htcial knives for ladie, too knive that hand, and Urato at Bakimore The cry for dirnr come from every parrot the country. deimuxi for inem it extra' ordinary, and there bat been nothing like it ib the Matory of the mntry.w y. jtllcrfn i very low, and nuth ordei wilt be aent to', the varjon mint dirorting minage of a large; amount: tuhatdiary few dayit ago there wa wirth of ubidiary coin in too Treaurjr. Rwiuwition during, fhe Ut few day have A -Treiaury pfttekti gave, thi nii for the iinrUtge of auMdiary "The are.

properoui and when they 'are-pro perou Ma-y eariry koe. vhange in their pocket. IVy lik 1 tdi hear it jingle." lARRlAGS AMD DIVORCE. Mrvtfupi win rip.seami, ahirperi iie'ncil and av the for exttnguistung a aniall fire, and 1 bouied in a shed built especially- for tha '-nur- PATRONS OF ATHS. The (irandllepubKe and Uie RoHedafe both du ked at' Yonkers, about.

8 :30. The Rose- pose. It wae purclsed from 1L Schenck. The nuniber bather at' the; public A of. Yonkers.

The menibers of the, dale tied up at the. City Pier and the firalid bath house at the corner of Vark and Jeffer. Keoiiblic at the lien rranklin-. wliari. Brigade wBl hold an to-morrow iright, to celebrate the arrival of loo new tori trtav for the week ending with Sunday ilarker from Uitti boat, pasneri HL.

TWINE, Warbiirton Yonkert, N. Y. morning, wa 513 male and 204 female. flro-flghting and tlie rival' ciainw were kwdly Children bathing free, 110 boy and 82 girl. shiMitedi iEauusb FiJtw Up the Hcdson Vernon Aurie So.

Ifl3l, Fraternal Order of Eagle, Total, 900.. Tlie I irand Ki-piditic captured the larger. At the bath in Vineyard avenue, Hie num and east off without whistling. of Mount: Vernon, are holding an outiiig at ber was 329 male and 4MJ femalci Children Empire Verplanck, Point to-day; Ilie IVptain of We lioiedale; wtien lie saw opNinerii puHing into the stream, got Iwtsiiitjr free. 1(0 bora and Ml girls, Total, About: lMlQ fienons were on the barge 633.

Grand total for both nouses, 1,44. Andrew Church when it was towed up I BASHFOSD iSXBEET, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN LTJltfBEj -''-V'- BLI.DS, DOORS AXD Announce the removal or their orncE to 32 NOETH BB01D WAT, Between Dook St. and Getty Square. LUMBER, COAL POCKET FLAJiCimJ Poot of AahbnrtoH Avrana ud Baboock PUea. E0-TELEPHONB; CONNKCTIOIf with Private Braaeli Kzeaiau.

Cannaetlnc aA DapartBBsats. under way in great hawte, and boat started down the river fir Roi-kaway, with; The Cerisu' Office 4a itlioiit 10 begin ilie --collection', of htitKv of 'niarriagiv'vand Bet! WK) arid I0 clerk, men and wpmeii, will be wiitj into tiw 'field in stream by the tug OrOeorg J. Moser, the Cirand ReouJitid a trine, in Uie lead Ueiegation were present from the Aerie New Kochcile, White Plains, The Brunsj Be. Bun "BiDTOTha aame word, "Kumy, often the sam lettering a directions on the label, th same colored Ink, and (ometime a device that Imitate EVERY TDESMT AND RIDAY DURING JULY AND AUGUST, THI! PALATIAL rOUlt-DfeCK STEAMBOAT Grand Republic Will tears the Public Dock. Yonkera, for ROCK AW AY BEACH AT 830 A.

at. HHARP, Leading at'Btaeplachaa Pier Baaaid. Boaad Trlsi-AdalU SOe. ChlMnw, lfe, rvrry' Kbit in tlie L'nioa. Tlie work Tbii ptenger.

on. laith vessel leenied groat ly exerted over, the race, whkh pnib- tvia in dargn ciliwi of t(ie uountry, ad Ydnken. The Mount Vernon Municipal alily wa kept up until the tioiU docked at Band furnished music The Mount Vernon' an4 detai'hiiietita of ierk have wlready been. niigned' tni the' large Eaidera. 4tic, atxiut doMly the trademark, art ud by the Imi Jtockaway.

ites-eariM to Yonkera'rn 10 car 'chartered tator. Only the word Bru- will make your order definite. he that ttand from the Yonkers Railroad Company. FEED WIRE PARTED. upon a illppery plsce makes nio of bo vain What th iRailwat Orrsu CuvexAkd.

All ticket loci ads admuabm to 8Lseplchu Park. Returning, lea Ruukaway Beach at pjt. hold tb itay him The Cleveland Eleotric. Railway Company IV REFRESHMENTS AT CITT PRICES. The Mount Vernon Hn of the Yookeir Uailroad Company' kqit to it schedule jvsierday.

but Ihe trolley emdoy ew eipe- hat announced theprppoition HwiU aubniit to the CUy Council, of Cleveland; for 10 going to New- York and to -Roston, and liroportknale to- Prwidence, l'liil' udel'phia and other vHii- The cenn agent will worlrtn tkm with State and eity oflhaahi and will doubt! get rot of inforawtioa upon 1ii-h to bae their invexUgatton from the xwrrfv After the work in the eitice i eonipletfd, wHl be Uken- up In tn rural diiArkU A Woio to Tie Wiaa-Shirt, cuff and collars ahould never Unndered except by experU. The -very beat tanndry none good if you with to- have your linen kept in renewal mm exteneion of present fra a. COAL DEALEItr-WOOD rienceJ trauJile on the Park avepue Hrie alwut 6:30 in the evening: and the tar A BEAUTirUL TRIP tP Till HUDSON. Anordlrig 1 hoar vudt to Waihlnibn Hdo, SUNDAY, July 22. Were delayed for about 20 minute.

chie. The ConiHtriy agree to sell 7 ticket for 85 cental give univeraal trana-fers, construct aucb; line a th city may proper ahane. The City. Steam Laundry, Tb overheadi feed iwire. in Lehigh Riverdak avenue, near Highland, i in that 1 avenue; between fPalUade and1 Park venue, Ko atatiatiea of marriage aad divorce hav been eollected winee lSM when Carroll D.

da; nd your patronage. Iron Steamer T0L0HESTER. parted, and th putterrag of the. electricity PINE AND HICK OO D. direct, aad build afr once high: speed line where desired either "by' eleya ted.

or' aubway. The offer, amounts to; 3 cent fare, the work of ewivinr the name of Leaves Hhmthaih strset, 0:00 a. Battery Landtag. 9:30 s. Foot Wasl 21it ..,.11 UHiUrl fbea" Conmiiationer of pro-pared reporta on the ubjeet.

Hi data attracted a large crowd. Fortunately no one attempted to pick op ihe wire. The repair erew had dinToulty in boot 100,000 of the pdiey-holder of the New York nod Mutoal Ufe Insurance Com- lowest (a the United State, and meant a earing of a wi Hion doHar Jriy to the OPnCB: MAIN STREET. SAUNDEES DOCX a. m.i YoDksra, KXCFKBIOR, Tie.

rillLDtlKIV, 40e. MUBIC irRffiHX EKT8 AT CITY PRICES, were highly valued by Legrtlature and by atuderit of 4ology and kindred ubjecta. fixing the break. tELErnONEB, RT9 ami patron. pany waa begun at Albany..

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