Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 2
- Publication:
- Oakland Tribunei
- Location:
- Oakland, California
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 2
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
OAKTaAND DAILY; EVENING TEIISTJN12 WEDNESDAY. JULY 18, 1883. Hew To-Day. New To-day. New To-Da? Newer BaFsui.
23ew To day. CONSULATE MOBBED. "4 5 0. GHIRARDELLI EAGLE; OHOOOLAT3, By tlie Box, 23a. iR.
W. nijLER j3j. 413 Twelfth Street. CHOICE CRAWFORD SOU'S Per PoTxnd, at 33 aCS NayI toVC itv ri PEACHES, ilorket Affords and we' guarantee their superior quality. ALAMEDA SWEET COnil LAWTOII BLACKBERRIES TRIOMPH STRAWBERRIES And Everything Else 460 and 463 Eleventh Street, Oakland, POSTER BROS.
OO. i Our goods are received fresh every storning, No. 1069 Broadway, The National 830XZI(BZ J. O. MUELLER, Upholsterer A fine stock ot Parlor Furniture etc, at low Bedding 1171 Washington Street PURE SCOTCH Also, Finest PUBLISHED DAILY (Sundays Excepted.) At 41 417 KI6HTH STKBIKT rnxaxntB vi pubushino CO WJUL K.
DABGIK, lUml I "rauran bt ctssrsaa A.T FtrTEEN CENTS PEB WEEK. font. n'ua. rot tn luur: OSX 00 1 00 WIS BELT IBIBCMl, ONE ft SIX MONTHS 1 6 City. nd Cmty Qldl Patpay jLwmmf Tw-Nlafct OAKLAND TTYOLIratoo.
BAIWIH'nVFta. GRAND OPERA BOUSE Ts SOttr Xtng. BUSH 8TRKBT Minetrel. TIYOLI QAEDKK JJ Tvwtw.V WIXTER GARDEN SetAarts. fflB deaaie tfca Mr etxter mfeilahedt tn Alutda Cawnt-r.
ri WEDNESDAY. A Maxlesui Oatrsic. There remains among the lower class of Mexioaaa who have not been brought ia direst oontaot with tha civilizing in-flnenoM which follow ia tha wakd of tha great railroad enterprises, mora or less of thait old feeling of hatred, born of tha Mexican war; and it will take several years of intercourse between tha people of the two republics to wipe oat entirely tha jealousies wnich nave oeen of long Btandiag. The lata outrage perpetrated upon the acting Consul at Monterey is an outoropping of the old tead.r It was tha act of a mob, and ahould be ao treated by oar people; and while; tha Mexican Government should be held responsible, it should be no cease for breaking off the friendly relation be tweea the two governments. There is no doubt but what the Mexican authori ties will take every measure in their power tojbring the villains to justice and Mexican justice will be admiaia- tered with the severity which the case demands aa soon as the guilty parties ahatl! be discovered.
There are two eanieJ for this outrage. It appears that Dr. Campbxix. the American Conaol a having occasion to leave Monterey for abort time, nut Bev. Mr.
Shaw in charge of the consulate. Religious, well jea political, vindictiveness were the caoses, in all probability, of the outrage. The mob attacked the Consul's office, and beat Rev, Mr. Shaw nearly to death and, iaa moba are always unreasonable, not only vented their brutal passions the person of Mr. Shaw, bat de atroyed the papers and furniture 4 of ithe eonanlate.
It ia hoped that the Mexican government will make a severe example of the outlaws in the interests not only of humanity and civilisation, bat in the interests of the friendly feelings now growing into Brominence between the people of the tvrb Kepttblka. It would be a calamity to both nations did the Mexican- Gov eminent attempt, in the least, to shield the mob or whitewash their action, and thua break off the promising relations of harmony and business in tei course which now prevails, and which is increasing ranidl to the srreat advantage of both Mexioo and the fJnited States. The of fanaOM the outrage being perpetrated upon an American Con -reanires immediate and de cisive action to save a rupture which all woald regret exceedingly, Mexioo mast teach her ignorant populace the fart that a new era has dawned, and the bid prejudices moat be suppressed The. American interests in Mexioo have become erach that the Mexican Govern meat most use its whole power, if neces to protect those interests, or the fJoited State mast eome to the rescue, even if.it takes the whole power of this Government to make that protection effective. Bat we have no idea that any fore will be required, or that any aeri one misunderstanding will result be tween the two Governments from the notion of an irresponsible mob.
Crook's Cmptd A sensational correspondent has started the atory that Instead of Cbook's oap-' the Apaches in theSierra Madje moontains, that the Apajohea captured Cxook, and forced himfto makeauch terma as they demanded. This atory ia probably canard, and based on nothing Jbat the conjurations of an imaginative sessational oorrespondent. It ia neither reasonable nor probable, and carries upon its face the brand unreliability, Crook is not the man to be caught in any ancif trap; and had he been caught, the Apaches are not the kind of Indiana to make terms when they bad the indevnlt- able Indian fighter in their power. If Caooxnad been the captured instead of the eaptarer, not a man of his command have been left to Ull the tale. We never would have heard again of cither Crook or his men, until their bones ware found in after years bleach ing on be ragged highta and in tha fast nee see of the Sierra Mad re range.
Ofaee Ha President ABTHna ia giving the oold Shoulder to the office hunting class, Some Georgia Republicans asked the President to remove General Loho-stsmt, now Marshal of Georgia, for the reason that he recently spoke of certain Republican of the State a a mere nee hunting set. Mr. Akthcb gava the GeorKians no enooaragement A Senator from another Southern State, who; recently asked for "the removal of an ciScer for mere political reasons, met with a cart refusal from tha President telling him that as ha had "no charge of ofSeial -i- miscondact to make, hia request could not be granted. The Senator reporta that Mr. Abtbux expressed himself an heartily in sympa thy with, the demand for Civil Service and determined to make no removals except for eaufc manifesting all the qualifications of a i-olass President of the whole people.
Tax PostofSca Department advise that the address on printed matter ar raerchandiae mailed to distant pointa at Lome or abroad be written on the ure as well as on tha wrapper. Fail ere to deliver the articles ia ease the rpper ia lost or destroyed will thereby i avoided. REPORT OF Public Administrator Six Months EBdJpB- July 8, 1883. THE 8UTIBIOK COURT OF TEX County at alsmoss, StaU of CalUoroJa. STATE OP CALTTORHIA, I OoUDtr of Alameda.
I Louis Oottshall, being duly sworn, deposes and iys: That he is stow, and at all time between the 8th day of January, 1881, and the 8th day of July, 1888, waa the Public Administrator of said County of Alameda; that the (ol lowing as a cor rect return, according to tne best of hia anowi- m. its which have come into his hands during the tisae between said dates, the value of the Bams, the money which has eosne into hia hands from said estates, what be baa done with It. the amount of his fees and expenses incurred, and the halanee, if any, remaining in his hands for said period of six months. 1 UUTZHllaU. Subscribed and sworn to before ass this 9th day of July, 1883.
SUWAJUI (J. nUBISSUB, fSBAk Notary Public Estate of EMANUEL HA5SE5, sometimes known as James Han- sen and 6. M. Hansen. No.
BIT. Money on hand, incloding proceeds from sale cf per sonal property 884 00 Book representing a deposit oi S3i a tn uaa reilowr Bank of San Francisco, value unknown; as said bank has failed, but appraised at. ST 43 Expenses incurred. SI 76 una presented and allowed. 13o 00 167 70 Balance of money on hand (ia nana) a 2i Estate ready to be closed in August.
Estate of HANNAH C. HALL. No. 612. Petition for letters filed, but not acted upon aa yet.
win on nie. Estate of FERDINAND P. K0MPF. No, 622. Letters denied.
WU1 filed and probated by third parties. No property in hands of Public Administrator. Estate of LOUIS WEST." No. 627. Will denied.
Letters administration denied Publie Administrator. No property in his hands. Estate of SANF0RD E. WESTON. No.
628. The estate consists of accounts due and inventoried as value at 60 00 Several actions have been commenced in Justices' Court gainst parties owing- estate. Expenses incurred, about 15 00 No money collected and now on hand. Estate of AUGUST GARIOT. No.
644. Only personal property came into tbe hands of the Administrator, which was duly sold, realising the sum of 608.ea Honey in bank in San FrancUco. 892.36. Expenses incurred, 8100.4s, of which 864.20 has been paid. Administrator's commissions will be 842.60.
Ulauns amounting to 8386.70 have been presented, out of which one for 874 has been allowed ana paid, tsaiance oa hand (in bank), 8572.78. Estate ready to ne cioeea August. Estate of PHILIP REITER. No. 550.
Estate consists of personal property on hand. Inventoried as valued at 862.26. The Adminis trator is informed, and so believes, that there is about SOOO. belonging to said estate, in tbe bands of and claimed by a third party, and legal steps will be taken as soon as practicable for its recovery. Expenses incurred, 818.76.
Claims pre sented, fill. Estate of HART LUNDY. No. 646. Petition of Public Administrator for probate of will dismissed.
Estate of ANTONIO ROGERS. No. 663. Estate consists of personal property. The same waa amy sola, bringing f3o7 60 42 00 26 72 Expenses Incurred Administrators commissions Anions of money on hand (in bank).
Claims have been presented, aggregating 367 60 183 36 Estate of LOUIS NOLL. No. 668. Letters were issued for the purpose of bringing action against tne estate to quiet title to certain lands. No property ever in hands of Adminis trator.
Estate of JOHN F. HUGHES, No. 7a s- Money amounting to 8917.S4, and personal pro perty vainea at bum came into nanus of Ad mints. trator. Expenses incurred and paid, 862.
Admin- isrator. allowed as conrni intone. 840. final ac count settled. Said persenal property and 8S78.84 turned ever to the Publie Administrator of the city and county of San Francisco.
Estate closed sad Administrator discharged July id. Estate of PETER MURTHA, No. 671 Letters denied. Estate of A. F.
BRONUOWSKY, No. 580. Letters granted. Pienertv not yet invan. toned, but value of sstate is about (360.
Estate of BERTH OLD GERHARD, No. tm Property consists of real and Darsonal estate valued at about 840.000. Inventory shot vat returned. Estate is subject to a mortgage or trust deed.lwbich. with interest, amounts to snout sxi.ouo.
Amount of money received from rents and other aoorOss, 88U.86. Rx prases incurred, 8173.60. Chums aggregaUng 8824 have bees presented. Amoant of money paid out. aids, mianos on nana in oana lscza.
EsUte of B. GORE. No. sat. will flled and netHton for Probata Dendlnr.
ine estate consists ot personal property at about S400. valued Estate of EDMOND MILLER, I No. 60S. Petition for letters Personal btoo- srty hands of Publie AdmiBbaratng valued at about 9100. Estate of MART 8INCLAIK, Petition for letter psndttiBV Ne property ia hands of PubUe Administrator.
ox fn the brls-ht lexicon of moth there1 la I such word toil." McDottough imr fails to rive aatfcif action. Call aad bo convinced. JBCiMnoogn, um rsroaawaj, gnmoi iiuimuia and Fourteen ul. j-. Oo to PETAB ft DRRSCQ or choice Sonoma run.
New To-day. I nnP nTTm I II fl 11 I If OP CHOrCE IAJJDS ALAMEDA COUNTY (bt oaout or isuai baxx.) THIRTY-THREE HUNDRED ACRES, All IbtoI land, rich and deep alluvial won or tne elected portion, or ma bak i a uu RANC'HO, well known aa the SAMUEL B. MAKT1N FARM, KEAJt FLBAB A1VTOH IT EMBRACES SOME OF THE aMifbeat land, in Alameda County and a 1 Motion wfiri, nvn. rt.rer fn.il. The yield ia very great; and suited to all kinds of tannine and fraita.
The rainfall ia large and several streams run mroosn tne lanua, which are also bordered by and embrace a small portion of "THE Rail road station om mils: valuable imnrovementa. Thi property will be sold aa a whole at a low price, offering a fine opportunity for investment, yielding a certain lum returns Ail of it i. in mi at; demand by farmer for cash Or crop sent and for a term of vaara. It will he off ered hi tncta of not leas than about four houndred acres, at prioea from 8BS to J150 per acre. a.
large portion can remain on mongage if desired, at a low late of interest making beautiful homes and nmrttahl farms. No other nroDerty aa good, so near Bad Franciaoo, can be purchased for leas toan double tnej price, ana none in so large a body. The faiihw health of the owner ia the only reason for selling. i TITLE PERFECT. Possession October 1st.
ALBERT C. CRANE, Agent for Country Property. 410 ftatai Prautelace. Notice of Sale of Real Estate. -VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT IN Ji parsuanee of the order of the Superior Court in and for the County of Alameda, StaU of California, made on.
the 9th day of July. A. u. 13s3. in the matter tae estate of Margaret Fletcher, deceased, the undersigned, Stephen T.
Oage and Francis Wilde, executors of the last will and testament, and of the estate of said de ceased, will sell at public anctson, to the highest bidder, tor casn, in one parcel, ana suojecs to connrmSUon by said superior uourt, on atatur- dar. the 11th dav of August. A. D. 1833, at I clock r.
at norm west corner oi rare street and Pacifis avenue, in the town and county of Alameda, all right, title, interest and: estate of the said testatrix. Margaret Fletcher at the time of her death, and all tha right, title and interest that the said estate has, by operation of law or otherwise, acquired other than or in addition to that of the said testatrix at the time of her death, of, in. and to all that lot, piece and parcel of land and real estate situated in town and County of Alameda. Stats Of California, and bounded and described as follows, to-wit: uom mencins at a noint on the westerly line of Park street fsuch westerly line beine that which shall be produced by the widening of Park atreet to a width of eighty (80) feet, being forty (40) feet on each side of the center line thereof), distant fifty (60) feet and two (i) inches southerly from the southerly line of San Antonio avenue; thence running westerly, parallel with San Antonio avenue, one hundred and twenty -one (121) feet and eleven 1 1) inches: thence at right angles south erly one hundred and seventeen (117) feet and six and one-half (6) inches to the aforesaid westerly line of Park street, and thence northerly alone said line fifty (50) feet and two (2) inches to the place of commencement deed at the expense-or tne purcn.ser. stjspukh x.
uaujs ana FKANCIS B. WILDE. KxAcntors of the last will and testament and of the. estate of Margaret Fletcher, deceased. listed uaKiana, June to, a.
d. ibss. W. C. Burnett, counsel for executors.
TAOGART A DING EE, Auctioneers. Probate Notice. THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE County of Alameda, State of California. Notice of time set for Droving will, etc In the matter of the estate of Harriet N. Field, deceased.
Notice is hereby given, that a petition iot tne probate of the will of Harriet N. Field, deceased, and for the issuance to (Caroline H. Field, of letters testamentary tnereon, naa oeen filed in this Court, and that Monday, tbe SOth day of July. A. D.
1883. at 10 o'clock a. a. of said day. at the Court Room of Department No.
3, of said Court, at the House in the City of Oakland, in the County of Alameda, has been set for the hearing of -said petition, when and where any person interested may appear and contest the same. Dated July 6. 1883. TRUMAN H. ALLEN.
Clerk. BvALBX. HlRSHBgRu. Deputy Clerk. b.
F. nasas. W. S. MAETUT.
MARTIN LMIGE, Druggists, Junction Fourteenth and Market Sts. TELEPHONE No. 31. Medicines delivered to any part of Oak land. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY by seeing that this Trade Mark Is stamped on the soles of your shoes.
HALL. Manufacturers of Mod's, Boys' and Toutns' Oakland. Cat. MILLS SEMINARY. The next term of this well-known Institution will commence oa Wednesday AaR-ast 1, 1883.
For circulars, giving particulars, address REV. C. T. MILLS, Mills Seminary P. Alameda CaL WOOD! OO Two- Hundred Cord of Cut to lengths for grate and stove use.
For on the ground, at low rates, by H. XiATJ at ElfCE, Plednao: TAhK riRigriE to nroiM the Dublie that I have become a nartner in theS wan. known Seholary Restaarant; where I rebueat all ui friends and patrons in general to give us a eaU; E. POTEL. I JTle-lw mWO iOOD liADY WAITERS WASTED A.
a ttujSA JtioiAuttAji ximth A YOtTN3 MAN 17 YKAKS OF ACE, NOT XV mauling as noma, wiaoes a gooa posiuon; etty or eonntrr: iaeaoable of drtrinc fear or six limaii. having.done such work before, address bar, this X7AXTEIS IMMEDIATELY NEAT VT girt to do second work and sewing, in a priv-ate family; must have good reference, and also na- sisii lis wattmg on taote; girls also wanted to do loawwork in private hunUiex pteuty plaees on hand; Sail at 526 Eighth JjLRa. ROHAN'S EM. rlAiaUSHT vmVB. i lyia-lwx Li in Oakland; a letter, adxlr ia, i i T.
Q. WuiwoodL Eml. Stockton: finder win retara to this ethos and receive reward. arl8-lwx LOST BKOADWAY; A MOLE STCF-fed, valuable so the owner, ylosai leave at this ofliee. Jyl8-lw A MIDDLE AGED LADY WOUD 1IKS a ntuatton to do general beusework, or houaa.
keening, in a small family; ia a good plain cook; eity or eeuutry; apiuy at rauine street, west Uak- IX Ko Monertv evar eama Into tha handa 1 r-ublie Administrator. Estate of JOmr GEISSBERGER, No. 690. Letters granted, but no noueiti (personal) has aa ystcome into the hands of the Administrator. I me value of the estate is about Estate of EBE5EZEB F.
NYE, No. 887. Petition for letters Olad and set for haarine- oa I Respectfully submitted, EDWARD ROBINSON, Attorney for the Public ni-ir of Alameda County. Filed, July 18, 1883. THUMAM H.
ALLEN, Clerk. By Wnjjaa 8. Deouty Clerk. we. Rosutsoir, Attorney for Publie Ad ministrator.
TAGGART OINGEE, Real Estate Agents and General Auctioneers, OfTloe-460 and 462 Eighth OAKLAND. J. O. ELDBIDGE. Auctioneer.
Parties having money to Invest will do well to I examine tne following list of desirable real estate: beautiful home, fine house. rooms, with every convenience, lot 5x37 added, situated earner Thir teentnana erase 30.000- 50,000, 17 acres. teenth and Brash streets. 1 Near MlUs Seminary, one of the 1 finest laces on the Coast, eost S50.000. 17 acrea.
elegantly planted and laid out. wth an elegant modern house in keeping, stables. etc. 6SJ rne modern cottage, 6 rooms, bath. I ,11 stationary wash standa.
complete, lot 30x100, north side Eighth street, hear Market, Terms to suit. i frVt A rood. Investment, two modern 4- ft I new houses, now rented and narirur a handsome interest, corner Fifth and Castro streets, near Nail Works, where they will never want for tenants. i 16. 35 acres of choicest fru land.
all planted in assorted fruit trees in bearing, fine well, and water pipes throughout mounds, stable, situated on Fruit Vale avenue. near Hermitage. Or will exchange for Oakland property. nne investment, z-sxorv duiiq- stable, lot 100x100, north- eastoorner Thirteenth and Franklin atreeta. One- half the lot.
with improvements, rented at 886 per i Cf KAA-a beautiful home, modern 9-room 1 SftrS. ft I house, lot 100x300. nioelr nlanted. on Laurel street, running through to Sycamore, just I west of Telegrapn avenue. cstf Tf ii A- moucrn nonse, lu rooms.
Datn. )M handsome furniture goes with the place, stable; chicken house, lot 75 105, Twelfth street, near Peralta. This is a very cheap place. '7 "1 1 reuwut xMage, rooms, duo, no. )0 I QU and oold water, good stable, lot 132.
Chestnut street, between Sixteenth and Eighteenth sereeta. 1 1 tone moaern nouse, iu rooms, ail oonveniences, lot 52 150, grounds handsomely planted, Harrison street, north of Fourteenth street. 09O iitfi Oood house, 7 rooms, bath, lot 66x100, north side Twelfth street. near OamnbeU street. Get Kfifi A very desirable noma, bouse or OUU rooms, bath, stationary wash stands and trays, in thorough order, lot 60x109, Alice street, north of Thirteenth.
HISIHHEU lliSliHK KtttiA.iT A I eomnletelv fornlshed house of 9 rooms, with I every convenience, for six months; situated Thir teenth ana Alice streets, rent giuu, water inciuaeu. We have a large list of imoroved and unimproved properties in all parts of uauanaana nanny; aiaol prices. have also a complete set of Block books I I of all the property in the city, and will be pleased to rive information as anv time, uare or nronertv and collection of rents a specialty. Property subdivided and sold at private or auction sale throughout the State. Also live stock and furniture sold at auction.
TAiAKT fe DINCEE. EXTRA BARGAINS. WE OFFEB THE Entire Spring Stock at Cost 100 pieces real Sateen, 10 eta. 150 pieces French Corded Pique, Wets. 50 pieces Fine Dress Linen, IS cts.
75 pieces Ail Wool Nun's Cloth, 40 cts. 50 nieces Doable Width Cashmere. 25 cts. 100 dor en Foster Kid Gloves. 6 hooks.
90 cts. 100 dozen Children's Full Finished Hose, 25 cts. ISO dozen Olivette Corsets, 65 eta, worth 1. BOOTS AND 8 HOES. Fine Ladies' French Kid Button, 83 BO.
Ladies- Real American Kid Button, 82. Ladies' Kid Foxed Button, $1 75. Ladies' Lengtry Sandals, 81. Misses' Pebble Goat Button, $1 25. Childien's Pebble Goat Button, 81.
Gents' Congress Gsiters, 81 50, Gents' Alexis, best made, S3 5a Genta' Calf Ties, sewed, 82 50. Gents' Calf Boots, sewed, $3 50. Rnaca will not hi nalli in any extensive nrioe list. I but all who desire cheap goods call at Groat Bazar of Dry floods, Fancy Goods, Boots and Shoes, tea axd ses beoadway, Two doors above Eighth Street. Oakland.
OAKLAND Carriage Manufactory! NONTEMPLATINO IMPORTANT CHANGES in my present business plans, I will offer for sale for the next thirty nays Both New and Second-Hand, sp Comorising Buggies, both top and open. Rock' a ways, Phntoas and Wagons at a discount of ten per rent, from former prices. M. V. ALLEN.
JAPANESE BAZAR, 1166 Broadway, Near Fourteenth Street, OAKLAND. Lacquered Ware Cariosities FANCY 4OD8, FANS, ETC. China and Japan Teas, Ivory Sets, Cuff Buttons ana urnaments. CHEW BONO CO. Wholesale and Betafl Dealer HAY, GRAIN, OATS, FEED.
ETC. roa sal Ground Barley, Chicken Feed, Bay, Straw, Oats, wnee uorn, sac. 1S91 Broadway 1 1328 Telegraph Ave Goods delivered tn Oakland free of charge. SPRING MILLINERY Embracing all the latest Fashions, Design and Biyiesia reran auuinery. novelties in Hats and Bonnets Etc all at rsasonshls rjrices.
Mrs. De Forest, n. aa Kaaray San Praatelaaa. OST-A PliB 6 LvW hffcji Ma tscssa, tsrlns oa Wednasdar aaoruisaL rear Eleventh and Vlay aula, srobaOly. jnadar will be suttaMy rewarded by letnrniag the aaaee to 666 Twelfth street.
iyls-lw at MRS. LEHMKJK'8, from to IS A. Me. fnarson street, eeaootsaa ssrc Btauoa, aiameoa lyia-iw Hose DealeTs. Cottori Garden oce.
Weight less than one-half as as Three n. Rabber Hose, and standa four tunes tha la not ladnredhv exnosnreto the son aad does aot deteriorate wita age waan sua away. as Rubber Hose. TRY IT. W.
1. BtSJMK.WSa. SSCahxornift street San Franciaoo, Agents for rHanas Clesst, ITKHCrl eV AgenU for Oakland. extra XSRubber Hose PURS Htitfff aad FacUagr, Crack-Proof Boot. KELSEY DRUGGISTS, Work of a.
Miemm neb at MoBto Canl Beatestl Nearly to Doatlx. Texaat JbIt 17th. The iVeW Laredo special bays: Dr. Campbell, American Consul, at Monterey, arrived la Laredo oa the 15thf instant, leaving tha Consulate in chkrea of Bar. Mr.
Shaw. To-day dupattbef ware received exiareaeea i officially to Consul CampbeJl. notifying I Him Mar, laaw WgU( too omnw Consul's effioal wa entered by el mnh of Max leans. 1 and tha Ear. Mr.
Shaw, acting Cbrnul, waa atuckea ana beaten nearly to death, and the furniture and papers belonging to um consulate ae-atroved. The information create a profound sensational Laredo, and the citizens deplore tha rnntnra between the two governments, bat consider the insult so bad that the TTnitad, Stataa must resent it. The em. nloma tha Mexican Central Railroad. who arrived to-day, say that Shaw, after Sainff beaten i senseless.
recovered sufficiently to crawH to one of tha public hotels, and gavel an account of the outrage, but in few minutes became insensible, at last accounts waa still unconscious. 4- The RaUlroeid Tax Swlta. In the railroad tax suits yesterday, por tions of the amended answers were pat in by defendants, i asuce leia ana i cage law yer sat in bank to hear the applications. Counsel were allowed unul to-morrow to file demorrers to the complaints, and if the dMnnrrers are overruled, the trial will pro- oeed speedily. Justice Field recommended that some icDrasentauve cases oe seieciea.
The cases selected were: Santa Clara ConntT th The Southern Pacific Kailroad. Sacramento County vs. The Central Pacific Railroad, andl Colusa County vs. The Northern PaciSe Railroad. Tlto'Bs Mhool for Teaag Irftdllos, Oakland, CaX.
Tb Home School, which has hitherto been under the management of Miss H. N. Field, now deceased, will be re-opened en the "25th hist. I under the personal super vision and care of Miss Lucy A. leld and Miss Caroline M.
her sisters. Ibe Misses Field, will uuw nmuuip wuw.ij, connected with this school were formerly for four Years ending September, 1877, and have also had large experience as teacners of vonnjr ladies in the Kant. They assure its former friends ana patrons ana tne public, that nc effort or expense will be snared to maintain the Jiieh reputation which this school Has attained. a ne oest a mi teachers in all branches will be provided. and every care and attention bestowed upon the physical, mental and moral welfare of those committed to their charge.
Terms for boarders and dav pupua heretofore. Further information may be had by letter or personal application at the school, Sio. 1825 ieleirraph avenue, Oakland, California. Mrs. Dainty's Readings.
Everything looks favorable for crowded house to-morrow evening at Mrs. Dainty's readings in Ithe Independent Church. Among the selections this lady will read are "The Deacon's Confession," by Emerson; "Aunt Rachel," by Mark Twain; "Miss Edith Helps Things Along." A full programme will be printed in to-morrow's Tribune. The management of these en tertainments Wsre fortunate in procuring such a favorite as Senor Jiispinoea for solo pianist. MrJ Geo.
Kenning, the vocal soloist, islately from the Denver, Colorado, Cathedral. All lovers of music, solo or chorus, should attend the concert of the Harmonic Society on Friday evening, It is expected to be the finest musical en tertainment ever given in Oakland. 4 To Blerebaata and Others Going Overland. The lowest: rates can be obtained at the general ticket-office of the Overland Short Line, Ogdeni Omaha, Chicago and North western Railway. No.
2 New Montgomery street, under the Palace Hotel, where Pullman car reservations will also be made. The new arrangement of running conductors through secures to patrons every attention and care. The Northwestern being the snort line makes the fastest time, hence sure to make limited train connections at Chicago for all East-era cities. Sailings, and tiekets via all steamers to and from Europe, to be had at our office, No. 2 New Montgomery street.
J. MEREDITH DA VIES, Gen J. MERi era! Agei sursmce. The old and reliable New Zealand Fire and Marine Insurance Company, capital, S5.000.000. and the Traveler's Life end Accident Insurance Company, assets over $6,000,000, have established an agency at No, 466 Eighth Street, between Washing ton and Broadway.
Messrs. McLtURE A ANGLE RJ will conduct the business of the above companies in Alameda county. and all old policy holders and all persons desiring insurance, will hnd it to their in terest to appy to them. Exeurtloas Extraordinary. Time faster than ever.
A select party will leave amn francisco, Thursday. Joly 19th, Sacramento, Friday morning, July zutb, going overland via tbe old pioneer road -gauge route Uentrai Jfacmc, mon Pacific and Chicago and Northwestern Railway. Time to Chicago, six days; New York and Boston, eight days. Rates lower than ever; third-class sleeping cars. For passage, apply at General Ticket Office No.
2 New Montgomery street, corner Market, San Francisco. C. N. COUSENS Excursion Agent, i i' 1 Cash Clearance Sale. Our annual clearance sals will commence on Monday, July lath, for two weeks.
We will offer better bargains than ever before, to make room for fur new stock. Don't fail to examine our prices. QREBNHOOD a MOHAN, south west corner Eleventh street and Broadway, Oak' ana. Wharton Brothers, Farnltnrs, The extensive rroms of this entemrisinar firm are stocked with a general variety of furniture and household goods, new and second-hand. which is ottered at astonishingly low prices.
inirteenu street, one door east of Broadway. iSeew.ro Hi! 8CHBLLHAAS. New bargains Sell your to RYAN a MELLOR. Stot-MO for Farnltar. At 1163 Broadway, RTAN a MELLOR.
Camping- Ont Parties snppli I with knives, forks, spoons, etc- at tSaVCKTU. vne Washington street. K. K. DUNN, reliable Dentist.
1106, Broadway. PETAR a DRESOO. sola arenta for fJTTIRAR UaUdD nagte and anilla Chocolate. PETAR a DRESOOjole agents forGhirnrdelli coffees and spices at wholesale prices. Twelfth Mn nroauwayj HlATtirs stoves of every deserrnHon at f.VnW a atpiaai vm aa Washington streets.
CLaaXTJia. dVeinat and renauina- dona ehaan a. awi wra sc isus nan raoio avenue. Cash fe Beeend-handl rami tat re. WHARTON I Thirteenth street, one Aoor fast of Beoadway.
Stoves and crockery at 1168 Broadway. CALL and sea the "Ifndel fViffaa-rJit at PIT. ERTON'S, 56Waskington street, Next. Aa East Oakland ladv killed a dock, whleh sd i had in 1U giuard a card, "rich and poor are BTvwo aiiae ma a. BunaLiUHAAO.
MISS HDMPHREV8 SELECT SCROOf Broadway, wil open Monday. July 18th. RYAN a MXLLOB sell cheap tor cash. R. DTTNK has removed Ma dental narlora ta 1106, Broadway.
Tail nicest ionch room In Baa Franehian. ladies and renttenwn, IS at the original SWAIN'S BAKERY. No. (SIS Sutter street. toraer for Pianos, And store sad ofBce fix tares for sale.
WHARTON Thirteenta. street, one door Broadway. stoves at 1168 Broadway. ClU at DIXON nrodnea ateaa. Va saa Twatfta street.
East Oakland. CTrssxsa. aDOointed by the City Conacfl. Offlos, 417 Eighth street, at Tb Tsjboto office. Swiss Confotloaor7, Ice Cream and Coffee 8aloon.418Tweirth stnaA.
Orders for fama lies and parties promptly filled. Ice ereaiB arniwhed la quantities to suit, PROPRIETORS OF ORANGE FLOWER COLOGNE AND AROMATIC SAPONACEOUS DENTRIFICZ TAFT fii PEfJfJOYER 1163-1(65 Broadway. SOIX AGENTS FOR Butterick Patterns Butterick Publications. Catalogue Sent Upon Application. TAFT PENNOYER, 1163.1165 Broadway.
NOTICE. Office of the Treasurer Alameda County. Notice is hereby given that all Warrants drawn on the Treasurer of Alameda County for claims accruing during the nscal year ending June SO, 1883. payable out of the following Funds ana presented tor payment prior to juiy jsss, are now payable on presentation at this ofBce, aad said warrants will not draw interest after tha date of this notice, viz: General Fund, Infirmary Fund, Bay Road Road Fund, Dublin Road Fund, Eden Vale Road Fnnd, Ionian Road Fund, aft, Eden Road Fund, Murray Road Fund, Ocean View Road Fund, Pais mores Road Fund, Peralta Road Fund, Piedmont Bead Fund, Redwood Road Fund, Summit Road Fund, Bnnol Road Fund, Temescal Road Fund, Towneend Road Fund, TaUeeitos Road Funi. Washington Bead Fund.
J. A. WEBSTER, Treasurer of Alameda County. Dated at Oakland, this fith day of July, 1883. COUNTY Board of Equalization.
NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS Eden, 'Murray and Oakland Town ships. 0 FFICK OF THE CLERK OF THE BOARD ot Supervisors of Alameda County. Can. fornia. Public notice ia hereby given that the esse ment rolls of the Townships of Eden, Murray ana oasjana of Auuneaa vounty, have been com Dieted and delivered to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors' of said county, and that the same will be open for Inspection at Clerk's office In the Hall of Bseords.
in the Citv of Oakland, from o'clock A. K. to 5 o'clock r. M- every day, except Sundays, to aad includ ing Monday, August is, isss. Notice is also gtvea that the Hoard ec on per sore of said county win sit as a Board of Ecrualliatioa on said townships, oa Tuesday.
July IT, 1883, at 10 o'clock a. a. and win continue in session, front time to time, until the business of equalisation is disposed of, but said Board wtu not sit aa a Board oi sKmaniatioa later than Monday, August 13, 1883. APPUeoAtoas for redaction or eorractkm of as- imiiisiits most be made ia writing, only veri fied by the oath of tbe property owner, or a duly authorised agent. Blank forms of application may be proeiaed at tbe said Clerk's office.
Br order of the Board of Supervisors of Ala meda eownty, California. TKUMA-n xt. auisn, 1 Clerk. By Chas. T.
BoAsnaAS. I Deputy Clerk. OAahaK, July 1. UbJ. I (All County papers oopyX Tile Eagle Box Factory, No.
Vtt, OlS and 615 Bfarn-et Street WHh new iiai lilnat aad facflltiea we ahaH eontlnaa an aUDolv the for Fruit and Packing Boxes of every desorlptlonl We are else LOCK-STRIP EOO CARRIER. r.Tclntyro, Abbey ft Co. DCHTAL rJOTICG. of Twelfthi Street. Gold Medal.
Photographer roadway, near lltlt flt and Decorator prices. Draperies, Order. Re-Cpholsterinc and i corner Fonrteentli. WHISKY BtEOICINAL. rE, Salad Oil, at THE CELEBRATED 12th Oakland.
Cal. Amusements, GOLDEN GATE TnEATEC Eighth street, bet. Broadway and Washington. W. and Manager O.
ST. MARTIN Manager Saturday ETaalzts. aTaly 14, 1SS3 Engagement extraordinary of ME. AKTUUlt IMEgSHEJC, Oakland's Favorite Tenor, and MISS ALICE MORGAN, The Beautiful Queen of Clubs. "BOUK TAYLOaU" Operatio bnrlesqne, arranged by C.
St. Martin, and a bright and sparkling OUo. TBI TANLEY SISTBBS Still here and oaptivating aadienoss. Heoond week -ot the Franks aadMlss lttl ElmwoodU No-nca Curtain rians st o'clock sharp, early aad secure good seats. Come BENEFIT Good Templars Home for Orphans.
Friday Evening, July toth, Oraxid Comeart by tha 1 Osvklaxtd Haratoaio Soaiaty. THE IMDEFENDENT CQUfiCn 18th and Jefferson street, -Ttelteta, Cea ta GRAND CALICO BALL j- GERMA1TIA TJAlTl. Batartlay 1883 For tbe bteflt of WM. H. MTJETHA add JoiLEOlfARDs A eaah prize of 810 will be given to Ihe beat gent aad lady waltaers.
a Tickets, (admitting Gent aad lady). .80 Cts GRAND ENTERTAINMENT mIH aa Waahington Hall, East Oailand, Friday vanln2, July 20th, xtjaitln by Mra lanre Dainty. Mnio and Binainrby Mr. Samnel Mayer, Mr. aad Mrs.
JUL. Watbsrbse aad Mr. H. Ticket ct ChlMraa Prr sjlsanaoa's Select Daaeiag Aeadensy Win reopen at Light Cavalry nail, corner oi Twelfth and Washington Streets, August 4, 18i.l, with a grana noa Don party, laoiee iree; gen tlemen Fifty Cents. Private lessons given on application to PROF.
atLight Cav. airy Hall, or 1071 Thirteenth avenne, Last Oak. tend. I T)EWEY CO'ii OiVleal iVa Till Ed. V.t Vx'uattLCZz m.
M. voouir. -j t. ootthhalu Mercantile Collection Agency, to Adam. aCOo'e Law aad r.
Sa. broalwv. Kmt) Coneesiua Agecy, corner of Eitihvh street, Oakland, lection and Insurance a special 'V. Goua, attorney for agency-11 j. Cor, Broadway and New To-Day.
A ARJC All- FOR SALE CHEAP, Unimproved Oakland Property, A RANCH Of 150 Acres of verj desirable land near LiTermore, with House and Barn. For particulars Inquire of TAGGART DINGEE, 460 and 462 Eighth street. Oakland OAKLAND BREWERY, CORNER Telegraph Ave, and' Durant 8t Browod rrona Kay 1, 1881, ta Hay 1, Barrels. THE LAEQE3T IN THE STATE Outside of San Francisco. OUR BEER is unequalled for strength aad quality.
Delivered free to any part of the city or suburbs. K.KAMM a uusm, rropa. J. H. BACON'S PALACE OF SWEETS Will Remove July 21st TO TUB.
SET 33 8 If 965 BROADWAY fa La WETMORE, Heal Estate Agent 44 TXHTB STVEET, OIKIAIB. RICH YRtJIT LAKD8 AT A BAauAU ar wM.m iMawMHlff ahamft on trip to Oregon, during which time Mr. J.J. Uarcun. will attend to tne misin TAYIX1 4fc IrOIJJSXl, Pioneer Sod a Works Have removed to their spacious new bwadlac, 1158 Webster Street, cor.
TMtjrtooata Soda Water. Congress and Seltar Waters, EaioV era Cider, Ginw Ale. Delivered to all parts of the eitr. For Sale Barsaln. rtwnro to sic REQTJTRINO BsV m.
a nertv infa BIOS- Uremenk from all perona mining town in Ariaoaa offers forsale, or wiU axchange for good improved real estate te Santa Barber or Oakland, or other city along toe eoaa, of Oanfornia, a stock of general aonrohaodise nag te 830,000: saw toU UMiljfnoil' aim. mri eattto. wagons. dwelling, far nttnre. about 86.800.
Baaiuess cleared hart year S12.OU0 profit. SAwmill cleared protttof SUSjoia April, Forpartioulars apply to r- WMOLESALC CKOsjkKa, 100 and 11S California St-, San Tranclsee Girls and Boys Wonted. vrLL, the condemned San Jose erer claims that he is ready to as-i Jea stairs. II is fat and ::1 the fools have farnished 's r-. carpets and pio i I' ssi CCCDYCAI7 nu.r, CO C- 'Sr vvv Ear Bargslstl -t '9-v stH.
ECZSIXHaAS, be- Estate cf TIHGINIA: ro. va. .1 nr-ir K. 71. Will a rtumed k's rmiTpr vr on and 'a ami ty Snd Pm f.
1 '1 I 9 i. land. ylo-lwx.
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